seth prosperity 豐盛之道 1

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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[ 豐盛之道 ]~ 富有人的信念

•摘錄自 ~《創造金錢》冥想 CD

*每 8 秒自動換頁~( 第一集 )

思想引導能量 ~能量追隨思想




我是豐盛的源頭。 I am the source of my abundance.

我專注於喜愛的事物而吸引它出現。I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.


My thoughts are loving and positive. 

我做選擇和成功的機會每天都在增加。My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.

我深愛並信賴我的想像力。I love and trust my imagination.

I am an unlimited being.I can create anything I want. 


我在腦海中描繪自己和別人豐盛的景象。I picture abundance for myself and others.

我活在豐盛的宇宙中,我擁有需要的每一樣東西。I live in an abundance universe.

I always have everything I need. 

我散發自重、寧靜、愛、自在和快樂。I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.

我透過喜悅、活力和愛自己來創造財富和豐盛。I create money and abundance

through joy, aliveness, and self-love.


我做的每一件事都帶給我活力和成長。Everything I do brings me aliveness and growth. 

我明白想要事物的本質,我能得到它。I know the essence of what I want and I get it.

每一件我創造的事都實現了我自己。Everything I create fulfills me. 


The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.

我凝聚能量對準我的目標。My energy is focused

and directed toward my goals.

我吸引金錢、繁榮和豐盛的磁力不斷增加。I am increasingly magneticto money, prosperity, and abundance.

我用能量來創造,好事總是輕易地來到。I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily. 

我相信並遵循內在的指引。I trust and follow my inner guidance.

我花時間靜默自省,我花時間靜默自省,我聆聽內在的指引。我聆聽內在的指引。I spend quite reflective time; I spend quite reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.I hear my inner guidance.

我總是處在天時地利之中。I am always in the right place at the right time.

我遵行我最大的快樂而行。I follow my highest joy. 

我用每一件我做的事情讓自己感覺光榮。I honor myself in everything I do. 

我總是選擇最光明的途徑。I always choose the path of most light. 

我以出於真誠地去做每一件事為榮。I honor my integrity in all that I do.

我是個成功的人,我讓自己感到成功。I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.

我經常恭喜自己。I congratulate myself often.

我原諒自己, 我知道自己已經盡力做好一切。I forgive myself,

knowing that I did the best I knew how at the time.

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