science eog review. what property of water causes water molecules to fall together as raindrop...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Science EOG Review

What property of water causes water molecules to fall together

as raindrop instead of as individual molecules?

• A. Adhesion

• B. Surface Tension

• C. Cohesion

• D. Specific Heat

A solution is made by dissolving 10 g of salt in 500 g of water.

Identify the mass of the resulting solution.

• A. 500 g

• B. More than 500 g, but less than 510 g

• C. 510 g

• D. More than 510 g

Which of the following is true of an object that sinks in water?

• A. The object is less dense than water

• B. The object is more dense than water

• C. The object has the same density as water

• D. The object is buoyant

Which statement below supports cell theory?

• A. Plants and animals are made up of cells but bacteria, protists, and fungi are not.

• B. All cells have a nucleus.

• C. Humans are made up of many cells, and bacteria are single celled.

• D. Not all cells use energy.

Sam places 5 g of baking soda in 5 g of liquid vinegar, and notices fizzing. After all the fizzing stops, 5 g of liquid remains. How much gas escaped during the reaction?

• A. 10 g

• B. 5 g

• C. 2 g

• D. 0 g

Which of the following activities adds the most sediments to


• A. Planting trees

• B. Swimming

• C. Cutting down trees

• D. Planting grasses and shrubs

Which statement below best summarizes why food poisoning is a common bacterial infection?

• A. In the right conditions, such as in foods, bacteria reproduce rapidly excreting harmful wastes.

• B. Bacteria are much smaller than eukaryotic cells and often use them as hosts.

• C. Breaking down harmful chemical substances in the environment is important.

• D. Outside of a living cell, a bacteria does nothing and remains inactive.

Kenny uses GIS to determine how increases in the pH level

affect the ability of sea mollusks to build shells. What is the independent variable in his


• A. Mollusk

• B. Shell

• C. pH level

• D. Ocean

How does radar system differ from a remote sensor?

• A. Radar measures radio waves or microwaves that are sent to surface and reflected back.

• B. Radar only measures radiation from the Sun that is absorbed by the surface.

• C. Radar only measures radiation that is absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere.

• D. Radar uses X-rays or gamma rays to measure the thermal energy of the surface.

What effect will adding salt have on the water in a pond?

• A. Freezing point will increase

• B. Freezing point will decrease

• C. Water will expand

• D. Water will evaporate

Which of the following is an example of the connection

between water and land food webs?

• A. Bear eating fish

• B. Fish eating algae

• C. Whale eating fish

• D. Squid eating shrimp

What impact does a new development have on the river

basin it is built in?

• A. It increases the quality of the drinking water in the basin

• B. It increases the level of contaminants that enter the basin.

• C. It decreases erosion in the area, reducing sedimentation in the basin.

• D. It decreases surface runoff that occurs in the basin.

Which property below is most important when developing new

adhesives for self-sticking bandages?

• A. Electrical conductivity

• B. Malleability

• C. Solubility

• D. Density

How are organisms in estuaries able to filter out pollutants and

other contaminants?

• A. Fish filter these chemicals through their gills

• B. Microbes recycle and consume these products

• C. These chemicals are quickly buried in sediments

• D. Plants use these products to photosynthesize

Which of the following statements can be classified as an inference

rather than an experiment?

• A. Average ocean temperatures have been rising since about 1985

• B. Average ocean temperatures will be higher in 2050 than they were in 2000.

• C. High sea surface temperatures provide the energy needed for strong hurricanes.

• D. The frequency of strong hurricanes is caused by high sea surface temperatures.

Why is cell division necessary for organisms?

• A. Cell division replaces old cells and allows the organism to grow and reproduce.

• B. Cell division is only necessary for diseased or stressed organisms.

• C. Cell division only occurs in somatic cells of an organism.

• D. Cell division is not necessary for organisms.

Which of the following processes is a source of salt in the ocean?

• A. Mountain building

• B. Photosynthesis by aquatic plants

• C. Respiration and aquatic animals

• D. Weathering of rocks and soil

What will happen to two groups of chipmunks separated by a

river over time?

• A. The chipmunks on each side will evolve similarly.

• B. The chipmunks on each side will evolve differently.

• C. The chipmunks on each side will develop analogous structures.

• D. The two chipmunk populations will compete for food and space.

Which of the following is a warm, shallow benthic community found

in tropical latitudes?

• A. Kelp forest

• B. Hydrothermal vent

• C. Coral reef

• D. Estuary

Which of the following describes the impact that a tropical storm

most likely has on a river?

• A. Turbidity and stream flow increase, dissolved oxygen decreases

• B. Dissolved oxygen and turbidity decrease, stream flow increases

• C. Dissolved oxygen stream flow and turbidity all increase

• D. Dissolved oxygen, stream flow and turbidity all decrease

How would a satellite be used to monitor the hydrosphere?

• A. To measure changes in the shoreline of a body of water

• B. To measure the damage from an earthquake

• C. To measure the population growth in a town

• To measure the growth of vegetation in a national forest

What would be a good topic for a bioengineer working in


• A. Blocking the symptoms of nerve pain

• B. Pollutant emissions from smoke

• C. Pharmaceutical that increase longevity

• D. Natural insect control chemicals

How could GIS be used to monitor the biosphere?

• A. Monitoring erosion rates of a construction site

• B. Monitoring migration patterns of caribou to avoid interference with development plans

• C. Monitoring concentration of a greenhouse gas and its effect on cloud development

• D. Monitoring rainfall patterns in a region throughout the year

The vast majority of seismic (earthquake) and volcanic activity

in the world occurs along the plate boundaries. What does this


• A. Plate tectonics

• B. Carbon cycle

• C. Fossilization

• D. Natural selection

Official believe the contaminants found in farmed salmon do not

pose a great health risk, and the demand for salmon outweighs these health risks. What is this

an example of?

• A. A risk-benefit analysis

• B. A social-technical system

• C. A GIS System

• D. A technological method

Carbonic acid water dissolves calcite and forms hollowed rock

formations or caves underwater. What is this an example of?

• A. Erosion

• B. Mechanical weathering

• C. Biological weathering

• D. Chemical weathering

If parts of a cell were people, which question would be appropriate to a nucleus?

• A. How did you get started producing power?

• B. What gives you the right to separate things?

• C. Why are you so rigid?

• D. Have you always wanted to be a leader?

There is a gap of about 1 billion years between two rock layers.

What is this an example of ?

• A. Fossilization

• B. Unconformity

• C. Extinction of a species

• D. Volcanic eruption

Which of the following conditions would be true for a healthy body

of water?

• A. Low number of macroinvertebrates

• B. Dissolved oxygen level of about 7.0

• C. pH level between 2.0 and 3.0

• D. Very cloudy appearance

Which of the following is an element?

• A. Titanium

• B. Carbon tetrachloride

• C. Benzene

• D. Table salt

What is the perimeter of silt fencing, sandbags, and gravel

around construction sites designed to eliminate?

• A. The spread of harmful chemicals into surrounding areas

• B. The loss of construction materials, such as nails from the site

• C. The erosion of exposed topsoil into surrounding areas

• D. The cross contamination of construction litter from the workers

What can scientists conclude form the discovery of two fossils of the same type of crab on two

different continents?

• A. The ocean once reached the height of these land surfaces.

• B. Crabs were once land-dwelling organisms

• C. The layers of rock are from the same geologic age.

• D. A strong earthquake was responsible for these mountain ranges.

What part of the human body is similar to the nucleus of a

eukaryotic cell?

• A. Digestive system

• B. Chest

• C. Eye

• D. Brain

What would runoff or nutrient rich water from a highly fertilized field

most likely lead to?

• A. Healthier streams

• B. An algal bloom

• C. More evaporation of water into the atmosphere

• D. Fewer autotrophs in the rivers, streams, and lakes

What type of technology should be used to map the ocean floor?

• A. Sonar

• B. Drifters

• C. Scuba gear

• D. Buoys

Where does the chemical substance, caffeine, come from ?

• A. It is synthesized by people

• B. It is naturally found in plants

• C. It is generated by volcanoes

• D. It is left behind after water evaporates

What term best describes bubonic plague?

• A. Communicable

• B. Non-communicable

• C. Inherited

• D. Epidemic

Over millions of years, what do you expect would be another

likely adaptation of the Galapagos marine iguana


• A. The development of webbed feet

• B. The development of wings

• C. The development of large eyes

• D. The development of longer legs

Which of the following methods would best help Martina

distinguish rubbing alcohol from water?

• A. Look at the samples under a light microscope

• B. Take the temperature of the samples

• C. Ignite the samples

• D. Add dye to the samples

What is one benefit of using chemicals in water sanitation?

• A. They can degrade watersheds

• B. They create safer sources of drinking water

• C. They can be broken down by UV light

• D. They can cause birth defects in wetland animals

How do humans add the most carbon dioxide to the


• A. Waste

• B. Digestion

• C. Photosynthesis

• D. Burning fossil fuels

What is an effective way to reduce your risk of developing a


• A. Eating little and never exercising

• B. Using plenty of antimicrobial products

• C. Keeping a clean environment

• D. Skipping vaccinations when recommended

Which of the following represents a way in which technology has been used to reduce or control

water pollution?

• A. Adding oxygen and enzymes to raw waste in sewage plants

• B. Fertilizers on crops

• C. Tilling the land

• D. Tractors and plows used on land

Which question below is the best ethical question surrounding

medical biotechnology?

• A. Should humans be cloned?

• B. Should transgenic foods be labeled before they are sold to consumers?

• C. Should genetically modified crops be grown?

• D. Can microbes be used to clean up nuclear waste?

What covers most of the Earth’s surface?

• A. Lakes and rivers

• B. Oceans

• C. Land

• D. Ice

How does rainfall replenish groundwater sources?

• A. It fills up aquifers instantly just like surface water

• B. It doesn’t reach aquifers because all rainfall becomes surface run-off

• C. It takes longer to enter aquifers because it has to seep through rocks and soils

• D. It enters aquifers only if the lakes and rivers have reached capcity

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