secret of success in bank tests

Post on 27-Oct-2014






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These notes help the Bank job Aspirants to complete the exams quickly & accurately



 Success in Bank P.O Exam

One of the most attractive jobs available to Indian youth is Bank PO. Graduation is the minimum

qualification for it. Eligibility age is 20 years to 30 years. Opportunity for Bank PO can be classified into

3 major groups.


1.Common Written Examination (CWE)

CWE is the latest opportunity for success in Bank PO. 19 Nationalized Banks in India have formed a

group for Common Written Examination for PO recruitment. Online application can be submitted from

9-7-2011 onwards.

Syllabus for   CWE  

No Subject No. of Questions Marks

1 Reasoning 50 50

2 General English 50 25

3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50

4 General Awareness 50 50

5 Computer 50 50

6Descriptive Part

(Letter Writing, Precis, Essays )  25

    250 250


Time given for objective part (1 to 5) is 150 minutes. Time provided for descriptive part (6) is 60 minutes. There will be negative marks for wrong answers. 0.25 is the negative mark for one mistake.

There will be minimum in each subject. All candidates must score minimum marks in each subject. Only then will their descriptive paper be evaluated for success.

The successful candidate will be provided with their score card which will be valid for 1 year. They can attend interview in any of the 19 banks for PO post when the vacancy is announced.

The successful candidate can appear for the next examination of CWE in order to improve their score. Every year, there will be two examinations.


2. Bank PO Exam by SBI Group

The second opportunity for Bank PO is yearly recruitment of Pos by SBI and its 5 Associate Banks.

Separate exams are conducted for SBIand SBI Associate Banks.

Syllabus for   SBI   Group Bank PO  

No Subject No. of Questions Marks1 High Level Reasoning 50 50

2 General English 50 503 Data Interpretation 50 50

4General Awareness( + Computer + Marketing)

50 50

5 Descriptive Part   50

    250 250

3. Bank PO in Scheduled Banks

Third opportunity is Bank PO exams in various Scheduled Banks such as Federal Bank, South Indian

Bank, Karnataka Bank, Catholic Syrian Bank, etc.


Secret of Success in Bank PO 

When you closely watch the syllabus and explore the previous examination question papers, you can

see that Bank PO is a very transparent examination. Once you understand the nature, type, and trend

of the question in each topic, you can formulate a strategy for success.



Think whether you need the job. Evaluate the volume of energy, effort, and hard work you need to put

up for its success. If you feel that the efforts is worth the success, then think no more. Launch yourself

for the success mission. Be perfectly committed and determined to grab the job. There must be no

going back, no withdrawal, and no retreat at any stage. It must be a perfect and ruthless drive towards

success, breaking all blocks and hindrances. Basically, you need a job; you are qualified for Bank PO. It

offers good career challenge and salary. Bank PO is a class one officer in India. If your hard work and

commitment deserves success, why do you hesitate? Go for it, get it, win it, and make yourself one of

the most successful officers in a nationalized bank.


Knowledge makes the difference in Bank PO success. So empower yourself with knowledge, skill,

accuracy, and speed. Rapidly and quickly, improve your knowledge base. Today’s bank exams depend

on two important things:1. Speed with accuracy2. Knowledge with speed

So learn the basics in each and every topic and improve your speed and accuracy through constant


Secret of Success No.3: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT

Regular practice helps you to develop wonderful speed and accuracy. So solve problems after

problems constantly and regularly till you develop adequate speed and accuracy for success.

Secret of Success No. 4: PERFECT WILL TO WIN

Understand that you are a wonderfully unique person. You deserve great things in life. You have the

right and responsibility to seek a good place for you in life. By settling yourself in a good job, you are a

laying foundation for a great successful life for you and your coming generations. For this, you should

take lead and initiative. Understand that you have the big responsibility to make yourself a successful

person and you can achieve it through your own hard work. When the right degree of hard work and

consistent constant effort help you to win one of the most attractive jobs in India, why do you hesitate

and spoil your chance? Never ever allow yourself to miss big opportunities in life. Develop your will

power and initiative to achieve success in the right manner.


Coaching Program for Bank PO Success 

Brilliance College provides excellent coaching classes for success in Bank PO and Bank Clerk

examinations. In our institution, we have a wonderful group of candidates determined to grab bank

jobs. They help and compete with each other to promote all to success. We welcome you to the group

and success. We have a team of experienced teachers who can guide you and provide great insight

into various topics. They are expert in short cuts and quicker methods in Quantitative Aptitude,

Reasoning, and other topics. We provide basic study material as part of our coaching program to all

candidates who enrol with our institute. There will be regular test papers and model exams to develop

speed, accuracy, and score rate. Moreover, we send regular emails to our students providing bits of

information in General Awarness, Computer, Marketing, and constant movitational updates. What we

want is to develop a group of committed youth who is very passionate about bank jobs and compete

with each other to win the job in the first best opportunity and become very successful in their life. So,

if you seek a bank job, the right place to get training is our institute. We welcome you all for a great

experience in life, building up a wonderful career for yourself.


D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 0 8

7 Logical Reasoning Tips: Easy Ways to Solve Difficult Questions

By popular request in the reader survey, this week's tips are aboutLogical Reasoning,

which comprises two out of the four scored sections on the LSAT.

1. Order 

Most people find questions 15-21 (approximately) to be the hardest, so try doing 1-15 first

in order to build up speed and confidence. Then, skip to the last question and work

backwards to build up to the most difficult ones. This strategy does not work for everyone,

but try it out a few times.

2. Timing

Since the first 15 questions tend to be easier question-types such as main point,

strengthen, and weaken, try to complete them in less than 1 minute 20 seconds per

question. This will allow you additional time to get through questions 15-21, which tend to

be harder question-types such as parallel reasoning, principle, and role of the statement.

This strategy will ensure you don't get bogged-down by the easier questions. Please note:

this strategy works best for people who are already scoring above 160, and it requires a

great deal of practice.

3. Read every word of the stimulus.

While Reading Comprehension passages often discuss unfamiliar theories and terms you

don't actually need to understand, Logical Reasoning differs in that you must understand

every word of the stimulus and question stem. In my experience, students' mistakes result

from carelessness and skimming. However, the topic does not matter. I can't stress this

enough, particularly with regard to questions about science, The logical relationships

between evidence and conclusion being tested in those questions are often simpler than

those with "easier" topics.

4. The stimulus topic is irrelevant.

As you learn to see the differences between evidence, conclusion, and all the unnecessary

words, you'll see that a dense paragraph isn't so dense after all.

Try this quick exercise:

If a physicist activates a large hadron collider in Manhattan, then the physicist will have

activated a large hadron collider in NYC. However, if the physicist activates a large hadron

collider in Brooklyn, then the physicist has activated a large hadron collider outside of

Manhattan. Therefore, if the physicist activates the large hadron collider in Brooklyn, then

the physicist has activated the large hadron collider outside of NYC.

Pause for a moment and ask yourself, is this argument valid or invalid?

Ready? It's invalid. Why? Because it assumes that because Manhattan is in NYC, Brooklyn

cannot be in NYC, which is invalid reasoning even if you know nothing about NYC. The

topic is irrelevant to the logic of the argument. To make it easier, I could have said:

If I take the LSAT in Manhattan, then I will have taken the LSAT in NYC. However, if I

take the LSAT in Brooklyn, then I will have taken the LSAT outside of Manhattan.

Therefore, if I take the LSAT in Brooklyn, I will have taken the LSAT outside of NYC.

All I did was switch "physicist" to "I" and "activate large hadron collider" to "take the


Does the stimulus seem easier? In reality, the logic is EXACTLY the same. The key to

understanding the question is to avoid thinking about the topic. Think about the

relationship between evidence and conclusion and whether or not they match up. Think of

"large hadron collider" as LHC. You don't have to know what an LHC does in order to

understand the argument.

5. Cross out unnecessary words.

Although you have to understand every word of the stimulus, this doesn't mean every word

of the stimulus is important. The only important words are those that form either the

evidence or conclusion of a particular argument. See the following example:

"Tacos often contain a variety of fillings such as chicken, cheese, and beans. No two tacos

contain exactly the same proportion of one ingredient to another. Therefore, any two tacos

can easily be distinguished by their taste."

The first sentence is neither evidence nor conclusion - it's background information.

Although we had to read the entire stimulus to realize this, we now know this sentence is

unnecessary, so we can cross it out. By the way, this argument is invalid, for those of you

keeping score.

6. Study smarter.

As you do practice questions, distinguish between answers you're sure of and those where

you're guessing, even if it's a "confident guess." If you're not fully sure of an answer, put

down a "/" next to it. A question where you've narrowed the answer to either "A" or "D"

(and you've eliminated "B," "C," and "E") would be "A/D." If you like, write the one you

would have picked first, so your answer for a question where you're more confident about

"D" than "A" would be "D/A."

This strategy will help you measure your performance more accurately and provide

guidance for your review. Keeping track of question-types you consistently miss is essential

to effective studying.

If you eliminated the right answer, you should definitely review the question. Some prep

companies' books have typos, but the books of real PrepTests don't (despite your frequent

protests that there must be a mistake in the answer key). If you spend long enough going

over the question, either by yourself or with someone, you'll eventually understand where

you went wrong.

7. Should you diagram LR questions?

Yes and no. If you must diagram, only diagram more complicated questions (such as

parallel reasoning). However, diagramming is never necessary for any question. As you

improve on main point, strengthen, and weaken questions, you'll improve on parallel

reasoning questions also.

What do you think? What strategies and techniques have you found that work or don't work

on Logical Reasoning?

Lecture -1.Time and workN1H1D1E1W2 = N2H2D2E2W1


N1 and N2 = number of personH1 and H2 = Hours worked by per person per day (assumed constant)D1 and D2 = daysE1 and E2 = EfficiencyW1 and W2= Amount of work doneConsider this example to understand the applicability of this formula –

A piece of work can be done by 16 men in 8 days working 12 hours a day.How many men are needed to complete another work, which is three times the first one,in 24 days working 8 hours a day. The efficiency of the second group is half that of the first group?

Solution –

N1H1D1E1W2 = N2H2D2E2W1

16*12*8*1*3 = N2*8*24*0.5*1N2 = (16*12*8*1*3)/ (8*24*0.5*1) = 48So number of men required is 48.

Note – you can remove anything from formula is not given in the question. For example if the question would have been –

“A piece of work can be done by 16 men in 8 days working 12 hours a day.How many men are needed to complete another work, which is three times the first one,in 24 days working 8 hours a day.”

The applicable formula would have been –

N1H1D1W2 = N2H2D2W1


LECTURE 2Tricks for fast calculation by 5It is a simple trick which is very intuitive and easy to understand. Many followers might find it very simple. However, there are many who will enjoy this simple yet readily usable trick to multiply any number by five.1. Multiplying 5 times an even number: halve the number you are multiplying by and place a zero after the number.Example:i. 5 * 136, half of 136 is 68, add a zero for an answer of 680.ii. 5 * 874, half of 874 is 437; add a zero for an answer of 4370.

LECTURE - 3In CAT, MAT and other Competitive examinations like Bank PO, etc. you get questions where you need to find the last digit of numbers raised to large powers. It's almost impossible to calculate the values of such numbers manually and  hence to find digit at their unit's place.  Such problems can be solved using the concept commonly known asCyclicity of Numbers.

Here in this post I am explaining in details the concept of cyclicity and how it should be used for solving such problems."Hello sir , I like your shortcuts very much. But please tell me how to find unit’s digit in numbers like 7 raise to power 205, 19^239. Sir I am pissed off solving these type of problems"- Except of the comment on an earlier post - Shortcut Method for Multiplication

Cyclicity Explained To understand cyclicity let us take a simple example.

Take any two numbers say 43 and 97.

If they are multiplied, the answer is 4171. The last digit of the product is same as the last digit of 3 x 7.

Hence, it is 1.

This concept could be extended to a host of situations. An interesting pattern emerges when we look at the exponents of the numbers. We would find conclusions as given below.

The last digits of the exponents of all numbers have cyclicity i.e. every Nth power of the base shall have the same last digit, if N is the cyclicity of the number. All numbers ending with 2, 3, 7, 8 have a cyclicity of 4.

For instance,

2^1 ends with 2

2^2 ends with 4

2^3 ends with 8

2^4 ends with 6

2^5 end with 2 again.

The same set of the last digits shall be repeated for the subsequent powers. So, if we want to find the last digit of (say) 2^45, divide 45 by 4.

The remainder is 1

So the last digit would be the same as last digit of 2^1, which is 2

Let us take a CAT level example

The digit in the unit place of the number represented by (7^95 * 3^58) isA. 7B. 0C. 6D. 4

Answer: A (7)SolutionCycle of 7 is

7 1=77 2=497 3= 3437 4= 2401If we divide 95 by 4, the remainder will be 3.

So the last digit of (7)95 is equals to the last digit of (7)3 i.e. 3.Cycle of 3 is

31 =332 =933= 2734= 8135= 243If we divide 58 by 4, the remainder will be 2. Hence the last digit will be 9.

Therefore, unit's digit of (7^95 * 3^58) is unit's digit of product of digit at unit's place of 7^95 and 3^58 = 3 * 7 = 21. Hence 1 is the answer.

Working out similarly for all other digits we get


1 1

2 4

3 4

4 2

5 1

6 1

7 4

8 4

9 2

10 1

Using the above table try answering the questions raised in the comment by a QuickerMaths follower, re-posted above.


Today I am going to share with you a special memory trick for trigonometry, mailed to me by Debasis Basak – a young Class IX follower of

By this method we can find out Sines and Cosines of different angles. It just requires your hand. Let’s understand this trick step by step -

Step 1

First mark the angles of 0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 on little, ring, middle and pointer finger and thumb of your left hand.

Step 2

On the palm of your left hand write the equation (x)^1/2 /2 or square root of x/2Step 3

On the left will be cosine and on the right will be sine. You will understand why you need to do this in the next step with an example

Step 4

Suppose, you want to find Cos30Fold the finger representing 30. i.e. ring finger of your left hand palm.

Count the numbers of fingers on the left of the ring finger, as per step 3. So since there are 3 fingers, x=3; put the value in the equation given in step 2

Hence, Cos30 = square root of 3/2

and Sin30 will be (sq. root of 1 /2) = 1/2


I appreciate the efforts of Debasis in sharing this trick with all of us. In case you want to share some quick calculation trick or technique, mail it to me at vineetpatawari [at] gmail [dot] com.

When applying the rules of multiplication of exact numbers to approximate numbers we waste time and effort in the computation of digits that will be dropped at a later stage. The computation can be made more efficient if we are guided by the following rules:

1.      Equalize the number of significant digits of multiplicand and multiplier. In case of 6.7428 * 23.45, round off 6.7428 as 6.743 to make four significant digits as in 23.45.2.      Start the multiplication with the higher digit places of the multiplier (not the lower digit places).  In case of 6.743 * 23.45, the multiplier is 23.45 and we have to start the multiplication with 2 and not 5.

3.      Before multiplication by the next place of the multiplier, cross-line the last digit of the multiplicand. (i.e.  3 of 6.743). That is, multiply 6.74 with 3 of 23.45. However, add to the result the rounded product of 3 of 23.45 by the discarded digit 3 of 6.743.

4.      Before multiplication by the next place of the multiplier, cross-line the last digit of the multiplicand. (i.e.  4 of 6.74). That is, multiply 6.7 with 4 of 23.45. However, add to the result the rounded product of 4 of 23.45 by the discarded digit 4 of 6.74. And so on.

5.      The resulting products are arranged so that all lower order digits are arranged one under another.

6.      Place the decimal point as per the rough estimate of the result.

Example:6.7428 * 23.456.743 * 23.45  (Round off 6.7428 as 6.743)----------------13486   (6743 * 2 = 13486. Strike out 3 of 6.743)2023  ( 6743 * 3 = 20229 which is written as 2023 for 674 * 3. Strike out 4 of 674)270 ( 674 * 4 = 2696 which is written as 270 for 67 * 4. Strike out 7 of 67)34        ( 67 * 5 = 334 which is written as 34 for 6 * 5.)----------158.13  (Place the decimal considering 7 * 23 is about 158)

158.1   (Rounding off the result to four significant digits)---------

Example:96.538 * 73.6496.54 * 73.65   (Round off 96.538 as 96.54)----------------67578   (9654 * 7 = 67578. Strike out 4 of 9654)2896  ( 9654 * 3 = 28962 which is written as 2896 for 965 * 3. Strike out 5 of 965)579 ( 965 * 6 = 5790 which is written as 579 for 96 * 6. Strike out 6 of 96)48        ( 96 * 5 = 480 which is written as 48 for 9 * 5.)----------7110.1  (Place the decimal considering 97 * 74 is about 7110)7110    (Rounding off the result to four significant digits)


inding the ratio of areas or volumes given the length of a side of a 2 or 3 dimensional figure was always a time consuming task. With the help of the knowledge you are going to acquire now, this will be a simple and quick task.

In any two dimensional figure, if the corresponding sides are in the ratio a:b, then their areas are in the ratio a2:b2

Two dimensional figures can be any polygon like square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezium, hexagon, etc. It can also be a triangle or a circle. The sides, referred in the statement above, can be length, breadth or even diagonal in case of a polygon. In case of a circle the sides will be represented by radius or diameter or circumference. In triangle it can be sides or height of a triangle.To understand the above concept let us take few examples:

Problem: The sides of a hexagon are enlarged by three times. Find the ratio of the areas of the new and old hexagon.

To solve this problem students normally assume the sides of smaller hexagon as x. Hence the corresponding sides of the enlarged hexagon become 3x. Then they calculate areas of respective hexagon using formula, Area = (3√3*x2)/2. Then they will find the ratio of areas of both the hexagons.Using the shortcut above, we know ratio of the corresponding sides of the two hexagons is a:b = 1:3

Therefore, ratio of their areas is given by a2:b2 = 12:32 = 1:9Problem: The ratio of the diagonal of two squares is 2:1. Find the ratio of their areas.Using the above shortcut, the ratio of their area will be 22:12 = 4:1Problem: The ratio of the radius (or diameter or circumference) of two circles is 5:7. Find the ratio of their areas.Using the above shortcut, the ratio of their area will be 52:72 = 25:49 

The same logic can be extended to any 3-dimensional figure like cube or sphere or cone or any other.

In any two 3-dimensional figures, if the corresponding sides or other measuring lengths are in the ratio a:b, then their surface area are in the ratio a2:b2andvolumes are in the ratio a3:b3

Problem: The sides of two cubes are in the ratio 2:1, find the ratio of their surface area and volumes.The ratio of their surface area is 22:12 = 4:1 and ratio of volumes would be 23:13 = 8:1Problem: The radiuses of two spheres are in the ratio 3:4, find the ratio of their surface area and volumes.The ratio of their surface area is 32:42 = 9:16 and ratio of volumes would be 33:43 = 27:64


Multiplication tables are a pillar of growing up no matter where you are in the world. Spending most of fourth grade learning

how to multiply up to 12 x 12 was a fun and exciting time, but I was never a fan of how long it took to multiply larger numbers. I didn’t learned the lattice method until later but as a fan of matrices in calculus, this alternative method of multiplication appealed to me. Here’s how it works:


Step 1) Draw a. grid 8 x 5 should give you enough space, and make sure it’s large.

Step 2) Reserve the top right of this grid for a 4 x 4 grid. Then draw diagonal lines as the image below shows. You should have many of those squares divided in half.Step 3) Enter the numbers you want to multiply in the grid.

Step 4) Multiply number by their respective places: hundreds by hundreds, tens by tens, etc. In this example, it would be 3 x 4, 7 x 9, and 1 x 2. Take the products of each of these and enter them into the corresponding square, placing the tens digit in the left triangle and the ones digit on the right triangle. If

there is no tens digit as is the case with 1 x 2, use 0 as a placeholder.

Step 5) Starting from the right (important), add up the numbers in each diagonal column and place them at the bottom on said diagonal column. Don’t forget to carry!

Step 6) Voilá! The product is 182532!Is this an easier or more tedious multiplication method for you?

Danielle, a busy college student, likes to solve word and math problems as a stress reliever. With a daily bombardment of information to process via email, billboards, and direct mail, she finds cerebral activity that requires logic to be relaxing and satisfying.


This is a guest post by Sudeep ShuklaThe statement- "When x is divided by z, it leaves y as the remainder." is represented in modular arithmetic as-

x=y(mod z)

It can also be interpreted as "x and y leave the same remainder when divided by z." This is also known as the congruence relation and we can say that "x is congruent to y modulo z."

There is a property of this relation which is very useful.Suppose x1=y1(mod z) and x2=y2(mod z), then-

x1.x2=y1.y2(mod z)

Now, coming to the original problem, suppose you have been given the seemingly tedious task of finding the remainder when and large number x^r is divided by z. Let us tackle this problem with an example.

Suppose we want to find 3^48 divided by 11. Do we go about computing 3^48 and then dividing it by 11? It might seem possible, but what if I take r=1,000,000? You surely wont find 3 raised to the power 1,000,000!

So what we do is we find a in (3)^(2k)=a mod 11 for every 2k less than or equal to r(=48).

Hence, 3^2 = 9 (mod 11)3^4 = 81 = 4 (mod 11)3^8 = 3^4.3^4 = 4^2 (mod 11) = 5 (mod 11) (Realize how easy finding 3^8 mod 11 was using the property stated above!)Similarly,3^16 = 5^2 (mod 11) = 3 (mod 11)3^32 = 3^2 (mod 11) = 9 (mod 11)

Now, note that 48 = 2^6 + 2^5 = 32 + 16.

So to find 3^48=a mod 11, we write a (mod 11) = 6*3 (mod 11). (Again using the property)

3^48 = 3^(16+32)= 3^16.3^32 = 3*9 (mod 11) = 5

Hence, we can very easily find the remainder, on paper, without using supercomputers, when a large number is divided by some smaller number.


fect of CompoundingThe Rule of 72 is a good quick math shortcut to find out the following –

o Time required for an amount to double itself, at a given rate of interest

o Rate at which an amount should grow to double itself in given time

This formula can be applied for “Doubling Problems” related to money, population, etc. which grows at an annual compounded rate.

Formulae1. To calculate the time; T = 72/R2. To calculate the rate of interest; R= 72/T

T = Time required to double a sum of money at the rate of R% per annum.

R = Rate of interest at which a sum of money gets doubled in T years.

Explanation of the formula  To find out the number of years required to double an investment in a fixed deposit which gives you 9% rate of interest compounding annually, divide 72 by 9.

For example, if you invest Rs. 10000 with compounding interest at a rate of 9% per annum, the rule of 72 gives 72/9 = 8 years required for the investment to become Rs. 20000; an exact calculation gives 8.0432 years. So there is small margin of approximation.

The above formula is more accurate at lower interest rates (say up till 10%). The approximation error starts increasing after that.

In case of continuous compounding, 69 instead of 72, gives more accurate results. However, in our day to day life the concept of continuous compounding is rarely used.

Guide to Online Schools has information on math classes.

LECTURE-10Algebraic Equations for Fun!There was a lot of positive feedback about thealphametic cryptatrithms, I posted a few months ago: so here is a little game that is based on the same idea, but with a different execution. This version is fun for those with a propensity towards algebra, and geared more toward middle school or high-school ages; however, if you are an adult, please enjoy them as well. There are a few less steps here than in the cryptarithms, but I’m sure y’all will get a kick out of them all the same!1. (DD)^E  = DEED

First, identify what you know. D=D and E=E. The sum is four digits. If we begin our trial and error and start with the numeral 1, we can infer that (11)E  = 1EE1. Now, to find E: We know that it can’t be 1, since D=1. 112 = 121. But, 113 = 1331. There is the answer!You can utilize a few math tricks here to eliminate some of the trial and error. Call upon old favorites like the square root trick, and don’t be fooled by simple mistakes (anything multiplied by 0 is 0!).

Here is another one:

ABCD x D = DCBAI’ll let you work your way through this one. Here are some more for you to work through and if you solve all of them, you can find more at 

Solve them all? Try writing one yourself and share it.

1.         CAT = (C + A + T) × C × A × T

 2.         ABC × DEF = 123456, if A = 1 3.         CL=LOGIC 4.         COW × COW = DEDCOWAnswers to the problems can be found on the link above.

Let’s start with most commonly used angles of Sin. The angles are 0°, 30° (π/6), 45° (π/4), 60° (π/3), 90° (π/2). For these angles we’ve to make fractions for which we’ve to write 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the numerators and write 4 in the denominator of each fraction. After that take the square root of each of these fractions and there you are. Refer to the table below for better understanding.For Cosine we simply have to write the results of Sin in reverse order. Refer to the table below. The values in the Cos row is in reverse order to that of Sin row.

Tan is very simple. You just have to remember that Tan=Sin/Cos. Hence, to get the value of Tan we’ve to divide values of angles of Sin from SinA row by values of angles of Cos from CosA row.


I am glad that of late, many readers have started participating actively in discussions (comments) under various posts. A quick calculation trick/technique/method from your side can also be posted on You just have to write it properly and send it to me at  Don't forget to write a brief description (2-3 lines) of yours, to be added at the end of the post.


Kaprekar's Constant6174 is known as Kaprekar's constant named after the Indian mathematician D. R. Kaprekar. 6174 has got a very interesting property. To know what that mysterious property is take any four-digit number. Arrange the digits in ascending and then in descending order to get two four-digit numbers. Then subtract the bigger number from the smaller number. If we keep on repeating this process we will end up in 6174. This process is called Kaprekar's routine. All the numbers will yield 6174 in 7 or less than 7 iterations.ExampleLet’s randomly choose any number, say 4518:

Now, arranging the digits in ascending and then in descending order to get two four-digit numbers.

8541-1458 = 7083

8730-0378 = 8352

8532-2358 = 6174

Hence we get 6174 in 3 iterations.

4651 reaches 6174 after 7 iterations:6541-1456 = 5085

8550-558 = 7992

9972-2799 = 7173

7731-1377 = 6354

6543-3456 = 3087

8730-378 = 8352

8532-2358 = 6174

Try it for any 4-digit number yourself and see if it works.

Questions1. For a specific set of numbers Kaprekar's routine will not work. Can you tell me what numbers

will those be?2. If you follow Kaprekar routine with any 3 digit number it will also result in one specific

number. Can you find out that 3 digit equivalent constant?3. The result of each iteration of Kaprekar's routine is a multiple of 9. Can you explain why?



Mathematics is something beautiful if you can see how interesting each natural number is. All numbers are interesting, but some numbers are more interesting than others.

In my earlier posts I have discussed about such interesting numbers –

Palindromes , Munchausen Number, beauty of numbers, Ramanujan Number

One such very interesting number is 153. I figured out few properties of 153 myself and felt proud on my observations. However when I researched more I was embarrassed at the paucity of my observations.  I swear now that each number is a study in itself.I am listing below some attention-grabbing and curious property of 153. For better understanding, I have linked certain terms to wikipedia-


Property 1

153 is the smallest number which can be expressed as the sum of cubes of its digits –

153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3

Because of this property 153 is called a narcissistic number (also known as a pluperfect digital invariant (PPDI), an Armstrong number or a plus perfect number) is a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits. Source: wikipediaProperty 2153 can be expressed as the sum of all integers from 1 to 17.

153 = 1+2+3+4+………..+16+17

Hence it can also be called a triangular number. Reverse of 153, i.e. 351 is also a triangular number, 153 can be termed as a reversible triangular number.Property 3153 is equal to the sum of factorials of number from 1 to 5 –

153 = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5!

Property 4Sum of the digits of 153 is a perfect square-

1 + 5 + 3 = 9 = 3^2

Sum of all the divisors of 153 (except itself) is also a perfect square-

1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 = 81 = 9^2

Property 5153 can be expressed as the product of two numbers formed from its own digits-

153 = 3 x 51

Property 6Square root of 153 = 12.369 is the amount of full moons in one year. Isn’t that interesting?

Other Observations on 153 –1^0 + 5^1 + 3^2 = 15

1^1 + 5^2 + 3^3 = 53

153 if added to its reverse351,we get 504.

153 + 351 = 504

Square of 504 is the smallest square which can be expressed as the product of two different non-square numbers which are reverse of one another:

504^2 = 288 x 882

I hope now you find the number 153 as interesting as I did.  I have purposefully not mentioned few other interesting properties of 153. Now the ball is in your court. Share more such properties with other readers by posting a comment below.


Many a times we have made 0.999….= 1. But we always thought it’s an approximation, they are not equal though.

It might be surprising for many of us to know that 0.999….. is actually EQUAL to the integer 1. It can be proved like this,

If x = 0.999..., then 10*x = 9.999... so by subtracting the first equation from the second, we get

9*x = 9.000...

Therefore, x=1.Here's another proof - The number 0.1111... = 1/9, so if we multiply both sides by 9, we obtain 0.9999...=1.

So by similar arguments, every rational number with a terminating decimal expansion has another expansion that ends in a never-ending string of 9's. So, for instance, the

rational 9/20 can be represented as 0.45 (the same as 0.35000...) or 0.44999...

General mathematical proofAny rational number can be expressed in such a way that the digit in each place of a decimal expansion is associated with a positive or negative power of 10. The k-th place to the left of the decimal corresponds to the power 10^k. The k-th place to the right of the decimal corresponds to the power 10^(-k) or 1/10^k.

If the digits in each place are multiplied by their corresponding power of 10 and then added together, one obtains the real number that is represented by this decimal expansion.

So the decimal expansion 0.9999... actually represents the infinite sum

9/10 + 9/100 + 9/1000 + 9/10000 + ...

Using the formula for finding the sum of infinite G.P. series i.e. {a/(1-r)}, we get,

(9/10)/(1 - 1/10) = 1

Hence 0.999... equals 1.

There can be many other proofs. Math enthusiasts are welcome to suggest more proofs. Alternatively if you can prove that they not equal, please post.


Traditionally, multiplication of multiple digit numbers is done as a series of multiplications that are eventually added together to form a final answer. The criss-cross method is a variation on this technique that allows for much quicker processing of the problem without the need for a calculator or extensive use of paper space. There are many situations, such as trips to the grocery store, where you will find a need to perform multiplication of odd numbers in order to stay within a budget as you shop.

This system of multiplication is adopted from Vedic Mathematics' URDHVA-TIRYAK SUTRA, which means vertically and cross-wise.To start with, we will look at a simple example just to get a grasp on the steps involved in the method. Later we will apply it to a slightly more advanced problem to show how to handle carrying numbers from one digit to the next. For now, we will multiply 111 by 111.111

x 111

First, you will take the right-hand digits and multiply them together. This will give you the one's digit of the answer, as shown below with the digits used encased in brackets.




* - -- 1

Next, multiply the one's digit of the top number by the ten's digit of the bottom number, and the one's digit of the bottom number by the ten's digit of the top number. Once you have those values, add them together, and you will have the ten's digit of the answer. The digits you multiply together are enclosed in the same type of bracket. This gives (1*1)+(1*1), so the ten's digit is equal to two.


x 1[1]{1}


* 321

For the next step, all digits of the number will be involved in order to find the middle of the answer. Multiply the one's digit of one to the hundreds digit of the other, and then multiply the ten's digit of both together, then finally add them all together. This will give you (1*1)+(1*1)+(1*1) for a value of 3. As above, the digits paired together are enclosed in the same type of bracket.


x [1]{1}


* 321

The fourth step is similar to the second step, just moved one place to the left. You multiply the ten's digit of one number by the hundred's digit of the other number. Again you will get (1*1) + (1*1), showing the thousand's digit of the answer is equal to 2.


x {1}[1]1


* 2321

For the final step, simply multiply the left-hand number of both numbers together to get a value of 1 for the ten-thousand's place.


x {1}11



To give a real-world example, consider that you want to buy 15 of some product for $1.25 each. You can consider 15 to be a three digit number, where the third digit is equal to 0.


x 015


* - -- -

You will notice that immediately you will have to deal with carrying over value from one digit to the other. This works very similar to regular multiplication

methods. You simply take any value in the tens digit of that step as an addition to the next step. When you multiply 5 by 5 in this example to get 25, you would place the 5 as the one's digit of the answer, and add the 2 to the next step to find the ten's digit. This makes the second step equal to (5*2) + (1*5) +2, for a total of 17. Use the 7 as the value for the ten's digit, and carry the one over to the next step. Here you would end up with (5*1) + (1*2) + (0*5) + 1, coming to a value of 8. This time there is no number to carry over, so proceed through the rest of the problem as normal. The thousands place is 1 via (0*2)+(1*1), and the ten-thousands place is equal to 0 via 0*1. This comes to 01875, then drop the 0 from the end.

As in regular multiplication, you count the total number of places behind the decimal point, and add the same number to the answer. This means the items would cost $18.75 to purchase.

Justin McGenity is a freelance writer, science geek, and self-proclaimed philosopher. His hobbies include studying, video games, and socializing. You can find him writing for such sites as Degree Jungle a resource for university students.

LECTURE-15Squaring any number ending in 9We can easily calculate the square of any number ending in 9 using the method described in this post. Let us understand this method with the help of an example –

Finding the square of 39Firstly add 1 to the number. The number now ends in zero and is easy to square.40^2 = (4*4*10*10) = 1600. This is our subtotal.

In the next step, add 40 plus 39 (the number we squared plus the number we want to square)40 + 39 = 79

Subtract 79 from 1600 to get an answer of 1521. To easily do such subtractions, subtract 80 (1 more than 79) from 1600 to get 1520 and then add 1 to get the answer as 1521.

1600 – 79 = 1521 is the square of 39. Answer.

Another Example of finding the square of bigger number ending in 9.

Finding the square of 159159^2 =159 + 1 = 160160^2 = 25600160 + 159 = 31925600 – 319 = 25600 – 340 + 125600 – 319 = 25281

Another Example,449^2450^2 = 202500 (use the shortcut Squaring number ending in 5 to calculate 45^2 and then put double zeroes in front of the answer)450+449 = 899202500 – 899 = 202500 – 1000 + 101 = 201601

To make sure that you have understood the above calculation shortcut, try finding the square of few numbers ending in 9 by yourself – 39, 119, 349.


Base method of multiplication derived from Vedic Mathematics can be applied for multiplication of two numbers close to 100.

This post in is in continuation of an earlier post named "Vedic Multiplication of two numbers close to hundred". Though you can understand this post stand alone, yet I'll recommend you to read the linked post before reading this one.In this post I'll explain how to multiply two numbers lesser than the base (in this case 100). In the earlier post it was about both numbers more than 100.

Multiplication where both numbers are lesser than 100Rule: Still remains the same as earlier. Here you go -You will get the answer in two parts

First part, to get left hand side of the answer: Add the difference between 100 and either of the numbers to the other number

Second part, to get right hand side of the answer: multiply the difference from 100 of both the numbers

Example93 x 94First part: 93 - 100 = - 7; Add this to the other number, thus 94 + (- 7) = 87

Or you can start with the other number 94;

94 - 100 = - 6; Add this to the other number, thus 93 + (- 6) = 87

Result will be same in both the casesSecond part:

Multiply the difference from 100 of both the numbers.

Hence, (93 - 100) x (94 - 100) = -7 x -6 = 42

Combined effect:  87  | 42 = 8742

*| is just a separator.


Example92 x 86

Step 1: 92 + (86 - 100) = 78

Step 2: (92 - 100) x (86 - 100) = -8 x -14 = 112

Combined effect will look like this: 78 | 112Step 3: Add the 1 (digit at 100s place) of 112 to 78

Answer: 78 + 1 | 12 = 79 | 12 = 7912


When One number is lesser than 100 and the other is more than 100

Same Rule as AboveExample96 x 103First part: 96 - 100 = - 4; Add this to the other number, thus 103 + (- 4) = 99

Or you can start with the other number 103;

103 - 100 = 3; Add this to the other number, thus 96 + 3 = 99

Result will be same in both the casesSecond part:

Multiply the difference from 100 of both the numbers.

Hence, (96 - 100) x (103 - 100) = -4 x 3 = - 12

Combined effect:  99 | -12 = 8742

Now to remove negative sign from the right side, we have to take one from the left hand side. 1 when shifted from left to right becomes 100. Thus we’ll have:

Combined effect:  99 – 1 | 100 - 12 = 9888

*| is just a separator.

Example89 x 113

= 89 + 13  | -11 x 13

= 102  |  -143

In this case, right side number is greater than 100, so we need to subtract it from next higher 100, i.e. 200. Hence, we’ve to take 2 from left hand side, so that we get 200 on the right hand side.

= 102 - 2 | 200 - 143

= 100 | 57

= 10057

Does this method makes such multiplications simpler for you? Leave a comment below to express your opinion.


’ll share with you one simple method of finding the square of numbers between 50 and 60. Like many other Vedic Mathematics methods, in this method also, we will get the answer in two parts. Since the numbers are in 50s and square of 50 is 2500, we will just use 25 in our calculations, ignoring the zeros.

1. To get the first part of the answer, add the digit at the units place to 25 and write the sum2. To get the second part, calculate the square of units place digit and write it

It’ll be easier to understand this with an example.To find the square of 57 –

First part: 25 + digit at units unit in 57 = 25 + 7 = 32

Second part: square of 7 = 49

Combining both the parts – 3249 is the answer.


Another way to look at it can explain you the logic behind this technique – 57 can be written as


= 50^2 +2*50*7 + 7^2

= 2500 + 100*7 + 7^2

=100*(25+7) + 7^2

You can replace 7 by any other number in unit’s place and get answer for it.


Multiplication Method - multiplying 2 numbers starting with same digit(s)This vedic maths trick will help you in multiplying two numbers when these numbers start with the same digit. For example 34

x 37; see their ten’s digit (starting digit) is same. Another example can be 234 x 232, see their hundred’s and ten’s digits (starting two digits) are same.

In one of the earlier post a similar method was described. In that like this trick the starting digit(s) should be same but at the same time the sum of digit at unit’s place should be 10 – please check that out - Vedic multiplicationLearn Multiplication34 x 37

To multiply 34x37, we know they are in the base 30. Hence the reference point (base) will be 30.

Step 1.

Determine how much more is 34 from 30. The answer is 4

Determine how much more is 37 from 30. The answer is 7

Step 2.

Either add 4 to 37 = 41 or 7 to 34 = 41.The result will be same always.

Step 3.

Multiply the resultant number from step 2 by the base, which is in this case 30

41x30 = 41x3x10 = 123x10 = 1230

Step 4.

Add to the resultant of step 3 the product of the numbers obtained from step 1. This will give you the answer.

1230+ (4x7) = 1230 + 28 = 1258


Another example,

23 x 29

From step 1 and step 2 above, 23 + 9 = 32 or 29 + 3 = 32

From step 3 : 32 x 20 = 640

From step 4 : 640 + (3x9) = 667

One more example,

234 x 232From step 1 and step 2 above, 234 +2 = 236 or 232 + 4 = 236

From step 3 : 236 x 230 = 54280

From step 4 : 54280 + (4x2) = 54288

using the above method can also be used for multiplying two numbers close to humdred

LECTURE-20Friends, this time it has been a long time I have written a post. I badly wanted to write one but because of very busy schedule I couldn't.

This post is one of the many areas where Vedic Mathematics really surpasses traditional methods as you shall soon see. This post is about dividing any number by 9.

We will start by taking an example

Divide 200103002 by 9We can initiate solving this problem by writing it as below -9) 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 | 2The symbol in front of the final 2 is not the number “1”, but a vertical bar “|”. This last position will hold the remainder, if any.

There are only two steps in this procedure.

Step 1:  Bring down the 2. It will look like this:

9) 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 | 2


Step 2:   Add the answer so far, the “2”, to the number on the upper right. For this example, we would add the “2” from the answer to “0”, the number on the above right. So we have:

9) 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 | 2

2 2

Now just repeat this process. Add the 2 to the 0, add the 2 to the 1, etc. We will end up with:

9) 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 | 22 2 2 3 3 6 6 6 | 8

Try a little advanced problem9) 3 2 3 6 0 5 2 | 2Step 1: Bring down the first number in the divisor.

9) 3 2 3 6 0 5 2 | 23

Step 2: Add the number on the above right and repeat. If we get carrys, put them in and don’t worry about them for now. So we will have:

9) 3     2     3     6     0     5     2 |     2 3   5   8 14 14 19  21 | 23

So, what do we do with all this stuff? Any number that has a carry, needs to be added to the left. Let’s do this starting with the “21” just after the bar.

9) 3     2     3     6     0     5     2 |     2 3   5   9   5   6   1    1 | 23

Now, notice that the remainder of 23 needs to be reduced until it is below a 9. There are two multiples of 9 in 23 with 5 left over. Therefore, we carry over 2 to the other side of the bar and add it to the 1. We will then have the answer:

9) 3     2     3     6     0     5     2 |     2 3   5   9   5   6   1    3 |   5

There is a little more work involved, but, still a lot less than the conventional way.

Example 1:  716769 ÷ 54.Reduce the divisor 54 to 5 pushing the remaining digit 4 “on top of the flag” (Dhvajanka so to say).

Corresponding to the number of digits flagged on top (in this case, one), the rightmost part of the number to be divided is split to mark the placeholder of the decimal point or the remainder portion.

Let us walk through the steps of this example:716769 ÷ 54 = 13273.5

1. 7 ÷ 5 = 1 remainder 2. Put the quotient 1, the first digit of the solution, in the first box of the bottom row and carry over the remainder 2

2. The product of the flagged number (4) and the previous quotient (1) must be subtracted from the next number (21) before the division can proceed. 21 - 4 x 1 = 1717 ÷ 5 = 3 remainder 2. Put down the 3 and carry over the 2

3. Again subtract the product of the flagged number (4) and the previous quotient (3), 26 - 4 x 3 = 1414 ÷ 5 = 2 remainder 4. Put down the 2 and carry over the 4

4. 47 - 4 x 2 = 3939 ÷ 5 = 7 remainder 4. Put down the 7 and carry over the 45. 46 - 4 x 7 = 1818 ÷ 5 = 3 remainder 3. Put down the 3 and carry over the 36. 39 - 4 x 3 = 27. Since the decimal point is reached here, 27 is the raw remainder. If decimal

places are required, the division can proceed as before, filling the original number with zeros after the decimal point27 ÷ 5 = 5 remainder 2. Put down the 5 (after the decimal point) and carry over the 2

7. 20 - 4 x 5 = 0. There is nothing left to divide, so this cleanly completes the division

Example 2:  45026 ÷ 47Reduce the divisor 47 to 4 pushing the remaining digit 7 “on top of the flag” (Dhvajanka so to say).

Corresponding to the number of digits flagged on top (in this case, one), the rightmost part of the number to be divided is

split to mark the placeholder of the decimal point or the remainder portion.

Let us walk through the steps of this example:

45026 ÷ 47 = 958.0

4 9 7 5

47 4 5 0 2 6

0 9 5 8 0

1. 4 ÷ 4 = 0 remainder 4. Put the quotient 0, the first digit of the solution, in the first box of the bottom row and carry over the remainder 4

2. The product of the flagged number (7) and the previous quotient (0) must be subtracted from the next number (45) before the division can proceed. 45 - 7 x 0 = 4545 ÷ 4 = 9 remainder 9. Put down the quotient 9 and carry over the remainder 9.

3. Again subtract the product of the flagged number (7) and the previous quotient (9), 90 - 7 x 9 = 2727 ÷ 4 = 5 remainder 7. Put down the quotient 5 and carry over the remainder 7.

4. 72 - 7 x 5 = 3737 ÷ 4 = 8 remainder 5. Put down the quotient 8 and carry over the remainder 5.

5. 56 - 7 x 8 = 0there is nothing left to divide, so this cleanly completes the division.In reply to the query of PratiushTo divide 716769 by 156:  Split divisor as 15 and 6

---------------------     11        17       12             12      15        9

15 6               71         6          7         6               9        0        0

----------------- 4         5          9         4               6        7        3

Answer:  4594.673

Remarks:  In the first step we have written that 4 ÷ 4 = 0 remainder 4 instead of 4 ÷ 4 = 1 remainder 0. Otherwise, in the following step, we would have to subtract 7*1=7 from 05 which is not possible.

This is an amazing trick which was always appreciated by the audience I have addressed in various workshops. This awe inspiring technique helps you find out the cube root of a  4 or 5 or 6 digits number mentally.


Before going further on the method to find the cube root, please make a note of the following points –

1) Cube of a 2-digit number will have at max 6 digits (99^3 = 970,299). That implies if you are given with a 6 digit number, its cube root will have 2 digits.2) This trick works only for perfect cubes, it will not work for any arbitrary 6-digit3) It works only for integersNow let us start with the trick to find cube root of a 5 or 6 digit number in vedic mathematic way.Say you have to find the cube root of 54872. It is known that it’s a perfect cube.Now divide this number into two parts. The right hand side should always have 3 digits. Remaining digits will come in left hand side. Do it as shown below.

54            |             872You know the answer will have 2 digits. Digit at tens place and digit at units place. We will get the digit at tens place using the left hand side of the original number (54) and digit at units place using right hand side of the number (872)

Step 1.Memorize these tables (very soon you will know why) –

Table 1: Cube of 1 to 10

Number Cube

1 1

2 8

3 27

4 64

5 125

6 216

7 343

8 512

9 729

10 1000

Table 2: Unit’s digit of Cube Roots

Cube Ends in

Cube Root Ends in

1 1

2 8

3 7

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 3

8 2

9 9

0 0

Step 2.For left hand side we need to use table 1. We have to see between which 2 numbers in the 2nd column do 54 lies. In this case it lies between 27 and 64. So we will take the cube root of the smaller number i.e. 27 which is 3.So 3 is the tens digit of the answer.

Step 3.For right hand side we need to use table 2. Since our original number (the perfect cube) ends in 2 (see 54872), its cube root will ends in 8.Thus the units digit will be 8.

Combining the results we get the answer as 38.

Thus (54872)^1/3  =  38

Try for perfect cubes like 185193, 42875, 1728.

You might also be interested in the trick of finding square root of any numberI hope you liked the simple trick to find the cube root. Leave your comments below .


Vedic AlgebraI have got a mail from some QuickerMaths follower, to illustrate usage of Vedic Mathematics in branches of mathematics other than arithmetic. This post is for that purpose only. Here I am

highlighting the usage of Vedic Mathematics in finding out the remainder when an algebraic expression is divided by another.

Finding out the remainder becomes extremely easy using Vedic Maths.So lets begin with a simple example -

Find the remainder when

x3 + 4x2 + 6x - 7 is divided by (x + 5)Solution:Step I: Put divisor equal to 0 .i.e.

x + 5 = 0

x = -5

Step II: The remainder will be f(x).

f (-5) = (-5)3 + 4(-5)2 + 6(-5) - 7= -125 + 100 - 30 – 7

= -62

Example 2: (Mx3 + 3x2 -3) and (2x3 – 5x +M) leaves the same remainder when divided by (x -4) Find the value of M.Solution:

Let R1 and R2 be remainder for 1st and 2nd equation simultaneouslyRl = f (4) = M (4)3 + 3(4)2 - 3 = 64M+ 45R2 = f (4) = 2(4)3 - 5(4) + M = M + 108They leave the same remainder. So,

Since, Rl = R2. We have

64 M + 45= M +108

Or, 63 M = 63

M = 1

Example 4: (Mx3 + x2 - 2x – N) is exactly divisible by (x - 1) and (x + 1). Find the value of M and N.Soln: When the expression is exactly divisible by any divisor, the remainder will be zero.

Now, the remainder, when the divisor is x-1, is

f (l) = M + 1 - 2 - N = 0          .

\M - N = 1                 ………….(1)

And the remainder, when the divisor is x + 1, is

f( -1) = M( -1)3 + (-1)2 - 2(-1) - N = 0-M + 1 + 2 - N = 0

M + N = 3                     …..(2)

Solving (1) & (2), we have,

M = 2, N = 1


A guest post by Dr. Cecily Zacharias from Oklahoma city, The United Sates of America. Currently she is an instructor at Oklahoma City Community College

Rules for divisibility of 7 , 11 and 13It is equally good for 11 and 13.

Step 1    Divide into groups of three from the right.                                                      245782          245  782

______________________________________________________________-1           1Step 2.   Write 1,-1,1,-1(alternate 1 and -1) in a row above the number          245       782( start at the right end  and go left)

____________________________________________________________-1            1

Step 3.   Divide each Group by 7 (or 11 or 13, whatever the divisor is )     245         7820             5

* You can avoid step 2, by simply subtracting first remainder from the second. In this case it will be simply, 5 – 0 = 5Step 4.  Multiply the corresponding numbers in the top row and bottom row and add     0x -1  +  5x 1   = 5** Step 4 can also be avoided. Step 5. a.  If the sum obtained is zero, The number is divisible by 7 (or 11 or 13 )b. If the sum is positive, then that is the remainder when we divide the number by 7 (  or 11 or 13 )c. If the sum  is negative, then add 7 (or 11 or 13 )  to get the remainder.The sum is always less than the divisor.In the example given, the sum is 5 . Which can be verified.When 245782 is divided by 7 by long division, the quotient is 35111 and remainder is 5.

If we test for divisor 11, the bottom row will be    3      1The sum of products of the two rows is -2. since it is negative , add 11 .So the remainder will be 9Actual division gives the quotient to be 22343 and remainder 9.

It is the same  method for dividing by 13 too.

If you want you can simplify the  steps 2 ,to 4 asFind the remainders in each group and alternately add and subtract the remainders starting from  the right. Then use step 5.


ou might have seen divisibility rules of various numbers. But most of them very conveniently skip the ones which are very difficult and a divisibility rule for which is very much

required.  This post includes the divisibility rule for some such numbers like 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 and 47. 

While reading this you have to be little patient. Read this carefully and try to apply it practically. If you master divisibility rules or tests explained below, I am sure these will come very handy in various examinations including competitive ones.

Divisibility Rules with Examples

Number Method Example


Subtract 2 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 7, the original number is also divisible by 7

Check for 945: : 94-(2*5)=84. Since 84 is divisible by 7, the original no. 945 is also divisible


Add 4 times the last digit to the remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 13, the original number is also divisible by 13

Check for 3146:: 314+ (4*6) = 338:: 33+(4*8) = 65. Since 65 is divisible by 13, the original no. 3146 is also divisible


Subtract 5 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 17, the original number is also divisible by 17

Check for 2278:: 227-(5*8)=187. Since 187 is divisible by 17, the original number 2278 is also divisible.


Add 2 times the last digit to the remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 19, the original number is also divisible by 19

Check for 11343:: 1134+(2*3)= 1140. (Ignore the 0):: 11+(2*4) = 19. Since 19 is divisible by 19, original no. 11343 is also divisible


Add 7 times the last digit to the remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 23, the original number is also divisible by 23

Check for 53935:: 5393+(7*5) = 5428 :: 542+(7*8)= 598:: 59+ (7*8)=115, which is 5 times 23. Hence 53935 is divisible by 23


Add 3 times the last digit to the remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 29, the original number is also divisible by 29

Check for 12528:: 1252+(3*8)= 1276 :: 127+(3*6)= 145:: 14+ (3*5)=29, which is divisible by 29. So 12528 is divisible by 29


Subtract 3 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 31, the original number is also divisible by 31

Check for 49507:: 4950-(3*7)=4929 :: 492-(3*9) :: 465:: 46-(3*5)=31. Hence 49507 is divisible by 31


Subtract 11 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 37, the original number is also divisible by 37

Check for 11026:: 1102 - (11*6) =1036. Since 103 - (11*6) =37 is divisible by 37. Hence 11026 is divisible by 37


Subtract 4 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 41, the original number is also divisible by 41

Check for 14145:: 1414 - (4*5) =1394. Since 139 - (4*4) =123 is divisible by 41. Hence 14145 is divisible by 41


Add 13 times the last digit to the remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 43, the original number is also divisible by 43.*This process becomes difficult for most of the people because of multiplication with 13.

Check for 11739:: 1173+(13*9)= 1290:: 129 is divisible by 43. 0 is ignored. So 11739 is divisible by 43


Subtract 14 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the result is divisible by 47, the original number is also divisible by 47. This too is difficult to operate for people who are not comfortable with table of 14.

Check for 45026:: 4502 - (14*6) =4418. Since 441 - (14*8) =329, which is 7 times 47. Hence 45026 is divisible by 47


In applying the above methods, stop repeating the step of adding or subtracting (as the case may be) from the remaining truncated number as soon as you realize that the truncated number is divisible by the given number.

While carrying the above process if during addition/subtraction any time the last digit is 0, that has to be ignored.

Also check out the divisibility rule of some other numbers.

Divisibility by 2: If its unit’s digit is any of 0,2,4,6,8.Ex : 100 is divisible by 2 while 101 is not.Divisibility by 3: If the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.Ex: 309 is divisible by 3, since sum of its digits = (3+0+9) = 12 , which is divisible by 3.Divisibility by 4: If the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 4Ex: 2648 is divisible by 4, since the number formed by the last two digits is 48 which is divisible by 4.

Divisibility by 5: If its units digit is either 0 or 5.Ex: 20825 and 50545 are divisible by 5.Divisibility by 6: If it is divisible by both 2 & 3.Ex: 53256 is divisible by 6 because it is divisible by 2 as well as 3.Divisibility by 7: If after subtraction of a number consisting of the last three digits from a number consisting of the rest of its digits the result is a number that can be divided by 7 evenlyEx.: 414141 is divisible 7 as 414-141= 273 is divisible by 7

Many different ways to test divisibility by seven have been devised. Some are long and complex, a few involve rewriting the digits, and one even consists of a grid-like box. We have chosen one of the more simplistic versions even though in almost every case it is quicker to merely perform long division.

Divisibility by 8: If the last three digits of the number are divisible by 8.Ex: 3652736 is divisible by 8 because last three digits (736) is divisible by 8.Divisibility by 9: If the sum of its digit is divisible by 9.Ex: 672381 is divisible by 9, since sum of digits = (6+7+2+3+8+1) = 27 is divisible by 9.Divisibility by 10: If the digit at unit’s place is 0 it is divisible by10.Ex: 69410, 10840 is divisible by 10.

Divisibility by 11: If the difference of the sum of its digits at odd places and sum of its digits at even places, is either 0 or a number divisible by 11.Ex: 4832718 is divisible by 11, since:(Sum of digits at odd places) – (sum of digits at even places)= (8+7+3+4)-(1+2+8) = 11Divisibility by 12: A number is divisible by 12 if it is divisible by both 4 and 3.Ex: 34632(i) The number formed by last two digits is 32, which is divisible by 4(ii) Sum of digits = (3+4+6+2) = 18, which is divisible by 3.Divisibility by 13:  Remove the last digit of a number. Multiply it by 4 and add it to the remaining truncated number.  Continue doing these steps until you reach a 2 digit number. If the result is divisible by 13, then so was the first number.Example: 113945-->11394+20=11414-->1141+16=1157-->115+28=143 (since this number is divisible by 13, you can say 113945 is also divisible by 13)

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14 + 12 = 26 is 2*13, so 113945 is divisible by 13.

Divisibility by 14: If a number is divisible by 2 as well as 7.Divisibility by 15: If a number is divisible by both 3 & 5.Divisibility by 16: If the number formed by the last 4 digits is divisible by 16.Ex: 7957536 is divisible by 16, since the number formed by the last four digits is 7536, which is divisible by 16.Divisibility by 24: If a number is divisible by both 3 & 8.Divisibility by 40: If it is divisible by both 5 & 8.Divisibility by 80: If a number is divisible by both 5 & 16.Next in this series, based on your responses, we will share the divisibility rules of 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47.

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