sexual harassment at workplace - meaning types and effects

Post on 09-May-2015






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Sexual Harassment at Workplace:

Meaning, Types & Effects


Sexual Harassment at Workplace : Meaning

According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment is:

“Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or

physical conduct of a sexual nature when: …

Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition

of an individual's employment, or …

•Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used

as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or …

•Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably

interfering with an individual's work performance or

creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working


Sexual harassment includes many things...

• Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault.

• Unwanted pressure for sexual favors.

• Unwanted deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, or pinching. • Unwanted sexual looks

or gestures.

• Unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature.

• Unwanted pressure for dates.

• Referring to an adult as a girl, hunk, doll, babe, or honey.

• Sexual comments.• Sexual innuendos or stories.

• Hugging, kissing, patting, or stroking.

• Sexually suggestive signals.

Types of sexual harassment claims

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), there are two types of sexual harassment claims:

1.Quid pro quo2.Hostile work environment

1. Quid pro quo harassment

Quid pro quo harassment entails expressed or implied demands for

sexual favors in return of some benefit or to avoid some detriment in

the workplace. This benefit could be a promotion, pay increase, etc.

detriment on the other hand involve termination, demotion, etc. This

type of harassment is perpetrated only by someone in a position of

power or authority over another (e.g., manager or supervisor).

2. Hostile work environment harassmentHostile work environment harassment interferes with an individual’s ability to

perform their job. It:

•Creates an intimidating, offensive, threatening or humiliating work environment

•Causes a situation where a person’s psychological well-being is adversely


It can be perpetrated by anyone in the work environment including a peer,

supervisor, subordinate, etc.

An employee can claim sexual harassment under one or both sexual harassment types.

1. Gender Harassment

Gender harassment involves generalized sexist comments and behavior that convey insulting or degrading meanings about women.

Examples include insulting remarks, obscene jokes about sex or women in general.

Seductive behavior involves unwanted, inappropriate and offensive sexual advances.

Examples include repeated unsolicited sexual invitations, insistent requests for drinks or dates, phone calls and other invitations.

2. Seductive Behavior

Solicitation of sexual activity or other sex-

linked behavior in return of a reward; the

proposition may be either overt or intended.

3. Sexual Bribery

Sexual coercion involves coercion of sexual activity or other sex-linked behavior by threat of punishment.

Examples include negative performance evaluations, threat of termination, etc.

4. Sexual Coercion

Sexual imposition means gross sexual imposition (such

as forceful touching, feeling, grabbing) or direct sexual


5. Sexual Imposition

Of the five explained behaviors, gender harassment is by

far the most common instance of sexual harassment at

workplace, followed by seductive behavior.

Be it of any type, the defining characteristic of sexual

harassment is that it is unwanted. It's important to clearly

let an harasser know that certain actions are unwelcome.

Effects of Sexual Harassment

Being sexually harassed can tell upon your physical,

psychological and vocational health. Women who

have been harassed often change their jobs, career

goals, educational programs or academic pursuits.

Effects of sexual harassment include:

Effects of Sexual Harassment: Psychological Reactions

Depression, anxiety, shock, denial

Insecurity, embarrassment, feelings of betrayal Confusion, feelings of being powerless Shame, self-consciousness, low self-esteem

Guilt, self-blame, isolationGastrointestinal distress

Sleep Disturbances, nightmares

Sexual problems

Effects of Sexual Harassment:

Career-Related Effects

Decreased job satisfaction

Unfavorable performance evaluations

Loss of job or promotionAbsenteeism

Drop in academic or work performance due to stress

What To Do If You Are Sexually Harassed?There is no standard way to respond to harassment.

Every situation is unique and only you can evaluate the

problem and decide upon the best possible response.

Family, friends, human resource professionals and

women's groups can offer information, advice and

support, but ultimately its you who can decide what is

right for you.

Just remember that ignoring the situation is not a solution. And



Place the onus of the blame where it belongs, i.e., the harasser.

Self-blame will only cause depression and will not help you or

the situation.

In case of sexual harassment you should:• Say NO to the

perpetrator! Be direct.

• Tell someone; don't

keep it to yourself. 






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