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Western Cambridge University

School of Law

C a t a l o g 2 0 14 - 2 0 15

Publication Caveat

While every effort has been made to insure accuracy, please bear in mind that this catalog is

accurate as of the date of this publication.

Additionally this catalog is not a contract, nor is it either expressly or impliedly an agreement

between prospective students and the university. Rather, it is an information booklet designed to

inform the prospective student who is inquiring into the possibility of enrolling into our law

school program.

This catalog may be modified, amended and changed from time to time. Prior to enrollment, it is

advisable to contact the administration of the Western Cambridge University-School of Law

regarding any changes in this catalog.

For those prospective law students wishing to take our bar program you will, in addition to our

program infra, also need to register with the State Bar of California.

Any questions in this regard can be found in the CALIFORNIA BAR REGISTRATION AS A


CALIFORNIA booklet or by contacting:

The State Bar of California

Office of Admissions

180 Howard Street

San Francisco, California 94105-1639

Tel: +1 415-538-2303 2

A Message from the Founder of the University

At the dawning of the Third Millennium of recorded history, the United States of America stands

as Rome did two millennia before – an example, a leader, a teacher to the rest of the world.

This “New Rome” – this leader, example, teacher – is not the work of one race, one color, or one

religion. It is the product of people from every race, religion, and region of the planet.

It has been dreamed, built, experienced, and developed by the sum total of countless millions of

individuals –Puritans and freethinkers, slaves and slaveholders, the sons and daughters of

indigenous tribes, Hispanic vacqueros and compasinos, European and Asian peasants, occasional

wandering Lords and Ladies, survivors of programs, pacifists, radical thinkers of all stripes, and

toiling working people drawn from all the continents of the world.

Building on an inheritance of Anglo-Saxon political institutions and law, the United States had

developed the most open and free society the world has yet seen.

America has offered hope to generation after generation, and has been a beacon of liberty from

the earliest days of the struggling colonies to its place today as primus inter pares in the Family

of Nations, “first among equals.” At the center of American life has been a Constitution written

by realists who saw men and women equal as they are, yet allowed room and opportunity for

them to be what they might.

The law inherited from Mother England—molded, changed, broadened and humanized in the

light of American hope and thirst for liberty—has implemented that Constitution with the goal

that a “nation so conceived in Liberty should not perish from the earth.” 3

Today American Law and Institutions are the benchmark for the rest of the world; just as

American English is now the language of international commerce and culture, so knowledge of

American law is essential in the emerging global society of the “world wide web.”

From the earliest days of the American Republic, lawyers have played a leading role in creating

and maintaining the American Democracy.

The mission of Western Cambridge University-School of Law & Business is to provide an

innovative and economical program in the study and practice of American Law.

Our online law program maintains its high standards by directly involving our academic and

administrative staff in the development of syllabi, study materials, review materials and the

grading of examinations. This blend of law study appeals to students for different reasons.

Some may not have had the opportunity to follow a traditional course of law study.

Some are seeking to improve their job prospects either in their existing career or in a new career

altogether. Some are single parents who would prefer to remain with their children while

studying law online or at our campus during convenient times and benefiting from the “live

classroom interaction.” Many are juggling family and career responsibilities, while at the same

time paying their own way through college and law school. The affordability of our law study is

an important consideration as well. This is “Law School for the Rest of Us.”

All of our students have recognized that in order to become a lawyer in this medium, there is a

need to blend three education ingredients:

1. The use of law books and related publications used by the vast majority of traditional law


2. In addition to live classroom lectures, our program includes an extensive video tutorial

library, pre-loaded in a laptop computer or on CD or DVD, that is in addition to tuition,

which is ordered immediately upon enrollment.

3. These tutorials are used as a supplemental explanation for law book study; a supplement

to the live lectures; and a preparatory course for the First Year Law Student’s

Examination (FYLSX) and the General Bar Examination (GBX). After all, passage of

the California Bar Examination is of paramount importance to our students, once we have

become registered with the California Bar.

4. Practice legal education through legal apprenticeship is important as well. 4

We have practicing attorneys who have agreed to sponsor qualified law students.

By analogy, one can best learn to ride a bicycle by actually mounting the bicycle, as opposed to

reading a book on how to ride it.

It is the combination of these three educational ingredients, coupled with convenience and

affordability that will appeal to you as well. If you are self-disciplined, ambitious and possess a

desire to become a lawyer in the same manner as some of our greatest presidents, then this is

where you belong.

The nature of our law school allows W.C.U. to accept students not eligible or able to attend

traditional law schools. We are looking for individuals who understand the nature of the difficult

task before them, and who are willing to commit to the hard work and sacrifice necessary to

complete this task.

We are able to offer this valuable opportunity because our staff is committed to the ideal that

“Significant Accomplishments Involve Somebody’s Help.”

We look forward to welcoming you as a student at Western Cambridge University-School of

Law. 5

Mission of the University

The Mission of the University is to provide an opportunity to acquire an affordable quality legal

education within a structured and regulated program in law leading to the degree of Juris Doctor.

California Bar registration status is available through Because of this

arrangement, graduates of Western Cambridge University-School of Law [hereinafter

W.C.U.] who meet the requirements of the Committee of Bar Examiners become eligible to

take the First Year Law Student’s Examination [F.Y.L.S.X.] and the General Bar Examination

[G.B.X.] offered by the State of California.

Candidates who successfully complete the examination and qualification processes are licensed

by the State Bar of California to practice law before all state courts of this state. Additional

requirements are necessary to practice before the federal courts.

The University’s four-year course of study covers all subjects required to earn the degree of Juris

Doctor and to sit successfully for the California State Bar Examination.

Acquiring an American legal education is both difficult and expensive. The program provides an

opportunity to gain a quality education in the American system of law. The United States is now

the model for the world.

American English is now the required language for travel, for international trade, and for basic

communication in the ever-expanding world community. 6

Knowledge of, and skill in, the American legal system will become increasingly important as the

world grows progressively interconnected.

W.C.U. will employ those criteria and standards established by the Committee of Bar Examiners

and by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education of the State of California

[where appropriate] in all matters affecting students, faculty, admission, tuition, dispute

resolution, and the granting of the degree of Juris Doctor.

Students of W.C.U. will be measured by the same criteria, and in the same manner, as are law

students enrolled in similar institutions that offer legal training. The student will be sustained in

that education by the support of the university; its faculty; and their dedication to the profession

of law and its lifetime of commitment.

W.C.U. has exemplified the ideal stated by the Dean to keep standards high; classroom lectures

of law study of at least 270 hours per year; instruction strong; video & online supplemental

tutorials informative and creative in an effort to graduate well trained, large minded, morally

based lawyers who, as they gain experience, may become an asset to the bar, the judicial system,

and the country.

Whether the discipline desired is law, business or both, this University has developed a creative

method of accomplishing this goal. There are seven primary elements necessary to accomplish

the above-mentioned goal:

A talented, dedicated, creative, and intellectual faculty who create live classroom lectures

that are educational, informative, and interesting.

A diverse and well structured curricula.

An organized and committed administrative staff that understand and appreciate the

notion that "you alone can make your dreams take flight; just consider us your flight


A collection of highly motivated, self disciplined, independent students who have set a

goal and are seeking our help to prime that pump of motivation.

Excellent, proven and relevant law study books, outlines, video tutorials and related study

materials used in major law schools throughout the nation.

A practical as well as an academic approach to the study of law. Not just academic, but

bar review as well.

Legal apprenticeship, the age-old practice of hands-on legal training in a law office

format wherein the law student receives partial elective credit for this law clerking

endeavor. 7

The staff at the University realizes that there are many schools from which to choose.

It does not intend to take any prospective or enrolled student for granted. It is this commitment to

intellectual enterprise and legal experience that moves the forces of this institution.

W.C.U. wants to confirm the idea that this is an attendance law school program created for the

convenience of working adults. As such, one will need strong motivation and determination.

The capacity to "go it alone" is therefore essential. In addition, there are supplemental materials

such as video tutorials pre-loaded in your laptop computer created by a prominent law professor.

There is a helpful, informative staff available at the campus; via e-mail or toll free telephone, to

help pace oneself in the required two hundred seventy [270] + hour per year study plan verified

by signed attendance sheets. A.U.C. exceeds that 270 hour requirement with 288 hours of

classroom law study.

Institutions have for centuries presented a reading format for learning.

Recently institutions have added audio and video as additional formats.

With video, one can watch, read and hear. Additionally, it is a supplemental tutorial that one can

replay for review; fast forward when material needs no further review; and freeze frame for the

taking of copious notes. Live lectures are only heard once. Ironically, the better the lecture, the

more frantic the note taking and the less information retained.

In conclusion, W.C.U. is proud to provide both live lectures and video supplemental tutorial

information formatted in a convenient, practical and affordable legal education package to

prospective law students. 8


W.C.U. is an affordable and convenient alternative to traditional brick and mortar [B&M] law

schools. It opens the door of opportunity to many prospective law students who otherwise would

not have the opportunity to study law. W.C.U. offers the following advantages:

185 video lectures featuring 50 hours of recorded video lectures on most of the Juris

Doctor subjects by a prominent law professor and attorney. You may be able to view

four samples of the lectures at: No other law school offers its

students this opportunity.

Live classroom instruction of 288 hours per academic year.

The best law books used by the best law schools across the United States. The books are

not part of your tuition costs, and need to be purchased separately. You may be able to

purchase them as second hand books from and they should be

just fine to use during your study.

For those students that pay full tuition in advance; those funds are held in the W.C.U.

Trust Account and transferred over to the W.C.U. Operating Account monthly. This

insures that the law student who has to withdraw will receive the unused portion of that

tuition forthwith. This policy of W.C.U. far exceeds the California requirement of the

Student Tuition Recovery Fund [S.T.R.F.]. 9

An Online discussion Board only for W.C.U. students and faculty. Here you will be

able to interact with the faculty and with other students.

Voip communication software where students can communicate with the faculty and with

other students via voice and video.

Fast response to your questions. You no longer need to wait for days or weeks to get a

response. Send an email to and you will get a fast response to your

questions from our highly qualified and competent faculty members.

Sample actual examination questions and model answers from the state bar to help you

hone your skills in answering exam questions and attaining the best grades. We use

hundreds of examination questions that come directly from the bar both essay and

Multistate Bar Examination (MBE or multiple choice) .

Convenient trimester payment plans. Western Cambridge University honors its

commitment to providing a convenient and friendly study atmosphere to its students so

they can concentrate on their education. You don’t have to worry about having to pay

huge sums and relocate to attend a law school to get quality legal education. Quality

education is here, at your fingertips!

We welcome students from around the world. Diversity is our strength.

Enroll anytime trimester you wish. Your official start date however is the first

Saturday of that trimester. 10

Apprenticeship is available to qualified law students via the Practical Training of

Law Students Guidelines. This Apprenticeship is based on the notion that one best

learns Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure and Evidence in a courtroom; not a

classroom. A qualified law student would work with a practicing attorney on the

A.U.C. Apprentice List. The Apprentice would with the permission of his or her

sponsor lawyer; client; opposing counsel and judge to argue motions; take

depositions; and even 2nd chair a trial. The Apprentice then receives letters from the

judge, opposing counsel and the sponsor lawyer commending his or her

performance on the case. Collection of those letters is vital to one’s interview for an

associate attorney position. [Imagine, just 25 appearances generates 75 letters]

Classroom lectures are conveniently arranged for 6 hours on Saturday or 3 hours on

Wednesdays and 3 hours on Thursdays. [48 weeks x 6 hours per week = 288 hours per

academic year]

No Law School Admission Test [L.S.A.T.] required.

A comprehensive specialty courses such as Administrative Law, Immigration Law, Tax

Law and Native American Law programs taught by an experienced professor practicing

in the particular area of expertise.

W.C.U.’s Certified Grant Writer on staff, who can, at no charge to the W.C.U. student

assist the law student with scholarship grants. 11


As in many secrets, once they are revealed, they seem so advanced they are simple.

The W.C.U. secret is one of these. Law study can be pursued in many disciplines.

We rely on our friends and colleagues who we have known and trusted for years to make this

happen: They are:

(a) Traditional classroom law study [inside the box];

(b) Online supplement law study [outside the box];

(c) Legal Apprenticeship or Judicial Externship [study in the courtroom, not the classroom; 7 U.S

Presidents became lawyers in this fashion] and;

(d) Extensive and intensive bar review [it is all about passing the bar].

Which of these disciplines do most traditional law schools use? (a) just traditional law study in a


Which of these disciplines do most online law schools use? (a) just online law study.

Which of these disciplines do legal apprentices and judicial externs use? (c) just Legal

Apprenticeship / Judicial Externship. 12

All of the disciplines use extensive and intensive bar review. (d) Bar Review

Which of these disciplines does W.C.U. use? ALL OF THE ABOVE. WHY? Because we

employ the best features of each discipline through collaboration with our most capable and

trusted friends and colleagues.

“W.C.U. law students are ordinary people doing extra ordinary accomplishments”.

W.C.U.- J.D. graduates. [our brightest & best] This is “Law school for the rest

of us” These are students who for financial and family reasons recognize W.C.U.

as the only path to becoming a lawyer for these passionate, dedicated

extraordinary understudies.

W.C.U. employs the best law books on the planet. Actually better than most

law schools because Harvard professors, for example, like to use their books

only. W.C.U. uses the absolute best of the best with no attention paid to the

professor’s place of employment. Our books can be purchased at the best law

school bookstores in the country. However, we recommend [Greg, our friend & colleague]

W.C.U. employs actual bar exam questions for all four years with extensive

comments and suggestions by our professors followed up by the actual model

bar exam answers from the California State Bar.

W.C.U. recommends the Video Bar Review Course which is taught over

four years, not the last four months of one’s law school career. Is it necessary?

Our staff defies you to find a lawyer passed the First Year Law School Exam

[F.Y.L.S.X.] and the General Bar Examination [GBX]; and who did not take an

extensive and intensive bar review course. Our philosophy is to Start Now /

Study Now. If we are wrong, what is the downside? You studied too hard? You

passed too easily?

Our advanced students have been invited to participate in actual jury

trials as 2nd

chair. Many have taken us up on it, while studying for the

California General Bar Examination [GBX].

“Most law schools push paper. At W.C.U. we push the envelope” “And if you do not push

the envelope; you’re just stationary.” 13

(a) Traditional law study classroom law study is offered in a seminar law study format .

Attention is paid to interaction between professor and law student.

(b) Online law study is provided by interaction with our internet workshops.

(c) W.C.U. provides the opportunity to our advanced and qualified law students to

participate as 2nd chair in such recent jury trials both civil [complex civil litigation and real

estate litigation] as well as criminal litigation [Murder trials and 3 Strike trials]

(d) W.C.U. recommends preparation for the California General Bar Examination [GBX] as

well as the First Year Law School Examination [FYLSX or Baby Bar].

Other features include:

1. W.C.U.’s willingness to take transfer law students from other recognized law


2. Opportunity to attend classes at Cambridge University, England. It is a 1 week

seminar available to all W.C.U. law students.

3. Specialty elective courses in Immigration Law, Tax Law and Native American Law.



So the quiz would go something like this: Which is the most effective form of law study?

(a) Traditional law study [inside the box; live lectures at our campus]

(b) Online law study [outside the box; W.C.U.’s unique internet workshop program]

(c) Legal Apprenticeship / Judicial Externship pursuant to the Practical Training of Law

Students Guidelines.

(d) Bar Review with the Video Bar Review Course)

(e) All of the above

If your answer was (e) then you belong at Western Cambridge University-School of Law.

“You alone can make your dreams take flight. Just consider us your flight school.” 15 16

Academic Information

The School of Law offers the following degree programs

Bachelor of Science in Law [BSL]

Juris Doctor [J.D.]

Specialty Certification in Administrative Law

Specialty in Immigration with an

emphasis in EB-5 Law

Specialty in Arbitration & Mediation

Specialty in Tax Law for those who

plan to take the

Tax Law Examination

The University also offers the following

Certification Programs:

Private Investigation (P.I.)

California Bail Bond (CBBA) 16 17

School of Law

Bachelor of Science in Law & Juris Doctor

The Juris Doctor in Law Degree Program is a four-year law study program that culminates in the

awarding of a Juris Doctor Degree. It requires a minimum of ninety-six [96] law school semester

units. Upon graduation and subject to fulfillment of the requirements of the California Committee

of Bar Examiners, an W.C.U.- J.D. graduate who has satisfied all of the California State Bar

requirements is eligible to take the California Bar Examination.

Caveat: Although the Committee neither accredits nor approves unaccredited law schools, it does

place certain unaccredited law schools on a list that is registered with the Committee.

Qualified graduates from those unaccredited law schools may sit for the California Bar


Candidates for the Juris Doctor Degree in Law are required to complete:

A total of ninety-six [96] semester units of law course study;

Seventy-eight [78] semester units of required course study as set forth in years 1 - 4; and

Eighteen [18] semester units of study in year four from the elective courses listed below. 17 18



Introduction to Law INTRO LAW = 3 Units

Contracts* CONT 101 = 3 Units CONT 102 = 3 Units

Criminal Law* CRIM LAW 101 = 3 Units CRIM LAW 102 = 3 Units

Legal Writing LEG WRIT 101 = 3 Units

Torts* TORTS 101 = 3 Units TORTS 102 = 3 Units



Civil Procedure* CIV PRO 201 = 3 Units CIV PRO 202 = 3 Units

Constitutional Law* CON LAW 201= 3 Units CON LAW 202 = 3 Units

Criminal Procedure* CRIM PRO 201= 3 Units CRIM PRO 202 = 3 Units

Real Property* REAL PROP 201 = 3 Units REAL PROP 202 = 3

Bachelor of Science-Law after 48 units

18 19



Community Property – [Family Law]* COM PROP 301= 3 Units

Corporations* CORP 301= 3 Units CORP 301 = 3 Units

Equitable Remedies* EQ REM 301= 3 Units EQ REM 302 = 3 Units

Evidence* EVID 301 = 3 Units EVID 302 = 3 Units

Professional Responsibility* PROF RESP 301 = 3 Units



Bar Review & Legal Analysis BAR REV 401 = 3


BAR REV 402 = 3 Units

Succession & Wills* WILLS 415= 3 Units

Trusts* TRUSTS 417= 3 Units

Electives 3 Units 9 Units

Juris Doctor awarded at this time upon

Successful completion of 96 Semester Units

* State Bar required courses 19 20

Description of Law Courses

First Year


3 Units

Introduction to Law as the name implies, is the first course taken at American


It familiarizes the law student with terminology; briefing of cases; issue recognition;

application of the facts to the law; logical discussion of both sides of each case; and

arrival at a conclusion. There are no midterm or final examinations. The successful

student receives a grade of “Pass”.



3 Units

Regardless of knowledge of the law, there is a vital need to be able to communicate that

knowledge to the reader or grader, especially on a law school examination or a bar

examination. It is for these reasons that the faculty has designed Legal Writing.

Topics include:

• Application of Law to Facts & the Legal Conclusion

• Civil Litigation Writings

• Criminal Litigation

• Issue Recognition

• Lexis/Westlaw

• Writings

• Statement of Facts

• Shepard’s Citations

• Sentence Organization

• Official & Unofficial Reports CRIM 301 & 302 - CRIMINAL LAW

6 Units

Criminal Law involves the study of criminal offenses and defenses and the rules for

punishing offenders. Topics include:

• The nature of Criminal Law

• Actus Reus & Mens Rea

• Crimes against the Person

• Crimes against Property

• Accomplices

• Conspiracy

• Defenses to Crime

• The rule against double jeopardy

• Ex Post Facto Laws

• Felony Murder Rule

• Vicarious Criminal Liability 21

CONT 301 & 302 - CONTRACTS

6 Units

This course is intended to familiarize the candidate with the nature and function of

contract law. We examine the principles and rules governing the formation, execution

and termination of contracts as well as the common law and equitable remedies available

for breach of contract.

Topics include

• Formation of Contract

• The mirror Image Rule

• Consideration

• Conditions

• Performance

• Promissory Estoppel

• U.C.C

• Third Party Rights

• Breach of Contract

• Remedies

• Defenses 22

T 301 & 302 - TORTS

6 Units

The law of Torts is the study of wrongs both intentional and unintentional, which attract

civil liability. Candidates will study the various torts that developed out of the early

common law in England and the remedies and defenses that are available. Topics include

• The nature of Tort law

• Negligence

• Strict Liability Torts

• Torts against the person

• Torts against property

• Vicarious liability

• Defenses

• Remedies

Second Year CON LAW 401 & 402 - CONSTITUTIONAL LAW

6 Units

The aim of this course is to familiarize the candidate with the Constitution of the United

States. The United States constitution is one of the oldest constitutions in the world and is

considered as a masterpiece in its own right. The United States Constitution is considered

as an inspiration for other state constitutions. Topics include

• Bill of Rights

• Due Process

• Separation of powers

• Equal Protection

• Executive Branch

• Federal Power

• Foreign Affairs 23

• State Action

• Judicial Branch

• Individual Rights

• Amendments to the U.S Constitution CRIM PRO 401 & 402 - CRIMINAL PROCEDURE

6 Units

Criminal Procedure involves the methods prescribed by law from the time of

apprehension through trial advocacy and appeal. It is the rule of engagement that the

courts employ to protect the rights of the accused.

Topics include

• 1st Amendment

• 4th Amendment

• 5th Amendment

• 6th Amendment

• Appeal Procedures

• Extraordinary Writs

• Due Process and Equal Protection

• Pretrial

• Trial Procedures

• Appeal Procedures 24


6 Units

Civil Procedure involves the study of the complex rules which govern our modern civil

procedure system. Emphasis is placed on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Topics include

• Discovery

• Interrogations

• Jurisdictions

• Pleadings

• Claims

• Counterclaims

• Demurrer

• Venue

• Trial & Appeal

• Complaint

• Answer

RP 401 & 402 - REAL PROPERTY

6 Units

Real Property is the study of the laws regulating land ownership. Modern Real Property

law has evolved from the early common law in England.

Topics include

• The Nature of Land Law

• Real & Personal Property

• Freehold & Non-Freehold Estates

• Landlord & Tenant

• Marital Estates

• Mortgages, Deeds and other creative Financing

• Easements

• Covenants running with the Land

• Mortgages

• Types of Ownership

• Zoning 25

Third Year

EV 601 & 602 - EVIDENCE

6 Units

Evidence is the study of the intricate rules which govern the trial process.

Emphasis is placed on the Federal Rules of Evidence and the California Rules of

Evidence. Candidates are expected to learn how to apply the rules and principles of

evidence law to a given trial situation.

Topics include

• Relevancy & Materiality

• Admissible and inadmissible Evidence

• Opinion & Expert Evidence

• Privilege

• Impeachment & Rehabilitation

• Judicial Notice

• Direct, Cross, Re-Cross & Re-Direct Examination

• Competency

• Types of Evidence

• Character Evidence


6 Units

Corporation Law, also known as company law, deals with the formation, management,

duties and liabilities of the corporate officers, directors as well as federal regulation and

corporate litigation and the rights of corporate shareholders.

Topics include

• Definition and Character of corporations

• Formation of the Corporation

• Powers of the Corporation

• Distribution of Corporate Power

• Closed Corporations

• Rights of Shareholders 26

• Dissolution

• Derivative Suits

• Dividends and Types of Dividends

• Conflict of Interest

• Mergers, consolidations, amendment of articles

• Sale of corporate assets

• Insider trading EQ 601 & 602 - EQUITABLE REMEDIES

6 Units

Equitable Remedies examines the various remedies developed by the courts of equity and

their advantages to the common law remedy of damages.

Topics include

• The nature of Equitable Remedies

• Injunctions

• Restoration

• Reformation

• Rescission

• Specific Performance

• Laches Defense 27


3 Units

Family Law occupies a position in our lives from which we can all relate. From

Ecclesiastical Law to early English common law to the American statutory law of today,

the aim has always been to understand and comprehend the principles that comprise the

legal relationships and the interaction between family member and the state, especially as

it relates to the dissolution of marriage. Also included is extensive coverage of

Community Property, a California Bar Examination subject. PROF RESP 601 - PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY & ETHICS

3 Units

This is a preparatory course for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination

(M.P.R.E) that is required by the State Bar of California. 28

Fourth Year


3 Units

This course deals with the questions of identification and distribution of real and personal

property upon the death of the testator. Knowledge of the laws of inheritance is crucial to

an understanding of this subject. Topics include both testate and in testate succession.

Subtopics include: escheat, holographic wills, wills vs. trusts, charitable and

philanthropic gifts, devises and bequests.


3 Units

The Law of Trusts is the study of the creation and administration of the complex creature

known as trust. Candidates will study the relationship of the parties to a trust, namely the

testator, the trustee and the beneficiary.

Candidates will also study the remedies available both at common law and in equity to

the plaintiff, as well as any defenses that might be available to the defendant.

Topics include:

• The Creation of Trusts

• The Inherent Attribution of a Trust

• Secret Trusts

• The Law of Charities

• Resulting Trusts

• Constructive Trusts

• The Law of Tracing

• Breach of Trusts

• The Office of Trustee

• Remedies & Defenses 29

Tuition Yearly Tuition


Tuition for a trimester program is $4,500.00. A law student will subsequently incur yearly

tuition costs, as follows:

Winter Trimester……………………………………………….………$ 4,500.00

Spring Trimester ……………………………………………………. $ 4,500.00

Summer Trimester ………………………………………………….. $ 4,500.00

Total Yearly Regular Tuition …………………………………… $ 13,500.00

Total per Year $ 13,500.00

Associated or Related Fees [Non-Tuition]

A p p l i c a t i o n F e e … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … $ 5 0 . 0 0

Lexis Nexis Enrollment (For Legal Research via Computer) ………… $125.00

C e r t i f i e d T r a n s c r i p t … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … $ 5 0 . 0 0

U n o f f i c i a l T r a n s c r i p t … …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … $ 2 5 . 0 0

Returned Check Fee ………………………………………………… $25 .00

Regis t ra t ion Fee fo r each Tr imester Sess ion………………………. $50.00

Late Registration Fee for each Trimester Session……………………………$100.00

Deferred Payment Plan per Trimester Session…….……………………………...... $100.00 30

Specialty Electives

Administrative Law

Immigration Law

Tax Law

Private Investigation

Bail Bond Agent

Western Cambridge University is proud to offer a comprehensive Administrative Law

program for individuals who wish to practice in the field of Administrative Law.

Juris Doctor students who have completed the second year of law school at American

University-California can take Administrative Law as an elective.

Also available as an elective specialty is Immigration Law with an emphasis in EB-5

Immigration Law.

Certified Public Accounts, I.R.S. Enrolled Agents and Certified Financial Planners may

choose to take the Tax Law electives formatted toward the passage of the Tax Law

Examination offered by the Federal Government in Washington D.C. every 2 years.

Finally, law students may wish to take the Private Investigation Course or the Bail Bond

Agent Course. It should be noted that these are not law school courses; and neither can be

applied toward the J.D. degree.



6 Units

Pre-requisite: 2L completion

Administrative Law deals with the increasing size of government. It analyzes the lawfulness of

actions taken by government administrators and grievances available when they are not lawful.

This 2-trimester course includes Rule-making procedures, Non-Judicial Control, Agency

Procedures, Administrative Adjudication, and Judicial Review.

Upon completion of this course, the student will have an in-depth understanding of the overall

Administrative Law process.


6 Units

Pre-requisite: AL 501 & 502

Social Security Law deals with Social Security and SSI benefits. This course primarily

concentrates on Social Security and SSI Disability matters.

The student who completes this course will have the knowledge and tools to enter into a Social

Security Disability Practice and can benefit both Bar and Executive JD students. 32

AL 504 & 505-LABOR LAW

6 Units

Pre-requisite: AL 501 & 502

This course is a discussion of the different means by which the law regulates the labor market in

general and the employment relationship in particular. Topics include Race and Gender

Discrimination, Harassment, Wrongful Termination, Equal Pay Regulations and the effect of the

trade union on the individual employee.

Additional special-emphasis topics include: EOE, ADA, FMLA, OSHA, Whistle Blower Act,

COBRA, ERISA, FECA, Law Enforcement Officers Injured while in the Performance of

Homeland Security, Grants, Faith-Based Initiatives on Employment & Related Counseling, Labor

Certifications, etc.

The student successfully completing this course will have the knowledge and tools available to

enter into the specialty practice area of Labor Law and can benefit both Bar and Executive JD


AL 506 & 507 - ADMIRALTY LAW

6 Units

Pre-requisite: AL 501 & 502

Admiralty (a/k/a Law of the Sea) is an intensive, highly specialized practice area dealing with a

wide and varied discipline to include numerous aspects of Maritime Law.

This 2 semester course offers the student a comprehensive study in this field, with the objective

of a resulting competency in this discipline to confidently apply for admission and practice

before the Federal Maritime Commission.

Topics include:

History, Substantive Maritime Law, Liens, Seaman's Employment Contract & Worker Injury

Claims, Marine Insurance, Towage & Pilotage, Maritime Torts, Collision, Sovereign Immunity,

Limitations, Jurisdiction, and Judicial Procedure. Upon successful completion of this course, the

student will have the confidence, knowledge, and tools necessary to enter into this specialty

practice area of law. 33


Tuition per Year


Tuition per Trimester


Application / Registration Fee (Non-


$50.00 each



Diploma & Graduation Fee

$200.00 34

Specialty in Arbitration & Mediation


Western Cambridge University-School of Law offers one of the most sought after specialty

degrees for the busy professional. Alternative Dispute Resolution [ADR] is one of the most

overlooked areas in the law field today.

Western Cambridge University-School of Law offers a specialty addition to the Juris

Doctor degree, in the art of negotiations, also known as Alternative Dispute Resolution.

This program will take one year from start to finish. During the course of the program, you will

learn and examine the various methods of dispute resolution that involves individuals, groups,

children as well as third party conflict.

This program appeals to attorneys who wish to practice in the field of arbitration, or mediation, as

well as non-lawyers (paralegals, human resource personnel, counselors, adjudication officers,

clergy, principles, etc.) who wish to enhance their employment prospects.

Many corporations, state, federal and local governments, and court systems hire mediators or

arbitrators, to resolve the various types of disputes etc. within the organization. 35

Why Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Our court systems are being overwhelmed with litigation, and are welcoming any form of relief to

clear the court calendar. Ours is a litigious society with an estimate of one in three Americans will

be involved in a lawsuit during his or her lifetime.

Trials cost time, money and nerves. Many individuals and businesses try to avoid litigation any

way possible, mainly because of the cost of litigation, the time delays, and unwanted publicity.

Also, keep in mind that many contracts written today have mediation, or arbitration clauses e.g.

credit card statements, telephone, cable, internet, automobile, divorce courts, child custody cases,

insurance (home and Auto) etc., and many times the uninformed consumer is not aware that they

have signed an agreement to mediate any disputes that they may have with the company.

Nature of the profession

The Professional Negotiator, [Arbitration, Mediation] are alternative processors that can and are

used to settle disputes neutrally between parties. All ADR hearings are private and confidential.

The Professional Mediator, Arbitrator follows a strict code of ethics, and if no settlement or

agreement is reached during the proceedings, all evidence and statements used during the session

are not admissible as evidence, if in fact the result is subsequent litigation.

If an agreement is reached by the parties, the agreement is drafted and submitted to all parties


The parties must also sign an ADR agreement, which will state how the fees for the service will

be paid. Some states have set fees for mediation, arbitration sessions and some do not, once again

check with your local state to see what, and how you should bill for your services. 36

What is the difference between Mediation and Arbitration?


Involves an attempt by the parties to resolve their dispute with the aid of a neutral third party, and

generally is used when the parties wish to preserve their relationship.

A mediator may offer suggestions, but resolution of the dispute rests with the parties.

The mediation proceedings are confidential and private and are scrutinized with a very strict code

of Ethics.

If the parties do not reach an agreement during the meeting, they are free to pursue other options,

e.g. Litigation, through the courts, whereas the judge will make a decision according to law, and

not necessarily according to the best interests or wishes of the parties involved. Some states have

Mediation Boards, which are selected by the Clerk of Courts, on a court wheel.


During arbitration, opposing parties submit their dispute to one or more impartial persons, called

arbitrators, for a final and binding decision. Arbitrators usually are attorneys or businesspersons

with expertise in a particular filed.

The parties identify beforehand the issues to be resolved by arbitration, the scope of the relief to

be awarded, and many of the procedural aspects of the process.

Few awards are reviewed by the courts, because the parties have agreed to be bound by the

decision of their arbitrator, although in some cases it is prearranged that the award will only be

advisory, and that a judge must agree to the decision, and sign off on the decision.

AIM of the Program

The program offers Negotiation Essentials, viable to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

process Mediation / Arbitration, in the following weeks together we will explore, in-depth various

methods of dispute resolution that do not necessarily involve having to enter a courtroom, but if

you must enter the courtroom you will have the knowledge and skill to know what is expected of


We will also examine the various methods of dispute resolution that involve groups and/or

individuals exclusively; explore the methods used to assist parties in successfully resolving the

conflict, their differences; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each ADR method as

opposed to litigation in general. 37


Please note that you must check with your local state court system to see if you must be a

member of that states bar association in order to be a mediator within that state.

Some states specifically state that you must be a member of the bar in good standing, and many

states want the mediator/arbitrator to be formally trained and certified. On the other hand, the

federal government, and many corporations do not require the ADR person to be a member of the


Please note, currently there is no mandatory testing such as the Bar Exam, or the CPA exam etc.,

but this is subject to and will change as the field grows. Several states are currently trying to

regulate the profession with state exams, memberships, and certification, just as they do for

Attorneys, CPA’s, Real Estate Agents, and now even Notaries, etc..

The course is available via correspondence allowing you to study at your own pace, but the

course must be completed within the one year period.


In order to be accepted into this program W.C.U. requires all prospective students hold a

Bachelors Degree (BA or BS) and have the university send the transcripts directly to W.C.U... 38


Additional Tuition per Year for

Specialty Courses in addition to

regular tuition

Tax Law in preparation for the

Tax Law Examination

[2 trimesters]


Administrative Law


Alternate Dispute Resolution

[2 trimesters]


Private Investigation

[1 trimester]


Bail Bond Agent

[1 trimester]

$1,500.00 39

Tax Law Institute’s Preparatory Course

for the Tax Law Examination

Welcome to this exclusive Tax Program!

The mission of the Tax Law Institute’s Tax Litigation and Tax Advocacy Program at Western

Cambridge University- School of Law, is to provide not only the requisite academic foundation

to the advanced student concerning tax litigation and advocacy but, perhaps and more

importantly, the practical application of these skills in the U.S. Tax Court, Internal Revenue

Service, State agencies and administrative tribunals. It is a specialty program because most of our

students and faculty are presently working in the field of taxation. It is a tremendous quantum

leap for practicing C.P.A.’s who presently work with tax litigation related cases.

They are tax professionals, practitioners, and tax executives at various levels of the field; from tax

law and controversy to international taxation, tax administration, to transfer pricing.

Developing an expertise in tax litigation and practice has never been more topical and necessary

for the true professional. Individual and business taxpayers are finding it more and more difficult

to pay their taxes owing to the recessionary economy, diminishing real estate markets and the

aftermath of the “sub- prime” debacle of 2007.

Such economic downturns have created a demand in the already underserved niche of tax

advocacy. 40

What makes this legal discipline unique is that these programs provide a working knowledge of

the “bigger systemic picture” and the wide perspective that the effects tax controversy engenders.

The program will provide the requisite tools to allow the graduate the ability to analyze, advocate,

and litigate on behalf of individuals and business entities.

The program has been designed to cover the relevant subjects that are tested for in the U.S. Tax

Court Exam which is administered every two years. While attorneys who are members in good

standing of the Bar in any U.S. jurisdiction may generally practice before the U.S. Tax Court

without undergoing further examination, obtaining competency in tax advocacy and litigation is

not only prudent but highly recommended. For C.P.A.’s, the opportunity to obtain a Juris Doctor

degree and pas the U.S. Tax Exam gives them the law as it relates to this legal discipline as well

as the practical application that they already possess.

Students who are not a member of the Bar or already admitted to practice before the IRS,

including those holding a professional license, such as Certified Public Accountants, and

registered Actuaries, must take and pass the Non-Attorney's examination before being permitted

to represent clients before the U.S. Tax Court.

In addition, the same subjects would provide a good general foundation for those students

contemplating sitting for the IRS Enrolled Agent examination, and who already possess at least a

Bachelor’s degree in a related area of study.

That said, students are advised that this is a rigorous academic program and although it, by

design, incorporates the practical application of the skills necessary for competent representation,

it is not designed as a stand alone quick review course for either the Tax Court Examination or the

Enrolled Agent Examination.

It is the student’s responsibility to endeavor to master the materials of the program.

However, the course of study provides all the requisite subject matter, as determined by the

U.S. Tax Court, for one to take and pass the Non-Attorney's examination and to engage in the

competent practice of representing clients before the U.S. Tax Court, IRS, State agencies and

administrative tribunals.

I look forward to working with you throughout your educational journey. 41


Phase I (Tax Fundamentals)

1) Federal Tax Law I (3) [Individual & Fiduciary]

2) Federal Tax Law II (3) [Business Entities]

3) Advanced Tax Research Methods (2)

4) Elective*

Phase II (Tax Practice)

1) Federal Tax Compliance (3)

2) Tax Practice & Procedure (3)

3) Quantitative Federal Taxation (3)

4) Elective*

Phase III [Tax Litigation - Track A] or [Tax Administration- Track B]

1) Professional Responsibility & Ethics (2)

2) Tax Litigation & Procedure (3)

3) Evidence* (compulsory to non- JD/LLB) or Elective*

4) Federal Tax Court Procedure (3) or Thesis, if Track B Candidate (4) 42

Potential Electives**

1) International Taxation I

2) Transfer Pricing Practice

3) State & Local Taxation

4) Global Tax Policy Seminar

5) International Taxation II

6) VAT Systems & Practice

7) Agency Negotiation Seminar

8) Accounting for Lawyers

9) Tax Auditing Methods

10) Advanced Tax Compliance

11) Advance Tax Litigation (Criminal)

12) Advance tax Litigation (Civil)

13) Customs & Trade Taxation

14) Economic Principles of Taxation 43

College Level Examination Program


Western Cambridge University introduces the most innovative and unique opportunity for

those prospective students who wish to fast track their general studies and get right to their area

of specialty education.

It is a foregone conclusion that W.C.U. would be the innovator in this regard.

Now a prospective college student has a choice.

There is the traditional education inside a brick & mortar facility where a student obtains sixty

(60) units of undergraduate credit over a period of two (2) years thus obtaining an Associate of

Arts or an Associate of Science degree.

Then there is the three (3) month study program online which, for the overachiever, can

even be accelerated culminating in passage of the C.L.E.P. Test. 44

University Standards




Applicants who have not completed at least two years of college work in accordance with Rule

VII, Section 1 of the Rules Regulating Admission to Practice Law in California may satisfy the

general education requirements of Rule VII by attaining certain scores on the following general

examinations administered by the College Level Examination Program [C.L.E.P.]:

1. English Composition (or) English Composition with Essay; and

2. Two of the following:

3. Humanities

4. Mathematics

5. Natural Sciences

6. Social Sciences and History

The credit granting score for each examination is 50 or higher. One should check with the

College Board infra for any changes in eligibility made by the Board.

The current cost for each examination is $46.00.

[Check the website for any changes in the

examination fee]

Applicants must register to take the examinations directly with C.L.E.P., and request that

score reports be submitted by CLEP to the Office of Admissions of the State Bar of California

or any related state agency; and to seek advice from an A.U.C. Enrollment Advisor.

Copies of information brochures and registration forms are available at local colleges and

universities, or by contacting:

The College Board

P.O. Box 6600

Princeton, NJ 08541-6600


Website: 45

Course Description:

Prospective students wishing to enroll in Western Cambridge University- Law School must

satisfy certain undergraduate requirements.

W.C.U.’s undergraduate requirements include those same high standards and requirements set

forth by the State Bar of California for admission regarding passage of what some term an

equivalency test in satisfaction of the requirements of an Associate of Arts degree. W.C.U.

encourages any prospective student to visit the California Bar and the C.L.E.P. websites for exact

details. For purposes of this summary; they are set forth as follows:

Before beginning the study of law, an applicant later seeking admission to practice must

have done either of the following:

1. Completed at least two years of college work or sixty [60] semester units,

which college work shall be not less than one-half of the collegiate work or

thirty [30] semester units being general education acceptable for a bachelor’s

degree granted upon the basis of a four-year period of study by a college or

university approved by the examining committee.

2. Have attained in apparent intellectual ability the equivalent of at least two years

of the college work by taking any examinations in such subject matters and

achieving the scores thereon as are prescribed by the examining committee.” The

College Level Examination Program [C.L.E.P.]. 46

For further information or for a C.L.E.P. Information flyer, please contact The College Board at

the above address; or

The State Bar of California Office

of Admissions

180 Howard Street

San Francisco, CA 94105-1639 Tel:

(415) 538-2303


The State Bar of California Office

of Admissions

1149 South Hill Street

Los Angeles, CA 90015

Tel. (213) 765-1500

Tuition: $1,800 Testing Procedures:

The course culminates with the taking of the C.L.E.P. Test at a nearby testing location. In the event that

the minimum raw score required is not obtained, one is allowed to take the course as often as necessary at

no additional tuition to the A.U. C. student.

Text Required: C.L.E.P.

General Exams Author:

Joseph A. Alvarez MA

Publisher: Research & Education Association (REA) Website:

ISBN: 0-87891-275-4

Approximate Price: $32.95 47

Professor Recommendations:

Remember that this is a multiple choice equivalency examination process. The only effective

study procedure is to review many times over the examinations followed up by the model

answers. Remember there is not such thing as studying too hard or passing too easy.

All of these examinations are based on actual questions and answers used on the C.L.E.P.

Test. One should feel confident in knowing that there is a bank of only three thousand

questions from which each C.L.E.P. Test is created. The more of these questions that you

know and understand; the easier your C.L.E.P. Test will be.

Review only the correct answers. Do not continue to consider incorrect answers.

Concentrate only on the correct model answers. Once you have completely reviewed all

right answers, concentrate only on those correct questions and answers. Disregard all

incorrect answers from that point forward.

The C.L.E.P. Test: (1) Call any W.C.U. professor for any last minute pointers. (2) Get a good

night’s sleep; light breakfast since the most difficult the human body does is digest food. (3)

Arrive at the testing center early so as to relax and organize your thoughts. (4) Answer the

easy questions first. Place a mark next to those harder questions skipped; (5) the easy

questions answered do not need nearly as much time as the harder questions. Then go back

and answer the harder question. Remember that usually two of the questions are usually not

nearly correct. The following two are close, so by eliminating the obvious wrong answers,

you have reduced to a 50% /50% calculated guess at worst.

The subjects are: (1) English & English Composition; (2) Humanities; (3) Mathematics; (4)

Natural Sciences; (5) Social Sciences & History. Once you have taken the all of the exams

from all of the subjects; then concentrate on reviewing only those three (3) subjects that you

have selected for the C.L.E.P. Test.

English Composition gauges the skills you would need to complete Freshman College

English Composition courses. There are two versions of the English Composition

Examination. 48

Part I: One version has 90 multiple choice questions each with five choices (a, b, c, d & e). [55%]

Sentence boundaries; economy & clarity of expression; verbs and pronouns; active / passive voice;

diction & idiom; syntax; and sentence variety. [45 minutes]

Part II: The other version has 50 multiple choice questions and one (1) essay questions. Main idea &

thesis; organization of ideas; relevance of evidence; style; coherence; rhetorical emphasis; sustaining

tense and sentence joinder. [45 minutes]

English Composition with Essay (1) sentence skills 50%: (30%) skills in context (20%); (2)

logical presentation of a question posed requiring an essay answer. (50%)

Humanities 140 multiple choice questions (100%) Literature (50%) Drama (10%); Poetry

(10%-15%); Fiction (15%-20%); Non-fiction (10%). Fine Arts (50%) Visual Arts (20%);

Music(15%); Performing Arts (10%); Architecture (5%).

College Mathematics 60 multiple choice questions. Sets (10%); logic (10%); real number

systems (20%); functions (20%); probabilities & statistics (25%); Algebra & Geometry


Natural Sciences 120 multiple choice questions. Biological Science (50%) Origin (10%);

cell organization (10%); organisms (20%); ecology (10%). Physical Science (50%)

Atoms (7%);

chemistry (10%); thermodynamics (12%); electricity (4%); universe (7%); earth (10%).

Social Sciences & History 120 multiple choice questions (60%). Social Sciences Political

Science (13%); Sociology (11%); Economics (10%); Psychology (10%); Geography (10%);

Anthropology (6%). History (40%) U.S. History (17%); Western Civilization (15%); World

History (8%). 49

C.L.E.P. Equivalency Syllabus:

Week: Activity:

One Chapter One-English Composition Practice Exams 1 & 2

Two Chapter One-English Composition Practice Exams 3 & 4

Three Chapter Two-Humanity Practice Exams 1 & 2

Four Chapter Two- Humanities Practice Exam 3

Five: Chapter Three-Mathematics Practice Exams 1 & 2

Six: Chapter Three-Mathematics Practice Exams 3 & 4 Practice Exercises

Seven: Chapter Four-Natural Sciences Practice Exams 1 & 2

Week: Activity:

Eight Chapter Four-Natural Sciences Practice Exam 3

Nine Chapter Five-Social Sciences & History Practice Exams 1 & 2

Ten Chapter Five-Social Sciences & History Practice Exam 3

Eleven Practice Exams for those three courses you select to take

Twelve Practice Exams for those three courses you select to take

Take the C.L.E.P. at a testing center near you; then celebrate; and enroll at

W.C.U.. 50

General Technical Information

Admissions Policy

Western Cambridge University welcomes students from all walks of life.

Our Admissions Committee takes into account factors such as intellectual ability, motivation and

character when considering an applicant for admissions.

Western Cambridge University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, age,

gender, sexual orientation or ethnic origin. For further details visit our W.C.U. Compliance

Section-Non-Discrimination Policy infra. 51

What are your Undergraduate Requirements?

1. 60 units of college 30 of which are general education or

2. Associate of Arts or A.A. degree which automatically contains 30 units of

general education or

3. Associate of Science or A.S. degree which automatically contains 30 units of

general education.

4. Associate of Applied Science or A.A.S. [Engineering, Nursing, Paralegal etc.] are

not acceptable because they are specialty degrees usually because they do not

contain 30 units of general education.

5. College Level Examination Program or C.L.E.P. 50+ scores in 3 subjects English

which is required with a 50+ score and any two of the following with 50+ scores Math,

History, Humanities, Physical or Social Sciences. (Cannot mix C.L.E.P. and

undergraduate units) or

6. Bachelor degree or higher (providing a xerox copy or fax copy is O.K.)

7. No Law School Admission Test or L.S.A.T. needed.

8. 90 day grace period to receive certified copies directly from undergraduate university for

proof of 60+ college units or A.A. or C.L.E.P. If Bachelor or higher, only xerox copy of

diploma needed.

9. Original undergraduate transcripts in safe with xerox copies in student file.

10. Enrollment is at the beginning of each trimester.

*CAVEAT: The purpose of this information is intended to provide general information for the prospective

student in his or her pursuit of due diligence. Rules and Regulations are constantly changing and although

W.C.U. constantly updates such information, nevertheless, students are warned, advised and encouraged to

contact the various agencies directly as well. 52


The following is the monthly enrollment procedure:

1. Prospective students can enroll at any time. They can make the financial arrangements by check or credit card at any time and receive the materials. However, their official start

date is the 1st Saturday of each trimester.

2. Complete the Application Online and either email to or fax to 949-

842-3004. Authorize the credit card for the non-refundable Application / Enrollment


3. To receive an evaluation of your undergraduate studies, you need to submit by fax;

regular mail or email information regarding your undergraduate studies [specifically

name, address, telephone number, undergraduate college or university, units earned, and

degrees conferred]. A law school professor would then conduct an evaluation and provide

you with that evaluation and acceptance letter by email. You would then be invited to

enroll in the university. Please remember that if you have a Bachelor’s degree or higher,

you need not submit undergraduate transcripts but you can scan, mail a copy or fax a

copy of your diploma to W.C.U. Attention: Admissions

4. Pursuant to your enrollment agreement your credit card would be charged for tuition

at a rate of $1,350.00 down and $1,000.00 per month during the 1st 10 days of each month. The tuition is $13,500.00 per year based on 24 units per year. Payment can also be made of $4,500.00 at the beginning of each trimester for a total of $13,500.00. Unlike every other university on the planet who chooses to raise tuition yearly; your tuition rate at our university is frozen for your entire law school attendance.

5. Bar students will need an additional enrollment contract. Contact an Admissions

Counselor for details.

6. Contact if you are planning to study for a law degree and

arrange for your text books and related materials to be drop shipped to your location in the

world. 53

Method of Course Delivery and Course Schedule

Instruction at the University is by syllabus, lesson plan and video lecture with online homework

assignments; each law professor in every course will be a licensed attorney, with courtroom

experience in the area addressed.

The University’s courses can be entered at the beginning of any trimester.

W.C.U. recognizes the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday,

President’s Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. During

these times the offices will be closed.

Student Right to Know

In response to Title II of Public Law 101-542, The Student Right to Know and Campus Security

Act, the Academy makes the following information available to its community:

1. Any emergency or report of criminal activity will be reported immediately to an

administrator of faculty member of the University.

2. Information regarding campus security will be made available to the Academy

community through formal notifications. W.C.U. encourages all members of the

community to develop security awareness, to take action responsible for their own

security, and to take responsibility for the security of others. 54

Policy on Academic Freedom

nduct Policy on Academic Conduct

Academic Freedom and the study of law are two pillars upholding the structure of our society.

The University believes that the long tradition of academic freedom in America is the foundation

of any institution of higher learning and specifically of this law school.

Thoughtful and responsible individuals have the right—even the duty—to disagree, to advocate

unpopular ideas without fear of reprisal; learning how to disagree and to advocate unpopular

ideas in a democratic society is one of the most important benefits of a legal education.

Individual faculty members are responsible for the content of their class and enjoy academic

freedom in their comments and presentation.

Students also enjoy the right of free expression, subject to the requirements of the course as to

time, relevance, and appropriateness to the subject being taught. Any dispute over course content,

faculty freedom, or student participation is to be brought to the President who will attempt to

resolve any dispute.

Should any party not agree to a proposed resolution of a dispute, or reject an offer of mediation,

guidelines of the American Association of University Professors will apply with regard to what

areas of expression are covered by Academic Freedom and what areas or subjects are properly

delineated by the President on behalf of the University.

Should none of the alternatives above prove successful, the President has the right to seek counsel

and advice from the responsible officials. 55

Policy on Academic Conduct

Students enrolling at W.C.U. assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible

with the institution’s function as an educational institution and suitable to a member of an academic

community. Therefore, W.C.U. expects its students to conduct themselves as responsible citizens,

considerate and respectful of the rights of others.

The University reserves the right to exclude at any time any student whose conduct online or at

the campus is deemed disruptive to other students, faculty, or staff. “Disruptive conduct” is

established by the criteria employed by the pertinent sections of the California Education Code.

Any student charged with such conduct is entitle to adequate “notice of charges” and a full

opportunity “to be heard” in defense against such charges.

If—after “notice” to the student and an “opportunity to be heard”—it is the finding of the

President that a student’s conduct does not conform to the standards of the California Education

Code as set forth in Title 2, Division 4, Chapter, Sections 48900 et seq., and elsewhere in that

code, A.U. C. may impose such penalties as the President may determine justified.

[It is understood, of course, that every student is entitled to legal representation at his/her own

expense, and has recourse to the Courts as that student may elect]. Penalties can include

suspension or disciplinary probation, dismissal from a course, dismissal from the University.

Student Grievances &


Every student has the right to appeal disciplinary or academic disqualification. In the matter of

disciplinary disqualification, such an appeal shall be made directly to the President, who may act

alone in the matter, or appoint a separate panel for review. In the matter of academic

disqualification, such an appeal will first be heard by the faculty committee, which may act alone,

or appoint a separate panel for review. Final appeals are directed to the President.

There are three areas that are concerned with the integrity of the educational program at the

Academy: [a] cheating, the act of attempting to gain credit for work by use of dishonest,

deceptive or fraudulent means; [b] plagiarism, the act of taking ideas, words, or the specific

product of another and offering that product as one’s own; [c] falsifying records, a deliberate

attempt to submit records that are erroneous or not correct. Students accused of cheating or

plagiarism are entitled to petition the President for review by an appropriate forum.

Discovery of an attempt to falsify records is grounds for immediate dismissal and forfeiture of all

financial payments and academic credits. 56

Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco

The University strongly supports the goal of a drug-free society.

W.C.U. review seminar policies concerning the manufacture, distribution, possession or use of

controlled substances does not contravene federal, state, or municipal law.

It is the policy of the University that no person shall manufacture, distribute possess or use illegal

drugs on its premises or while attending any of its activities.

Members of the W.C.U. community should understand that the institution would impose

sanctions for violations of this standard of conduct. W.C.U. policies concerning the possession

and consumption of alcoholic beverages do not contravene federal, state, or municipal law.

No alcoholic beverages may be brought on to the premises of the institution or be served at its

activities without prior permission. The University will impose sanctions for violations of this

standard of conduct.

It is W.C.U.’s policy that smoking is prohibited on the premises of the campus or buildings

utilized for instruction, except in those areas outside that may be designated for smoking.

Campus buildings and all class and study rooms, library and service areas are to remain smoke

free. The University will impose sanctions for violations of A.U. C.’s “no smoking” policy.

University Compliance

It is the intention of Western Cambridge University to strictly adhere to all of the federal,

state, county, city and California State Bar laws rules and regulations. [Guidelines 1.9]

Many of the compliance provisions reference a code section rather than continually repeat

each complete section citation, the Dean has elected to reference the relevant provisions as


“Title 4-Admission & Educational Standards-Division 3 Unaccredited Law School Rules”

[hereinafter referred to as Rules]

“Guidelines for Unaccredited Law School Rules”[hereinafter Guidelines]

“American University-California Law School Policies & Procedures” [hereinafter

Policies] 57

Publication Caveat

While every effort has been made to insure accuracy, please bear in mind that this

catalog is accurate as of the date of this publication. Additionally this catalog is not a

contract, nor is it either expressly or impliedly an agreement between prospective students

and the university. Rather, it is an information booklet designed to inform the prospective

student who is inquiring into the possibility of enrolling into our law school program. This

catalog may be modified, amended and changed from time to time. Prior to enrollment, it is

advisable to contact the administration of the Western Cambridge University-School of

Law regarding any changes in this catalog. Pictures have been added to enhance the written


The same caveat applies to students seeking bar eligibility. Call or send for the




180 Howard Street

San Francisco, CA 94105-1639

Tel: 1-415-538-2303

Western Cambridge University-School of Law does not discriminate on the basis or race,

color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age or

physical disability or any other legally protected status in the administration of its

educational programs, admission policies, employment policies or any University

administered program or activity. Any inquiries concerning the application of the title IX

of the Educational Amendment Act of 1972 and other non-discriminatory statutes should be

directed to the Office of the President.

Inactive and Withdrawals

It is the responsibility of the student to inform the University of an intention to

withdraw or to become inactive in a program. Failure to properly inform the University of

such intentions can require a new application and additional fees upon notification of a

request to continue or re-enter. Withdrawal or a leave of absence from a course or program

requires written notification and concurrence from W.C.U..

Students are required to maintain regular attendance. Failure to do so will render

the student ineligible to receive credit for courses not fully attended. The Committee of Bar

Examiners will not allow a student deficient in accumulated study hours or courses

necessary to qualify for the Bar Examination to sit for such Examination, nor will A.U.C.

refund tuition or fees to a student who fails to qualify under Bar rules because of

unauthorized absences. Unauthorized credit deficiencies can result in the student being

dropped from a class or from the program entirely. 58

Transfer Credits

1. Transfer of Credits earned in other legal education programs or institutions.

W.C.U. has adopted a policy of accepting transfer law students from any recognized

law school whose graduates are eligible to sit for a bar examination. The State of California

and the Committee of Bar Examiners have policies allowing transfer of credit(s) from one

institution to another. W.C.U. conforms its policies to the California State Bar policies. The

goal of the Academy is to present and to instill a knowledge of and approach to the law,

which begins on the first day of the first class and continues class by class in a close

relationship between student and teacher. That goal of attaining a close and supportive

relationship tailored to the abilities and goals of each student is advanced by accepting

students who have earned credits elsewhere under different systems of legal education.

2. No Credit Allowed for Prior Learning Experience(s)

W.C.U. does not award any credit or advanced standing based upon “prior learning

experience(s)” whether such experience be “life” experience or gained in any other

learning environment outside of a recognized law school.

It is the view of W.C.U. that all knowledge accrued by mature students in the course

of their life’s career will serve to prepare them better for a career in law, but general

knowledge is not considered to be an adequate substitute for a comprehensive program of

legal training.

International Students

International students must earn a T.O.E.F.L. score of 500 or above and, in

addition to such score, must demonstrate an actual ability to comprehend course materials,

textbooks, and examinations. No student unable to comprehend instruction which is

solely in English will be admitted.

All foreign students must possess valid visas or other documents allowing legal

residence in the United States for the period of study contracted for between the student

and the university. 59

Alumni Association and Student

Services W.C.U. will, in the future, maintain an active alumni association. Upon graduation

from W.C.U., each student will automatically become a member. The Association is

dedicated to assisting student in the pursuit of lifelong learning. W.C.U.’s Student Services

office arranges tutorial assistance, learning resources, academic counseling, career

planning, textbook purchases, and supervised casework.

Each faculty member and administrator is a part of the advisement and counseling

staff, thereby providing optimal participation by trained professionals.

The University does not provide student housing. Housing costs in the general area of

Anaheim vary, but apartments can be found in the $1,500.00-$2,200.00/mo. range. Many

parts of Orange County are more expensive, though less expensive quarters are also found

in Santa Ana.

Student Tuition Recovery Fund

(S.T.R.F.) The Student Tuition Recovery Fund (S.T.R.F.) was established by the Legislature of

the State of California to protect any California resident who attends a private

postsecondary institution from losing any money if the student has pre-paid tuition and

suffers a financial loss as a result of the institution closing, failing to fulfill its enrollment

agreement, or refusing to pay a court judgment. To be eligible, a student must be a

“California Resident” and reside in the state at the time the enrollment was signed.

Students who are temporarily residing in California for the sole purpose pursuing an

education, specifically those who hold student visas, are not considered a California


To qualify for S.T.R.F. reimbursement, a student must file an application within one

year of receiving notice from the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education [B.P.P.E.]

that the University has been closed. If a student does not receive notice from the B.P.P.E.,

the student has four years from the date of closure to file for S.T.R.F. funds. If a judgment

is obtained, the student must file a S.T.R.F. application within two years of the final

judgment. Students are encouraged to make and keep copies of all important documents

that apply to their University program, both academic and financial. [Details infra]

Please note that W.C.U. exceeds this S.T.R.F. Policy by placing advance tuition fees in

the W.C.U. Trust Account and transferring the month in question over to it’s W.C.U.

Operating Account. The advantage is that if and when a student cancels; the unused

portion of the tuition is returned to that student from the Trust Account forthwith. 60

Treatment of Students, Staff and Faculty

for Sexual Misconduct W.C.U. is committed to creating and maintaining an academic environment

dedicated to learning in which individuals are free of sexual harassment from colleagues,

faculty, staff or other students. W.C.U. condemns any conduct under the definition of

sexual harassment or sexual assault and is prepared to respond immediately to any violation

by taking action to prevent, correct, or to punish any improper behavior.

Sexual harassment can vary with particular circumstances. Sexual harassment can

be described as unwelcome or offensive sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,

unwanted or uninvited verbal suggestions or comments of a sexual nature, or objectionable

physical contact carried out in the workplace or in the educational environment. Such

behavior may offend the recipient, cause discomfort and humiliation, or interfere with work

or learning. Coercive behavior, including suggestions that academic or employment

rewards or reprisals will follow the granting or refusal of sexual favors, constitutes

intolerable conduct. A single incident of this kind is sufficient ground for investigation and

may result in discipline and/or expulsion. Sexual assault has been defined to include rape,

and other forms of forcible and non-forcible sex offenses. All such kinds of assault are

absolutely intolerable. An allegation of such action is sufficient ground for an investigation

and may result in discipline and/or expulsion. Al persons subjected to offensive sexual

behavior have available the established grievance procedure or can report such concerns

directly to the Chancellor.

Retention of Records

W.C.U. retains all student records for a period of five (5) years. A copy of the

transcript is maintained for fifty (50) years. A student or graduate can request information

by contacting W.C.U.-Administration at its offices.

Tuition Refund Policy

This law school will provide to registered students a twelve (12) month

apportionment of tuition as required by California State Law. Students are required to

provide written notice to the Chancellor of W.C.U. of their Intent to Drop. Said notification

and request for refund of monies due requires thirty days (30) advance notice. Students are

reminded that upon Notice of Intent to Drop Enrollment, the State Bar of California will be

notified that the student is no longer enrolled and the continuous four-year study

requirement will be violated. 61

State of California Student Tuition Recovery

[S.T.R.F. Details]

California law requires upon enrollment a fee be assessed in relation to the cost of

tuition: California Education Code § 94343. These fees support the Student Tuition

Recovery Fund, hereinafter referred to as STRF. STRF is a special fund created by the

California Legislature to reimburse students who might otherwise experience a financial

loss as a result of untimely school closure. This is a mandatory requirement of this

institution and all law schools similarly created.

Excerpts from the California Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education

Reform Act, dated January 1, 1998:



[This section becomes operative January 1,1999)

(a) The council shall assess each institution that collects any moneys in advance of

rendering services.

(1) The amount assessed each institution shall be calculated only for those students

who are California residents and who are eligible to be reimbursed from the fund.

It shall be based on the actual amount charged each of these students for total

course cost, regardless of the portion that is prepaid. The assessment shall be as


(A) For a total course cost of one cent ($0.01) to two thousand nine hundred

ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($2,999.99), inclusive, the assessment

is two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per student.

(B) For a total course cost of three thousand dollars $3,000) to five thousand nine

hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($5,999.99), inclusive, the

assessment is three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per student.

For a total course cost of six thousand dollars ($6,000) to eight thousand nine

hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($8,999.99), inclusive, the

assessment is four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) per student.

(D) For a total course cost of nine thousand dollars ($9,000) or more, the

assessment is five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) per student.

(2) The council shall levy additional reasonable assessments only if they are required

to ensure that sufficient funds are available to satisfy the anticipated costs of

paying student claims pursuant to Section 94944. 62

(3) The assessments shall be paid into the Student Tuition Recovery Fund and

credited to the appropriate account in the fund, and the deposits shall be allocated,

except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, solely for the payment of valid claims

to students. Unless additional reasonable assessments are required, no assessments

for the degree-granting postsecondary educational institution account shall be levied

during any fiscal year if, as of June 30 of the prior fiscal year, the balance in that

account of the fund exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000). Unless additional

reasonable assessments are required, no assessments for the vocational educational

institution account shall be levied during any fiscal year if, as of June 30 of the prior

fiscal year, the balance in- that account exceeds three million dollars ($3,000,000).

However, regardless of the balance in the fund, assessments shall be made on any

newly approved institution. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code,

the moneys so deposited in the fund are continuously appropriated to the council for

the purpose of paying claims to students pursuant to Section 94944.

(b) The council may deduct from the fund the reasonable costs of administration of the

tuition recovery program authorized by Section 94944 and this section. The maximum

amount of administrative costs that may be deducted from the fund, in a fiscal year, shall

not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the degree-granting

postsecondary educational institution account and three hundred thousand dollars

($300,000) from the vocational educational institution account, plus the interest earned on

money in the fund that is credited to the fund. Prior to the council’s expenditure of any

amount in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the fund for

administration of the tuition recovery program, the council shall develop a plan itemizing

that expenditure. The plan shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Finance.

Institutions, except for schools of cosmetology licensed pursuant to Article 8

(commencing with Section 7362) of Chapter 10 of Division 3 of the Business and

Professions Code and institutions that offer vocational or job training programs, that meet

the student tuition indemnification requirements of a California state agency, or that

demonstrate to the council that an acceptable alternative method of protecting their

students against loss of prepaid tuition has been established, shall be exempted from this


(c) Reasonable costs in addition to those permitted under subdivision (b) may be deducted

from the fund for any of the following purposes:

(1) To make and maintain copies of student records from institutions which dose.

(2) To reimburse the council or a third party serving as the custodian of records.

(d) In the event of a closure by any approved institution under this chapter, any

assessments that have been made against those institutions, but have not been paid into

the fund, shall be recovered. Any payments from the fund made to students on behalf of

any institution shall be recovered from that institution. 63

(e) In addition to civil remedies, the council may order an institution to pay

previously-unpaid assessments or to reimburse the council for any payments made from the

fund in connection with the institution. Before any order is -made pursuant to this section,

the council shall provide written notice to the institution and notice of the institution's right

to request a hearing within 30 days of the service of the notice. If a hearing is not requested

within 30 days of the service of the notice, the council may order payment. If a hearing is

requested, Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of

the Government Code shall apply, and the council shall have all powers prescribed in that

chapter. Within 30 days after the effective date of the issuance of the order, the council may

enforce the order in the same manner as if it were a money judgment pursuant to Title 9

(commencing with Section 680.010) of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(f) In addition to any other action that the council may take under this chapter, the

council may suspend or revoke an institution's approval to operate because of the

institution's failure to pay assessments when due or failure to pay reimbursement for any

payments made from the fund within 30 days of the council's demand for payment.

(g) The moneys deposited in the fund shall be exempt from execution and shall not be the

subject of litigation or liability on the part of creditors of those institutions or students.

(h) This section shall become operative on January 1,1999.



(a) Any institution that willfully violates Section 94945 shall be subject to all of the


(1) The institution shall lose all rights to enforce the terms of any contract or agreement

arising from the transaction in which the violation occurred.

(2) The institution shall refund to the student any fees that it has collected from that


(b) An institution's willful violation of Section 94945 may be grounds for the revocation of

that institution's approval to operate in this state.


Students enrolling in institutions that come, under Sections 94944 and 94945, shall disclose

in writing, if applicable, the source of any and all guaranteed or insured loans, granted for

the purposes of paying tuition to that institution: In the event of a closure of any institution,

the council shall provide any lending institution that is the source of any guaranteed or

insured student loan with the names of students maintaining loans with that lending

institution.” 64

Non-Discrimination Policy

Western Cambridge University [W.C.U.] welcomes students from all walks of life and

from varied and diverse backgrounds. As such, W.C.U. does not discriminate on the basis

of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, age, physical ability, sexual orientation, marital

status or in any other manner whatsoever.

Catalog of Record

on-DiscriminationPolicy The catalog existing at the time of the student’s enrollment is the catalog of record,

provided the student has made consistent and reasonable progress towards degree

completion and there is no interruption in the course of study.

Student Classification

Catalog of Record

Catalog of Record

Until all student records are completed through the admissions process, a student is considered to

be non-matriculated. Once the individual file is complete, the student is considered matriculated.

No student is permitted to be graduated while in a non-matriculated status. 65

Catalog of Record

Undergraduate Qualifications

W.C.U. has the following undergraduate requirements for enrollment into their School of


1. 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of college with at least 1/2 of those units in general

education, or;

2. An Associate of Arts (A.A.) or an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree, or

3. College Level Examination Program [C.L.E.P.] with scores of at least 500+ in English

and 420+ in two of the following: Physical Science, Social Science, Humanities, History

and Math. Details are set forth in the catalog or on the website at .

4. Any person seeking admission under scenarios 1, 2 or 3, needs to submit to the California

State Bar and W.C.U. certified transcripts or certified C.L.E.P. scores. For details

regarding the bar requirements, contact them at 213-765-1500 or at Any

prospective student holding a bachelor degree or greater need only provide to the bar and

A.U. C. a fax or xerox copy of the diploma. There is a 90 day grace period to provide

transcripts and diplomas to the California Bar and American University-California..

5. Foreign students should contact our W.C.U. international curriculum counselor.

They should also obtain a foreign undergraduate evaluation from the California

State Bar or one of their approved and recognized providers.

Law School Admission Test (L.S.A.T.)

The Law School Admission Test (L.S.A.T.) is not required for any program at American

University-California. 66

California State Licensure Admission to Practice Law

W.C.U. presents its curriculum in conformity with the requirements of Admission to Practice

Law in the State of California.

Students are encouraged to contact the California State Bar for specific details.

Maximum amount of transfer credits allowed by the university for a Juris Doctor in Law Program

is forty eight semester (48) units.

The policy of the institution is that the transfer student must satisfy at least the last forty eight

(48) units or the last full year of studies at the institution in order to receive a diploma from

Western Cambridge University-School of Law.

Establishing Equivalency: Transfer students must have attended a school that is recognized by

their accrediting agency for credit to be given to courses taken at that institution or approved by

the Federal Department of Education.

Undergraduate and Graduate Level Programs: This applies to the Juris Doctor in Law program.

Prior Work Experience: No credit will be given for prior work experience.

Pre-legal Education Credit: Prospective students are advised that the Office of Admissions will

grant credit for certain pre-legal education provided that the institution is accredited by one of the

following regional accrediting agencies recognized by the California Committee of Bar

Examiners: 67

Accrediting Bodies Recognized by the Committee of Bar Examiners

Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools

The Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

New England Association of Schools and Colleges

Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

Commission on Technical and Career Institutions

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Commission on Colleges

Commission on Occupational Educational Institutions

Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities

The California Committee of Bar Examiners makes the final determination regarding pre-legal

education credit. W.C.U. recommends that you contact the California State Bar website. It is an

expert in this area. 68

Law School Transfer Students

W.C.U. encourages transfer students from any law school whose graduates are eligible to take a

bar examination. As a general rule, all courses are transferable up to a maximum of 39 units.

Additional units may be accepted upon petition. There are 2 considerations:

1. How many years of the required 4 years will the California Bar allow? (213-765-1500 or

2. How many units will W.C.U. allow? (General rule a maximum of 39 units;

substantially more upon petition)

3. Foreign LLB lawyers are generally afforded 3 years of law study thereby requiring only 1

year from W.C.U.. W.C.U. accepts a maximum of 39 units from the LLB, thus requiring

45 BAU units presented in a bar review format in 1 year.

4. Certified copies of transcripts and diplomas are needed by W.C.U. and the California State

Bar. 69


There have been many inquiries regarding the transfer policy of an L.L.B. law student to

W.C.U.. One should first consult the California State Bar on these requirements. W.C.U.

provides only an overview. One needs to consult the California State Bar and receive a

recognized and approved foreign degree evaluation prior to enrolling at W.C.U.. However, a bit

of historical background may be in order.

History: The Letter of Laws Bachelor degree has been in existence for 700+ years. It remains the

law degree issued by countries belonging to the United Kingdom (U.K.) as well as previous U.K.

countries such as India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, South Africa and others.

Even though the British had left, those independent countries elected to keep their English based

Common Law system of laws. In the United States, the L.L.B. was the law degree conferred up

until the early 1960’s when it was changed to the Juris Doctor.

The United States, which maintains strong ties with Great Britain to this day.

Academic Transfer Policies: The academic transfer policies for the L.L.B.’s graduates and

attorneys are determined by the courses which are required on the bar examination by the

California State Bar. Those international L.L.B. transfer students can apply to A.U. C. for an

Academic Evaluation of what courses would be needed to successfully complete the core

required courses for the California General Bar Examination (G.B.X.). A.U. C. requires all of

those courses which appear on the G.B.X..

Bar Eligibility Considerations: A caveat at the outset: This is only a brief overview to

determine whether or not the L.L.B. graduate or attorney has an interest in pursuing a law degree

and bar eligibility in the United States. For specific details regarding the below-referenced

information infra, please contact the California State Bar at 1149 South Hill Street 4th floor, Los

Angeles, California. (T. 213-765-1500 or They have an expert in the field of

the foreign law school transfer student evaluation process. 70

We encourage you to apply to W.C.U. for an academic evaluation, but we would defer you to the

California State Bar on the issue of bar eligibility. They are set forth infra.

There are essentially four different processes available to take the G.B.X.. The first does not

require passage of the First Year Law School Examination (F.Y.L.S.X.) or “Baby Bar”. The

second provides the applicant to obtain a waiver of the F.Y.L.S.X. in certain situations.

The third and fourth definitely require passage of the F.Y.L.S.X., unless granted a waiver from

the California Bar. Waivers are generally granted only to A.B.A. transfer law students and

L.L.B. transfer students and graduates. Hence the need for a foreign academic evaluation from a

California State Bar recognized and approved entity. They are listed on the


You must contact the California State Bar in that regard and / or review the California Rules

Regulating the Practice of Law”.

1. Attend an American Bar Association [A.B.A.] accredited law school for 3 years with

a minimum of 270 hours per year of classroom attendance.

2. Attend a California State accredited law school for four years with a minimum of 270

hours of classroom attendance per year.

3. Attend an un-accredited, state registered law school such as the A.U. C. Bar

Program for four years with proof of a minimum of 270 hours of classroom study

per year.

Two Important Inquiries from the California State Bar: Of the many questions you may

have, two important queries become evident:

1. How many years of continuous law study will you award me for my L.L.B.?

2. Will you grant me a waiver of the F.Y.L.S.X.?


The answers to these queries are made on a case by case basis by the specialist referenced supra.

This author can cite only limited supposition examples to provide the prospective L.L.B. transfer

student a range of possibilities. 71

Suppose A.U. C. had a prospective transfer student from Oxford University who was given a

waiver of the F.Y.L.S.X. and awarded three years of continuous law study for his L.L.B..

That L.L.B. law graduate would need only one year of law school credit to earn the J.D. from

A.U.C.; and be eligible for the G.B.X..

Information for L.L.B. Lawyers & Law Graduates

If you have an L.L.B. from a law school or are a practicing L.L.B. lawyer you are probably aware

an A.B.A. law school which requires you to obtain one year and sometime two years of law study

in a brick & mortar attendance law school.

This involves relinquishing one’s legal career; re-locating the family; spending $40,000 U.S. to

$60,000 U.S. tuition plus an additional $30,000 to $40,000 home expenses while sitting in a

classroom while losing money because you can’t work.

W.C.U. has another solution: Attend W.C.U. law school . We will:

1. Give you 3 years law school credit for your L.L.B., thus requiring only 1 year of law

school study. This, of course is contingent upon the California State Bar approving this


2. You save a substantial amount of money since our tuition is only $13,500 per year.

3. We provide the necessary resources and referrals so that you can take the California Bar


4. W.C.U. will provide you with an extensive 6 week review course at no charge prior to

taking the General bar Examination.

5. W.C.U. will assist you in the visa needed to take the General Bar Examination.

6. W.C.U. will assist you in obtaining a Professional Visa after passing the

California Bar Examination.

7. Tuition of only $13,500.00 U.S. including video lectures, books and review materials.

8. We also have a 12 month installment plan available after an initial down payment of

$1,350U.S. and 12 payments of $1,000 per month or payment before each trimester of

$4,500 each.

For further information, please feel free to contact W.C.U.-Academics at your

convenience. 72

California’s Baby Bar Examination

All students who desire to practice California law after attendance at an unaccredited law school

such as W.C.U., must complete the Juris Doctor requirements while attending the university

continuously during four (4) years and pass the First Year Law Student’s Examination

(F.Y.L.S.X. – “Baby Bar”) following the successful completion of their first year of attendance.

The phrase “Baby Bar Examination” is not unlike the oxymoron “Jumbo Shrimp,” in that there is

nothing “baby” about it. When one considers the subjects contained in this examination

(Contracts, Torts, and Criminal Law), along with the length of the examination (usually eight

hours), one realizes that there is nothing baby about this examination.

The Baby Bar Examination has been used for more than four decades. It has recently undergone

major modification by legislative enactment.

Under the new law passed by the California State Legislature and signed into law by Governor

Pete Wilson, students may continue their legal studies while waiting to take the examination. The

Baby Bar Examination is traditionally given in October and June of each year. The results take

several months to receive.

California Senate Bill 1950 was responsible for the language in Section 6060 (g) of the California

Business and Professionals Code reading in relevant part as follows: "...those who pass the

examination within the first three consecutive administrations... shall receive credit for all law

studies completed at the time the examination is passed..."

Students subject to the First Year Law Student Examination are required to take and pass this

examination within three consecutive attempts after first becoming eligible to take it, if they wish

to receive maximum allowable credit of law study. Students who pass the F.Y.L.S.X. after that

time are awarded a maximum of only one year law school credit.

Bear in mind that the Baby Bar Examination (F.Y.L.S.X.) includes Contracts, Torts, and

Criminal Law. It is a prelude to the California General Bar Examination (GBX) (a 2 ½ to 3 day

multiple choice and essay examination), which is given at the end of ones legal education.

Recommended: Begin to study for the Baby Bar Examination, a.k.a. First Year Law Student

Examination, immediately. Contact the California State Bar for further details. 73

Study Records

W.C.U. requires Study Records which are submitted on a recommended form on a monthly basis

to the university with a copy kept by the student.

W.C.U. mandates that the study records must average at least 20 hours per

week of homework in addition to classroom hours.

Both the California Department of Education and the State Bar of California require proof of

study records reflecting a minimum of 270 classroom hours per year. W.C.U. exceeds those

hours at 288 classroom hours per year. (6 x 48 = 288).

A trimester is calculated as 16 weeks and a calendar year is calculated as 48 weeks. Transcripts

cannot be issued without proof in the school file of study records. 74



When a law student enrolls at Western Cambridge University and indicates at the time of

enrollment that he or she is planning to take the First Year Law School Examination (F.Y.L.S.X.)

and / or the General Bar Examination (G.B.X.), several mandatory procedures need to be strictly


1. Registration with the California Bar: Once enrolled at W.C.U., a law student needs to

enroll with the California Bar Examination. This is the sole obligation of the law student.

The university cannot enroll the student with the bar; only the individual law student can

do this. Failure to register as a law student prevents “the clock from beginning to run” on

the 52 weeks or one year needed for the F.Y.L.S.X. and the four years needed on the

G.B.X.. W.C.U. requires that all law students enroll with the California Bar. Pay the fee.

2. All W.C.U. law enrollees must register to take the F.Y.L.S.X. whether or not they

plan to take the F.Y.L.S.X. There are no non-bar students at W.C.U.. Each

application to the bar should also include a xerox copy of undergraduate transcripts.

3. F.Y.L.S.X. Certification: Once the law student application to take the F.Y.L.S.X. is

made, the bar then sends a F.Y.L.S.X. Certification to our university. In order for us to

approve the certification request several conditions precedent must occur:

A. Completion of all homework assignments for Year 1 including all Roadmap

assignments for Contracts, Torts and Criminal Law as well as homework

assignments for Introduction to Law and Legal Writing.

B. Completion of all examinations both applicable midterm and final examinations

for the above-referenced subjects.

C. Transcripts completed for the above-referenced subjects, copies of which are

attached to this certification by the university.

D. Good Academic Standing with an overall GPA of 70% ‘C’ or better.

E. Good Administrative Standing including current tuition arrangements; completed

Monthly Study Records; and related documents.

Assuming that all of the above-mentioned is completed plus all fees and registration procedures

satisfied by the California Bar, then the bar will send a registration card to the law student.

If any one of these conditions does not occur, the student will not be able to take the F.Y.L.S.X.. 75

Cancellation of Enrollment Agreement

A bar student must comply with W.C.U.’s rules, policies and procedures regarding the right to

cancel the agreement.

In addition, W.C.U. has requirements of returning the unused portion of a student’s tuition if

that law student paid in advance. Cancellation must be given in writing at least thirty (30) days

prior ot cancellation.

Any refunds owed to you will be paid within ten (10) days of cancellation from the Western Cambridge University- Trust Account which holds the unused portion of the paid in advance

tuition. All fees are non-refundable. W.C.U. exceeds the S.T.R.F. Policy on tuition refunds.

Approval Notice

W.C.U. has received temporary approval to operate subject to a successful site visit and

successful completion of the application process. A copy of that letter is at our website for


Prospective bar students are encouraged to contact W.C.U. Administration for the details.

The California Bar and its Guidelines commensurate with determines the institution’s operational

plan satisfies the minimum issues in Education Code 94210(a) or 94311(a), whichever is


Business and Professions Code §6061 [in relevant part herein]

The Committee of Bar Examiners requires that every student receive the following Disclosure Statement:

The institution is not accredited. A statement of institution’s assets and liabilities is available upon request.

The on-site library is comprised of 7,125 volumes related to the study of law. The current active faculty

and Law School President are members of the California State Bar.

The institution is applying for bar registration with the Examining Committee of the California State Bar. 76


The University conducts an annual Commencement activity at the campus or at a site and time to

be announced each year.

Directory Information

Public Law 93-380 establishes what student information may be divulged to potential or actual

employers, governmental agencies, or other educational institutions that request information.

The student may request in writing that all or part of the following information should not be

released for any reason.

1. Name of student.

2. Birthplace and birthday of student [for positive identification].

3. Student’s address and telephone number.

4. Dates of student attendance at the Academy.

5. Degrees or other awards received by the student.

6. Major fields of study.

7. Most recent previous educational agency/institution attended by student.

The law further provides that certain information may be released without the student’s consent in

the following cases:

1. To authorize officials of the United States Department of Education or to State

educational authorities.

2. To organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of, educational agencies or

institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests

and improving instruction.

3. To accrediting agencies in order to carry out their function.

4. In compliance with a judicial order, or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoenas in

advance of compliance therewith by the Academy.

5. To other school officials, including instructors, within the Academy organization who

have been determined by the Academy to have a legitimate educational interest.

6. To appropriate persons in connection with an emergency, if knowledge of such

information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.

A record will be made in each student file when such an instance occurs. 77

Concurrent Enrollment

W.C.U. does permit bar students to be concurrently enrolled in another degree program at

another institution while attempting to meet W.C.U.’s degree requirements.

Admission Requirements Western Cambridge University sets its requirements for admission within the regulations of

the California Education Code and the regulations of the California State Bar in terms of

granting a Juris Doctor degree to successful graduates.

However, as a law school dedicated to providing a legal education preparing qualified students to

sit for the California Bar Examination, requirements set by the State Bar of California through the

Committee of Bar Examiners are of paramount importance to any applicant seeking acceptance to

the W.C.U. program.

A summary of the important qualifications to sit for the California State Bar Examination are set

forth infra: 78

State Bar Requirements

All students planning to apply for admission to the California State Bar must meet specific

requirements set by the Committee of Bar Examiners [A more complete description is contained

in W.C.U’s Enrollment Agreement; complete text of pertinent rules is available either from the

State Bar or W.C.U.- Administrative Office].

All Students Planning to sit for the California Bar Examination must:

1. Submit proof of completion of sixty (60) college units or the equivalent as determined by

the Committee;

2. Successfully enroll in W.C.U.;

3. Register with the California Bar Committee within ninety (90) days of enrollment;

4. Attend a minimum of two hundred seventy (270) hours of classroom instruction in law

each year for four (4) years with proof of same;

5. Successfully pass all law school examinations;

6. Maintain both Academic and Administrative Good Standing;

7. Sit for the “First-Year Law Student’s Examination” (FYSLX) (testing Contracts,

Criminal Law and Torts) at the end of one year of completed law study at W.C.U..;

8. Pass such Examination prior to receiving State Bar credit beyond the First Year of Law

Study and to become eligible to sit for the “General Bar Examination” (GBX);

9. Continue to meet attendance and performance requirements set by the Committee and

adopted as a minimum standard by W.C.U.. Performance requirements include

continuous evaluation of classroom participation; and skill in advocacy; midterm and

final examinations; and other related needs of the course.

W.C.U.’s Application and Enrollment Contract are available on the website. 79

Graduation Requirements

W.C.U. requires students to have no less than ninety-six (96) semester units to be awarded a Juris

Doctor degree. Grades must be “C” or 70% or better overall, and must be “C” or 70% or better in

each individual course mandated by the Committee of Bar Examiners for examination of

applicants for membership in the State Bar of California.

The required California State Bar subjects are:

1st Year: Contracts, Criminal Law, & Torts

2nd Year: Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, & Real Property.

3rd Year: Community Property (Family Law), Corporations, Equitable Remedies, Evidence, &

Professional Responsibility.

4th Year: Successions & Wills, and Trusts.

Library and Facilities

The University is located in a spacious professional building in Anaheim California, across from

Angel Stadium; and near the Federal and State Courts in Santa Ana.

Seminar rooms, a library and study area, computers with high-speed internet access and

programs for computerized legal research.

W.C.U. has also developed on-line research resources that rival or surpass those offered by

major universities. Its law library houses 7,500 + law books and research books. These books

also have periodic updates and an internet research capabilities.

The university encourages students to be interactive with other members of their class and invites

participation in-group activities.

To facilitate such interaction, seminar and study rooms, library facilities, and internet research

connections will be made available to student study groups by arrangement with the

Administrative Staff. Members of the staff and faculty are available to aid this process. 80

General Information

Admission Standards & Policies

The institution's policy with respect to admission is as follows:

The Admissions Committee ie: officers of the corporation and the Dean of Academics

and Dean of Administration of Western Cambridge University-School of Law; consider

evidence of intellectual ability, motivation, and character for all applicants without regard

to sex, race, creed, color, age, sexual orientation, gender, disability or ethnic origin.

Documentation under consideration includes undergraduate transcripts, faculty

appraisals, the applicant's personal statement and personal references.

The Committee also considers diversity in such other areas as work experience, present

career, age experience, minority status, community service and other special

circumstances brought to the attention of the Admissions Committee.

The affordability of our law study opens the education gate of opportunity to middle

income applicants, including but not limited to single working parents, mid-career adults,

military personnel, Native Americans, as well as traditional attendance students who are

motivated and self-disciplined.

The Admissions Committee is looking for students from all walks of life to enter the W.C.U.

degree, diploma and certification programs. 81

Prospective Law Student Applicant / Enrollment


1. Deliver a completed Application/Registration form with a $100.00

Application/Registration fee payable to: Western Cambridge University-

School of Law. Both are available at our website .

2. Arrange for certified undergraduate college transcripts for all college studies to

be mailed directly to the Registrar. It is recommended that, at the same time, you

keep two (2) copies for yourself. The reason for this is that the State Bar of

California may require one copy, and one copy should be kept for your personal


3. Contact the California State Bar by telephone, mail or on the Internet at

Once registered with W.C.U., you can register online or request from the Admissions

Administrator of the Committee of Bar Examiners a copy of the CALIFORNIA BAR



Once received, complete the REGISTRATION AS A LAW STUDENT form and return it to the

Committee of Bar Examiners as soon as possible, but in no event later than ninety days (90) from

the date of your enrollment.

You must then arrange to have a separate certified copy of all college work and/or your passing

C.L.E.P. scores sent to the Committee of Bar Examiners (we recommend certified mail, return

receipt requested or registered overnight mail).

On behalf of the faculty and staff, I hope that you enjoyed your perusal of our catalog.

We feel it is important to assist our students, in any way possible, along their journey to receiving

their doctorate degree and becoming a licensed attorney.

My office telephone number, listed below, is available to any student who may need assistance.

We encourage you to follow your dream and hope that you seek our assistance because

"significant accomplishments require somebody's help."


Dr. Robert Caldwell

University Dean of Law

School Academics

Tel: 949-842-3004

Email: 82

Instructional Materials and Methods

1. Western Cambridge University-School of Law & Business employs materials similar,

if not the same, as those used in both traditional and non-traditional brick and mortar

classroom attendance institutions. Students are required to purchase supplemental tutorial

videos, additional books, audiotapes and other materials when attending law school.

These materials represent a part of the instructional materials necessary to graduate. All

of these instructional materials are pre-loaded in a laptop computer customized and

delivered to the student at the time of enrollment or by CD or DVD. W.C.U. recommends

2. We will continue to improve, increase and update instructional materials and methods of

delivery to honor that commitment. This is in addition to the 270+ hours of live

classroom lectures.

3. Students have access to W.C.U.’s Online Bulletin Board and will be able to discuss

questions, ideas and current events with professors and other students in a timely manner

in both a live and email internet setting. Students will also have the ability to contact their

professor via e-mail (a method some students in current traditional institutions employ

now due to class size and “busy” professors) and can expect an answer within two

business days. Western Cambridge University-School of Law is dedicated to the idea

that anyone who has the desire to obtain a law degree can do so if they are provided with

the opportunity, affordability and necessary instruction.

4. In conclusion, consider the unique and creative alternatives to this affordable

combination of live lectures and video instructional materials.

► Your own personal laptop computer or CD or DVD containing all of the wonderful

features of their laptop plus all of the video lessons; outlines; syllabi; curricula and

examinations for all four years of law school at W.C.U..

► You can study one trimester at a time; on a pay as you go installment plan.

► The best of live lectures and on-line W.C.U. workshop legal education.

► Pursuant to the Practical Training of Law Students Act, the ability to be sponsored in

courtroom proceedings.

► Affordability and convenience of classroom instruction. 83


Designation of Faculty Responsibilities. The members of the faculty have the following job


► Grade practice examinations, mid-term examinations, return them to the student along

with grading comments and the model answers within 10 days of receipt.

► Counsel and assist students in any research or lesson project, and return them to the

students with comments and suggestions within 10 days of receipt.

► Counsel students on any subject in which they may need assistance. Answer

telephone, e-mail and written questions of law students.

Participate as a member of the Evaluation Faculty Committee with the Dean of Faculty in

conducting research, development of curricula, academic standards and establishing criteria for

the institution. Dr. Anthony Francisco Ph.D. Dean of Western Cambridge University

Mr. Ronald Overton C.P.A.

University Chancellor & Dean of


Dr. Robert Caldwell J.D.

Dean of Academics & the School of Law the University 84

Contact Information

Western Cambridge

University -School of


Anaheim Corporate Plaza

2170 Towne Centre Place Suite 310

Anaheim, California

Tel: 949-842-3004

Fax: 949-388-4916


Web: 85 105

Western Cambridge University

School of Law

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