self examination by dorte erlingsson

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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Self-management: By Dorte Erlingsson Self-Examination: This is where we can learn how psyche and disease are linked and how our unconscious defense works can make us ill if we ignore the signals we receive.

Self-management requires strong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson


Your choice is your life, how do you choose? Personal

Our choice is our life, how do we choose? Community


Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson

Self-managementBy: Dorte Erlingsson.

1. Introduction

1.1 Problem Background.

When we talk about self-management, we also talk about self-awareness - culture and behavior.

We have for decades divided / separated man up in the body - mind and Spirituality. 1.

We have some doctors who are specialists in body matter psychologists who specialize in terms of mind and when everything gone mad, we seek guidance from the spiritual guides.

It has also been of great benefit to the specialists, it has given us a lot of new knowledge. But it has also made that we have become too parochial and thereby lost the gaze of how things worked and created.

The things we can transfer to our businesses and organizations. The companies will also set up several specialized managers and HR development for more specific areas, such as cooperation and results, or cooperation and resources, psychological work, bring down illness days, strategies etc.

This is where our behavior, culture and self-awareness come in. All communications ARE behavior and we are a product of our parents and our external environment. The behavior we learned as a child is often not appropriate as an adult.

We are constantly receiving signals from both our inner and outer. In order to be able to read these signals, we must be cleaned out in an amount blocking performances created by a desire to understand life .Life can and must not be understood. We must believe in life >> TRUST << if we want to live life, for if we do not believe we will understand, and then we come to block life through a variety of unconscious responsive defense mechanisms that we are not in contact.

Most people are reacting in defense against their true "feelings" This could create consequences. Both the physical, mental and materialistic.

You can begin to learn of today's events, as it is only you who know what you think and feel in the events that you experience in the absolute now.

Learn to communicate, so we not provoke each other's defenses. Learn to use a sense journal.

We do not see the world as it is, but as we are and from there we act.

How can you use management and collaboration for personal self-development?When you talk about positive thinking and positive psychology & innovative thinking, etc., are we living it? And how you live it!Why knowledge, strategy and planning do not go together? What <Copra communication>

1 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson

We know that the first two years of a child's life are the most important, because they are summary / foundation our continued growth.

Anxiety trained in defenses.

We learned that, anxiety is dangerous or unpleasant. Ex. The child of approximately, 2 years. Approaching the road, ugh – ugh beware, it's dangerous there runs cars. This phrase is often heard in various guises. Here trained child into that anxiety is dangerous. (Can cause anxiety to take responsibility and act as Adult)

Anger trained in defenses.

We ask the child, can you do the table, no answer child. Well, that you must. Here trained child up to, that limits is not good. (May cause lack of respect for themselves and others as an adult.)

Grief trained in defenses

Grief is often confused with self-pity, through lack of confidence and respect for themselves. Here we can see how we have been trained to distort reality. Read the top of the website Dorte Erlingsson EQ: We reap what we sow.

We have three basic emotions anxiety-anger-sorrow when we act truly on them we will experience joy. The consequence is that we can use to see if we acted in truth.

It is also about our unconscious building /training of communication. We can learn / trained to communicate, so we do not provoke defense works, but it means that we must become more self-conscious about the signals we send and receive in the team for our "Communication" and the courage to give constructive criticism.

I have studied 12 years of self-exanimation and taught. I will here give some of my own learning and experience.

1.2. Issue.

Our feelings are our inner GPS, but we express our feelings communicative.

When we talk about the external world and events, it is that our behavior is reflected through our memories and from there we create, from decisions and choices. The brain is like Google and come up with the proposals we learned to use as a child. But the brain does not know that what we learned as a child where defenses. So it just goes on to use the defenses we learned with emotion.

We are in a global crisis in most of the world. There is much talk about strategies and other options, but what is there, in fact the basis for the choices we have made? What is needed in order to balance the world economy, also in individual companies, both private and public? Its people that control, takes some choice

2 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson and leading decisions out. We reap what we sow, or to put in another way. What we send out is what we getting baking.

Here I will add a few tools and refer to my own experiences and use of emotion record, and what I've learned to uncovered my maps. I call it history.

Get an understanding of our own behavior and behavioral patterns, and what it does to us.

When we saw the anxiety we responded with joy or anger.When we saw the anger we reacted with anxiety or sadness.When we saw the joy, we reacted with fear or anger.

Here is some example from my own self-examination by feeling behavior Journal.

Ex.1. I came to work one day, and so that my assistant was standing and had taken one of the customers private. I was shocked and anxiety. I did not know what to say. If I fired her, I could run the risk that she would take many of her customers. I was irritable and angry. I tried to dodge her, she asked a few times if there was something wrong, but I just replied no, and stiffened just by the question.

"The fear that covers the anger, also called confrontational, self-importance, defense and so on."

Until one day when we both sat out in the back room. She confronted me and asked why I was so angry. I'm not angry, but a little later I crept to the issue and said that I had seen that she had taken a customer as a private customer. She admitted that it was wrong, but they were good friends, I asked if there were others I did not know about, as I would like to know it now. There were no others. But the incident sparked a confrontation with my own behavior. I had never experienced anxiety because all my life I had tried to suppress the fear. I become afraid of my own vulnerability, as webbing to distrust the faith of not being good enough, overshadowed everything. Is she better in myself, what if she left?

This was where my stress took over; I woke up one night and would put the covers over my daughter. "Here I learned the difference between self-important and take myself seriously ". I was paralyzed, I could not move or feel my body, it was like sitting on a carousel. This incident triggered stress. Infringements had piled up. A diagnosis of stress is everything we do not reach of our own. It's about the signals we receive and how we act on them. How do we perceive signals, positive or negative? The consequences are the answer to whether we acted positive or negative. This is where we can learn how psyche and disease are linked, and how our unconscious defense works can make us ill if we ignore the signals we receive.

How do we receive and how do we affected by communication. "Our internal map / history”.

EX. 2: A new colleague arrives at the company. The new colleague has extensive experience in other areas and begins advanced experience to new solutions and to do things in a different way. The staff of the company, is not exactly thrilled with the new proposals, especially one expresses his dissatisfaction. What we are used to do, works very well, so it is not necessary to change it. The reason may be fear of acting - could I figure it out - the fear of losing face, or does she thing, she is more than us /me. Any judgment contains condemnation also of our selves.

3 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson This is an example of many corporate limits where we limit ourselves and each other to grow. It can affect the psychological work and choice of decisions.

EX.3.The employee comes up to the manager and say. I think that the thing could well run the other way. The employee talks about his friend who had learned some tools to solve some problems or other ways of doing things. (The employee only quick look, they could be used at her workplace.) This is all about communication and how we unconsciously provoke each other's defenses. What we receive is a reflection of what we send out.

1.3. Problem definition.

Examples 1: Here I reacted with anxiety instead of anger.

Example 2: Here, she reacted with anger against fear. The self-awareness can be a godsend, when we become aware of our seemingly distrust, for only then that we can see how it limits us, and then it can become a force forward.

Example 3: Is about communication and how we unknowingly exceed each other's boundaries "Anger". We always believe that all do the best they have learned. This was an expression of an attack and it is in that "I THINK"

A constructive approach could be. I was with a friend, where she talked about how they did and grabbed the thing and end. "I got a feeling of" maybe we could use some of the tools, what do you experience?

This is not only about the conflict, but more about how we create them.

Using a sense journal, we will even be able to identify what it is really about. What does it do me when I see an experience or when she received the communication, in Example 3.

In Example 1-2. By communicative self-awareness and understanding of our feelings, the experiences we receive, we can use each other constructively, so that together we can grow, to the benefit of the individual themselves and for cooperation in companies and into the rest of society.

2. Boundary

I have instead the totality of communication "The managerial communication model" since I have worked with self-examination, self-understanding, self-management for many years. The knowledge has taught me to see connections, also called helicopter perspective. We do not need to dig into the past, when it's past has caught up with us, so we can just take today's events and start getting insight and clarity on our map / history.

2.1 What is self-management?

Self-management is to be able to manage ourselves and take responsibility. To do this, you ask yourself >> self- knowledge <<. What one experiences in a given situation. What you can learn from it and the feelings associated with. So here we begin to uncover our thoughts. If in defense or attack, as it will affect our spoken words >> Word -force and values <<. Here it is important to ask about the open questions wh-

4 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson words. When we work in this way, we will be able to strengthen each other in uncovering our blockages and restrictions and give motivation to the benefit of the individual self and the cooperation of the company to create value and achieve common goals.

3. Analysis

When I think of vision, I think first of all, what is the basis for what we have created? We are in a global crisis - about half of the Danish population is on free transfer income and more will follow. We lose more young people in our society. We have managed to create some fertilizer. How do we use this fertilizer, are we letting it be, and just builds, or draws we fertilizer out of the learning processes we create (we reap this we sow). We all know that if the foundation is not intact from the start, our vision -the project – the goal is often doomed in advance

3.1 Main conclusion.

I want to make a collection of the importance of self-management and self-awareness of our own behavior and perception of the experiences we create, as it may reinforce self-management and create a strong leader. We can by feeling the journal even begin to uncover our own defended works. (Map) The clarification can strengthen staff and managers in asking to the core and provide more clarity, confidence and strengthen communication going forward, to the benefit of good cooperation and working environment. We may here also strengthen communication by speaking I experiences "so we do not provoke each other's Defender's works. We must learn to say yes or no, because otherwise we let be.

Innovations Communication in learning processes.

Of course one can obtain comprehensive knowledge by reading books that tell of wisdom, but no one is wise by reading books. One can acquire extensive knowledge about all sorts of things without understanding much. It is not unusual that literate people can both remember and quote complex topics from the serious wisdom literature, but while many of them are obviously incapable of expressing even the most elementary wisdom in their practical life. Often they are not even able to treat their fellow human beings with reason, respect and care. No one is wise to remember what the wise says - only by doing as they say. It is only by practicing the philosopher's advice that one can find the way to "wisdom well" - the source that has animated all enlightened figures in the history of mankind.

I have often heard that wisdom is something you get when you get old. But that's not true! Wisdom is something you are born with, since it is a mindset, that is, the wisdom to see the difference in the experiences they are offered. (Wisdom is something you get when you stop it that would teach your surroundings and begin to learn of your surroundings. Receive positively)

We create problems and conflicts in order to learn from them! Otherwise we didn’t create them!

5 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson

I Image: Leadership in Practice 2. 2009

Application to CERN


Change management & new Leading culture

6 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson

Image: Leadership in Practice 2. 2009.

* Collection. Sensing of the experiences we have together.* Machining. Body signals what feeling we experience.* Cognition. To say yes or no. Open questions.* Handling. Clarification/action. Where should I / we go?

Learning focuses on the leader, employee and employee in between. Learning is basically an individual process, often in conjunction with other people.

Each person must themselves be proactive, to learn from everyday situations and be better to resolve conflicts and tasks.

New corporate culture

Learning - Leading - team development in business processes


What is the reason?How is the conflict arising?How do we reach the goal? Or where >> directional processes <<

I'm everything a company looking for in behavioral processes in decisions and self-understanding of copra communication

I have a high intuition & EQ. I have a distinctly divergent thinking. These qualities provide a unique insight in to see the totality of processes. I'm not clever, but certain. The link below can be used for inspiration.

7 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

Self-management requiresStrong leadership

By Dorte Erlingsson I can support the company >> boss, manager and employee processes << to streamline the quality of Learning - Leading - team development.

Yield: Strengthen the process of communication, action >> << choice and decision. Values in the working environment

Can you use these qualities in your business, then contact me at tel. +45 30 33 23 79 or Mail. Looking forward to work for you.

Best regards

Dorte Erlingsson. Tel. 30 33 23 79 mail. dorteerlingsson@gmail.comBehavioral Consultant. Holistic entirety in EQ - Values - Word-force.12 years’ experience with Self-management - Self-ExaminationNew business & society's cultureHow self-management and relations based cooperation will be implementedLearning - Leading - team development in business processesCoach & Consulting & Workshop, Lecture

8 Spirituality: The subconscious, that we cannot see, such as feelings, the bright side or the dark side, the balance cannot be seen, but measured as the consequences of our choices. Etc.

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