
Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Lesson One

Rock Superstars:

What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society

背景知识(Background knowledge)

Rock Music

A form of popular music that is characterized by a pronounced, amplified beat. Electric

guitars are almost always the main instrumental sound source. The modem rock band's basic

elements are one or more vocalists, an electric lead guitar and bass guitar and drums. A rhythm

guitar is often included, and many bands also use keyboards. "Rock-and-roll" was coined in the

mid-1950' s by a Cleveland broadcaster, Alan Freed, to replace "rhythm-and-blues"——a term

that Freed thought had too many racial overtones'. (It was being called "race music" in some

quarters at the time.)

Rhythm-and-blues was itself an updated, urbanized stylization of the blues, which had been

developed mainly by rural or country-oriented black musicians. When the music was renamed

rock-and-roll, it also underwent an elemental change, particularly when white performers saw

how eagerly young audiences responded. "White" music——that is essentially conventional

popular music with a decided country-and-western flavor——was blended with rhythm-and-

blues, and young people continued to hold a proprietary attitude about it. Rock went through its

share of phases and participated in a number of pop culture fads.

课文要义(Main idea of the text)

The author focuses on the social influences of the rock music in terms of sociology. By

contrasting different attitudes toward the rock among the young and adult audience, the author

points out that rock is served as an expression of social ideas, and also provides a debating stage

for different ideas. Rock 'n' roll stars express the young generation's viewpoints on various

political and social problems, and also help the society see its own beliefs and attitudes, and

express the young men's feelings and hope.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. sprinkle: v. scatter or throw sth. in small drops or particles etc. on (a surface); spread

Every morning the sanitation workers sprinkle water on the dusty streets. 每天早上清洁工


Sprinkle sand along the icy path. 把沙撒在冰封的路上。

2. adulation: n. excessive admiration or praise; flattery

The magazine is full of the fan' s adulation of their favorite pop stars. 杂志上充满了歌迷对


adulate: v. flatter

He respected science without adulating it. 他尊重科学而不迷信科学。

3. reject: v. put aside, throw away, as not good enough to be kept; refuse to accept

The ides that the earth is flat was rejected centuries ago. 地球是扁平的理论几百年前就被


The army doctors rejected several recruits as unfit. 军医拒收几名新兵,认为他们身体不


4. embody: v. express or give visible form to ideas, feelings, etc. ; include or contain sth.

To me, he embodies all the best qualities of a teacher. 在我看来,他身上体现了教师应有


It' s necessary for the officials to embody principles in actions. 对官员们来说,用行动体现


5. editorialize: v. announce editorial

All the local papers editorialized on the subject. 当地所有报纸都对这一问题发表了社论。

Youth editorialized against depriving poor children of opportunities to be educated. 青年报


6. bewilderment: n. state of being confused.

The child watched the noisy crowd in bewilderment. 孩子目瞪口呆地看着嘈杂的人群。

bewilder: v. confuse

The city traffic often bewildered me when I was young. 小时候,城市交通常使我不知所措。

7. urge: v. push or drive on, press sth. with requests and arguments

He urged that we should go. (He urged us to go.) 他催我们走。

They urged direct use of troops to try to suppress the movement. 他们敦促使用军队镇压这


8. drive: n. energy; capacity to get things done

He is a young man with brains, drive and initiative. 他年轻,有头脑,有精力,还有进取


The new headmaster is lacking in drive. 新校长缺乏魄力。

9. celebrate: v. praise; honor

Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout the land. 今天他的言行受到全国人


The deeds of many heroes are celebrated by poets. 许多英雄的行为受到诗人的赞美。

10. mirror: v. reflect as in a mirror

The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake. 静静的湖水映出岸上的树木。

The decline in his influence mirrors a drop in his prestige. 他的影响减弱反映出他的威信下


短语 (Expressions)

1. dressed in sth: wearing sth.

The bride was dressed in white. 新娘穿一身白色的礼服。

They wanted to be dressed in clothes of virtue. 他们想穿得道貌岸然。

2. act out: perform action which represent, and may help to release, the fears, etc

She acted out the role of wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她装扮作受冤枉的情人,


The actress has acted out the heroine's part in detail. 女演员把女主人公这个角色细腻地表


3. rather than: by preference or choice

These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这鞋不好看,但很舒服。

Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 与其让蔬菜烂掉,


4. sing of: to speak, tell about, or praise in poetry or songs

The poet sang of victory. 诗人歌颂胜利。

They sang of his brave deeds. 他们称颂他的英勇行为。

5. in return: as repayment

He gave her some roses in return for her kindness. 他送她一些玫瑰花答谢她的好意。

How much did he give you in return for your bicycle? 他买你的自行车给了你多少钱?

6. conceive of: form an idea in the mind

It is difficult to conceive of traveling to the moon. 很难想象去月球旅行的情景。

I can't conceive of your allowing the child to travel alone. 我想不通你为什么让孩子独自旅


词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. adulation, admiration

adulation: excessive admiration or praise, flattery 奉承

He received adulations from many people. 他受到许多人的奉承。

admiration: feeling of respect, warm approval 钦佩,佩服

She was filled with admiration for his courage. 她对他的勇气充满敬意。

2. argue, debate

argue: give reasons for or against sth. esp. with the aim of persuading sb. 争论

The lawyers argued the case for hours. 律师们对这个案子辩论了几个小时。

debate: formally argue, esp. defend one’s position and attack his opponent’s point of view 辩论

The House of Representatives debated the proposal for three days. 众议院就这个提案辩论了


3. arrogant, proud

arrogant: showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration for others 傲慢

It’s arrogant of you to assume you’ll win every time. 你自以为每次都能赢,未免太自大


proud: feeling or showing just or reasonable pride 骄傲

We are proud of our country. 我们为祖国感到骄傲。

4. conceive, imagine

conceive: form an idea, plan, etc. in the mind, often used in the phrase “conceive of sth.” 想

The ancients conceived (of) the world as flat. 古人认为地球是扁的。

imagine: form a mental image of sth. 想象

Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity? 你能想象出生活中没有电


5. confuse, bewilder

confuse: make sb. unable to think or act clearly 使……糊涂

They confused me by asking so many questions. 他们提了一大堆问题,把我都弄糊涂了。

bewilder: confuse, esp. by the presence of many different or complicated things at the same

time 因太复杂而使……不知所措,糊涂

I was totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle. 这个纵横字谜的提示完全把


6. ideal, idealistic

ideal: satisfying one’s idea of what is perfect, most suitable, unrealistic 理想的,不切实际

It is the ideal weather for a holiday. 这是度假的理想天气。

These are ideal plans for reform. 这些都是不切实际的改革计划。

idealistic: of idealism or of person who has high ideals 理想主义的,理想主义者的

He is too idealistic as a politician. 作为政治家,他太理想主义了。

7. mix, blend

mix: put together tow or more things to make sth. else 混合

You mix flour and water to make paste. 你把面粉与水和在一起,调制成面糊。

blend: mix thoroughly 融合

Blend blue and yellow, and you’ll get green. 把蓝色和黄色混合,就可以得到绿色。

8. ramble, rumble

ramble: walk for pleasure with no special destination 漫步,散步

I like rambling in the country. 我喜欢在乡间漫步。

rumble: make a deep heavy continuous sound 发出隆隆声

I heard thunder rumbling in the distance. 我听见远方雷声隆隆。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. They think he’s sick, sick, sick.

They think he is disgusting.(They think his performance is disgusting.)


2. Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and


Horowitz regards the rock music arena as a sort of arguing place, where people with different

ideas can argue with each other.


3. Newspapers editorialized against him.

Newspapers carry the editor’s articles criticizing him.


4. Most of the older viewers frowned, while most of the younger viewers applauded.

Most of the older audience were against it, but most of the younger audience were for it.


5. He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of an older generation.

He touched on change and the confusion of the elder people in his songs.


6. The Beatles urged peace and piety.

The Beatles strongly advocated peace and piety.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)


—— 关于我们自己和我们的社会,他们告诉我们些什么?


一— 摇滚乐评论家约翰·罗克韦尔


—— 小说家罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦

1972年 6月中旬的一天,芝加哥圆形露天剧场里观众如潮,群情激昂,狂摇猛摆。台上,




1973年 12月下旬的一天,大约一万四千名尖声叫喊的歌迷在华盛顿市外的首都中心剧





1974年 1月下旬的一天,在纽约州尤宁代尔的拿骚体育馆里,鲍勃·狄伦和乐队正在为音





































我们用什么来回报他们呢?当然是掌声与赞扬。在 1972年的一次全国性民意测验中,










补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

For two years the biospherians held their silence. Locked inside a palatial l l/4-hectare glass-

and -steel structure outside Oracle, Arizona—hut connected to the outside world by telephone,

television, computer and fax—they heard the reports hinting at scandals and cull connect ions.

They read the accusations of scientific fakery. They watched the parade of embarrassing—and

sometimes inaccurate— disclosures: the "hidden" food Stash, the duffel bag of covert supplies,

the fresh oxygen pumped in from outside. But through it all, almost nothing was heard from the

four men and four women living within the $ 150 million prototype space colony called Biosphere


Until now. Having completed their sojourn inside the largest self-sustaining ecosystem ever

built—and having set a world record for time spent in a sealed environment—the Biospherians

were more than ready last Sunday to come back to planet earth, or, as they call it, Biosphere l. Just

before their release»they finally began to speak out. For observers outside (including 600 tourists

a day who spent as much as $ 12.95 to peer through the glass), it is as if laboratory an imals

suddenly started to describe life inside the maze.

What did they talk about first? Food. From interviews conducted during the last week inside,

it is dear that the Biospherians (who lost, on average, 13.5% of their weight) became obsessed

with food—with growing it, gathering it, preparing it, consuming it. The plan was that the

Biospherians would grow their own abundant supplies of fruit and vegetables. But their garden

was designed by the crew's doctor, Roy Walford who advocates longevity through an extremely

low-calorie diet. As a result, they were often hungry --- a situation that seems to have put

everyone but Walford on edge. Tempers flared when the chili sauce got too hot. Crockery got

thrown the day peanut rations were announced. A crew member who cooked a distasteful green

sauce once too often was warned that the next time it was served he would wear it.

There was plenty to get upset about. Two years of unusually cloudy weather cast a pall over

the entire operation. The hummingbirds died, and so did the finches. The bees failed to pollinate

the squash, and mites feasted on the beans and white potatoes. One crew member, Jane Poynter

lost a fingertip in a thresher accident, (she was whisked out for emergency treatment and then

returned.) The rest came down with assorted complaints: diarrhea, back pain, eye and urinary-tract

infections and a cold that made the rounds until there was no one left to catch it.

The crew members were chronically Overworked and, until the oxygen supply was replenished

after 16 months, had less and less energy to work with. To liven up the drudgery, they used any

excuse to celebrate: a beach party near the ocean habitat, a picnic on a blanket in the savanna, a

dress-up party in clothes suddenly two sizes too big. Some of the researchers who ridiculed

Biosphere 2. are now making the pilgrimage to Arizona to see why so much oxygen disappeared

( apparently some of it was consumed by microbes in the soil and some combined with limestone

in the concrete). In five months eight more adventurers who see the power of Biosphere 2 will

pass through the .air locks. The period of their confinement has been mercifully cut from two

years to one.

palatial a. 宫殿似的,宏伟的

stash n. 存放处,贮藏处

duffel bag 行李袋

hummingbird n. 蜂鸟

finch n. 雀科鸣禽 (如燕雀)

pollinate vt. 给……传授花粉

thresher n. 脱粒机,打谷者

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:

(1) The Biospherians were suspected of ______.

A. being linked to some religious group

B. hiding food supply in the duffel bags

C. unknowingly falling victim to commercialism

D. being prevented from speaking their mind

(2) Biosphere 2 is______.

A. an exact copy of Biosphere 1

B. a genuinely self-sustaining ecosystem

C. a sealed ecosystem imitating the earth

D. a space colony high above the earth

(3) What bothered the Biospherians most seemed to be _____.

A. the bad weather

B. the bad diet

C. their bad press

D. their bad reputation

(4)The Biospherians must also have been provided _____.

A. a new supply of oxygen

B. a new supply of clothes

C. a new supply of peanut

D. a new supply of crockery

(5)Their clothes appeared much too loose-fitting probably because _____.

A. they went on a low-calorie diet

B. they lost too much weight

C. they suffered from diarrhea

D. they attended a dress-up party

I. 课后练习答案

A. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. They emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate.

2. The author attempts to illustrate that there are completely different ideas about Rock

Music between the young people and the adult.

3. Rock music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forum where American society

struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs.

4. Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s.

5. Bob Dylan spoke of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace and piety, and the Rolling

Stones demanded revolution.

6. Apart from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings.

7. They got applause, praise and money.

8. No, he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully.

B. Translate the following into Chinese:

1. 他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到前几排狂


2. 你如何看待这种赞美和英雄崇拜?

3. 你是不是莫名其妙地被这个怪异的小丑所吸引,因为他表现出你最疯狂的幻想。

4. 一些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答很能说明你在想些什么,你的社会在想些


5. 只不过是艾尔维斯设法体现了 50年代青少年那种失落的精神风貌。

6. 感情,作为任何音乐形式的一个组成部分,是个永恒的主题。

7. 这一乡村气息,赫罗威次感到,帮助听众表达了一种“逃避现实”,“重归往


8. 在 1972年进行的一次全国性民意调查中,有 10%以上的高中男生和 20%以上的


C. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below,

changing its for when necessary.

1. embodied 2. act out 3. sprinkled 4. sweltering

5. idle 6. rejected 7. rather than 8. Reverence

D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete each of the following


1. debating 2. proud 3. mix, blend 4. conceive

5. were dressed 6. idealistic 7. admiration 8. rumbling

E. Explain the underlined words in English

1. disgusting,

2. The editor wrote against him.

3. the confusion of the old people

4. stress on peace and piety

5. the poems praise the simple joys of life

6. reflect feelings and benefits

7. a place where various ideas are confronted and noisily debated

8. other successful rock stars recently

F. Translate the following into English

Rock music began in America in the late 1950' s. It was not only a new musical form, but a

debating forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life. In this forum,

the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights, war arid peace, the disaffection of

their society, and a range of emotions between love and hate. All in all, in this forum, the

American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society. The typical representatives of

the early rock music were Elvis Presley, singer and poet Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Rolling

Stones and so on. They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped.

G. Write a short passage

I agree that rock is the music of the teenage rebellion.

First, rock music turns out to be a great attraction mainly to the teenagers rather than to the

adults. The super rock star, Elvis Presley was praised and applauded by the younger generation,

while he was criticized by editorials, banned by TV networks and refused by the older generation.

Second, the rock music was adored and even worshiped mainly by the teenagers rather than

by adults. Alice Cooper’s ending of his act by pretending to end his life with a guillotine was

considered marvelous by a young girl dressed in black. Fourteen-year-old Mike Perlie went to

attend the rock concert, while his parents didn't, who thought Alice Cooper was sick and find it

hard to bear his singing.

According to one national opinion poll conducted in 1972, more than 10% of high school

boys and 20% of the girls regarded a super rock Star as their hero.


1. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

Lesson Two

Four Choices for Young People

背景知识(Background knowledge)

Stanford University

It is a private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Stanford, California. It was founded

in 1885 by Leiand and Jane Stanford, after the death of their only child. Stanford maintains branch

campuses in France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and England. About half of its undergraduates study

overseas at them for six-month periods. Advanced-study centres are maintained in Japan, Taiwan,

and several other countries. The departments of the university are organized into schools of law,

medicine, education, engineering, business, earth sciences, and humanities and sciences. The

students, nearly equally divided between undergraduates and graduates.

课文要义(Main idea of the text)

The author points out such kinds of social problems as social disorder, poverty, injustice and

war. The young generation is doubtful and dissatisfied with the society. They take various ways to

express their attitudes and beliefs. Some of them drop out of the traditional society and refuse to

take any social responsibility, living an undignified kind of parasitic life. Some of them flee from

cities, living a primitive life in the desolated country. Some of them even try to change the society

by force. Even though they might succeed eventually, they cannot make their dreams realized, but

only to resume the old way of life under a new name of the state. The best choice for the young

people to make is to change the world gradually, one clod at a time.


1. expedient n. means of achieving an aim 权宜之计,应急手段

adj. to be useful for a purpose 有用,可取

They resorted to various expedients to get the money together. 他们采取了各种应急办法筹款。

Aspirin is useful expedient for dulling minor pain. 阿司匹林是缓解较轻疼痛的有用应急药物。

In times of war governments do things because they are expedient. 战争时期政府做一些事情,


expedience (cy) n. suitability for a purpose 适宜,有利

Act from expedience, not from principle. 因有利而行事,并非根据原则。

2. distasteful adj. disagreeable, unpleasant 讨厌的,令人不快的

distasteful behavior 讨厌的行为 a distasteful incident 使人不快的事

It is distasteful to me to have to say this. 我不得不这样说,使我很不愉快。

distaste n. dislike 不喜欢,讨厌

He turned away in distaste. 他厌恶地转过脸。

3. symbolize v. make use of a symbol for 象征

Dove symbolizes peace. 鸽子象征着和平。

The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower. 那诗人用花象征他的爱人。

symbol n. image or object that suggests sth. else 象征,标志

The lion is the symbol of courage. 狮子是勇武的象征。

symbolic adj. using a symbol 象征(性)的

The cross is symbolic of Christianity. 十字架是基督教的象征。

4. contribute v. give one’s share of (money, help, advice, etc.) to help a joint cause, 捐助,贡献

Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. 人人都应尽自己的能力作贡献。

The chairman encourages everyone to contribute to the discussion. 主席鼓励大家参与讨论。

5. disillusionment n. freedom from illusions 幻灭,醒悟

disillusionment of Americans with the American way of life 美国人对美国生活方式的幻灭

The best young men in their disillusionment will drift to other jobs. 最优秀的青年在失望之余


disillusion v. set free from mistaken beliefs 使觉醒,使幻想破灭

They had thought that the new colony would be a paradise, but they were soon disillusioned. 他


6. accomplish v. succeed in doing sth., finish successfully 实现,完成

He is a man who will never accomplish anything. 他是一个永远一事无成的人。

We can accomplish whatever you can accomplish, and with better results. 你们能做到的事情,


7. remedy

v. put or make right (anything bad) 纠正,补救

The situation could not be remedied. 情况已无可挽救。

We are prepared to do whatever necessary to remedy the losses. 我们准备采取一切措施弥补损


n. a way of curing (pain or disease); a way of setting right (anything bad) 消除病痛的治疗;纠


I often use herbal remedies. 我常用草药治病。

He found a remedy for his grief in constant hard work. 他找到了排忧解愁的方法,就是一刻


8. loom v. appear in an indistinct and often threatening way; appear important or threatening 隐


The mountains loomed blue-green over the valley. 影影绰绰的苍翠山峦俯视着山谷。

The prospect of war loomed large in everyone’s mind. 战争将起的庞大阴影威慑人心。

9. clutter v. fill or cover sth. in an untidy way 胡乱填满、塞满

Don’t clutter up my desk. I’ve just tidied it. 不要在我的书桌上乱放东西,我刚收拾好。

His head is cluttered with useless facts. 他满脑子杂七杂八的闲事。

10. dwindle v. become gradually less or smaller 逐渐变少或变小

Their savings have dwindled away to nothing. 他们的存款已减少到分文不剩。

My voice dwindled into silence. 我的声音越来越弱,最后一点也听不见了。

短语 (Expressions)

1. do without: (oft. Used with can and could) manage without sb. / sth. 没有也行

He can’t do without the service of a secretary. 他不能没有秘书的协助

If we can’t afford a car, we’ll just have to do without one. 我们要是买不起车,也就只好不用


2. strike sb. as sth.: have an effort on sb.; impress sb. 对某人产生效果;给人留下印象

The plan strikes me as ridiculous. 我觉得这个计划荒谬可笑。

The house strikes you as welcoming when you go in. 这所房子一进去就感到很舒服。

3. drop out (of sth.): withdraw from conventional society; leave school, etc. without finishing

one’s courses 脱离传统社会;中途退学

Hippies dropped out completely. 嬉皮士们完全逃避社会现实。

She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year later. 她得到了剑桥大学的奖学金,


4. come off: (of a plan, scheme, etc.): have the intended effect or result; take place 成功;达到预


His attempt to break the world record really came off. 他想要打破世界记录,也接近成功。

The film doesn’t quite come off. 这部电影不很成功。

5. cleanse sb. of sth.: make thoroughly clean 彻底清洗

She felt cleansed of her sin after confession. 她忏悔之后觉得自己的罪洗清了。

The minister’s soothing words cleansed my heart of guilt. 牧师的一席话消除了我的负罪感。

6. break down: collapse; cease to function because of a mechanical or electrical fault; lose control

of one’s feelings 瓦解;失效;感情失控

Our car broke down on the freeway. 我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。

He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 他听了这个消息,不禁失声痛哭起来。

7. down on sb.: gradually become clear to someone’s mind; become evident to sb. 逐渐明白

It finally dawned on me that he had been lying. 最后我才明白他一直在撒谎。

The truth finally dawned on him. 他最终明白了真相。

8. on one’s hands: resting on ones as a responsibility 有本人负责

She has a large family on her hands. 她有许多子女要照顾。

He has got much time on his hands. 他有许多时间可以自由支配。

9. for all: in spite of; despite 尽管

For all you say, I think she’s the best teacher we’ve got. 不管你怎么说,我仍然认为她是我们


He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that. 他有钱有势,尽管如此他并不


10. run out of sth): (of a supply of sth.) be used up, finished; (of a person) use up or finish 用


We are running out of petrol. 我们的汽油快用完了。

Our time is running out. 我们剩下的时间不多了。

11. batten on sb./ sth. thrive or live well at the expense of sb./ sth. 损及别人或某物以利己

She avoided having to work by battening on her rich relatives. 她仗着她那有钱的亲戚而不必


The capitalists batten on the blood of the workers. 资本家靠榨取工人的血汗养肥自己。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. sight, glance

sight: n. ability to see; action of seeing 视力;看见

Some drugs can affect your sight. 有些药物会影响视力。

Their first sight of land came after ten days at sea. 他们在海上十天之后首次看到陆地。

glance: n. quick look 一瞥

She walked off without a glance in my direction. 她扬长而去,都不朝我这儿看一眼。

2. relevant, relative

relevant: connected with what is being discussed, what is happening, what is being done 有关


the facts relevant to the case 与案件有关的事实

I don’t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion. 我认为他的话不切我们的议题。

relative: having a connection with sth; referring to sth. 与某事有关的,涉及某事的

the facts relative to the problem 与问题有关的事实

Keep your comments relative to what is under discussion. 把你的发言集中在正在讨论的问题


区别:relevant 可用作定语,如:a highly relevant suggestion 密切相关的建议

relative 作定语只用于语法术语,如:a relative pronoun 关系代词

3. exasperate, exhi;arate

exasperate: irritate or annoy (sb.) greatly 激怒,恼怒

That child exasperated me. 那孩子让我很生气。

She was exasperated at / by his stupidity. 她因为他愚笨而发怒。

exhilarate: make sb. feel very happy or lively 使人愉快或活跃

We felt exhilarated by our walk along the beach. 我们沿着海滩散步感到心旷神怡。

4. noisome, noisy

noisome: offensive, disgusting 令人不快的,令人讨厌的

They are most noisome politicians of that century. 他们是那个世纪最令人厌恶的政客。

noisy: full of noise 喧闹的,嘈杂的

I can’t work in here ---- it’s far too noisy. 我无法在这里工作,太吵了。

5. live, inhabit

live: vi. make one’s home 居住,住

live at home, in London, in a flat 住在家中,伦敦,公寓

inhabit: vt. live in, occupy 居住于, 占据

He inhabited a small two-room flat. 他住在一套两室的小公寓里。

6. clutter, jumble

clutter: fill or cover sth. in an untidy way 胡乱地塞满或覆盖

Don’t clutter(up)my desk ---- I’ve just tidied it. 不要在我的书桌上乱放东西,我刚收拾好。

jumble: mix in a confused way 胡乱混在一起

Toys, books, shoes and clothes were jumbled (up) on the floor. 玩具,书,鞋,衣服都杂乱地


8. appeal, attraction

appeal: ① earnest request 恳求,呼吁 ② attractiveness, interest 吸引力,兴趣

The mayor launched an appeal the public to give blood to the victims of the disaster. 市长向公


This kind of music hasn’t much appeal for me. 这种音乐对我没什么吸引力。

attraction: action or power of attracting 吸引,吸引力

The television has little attraction for me. 电视对我没什么吸引力。

9. wholesome, healthy

wholesome: good for one’s health or well-being 有益于健康的

plain but wholesome meals 清淡而有益于健康的饭菜

Milk is very wholesome. 牛奶对健康大有好处。

healthy: having good health 健康的

a healthy child, tree 健康的孩子,茁壮的树木

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries.

It’s obvious that he states the views of a lot of people of his time.


2. The people responsible are, presumably, the adults who have been running things.

Probably it is caused by the adults who have been controlling the world.


3. This strategy also has ancient antecedents.

Our ancestors also conducted this practice to run away from cities.


4. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life --- but in

general the stream of migration of flowing the other way.

Only some rich men can escape to the countryside. They own farms but hire others to do most of

farming. But generally speaking people are moving in a large number from the countryside to

the cities.


5. It has the even greater appeal of simplicity: “Since this society is hopelessly bad, let’s smash it

and build something better on the ruins.”

This strategy is simple so that it has the even greater attraction. As this society is ruined without

any hope, we’d rather destroy it and build a better one instead.



6. Instead it dawns on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.

Instead people still take up the work as before, need the same food to live on and the same waste



7. At first glance, this course is far from inviting.

When examined for the first time, this way is lacking in attraction.


8. So Jim Binns’ generation has a formidable job on its hands. But not, I think, an insuperable one.

So Jim Binns’ generation has a difficult job to cope with. But I don’t think it can’t be overcome.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)







































































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

“Islamic law is very good for the equality of woman,” said Dr. Badria al-Awadhi, Kuwait’s

first woman law professor, “but the people who interpret the Islamic law are men. And they try to

do it in a way that is right for them and not for us.”

"Us" are the women of Kuwait, many of whom are becoming educated, some of whom have

professional careers, and none of whom is allowed to vote. Like women in other westernizing

Third World societies, Kuwaiti females are demanding their rights and overturning conventions.

But in a country where until recently women were shrouded behind black veils, progress can be

agonizingly slow.

"We are the sacrificial generation, "Dr. al-Awadhi said. "We wanted to prove ourselves as

women, that we are equal, that we could do the same job as men. But at the same time, we lost

one thing—the family. Most of us in this position, I could say, are not married."

Dr. Badria al-Awadhi, the first female dean of Kuwait University's School of 1aw and

Shariah (Islamic law), is in a profession totally dominated by men. At 35, she is responsible for a

law .school faculty of 42 men. With a doctorate in international law and a wide record of

publications, Dr. al-Awadhi said her male colleagues, many of whom are non-Kuwaitis, didn't

resist that much.

But like all pioneers, she paid a price. "I feel that I gave up making my own family for my

degree," said the doctor of law at her desk in the cavernous office. "I had to balance two things—a

husband and children or this career. I prefer to be a career woman. Men my age didn't want to

marry a woman who was on the same level as them," she said while her two male secretaries

brought papers to sign." They took those lower than them. Society in the Arab east looked on a

man very badly if his wife was on the same level as him."

Educated women even found difficulties with prospective mothers-in-law. "When you marry

here, you marry the whole family," said Dr. al-Awadhi. "The husband usually took the wife to live

with his family. So if you're a man and you have a very educated wife and your mother doesn't

know how to read—well, it is very difficult."

The problems she faced may not confront Dr. al-Awadhi's female students. Females make up 51

percent of Kuwait University's students, and they attend classes wearing the latest fashions of

Paris and Rome. "Before, a man had to choose between educated and non-educated, "Dr. al-

Awadhi said. "Now almost all young women are educated. A man doesn't have choice anymore."

Dr. al-Awadhi was one of six children of a wealthy Kuwaiti trader, who died when she was

young. Her elder brother, now Kuwait's minister of health (1980), pushed her and her sisters to

take up a profession. When the parliament is in session. Dr. al-Awadhi lobbies the all-male

leadership of Kuwait to grant women the right to vote and hold office.

Islamic a. 伊斯兰教的

Kuwaiti a. 科威特的 n. 科威特人

shroud v. 覆盖,掩蔽

cavernous a. 洞穴状的

lobby v. 对(议员等)进行疏通活动

1. Choose the correct answer according to content:

(1) This article is about____.

A. Islamic life in modern-day Kuwait

B. social changes in Kuwait

C. problems faced by professional women in Kuwait

D. education in Kuwait

(2) Why is Dr. Badria al-Awadhi referred to as a pioneer?

A. Because she is one of the first highly educated Kuwaiti women.

B. Because she has an adventurous spirit.

C. Because she is not afraid to try new things.

D. Because she was a wealthy Kuwaiti trader's daughter

(3) Why do you think the writer mentions that female students today "attend classes wearing

the latest fashions-of Pairs and Rome"?

A. To show that they are well dressed.

B. To show that other social customs are changing, too.

C. To show how wealthy Kuwaitis are.

D. To show that many overseas goods are sold 'in Kuwait.

(4) Which statement is NOT true?

A. Social customs in Kuwait are changing.

B. There is resistance to social change in Kuwait.

C. Women in Kuwait will not obtain equality very soon.

D. Social change occurs quickly.

(5) The writer of this article is ______.

A. sympathetic to educated Kuwaiti women

B. sympathetic to the position of Kuwaiti men

C. critical of the position of educated women in Kuwait.

D. subjective to the social change in-Kuwait


A. l. They think that the world is in pretty much of a mess, full of injustice, poverty, and war.

2. "Drop out" means rejecting conventional social values and withdrawing from social

responsibilities. The drupouts lead a parasitic way of life because they batten on the society

and in which they take no responsibility.

3. Unlike the dropouts, they are willing to support themselves and to contribute something to

the general community.

4. Because our planet is running Out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes.

5. Those who have no patience with the tedious workings of the democratic process or who

believe that basic institutions can only be changed by force.

6. Because they lived, in bitter disillusionment, to see the establishment they had overthrown

replaced by a new one, just as hard-faced and stuffy.

7. Such as problems of racial justice, of keeping cities from becoming uninhabitable, of coping

with war in unfamiliar guises and of population explosion.

8. The fourth alternative is to try to change the world gradually, one clod at a time. The author

favors this alternative because it sometimes brings about the desired result.















C. 1. satisfying 2. cleansed 3. symbolize 4. ran out of

5. striking 6. insoluble 7. disappointed 8. virtually

D. 1. glance 2. relative 3. exasperated 4. noisome

5. inhabited 6. cluttered 7. ideal 8. appeal

E. 1. were just as nervous about the American society' .run by adults

2. they are not the person supported by society and gtvirig it nothing in return.

3. also has its practitioners in the old days

4. all its unpleasant and nervous things

5. their victory never begins to grow light on the sliming new world

6. this strategy is not attractive at all

7. putting right some of the world's extreme violence or cruelty than any other strategy can be

found .

8. another one appears great just before you.

F. The American young people in the 1960's belonged to a rebellious generation. They saw that

America, the affluent society was full of poverty, inequality and hypocrisy. They didn't believe in

this adult world which did not belong to them, and refused to follow its beliefs and values. Many

young people took active part in the wars against poverty, against racial discrimination and

against Vietnam War. Some young people even attempted to overthrow the establishment by

force. While many other young people expressed their disaffection in a passive way, and they.

used drugs, lived a parasitic life without taking any responsibility in society, or escaped to the

unspoiled country to live a rather primitive communal life.


The fourth choice for young people to make is to try to change the world gradually, one clod at a


I agree with the author that this alternative lacks attraction at first glance. It promises no quick

results and has to rely on the annoying and uncertain persuasion from agents and democratic

decision making. It requires patience, which people are always short of. But in a particular time and

place it does work. It is more likely to overcome some of the social problems than any other

available choice.

As we know, one has to lead a rather undignified life, if he makes the choice to drop out to live a

parasitic life. It's no longer practical if one chooses to flee and to have a more primitive way of life.

And those in favor of armed revolution are destined to feel disappointed whether they succeed or

not. Since revolution can not eventually bring forth a bright future they dreamed of.

What I disagree with the author is that in a particular time and place —— only an armed revolution

can work which has been evidenced by the May-Forth Movement against the feudal system in the

1920s. And it's also evidenced by the Anti-Japanese War in the 1940s.


1. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A

Lesson Three

The Use of Force

Background knowledge

William Carlos Williams

American poet, who was one of the leading 20th century literary figures in the United States., His

father was a British businessman and mother of French and Spanish extraction. He was educated at

the Horace Mann School in New York City and in Switzerland before attending the university of

Pennsylvania, from which, he received a medical degree in 1906. While still a practicing

physician, .Williams achieved international fame as a prolific writer of poetry, fiction and critical

essays that earned him a leading and influential position in contemporary American literature.

Unlike the imagists, in whose publications his poems first came to public notice, Williams leaned

strongly from the beginning on American material and on a diction and free material rhythm

modeled on American speech. Williams' In the American Grain (1925) analyzed the American

character and culture through essays on historical figures. Three novels form a trilogy about a

family--White Mule (1937), In the Money (1940), and The Build-Up (1952). Among his notable

short stories are "Jean Beicke," "A Face of Stone," and "The Farmers' Daughters." His play A Dream

of Love (published 1948) was produced in off-Broadway and academic theatres. Williams'

Autobiography appeared in 1951, and in 1963 he was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize in

poetry for his Pictures from Brueghel, and Other Poems (1962). William Carlos Williams, by the

poet Reed Whittemore, was published in 1975.

Main idea of the Text

Mathilda's parents doted on her very much, which formed , her capricious disposition. The girl did

not see terrible result of diphtheria, she refused to be found her condition of disease by the doctor.

She tried to resist the doctor' s examination. The intransigent reaction of the doctor resulted from his

social responsibility, his authority as a doctor as well as the challenge of his respect.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. startle: v. give a shock of surprise to, cause to move or jump 使吃惊,惊动

She was startled to see him looking so sad. 看到他这么悲伤,使她大为吃惊。

The sound of the gun fire startled the pigeons. 枪声惊起鸽子。

2. apologetic: a. making an apology, expressing regret 道歉的,表示歉意的

He was apologetic for coming late. 他为迟到而表示歉意。

He was sincerely apologetic about his mistake. 他对自己的错误由衷地感到愧疚。

与 apologetic同词根的词有:

apologize: v. 道歉

You should apologize to your classmate for being rude. 由于你的无礼,应该向同学道歉。

apology: n. 道歉

You should make an apology to your sister because you are wrong. 因为你错了,必须向你姐姐


3. motion

1) v. indicate by a gesture 打手势示意

He motioned to me to come near. 他打手势叫我再走近一些。

I approached him, but he motioned me away. 我走近他,但他挥手叫我走开。

2) n. ① moving 运动,移动

If a thing is in motion, it is not at rest. 如果一个物体在运动中,它就不在静止中。

② particular movement

If you watch my motions carefully you will see how the trick is performed. 如果你仔细看我的动


4. coax: v. persuade sb. gently or gradually 劝诱,哄劝

The clerk is always able to coax the customers into good humor. 那个售货员总是能够把顾客哄得


She coaxed him out of his bad temper. 她循循善诱地劝他改掉坏脾气。

5. approach

1) v. come near to 走近,接近

As summer approached, the weather became hotter. 夏天渐近,天气变得热了。

As you approach the town, the first building you see is the church. 接近那座城镇的时候,首先


2) n. act of approaching; way, method 接近;方法

The enemy ran away at our approach. 当我们接近时,敌人就逃跑了。

When learning a foreign language, the best approach is the study of the spoken language. 学习外


6. embarrass: v. make to feel awkward or ashamed; hinder the movement of 使窘困;阻碍

He had been highly embarrassed by his confession. 这一供认使他极其难堪。

Wearing a long robe embarrassed his movements. 穿一件长袍使他行动不便。

7. admonish: vt. give a mild warning or a gentle reproof to;advise seriously 婉转警告,训诫;


The teacher admonished the boys for being lazy. 老师责备学生们懒惰。

She admonished us to seek professional help. 她劝我们向专业人员求助。


admonition: n.

admonitory: a.

8. contemptible: a. deserving or provoking contempt 可鄙的,卑劣的

That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend. 对朋友耍花招是卑鄙的。

Speaking ugly gossip is contemptible. 说别人坏话是可鄙的。


contempt: v. 轻视

contemptuous: a. 显示轻蔑的

9. ensue: v. happen later, follow as a result 随后发生,续起

After the heavy rains, flood ensue. 暴雨之后就发生了水灾。

It was too late to stop the panic that ensued from the false news report. 制止由这次虚假新闻报导


10. apprehension: n.

① anxiety about the future, fear 忧虑, 恐惧

I feel a certain apprehension about my interview tomorrow. 我对明天的面试感到有些担心。

② comprehension 理解

Quickness of apprehension is a mark of good student. 敏捷的领悟是一个好学生的标志。


apprehend: v

apprehensive: a.

11. critical: a

① of or at a crisis 在危急关头

We are at a critical time in our history. 我们正处在我们历史的危急时刻。

② of the work of a critic 批评的

Why are you so critical of everything I wear? 你为什么对我穿的每件衣服都这么挑剔。

12. desist: (formal) cease 停止

They ought to desist from such foolish activities. 他们应该停止这种愚蠢的活动。

The judge told the man to desist from threatening his wife. 法官责令那人别再威胁他的妻子。

短语 (Expressions)

1. up to sb.: required, looked upon as necessary; one’s duty 应由某人……;某人的职责

It’s up to us to give them all the help we can. 我们理应竭尽全力给予他们协助。

It is up to parents to teach their children manners. 父母应该教育他们的孩子懂礼貌。

2. in profusion: in great supply, abundance 大量的,丰富的

He makes promises in profusion, but never realizes them. 他做过许多许诺,但从未实现。

Everything was there in such profusion that we did not know what to take. 那里样样东西都很多,


3. If only: 引起惊叹句,后面用虚拟语气,从句动词使用相当于陈述语气的过去或过去将来


If only I had listened to your advice. 我要是听了你的建议就好了。

If only the letter had arrived in time. 信要及时到了就好了。

4. break in, put in: interrupt 插话,插嘴

Please don’t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

May I put in a word or two? 我可以插一两句话吗?

5. on the chance that / of doing sth.: in views of the possibility, in the hope: 也许能够,或许能够

I’ll call at his office on the chance of seeing him before he leaves. 我将到办公室去访他,希望能


Take an umbrella on the chance it might rain. 带上伞,也许会下雨。

6. as / so long as: on condition that, provided that 只要,如果

As long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter what you do. 只要你高兴,你做什么事都没关系。

You may borrow the book so long as you don’t lend it to anyone else. 只要你不借给别人,你可以


7. hold down: control, keep down or under 控制,压制

We must hold prices down. 我们必须控制物价。

Slave owners held slaves down before the emancipation. 奴隶获得解放之前受奴隶主的压迫。

8. reduce to: change to, bring to certain condition 使某人陷入某种状态。

Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck. 他过度劳累而损害了健康。

The teacher reduced the noisy students to order. 老师使吵闹的学生恢复秩序。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. terrifying, terrified, terrific

terrifying: filling with terror 令人恐怖的

That must have been a terrifying experience.


terrified: feeling terror, very afraid 感到害怕的

I’m terrified at the prospect of being alone in the house.


terrific: very great, excellent 很大的,极好的

There is a terrific new restaurant in South Street.


2. admonish, coax

admonish: give a mild but firm warning; advise seriously 温和而严正地警告;告诫

The teacher admonished the boys for being lazy.


coax: persuade gently or gradually 哄劝

He coaxed her into letting him take her to the cinema.


3. contemptuous, contemptible

contemptuous: feeling or showing contempt 鄙视的,表示轻蔑的

He threw it away with a contemptuous gesture.


contemptible: deserving contempt 可鄙的,

That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend.


4. apprehension, distrust

apprehension: anxiety about the future, fear 忧虑,担心

I feel a certain apprehension about my interview tomorrow.


distrust: lack of trust, suspicion 不信任,怀疑

Negotiation between union and management are made more difficult by mutual distrust.


5. excuse, apology

excuse: reason given to explain one’s act 借口,辩解

He’s always making excuses for being late.


apology: statement of regret for doing sth. wrong 道歉,认错

I made my apologies and left early.


6. desist, resist

desist: stop, cease 停止,结束

I wish he’d desist from entertaining his friends at all hours of the day and night.


resist: use force in order to prevent sth happening, oppose 抵抗,对抗

He told us to get ready to resist the enemy attack.


7. spend, expend

spend: give or pay out money for goods, services, etc. 用钱,花钱

She spends too much on clothes.


expend: spend or use up 用掉,耗费掉

They had already expended six thousand dollars in advertisement.


难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. The child was fairly eating me up…

She looked at the doctor up and down carefully and intently.


2. I took a trial shot at it as a point of departure.

I just started by asking a question which I guessed might be the problem.


3. I might be able to get somewhere.

I might be able to get some results.


4. She surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.

She was terrified of me, her efforts to resist my examination of her throat became so mad and



5. I tried to hold myself down.

I tried to control my temper.


6. But a blind fury, a feeling of adult shame, bred of a longing for muscular release are the


Both the blind fury and the feeling of adult shame were caused by a longing to release his physical




课文翻译 (Translation of the text)

















































































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Traditional methods of teaching no longer suffice in this technological world. Currently there are

more than 100, 000 computers in schoolrooms in the United States. Students, mediocre and bright

alike; from the first grade through high school, not only are not intimidated by computers, but have

become avid participants in the computer epoch.

Kids operating computers implement their curriculum with great versatility. A music student can

program musical notes so that the computer will play Beethoven or the Beatles. For a biology class,

the computer can produce a picture of the intricate actions of the body's organs, thus enabling

today's students to envisage human biology in a profound way. A nuclear reactor is no longer an

enigma (谜) to students who can see its workings in minute detail on a computer. In Wisconsin, the

Chippewa Indians are studying their ancient and almost forgotten language with the aid of a

computer. More commonly, the computer is used for drilling math and language concepts so that

youngsters may learn at their own speed without trying the patience of their human teachers. The

simplest computers aid the handicapped, who learn more rapidly from the computer than from

humans. Once irksome, remedial drills and exercises now on computer are conductive to learning

because the machine responds to correct answers with praise and to incorrect answers with frowns

and even an. occasional tear.

Adolescents have become so exhilarated (兴奋的) by computers that they have developed their own

jargon, easily understood by their peers but leaving their disconcerted parents in the dark. They have

shown so much favour for computers that they have formed computer clubs, beguile (消遣) their

leisure hours in computer stores, and even attend computer camps. A Boy Scout can get a computer

merit badge, One ingenious young student devised a computer game for Atari that will earn him $

100, 000 in royalties.

This is definitely the computer age. It is expected that by 1985 there will be between 300,000 and

650,000 computers in American schools. Manufacturers of computers are presently getting tax

write-offs for donating equipment to colleges and universities and are pushing for legislation to

obtain further deductions for contributions to elementary and high schools. Furthermore, the price of

computers has steadily fallen to the point where a small computer for home or office is being sold

for less than $ 100. At that price every class in the country will soon have computer kids.

1. In order to operate a computer, a student does not have to be ____.

A. especially bright B. vulgar C. versatile D. hysterical

2. A computer is a robot teacher because it ____.

A. is human

B. enables students to learn through mechanical means

C. teaches machines

D. shows human emotions

3. Teachers ought to like to have their students use computers because computers ____.

A. are fun to work with

B. take over some of the teachers' tedious jobs

C. cost less than teachers' salaries

D. are being used all over the United States

4. The author of this article implies that ____.

A. computers make learning today easier than it was in the past

B. students today have to be smarter than their parents

C. computers are difficult to operate

D. anyone who can't operate a computer is a dunce (笨人)

5. The price of a computer is now ____.

A. too high for most schools

B. within the range of most school' s budgets

C. rising

D. preventing schools from buying computers



1. Because it was very damp sometimes and it was warm in the kitchen.

2. Because they were all very nervous.

3. She kept the doctor from knowing her secret—her illness.

4. Because the doctor had to make sure whether the girl had caught diphtheria.

5. Because she reduced it to splinters.

6. He forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. Thus he

got to see her throat.

7. Yes, the girl's physical beauty made a contrast with her stupid behavior of not letting the doctor

look her over.

8.Generally speaking, he is right/hut lie may try to persuade tlie girl to obey him in a mild way.














C. 1. apprehension 2. terrifying 3. overpowering 4. contemptible

5. motioned 6. profusion 7.ensuing 8. coax

D. 1. terrifyingly 2. coaxed 3. contemptible 4. apprehension

5. apology 6. terrifying 7. desist 8. admonished

E. 1. guilty

2. it's my responsibility

3. there's been a lot people who fell sick around here

4. nothing has been done

5. in view of the possibility

6. we continue to do this (examine her throat) till very end

7. became, irrational .

8. the pleasure to attack her

F. Mathilda had been; ill for, three days, Her mother gave her some medicine, but it did no good, so

a doctor had to be sent for. Because there had. been, a number of cages of diphtheria in the school to

which Mathilda went and two children died of it, the doctor wanted to look her throat over first after

he arrived at the Olson's. She wouldn't open her mouth no matter how he coaxed her, then the doctor

had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth, but Mathilda should reduced it to splinters. To

protect Mathilda herself and other children, the doctor must find out whether she had caught

diphtheria, so that he. could, give her timely treatment. Then he told Mathilda's father to hold both

her wrists while he himself opened her mouth up with effort and found that she did catch diphtheria.

The story reminds us of such a thing: some of the things in life can't be done by one's willingness

and in some cases, using certain force seems essential.


The doctor thought the symptom of the girl was like that of diphtheria, and it happened that there

were a number of cases of diphtheria in the school where the girl was in. So the doctor tried to coax

to open her mouth. He took many ways, e.g., telling her terrible result of diphtheria, requiring her to

go to hospital, which she was very afraid of etc, but she did not cooperate with him. Finally, his

social responsibility, his authority as a doctor and the strategy to his respect forced him to open her

mouth to see her throat by force. I think the doctor's behavior is right, because in reality it is

necessary to use force to do something in certain circumstances in which voluntary isn't enough.


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B

Lesson Four

Die as You Choose

Background knowledge


Euthanasia, also called MERCY KILLING, act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons

suffering from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder. Because there is no

specific provision for it in most legal systems, it is accounted either suicide (if performed by the

patient himself) or murder (if performed by another). A physician may, however, lawfully decide not

to prolong life where there is extreme suffering; and he may administer drugs to relieve pain, even

though he knows that this may shorten the patient's life. In the late 20th century, several European

countries had special provisions in their criminal codes for lenient sentencing and the consideration

of extenuating circumstances in prosecutions for euthanasia

Main idea of the Text

This article remarks the euthanasia. Euthanasia is a problem which has been discussed for a long

time. There are two different attitudes about it at present. Holland accepted the euthanasia and

openly practiced it a few thousand times each year; America and France condemned it. Euthanasia is

divided into two kinds - -active and passive. The first one is the doctor administers enough

painkillers to kill, and the latter one is the doctor don' t do anything of medical technology and let

the patient die. The passive euthanasia is accepted by many countries. But if euthanasia is legalized,

it will be used by many people to murder. The author's idea is to let patients die as they choose.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. dodge: move quickly to one side to avoid sth.; get round sth difficult 躲闪;躲避

I dodged behind a tree so that he should not see me. 我躲在树后使他看不见我。

He dodged our questions by changing the subject. 他变换话题以逃避我们提出的问题。

2. condemn: vt.

① say sb. or sth. is wrong 责备,谴责

We all condemn cruelty to children. 我们一致谴责虐待儿童。

Everyone condemned his foolish behavior. 人人都责备他的愚蠢行为

② give judgment against

The judge condemned him to spend six years in prison. 法官判他六年囚禁。

3. languish: (v.) lack or lose vitality, lose health and strength 失去活力,变得衰弱无力

Since the war the industry has gradually languished. 战争结束以来,工业逐渐衰退。

The children soon began to languish in the heat. 天气炎热,孩子们很快变得没精打采。

4. claim:

1) v. say that sth is a fact; need 宣称;需要

He claimed to have / that he had done the work without help. 他声称没有得到帮助就完成了这


There are some matters that claim our attention. 有些事情值得我们注意。

2) n. right to sth. 对某事的权利

They denied her rightful claim to the property. 他们拒绝了她对那笔财产的正当权利。

5. rumble: v make a deep, heavy, continuous sound; say in a deep voice 发出隆隆声;低沉的声音


Thunder rumbled in the distance. 远处发出隆隆的雷声。

The heavy carts were rumbling along the street. 沉重的马车在街上辘辘行进。

He rumbled out a few comments. 他咕咕浓浓地说出一些评论。

6. legalize: vt. make legal 使合法

The government has legalized gambling. 政府已使赌博合法化。

Some people want to legalize euthanasia. 有些人想使安乐死合法化。


legal: a. 合法的,法律的

legalism: n. 墨守法规

legality: n 合法

legalization: n 合法化

7. credible: a. that can be believed; believable 可信的,可靠的

The news report is hardly credible. 这条新闻报道几乎难以置信。

Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent? 是否有可以取代核威慑力量的可靠办法。

8. taboo:

1) n. ban or prohibition on sth. that is regarded for religious or other reasons as not to be done,

used, etc. 忌讳,禁忌

Among Hindus there is a taboo against killing cows. 印度教徒有禁止杀牛的戒律。

There’s a taboo on smoking in this office. 办公室里禁止吸烟。

2) a. prohibited by a taboo 禁忌的,忌讳的

Sex is no longer the taboo subject it sued to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。

9. prolong: v. make sth. longer, esp. in time; extend 使延长,使延伸

They prolonged their visit a few days. 他们把访问时间延长了几天。

Good care may prolong a sick person’s life. 精心护理可能会延长病人的生命。

10. distinction: n. difference or contrast between one person or thing and another 差别,对比

He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women readers. 他把男读者和女读者硬是


The president shook hands with everyone, without distinction of rank. 总统不分职位高低,和每


11. withhold: v. refuse to give sth; hold back 拒绝给某物;抑制

The board has decided to withhold part of their grant money from certain students. 委员会决定不


We couldn’t withhold our laughter. 我们忍不住大笑起来。

12. appoint: v. fix or decide on; choose sb. for a job or position 确定,决定;挑选,任命

We have appointed a time for the meeting. 我们已约定了开会的时间。

We must appoint somebody to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。

13. intrude: v. bring in unnecessarily; come in not wanted 闯入;打扰

He intruded his own ideas into the argument. 他把自己的看法带到辩论中。

I don’t want to intrude, but could I talk to you for a moment. 我不想打扰你,不过我可以和你谈


14. precedent: n earlier decision, case, event, etc. that regarded as an example or rule for what

comes later 先例

There is no precedent for such an action. 这种行动没有先例可循。

They created a precedent for mercy killing. 他们开创了安乐死的先例。

短语 (Expressions)

1. come to light: become to be visible, cause sth. to be known 显露,揭露

Much new evidence has come to light. 发现了许多新的证据。

At last his bribable behavior came to light. 最后他的受贿行为被公布于众。

2. in private: with no one else present 私下地

She asked to see him in private. 她要求单独与他见面。

Let me speak to him property in private. 让我私下给他说财产的事。

3. on purpose: not by accident, intentionally 并非偶然地,故意地

She seems to do these things on purpose. 她似乎是有意做这些事。

He had gone there on purpose, to see that happened. 他特地去那里看一下发生了什么事。

4. hold out: last, remain; resist an attack 维持,保持; 抵御

We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out. 我们的供应品能维持多久,我们就能在这


The strikers are still holding out for money. 罢工工人仍坚决要求增加工资。

5. rule out: exclude as irrelevant, ineligible 排除

The possibility can’t be ruled out. 不能排除这种可能性。

He was ruled out as a possible candidate. 他已经没有可能成为候选人。

6. usher in: mark the start of sth.; lead in the specified direction 开创; 引导

The new government ushered in a period of prosperity. 新政府的成立带来了一个繁荣时期。

The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat. 引座小姐领我沿着通道到我的座位。

7. comply (with): do as one is required, commanded; obey 按要求做;听从

She was told to pay the fine, but refuse to comply. 通知她交罚款,但她拒不服从。

The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations. 那家工厂因未能


词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. evade, dodge

evade: get or keep out of the way of 避开,躲避

The thief evaded the police by dodging into the an alley.


dodge: move quickly in order to avoid 闪开,躲开

He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire.


2. drown out, stop

drown out: be louder than another sound and prevent it being heard 淹没

She turned up the radio to drown out the noise of traffic.


stop: prevent sb from doing sth 阻止,阻碍

You can’t stop our going if we want to.


3. intrude, invade

intrude: come in when not wanted 打搅,侵扰

I don’t wish to intrude, but could I talk to you for a moment?


invade: enter with armed force in order to attack 侵犯,侵入

These countries have been ruthlessly invaded.


4. omission, exclusion

omission: action of omitting or leaving out sth 忽略,省略

The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes.


exclusion: action of excluding 排斥,排除在外

His exclusion from the club hurt him very much.


5. oath, promise

oath: solemn promise to do sth 誓言,宣誓

There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts.


promise: declaration that one will do sth 承诺,诺言

We received many promises of help.


6. prevent, withhold

prevent: stop or hinder 阻止,妨碍

Your prompt action prevented a serious accident.


withhold: refuse to give, keep back 拒绝给,保留

The board has decided to withhold part of their grant money from certain students.


7. debatable, arguable

debatable: not certain, open to question 不肯定的,可争议的

It is debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.


arguable: questionable, doubtful in some degree 有问题的,可疑的

That their decision is the best one is arguable.


8. credible, believable

credible: that can be believed 可信的,可靠的

The news report is hardly credible. 新闻报导简直难以置信。

He is a credible witness. 他是个可信的证人。

believable: that can be believed 可信的(不作定语)

His story is hardly believable.


难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again.

People are now repeating the arguments about euthanasia.


2. The letter was probably written for polemical impact.

The purpose of the letter was to result in argument.


3. Just as there can be culpable omissions, so too can there be blameless acts.

Just as sometimes a person can be blamed for not doing something, it is also possible not to blame

him for something he has done.


4. Suppose that a man stands to gain from the death of a certain child.

Suppose that a man is in a position to benefit from a child’s death.


5. …no man should put the clock back on another.

No man should shorten the natural life of another person.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)



















































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

The writing of a historical synthesis involves integrating the materials available to the historian into

a comprehensible whole. The problem in writing a historical synthesis is how to find a pattern in, or

impose a pattern upon, the detailed information that has already been used to explain the causes for

a historical event.

A synthesis seeks common elements in which to interpret the various parts of a historical event. The

initial step, therefore, in writing a historical synthesis, is to put the event to be synthesized in a

proper historical perspective, so that the common elements or strands making up the event can be

determined. This can be accomplished by analyzing the historical event as part of a general trend or

continuum in history. The common elements that are familiar to the event will become the

ideological framework in which the historian seeks to synthesize. This is not to say that any factor

will not have a greater relative value in the historian' s handling of the synthesis, but rather that all

factors are interrelated when viewed in a broad historical perspective.

The historian, in synthesizing, must determine the extent to which the existing hypotheses have

similar trends. A general trend line, once established, will enable these similar trends to be correlated

and paralleled within the conceptual framework of a common base. A synthesis further seeks to

determine, from existing hypotheses, why an outcome took the direction it did ; thus, it necessitates

reconstructing the spirit of the times in order to assimilate the political, social, psychological, etc.,

factors within a common base.

As such, the synthesis becomes the logical construct in interpreting the common ground between an

original explanation of an outcome (thesis) and the reinterpretation of the outcome along different

lines (antithesis). Therefore, the synthesis necessitates the integration of the materials available into

a comprehensible whole which will in turn provide a new historical perspective for the event being


1. Which of the following would the author be most concerned with?

A. Finding the most important cause for a particular historical event.

B. Imposing a pattern upon varying interpretations for the causes of a particular historical


C. Attributing the many conditions that together led to a particular historical event to a single


D. Determining when hypotheses need to be reinterpreted.

2. The most important preliminary step in writing a historical synthesis would be ____.

A. to accumulate sufficient reference material to explain an event

B. analyzing the historical event to determine if a "single theme theory" applies to the event

C. determining the common strands that make up a historical event

D. interpreting historical factors to determine if one factor will have a greater relative value

3. The best definition for the term "historical synthesis" would be____.

A. combining elements of differing material into a unified whole

B. a tentative theory set forth as an explanation for an event

C. the direct opposite of the original interpretation of an event

D. interpreting historical material to prove the history repeats itself

4. A historian seeks to reconstruct the "spirit" of a time period because ____.

A. the events in history are more important than the people who make history

B. existing hypotheses are inadequate in explaining historical events

C. this is the best method to determine the single most important cause for a particular action

D. varying factors can be assimilated with a common base

5. Which of the following statements would the author consider false?

A. One factor in a historical synthesis will not have a greater value than other factors.

B. It is possible to analyze common unifying points in hypotheses.

C. Historical events should be studied as part of a continuum in history.

D. A synthesis seeks to determine why an outcome took the direction it did.


1. Yes, it is.

2. Because euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment.

3. Passive euthanasia- letting patients die; Active euthanasia-killing. They make some difference,

but in some cases, active euthanasia is better than passive euthanasia when medical treatment has

become meaningless.

4. It is a statement written by a person in the state of sound mind which says what measures should

be taken and whether should be treated when he suffers from incurable disease.

5. Yes, Hippocrats explicitly ruled out euthanasia in his oath for doctors, but most ancient Greek

doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban. By presenting this, the author wanted to tell the

reader; even those people had the courage to disagree with Hippocrates' ban, why can't we

support euthanasia today?

6. It might pose dangers for society by setting a precedent for killing.

7. Because opposition was too fierce because of the shadow of the past.

8. The author thinks the patient is entitled to determine his own death and he tends to favor















1. dodged 2. intrude 3. withhold 4. ushered

5. legalize 6. precedent 7. credible 8. arguable


1. dodge 2. drowned out 3. intruding 4. omission

5. oath 6. withholding 7. arguable 8. credible


1 .mercifully easy and painless death for persons suffering from an incurable and painful disease,

esp. the doctor let the patients die oh their own request

2. resulting in arguments

3. something that religion or custom regards as forbidden

4. everything could be used or done

5. creating an earlier example of killing

6.those who are too modest and scrupulous

7.polemical, arguable, be in favour of


The need for laws on euthanasia, can't be dodged for much longer. Euthanasia is a taboo in most

countries. In these countries doctors can only practise it secretly. But it is openly practised in. some

countries, such as Holland. Right now more and more countries are going over me arguments about

legalizing euthanasia.

When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there is no hope of curing it, why do we let

him prolong the throes? Why can't we practise euthanasia to stop the throes?

But if we legalize euthanasia, there will be a danger. Someone may use it for killing. AH in all,

euthanasia is the question we can't dodge.


Euthanasia is a problem discussed for a long time. There are two attitudes in the world at present.

How is euthanasia handled in different countries?

Holland, which has rules for euthanasia and so can police it effectively. In Holland, mercy - killing

is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year. They

think one of a doctor' s duties is to prevent suffering, sometimes that is all there is left for him to do,

and killing is the only way to do it.

In the most countries, euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment, secretly practiced

many times more often, and almost never comes to light, in America, Britain and many other

countries. They believe that the time of death is appointed by God and that no man should put the

clock back on another. But now most American States have ' living -will' legislation that protects

doctors from prosecution if they do not try to save someone who has said he does not want life


But now if euthanasia is legalized how long can the distinction between killing and letting death

hold out? The legal framework for euthanasia, permits a doctor to comply with dying man's request

in a prescribed set of circumstance. But this will make someone use it to kill the others. So whether

euthanasia should be legalized is a problem which has been discussed for a long time.


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A

单元测验 1 (Quiz on Lesson One to Lesson


I. 课文填空(The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, choose the word from the list

that best completes each of the sentences.)battle mess terminal argue danger rock coax define difference culture down

loneliness tedious request quarter killing disaffection breaths major generation

responsibility duties protested gasp

Between Elvis and Alice, __1__ critics say, a number of rock stars have helped our society __2__

its beliefs and attitudes. Bob Dylan touched a nerve of __3__. He spoke of civil rights, nuclear

fallout, and __4__. He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of an older __5__.

When I was graduating from college, my generation also found the world in a __6__. The

economic machinery had broken __7__ almost everywhere: In this country nearly a __8__ of the

population was out of work. A __9__ war seemed all too likely. As a college newspaper editor at

that time, I __10__ against this just as vehemently as student activists are protesting today.

Even her expression hadn’t changed. Her __11__, however, were coming faster and faster. Then

the __12__ began. I had to do it. I had to have a throat __13__ for her own protection. But first I

told the parents that It was entirely up to them. I explained the __14__ but said that I would not

insist on a throat examination so long as they would take the __15__.

Many doctors working on the battlefield of __16__ suffering think that only squeamishness

demands a firm __17__ between passive and active euthanasia on __18__. Their argument for

killing goes like this: one of a doctor’s __19__ is to prevent suffering; sometimes that is all there

is left for him to do, and __20__is the only way to do it.

II. 单句填空 (Fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression

from the list below。)

started anonymity flushed apparent embody profusion impact virtual

credible vehement symbolize reverence contribute arrogant rumble drive

in other words cleanse ensue desist dodge intrude oath withhold

1. Different qualities are _____ by different colors.

2. He' s a _____ supporter of progressive education.

3. He studied hard in his youth, which _____ his great success in later life.

4. 1 soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else. _____, I was wasting my time.

5. After the heavy rains, floods _____.

6. His _____ and enthusiasm helped make the project a success.

7. When men are most sure and_____, they are commonly most mistaken.

8. 1 can hear a _____ noise, like distant thunder.

9. The judge _____ his decision until he had heard all the evidence.

10. The girl _____ up when the man spoke to her.

11. The _____ cause of his failure in the examination was illness, but the real cause was lack of industry.

12. These costs will _____ on our profitability.

13. Is there a alternative _____ to the nuclear deterrent?

14. The sculpture _____ the artist’s love of animals.

15. The battle was won with so great a loss of men that it was a _____ defeat.

16. I am very sorry to _____ upon your grief, but this is an important matter.

17. Young people nowadays show little _____ for the church.

18. The reporters gathered around him, but he _____ their questions.

19. The sound of the machine gun fire _____ the pigeons.

20. Tom took his _____ that he did not steal the watch.

III. 单词选择(Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions.

Choose the right one to complete the sentence.)

1. He ([A]sprinkled [B]threw) ashes on the icy sidewalk.

2. I hear you are looking for an office. This place would be ([A]idealistic [B]ideal).

3. Topics for conversation should be ([A]relevant [B]relative) to the experiences and interests of the


4. Most people couldn't ([A]imagine [B]conceive) of living without a telephone.

5. Scientists have studied the ([A]migration [B]immigration) of fish from one part of the ocean to

another over long distance.

6. The motorist was ([A]bewildered [B]surprised) by the conflicting road signs.

7. Someone has ([A]jumbled [B]mixed) the files, and now I can’t find anything.

8. The judge rejected the prisoner’s ([A]appeal [B]attraction) for a new trial.

9. They have a desire to see what steps shall be taken to ([A]compensate [B]remedy) the existing


10. The warrior managed to ([A]evade [B]dodge) the arrow that came flying through the air.

11. The United States has ([A]spent [B]expended) vast sums to strengthen her allies.

12. Every citizen in a democratic country may ([A]claim [B]demand) the protection of the law.

13.1 was unwilling to ([A]invade [B]intrude) upon them so late at night.

14. Use your library to learn which animals ([A]live [B]inhabit) the desert.

15. I wish he’d ([A]desist [B]resist) from entertaining his friend at all hours of the day and night.

16. Summoned by the boss, he approached his office full of ([A]apprehension [B]distrust).

17. He thought their behavior was ([A]contemptuous [B]contemptible), but he didn't say anything in

front of the host.

18. The ([A]omission [B]exclusion)of a full stop at the end of the sentence is a deliberate act by the


19. Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is ([A]debatable [B]arguable).

20. If you see him please give my ([A]excuses [B]apologies) for not having written to him.

IV. 汉译英 (Translate the following into English)1.当我大学毕业的时候,我们那一代人发现这个世界一团糟。













V. 英译汉 (Translate the following into Chinese)

1. Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and


2. Like all artists, these rock musicians mirror feelings and beliefs that help us see and form our


3. The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect, but how

to deal with it.

4. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life----but in

general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.

5. And warfare on a rising scale seems inevitable if too many bodies have to struggle for ever---

dwindling shares of food and living spare.

6. I could see that they were all very nervous, eyeing me up and down distrustfully.

7. In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject, crushed, exhausted while she surely rose

to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.

8. It is disturbingly easy to find doctors who will say, in private, that they sometimes kill patients on


9. Most American states have “living-will” legislation that protect doctors from prosecution if they

do not try to save someone who has said he does not want life prolonged.

10. Some people believe that the time of death is appointed by God and that no man should put the

clock on another.

VI. 回答问题 (Answer the following questions)

1. What does the author attempt to illustrate with the three examples at the beginning of the text?

2. What other major subjects did rock music deal with apart from politics?

3. How do American young people look at the adult world in general?

4. Why does the author say that the most unfortunate are those whose revolutions have succeeded?

5. What are some of the new problems faced by the young people.

6. Why were the girl's parents eyeing the doctor up and down distrustfully?

7. How did the doctor finally get to see the girl's throat?

8. Why did the doctors in the U.S. sometimes secretly practice euthanasia without consulting the

dying patents?

9. What is the danger involved if euthanasia is legalized?

10. What is the author’s view on euthanasia?

VII. 能力测试 (Proficiency test) Ranch Life

To many people ranch life means the Wild West. Many children dream of becoming cowboys

or cowgirls and leading romantic adventurous lives. But ranch life is in fact a hard business,

demanding strength and a great deal of work.

Most ranches are located in flat open country where there is plenty of grass for the cattle to

feed on. Ranchers raise cattle for the meat that people eat. Since meat is a favorite food of people

everywhere, ranching is a very important job. Ranching is one of the oldest and biggest" industries

in the world.

Like all other kinds of farming, ranching is a difficult job. Dry weather or rainstorms can

destroy the food needed for the cattle or the cattle themselves may become sick and die. The rancher

must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create.

History of Ranching

A long, long time ago, at the very beginning of civilized life, people began to keep cattle. These

people were wanderers, driving their herd from place; to place, looking for fresh grass and water.

Later, men began to settle in the places where the food and water were plentiful. They built houses

for themselves and shelters and yards for their animals. These were the first ranches.

CowboysRanch life has always centered around the cowboy, one of the most colorful people in the

history of the American West. Stories about cowboys are very popular in America and all over the

world. People think of cowboys as free people, unafraid to battle with wild animals, living close to

nature, with the trees and the sky and the stars. Today there are far fewer cowboys, and they no

longer live as they did. But their hold on the imagination is still strong. The old-time cowboy is the

hero of many books, films and songs. He is a national hero and a treasured part of the national past.

The American cowboy first appeared in Texas around 1836. Soon ranches spread and cowboys

were working in almost every part of the West. .

Cowboys' lives centered around the rbundup and the cattle drive. Every winter and summer the

cattle fed at the ranch. In the spring and autumn the cowboys rounded up the cattle, and separated

the beef cattle from the rest of the herd, and drove them over many miles of open. Country to the

nearest railroad station. From there the cattle were sent to slaughterhouses. In the 19th century,

railroads were few and far between. Driving the cattle was a long hard job. There was danger' from

cattle thieves. The cowboy rose at sun-up to start the cattle moving. They drove them all day

through the heat or dust or wind. The men were often on horseback 15 hours a day. Cowboys had to

be skillful and strong. They had to be skilled horsemen and good gunmen. Their clothing was made

for protection. The wide-brimmed hat was worn to protect them from the sun, dust and the rain. The

gun protected them against Cattle thieves.

Now much of the adventure has gone out of the cowboy's life. He no longer has to struggle with

thieves. Most ranches are quite close to railroad stations, so the long cattle drive is a thing of the

past. Modern inventions have taken over many of the cowboy's old jobs. The modem cowboy must

often be a technician himself in order to use the new devices for the. care of cattle and for the

running of the ranch.

adventurous a. 冒险的

civilize v. (使)文明

herd n. 畜群

roundup n. 聚拢

slaughterhouse n. 屠宰场

wide-brimmed a. 宽边的

the Wild West 荒野西部(美国)

Texas 得克萨斯(美国州名)

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:1. The passage is. mainly about ____.

A. cowboys and their life

B. cowboys in modern times

C. the building of the fast ranches

D. the dangers nature can create for cowboys

2. Ranching is a very important job because ____.

A. it is interesting and adventurous

B. people like the life of a cowboy or a cowgirl

C. people everywhere like to eat meat

D. it can make a lot of money

3. Cowboys today ____.

A. live as they did before

B. live a modern life

C. are often on horseback 15 hours a day

D. usually live far away from railroad stations

4. In the past cowboys had to be good gunmen because _____.

A. they also hunted while driving their cattle

B. they used guns to round up their cattle

C. they 'had to battle with those who stole their cattle

D. they often struggled with other cowboys for good places

5. According to the passage, ____.A. most of the modern ranches are far away from the railroad stations

B. slaughterhouses are usually located near the ranches

C. in the past the roundup and the cattle drive were the most important activities of the cowboys

D. cowboys today still have to fight against cattle thieves.

2. Choose the best answer for the underlined part;1. Many children dream of becoming, cowboys or cowgirls and leading romantic adventurous lives.

A. exciting B. interesting C. fantastic D. legendary

2. The ranchers must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create."

A. be careful about B. fight against C. be ready for D. avoid

3. These people were wanderers, driving their herd from place to place, looking for fresh grass and


A. homeless people B. cowherd C. horsemen D. roamers

4. Today there are far fewer cowboys, and they no longer live • as they did. But their hold on the

imagination is still strong.

A. power B. attraction C. insistence D. influence

5. In the 19th century, railroads were few and far between.

A. rare B. far from each other C. available to few people D. far away

3. Translate from English into Chinese:1. But ranch life is in fact a hard business, demanding strength and a great deal of work.

2. Dry weather or rainstorms can destroy the food needed for . the cattle, or the cattle themselves

may become sick and die.

3. Ranch life has always centered around the cowboy, one of the most colorful people' in the history

of the American West.

4. People think of cowboys as free people» unafraid to battle with wild animals, living close to

nature with the trees and the sky and the stars.

5. In the spring and autumn the cowboys rounded up the cattle, and separated the beef cattle from

the rest of the herd, and drove them over many miles of open country to the nearest railroad


4. Answer the following question in English within 80 — 100 words:

What changes have happened to the cowboy's life?

单元测试 1 (Lesson One --- Lesson Four) 答案

(I) 课文填空 1. rock 2. define 3. disaffection 4. loneliness 5.generation

6. mess 7. down 8. quarter 9. major 10. protest 11. breaths 12. battle 13. culture 14. danger 15. responsibility 16. terminal 17. difference 18. request 19. duties 20. killing

(II) 单句填空 1. symbolized 2. vehement 3. contributed 4. in other words 5. ensued

6. drive 7. arrogant 8. rumble 9. withheld 10. flushed11. apparent 12. impact 13. credible 14. embodies 15. virtual16. intrude 17. reverence 18. dodged 19. started 20. oath

(III) 单词选择 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B

11. B 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. B

(IV) 汉译英

1. When I was graduating from college, my generation found the world in a mess.

2. The teenagers look at the rock stars as heroes, while the adult audience regard them as sick

and hard to stand.

3. The rock stars not only expressed the teenagers’ opinion and attitude toward all kinds of

political and social problems, but also expressed their feelings and desires.

4. The American youth in the 1960s was a rebellious generation. They no longer trusted in the

adult world, which didn't belong to them, and refused to accept their beliefs and values.

5. The most unfortunate are those whose revolutions haw succeeded. They have to witness,

with pain, the establishment they have overthrown replaced by a new one, just as hard —

faced and stuffy.

6. At that I ground my teeth in disgust. If only they wouldn't use the word "hurt" I might be

able to get somewhere.

7. The damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy, one says to one's self at

such times.

8. The need for laws on euthanasia (mercy-killing) cannot be dodged for much longer.

9. In Holland mercy — killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practised a

few thousand times each year.

10. The debate on euthanasia will rumble on into the autumn, when Califomians may vote on a

proposed law legalizing euthanasia.

(V) 英译汉
















(VI) 回答问题

1. The author attempts to show that there are completely different ideas about rock music

between the young and the adult.

2. Apart from politics, the rock music also deals with human feelings.

3. They look at the adult world with great skepticism, and they think the world is in pretty

much of a mess, full of injustice, poverty and war.

4. Because our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes. Except for the

polar regions, the frontiers are gone.

5. Such as problems of racial justice, of keeping cities from becoming uninhabitable, of coping

with war in unfamiliar guises and of population explosion.

6. Because they were the new patients to him and they didn’t believe he could cure their


7. He forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. Thus

he got to see her throat.

8. Because euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment.

9. The danger is that it may set a precedent for killing.

10. He tends to support euthanasia.


(1) 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C

(2) 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A

(3) 1. 但是牧场生活实际是很艰苦的,它需要力气,也需要付出很多劳动。

2. 干旱的天气或暴风雨会毁掉牛群所需要的食物,牛本身也可能会生病死去。

3. 牧场生活往往是以牛仔为中心的,而牛仔是美国西部历史中最富特色的人群之一。

4. 人们认为牛仔是自由的,他们不怕野兽,生活贴近自然,与绿树、天空和星星相伴。

5. 在春秋两季,牛仔们赶拢牛群,将莱牛从中分离出来,然后经过数英里的旷野将它们



Today there are far fewer cowboys,and they no longer live as they did.Now much of the

adventure has gone out of the cowboy’s life.He no longer has to struggle with thieves. Most

ranches are quite close to railroad stations,so the long cattle drive is a thing of the past.Modern

inventions have taken over many of the cowboy’s old jobs.The modern cowboy must often be a

technician and they should learn to use the new devices to take care of cattle and to run the ranch.

Lesson Five

I’d Rather Be Black than Female

Background Knowledge

Shirley Chisholm

Shirley Chisholm (b. Nov. 30, 1924, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.), American politician, the first black

American woman to be elected to the U.S. Congress. Chisholm's father immigrated to the United

States from British Guiana, her mother from Barbados, and Chisholm herself grew up in Barbados

and in Brooklyn. She attended Brooklyn College (B.A., 1946) and Columbia University (M.A.,

1952) and then managed day-care centres in Brooklyn and Manhattan. While an education

consultant for New York City's day-care division, she was also active with community and political

groups. In 1964-68 she represented her Brooklyn district in the New York state legislature. In 1968

Chisholm was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, defeating the civil-rights leader James

Farmer. In Congress she quickly became known as a strong liberal who opposed weapons

development and the war in Vietnam and favoured full-employment proposals. As a candidate for

the Democratic nomination for U.S. president in 1972, she won 152 delegates before withdrawing

from the race. Chisholm, a founder of the National Women's Political Caucus, supported the Equal

Rights Amendment and legalized abortions throughout her congressional career, which lasted from

1969 to 1983. She wrote the autobiographical works Unbought and Unbossed (1970) and The Good

Fight (1973).

Main idea of the Text

Through the example of her own success, the author reveals to us the strong prejudice against

women in the U. S. Both politically and economically, women are suffering from all kinds of

prejudice. But the idea still strikes nearly all men —— and even most women as bizarre. Even many

women are content with their roles as second-class citizens. So this will be a long and painstaking

struggle. She believes that women have made great contribution to the country, especially in

politics, and tries to convince other women to get into politics and struggle for equal rights.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. handicap: n. anything that makes progress or success difficult 不利因素,障碍

Poor eyesight is a handicap to a student. 视力差是学生的一个障碍。

They are working under a handicap. 他们在不利的条件下工作。

2. hostility: n enmity, ill will 敌视,敌意

He felt no hostility towards anyone. 他对任何人都没有敌意。


hostile: a showing enmity, unfriendly 敌对的

He was hostile to his colleagues. 他对同事怀有敌意。

3. register: v. make a written and formal record of 登记,注册

You must register with the embassy. 你必须到大使馆登记。

Where can I register for the English course? 上英语课在哪儿注册?


registration: n登记,注册

registrar: n. 登记员

4. reap: v. receive sth. as a result of one’s or others’ actions 获得,得到报偿

He reaped the reward of years of study. 他从多年研究中获得报偿。

As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

5. project: v. represent sth. to others in a way that creates a strong or favorable impression 向他人


Does the BBC World Service project a favorable view of Great Britain? 英国广播公司对外广播


The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes. 这个党竭力


6. ignore: v. take no notice of 忽视,对某人故意不理睬

I can’t ignore his rudeness any longer. 他粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。

I said hello to him, but he ignore me completely. 我向他打招呼,可他根本不理睬。

7. predominate: v. be superior in numbers, strength, etc.; have control 占优势;统治

Men predominate most promising jobs. 男人占据了大多数有前途的工作。

A small group has begun to predominate in policy-making. 一小撮人在制定政策中开始起主导



predominant: a. 有势力的,主要的,支配的

8. evade: v. avoid, get out of the way of 避开,逃避

The police evaded all the difficult questions. 那警察回避了所有难以答复的问题。

His son went on a trip in order to evade military service. 他儿子为逃兵役出去旅游了。

9. mold: v. shape or influence sb / sth 塑造或影响某人某事

Television molds public opinion. 电视能影响舆论。

It takes great efforts to mold a child into a mature adult. 把孩子造就为成熟的成年人要费很大精


短语 (Expressions)

1. at once: at the same time 同时

I can’t do two things at once. 我无法同时做两件事情。

The film is at once humorous and moving. 这部电影既幽默又动人。

2. strike sb as ……: have an effect on sb.; impress sb. 对某人产生某种影响;给某人留下印象

The plan strikes me as ridiculous. 我觉得这个计划荒唐可笑。

The house strikes you as welcoming when you go in. 这所房子你一进去就感到很舒服。

3. think of … as: regard … as, consider … to be 把……看作……

He is always thinking of himself as a common soldier. 他总是把自己看作普通一兵。

Of all the animals, the ape is thought of as the most forgiving animal. 在所有动物中,类人猿被


4. lie behind: be the explanation for sth. 是某事的原因或理由

What lay behind this strange outburst? 这莫名其妙的发作究竟是为什么?

Vanity lay behind her crime. 虚荣心是她犯罪的原因。

5. build sb / sth up: speak with great praise about sb /sth 吹捧某人或某事

The film was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it very disappointing. 这部电影被吹捧为杰


He was built up into a great figure. 他被吹捧成一个了不起的人物。

6. drop out: withdraw 退出

Since his defeat he’s dropped out of politics. 他失败后就不再从事政治活动了。

He dropped out of high school at the age of 16. 他 16岁就中途退学了。

7. run for: be a candidate in an election for a political position

Cliton ran for the presidency a second time in 1996. 克林顿于 1996年再次竞选总统。

Many people ran for mayor. 许多人竞选市长。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. incredible, incredulous

incredible: impossible to believe; difficult to believe 不可相信的,难以置信的

What an incredible story! 这件事真不可相信!

He earns an incredible amount of money. 他挣钱多的惊人。

incredulous: not willing or able to believe 不肯轻信的,不相信的

People nowadays are incredulous about ghosts and witches. 现在人们不相信鬼怪。

2. tone, tune

tone: manner of expression in speaking 语气,腔调

Don’t speak to me in that tone. 别用那种腔调跟我说话。

tune: melody, esp. a well-marked one; musical pitch 曲调;音高,调子

He gave us a tune on his fiddle. 他用小提琴给我们奏了一个曲子。

The choir was singing distinctly out of tune in places. 合唱团有些地方明显唱走调了。

3. sympathy, empathy

sympathy: sharing the feelings of others; feeling of pity and sorrow 同情;同情心

She never expressed any sympathy when I was injured. 我受伤时她从未表示过同情。

empathy: ability to imagine and share another person’s feelings, experience, etc. 感情移入,同

There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson. 老妇人和她孙子之间有种


4. vocation, vacation

vocation: person’s trade or profession 行业,职业

You should be an actor----you’ve missed your vocation. 你应该当演员,你入错了行。

vacation: holidays 假期,休假

Where are you going for your vacation? 你到那儿去度假?

5. content, contented

content: satisfied with one has 知足,满足

Are you content with your present salary? 你对现在的薪水满意吗?

contented: showing or feeling content, satisfied 感到满足

He seems quite contented with his life. 他好像对自己的生活很满足。

content 不可作定语, contented可以作定语。

He is a contented person. 他是个心满意足的人。

6. eliminate, illuminate

eliminate: remove; kill ruthlessly 消除;干掉某人

The police have eliminated two suspects from their enquiry. 警察从调查中已排除了两名受嫌


The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents. 独裁者已将所有政敌干掉了。

illuminate: provide sth with light 照明,照亮

The sun illuminates the sky. 太阳照亮了天空。

7. perseverance, persistence

perseverance: constant effort to achieve sth 坚持不懈

After months of disappointment, his perseverance was finally rewarded. 数月来他经历挫折而


persistence: being persistent; refusing to make any change in doing sth 坚持,执意

His persistence was rewarded when they finally agreed to resume discussions. 他们终于同意继


His persistence in riding that dreadful bike annoyed her. 他执意要骑那辆破自行车使她很恼


8. moral, morale

moral: concerning principles of right and wrong behaviors 道德的,伦理的

He turns every subject into a moral discussion. 他把每个题目都转向道德问题的讨论。

morale: confidence, enthusiasm of a person or a group 士气,精神状态

The news is good for the team’s morale. 这个消息对提高全队的士气大有好处。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once.

I was the first to overcome both disadvantages at the same time because I am a black woman.


2. Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ways of stopping me.

Members of my own party held secret meetings to discuss how to prevent me from running for the



3. While the television crews ignored me…

TV reporters took no notice of me, so I was not interviewed nor reported on TV..


4. The happy homemakers and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice.

The typical image of a woman is a housewife who is happy doing housework while the typical

image of a black is one who is content with his inferior status. Both are to be true because of

prejudice against them.


5. But women predominate in lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs.

Most of the people doing lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs are women.


6. Why invest time and effort to build the girl up?

Why should we waste our time and effort to help her gain reputation?


7. The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live.

The women of a nation shape its moral, religious, and political standards by the way they act in

their daily lives.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)

































个选区里,登记参加选取的人中男女比例是 1比 2.5,而且这些妇女都是有组织的——属于





























补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Telecommuting—substituting the computer for the trip to the job—has been hailed as a solution

to all kinds of problems related to office work.

For workers it promises freedom from the office, less time wasted in traffic, and help with

child-care conflicts. For management, telecommuting helps keep high performers on board, mini-

mizes tardiness (迟到) and absenteeism by eliminating commutes, allows periods of solitude for

high-concentration tasks, and provides scheduling flexibility. In some areas, such as Southern

California and Seattle, Washington, local governments are encouraging companies to start

telecommuting programs in order to reduce rush-hour congestion and improve air quality.

But three benefits do not come easily. Making a telecommuting program work requires careful

planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular


Many workers are seduced by rosy illusions of life as a telecommuter. A computer programmer from

New York City moves to the tranquil (平静的) Adirondack Mountains and stays in contact with her

office via computer. A manager comes into his officer three days a week and works at home the

other two. An accountant stays home to care for her sick child; she hooks up her telephone modern

connections and does office work between calls to the doctor.

These are powerful images, but they are a limited reflection of reality. Telecommuting workers soon

learn that it is almost impossible to concentrate on work and care for a young child at the same time.

Before a certain age, young children cannot recognize, much less respect, the necessary boundaries

between work and family. Additional child support is necessary if the parent is to get any work


Management, too, must separate the myth from the reality. Although the media has paid a great deal

of attention to telecommuting, in most cases it is the employee' s situation, not the availability of

technology, that procreates a telecommuting arrangement.

This is partly why, despite the widespread press coverage, the number of companies with work-at-

home programs or policy guidelines remains small.

1. What is the main subject of the passage?

A. Business management policies.

B. Driving to work.

C. Extending the workplace by means of computers.

D. Computers for child-care purposes.

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem for office employees?

A. Being restricted to the office.

B. Incurring expenses for lunches and clothing.

C. Taking care of sick children.

D. Driving in heavy traffic.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem for employers that is potentially solved

by telecommuting?

A. Employees' lateness for work.

B. Employees' absence from work.

C. Employees' need for time alone to work intensively.

D. Employees' conflicts with second jobs.

4. Which of the following does the author mention as a possible disadvantage of telecommuting? A.

Small children cannot understand the boundaries of work and play.

B. Computer technology is not advanced enough to accommodate the needs of every situation.

C. Electrical malfunctions can destroy a project.

D. The worker often does not have all the needed resources at home.

5. Which of the following is an example of telecommuting as described in the passage?

A. A scientist in a laboratory developing plans for a space station.

B. A technical writer sending via computer documents created at home.

C. A computer technician repairing an office computer network.

D. A teacher directing computer-assisted learning in a private school.

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. She is the first black woman elected to Congress.

2. Because part of the problem is that women in America are much more brainwashed and content

with their roles as second-class citizens than blacks ever were.

3. women do most of the tedious work; while men reap the rewards.

4. A very important statistic.

5. They are invariably paid less than a man for the same job.

6. Women predominate in the lower-paying, menial 4 unrewarding, dead-end jobs.

7. She is determined to help solve the problems of children, of military spending, of racial

prejudice, of laws against unfair housing and unfair employment practices.

8. They are of empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence. These are the qualities

women naturally have.
















C. 1. makes the difference 2. phenomena 3. menial 4. prejudice

5. separate 6. predominate 7. rather than 8. thought of


1. being a black man is much less disadvantageous than being a woman

2. Woman in America are much more forced to accept some beliefs

3. destiny

4. People who offer to do something

5. When I tried .to escape that role

6. 1 faced the hostility which wasn't covered up

7. 1 was talking ••• about, a young woman who is seeming likely to succeed as a candidate

8. the law ••• was put into effect instead of being, kept out of the way.


American women contributed a lot to the development of the society* but they have been

suffering from sexual discrimination of all kinds- In politics, they have done all the tedious details

that make the difference between victory and defeat on election day, while men reaped the rewards.

Economically, women predominate in the lower-paying, dead-end jobs and they are invariably paid

less than a man for the same job. Many Americans don’t think it is prejudice against women, but say

that it is just the division of labor. And many American women are content with their role as second-

class citizen. So according to the author, it will be a long and hard struggle for women to gain the

real equality.


In the U. S., there is a strong prejudice against women. But it will be much harder to eliminate the

prejudice. It will be a longer struggle. That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still

strikes nearly all men as bizarre. And part of the problem is that women in America are much more

brainwashed and content with their roles as second-class citizens than blacks ever were.

Nevertheless, women have many special qualities that the country needs. It is women who can bring

empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence to the government. The women of a nation

mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live. At present, the country needs

women's idealism and determination, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else. What the country

needs is more women in politics, because they have a very special contribution to make.


1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B

Lesson Six

A Good Chance

Background knowledge

American Indian Movement

American Indian civil rights organization, founded in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1968. Its original

purpose was to help Indians in urban ghettos who had been displaced by government programs that

had the effect of forcing them from the reservations. Its goals eventually encompassed the entire

spectrum of Indian demands--economic independence, revitalization of traditional culture,

protection of legal rights, and, most especially, autonomy over tribal areas and the restoration of

lands that they believed had been illegally seized.

American Indian Movement was involved in many highly publicized protests. It was one of the

Indian groups involved in the occupation (1969-71) of Alcatraz Island, the march (1972) on

Washington, D.C., to protest violation of treaties , and the takeover (1973) of a site at Wounded

Knee to protest the government's Indian policy. In the mid-1970s its efforts were centred on the

prevention of resource exploitation of Indian lands by the federal government. With many of its

leaders in prison, and torn by internal dissension, the national leadership disbanded in 1978,

although local groups continued to function. From 1981 an AIM group occupied part of the Black

Hills (South Dakota) to press its demands for return of the area to Indian jurisdiction.

Main idea of the Text

Magpie has won a scholarship from a University in California when they want him to study in the

Fine Arts School. This is a good chance for him. I am delighted for Magpie, and get back to Crow

Creek to tell him-the good news. From Magpie' s wife, I get to know Magpie is perhaps in

Chamberlian. Then I go to Salina for help, learning Magpie has changed a lot after being put in jail

and has lost the interest of going to the University for whites. But I insist that Magpie has the right

to know the news and it's up to him to make the decision. Then Salina agrees to take me to Magpie's

good friend Elgie. But when we are finally going to see Magpie, he has been shot by the police.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. parole: n. or v. release of a prisoner after he has made the promise of good behavior 假释

He’s hoping to get parole. 他希望获得假释。

Her husband was on parole last Friday. 上周五她丈夫被假释了。

2. embitter: v. annoy; fill … with bitter feelings 使苦恼,使……令人苦恼

He was embittered by repeated failures. 他因屡次失败而苦恼。

I was embittered by his insensitive remarks. 我听了他那没有分寸的话,心里很苦恼。

3. click:

1) n. a slight sharp sound 咔嗒声

He saluted with a click of his heels. 他立正敬礼,鞋后跟发出咔嗒一声。

2) v. make a slight sharp sound 发咔嗒声

The new part clicked into place. 新零件咔嗒一声就装好了。

4. agitate: v. cause anxiety to, disturb, excite 使焦虑不安,困扰

She was agitated by his sudden appearance at the party. 他在聚会上突然出现,使她心烦意乱。

Don’t get all agitated! 不要那么激动!

5. whereabouts: n. place where sb / sth is 下落,行踪

His present whereabouts is (are) unknown. 他目前下落不明。

Only his wife knows his whereabouts. 只有他妻子知道他的下落。

6. noncommittal: a. not showing what one thinks, which side one supports 不表明的,不表态的

She was very noncommittal about my suggestion. 她对我的建议不置可否。

He received a noncommittal letter from her. 他收到她的一封态度不明的信。

7. exile: n. being sent away from one’s native country or home, esp. for political reasons or as a

punishment 流放,放逐

She was in exile from her country because of her part in the plot against the government. 她因参与


England was a place of exile for many Frenchmen after the Revolution. 法国大革命后,有许多


8. hang: v. remain in the air; stick to 悬浮于空中;紧紧缠住

Smog hung in the sky over the city. 城市上空烟雾弥漫。

The notion hung in his mind for days. 这个念头在他心里转了好几天。

短语 (Expressions)

1. be up to sb. to do sth.: be required as a duty or obligation from sb. to do sth. 干某事是某人的指


It’s up to us to help those in need. 我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。

It’s not up to you to tell me how to my job. 我怎么干我的工作不用你多嘴。

2. be in for sth.: be about to experience, esp. sth unpleasant 必定会遭到……,少不了会受到……

He’s in for a nasty shock! 他就要碰上一件非常糟糕而令人震惊的事了!

It looks as if we are in for a big storm. 看来我们一定要遭受一场暴风雨了。

3. leave … alone: not disturb or interfere with sb. / sth. 不打扰或不干预

I’ve told you to leave my things alone. 我已经告诉过你不要动我的东西。

The girl’s parents left her alone yesterday. 女孩的父母昨天不管她了。

4. pick sb. up: (of the police) stop and seize sb. 逮捕

The police picked him up as he was trying to leave the country. 他正要离国时,警方把他捉住了。

He was picked up and taken for questioning. 他被拘捕接受审讯。

5. end up: finish, esp. in a particular place or way 以……而告终

If you continue to steal, you will end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。

In a formal western-style dinner, we start with soup and end up with fruit. 正式西餐我们先喝汤,


词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. separate, segregate

separate: set apart, divide 分离,分开

The child was separated from its mother. 小孩和母亲分散了。

segregate: put apart from the rest of a group 隔离,隔开

The two groups of fans must be segregated in the stadium. 必须把体育场里这两部分球迷隔


2. embitter, agitate

embitter: fill sb with bitter feelings 使人苦恼

The failure of his plans embittered the old man. 计划没成功使老人很难过。

agitate: cause anxiety to sb; disturb 使人焦虑,搅乱

She was agitated by his sudden appearance at the party. 他在聚会上突然出现,使她心烦意乱。

3. noncommittal, tentative

noncommittal: not showing what one thinks, which side one supports 不表明的,不表态的

She was very noncommittal about my suggestion. 她对我的建议不置可否。

tentative: done or said to test sth; not definite or decisive 试探性的,不确定的

Our vacation plans are still tentative. 我们的假期计划还没定下来。

4. untrue, unrealistic

untrue: not true; contrary to fact 不真实的,违反事实的

The story was probably untrue. 这传说可能不确。

unrealistic: not practical 不现实的

This demand is unrealistic and unworkable. 这个要求不切实际,难以实现。

5. intent, hesitant

intent: full of eager interest and concentration 专心的,渴望的

He gave me an intent look. 他专注地看了我一眼。

hesitant: showing uncertainty or slowness about deciding to act 犹豫不决的

I’m rather hesitant about signing this. 我不大愿意签这个字。

6. scoff, scold

scoff: speak contemptuously; mock 嘲弄,嘲笑

I told them my ideas but they scoffed at them. 我把自己的想法告诉他们,但是被他们嗤之


scold: express anger, criticism; rebuke 责骂,斥责

If I walk in with my muddy boots, Dad always scold me. 我的靴子上要是有泥,一进屋爸爸


难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. …she said, as though to finish the matter.

She said, as if she would like to stop talking about the matter.


2. I’m just telling you that you are in for a disappointment.

I’m just telling you that you are likely to have a disappointment.


3. The patrol car inched down the empty street…

A car of the police moved slowly along the empty street.


4. …we ended up on the Augustana College Campus.

At last we came to Augustana College.


5. Man, that freak that’s his parole officer is some mean watch-dog.

Well, his parole officer is somewhat a kind of unkind guarder.


6. He can find a kind of satisfying isolation in that.

He can do his own study and be busy with artistic creation so that he will be able to enjoy an

artist’s isolation.


7. There are things about this though.

However, there are some troubles about his present whereabouts.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)


伊丽莎白·库克 — 林













“是的,但…… 哦,那是以前的事了,”她说道,好象要结束谈这件事似的。









* * *







































































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for "academic mobility" is

now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in

the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe, but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students

were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous

academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold.

Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, their

simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with

students or with colleagues; one presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited

with a startling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassuring to know that other

people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the

same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect.

In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering

scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been

the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately

feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.

Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about

the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no

further mention: there are far more centres of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and


In addition one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the

sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number

of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some

isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.

Frequently these specialisations lie in areas where very rapid developments are Taking place, and

also where the research needed for developments is extremely costly and takes a long time. It is

precisely in these areas that the advantages of collaboration and sharing of expertise appear most

evident. Associated with this is the growth of specialist periodicals, which enable scholars to be-

come aware of what is happening in different centres of research and to meet each other in confe-

rences and symposia. From these meetings come the personal relationships which are at the bottom

of almost all formalized schemes of cooperation, and provide them with their most satisfactory


But as the specialisations have increased in number and narrowed in range, there has been an

opposite movement towards interdisciplinary studies. These owe much to the belief that one cannot

properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world, and by recent

advances in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline. This trend has led to a great

deal of academic contact between disciplines, and a far greater emphasis on the pooling of specialist

knowledge, reflected in the broad subjects chosen in many international conferences.

1. According to the passage, scholars and students are great travellers because ____.

A. salaries and conditions are better abroad

B. standards are higher at foreign universities

C. they are eager for new knowledge

D. their governments encourage them to travel

2. The writer says that travel was important in the past because it ____.

A. led to economic progress

B. was a way of spreading ideas

C. made new ideas less schooling

D. broke down political barriers

3. The writer claims that it is important for specialists to be able to travel because ____.

A. their fellow experts are scattered round the world

B. their laboratories are in remote places

C. there are so many people working in similar fields

D. there is a lot of social unrest at universities

4. The writer thinks that the growth of specialist societies and periodicals has helped scholars to

A. cut down research costs

B. keep up with current developments

C. spend less time travelling

D. develop their ideas more quickly

5. Developments in international cooperation are often, it is suggested, the result of.

A. articles in learned journals

B. programs initiated by governments

C. friendships formed by scholars at meetings

D. the work of international agencies

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. "I" is a friend of Magpie, tine narrator of the story. '

2. Because she wanted to tell him the good 'news and let him make a decision for himself.

3. He got into trouble during the protest, then was put in jail and he was on parole when the

narrator came to find him.

4. No, She didn't. She thought that Magpie no longer needed that.

5. Salina thought that Magpie had a right to know about the chance.

6. The patrolmen in it were watching all the people connected with Magpie.

7. Yes. He did. The narrator said that Magpie, could find a kind of satisfying isolation at the

university and Elgie agreed with her at last.

8. There was injustice in the American society at that time.
















1. hesitant 2. whereabouts 3. segregate 4. tentative

5. clicks 6. noncommittally 7. intently 8. agitation

D. 1.segregated 2.embittered 3. incredible 4. noncommittal

5. unrealistic 6. intently 7. hesitant 8. scoffed

E. 1. abandoned me

2. threatening: and .discontented

3. understand

4. know

5. got disturbed

6. moved by inches along

7. not clear about

8. some unworthy man who likes inspecting others

F. I was very pleased when I knew that a university in California gave Magpie the scholarship,

and he could go to the Fine Arts School of it. I knew that he had been meaning to be a poet and he

had such talent. It was a good chance for him. So I went back to Crow Creek to tell him the good

news and get him to fill out some papers. Magpie was not home and his wife said they hadn't been

together for a while and she only heard he's in Chamberlain. Then 1 went to Salina and asked her to

help me. Salina said that Magpie had changed a lot since he was arrested and put in jail, and she

thought that he was no longer interested in going to the university of the whites'. But 1 said Magpie

had a right to know about it and he should make a decision for himself. She agreed and went with

me to find Elgie, Magpie's good friend. But finally when I was about to see Magpie, he had al ready

been shot by the policeman.


The people in the story think of Magpie's opportunity of going to study in the university differently.

Each has his or her own ideas.

Amelia, Magpie's wife, doesn't think Magpie will go to California- He will never leave here even if

he is told the news. According to Amelia, Magpie is happy now, finally. He is in good spirits,

handsome and free and strong. He sits at the drum and sings with his brothers: he's okay now.

Then the narrator goes to Salina for help. Salina says Magpie does not have those worthless, shitty

dreams anymore. According to Elgie, the good friend of Magpie's, Magpie has changed and is for

complete separation, segregation and total isolation from the whites. He agrees with the narrator's

points: it's a chance for him to study, to write, and he can find a kind of satisfying isolation in that.

The narrator is delighted to learn the news. She thinks that Magpie is interested and he has such

talent, so this is a good chance for him.


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C

Lesson Seven

Miss Brill

Background Knowledge

Katherin Mansfield (b. Oct. 14, 1888, Wellington, N.Z.--d. Jan. 9, 1923, Gurdjieff Institute, near

Fontainebleau, Fr.), New Zealand-born English master of the short story, who evolved a distinctive

prose style with many overtones of poetry. Mansfield' s first collection of stories, In a German Pen-

sion , mainly satirical sketches of German characters, uses sharply observed details to reveal social

affectation and moral squalor. Other works are: The Aloe, Prelude, Bliss and other stories, The

Daughters of the Late Colonel, The Garden- Party, Dove' s Nest, Something Childish. Strongly

influenced by Chekhov, Mansfield learned that plot is not as important as atmosphere. Description,

dialogue and above all, imagery develop her themes. With James Toyce she was one of the founders

of the modem English short story.

Main idea of the text

Miss Brill was British who lived in France. She made living on teaching children English and taking

care of an old man. To drive away the feeling of loneliness, she went to garden every Sunday

afternoon. There she sat on a seat listening to the conversations of others or observing the people

around her. A particular Sunday afternoon, she had a strange feeling. She became an actress and

played a part in the play around her. She imagined that others all paid attention to her, even the old

gentleman she took care of. She was intoxicated in it. But just at that time, a pair of youth couldn't

show love to each other only because of her. Then they talked about her scornfully. She heard that

and wanted back to the realization that she was so disgusting. She put away the fur she always put

on and tasted her broken heart herself.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. splash:

1) v. fly about and fall 飞溅

The children like splashing water over one another. 孩子们喜欢往彼此身上泼水。

2) n. sound, mark made by splashing 飞溅声

He jumped into the river with a splash. 他扑通一声跳进河里。

2. drift: v. cause to drift; move casually or aimlessly 飘动;漫无目的地漂泊

The logs are drifted downstream to the mill. 那些原木沿河顺水飘到加工厂。

She finally drifted in two hours after everyone else. 在大家到齐后两小时,她终于来到。

3. stroke: v. pass the hand gently over sth, usu. again and again; organize 抚摸;整理(思绪)

The child put out a hand and stroked the cat softly. 孩子伸手轻轻抚摸小猫。

He awoke at dawn, and for a time he lay and stroked his memories. 他清晨醒来,在床上躺了一


4. clasp: v. hold tightly in the hand; embrace 握紧;拥抱

They clasped hands briefly before saying goodbye. 他们匆匆握手告别。

He clasped his dying wife to his chest. 他把奄奄一息的妻子紧紧抱在怀里。

5. swoop: v. come down suddenly with a rushing movement; seize the whole of sth in one

movement 向下猛冲;一下子抢走

The eagle swooped down on its prey. 老鹰朝着猎物猛扑下来。

She rushed after the child and swooped him up in her arms. 她追赶着孩子,猛地将他一把抱在怀


6. scrape: v. make clean or smooth by drawing a sharp tool or sth rough across it; rub against sth


She scraped the walls clean. 她把墙擦干净。

The branches of the tree scraped against the window. 树枝擦到窗户。

7. rescue:

1) v. save or bring away sb from danger 搭救,救出

You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. 你给我解了围。

Police rescued the hostages.警方救出人质。

2) n. rescuing or being rescued 救援

Our car couldn’t start, but a friend came to the rescue and drove us home. 我们的车开不动了,


8. droop: v. bend or hang downwards through tiredness or weakness 弯曲,下垂

Some willows drooped over the pond. 几棵垂柳低垂在池塘上。

The hikers were drooping by the end of their walk in the hot sun. 徒步旅行者在烈日下走到最后


9. invalid:

1) v. cause sb to leave because of ill health 因健康不好使人离去

He was invalided out of the army because of the wounds he received. 他因负伤而退役。

2) n. one who suffers from ill health for a very long time 久病者

He was an invalid all his life. 他终身残疾。

3) a. not legally recognized 无效的

A passport that is out date is invalid. 护照过期是无效的。

10. company: n. group of people together; being together with another or others 一群人;陪伴

She told the assembled company what had happened. 她把发生的事告诉了聚会的人。

I enjoyed his company. 我喜欢和他在一起。

短语 (Expressions)

1. decide on: consider and come to a conclusion 考虑后做出决定

After seeing all the candidates we’ve decided on this one. 我们见了所有的候选人后,决定选这


They decided on having a picnic tomorrow. 他们决定明天去野餐。

2. snap at: speak to sb. sharply and rudely; try to grasp sth with the teeth 厉声说;咬住

I’m sorry I snapped at you just now. 对不起,我刚才不过对你嚷嚷。

The dog snapped at his ankles. 狗咬住了他的脚踝。

3. out of season: time of the year when sth is easily available or a certain activity takes place 一年中


Holiday prices are lower out of season. 在度假淡季,费用较低。

The price is so high because crabs are out of season now. 螃蟹已下市,所有价格如此昂贵。

4. be no (not, much, some, any) good: be of no value; be no use 没有好处;没有用处

It’s no good (my) talking to him. 我同他谈没什么用处。

Was his advice ever any good? 他的建议有什么价值吗?

5. dress up: wear one’s best clothes; make sth better or different by careful presentation 穿上盛装;


Don’t bother to dress up — come as you are. 用不着穿讲究的衣服,就穿平常的来吧。

The facts are quite clear; it’s no use trying to dress them up. 事实很清楚,掩饰是没用的。

6. go off: leave, make a sudden loud noise 离开;突然发出巨响

Hamlet goes off stage left. 哈姆雷特从舞台左侧退下。

The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off. 防盗警报一响,盗贼立刻逃走了。

7. look on: be a spectator at an event or incident 旁观

Passers-by looked on as a man was viciously attacked. 有一男子遭人毒打,路人只在一旁观看。

look on sb. as: regard to be 将……看作

She’s looked on as the leading authority on the subject. 她被认为是该问题的主要权威。

8. make a point of doing sth: do sth because one considers it important or necessary 认为做事重要


I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut before I go out. 我出门前总要检


They have made a point of getting as many contacts as possible with the students. 他们很注重尽


9. off with sb.: go away; impolite or unfriendly 走开;不礼貌,不友好

Be off with you! 滚开!

She sounded rather off with me on the phone. 她在电话中说话不客气。

10. make a difference: matter; have effect on 要紧; 对……有影响

It won’t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 你今天去也好,明天去也好,


The sea air has made a difference to her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。

11. pass by: go past; occur without affecting 经过;对……无影响

The procession passed right by my front door. 队伍就从我家门前经过。

The magic of Huck Finn seems to have passed me by. 哈克芬恩的魔法似乎对我不起什么作


词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. get used to, used to

get used to: become accustomed to 习惯于

After three weeks she had got used to the extreme heat. 三个星期后她就适应酷热的环境了。

used to: expressing a frequent action in the past 表达过去经常性的行为

You used to smoke a pipe, didn’t you? 你过去一向是抽烟斗的,对不对?

2. pour, splash

pour: (cause to) flow in a continuous stream 不断流动,倒,灌

I knocked over the bucket and the water poured all over the floor. 我打翻了水桶,水流了一地。

splash: cause to fly about in drops 溅起

The children love splashing water over each other. 儿童喜欢互相泼水。

3. wave, flap

wave: cause sth in one’s hand to move up and down or to and fro 挥动,挥舞

He came out waving the document at the crowd. 他出来时向人群挥舞着文件。

flap: cause sth to move, swing up and down or from side to side 摆动,摇动

The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 那只鸟振翅飞去。

4. drift, swoop

drift: move casually or aimlessly 漫无目的地移动,漂泊

The crowds drifted away from the stadium. 人群慢慢从体育场散去。

swoop: come down suddenly with a rushing movement 突然下降,猛扑

The owl swooped down on the mouse. 猫头鹰向老鼠猛扑下来。

5. rescue, save

rescue: make sb free from danger by prompt or vigorous action 营救,救援

The police rescued the hostages. 警方救出了人质。

save: make sb safe 救,保全

It was too late to save the sick woman, and she died. 病妇未获及时抢救而死亡。

6. rub, stroke

rub: press against a surface with a to-and-fro sliding movement 擦,揉,搓

He rubbed his hands to warm them. 他搓着双手好暖和暖和。

If you keep rubbing, the paint will come off. 你在多擦擦颜色就能掉了。

stroke: pass the hand gently over a surface 轻抚,抚摩

She gently stroked his arm. 她轻轻地抚摸他的胳膊。

7. scrub, scrape

scrub: clean sth thoroughly by rubbing hard 彻底擦洗,刷洗

After dinner he scrubbed the table-top clean. 饭后他把桌面擦洗干净。

scrape: make sth clean, level or smooth by drawing a sharp tool 擦净,削平,磨光

He is scraping the path clear of snow. 他正在把路上的积雪铲掉。

8. make a point, make a plan

make a point: do sth as one think it important or necessary 认为做某事很重要

I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut before I go out. 我出门前总是


make a plan: 做计划

I have made a plan for overcoming the difficulties.


难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. …rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes.

She rubbed the imitation eyes until they shone, as if they were alive again.


2. She felt a tingling in her hands and arms, but that came from walking.

She had a slight stinging feeling in her hands and arms, but he thought that was due to the walk.


3. And when she breathed … something gentle seemed to move in her bosom.

When she took a breath, she breathed with some difficulty after a bit of walk.


4. …they’d be sure to break and they’d never keep on.

The glasses would be sure to break and slide down her nose and fall off.


5. And sometimes a tiny stagger came suddenly rocking into the open from under the trees…

Sometimes a little child with unsteady steps suddenly walked out from under a tree.


6. …such a funny old man with long whiskers hobbled along in time to the music…

That funny old man with long whiskers walked lamely according to the beat of the music.


7. Who could believe the sky at the back wasn’t painted?

The sky at the back was like a real painted setting.


8. Why doesn’t she keep her silly old mug at home?

Why doesn’t that old ugly woman stay at home?


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)









巴眨巴地盯着她,别提有多高兴了!…… 可是它的鼻子,那是用某种黑色合成材料做的,看


色火漆一粘就性了。…… 小淘气!是的,她真的觉得它是个小淘气,小淘气就在她的左耳边









“长笛”独奏,—— 十分动听!恰似一串晶莹的水珠。她心想准会重奏一遍,果然,有吹奏



















几乎总是这些人。而且布里尔小姐经常注意到他们几乎都有点怪。他们古怪,沉默, 差不多
























啊,这真是妙不可言 1 她多么喜欢看呀!她多么喜欢坐在这里,静观眼前这一切呀!就像








































A controversy erupted in the scientific community in early 1992 over the use of DNA

(deoxyribonucleic acid) (脱氧核糖核酸) fingerprinting in criminal investigations. DNA fingerprint-

ing was introduced in 1987 as a method to identify individuals based on a pattern seen in their DNA,

the molecule of which genes are made. DNA is present in every cell of the body except red blood

cells. DNA fingerprinting has been used successfully in various ways, such as to determine paternity

where it is not clear who the father of a particular child is. However, it is in the area of criminal

investigation that DNA fingerprinting has potentially powerful and controversial uses.

DNA fingerprinting and other DNA analysis techniques have revolutionized criminal investigations

by giving investigators powerful new tools in the attempt to prove guilt, not just establish innocence.

When used in criminal investigations, a DNA fingerprint pattern from a suspect is compared with a

DNA fingerprint pattern obtained from such material as hairs or blood found at the scene of a crime.

A match between the two DNA samples can be used as evidence to convict a suspect.

The controversy in 1992 stemmed from a report published in December 1991 by population

geneticists Richard C. Lewontin of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., and Daniel L. Harti of

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. Lewontin and Harti called into

question the methods used to calculate how likely it is that a match between two DNA fingerprints

might occur by chance alone. In particular, they argued that the current method cannot properly

determine the likelihood that two DNA samples will match because they came from the same

individual rather than simply from two different individuals who are members of the same ethnic

group. Lewontin and Harti called for better surveys of DNA patterns within ethnic groups in order to

determine whether the DNA fingerprinting methods are adequate.

In response to their criticisms, population geneticists Ranajit Chakraborty of the University of Texas

in Dallas and Kenneth K. Kidd of Yale University in New Haven, Conn., argued that enough data

are already available to show that the methods currently being used are adequate. In January 1992,

however, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and laboratories that conduct DNA tests announced

that they would collect additional DNA samples from various ethnic groups in an attempt to resolve

some of these questions. And, in April, a National Academy of Sciences panel called for strict

standards and system of accreditation (增长) for DNA testing laboratories.

1. It may be inferred that the introduction of DNA fingerprinting to replace other methods of in -

vestigation is just because ____.

A. DNA is found in all human cells

B. It offers a greater justification than conventional fingerprinting

C. It identifies criminals more specifically

D. It is convenient to conduct than other methods

2. When used in criminal investigation, DNA fingerprinting requires____.

A. some blood of the suspect

B. prints of the suspect' s fingers

C. hairs or blood found at the scene of the crime

D. both A and C

3. DNA fingerprinting can be unreliable when ____.

A. the methods used for blood-cell calculation are not accurate

B. two different individuals of the same ethnic group may have the same DNA fingerprinting


C. a match is by chance left with fingerprints that happen to belong to two different individuals

D. two different individuals leave two DNA samples

4. The attitude of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows that ____.

A. enough data are yet to be collected from various ethnic groups to confirm the unlikelihood

of two DNA samples coming from two individual members

B. enough data of DNA samples should be collected to confirm that only DNA samples from

the same person can match

C. enough data are yet to be collected from various ethnic groups to determine the likelihood of

two different DNA samples coming from the same person

D. additional samples from various ethnic groups should be collected to determine that two DNA

samples are unlikely to come from the same person

5. National Academy of Sciences has the opinion that ____.

A. DNA testing should be systematized

B. only authorized laboratories can conduct DNA testing

C. the academy only is authorized to work out standards for testing

D. the academy has the right, to accredit laboratories for DNA testing


1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B

Lesson Eight

A Lesson in Living

Background knowledge

Maya Angelou, (b. April 4, 1928, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.), black American poet whose several volumes

of autobiography explore the themes of economic, racial, and sexual oppression.

Although born in St. Louis, Angelou spent much of her childhood in the care of her maternal

grandmother in rural Stamps, Ark. Raped at the age of eight by her mother's boyfriend, she went

through an extended period of muteness. This early life is the focus of Angelou's first

autobiographical work, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970). Subsequent volumes of

autobiography include Gather Together in My Name (1974), Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry

Like Christmas (1976), The Heart of a Woman (1981), and All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes


In 1940 Angelou moved with her mother to San Francisco and worked intermittently as a cocktail

waitress, a prostitute and madam, a cook, and a dancer. It was in the latter pursuit that she assumed

her professional name. The literary talent recognized and nurtured by an early mentor led Angelou

in the late 1950s to New York City, where she found encouragement from the Harlem Writers'

Guild. She lived in Egypt and Ghana for several years during the 1960s.

Main idea of the text

The lesson Mrs. Flowers teaches Marguerite is beneficial and far-reaching to Marguerite. Mrs.

Flowers singles her out for attention, makes cookies for her and then reads novels to her. From Mrs.

Flowers, she also learns the mystery of language, she learns the value of life and good manners in

life. Thus, skillfully and gently Mrs. Flowers guided her out of a dead alley into a world of

knowledge and enlightenment.

This is a story of a Negro girl, which reveals to us such an important fact: the blacks has been aware

of their own genius, wit and power.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. ruffle: v. disturb the smoothness or evenness of sth 弄皱,弄乱某物

Don’t ruffle my hair, I’ve just combed. 别把我的头发弄乱了,我刚梳好的。

The wind ruffled the surface of the water. 风吹皱了水面。

2. incessant: a. not stopping; continual 不停的;连续的

We just had a week of almost incessant snow. 一个星期以来,雪差不多没听过。

There is an incessant stream of visions all year round in Shanghai. 上海全年都有络绎不绝的参观


3. infuse: v. put, pour into 灌输,灌注

The reform infused the workers with new life. 改革使工人获得新的活力。

The teacher infused fresh courage into students. 教师给学生们注入新的勇气。

4. cascade: v. fall in or like a waterfall 如瀑布落下;如瀑布状下垂

Her golden hair cascaded down her back. 她的金发像瀑布似的披在肩后。

Water cascaded down the mountainside. 水如瀑布般自山边泻下。

5. boggle: be unwilling, hesitate 犹豫,畏缩不前

He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.

the mind boggles at: one can hardly accept sth 对……难以接受

The mind boggles at the fact. 心中难以接受这一事实。

6. abuse:

1)v. make a bad or wrong use of 滥用,误用

Don’t abuse your power. 不要滥用职权。

2)n. wrong or bad use 滥用

Here are some recent abuses of the word. 这是最近一些滥用这个词的情况。

7. enchant: v. charm, delight 使着迷,使高兴

She was enchanted by her birthday present. 她非常喜欢她的生日礼物。

The beautiful house enchanted everyone who saw it. 漂亮的房子让每个看到它的人都喜欢。

8. shield: v. protect, keep safe 保护,防御

There was a strong wind. She shielded her eyes with her hands. 风很大,她用手保护眼睛。

The policeman shielded the child with his body. 警察用他的身体保护小孩。

短语 (Expressions)

1. let alone: not to mention; without considering 不用说;不必考虑

He never gets up early on weekdays, let alone on weekends. 他平日从不早起,更不要说周末了。

She always helps those whom she doesn’t know, let alone her good friends. 她总是帮助那些陌生


2. appeal to: be attractive or interesting 有吸引力,使人感兴趣

The idea of camping has never appealed to me. 对露营这种相法我从来就不感兴趣。

Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously. 她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。

3. hang back: show unwillingness to do sth. ; hesitate 不情愿做某事;犹豫

She volunteered to help but he was afraid and hung back. 她自愿帮忙,可是他却畏避而不愿接


He hung back whether to go for a holiday tomorrow. 他对明天是否去度假犹豫不决。

4. bear … in mind: remember 记住

We have no vacancies now, but we’ll certainly bear your application in mind. 我们目前没有空缺,


Stay in the foyer if you wish, but bear in mind that the performance begins in two minutes. 要是你


5. set down: write down 记下

She quickly set down her thoughts on paper. 她很快把她的想法写在纸上。

Please set down what the teacher said in your note book. 请把老师说的记到笔记本上。

6. occur to sb: come into one’s mind 想到,想起

An idea has occurred to me. 我有主意了。

Did it ever occur to you to ask anyone? 你曾想到过问问别人了吗?

7. single out: select for special attention 挑出,选出

He was singled out for punishment. 他被挑出来予以处罚。

She singled out a red rose. 她选了一朵红玫瑰。

8. exchange A for B: give or receive B in place of A 把A换成 B

He exchanged the blue jumper for a red one. 他把蓝毛衣换成了红的。

The traitor exchanged the country’s honor for his personal interest. 卖国贼为了个人利益出卖祖


9. do sb / sth good: benefit sb / sth 有益于

Eat more fruit, and it will do you good. 多吃水果,对你有好处。

This cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn’t do much good. 这咳嗽药不难吃,但作用不大。

10. take to sb / sth.: develop a liking for sb. / sth. 对……产生好感

He hasn’t taken to his new school. 他对这所学校还不感兴趣。

I took to her the moment I met her. 我一见她就对她产生了好感。

11. trail off: gradually become quieter and then stop 声音逐渐减弱到不出声

Her voice trailed off because of shyness. 因害羞她的声音逐渐减弱了。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. remember, memorize

remember: have or keep in memory; recall to one’s memory 记得;回想起

Do you remember where you put the key? 你记得你把钥匙放在什么地方了?

I remember her as a slim young girl. 我想起她那时还是个苗条的少女。

memorize: put into one’s memory; learn well enough to remember it exactly 记住,记忆

She can memorize facts very quickly. 她能很快记住许多资料。

An actor must be able to memorize his lines. 演员必须能够记住台词。

2. intolerable, intolerant

intolerable: too bad to be borne or endured 无法忍受的,难以忍受的

This is intolerable: I’ve been kept waiting for three hours! 太不象话了,我们一直等了三个


intolerant: not tolerant 不容忍

His order is intolerant of opposition. 他的命令不容违抗。

3. infuse, fill

infuse: put a quality into sb; fill sb with a quality 灌注,注入

The reform has infused new life into the workers (the workers with new life). 改革使工人获得


fill: make sth full 装满,填满

Smoke filled the room. (The room was filled with smoke.) 房间里烟雾弥漫。

4. common, ordinary

common: shared by or belonging to two or more people 共同的,共有的

He and I have a common interest: we both collect stamps. 我和他有共同的爱好,我们都集邮。

ordinary: normal, usual 平常的,普通的

We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinary clothes. 我们都盛装赴会,


5. familiar, intimate

familiar: having a good knowledge of sth 熟悉,通晓

I am not very familiar with botanical names. 我不大熟悉植物学方面的名称。

intimate: having a very close and friendly relationship 亲密的,密切的

We had been intimate for some time. 我们曾是极要好的朋友。

6. happen, occur

happen: take place 发生

How did the accident happen? 故事是怎么发生的?

occur: happen; come into one’s mind 发生,想到

When did the accident happen? 事故是什么时候发生的?

An idea has occurred to me? 我有主意了。

7. respectable, respectful

respectable: of good character and social position 体面的,有身份的

He is altogether too respectable for my taste. 他过于讲究体面我不欣赏。

respectful: feeling or showing respect 恭敬的,表示尊敬的

The boys were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups. 男孩们彬彬有理,尊敬大


8. divide, separate

divide: break into parts 分,分开

This class is too large; we shall have to divide it. 这个班太大了,我们把它分一分。

separate: divide; stop living together as a married couple 分开,分居

The children were separated into groups for the game. 那些儿童分成小组做游戏。

After ten years of marriage they decided to separate. 他们婚后十年决定分居。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer

days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her.

She had a fine control of her movement to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on hot summer

days she seemed to have a breeze of her own blowing around and cooling her.



2. Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged…

Her skin was a vivid deep black that would have been peeled like a plum if it had been snagged.


3. …and has remained through my life the measure of what a human being can be.

She has remained a good example for others through my life.


4. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning.

Speaking is needed to show the slight difference of deeper meaning of words.


5. I’ll accept no excuse if you return a book to me that has been badly handled.

I will not forgive you if you return me the book that has not been well read.


6. That in those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations.

The collective wisdom of generations was expressed in those plain sayings.


7. It was the least I could do, but it was the most also.

That simple answer was all I could give.


8. That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all.

It makes me feel good to see those people who have settled here begin to like you.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)




















































































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Early in the sixteenth century, Francis Bacon proposed that science consisted of the elevation

of the authority of experiment and observation over that of reason, intuition, and convention. Bacon

thought that as more and more reliable and precise particular facts accumulate, they can be classified

and generalized, resulting in an ever-expanding hierarchy of useful "axioms." This is what he meant

by "induction. "

Although many people today continue to regard the collection of facts and their arrangement

by induction into theories as the heart of scientific method, Bacon's conception of what facts and

theories are and of the relationship between them was hopelessly unrealistic even in his own time.

The most important early scientific discoveries—such as those made by Galileo about the move-

ment of the earth, by Keppler about the elliptical shape of planetary orbits, and later by Newton

about the "force" of gravity—could never have been made if Bacon's rules had prevailed.

Determined to avoid all premature speculations, Bacon proposed that data gathering be carried out

by illiterate assistants with no interest in whether an experiment turned out one way or another. Plain

facts, properly arranged, would automatically lead to certain knowledge of the universe. Nothing

could be more misrepresentative of the actual problem-solving techniques of the scientific method.

That plain facts do not speak for themselves is evident from Bacon' s own acceptance of the errors

contained in what appeared to be the most "obvious" of facts. For Bacon, that the earth did not move

was a fact because it could be seen not to move; and for Bacon it was a fact that life was being

spontaneously generated because maggots(蛆)always developed in putrid (腐烂有臭味) flesh

and frogs appeared after every rain.

What is clear is that the great breakthroughs of Newton, Darwin, or Marx could never have been

achieved solely on the basis of Baconian fact gathering. Facts are always unreliable without theories

which guide their collection and which distinguish between superficial and significant appearances .

Nonetheless, we should not forget that theories are equally meaningless without facts. Bacon's

emphasis upon fact gathering was an important departure in its day. The inductive model of science

was intended as a corrective to the subordination of inquiry to Aristotelian intuitions and as a

condemnation of those who would test theories by appeal to political, religious dogmas (教条) and

doctrines. Bacon's was an age in which people argued about the number of angels in the head of a

pin and in which learned people could dismiss Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's moon because it

contradicted established theories and principles. As argued by the astronomer Fancesco Sizi: "The

satellites Jupiter's moons are invisible to the naked eye and therefore can have no influence on the

earth and therefore would be useless and therefore do not exist." Faced with this flight of fancy, who

can blame Francis Bacon for warning that knowledge should not be "supplied with wings, but rather

hung with weights, to keep it from leaping and flying. "

1. Bacon's position on the relationship between facts and theories____.

A. is widely accepted

B. was rejected by the authorities

C. was instrumental in the discovery of elliptical planetary orbits

D. is not very practical

2. Present day scientific method____.

A. owes no debt to Bacon's ideas

B. derives from Bacon's definitions of facts and theories

C. is the method of inference

D. utilizes both experiment and observation as well as reason and Aristotelian intuition

3. According to Bacon, knowledge can be obtained ____.

A. by subjecting theories to rigorous logical analysis

B. not through political religious dogmas but through reason

C. by observation alone

D. through the inductive method

4. Bacon viewed Aristotelian intuition ____.

A. as a corrective for the elevation of authority

B. as a contradiction to convention

C. as harmful to scientific progress since it has no basis in observation

D. as an appeal to politico-religious dogmas and doctrines

5. Bacon' s emphasis on observation and data collection ____.

A. led to arguments concerning angels dancing on pin heads

B. affected the discovery of Jupiter's moons

C. were a flight of fancy equal to angels on a pinhead

D. were important in spite of Bacon's belief in the immobility of the earth and the spontaneous

generation of life

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. Maybe she did.

2. Because Momma might have asked her to help Marguerite. Mrs. Flowers asked Marguerite to

carry her provisions to her house and she gave her a lesson in living.

3. She had a talk with Marguerite.

4. She meant that Marguerite shouldn't tolerate ignorance because it was the consequence of not

studying and she should understand illiteracy because they were deprived of education owning

to their poverty.

5. Yes, she was. Her problem was that she could scarcely talk in class.

6. No, she wasn't. She was quiet because of her unpleasant experience.

7. Because she really wanted to help her. ,

8. By her talking and reading. .

9. Mrs. Flowers threw her the first lifeline.

10. No, they weren't.











C. 1. ruffled 2. singled out 3. let alone 4. infused

5. memorize 6. the measure of 7. intolerant 8. cascade

D. 1. memorize 2. intolerant 3. infuse 4. common

5. intimate 6. occurred 7. respectful 8. separate

E. 1. gave me the first thing on which my life depended

2. fill

3. was necessarily true

4. how important it was

5. I had the idea

6. selected me

7. conceive a liking for

F. Man created language and made it a way of communicating with his fellow man. One of the

differences between oral language and written language is that oral language takes the human voice

to infuse words with the shades of deeper meaning. Mrs., Flowers read A Tale of Two City so nicely

that she seemed to be singing. From her reading I felt the wonder of language. Mrs. Flowers gave

me some novels and poems. From these books 1 learned the worth of life, and realized how

beautiful the language of literature was.


Mrs. Flowers did a lot to teach Marguerite the important lesson in living.

Mrs. Flowers told her many logical, reasonable, and practical things, though some of them were

quite new and abstract to her. She said language is man' s way of communicating with his fellow

man and it is language alone which separates him from the lower animals. Words mean more than

what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper

meaning. She also said Marguerite must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of

illiteracy. All this, no doubt, helped to enlarge Marguerite's scope of thinking and knowledge.

Mrs Flowers did something to influence her. She intentionally invited Marguerite for cookies and

lemonade so that they could have a chat. As Marguerite was eating, Mrs. Flower began the lesson,

and encouraged her to listen carefully to what country people called mother wit. After eating

cookies, the novel A Tale of Two Cities was brought out and she read to her like reading poetry. Mrs.

Flowers also asked her to recite a poem next time. All these acts did influence Marguerite a lot.

In making the cookies and reading the novels, Mrs. Flowers appeared to be so skillful, gentle, kind,

modest and she paid much attention to some details. To Marguerite, Mrs. Flowers was a real

gentlewoman and remained the measure of what a human being can be. Thus, Marguerite was

guided out of a dead alley into a world of knowledge and enlightenment.


1. D 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D

单元测验 2 Quiz Two

A. Text-related Part

I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, choose the word from the list that best

completes each of the sentences.

telling insight couch band qualities shabby provisions

exile women gayer season politics hesitant house welcomed

health idealism laughed

hand sing afternoon brainwash listen memory

It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, __1__, patience, and persistence to government

--- the __2__ we naturally have or have had to develop because of our suppression by men. The

__3__ of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its __4__ by the lives they live. At present, our

country needs women’s __5__ and determination, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else.

Salina was talking, __6__ me about Magpie’s return to Crow Creek after months in __7__ and

how his relatives went to his sister’s house and __8__ him home. “They came to hear him __9__

with his brothers, and they sat in chairs around the room and __10__ and sang with him.”

There were a number of people out this __11__, far more than last Sunday. And the band sounded

louder and __12__. That was because the Season had begun. For although the __13__ played all the

year round on Sundays, out of __14__ it was never the same. It was like someone playing with only

the family to __15__; it didn’t care how it played if there weren’t any strangers present.

One summer afternoon, sweet-milk fresh in my __16__, she stopped at the Store to buy __17__.

Another Negro woman of her __18__ and age would have been expected to carry the paper sacks

home in one __19__, but Momma said, “Sister Flowers, I’ll send Bailey up to your __20__ with

these things.”

II. Fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the list below,

changing its form when necessary:

measure, leave … alone, sop, cascade, tingle, whereabouts, tone,

let alone, occur, phenomenon, single out, drift, splash, pickup, couch

1. The newly-launched satellite is expected to obtain data on solar radiation, sky brightness

and other important.

2. "But the piano is out of tune," she said in a disappointed.

3. All the children in the class did wrong, but David was _____ for punishment.

4. Her golden hair _____ down her back.5. Jack is so lazy that he hates going for walks, _____ jogging.

6. She made a refusal _____ in plain terms.

7. His resignation is a _____ of how angry he is.

8. After the operation the doctor was _____ to the skin.

9. He doesn't want a career, he's just ______.

10. The slap she gave him made his cheek _____.11. It was very hot and the kids were all happily _____ about in the pool.

12. The police _____ him _____ as he was trying to leave the country.

III. Tick the square in front of the right word or expression:1. With the help of the specially trained dogs, they were able to ([A] rescue, [B] save) ten people

buried in the snow.

2. This is ([A] intolerant, [B] intolerable): I've been kept waiting for three hours!.

3. The students waited in ([A] respectable, [B] respectful) silence for the Nobel Prize winner to

make his speech.

4. His story of having discovered the treasure buried by some pirates seemed ([A] incredible, [B]

incredulous) to everyone.

5. The cat had a ([A] content, [B] contented) smile after the meal.

6. My neighbour wears his dressing-gown to work. The ([A] mind, [B] brain) boggles!

7.1 always ([A] make a plan, [B] make a point) of checking that all the windows are shut before I go out.

8. The kitchen floor has to be ([A] scrubbed, [B] scraped) every other day.

9. In that country women ([A] control, [B] predominate) in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding,

dead-end jobs.

10. When people looked at him too ([A] intently, [B] tentatively), he felt very uncomfortable.

IV. Answer the following questions in English:

1. How are American women discriminated against economically?2. What are some of the problems the author Shirley Chisholm is determined to help to solve?

3. Why did the narrator want to find Magpie?4. What does the ending of the story A Good Chance tell you?

5. What did she mean when Mrs. Flowers told Marguerite to be always intolerant of ignorance but

understanding of illiteracy?

6. Was Marguerite a good student in the school? What was her problem in class?

7. What was the image of Mrs. Flowers in the child's mind?8. What are the occupations usually taken by American women?

9. What was the day like when Miss Brill went to the public park that Sunday?

10. Why was Miss Brill disappointed when she found that the old couple sitting beside her was


V. Translate the following from English into Chinese:1. Plenty of others have advised me, every time I tried to take another upward step, that I should go

back to teaching, a woman* s vocation, and leave politics to the men.

2. At present, our country needs women' s idealism and determination, perhaps more in politics than

anywhere else.

3. But the silence which hung about the place filled me with apprehension, and when we walked in

the back door which hung open, we saw people standing in the kitchen.

4. A police car moved slowly to the comer where we were parked and the patrolmen looked at the

three of us intently and we pretended not to notice.

5. Several cars were parked in the yard of the old house as we approached, and Salina, keeping her

voice low, said, "Maybe they are having a party. "

6. It takes the human voice to infuse words with the shades of deeper meaning.

7. She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer

days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her.

8. We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together.

9. The air was motionless, but when you opened your mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill

from a glass of iced water before you sip, and now and again a leaf came drifting—from nowhere,

from the sky.

10. Two young girls in red came by and two young soldiers in blue met them» and they .laughed and

paired and went off arm in arm. ..

VI. Translate the following from Chinese into English: 1.经济上,大部分妇女做的是那些工资低和没有前途的工作,她们的工资也永远低于做同样工作的男人。


3.当这个富有的国家不再有孩子在饥饿中人睡时,我可能 会准备重操教书行业。4.赛利娜说喜鹊在被捕人狱后有了很大变化,她认为他对上白人的大学已经不感兴趣了。5.假释的条件有这样的规定:他要远离自己的亲人、朋友、以前的囚犯甚至每一个人。6.没有人讲话,但埃尔吉走了过来,布满血丝的双眼流露出悲伤与痛苦。7.那个星期日下午她突然产生了一种感觉,觉得自己是这个集体中的一部分,觉得生活犹如一部戏剧,她在其中也扮演着自己的角色。



B. Proficiency Part

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

On Buying Books

Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely there to

buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden

shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. The

desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, although this method of

selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book. You soon become

engrossed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent

far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment — without buying a

book, of course.

This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a

bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like

a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no

assistant will approach you with the inevitable greeting: "Can I help you, sir?" You needn't buy

anything you don't want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have

finished Browsing. Then, and only then, are his services necessary,. Of course, you may want to find

out where a particular section is, but when he has led you there, the assistant should retire discreetly

and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.

You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to

enter the shop looking for a book on, say, ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest

best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbing—something which had only vaguely

interested you up till then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so well illustrated

and the part of the text you read proved so interesting, that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing

can be very dangerous. Apart .from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time

wandering from section to section.

Book-sellers must be both long-suffering and indulgent. There is a story which well illustrates

this. A medical student had to read a textbook which was far too expensive for him to buy. He

couldn't obtain it from the library and the only copy he could find was in his bookshop. Every

afternoon, therefore, he would go along to the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day,

however, -he was dismayed to find the book missing from its usual place and was about to leave

when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him. Expecting to be told off, -he went towards

him. To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book, which was tucked away in a corner, "I put it

there in case anyone was tempted to buy it," he said, and left the delighted student to continue his


shelter n. 隐蔽处

dust-jackets n. (书的)护封

engross v. 使全神贯注content n. 满意

browse v. 浏览,翻阅variety n. 种类,多样化apart from ad. 除了

tempt v. 诱惑 .

irresistible a. 不可抗拒的

approach v. 接近

inevitable a. 不可避免的

vaguely a. 模糊地

indulgent a. 宽容的

beckon v. 召唤

tuck away v. 使隐藏

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:(1) Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable if ____.

A. you are a book-lover

B. you are there to buy a book as a present

C. you have entered, the shop simply because of the rain

D. All of the above

(2) According to the author, the way of selecting a book with a lovely, cover is____.

A. always good B. always bad C. not recommended D. stupid;

(3) The main attraction of a bookshop is ____.A. the opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life

B. the freedom to go from one book to another book

C. the good service of an assistant

D. the interesting people you can meet

(4) You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop because ____. A.

you might buy the latest best-selling novel

B. you might get a book on ancient coins

C. you might waste money and time

D. you might be suspected of stealing a book

(5) The story about the medical student shows that _____.

A. book-sellers are sometimes kind

B. book-sellers must be both long-suffering and indulgent

C. medical students are sometimes poorD. medical books are always expensive

2. Choose the best answer for the underlined part:

(1) Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable.

A. can be very much enjoyed

B. can be very pleasant

C. can be pleasure-giving

D. can give you the greatest pleasure

(2) You soon become totally unaware of your- surroundings.

A. become completely absorbed in the books without realizing where you are

B. become completely lost without any knowledge of your whereabouts

C. become completely unconscious in the bookshop

D. lose any sense of direction as to where you are

(3) ... as you might end up with a rather dull book

A. come to an end with

B. stop reading

C. find yourself the owner of

D. finish reading

(4) You can wander round such places to your heart's content.

A. to do good to your health

B. for as long as it pleases you

C. in order to keep your heart satisfied

D. to make you happy(5) "I put it there in case anyone was tempted to buy it," he said.

A. was persuaded B. was inclined

C. was attracted D. was fascinated

(6) Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings.

A. I don't care what the excuse you give

B. No matter what reason here is

C. No matter what you explain

D. Whatever the reason it may be

(7) Apart from running up a huge account, you can...

A. In addition to getting large bills for the books

B. Besides meeting an accountant

C. As well as losing a lot of money

D. Except for the account bills

(8) ... something which had only vaguely interested you up till then.

A. something in which you had been greatly interested

B. something in which you had previously no interest

C. something in which you had previously only a slight interest

D. something in which you had lost interest

(9) In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing. A.

should remain relatively inconspicuous

B. should remain silent

C. should remain quiet

D. should disappear

(10) ... he was dismayed to find the book missing from its usual place and was about to leave when

he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him.

A. calling B. shouting C. yelling D. signaling

3. Translate from English into Chinese:

(1) This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a

bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this.

(2) The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, although this method of

selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book.

(3) You soon become engrossed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you

realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten

appointment— without buying a book, of course.

(4) In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have. finished browsing.

Then, and only then, are his services necessary.

(5) Apart from running up & huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from

section to section.

4. Answer the following question in English within 80 ~ 100 words:What, according to the writer, must the owner of a bookshop do and be like?

Key to Quiz Two A. Text-related Part

I The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, choose the word from the list that best completes each of the sentences.

1. insight 2. qualities 3. women 4. politics 5. idealism

6. telling 7. exile 8. welcomed 9. sing 10. laughed

11. afternoon 12. gayer 13. band 14. season 15. listen

16. memory 17. provisions 18. health 19. hand 20. house

II . Fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the list

below, changing its form when necessary:

1. phenomena 2. tone 3. singled out

4.cascaded 5. let alone 6. couched

7. measure 8. sopped 9. drifting

10. tingle 11. splashing 12. picked" "up

III. Tick the square in front of the right word or expression:1. rescue 2. intolerable 3. respectful

4. incredible 5. contented 6. mind

7. make a point 8. scrubbed 9. predominate 10. intently

IV. Answer the following questions in English:1. Women predominate in the low-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when they do

reach better position, they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job.

2. Children go to bed hungry in this rich country. Not every child has a good school to go to. People spend their wealth on hardware-to murder people. The laws against unfair housing and unfair employment practices are evaded.

3. The narrator had some news for Magpie. Magpie had got a good chance of going to a Fine Arts

school in a University in California. She had to talk with Magpie and get him to fill out some


4. The end of the story reveals the narrator' s sorrow, misery, shock, anger, etc. toward Magpie's


5. According to Mrs. Flowers, Marguerite should be intolerant of ignorance because ignorance is the

result of lack of study. But she should be understanding of illiteracy, because illiteracy is the

result of being deprived of schooling with poverty.

6. Yes, Marguerite was a good student in the school. She was doing very well in school work, but

only in written work. That' s not enough. The teachers said they had trouble getting her to talk in


7. To Marguerite, Mrs. Flowers is the lady who throws her the first lifeline. She is one of the few

gentlewomen Marguerite has ever known, and has remained throughout her life the measure of

what a human being can be.

8. Secretaries, librarians, teachers, typists, homemakers, etc.

9. It was so brilliantly fine - the blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white

wine splashed over the Jardins publiques. The air was motionless, but when you opened your

mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill from a glass of iced water before you sip, and now

and again a leaf came drifting-from nowhere, from the sky.

10. Miss Brill was disappointed because she always looked forward to the conversation. She had

become really quite expert, she thought, at listening as though she didn't listen, at sitting in other

people's lives just for a minute while they talked round her.

V.Translate the following from English into Chinese:




















VI. Translate the following from Chinese into English:

1. Economically, women predominate in the lower-paying, dead-end jobs, and they are invariably

paid less than a man for the same job.

2. When blacks finally started to "mention" the prejudice against them, with sit-ins, boycotts, and

freedom rides, white Americans were incredulous.

3. When there are no children going to bed hungry in this rich nation, I may be ready to go back to teaching.

4. Salina said Marguerite had changed a lot after having been put in jail. And she believed that he had lost the interest of going to the university for whites.

5. It' s a part of the condition of his parole that he stays away from friends and relatives and ex-convicts and just about everybody.

6. Nobody spoke but Elgie came over, his bloodshot eyes filled with sorrow and misery.7. That Sunday afternoon she suddenly had such a feeling that she belonged to the crowd and life

was like a play in which she also had a part of the performance.

8. There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked in front swinging her

arms and picking her way over the stones.

9. Language is man's way of communicating with his fellow man and it is language alone which

separates him from the lower animals.

10. I’ll accept no excuse if you return a book to me that has been badly handled.

B. Proficiency Part

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:

(1) D (2) C (3) A (4) C (5) B

2. Choose the best answer for the underlined part:

(1) B (2) A (3) C (4) B (5) C

(6) D (7) A (8) C (9) A (10) D

3. Translate from English into Chinese:










4. Answer the following question in English within 80 ~ 100 words:

The owner of a bookshop must ensure that his customer will be able to spend a most enjoyable time

in his shop. Every customer. whether a book-lover or a person who happens to take shelter from a

sudden shower, should be welcome to his shop. He must see to tt that the assistants let the customer

wander round the bookshop to his heart's content without being disturbed. The owner or the

assistant should lead the customer wherever he wants to go and allow him to browse for as long as

he pleases. The owner must be both kind and patient.

Lesson Nine

The Trouble with Television

Background knowledge

A demonstration of television was held at the New York World's Fair in 1939, and during the 1940s

networks were established and television sets began to be sold. But, for a while, radio still had

complete control of the entertainment industry. It was in the 1950s that television started to take the

place of radio in the United States, and in the early 1960s over 750 TV stations were telecasting to

about 52 million sets with the result that the American TV audience included almost every family.

Today there are a thousand stations all over the country, and in many places there is a choice of five

or six channels, not counting in the cable programs one can buy. The Big Three of the networks —

the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), and the

American Broadcasting Company (ABC) — introduce a large number of new shows, which are

relayed throughout the United States and are often sold abroad.

Main idea of the text

In this lesson, Mr. Robert MacNeil, a prominent American anchorman, elaborates upon TV' s

adverse effect on American culture and society. He is in the opinion that TV discourages

concentration. As a matter of fact, it diverts people only to divert, to make the time pass without

pain. In the case of news, there is a lack of depth. Unavoidably, it results in inefficient

communication. According to the author, TV should be partly responsible for the decivilizing and

the crisis of literacy. What' s more, TV sells neat resolutions to complexity. At the end, he hopes that

people will join him in resisting TV's adverse effect.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. expose: v. uncover, leave uncovered or unprotected 使暴露;弃置

The bicycle was exposed to the wind and rain. 那辆自行车仍由风吹雨打。

The soldiers were exposed to the enemy’s gunfire. 士兵受到敌人炮火的袭击。

2. concentrate: v. focus one’s attention on 集中精力,专心于

You should concentrate (your attention) on your work. 你应该专心于你的工作。

You will solve the problem if you concentrate upon it. 如果你全神贯注,你会解决这问题。

3. apply: v. make practical use of 实际应用

You can’t apply this rule to every case. 这个规则不能适用所有情况。

We can apply his findings in new development. 我们可将他的调查结果应用于新发展。

4. divert: v. amuse, entertain; turn the attention away 娱乐,消遣;转移注意力

The children were diverted by the antics of the clown. 孩子们被小丑的滑稽动作逗乐了。

Some people are easily diverted. 有些人的注意力容易转变。

5. allot: v. make a distribution of; decide a person’s share of 分配;摊派

Can we do the work within the time they have allotted (to) us. 我们能在他们分配给我们的时间


The teacher allotted each boy a part in the play. 老师给每个男孩分派一个戏中角色。

6. enhance: v. add to (value, attraction, power, price …) 增加

Her beauty was enhanced by make-up. 化妆使她显得更美。

The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it. 城市的发展使附近的地价为之


7. accompany: v. go with; do at the same time 伴随;和……一起发生

Thunder accompanies lightning. 雷声伴随着闪电。

A series of color photographs accompanies the text. 课文带有一系列彩照。

8. perceive: become aware of, esp. through the eyes or the mind 感觉;看出

On entering the house, we at once perceived him to be a man of taste. 我们一进他的房子,立刻


Do you perceive what I mean? 我的意思你明白吗?

短语 (Expressions)

1. focus on: concentrate 集中

I must focus on my new task. 我必须专注于我的新工作。

He focus his energies on studying. 他把精力专注于研究。

2. come to do: reach a point where one sees, understands 达到明白之点

He came to see the problem in a new light. 他终于对这个问题有了新的认识。

Daily she was coming to know him better. 日复一日,她对他了解得更深入了。

3. in place: suitable, appropriate 适合的,适当的

I like to have everything in place. 我喜欢一切都在其适当的位置。

His proposal is not quite in place. 他的建议并不十分恰当。

4. in the case of: as regards 至于;就……来说

Climate is especially important in the case of articles that are readily affected by moisture. 对容易


In the case of a highly intelligent animal like the seal, elementary training is easy. 就海豹之类高


5. tend to: be inclined to move; have a direction 倾向;趋于

Plants tend to die in hot weather if you don’t water them. 植物在炎热天气如不浇水容易枯死。

He tends to stress the form words in a sentence. 他倾向于重读一句话中的虚词。

6. be a substitute for: use as a substitute 替代

Mr. Li is ill, so Mr. Yang is a substitute for him. 李老师病了,所以杨老师来替他。

They use tea as a substitute for beer to celebrate. 他们以茶代酒来庆贺。

7. surrender oneself to: give up; give way to 放弃;听任摆布

We advised the burglar to surrender himself to the police. 我们建议窃贼向警方投案。

They surrendered themselves to despair. 他们陷于绝望。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. allot, divide

allot: divide and give as a share 分配,摊派

We must allot money carefully. 我们必须小心分钱。

divide: separate into parts 分开

He divided his novel into ten chapters. 他把小说分为十章。

2. mysterious, miraculous

mysterious: full of mystery; hard to understand 神秘的,不可思议的

No one could tell us anything about the mysterious stranger. 没人能告诉我们有关那个神秘的


miraculous: like a miracle; remarkable 奇迹般的,神奇的

The wounded man made a miraculous recovery. 受伤的人奇迹般地恢复了。

3. obtainable, absorbable

obtainable: that can be obtained 能得到的

Not a copy was obtainable from any bookseller. 从书商那儿一本也买不到。

absorbable: that can be taken in 可被吸收的

Some of noise is absorbable in the room. 房间里有些噪音可被吸收。

4. preeminent, prominent

preeminent: superior to all others; outstanding 超群的,杰出的

He is preeminent in the field of surgery. 他在外科领域出类拔萃。

prominent: easily seen, conspicuous 显著的,引人注目的

The house is in a prominent position on the village green. 那房子坐落在村中草地最显眼的地


5. enhance, increase

enhance: increase the good quality; make sth look better 增强,提高

Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance. 她穿那些衣服并没显得更漂亮。

increase: become greater in number, quantity 增加,增大

The rate of inflation has increased by 2%. 通货膨胀率已增长 2%。

6. dismissible, disposable

dismissible: ignored 不予理会

His suggestion was dismissible at the meeting. 会上他的建议不予考虑。

disposable: made to thrown away after use 一次性的

Bed pans and bottles are made of paper to be disposable. 便盆和瓶子都是纸制的,用后即便


7. accompany, company

accompany: v. walk or travel with sb as a companion 伴随,陪伴

He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife. 他那次远行有妻子陪同。

company: n. being together with others 陪伴,与他人在一起

I’ll stay here and keep you company. 我留下来陪你。

8. reverse, adverse

reverse: adj. opposite to what is expected 相反的

n. thing that is opposite to what is expected; change for the worse 相反的事物; 逆转,


Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries. 统计数字表明这种趋向与


We suffered some serious financial reverse. 我们在财务上受到严重挫折。

adverse: adj. not favorable, contrary 不利的,相反的

Don’t be discouraged by adverse criticism. 不要因不利的批评而气馁。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. …by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20,000 hours of television.

By the age of 20, you will have watched television for at least 20,000 hours.

到 20岁时,你至少已看过 2万小时电视了。

2. It sells us instant gratification.

TV makes us accept instant pleasure and satisfaction it provides.


3. Television’s variety becomes a narcotic, not a stimulus.

Television’s various programs become a narcotic that drugs our mind, instead of a stimulus that

quickens our thought.


4. In its place that is fine.

If the appeal to the short attention span is used properly, there is nothing wrong with it.


5. Much of it is what has been aptly described as “machine-gunning with scraps”.

Much of the news program is only a rapid broadcast of unrelated bits of information, just like

firing a machine-gun with broken pieces, and this is an appropriate description.


6. …but we are falling further and further short of attaining it.

But we are getting further away from achieving literacy.


7. …forced feeding on trivial fare is not itself a trivial matter.

It is not in itself a small and unimportant matter to force people to accept things of little worth.


8. …I fear that the effects on … our tolerance for effort, and our appetite for complexity are only

dimly perceived.

Television reduces our ability to endure hard work had lessens our desire for dealing with complex

problems, but these effects are only vaguely understood.



课文翻译 (Translation of the text)





要摆脱电视的影响很难。如果你符合统计的平均数字,那么到 20岁时,你至少已看过 2万

小时的电视了。20岁之后,你每生活 10年,看电视的时间就增加 I万小时。美国人只有两件


稍稍计算一下,即使只用这些时间的一部分我们可以做多少事。听说一个大学生一般学习 5

千小时即可获得学士学位。在 1万小时内你能学到足够的知识而成为一名天文学家或工程师,










































就是那 30秒一个的商业广告。一位热切的家庭主妇因选对了牙膏而感到高兴的那个小小的戏










补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Many Americans harbour (心怀 ) a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks

surrounding food. Fergus Clydesdale, head of the department of food science and nutrition at the

University of Massachusetts-Amherst, says bluntly that if the dangers from bacterially contaminated

chicken were as great as some people believe, "the streets would be littered with people lying here

and there."

Though the public increasingly demands no-risk food, there is no such thing. Bruce Ames, chairman

of the biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley, points out that up to 10%

of a plant's weight is made up of natural pesticides(杀虫剂). Says he; "Since plants do not have

jaws or teeth to protect themselves, they employ chemical warfare. " And many naturally produced

chemicals, though occurring in tiny amounts, prove in laboratory tests to be strong carcinogens—a

substance which can cause cancer. Mushrooms might be banned if they were judged by the same

standards that apply to food additives(添加剂 ). Declares Christina Stark, a nutritionist at Cornell

University; " We' ve got fat worse natural chemicals in the food supply than anything man-made. "

Yet the issues are not that simple. While Americans have no reason to be terrified to sit down at the

dinner table, they have every reason to demand significant improvements in food and water safety.

They unconsciously and unwillingly take in too much of too many dangerous chemicals. If food

already contains natural carcinogens, it does not make much sense to add dozens of new man-made

ones. Though most people will withstand the small amounts of contaminants generally found in

food and water, at least a few individuals will probably get cancer one day because

of what they eat and drink.

To make good food and water supplies even better, the Government needs to tighten its re-

gulatory standards, stiffen its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies. The food

industry should modify some long-accepted practices or turn to less hazardous alternatives. Perhaps

most important, consumers will have to do a better job of learning how to handle and cook food

properly. The problems that need to be tackled exist all along the food-supply chain, from fields to

processing plants to kitchens.

1. What does the author think of the Americans' view of their food?

A. They overstate the government's interference with the food industry.

B. They are overoptimistic about the safety of their food.

C. They overestimate the hazards of their food.

D. They overlook the risks of the food they eat.

2. The author considers it impossible to obtain no-risk food because ____.

A. no food is free from pollution in the environment

B. pesticides are widely used in agriculture

C. many vegetables contain dangerous natural chemicals

D. almost all foods have additives

3. By saying "they employ chemical warfare", Bruce Ames means____.

A. plants produce certain chemicals to combat pests and diseases

B. plants absorb useful chemicals to promote their growth

C. farmers use man-made chemicals to dissolve the natural chemicals in plants

D. farmers use chemicals to protect plants against pests and diseases

4. The reduction of the possible hazards in food ultimately depends on ____.

A. the government B. the consumer

C. the processor D. the grower

5. What is the message the author wants to convey in the passage?

A. Eating and drinking have become more hazardous than before.

B. Immediate measures must be taken to improve food production and processing.

C. Health food is not a dream in modern society.

D. There is reason for caution but no cause for alarm with regard to food consumption.

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. Because watching TV needs no effort.

2. In those hours one could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. One could

have learned several languages fluently. One could be reading Homer in the original Greek or

Dostoyevsky in Russian. One could have walked around the world and written a book about it.

3. It encourages viewers to apply no effort. It sells them instant gratification. It diverts them only

to divert, to make the lime pass without pain.

4. Because capturing and holding the viewer's attention is the prime motive of most television

programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle.

5. The practice of news, in his view, results in inefficient communication.

6. Because what television tends to cultivate: is that complexity must be avoid, that visual

stimulation is, a substitute for bought, that verbal precision is an anachronism.

7. Because everything about this nation has become more complex, not less. Yet television sells

neat resolutions to human problems that usually have no neat resolutions.

8. He hopes people will join him in resisting TV's adverse effect on America's culture.

B. 1.美国人所做的,比看电视花费更长时间的只是工作和睡觉。











C. 1. exposed 2.iodiveri 3. evade 4. Statistically speaking

5. anachronism 6. assumption 7. stimulus 8. skeptical

D. 1. divided 2. mysterious 3. obtainable 4.prominent 5. enhance 6.

dismissable 7. accompanied 8. adverse

E. 1. is on a never-ending journey led by a guide

2. wrongfully lakes one of the highly valued natural abilities of human

3. not to injure the attention of anyone by using it too much

4. the careless ideas that television lends to develop

5. awesome TV creators

6. the technique is against coherence

7. I would not be so simple-minded as to believe

8. Literacy may not be a human right that cannot be given away or taken away.

F. Man's alien! ion span is very short- In order to capture a viewer's attention, television must

provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. In doing so, news is

rather short, and it results in inefficient communication; much of the news is like "machine-gunning

with scraps", and it destroys the coherence of thought. The TV's appeal to the short attention span is

decivilizing as well. Avoiding complexity means sacrificing thought. Among adult Americans, there

are more and more "functionally illiterate" people, who even cannot answer the want ad or

understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. At least, TV is partly responsible for this.

Television, since its first prevalence over radio in the 1950s, has played a more and more important

role in people's lives. Some are of the opinion that TV is enlightening. It has become so much a part

of human life that a modern world without television is unimaginable. But I, on the other hand,

argue against TV. I think TV's disadvantages outweigh its advantages. I want to draw your attention

to the fact that television is decivilising.

In the first place, watching TV takes too much of our time. Children rush to TV immediately after

school. Some people sit in front of TV all day long. In this way, reading is entirely ignored. Do you

remember the days when we had no TV? We read stories, listened to radio programs from which we

benefited a lot. I dare say that the generation accompanied by TV will be less literate.

In the second place, watching TV doesn't involve much thinking. When we take up reading, we need

to think and imagine before we can thoroughly understand the writer. However, when we watch TV,

what we have to do is to open our eyes and enjoy whatever is shown. Little by little we will become

slow in thinking.


1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D

Lesson Ten

The Tenth Man

Background knowledge

Graham Greene (b. Oct. 2, 1904, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, Eng.--d. April 3, 1991, Vevey,

Switz.), English novelist, short-story writer, playwright, and journalist whose novels treat life's

moral ambiguities in the context of contemporary political settings. He is one of the major authors

of the mid-20th century, whose serious novels reveal a preoccupation with sin, seediness and failure

and deal with the human condition in moral and religious terms. Greene's pessimism was both

intensified and made bearable by his religion. Catholicism was a major influence on his work,

notably on the novels Brighton Rock (1938), The Power and the dory (1940), The Heart of the

Matter (1948),A Burnt Out Case (1961). Other works include The Quiet American (1955), Our Man

in Havana (1958), The Comedians (1966), The Living Room (1953), The Potting Shed (1957), and

The Complaisant Lover (1959).

Main idea of the text

The story is set in the Second World War, in France, which was then occupied by Germany. One

night, two German officers were murdered by Frenchmen. The next day, a German officer came to a

cell and ordered that one man in every ten should be shot in the camp, which means three would be

chosen. Of course, nobody volunteered. Then began a heated argument about who should die.

Someone said that the eldest should, as this was the way of nature. Someone else suggested that the

unmarried should, as they had no responsibilities. Finally, all agreed to draw lots. That is to say,

whoever drew the death lot should die. Two poor people, who drew the death lots, calmly accepted

God' s arrangement. But the rich lawyer, to whom the same thing happened, kept on shouting and

said he wouldn't die for the rest of the people. The text ends with the lawyer's offer of 100,000

francs to whoever would take his death lot.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. embarrass: v. make to feel awkward or ashamed 使困窘;使局促不安

Her husband’s drunken behavior embarrassed her. 她丈夫的酔后举止使她难堪。

It embarrasses many people to walk into a room full of strangers. 许多人走进一间满是陌生人的


2. overdo: v. do too much, overact 做太过分;过火

He overdid his part in the play. 在那出戏里他把他的角色演得过了。

She showed sympathy for us, but didn’t he rather overdo it! 他对我们表示同情,但是还是有点


3. confirm: vt. provide evidence for the truth or correctness of 证实,证明

The announcement confirmed my suspicion. 这项通告证明了我的猜疑属实。

The report of an earthquake in India has now been confirmed. 印度境内地震的报道现在已经证


4. daunt: vt. discourage; overcome with fear 挫折;使气馁

He was not daunted by his first failure and tried again. 第一次失败并没有使他气馁,他又试了


No difficulties in the world can daunt a communist. 天下事难不到共产党员。

5. consent: vi. give agreement or permission 同意,答应

Her father would not consent to her going abroad. 她父亲不会同意她到国外去。

He consented to the proposal. 他同意这建议。

6. assume: vt. take as true before there is proof 假定,以为

I assume that you have heard the news. 谅必你已听到了消息。

He assumed the report (to be) true. 他猜那报告是有根据的。

7. legible: a. of handwriting that can be read easily 易读的;清楚的

The inscription was still legible. 铭文仍清晰可辩。

legibly: ad. 清楚地

Please write more legibly. 请写清楚些。

8. compassion: n. pity for the sufferings of others 同情,怜悯

We gave the money to the beggar out of compassion. 我们出于同情给乞丐一些钱。

compassionate: a. showing or feeing compassion 表示怜悯地,有同情心地

We are compassionate for the refugees. 我们对难民表示同情。

短语 (Expressions)

1. think up: create or devise by thinking; invent 想出,发明

Can you think up a caption that exactly covers the whole idea? 你能想出一个把整个意思确切加


He thought up a pretext. 他捏造了一个借口。

2. see through: see the true meaning, nature or character of 看穿,识破

The soldiers saw through the enemy’s little game. 士兵们看穿了敌人的把戏。

His double-dealing was seen through at once. 他的两面派行径一下子被识破了。

3. be bound to: be certain to, obliged to 一定,必须

I’m bound to visit my grandmother every week. 我必须每个礼拜去看祖母。

It’s bound to rain soon. 天肯定很快会下雨。

4. pick at: try to pull or seize with the fingertips 用指尖抓弄

The sick man picked at the blankets. 这个病人用手抓毯子。

The baby is picking at the bedclothes. 婴儿在抓弄被单。

5. have…in mind: be thinking of or about; intend 考虑到,意欲

We always had in mind for whom we were making the film. 我们始终考虑到我们是为谁制造这


They had it in mind to go away without telling me. 他们想不给我打招呼就走掉。

6. in one’s favor: to the advantage of 对……有利

The exchange rate is in our favor. 兑换率对我们有利。

The votes were in his favor in the election. 选举中的投票对他有利。

7. attach … to …: consider to have, connect with 认为有,与……相关联

It is unwise to attach too much importance to the information. 过于重视那个信息是不明智的。

Different people attach different meanings to words. 人们对词语有各自不同的解释。

8. in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening;if 以防,以免;假如

Take your coat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。

Be quiet in case you should wake the baby. 安静些,免得把婴儿弄醒。

In case I forget, please remind me about it. 如果我忘了,请提醒一下。

9. may as well: had better 还是……的好;不妨

We may as well begin at once. 我们还是马上开始的好。

You might as well go to Dalian for a change of air. 你不妨去大连换换空气。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. distribution, allotment

distribution: giving or being given to each of several people 分发,分配

They could not agree about the distribution of the prizes. 他们不能同意奖品这么分发。

allotment: action of allotting 分配,摊派

They could not agree about the allotment of the profits. 他们不同意这种利润分配。

2. even, equal

even: level, smooth, flat 平的,平滑的

A billiard-table must be perfectly even. 台球桌必须十分平。

equal: the same in size, number, degree, etc. 相同的,相等的

Women are demanding equal pay for equal work. 妇女要求同工同酬。

3. readable, legible

readable: that can be read easily or enjoyably 易读的,可读的

This is a very readable novel. 这是一本可读性很强的小说。

legible: clear enough to be read easily 清楚易读的

The inscription was still legible. 铭文仍清晰可见。

4. shameful, shameless

shameful: causing shame, disgraceful 可耻的,丢脸的

To steal money from a blind person is a shameful act. 偷盲人的钱是一种可耻的行为。

shameless: having no feeling of shame 无羞耻感的,无耻的

She’s quite shameless about wearing sexy clothes at work. 她穿着性感的衣服上班而不觉羞


5. quick, abrupt

quick: moving fast or doing sth in a short time 快的,迅速的

He is a quick worker. 他是个工作很快的人。

Taxis are quicker than buses. 出租车比公共汽车快。

abrupt: sudden or unexpected 突然的,意外的

He made an abrupt turn to avoid another car. 他来个急转弯以免撞上另一辆车。

6. grievance, grief

grievance: complaint or protest 牢骚,不满

He’d been harboring a grievance against his boss. 他一直对老板心怀不满。

grief: deep or violent sorrow 忧伤,悲伤

She was driven almost insane by grief at his death. 她因他死去而悲伤得几乎发疯。

7. daunt, discourage

daunt: discourage; frighten 使气馁,威吓

I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience. 我一想到要对这样的听众


discourage: take away one’s confidence 使人丧生信心

Don’t discourage her; she’s doing her best. 别泄她气,她在尽力做。

8. confirm, affirm

confirm: make certain; give proof 确认,证实

The rumors of an attack were later confirmed. 发动进攻的谣传后来得到证实。

affirm: state sth as the truth 肯定某事属实

He affirmed his innocence. 他坚称自己无罪。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. Why should the married get off?

Why should the married people avoid drawing lots?


2. … as the owner of time he was bound to be the next victim.

As the owner of the watch he was certain to be the next one to be shot.


3. We shall be left out of your fear…

You don’t have to worry.


4. But if the taxes were levied like this…

It would be most outrageous and unfair if the taxes were levied like this.


5. …from the first draw any mark of pleasure was taboo.

Any pleasure must be avoided because the first man had drawn a death lot.


6. …the odds seemed to move toward Chavel with a dreadful inevitability…

The odds against him seemed to move toward Chavel with a dreadful, inevitable consequence of

drawing the death lot.


7. …he belonged to an unaccountable class.

To the common people Chavel belonged to a class that is difficult or even impossible to explain

and understand.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)





















































“从 Z开始,”查维尔说。这时他的安全感开始动摇了。他非常想喝水,不停地用手摸着发















































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

The ballad and the folk song have long been recognized as important keys to the thoughts and

feelings of a people, but the dime novel (通俗小说), though sought by the collector and deferred (敬

重) to in a general way by the social historian, is dismissed with a smile of amusement by almost

everyone else. Neither folk song nor dime novels were actually created by the plain people of

America. But in their devotion to these modes of expression, the people made them their own. The

dime novel, intended as it was for the great masses and designed to fill the pockets of both author

and publisher, quite naturally sought the lowest common denominator (分母 ): themes that were

found to be popular and attitudes that met with the most general approval became stereotyped.

Moreover, the dime novel, reflecting a much wider range of attitudes and ideas than the ballad and

the fold song, is the nearest thing we have had in this country to a true "proletarian" literature, that

is, a literature written for the great masses of people and actually read by them.

Although a study of our dime novels alone cannot enable anyone to determine what are the essential

characteristics of the American tradition, it can contribute materially to that end. Sooner or later, the

industrious researchers who have minded so many obscure lodes (丰富的蕴藏) of American

literary expression will almost certainly turn their attention to these novels and all their kind. Let no

one think, however, that the salmon-covered paperbacks once so eagerly devoured by soldiers,

lumberjacks (伐木工人), trainmen, hired girls, and adolescent boys now make exciting or agreeable

reading even for the historian, much as the social and historical implications may interest him. As

for the crowd today who get their sensational thrills from the movies and the tabloids (小报), I fear

that they would find these hair-raisers of an earlier age deadly dull.

1. The author states that ____.

A. folk songs were created by the plain people of America

B. only the dime novel was created by the plain people of America

C. neither the folk songs nor the dime novels were actually created by the plain people of


D. both folk songs and dime novels were created by the plain people of America

2. The author believes that a study of our dime novels ____.

A. is a waste of time

B. would be enough in itself to determine the essential characteristics of the American tradition

C. would be a valuable contribution in determining the essential characteristics of the

American tradition

D. would be amusing but unimportant

3. Social historians who read the dime novels will ____.

A. probe them eagerly

B. probably be interested only in their social implications

C. find nothing of interest in them

D. rediscover their high literary qualities

4. The majority of American today ____.

A. find the equivalent of the dime novels in movies and tabloids

B. have better reading tastes than their forebears

C. do not read at all

D. would find the dime novels of yesterday very striking

5. Implied but not stated: _____.

A. The nearest thing we have had to a proletarian literature is the dime novel

B. Because the themes expressed in the dime novels were not good, they could no longer be

legally distributed

C. The attitudes of the masses of people are best expressed by sociology texts

D. The study of formal literature alone will not enable the historian to understand the attitudes

and interests of the common people

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)

1. In a cell in France which was occupied by German troops.

2. They were killed by Frenchmen.

3. To kill one Frenchman in every ten in that camp.

4. No, they didn't.

5. To draw lots.

6.They were Voisin, Lenoire and Chavel.

7. Voisin and Lenoire accepted them quietly, but Chavel cried.

8. He decided to give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who would take his slip.

B. 1.他讲话很突然,想给人一种气力很足的印象,而实际上没有丝毫气度。





6.尽管他抽到死签的可能性是 15比 1,对他极为有利,此时查维尔没有感到一点儿高兴。




C. 1. deluding 2. odds 3. summed up 4. implored 5. compassionate 6.

legible 7. daunted 8. beforehand

D. 1. allotment 2. contemptuous 3. even 4. legible 5. shameful 6.

abrupt 7. grievances 8. daunted

E. 1 . our soldiers

2. not caring for which three of you to die

3. duty for caring for their families

4. adapting a wrong method to decide who has to die

5. the last chance to gamble

6. feeling of something pressing him

7. connect the fear of death with his behavior


One night, two Germans were killed by Frenchmen. The next day a German officer announced to 30

French prisoners: "My orders are that one man in every ten shall be shot tomorrow. We are quite

indifferent as to which three. You can choose for yourselves. "

The prisoners had a heated argument as to who should die. Someone said the oldest should go first,

and it's the way of nature. Someone said the unmarried should go first, because they had no family

responsibilities. At last, all agreed to draw lots lo decide which three to die. A wealthy lawyer

unfortunately drew the death slip. He said: "I'll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who'll take

this slip. "


One night, two German officers were murdered. The next day, a German officer came to the cell

where 30 Frenchmen were imprisoned. He ordered that one man in every ten should be shot. That is

to say,' 3 would be shot. Then he continued to say that the Frenchmen could choose for themselves.

After that, there was a heated, argument among the Frenchmen as to who should die. Someone said

that the eldest should, because it was the way of nature. Someone else said that the unmarried

should, because they had no family responsibilities. Finally, all agreed to draw lots. Whoever drew

the death lot should be shot.

Unfortunately, a lorry driver got a death lot. Then the same thing happened to Lenoire, an elderly

clerk. But both of them accepted all this calmly. In the end, a rich lawyer drew a death lot. He was

so frightened that he offered 100, 000 francs to whoever would take the lot.


1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D

Lesson Eleven

On Getting off to Sleep

Background Knowledge

J. B. Priestley, (b. Sept. 13, 1894, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.--d. Aug. 14, 1984, Alveston, near

Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire), British novelist, playwright, and essayist, noted for his varied

output and his ability for shrewd characterization. who wrote prolifically in fiction, drama,

biography, the essay and literary and social criticism. Most of his early books were poetry, literary

biography and literary criticism. His first book was Brief Diversions. Literary biographies were

George Meredith and Thomas Love Peacock. Literary criticism included The English Comic

Characters and The English Novel. m 1929, Priestley published The Good Companions. TTlis was

the first of many fiction best sellers. Others were: Angel Pavement and Bright Day. Among his most

highly regarded theatrical credits were Dangerous Comer, Laburnum Grove, Time and the Conways,

I Have Been Here Before, An Inspector Calls and The Linden Tree.

Main idea of the text

This lesson is on sleeplessness. Adults without exception suffer from sleeplessness. It is well -

known that sleep is vital to one's mental and physical health. Sleep and sleeplessness are not

medically and scientifically dwelt on. Instead, sleeplessness is used as an example to illustrate the

contrariness of things and the contradictions a man is confronted with. According to the author, a

man is a bundle of contradictions and only humour is the saving grace of us. Those who fall asleep

as soon as they get into bed are satirized in a humorous tone. In his opinion, those who are equipped

with an iron will lack human feelings. He points out that there is no lack of human feelings,

sympathy or depth in a man who has difficulty in falling asleep. The author thinks he belongs to the


词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. confess: v. say or admit that one has done wrong 认错,招供

He confessed that he had stolen the money. 他承认偷了那笔钱。

She confessed herself (to be) guilty. 她承认自己有罪。

2. induce: vt. bring about 导致,招惹

His illness was induced by overwork. 他的病是因工作过度而引起的。

Alcohol can induce a loosening of the tongue. 酒精能使舌头不听使唤。

3. induce: v. bring about

the author by his choice of words has induced a particular frame of mind in the reader.

4. dismiss: vt. put away from the mind; stop thinking or talking about 不再考虑或谈论

The theories are dismissed by a number of nautical authorities. 这些理论为一些航海权威所摒弃。

He just laughed and dismissed the idea as impossible. 他对这个想法付之一笑,认为不可能。

5. evoke: v. call up, bring out 召唤,引起

His comment evoked protest from the listeners. 他的评论引起听众的抗议。

A good joke evokes a laugh. 好笑话逗人笑。

6. refresh: vt. give new strength to; make fresh 给予新力量;使精神爽

A nap at noon always refreshes me. 午睡总使我精神振作。

I think I’ll just refresh myself with a cup of tea. 我想我还是喝杯茶提神。

7. inhuman: a cruel, unfeeling 残忍的,无情的

Only an inhuman mother would desert her child. 只有铁石心肠的母亲才会遗弃自己的孩子。

Treatment of prisoners in that jail was considered inhuman. 那所监狱对待犯人是不人道的。

8. muster: v. call, collect or gather together 召集,集合

If he could muster up more strength, he might pull through. 假如他再鼓把劲,也就可以度过难


Go and muster all the men you can find. 去把能找到的人都集合起来。

9. torment:

1) v. cause severe suffering to; annoy 使痛苦;折磨

Don’t torment yourself by thinking of the past. 别再回忆过去来折磨自己了。

2) n. severe bodily or mental pain or suffering 烦恼,痛苦

She suffered torment from her headache. 她忍受着头疼的折磨。

10. remonstrate: v. make a protest 抗议

We remonstrate against his cruelty to old people. 我们抗议他虐待老人。

Remonstrance: n. protest 抗议

The people who make remonstrance against were arrested. 抗议政府的人被逮捕了。

11. defy: v. resist openly, refuse to obey 公然反抗,不服从

If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison. 如果你不服从法律,你就可能会坐牢。

defiance: n. resistance or open disobedience 公然反抗,不服从

No one in the army acted in defiance of orders. 军队中没有一个人行动违抗命令。

12. meditate: v. think about, consider 沉思,考虑

He sat there meditating his plan. 他坐在那儿思考着他的计划。

He meditated on the sacred mysteries. 他沉思冥想众神的神秘。

meditation: n. meditating沉思,考虑

She has been deep in meditation when I walked into the office. 我走进办公室时,她陷入了沉思。

短语 (Expressions)

1. get off: (cause sb to) fall asleep (使某人)入睡

I had great difficulty getting off to sleep last night. 昨天晚上我翻来覆去无法入睡。

She got the baby off to sleep at last. 她终于把婴儿哄睡着了。

2. cast up: add up; direct upward 加起来;使向上

I’ll cast up these figures and tell you the total. 我要把这些数字加起来,然后把总数告诉你。

She cast her eyes up proudly. 她神气活现地把两眼往上一抬。

3. of no avail: not helpful, not effective

Their efforts were of no avail. 他们的努力不起作用。

Their attempts to explain were of no avail; she refused to believe them. 他们试着进行解释,但


4. come upon: meet by chance 偶然遇到,偶然碰到

I came upon him in town last week. 上星期我在城里碰见他。

In reading the Bible, I came upon this verse. 在读圣经时我无意中发现了这一句。

5. act upon: have an effect on 对……起作用;对……有效

The music acted stirringly on the emotions of the audience. 音乐使观众情绪激动。

This medicine acts on the heart. 这药对心脏有功效。

6. thanks to: owing to; as the result to 由于,因为

He passed the exam thanks to the help of the teacher and students. 由于老师合同学的帮助,他通


We finished the task ahead of schedule thanks to our hard work. 由于努力工作,我们提前完成


词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. contrariness, contradiction

contrariness: 形容词 contrary的名词形式,用作不可数名词。

contradiction: direct opposition between things compared (不可数名词)矛盾,对立

a statement, action, or fact that contradicts (可数名词)对立的事物

There is no contradiction between my behavior and my principles. 我的行为和我的原则不矛


That’s a flat contradiction of what you said before. 这可和你以前说得恰恰相反。

2. dark, dim

dark: with no or very little light 黑暗的

It’s getting too dark to take photographs. 天色太暗,不能照相。

dim: not bright, not clearly to be seen 不亮的,朦胧的

We can only see the dim outline of buildings on dark night. 在黑夜里我们只能看到建筑物朦


3. abuse, torment

abuse: tread badly, ill-treat 虐待

The woman was abused by her husband. 那个女人受到丈夫的虐待。

torment: cause severe suffering to; annoy 使受折磨,

Stop tormenting your father by asking silly questions. 别在问一些愚蠢的问题折磨你父亲了。

4. induce, tempt

induce: persuade or influence; bring about 劝诱,导致

We couldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air. 我们无法劝服老太太乘飞机旅行。

Your illness was induced by overwork. 你的病是工作过度引起的。

tempt: persuade sb to do sth wrong or foolish

He was tempted into making a false step. 他被引诱做了一件傻事。

5. wonder, meditate

wonder: feel curiously; ask oneself 想知道,自忖

I was wondering how to get there quickly. 我想知道怎么才能很快到达那里。

meditate: think about; consider 想,考虑

He sat there meditating upon his misfortunes. 他坐在那儿沉思自己的不幸遭遇。

6. literal, exact

literal: correspondingly exact to the original 完全按照原文的

A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. 直译并不总是最贴近原


exact: correct in every detail 精确的,正确的

Give me his exact words. 把他的话一字不差的告诉我。

7. imaginary, imaginative

imaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的,不真实的

This story id not real; it is only imaginary. 这个故事不是真的,只是想象的。

imaginative: having or using imagination 想象的,有想象力的

The artist’s imaginative use of color delighted the critics. 评论家很喜欢艺术家富有想象力的


8. twist, crook

twist: turn and curve in different directions 盘旋,曲折

The road twists and turns up the side of the mountain. 这条路沿着山坡弯来弯去。

“弯曲的道路” 可说 a twisty road

crook: bend into the shape of a curve 使弯曲

The stream crooks though the valley. 小溪弯弯曲曲流过山谷。

“弯曲的” 可说 crooked, 如:a crooked lane 弯曲的小巷

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. But let me between the sheets at a late hour, and I can do anything but sleep.

If I go to bed late at night, I can do anything else except sleep.


2. Nothing stands between me and half-a-dozen imperishable masterpieces but pens, ink, and paper.

I can easily produce several great works, if only I had pens, ink, and paper.


3. …no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivion

no difficulty in completely forgetting their functions in this world (no difficulty in falling sleep)


4. …lest too light winning make the prize light

For fear that if something is won too easily, it won’t be treasured.


5. I suspect their taste in higher matters.

I feel doubtful whether they have any taste in art and literature.


6. …there is no comparing notes with them.

You can’t exchange ideas with them.


7. …no casting up the balance of the day’s pleasure and pain

You are not able to calculate whether you have more pleasure than pain or vice versa in a day’s



8. …leaving you to your own mental devices

They leave you alone mentally to find ways to deal with your own problem.


9. I have literally found it answer…

I have found this method actually worked.


10. …whose talk, bare of anything like fancy and wit…

Whose talk, being without anything like fancy and wit, is boring and therefore able to induce sleep.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)

论 入 睡













我能同时成为莎士比亚、贝多芬和米开朗基罗。 然而这此并不能让我满意,因为我做不到的































朋友 T一起去的。我记得他说过什么话,然后我又说了什么话,然后我开始想 T这一段时间














补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A

vague air of mystery envelops them. They come into being—somewhere in faraway, frigid waters,

amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no one hears or sees. They

exist only a short time and then slowly waste away just as unnoticed.

Objects of sheerest beauty, they have been called. Appearing in an endless variety of shapes, they

may be dazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, tinted faintly or in darker

hues. They are graceful, stately, inspiring in calm, sunlit seas.

But they are also called frightening and dangerous, and that they are—in the night, in the fog, and in

storms. Even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance away from them. Most of their bulk

is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also,

they may roll over unexpectedly, churning(搅动) the waters around them.

Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt.

Icebergs afloat today are made of snowflakes hat have fallen over long ages of time. They embody

snows that drifted down hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a million years ago.

The snows fell in polar regions and on cold mountains, where they melted only a little or not at all,

and so collected to great depths over the years and centuries.

As each year' s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the

snowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grains of ice. When new snow fell

on top of the old, it too turned to icy grains. So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon

layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers compressed the lower

ones. With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger

crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. The Melting of Icebergs

B. The Nature and Origin of Icebergs

C. The Size and Shape of Icebergs

D. The Dangers of Icebergs

2. The author states that icebergs are rarely seen because they are____.

A. veiled by fog

B. hidden beneath the mountains

C. located in remote regions of the world

D. broken by waves soon after they are formed

3. The passage mentions all of the following colours for icebergs EXCEPT_____.

A. yellow B. blue C. green D. purple

4. According to the passage, icebergs are dangerous because they____.

A. usually melt quickly

B. can turn over very suddenly

C. may create immense snowdrifts

D. can cause redundant avalanches (雪崩)

5. According to the passage, icebergs originate from a buildup of____.

A. turbulent water B. feathers

C. underwater pressure D. snowflakes

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)A.

1. The author thinks that humor: can save grace of us and weshould die of vexation without it.

2.Yea. 3.No. .

4. No.

5. No.

6. The author thinks that the matter of sleep can best illustrate the contrariness of things.

7. He can do anything but sleep when he lies between the sheets at a late hour.

8. The author thinks that the best way of inducing sleep is to imagine a dialogue with a friend,

whose task ,without anything like fancy and wit, is boring.

B. 1.人是一个矛盾的集合体!







8. 今天晚上,我就要抛弃诸如数跳羊和扶歪画之类的想象。

C. 1. clenched 2. refreshed 3. straighten 4. remonstrated

5. of no avail 6. eventual 7. meditated 8. inhuman

D. 1. contradiction 2. dim 3. tormented 4. induces

5. meditated 6. literal 7. imaginary 8. crooked

E. 1. the opposites in a contradiction

2. go on shilly-shally

3 .inconsistent provocation

4. come in continuous crowds

5. coming out

6. considering these words to be true, I would do according to the fables.

7. protest



Someone will sleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. Someone will pass hours in

sleeplessness in bed. The very act of concentration makes him more wakeful than ever. 1 belong to

the latter. I die of sleepiness when I write. But when I get into bed, 1 can do anything but sleep. I

can compose grand symphonies, paint magnificent pictures and write wonderful articles. The

artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion but are only alike in their ineffectuality. When 1 can't

sleep at night, I imagine a dialogue with an imaginary friend till 1 either laugh or fall asleep. I find

that it answers to induce sleep.


In this essay, sleeplessness is talked about ironically. Therefore, touches of humour and

exaggerations can be seen here and there.

For instance, "… stare at the reproachfully blank paper …", "sleep is a coy mistress, much given to

a teasing inconsistency …" Reading these, the audience can' t help laughing. In the mean time, the

author's meaning is forcefully conveyed.

One example will suffice to show that the author is a master of exaggeration. In the essay, he said,

"When I am in the humour, I can compose grand symphonies …" In this way, the author's ideas are

vividly presented.

According to the author, insomnia is an agony. But it is praiseworthy. It shows the man lacks no

sympathy or depth if he suffers from sleeplessness. On the other hand, those who find no difficulty

in falling asleep are inhuman and are lacking in depth.


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D

Lesson Twelve

Why I Write

Background knowledge

He was born Eric Arthur Blair in Motihari, Bengal, India. After attending Eton college on a

scholarship in 1917, he went to Burma in 1922 as a police officer. Orwell was an English novelist

and essayist, best known as the author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty - Four. His writings,

both fiction and nonfiction, reflect his lifelong belief in the decency of ordinary people and a hope

that they will survive attacks by the greedy and powerful. The Publication of Down and Out in Paris

and London, a book of repontage based on his experiences among the poor, began the establishment

of his reputation. He drew on his experiences in Burma for his first novel, Burmese Days and for

two of his most famous early essays, " Shooting an Elephant" and "A Hanging". He became better

known with the publication of The Road to Wigan Pier, a report on his travels in northern England

and the desperate state of the economy there.

Main idea of the text

According to George Orwell, political purposes and artistic purposes should be fused into one

whole. Political writing must be turned into an art. He is opposed to the modernists' devoting their

works to probing into people' s inner world. He takes up writing because he has some lie to expose,

and some fact to which he wants to draw attention. If a writer lacks a political purpose, he will be

betrayed into purple passages.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. isolate: v. separate, put or keep apart from others 使隔离,使隔绝

When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated. 当一人患传染病时,他通常要被


Several villages in the north have been isolated by heavy snowfalls. 北部有几个村庄因大雪而与


2. thrill: vt. Make greatly excited 使及其兴奋

We are immensely thrilled to learn of your success. 听说你获得成功,我们真是兴奋极了。

She was thrilled at (by) the invitation. 她因受到邀请而感到兴奋。

3. shiver: vi. Tremble, esp. From cold or fear 颤抖

The divers were shivering with cold. 潜水员冷得直打颤。

She shivered at the thought of going into the dark house alone. 他想倒要独自走进那所黑洞洞的


4. compulsion: n. Compelling or being compelled 强迫,被迫

The government of Qing Dynasty signed a lot of unequal treaties under compulsion. 清政府被迫


You need feel under no compulsion to accept. 你不必勉强接受。

compulsive: a. 强迫性的

This is a compulsive measure. 这是一项强迫性措施。

compulsory: a. 必做的,必修的

English is a compulsory subject for the students. 英语使学生的必修课。

5. fluctuate: v. move up and down, be irregular 波动;不规则

You can’t march in a straight line to the victory; you fluctuate to it. 你不可能一帆风顺地走向胜


Prices fluctuate according to the relationship between supply and demand. 物价随着供求关系的


6. reconcile: v. bring into harmony with, cause to agree with 使和谐,使一致

How can this decision be reconciled with justice? 这个决定怎么能符合公道呢?

I can’t reconcile what you say with the facts of the case. 我看不出你所说的与该案件的事实相符。

7. outgrow: v. grow too large or too tall for 长得太大或太高而不合适。

The boy has outgrown this suit. 男孩已长大,穿不上这套衣服了。

Our family has outgrown our house. 我家人口增多,房子住不下了。

8. outweigh: v. be greater in weight, value, or importance 比……更重,更有价值

We can carry out the plan because the advantages of it outweigh the disadvantages. 我们可以实施


This outweighs all other considerations. 这一点是首先要考虑得。

9. efface: v. rub or wipe out, make indistinct 抹掉,使不清楚

The old man did not like it to be effaced from the memory of his juniors. 老人不愿他得后辈忘掉


Someone has effaced part of the address on this letter. 有人把信封上的住址擦掉了一部分。

10. betray: vt. Deceive, mislead 把……引入歧途

He was betrayed by his own enthusiasm. 他的热情使他犯了错误。

He was betrayed into error. 他受蒙骗而犯错误。

短语 (Expressions)

1. in so far as: to the degree or extent that 到……程度, 在……范围内

In so far as you are a student, you are allowed to travel cheaply on our railways. 只要你是学生,


We will succeed only in so far as we are prepared to sacrifice secondary objectives. 我们成就的大


2. settle down: become established in a new way of life 安定,安顿

I have settled down well in a new career. 我已经在新的事业中安顿下来。

His parents were very happy that he settled down to married life. 他的父母很高兴他结婚安定下


3. mix up: mix thoroughly 完全混合

She mixed up salt with sugar when she cooked. 她做饭时把糖和盐调和在一起。

You can’t mix up oil with water. 你不能把油和水相混合。

4. get back: return to power after losing 失而复得

He hoped to get back at the next election. 他希望在下次选举中东山再起。

She got her own back for her depression. 她从沮丧中恢复过来。

5. for the sake of: for the welfare or benefit of; in order to get or keep sth 为……起见; 为获得或


I’ll help you for you for your sister’s sake. 看在你姐姐的面上我来帮你。

We must be patient for the sake of peace. 为了和平我们必须有耐心。

6. put aside: lay down, ignore 放在一边;不顾

Putting aside the salary, he found the job challenging. 抛开工资,他觉得那份工作很有挑战性。

Let’s put aside the fact that he has done something wrong before. 先别管他以前做过错事。

7. free from: lacking; without 无……的

You are free from blame. 你没有过错。

He is a man free from prejudice. 他是一个没有偏见的人。

8. as it is: in reality; in fact 事实上

I hoped things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse. 我希望情况会好转,但实际上


As it is, I cannot pay you. 事实上,我无法付你钱。

9. come up: arise 出现

I’ll let you know if anything comes up. 如果发生什么事我会通知你。

We’ll write to you if a vacancy comes up. 如有空缺,我们写信给你。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. naïve, immature

naïve: natural and innocent in speech and behavior 天真的,质朴的

She was naïve to trust them. 相信他们她真是太天真了。

immature: not yet fully developed 未成熟的

an immature apple 未成熟的苹果,the immature minds of young children 孩子们未成熟的心

2. fluctuate, change

fluctuate: move up and down; be irregular 波动,不规则

The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather. 蔬菜价格随天气波动。

All year she has fluctuated between hope and despair. 整年她都徘徊在希望与失望之间。

change: make or become different 改变,变化

The traffic lights changed from red to green. 交通灯由红色变成绿色。

3. force, compulsion

force: strength, power of body or mind 力量,力气,心力

He overcame his bad habits by sheer of will. 他全凭意志力克服了自己的恶习。

compulsion: compelling or being compelled 强迫,被迫

A defeated country usually signs a treaty of peace under compulsion. 战败国通常被迫签订和


4. reconciled, friendly

reconciled: cause to become friends after they have quarreled 和好,和解

He refused to become reconciled with his brother. 他拒绝与兄弟和解。

friendly: showing or expressing kindness 友好的,亲切的

She nodded at me in a friendly fashion. 她友好地向我点点头。

5. downright, thorough

downright: forthright, complete 直爽的,完全的

He is a downright sort of person. 他是个直爽的人。

It’s downright nonsense. 这完全是一派胡言。

thorough: complete in every way, detailed 彻底的,详细的

He has received thorough instruction in English. 他接受过完善的英语训练。

She gave the room a thorough cleaning. 她把房间彻底打扫一遍。

6. metaphor, simile

metaphor: 隐喻

“He has a heart of stone” is a metaphor.

simile: 明喻

“He has a heart like stone” is a simile.

7. tremble, shiver

tremble: shake uncontrollably as from fear, anger, cold, excitement, etc. 发抖(因恐惧、生气、


We were trembling with cold. 我们冷得发抖。

shiver: tremble, esp. from cold and fear 颤抖(尤指因寒冷或恐惧)

He was shivering all over with cold. 他冷得全身发抖。

shiver 作名词,常用词组:get / have / give / sb the shivers 使人发抖

8. readable, understandable

readable: that is easy to read 易读的

This is a readable article on metal, without too many scientific words. 这篇有关金属的文章很


understandable: that can be understood 可理解的,能领会的

It is understandable that John should want to be like the other boys. 约翰想和其他男孩一样是可


难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. …but there was a gap of five years on either side.

I was five years younger than my elder brother and five years older than my younger brother.

我和另外两个各相差 5岁。

2. …my “story” ceased to be narcissistic in a crude way.

My so-called story was no longer self-satisfying work in an offensive and rude way.


3. …to get your own back on grown-ups who snubbed you in childhood.

To get revenge on grown-ups who treated you badly in childhood.


4. And the more one is conscious of one’s political bias, the more chance one has of acting

politically without sacrificing one’s aesthetic and intellectual integrity.

The more one is aware of one’s political bias, the greater is the possibility to write things with

political orientation without giving up one’s aesthetic and intellectual honesty.



5. …one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one’s own personality.

Only when one always tries hard not to allow his own personality to appear in his writing, can he

write something readable.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)























































之类的事。到 1935年底,我还没决定下来何去何从。

西班牙内战,以及 1936——1937年间的其他事件扭转了局面,此后我明白了自己的立场。

从 1936年起,我写的严肃作品中的每句话,都直接或间接地反对极权主义,支持我所理解



























补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Here in the United States, before agricultural activities destroyed the natural balance, there were

great migrations of Rocky Mountain locusts ( Melanoplus spretus). Great migrating hordes of these

insects once darkened the skies on the plains east of the Rockies where crops were often destroyed;

the worst years were those from 1874 to 1877. One of these migration swarms was estimated to

contain 123 billion locusts. During another migration in Nebraska it was estimated that the swarm of

locusts averaged half a mile high and was 100 miles wide and 300 miles long. Usually, these

swarms take off from the ground against the wind, but once airborne, they turn and fly with it. Warm

convection (热对流 ) currents help to lift them, often to great heights. During the great locust

plagues the situation in Nebraska became so serious that the original state constitution had to be

rewritten to take care of the economic problems. The new document was known as "The

Grasshopper Constitution. " It is now believed that these locusts were a migratory form or phase of

the lesser migratory locusts, which is still common there. In this respect, the North American

migratory locusts resemble their African relatives. In both regions the migratory forms arise as a

result of crowding and climatic factors. Migratory forms are apparently natural adaptations which

bring about dispersal when locust populations became too crowded.

Fortunately for our farmers, the migratory form —the so-called spretus species —no longer seems

to occur regularly, although there was a serious outbreak as late as 1938 in midwestern United States

and Canada. Actually, there is no reason why the destructive migratory form might not again appear

if circumstances should become favorable.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. The Life Cycle of Locusts.

B. Migratory Locusts in the United States.

C. Locusts Plagues in Nebraska.

D. The Reproductive Capability of the Locust.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that the state constitution of Nebraska was rewritten in order

to ____.

A. make the constitution more perplex to the public

B. encourage farmers to leave the estate

C. solve difficulties that resulted from loss of crops

D. provide for a regular census of the locust population

3. According to the passage, North American and African migratory locusts are familiar in that

A. they always travel toward mountainous regions

B. their destructive activities occur only in plains areas

C. climates affect their development

D. they are both mentioned in state constitutions

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as influencing the migration of locusts?

A. Darkness. B. Agricultural activities.

C. Warm air currents. D. Overcrowding.

5. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?

A. The outbreak of locusts in 1938 was more serious than any other in history.

B. Nebraska farmers had no locust problems in the years 1974—1977.

C. There is a possibility that crops in the United States might be destroyed by locusts in the


D. There is a chance that African migratory locusts may take their way to the United States.

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. He wants to write books with a political purpose.

2. The four great motives are:

(1) sheer egoism

(2) aesthetic enthusiasm

(3) historical impulse

(4) political purpose

3. He is against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism.

4. He thinks that the more one is conscious of one's political bias, the more chance one has of

acting politically without sacrificing one's aesthetic and intellectual integrity.

5. The Spanish war and other events in 1936.

6. No. He thinks that by the time you have perfected any style of writing, you have always

outgrown it.

7. He thinks that we shouldn't write sheer purple passage which is meaningless.

8. Yes.









8.1936年至 1937年发生的西班牙战争和其他一些事件改变了这种情况,我了解了我的立



1. effaced 2. slant 3. outgrown 4. perverse

5. shivering 6. outweighs 7. reconciled 8. undervalued


1. immature 2. fluctuated 3. force 4. reconciled

5. downright 6. simile 7. shiver 8. readable


1. unsociable deisposition2. people who are imagined, not real people

3. the usual kind of writing that I was obliged to do

4. attract listeners

5. those most respected in society

6. collect them for the future use by the descendants

7. the same group, party or cause

8. knew by chanceF.

As a very small child, I made up my mind to become a writer in future. When I became a writer,

what I have most wanted to do is to make political writing into a work of art. The opinion that art

should have nothing to do with politics is wrong. Writing is exposing lies, protecting truth and also

an aesthetic experience. Animal Farm was the book in which I tried to fuse political purpose and

artistic purpose into one whole. Writing should serve the society and the public. This is the principle

I must follow. If a writer lacks political purpose, he will only write some purple passages, even some



According to Orwell, no book is genuinely free from political bias. The opinion that art should have

nothing to with politics is itself a political attitude. If a writer lacks a political purpose, he will write

lifeless books and be betrayed into purple passages.

On the other hand, aesthetic experience must be taken into consideration. If it were not for an

aesthetic experience, he wouldn't be able to write anything. He said he couldn't and wouldn't

abandon the world view that he acquired in childhood. He would like to feel strongly about the

prose style.

What is important is that political purpose and aesthetic considerations must be perfectly combined.

The more one is conscious of one's political bias, the more chance one has of acting politically

without sacrificing one's aesthetic intellectual integrity.

One word, political purpose and artistic purpose must be fused into one whole.


1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C

单元测验 3 Quiz Three

A. Text-related Part.

I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, choose the word from the list that best

completes each of the sentences.

undo appeal prose notes confirm casual decivilizing abandon owner nature

confidence enmity casual complexity settle victim slumber writer novelty

waistcoat faith balance humbug consciousness

I believe that TV’s __1__ to the short attention span is not only inefficient communication but

__2__ as well. Consider the __3__ assumptions that television tends to cultivate: that __4__ must be

avoided, that visual stimulation is a __5__ for thought, that verbal precision is an anachronism.

The mayor began to __6__ his watch: the discovery that his rival was safe seemed to __7__ his

belief that as the __8__ of time he was bound to be next __9__. He looked from face to face and

chose Chavel, perhaps because he was the only man with a __10__ fit to take the chain.

To share a bedroom with one of these fellows is to lose one’s __11__ in human nature, for,

even after the most eventful day, there is no comparing __12__ with them, no midnight __13__, no

casting up the __14__ of the day’s pleasure and pain. They sink, at once, into stupid, heavy __15__,

leaving you to your own mental devices.

From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a

__16__. Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to __17__ this idea, but I did

so with the __18__ that I was outraging my true __19__ and that sooner or later I should have to

__20__ down and write books.

II . Fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the list below:

divert sum up implore meditate efface skeptical of no avail compassionate

outweigh for the sake of anachronism reconcile

1. My love for her _____ everything else.2. While it was raining out, the children _____ themselves by playing games in their room.

3._____ the mind's peace, one ought not to inquire into such things too closely.

4. The _____ judge gave the young offender a light sentence.

5. She often implored her husband not to go out, but her words were _____. 6.1 am rather _____ of your prospects of success.

7. How can their aggressive actions be _____ with their talk of peace and brotherhood?

8. It takes many years to _____ the unpleasant memories of a war.

9. The prisoner _____ the judge to let him go home to see his sick wife.

10.He sat there _____ on his misfortunes.

III. Tick the square in front of the right word or expression:

1. His remarks left us ([A] incredulous [B] incredible).2. The poet has written a few poems at his ([A] leisure [B] spare time)

3. He wrote partly in ([A] poem [B] poetry) and partly in prose.

4. He is an ([A] intelligent, [B] intellectual) person and is interested in mental work.

5. She was ([A] ashamed, [B] shameful) of her husband' s conduct.

6. Every one of us should be ([A] conscious, [B] aware)of their own shortcomings.

7. It isn't real —— it' s only ([A] imaginative, [B] imaginary).

8. Mary had ([A] planned, [B] meditated) on doing some work this afternoon.

9. With prices ([A] fluctuating [B] changing) so much, it’s hard to plan a budget.

10. This is a ([A] literal [B] exact) translation in French of an English proverb.

IV. Translate the following from Chinese into English: 1.他长得肥胖,因此在办公室常被人取笑。 2.大使就学生示威提出抗议。 3.他眼中露出一种厌倦而满不在乎的神色。 4.战事终止,我们应当摈弃一切报复的意念。 5.这些有时带有舞蹈动作的表演唱很有表现力,很生动。 6.在美国存在着读写能力地危机。据一项研究估计,大约有三千万美国成年人是“技能文盲”,凭他们地读写能力无法回答招聘广告,或读懂药瓶上的说明。

B. Proficiency Part

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Learning the Difference between Play and SportI like-pain. This is an acquired taste and can be overdone, but pain is important to me. This rather

bizarre taste makes me an avid player of all sports and a fantastic spectator. Pain raises sport from

the level of entertainment to that of human achievement, and I consider it central to a humane


I became conscious of the difference between play and sport when I helped organize a sandlot

football team at the age of 12. Since this was a "child-directed" (i. e., our parents didn't know where

we were) activity, we had to figure out what we would do. The first thing was to schedule a game

with a similar team from a nearby town.

It never, occurred to as to practice or prepare for the game except to do what we had done for years -

run around, pass the football and yell. The result was catastrophic. Our opponents were prepared.

They slaughtered us. Half the team was injured, and all of us were. humiliated.

It dawned on us that we were engaged in a sport, not in play. If we were to play decently, let alone

win, we would have to prepare, and the only way, was to learn the discipline of practice.

Looking back, I realize that at that moment we underwent a profound experience. 'We entered into a

social contract that bound us together with ties still, strong after more than 30 years.

Our quarterback imposed his rule on us. He was never elected captain or coach, but simply assumed

these offices. His voice was stentorian, and his will was indomitable. He focused my attention on

the importance of pain and the reaction to it.

We had been pushed around unmercifully by a larger and stronger opponent. On our 5-yard line, he

told the team he would take the ball on every play until we lost it. And, from the look in his eyes, we

all knew we had better not lose it. He was not large, and it seemed folly to plunge into the center of

the line, especially since he had no pads or helmet to protect him.

The first rush caught the other team by surprise, and he went for 10 yards. On the second plunge,

they stiffened, but we still moved. For 60 yards, we inched forward. After the first few rushes, it was

clear that our offense consisted of one play — up the center. By the time we had penetrated to their

30-yard-line, our quarterback was covered with dust and blood, but still giving the same command:

"Snap the ball to me on three. "

A surprising thing happened. The opposition collapsed. We moved 5, then 10, then 15 yards until the

touchdown was made.

One boy, determined to break his opponents regardless of personal agony, had demoralized 11 other

boys, all as big as (or bigger than) he, and as good (or better) football players. Their undoing was

their inability to understand how the human will can drive the body to do things that defy reason.

I have never forgotten that day and the lesson I learned. Like my teammates, I had a healthy fear of

pain, but I realized that this fear- could be overcome and that the man who could overcome it had a

distinct advantage. At that moment, I became a sports nut.

In the years since, I have used that lesson well. Pain of one sort or another is everywhere. It is

painful to confront a problem in mathematics that you cannot solve. It is excruciating to roll blank

paper into a typewriter and have no words come for hours. It hurts to give a lecture that puts

students to sleep or, worse, that is terrible but applauded.

These are mental agonies, but they are no less real than the physical-, and I am convinced that

learning to live with and transcend physical pain can give one the strength to conquer the mental


avid a. 渴望的

sandlot n. 空旷沙地catastrophic a. 灾难性的quarterback n. (球赛中的)四分卫stentorian a. 声音洪亮的

indomitable a. 不可屈服的touchdown n. 触地得分

demoralize v. 使士气低落excruciating a. 极痛苦的

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:(1) The main idea of this article is that ____.

A. sports are a lot of fun

B. sports help develop determination and character

C. competitive sports are not good for people, especially children

(2) The lesson of the importance of overcoming pain can be applied to ____. A. all

physical activities

B. all mental activities

C. both A and B

(3) The quarterback, of the team ____.

A. was elected to the position, of captain or coach by his teammates

B. was a very shy person and refused to take the position of captain or coach C. selected himself to be the captain or coach

(4) How did the writer of this article feel about the quarterback?

A. He hated him because he-was loud and bossy and domineering.

B. He was afraid of him because the-quarterback was bigger and stronger than he.

C. He admired and respected him because he set a powerful example for the other team

members to follow. .

(5) The quarterback's actions in the game show the importance of _____.

A. persistence and determination in spite of pain

B. being bigger and stronger than the others

C. knowing when to quit because you can't possibly win

2. Choose the best answer for the underlined part;

(1) Pain is central to & humane education.

A. neutral B. important C. related D. connected(2) If we were to play decently, let alone win, we would have to prepare.

A. and if we were to win B. and perhaps win

C. and perhaps not win D. not to even mention winning

(3) He focused my attention on the importance of pain and the reaction to it.

A. attention B. importance

C. pain D. the importance of pain

(4) For 60 yards, we inched forward.

A. moved forward a little bit

B. moved forward by the inch

C. moved forward one inch at a time

D. moved forward slowly

(5) At that moment, I became a sports nut.

A. became hateful to sports

B. became insane about sports

C. became insane because of sports

D. became deeply enthusiastic about sports

(6) Pain of one sort or another is everywhere.

A. Sometimes you get pain all over your body after doing sports.

B. Whatever you do and wherever you go, you can encounter pain.C. There are different kinds of pain.

D. Some experiences are more painful than the others.

(7) I admit that .my taste for pain is bizarre, but I can explain it.

A. quite insane B. disgusting C. very strange D. very funny

(8) The other team slaughtered us.

A. killed cruelly B. made fun of

C. looked down upon D. beat (us) badly(9) Half of the members of our team were, injured, and all of us were humiliated.

A. looked down upon B. laughed at

C. beaten D. disgraced

(10) It dawned on us then that if we wanted to play well, we would have to prepare.

A. it happened to us B. we didn't know

C. we realized D. It dodged us

3. Translate from English into Chinese:(1) Pain raises sport from the level of entertainment to that of human achievement, …

(2) I became conscious of the difference between play and sport when I helped organize a sandlot

football team at the age of 12.

(3) Our quarterback imposed his rule on us.

(4) Their undoing was their inability to understand how the human will can drive the body to do

things that defy reason.

(5) These are mental agonies, but they are no less real than the physical, ...

4. Answer the following question in English within 80 ~ 100 words:

Why did the writer say that pain is central to a humane education since he had a fear of pain?

Key to Quiz ThreeA. Text-related Part

I. 1. appeal 2. decivilizing 3. casual 4. complexity 5. substitute

6. undo 7. confirm 8. owner 9. victim 10. waistcoat

11. faith 12. notes 13. confidence 14. balance 15. slumber

II. 1. outweighs 2. diverted 3. For the sake of 4. compassionate 5. of no avail

6. skeptical 7. reconciled 8. efface 9. implored 10. meditating

III. 1. incredulous 2. leisure 3. poetry 4.intellectual 5. ashamed

6. conscious 7. imaginary 8. planned 9. fluctuating 10. literal


1. His fatness exposes him to a lot of joking at the office.2. The ambassador complained about the student demonstrations.

3. His eyes assumed a weary, indifferent look.4. When a war ends, we should dismiss all thought of revenge.

5. The songs, sometimes accompanied with dance movements, were expressive and delightful.

6. There is a crisis of literacy in this country. One study estimates that some 30 million adult

Americans are “functionally illiterate” and cannot read or write well enough to answer the want ad

or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.

Proficiency Part

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A

2. Choose the best answer for the underlined part:

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C

3. Translate from English into Chinese:


(2)我在 12岁帮忙组织一支沙地橄榄球队时开始懂得了玩耍和运动的区别。




4. Answer the following question in English within 80—100 words:

Fear could be overcome» and the man who could overcome it had a distinct advantage. Pain of one

sort or another is everywhere. When a man transcended physical pain, he could also

conquer the mental pain. To know what one is capable of, both mentally and physically, is to know

the possibilities of the man. In this sense, pain could help to build up human determination and

character; therefore» it is a fundamental part of education.

Lesson Thirteen

WorkBackground knowledge

Bertrand Russell (b. May 18, 1872, Trelleck, Monmouthshire, Eng.--d. Feb. 2, 1970, near

Penrhyndeudraeth, Merioneth, Wales), English logician and philosopher, one of the most

productive writers and thinkers of his time, best known for his work in mathematical logic and for

his social and political campaigns, including his advocacy of both pacifism and nuclear

disarmament. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950. Russell gained an unusually

wide international readership not only in scholarly circles but among the general public. After long

years of labor, he and Alfred North Whitehead produced their monumental treatise Principia

Mathematics. The Principia was of epoch-making importance to philosophy because of its new

view of the status of mathematical knowledge and the impetus it gave to the development of

mathematical logic. One of his original works in philosophy was Human Knowledge. After World

War I, Russell gave increased attention to moral and social issues.

Main idea of the text

writer of the 20th century, work is very important and valuable to people. In this essay, he analyses

the advantages of work. First of all, work prevents boredom. Provided work is not excess in

amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. Secondly, work

provides chances of success and opportunities for ambition. However dull work may be, it

becomes bearable if it is a means of building up a reputation, whether in the world at large or only

in one's own circle. Finally, and more importantly, one's satisfaction or happiness in life is closely

related to whether his work is interesting or not. And two chief elements make work interesting:

the exercise of skill and construction, which are regarded as the two of the most important sources

of happiness in life.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. irk: v. annoy, make sb feel troubled 使苦恼,使厌烦

It irks her to do the housework at home all day. 整天在家做家务使她感到厌烦。

irksome: a. annoying, troublesome 令人厌烦的

It is irksome to do the same work every day for ten years. 十年来每天都做同样的工作令人厌


2. provided: providing, on the condition that 如果,假如

Provided that you work hard enough you will pass the exam. 只要你够努力,你会通过这次考


I’ll go abroad for further study next year provided I pass the TOEFL. 如果通过托福考试,我明


3. procure: v. obtain by effort 取得,实现

How can he procure that rare stamp? 他是怎样得到那张罕见邮票的?

The book is out of print and difficult to procure. 那书已绝版,很难弄到手。

4. pretense: n. false appearance 虚伪,伪装

He made a pretense of being happy at the party. 晚会上他假装很高兴。

pretend: v. give an appearance that is not true. 伪装

She pretended to think for a while when I asked her. 我问她时,她假装想了一会儿。

5. outlet: means of releasing; way out 发泄的途径;出路,出口

Children need an outlet for their energy. 儿童的精力需要发泄出来。

Switzerland has no outlet to the sea. 瑞士没有入海口。

6. outwit: win or defeat by being cleverer or more cunning than sb 以智胜过

Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away. 有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫逃走了。

The store outwitted the robbers by putting phony jewels in the display case. 商店把假珠宝放在


7. exercise: make use of, employ 应用,运用

I’m exercising my right to ask for the receipt. 我在行使索要发票的权利。

China resumed exercising its sovereignty over Hong Kong in July, 1997. 中国于 1997年 7月恢


8. demolish: v. destroy or tear down 摧毁,拆除

The old building was demolished and a new one will be put up. 旧楼被拆除,新楼即将建立。

demolition: n. the action of demolishing 破坏,毁坏

There were some demolitions of public property in the school. 学校的公共财产遭到破坏。

短语 (Expressions)

1. to begin with: firstly, in the first place 首先,起初

I can’t go for a picnic. To begin with, I am not feeling well. 我不能去野餐,首先我身体不


To begin with he was penniless, but later he became a millionaire. 起初他一文不名,但后


2. at a loss: puzzled, not knowing what to do or say 茫然,不知所措

He was suddenly at a loss to say anything. 他顿时语塞。

The little girl was frightened and was at a loss what to do. 小女孩被吓坏了,不知所措。

3. busy with / at sth, be busy doing sth.: having much to do, working on sth. 忙于某事,忙着干

The manager is busy preparing for the negotiation, please don’t disturb him. 经理正忙于准备谈


He is busy at his homework. 他正忙着做家庭作业。

4. at large: free; at full length; in general 自由的;详细的;总的来说

The escaped prisoner is still at large. 那个越狱犯仍然在逃。

The question is discussed at large in my report. 我在报告中对该问题作了详细说明。

The army at large is loyal to the country. 军队总的来说是忠于国家的。

5. in the long run: ultimately, eventually 从长远看,终究

Smoking in the long run is bad to your health. 抽烟最终对你的健康有害。

It pays in the long run to buy the big house. 买大房子终究是上算的。

6. derive sth from sth.: obtain sth. from sth.;trace sth from 得到; 追根求源

Not all students can derive pleasure from their studies. 不是所有的学生都能从学习中获得乐趣。

Many English words derive from Latin. 许多英语单词来源于拉丁语。

7. call for sth.: require, demand or need sth. 要求,需要

The situation there calls for immediate action. 那里的形势需要立即采取行动。

The modern society calls for those who knows English and computer very well. 现代社会要求


8. at one’s best: in the best condition 处于最佳状态

He was not at his best in the last game. 他上次比赛状态不佳。

He was at his best in the debate yesterday and got applause from time to time. 他在昨天的辩论


9. apt to do: likely to do 易于做……,趋于……

He is apt to get angry. 他动不动就生气。

The naughty boy is apt to make trouble in class. 那个淘气的男孩爱上课捣乱。

10. without regard to: regardless of, without paying attention to 不顾,不理会

He continued speaking without regard to my feeling on the matter. 他不顾我对此事的感情而继


He blurted out the truth without regard to the consequences. 他不考虑后果便脱口说出了真相。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. desirable, desirous

desirable: to be desired, worth having, satisfactory 想要的,值得有的,不错的

There are several desirable houses in this street. 这条街有几幢不错的房子。

desirous: feeling desire 向往的,渴望的

He is desirous of obtaining a position in the Civil Service. 他非常想在政府机关谋取一个职


2. be about, be apt

be about to: be just going to do 即将,正要

He met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away. 她正要离开,他在门口碰到她。

be apt to: likely to do 易于

He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief. 他是个聪明的孩子,但是好捣乱。

3. actual, literal

actual: existing in fact, real 实在的,真实的

Can you give me the actual figures. 你能给我确切的数字吗?

literal: taking words in their usual and obvious sense 按照字义的

The literal meaning of the word “cat” is an animal not a girl. “Cat”的本义是动物而不是女孩。

4. varied, variable

varied: of different sorts 各种不同的

He had had a varied training, and had held many offices. 他受过各种训练,担任过许多工


variable: varying, changeable 变化的,可变的

The weather is extremely variable here. 这里的天气变化无常。

5. unless, provided

unless: if not, except when 若不,除非

Unless bad weather stops me, I go for a walk every day. 除非天气阻碍,我每天都出去散步。

provided: on condition that 如果,假如

We’ll visit Europe next year, provided we have the money. 如果有钱,明年我们将访问欧洲。

6. pretence, excuse

pretence: make-believe 伪装,掩饰

She isn’t really ill; it’s only pretence. 她没有真病,只是装的。

excuse: reason given to explain one’s conduct 借口,托词

He is always making excuses for being late. 他总是为迟到找借口。

7. require, acquire

require: need 需要

We require extra help. 我们需要额外帮助。

acquire: gain by skill or ability 获得,得到

The ability to use language can be acquired only by the act of using the language. 使用语言


8. kill, spend

kill time: find ways of passing the time without being bored 消遣,消磨时光

The train was very late, so we killed time by playing cards. 火车太慢,所以我们打牌消磨


spend time: 度过

He spent a weekend in London. 他在伦敦度过周末。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. And whatever they decide on, they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have

been pleasanter.

No matter what they have decided to do, they are troubled because they feel that something else

would be enjoyable than what they have decided to do.


2. Provided a man doesn’t have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, he is likely to find far more

zest in his free time than an idleman could possibly find.

If a man doesn’t work so hard that he may damage his physical energy, it is likely that he will

find much greater enjoyment in his spare time than a man who has nothing to do all day long.



3. It is only where the best work is concerned that this measure ceases to be the natural one to


Only when the best work is concerned, may we stop using income as a natural measure to see

whether a person is successful or not.


4. The domesticated wife doesn’t receive wages, has no means of bettering herself, is taken

granted by her husband.

The housewife doesn’t get any pay for what she does, has no way to improve her condition. And

her husband thinks that it is something she should do.


5. I imagine that an able surgeon, in spite of the painful circumstances in which his work is done,

derives satisfaction from the exquisite precision of his operations.

I think that a competent surgeon takes pleasure in operations he has performed skillfully and

precisely though his work is done in painful circumstances.



6. But not infrequently a man will engage in activities of which the purpose is destructive without

regard to any construction that may come after.

But very often a man will take part in activities whose object is just to destroy something without

considering any construction that may follow.


7. The work of construction, … when completed, is delightful to contemplate, and moreover is

never so fully completed that there is nothing further to do about it.

The work of construction, when it is finished, is very pleasant to look at. Besides, it is completed

not so perfectly that there is no way to improve it.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)

论 工 作





















































的工作,譬如说政界,人们好像是在 60到 70岁之间的时候才达到事业顶峰。原因是这些职

业必须要从别人那儿获得广博的经验。因此,成功的政治家在 70岁时会感到更快乐,而同


























补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

Computers monitor everything in Singapore from soil composition to location of manholes. At

the airport, it took just 15 seconds for the computerized immigration system to scan and approve

my passport. It takes only one minute to be checked into a public hospital.

By 1998, almost every household will be wired for interactive cable TV and the Internet, the

global computer network. Shoppers will be able to view and pay for products electronically. A 24-

hour community telecomputing network will allow users to communicate with elected representa-

tives and retrieve information about government services. It is all part of the government's plan to

transform the nation into what it calls the "Intelligent Island."

In so many ways, Singapore has elevated the concept of efficiency to a kind of national ideo logy .

Forthe past ten years, Singapore' s work force was rated the best in the world—ahead of Japan and

the U. S. —in term of productivity, skills and attitude by the Business Environment Risk

Intelligence service.

Behind the "Singapore miracle" is a man Richard Nixon described as one of "the ablest leaders I

have met, " the one who "in other times and other places, might have attained the world stature of

a Churchill." Lee Kuan Yew led Singapore's struggle for independence in the 1950s, serving as

Prime Minister from 1959 until 1990. Today (1995), at 71, he has nominally retired to the office of

Senior Minister, where he continues to influence his country's future. Lee offered companies tax

breaks, political stability, cheap labor and strike-free environment.

Nearly 90 percent of Singaporean adults now own their own homes and thanks to strict adherence

to the principle of merit, personal opportunities abound. "If you've got talent and work hard, you

can be anything here, " says a Malaysian-born woman who holds a high-level civil-service


Lee likes to boast that Singapore has avoided the "moral breakdown" of western countries. He

attributes his nation's success to strong family ties, a reliance on education as the engine of

advancement and a social philosophy that he claims is superior to America's.

In an interview with Reader's Digest, he said that the United States has "lost its bearings" by

emphasizing individual rights at the expense of society. "An ethical society, " he said, "is one

which matches human rights with responsibilities.

1. What characterizes Singapore's advancement is its____.

A. computer monitoring B. work efficiency

C. high productivity D. value on ethics

2. In Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's view, the American society lacks____.

A. personal opportunities B. family education

C. responsibilities D. efficiency

3. In Paragraph 7, "lost its bearings" may mean____.

A. become impatient B. failed to find the right position

C. lost its foundation D. grown bad-mannered

4. The principles of merit most probably include the following except

A. work attitude B. efficiency

C. education D. social status

5. In Singapore, the concept of efficiency ____.

A. has been highlighted throughout the country

B. has become an essential quality for citizens to aim at

C. is brought forward by the government in order to compete with America

D. is known as the basis for building the "Intelligent Island"

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one

shall do. Moreover the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome.

2. Because whatever they decide to do for themselves, they are troubled by the feeling that

something else would have been pleasanter.

3. I think idleness is more unbearable than boredom from doing tedious work because idleness

is a waste of time and life. Since an idle man is not doing anything and not accomplishing

anything, he can' t derive any feeling of accomplishment, success or satisfaction.

4. In the view of the author, the housewives do not receive wages, have no means of bettering

themselves, are taken granted by their husbands, and are valued by them not for their

housework but for quite other qualities. I agree with him in this respect .because housewives

have no chances of success just by doing housework, especially when success in most work

is measured by income.

5. All work can offer continuous pleasure to the worker provided that the skill required is either

variable or capable of indefinite improvement.

6. In construction the initial state of affairs is comparatively haphazard, while the final state of

affairs embodies a purpose. In destruction the reverse is the case; the initial state of affairs

embodies a purpose, while the final state of affairs is haphazard, that is to say, all that is

intended by the destroyer is to produce a state of affairs which does not embody a certain


7. In Russell' s view constuctiveness is the most powerful motive for work.

8. In my opinion, the elements that make work interesting include: the exercise of skill, and the

feeling of accomplishment, success and satisfaction.


















1. by means of 2. actuated 3. taken for granted 4. outwit

5. irked 6. by no means 7. procure 8. by all means


1. desirable 2. is apt 3. literal 4. variable

5. provided 6. pretenses 7. requires 8. kill


1 .work that is quite annoying, too much in number

2. by going after the big animals

3. is judged by salary

4. can be put in grades

5. there is no this competing feature

6. in this field, in this aspect

7. It is never completely finished and there is nothing left to do.

8. reaching the stage that further progress appears impossible


The first thing Russell thinks is the most ordinary function of work, namely the relief of tedium.

He thinks even the dullest work is less painful than idleness to most people. Then he talks about

how the work can provide the people with opportunities for their ambitions. Man, as a member of

the society, hopes that he can procure more and more social achievements. He points out that most

women are so unfortunate that they can not work outside their homes. They are deprived of this


It seems that different kinds of work give people satisfaction to different degrees. Russell studies

the concerning two chief elements, that is the exercise of skill and construction. When he analyzes

the latter, Russell finds an opportunity to express his profound hatred to the war and social



As a great thinker, Bertrand Russell had his own views on man’s motives in work.

Firstly, he thinks work prevents boredom. This is obviously true when we compare the feeling of

those who have nothing to do with his days with that of those who are busy with their work all day

long. Another advantage associated with this is that it makes holidays much more delicious when

they come.

Secondly, Russell thinks that work provides people with opportunities for success and the

realization of ambition. This is also true because success can't be separated from one' s work and it

is only through work that one can have a chance of success and thus realize his ambition.

Finally, Russell thinks interesting work makes it possible for people to enjoy the feeling of

satisfaction. Certainly, one can feel satisfied or happy when he can exercise his skills or construct

anything, and interesting work, composing of the above two chief elements, makes it possible for

one to enjoy the feeling of satisfaction or happiness.


1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B

Lesson Fourteen

I Would Like to Tell You Something

Background knowledge

Vietnam War (1955-75), a protracted and unsuccessful effort by South Vietnam and the United

States to prevent the communists of North Vietnam from uniting South Vietnam with North

Vietnam under their leadership

Vietnam had been America's longest and most divisive war, and public and congressional opinion

flatly opposed any resumption of the agony. The 1973 accords, therefore, were a fig leaf hiding the

fact that the United States had just lost its first war despite an estimated expenditure of

$155,000,000,000, 7,800,000 tons of bombs (more than all countries dropped in all of World War

II), and some 58,000 American lives. Estimates of Vietnamese dead (North and South) totaled

more than 2,000,000 soldiers and civilians. In its proportional impact on Vietnamese society, the

Vietnam War, 1955-75, was the fourth most severe in the world since 1816.

The end of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia also brought to a close 15 years of astounding

change in world politics that featured the arrival of the space and missile age. In 1969, the very

moment when astronauts were setting foot on the Moon to fulfill Kennedy's pledge to prove

American superiority, Nixon and Kissinger were struggling to adjust to the new realities and

manage a limited American retreat. They succeeded brilliantly in establishing a triangular

relationship with Moscow and Peking and appeared to have replaced Cold War with détente.

Likewise, they appeared to have escaped from Vietnam and implemented the Nixon Doctrine.

New crises and reversals were in the offing, however, that would prove that the American decline

had not yet been arrested. Given these reversals, détente might be judged as much an exercise in

American presumption as the Vietnam War. The U.S.S.R. could not be expected to cease its quest

for real values in world competition just because the United States was prepared to acknowledge it

as a military equal. Rather, with the United States less able to cope, that very equality opened up

new opportunities for Soviet expansion. Khrushchev's boast about the new correlation of forces in

the world may have brought the Soviets a series of embarrassments from 1957 to 1962, but a

decade later it seemed perversely justified.

Main idea of the text

John. F. Kerry was a Vietnam veteran, who took part in the investigation in Detroit in December of

1970. He thought the purpose of the veterans to take part in it was not to spill out their hearts or

purge their souls, but to tell the American people that it was the U. S government, not just the

soldiers, that should be held responsible for the war crimes. He criticized the depersonalization of

the American people and pointed out the hypocrisy of the American government's policy. They

regarded the soldiers who were in the war as the "best men", but when they returned from the war,

they were treated badly, and were faced with the sickening situation: being racially discriminated,

misunderstood, unemployed, and unable to get better medical treatment, etc.

The war brought great damages to both the American soldiers and the Vietnamese and the

Laotians. The veterans were bored with the war. So are the people who love peace. They were

marching on Washington, demanding an immediate withdrawal from Vietnam. They wouldn't

move until the American government set a date for withdrawal from Vietnam. They would be

demanding the judiciary of this country to declare the Vietnam war unconstitutional. They would

place all they knew about the war before the people of the country, telling it like it really was.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. testify: v. bear witness, give evidence 作证,提供证据

He testifies under oath that he had not been at the scene of the crime. 他发誓作证他当时并不在


testimony: n. declaration testifying that sth. is true 证言

The witness’s testimony was proved to be false. 证人的证词被证实是不真实的。

2. prosecute: v. start legal proceedings against 检举,起诉

The former leader was prosecuted for the embezzlement. 前任领导因贪污被起诉。

prosecution: v. prosecuting or being prosecuted 起诉,告发

The old man started a prosecution against his son for the ill-treatment. 老人因为受到虐待而起


3. stage: v. arrange for sth to take place; carry out 实行,举行

The industrial workers decided to stage a strike. 产业工人们决定举行罢工。

The former world champion is to stage a come-back after retiring for 3 years. 这位前世界冠军


4. cover: v. report on sth 报道

Three journalist were sent to cover the Labour Party’s annual conference. 三名记者被派去报道


The presidential election is widely covered by the press. 总统选举被新闻媒体广泛报道。

5. accredit: v. believe 相信,认可

Until now I have always accredited you with more scene. 直到现在我一直都认为你不至于这


accreditation: n. belief, appointment 认可;任命

If you want to start the publication of certain newspaper, you must get the accreditation from the

government. 如果你想创刊一份报纸,必须得到政府的认可。

6. differentiate: v. show to be different 区别,辨别

Can you differentiate Jim from his twin brother? 你能区分吉姆和他双胞胎的弟弟吗?

differentiation: n. sth different 区别

There is no differentiation without contrast. 没有比较就看不出区别。

differential: a. showing a difference 有分别的

The two answers are differential. 这两个答案是有区别的。

7. glamorize: v. make glamorous 使有魅力

Some magazines glamorize the lives of the film stars. 一些杂志把明星的生活描写得十分动人。

glamorous: a. full of glamour 富有魅力得

Many young people adore the glamorous film stars. 许多年轻人崇拜富有魅力的影星。

glamour: n. charm; power of beauty 魅力;迷人的力量

She likes the glamour of moonlight on the sea. 她喜欢海上迷人的月光。

8. distort: v. give a false account of 歪曲

You have distorted what I meant. 你曲解了我的意思。

distortion: n. distorting or being distorted 歪曲

Their distortion of the facts made us very angry at them. 他们对事实的歪曲使我们非常生气。

9. justify: v. to show that is right or reasonable 证明

It’s hard for you to justify your behavior. 你很难证明你的行为是正当的。

justification: n. sth that justifies 理由

The justification of his stealing was that his mother was seriously ill. 他偷窃的理由是他妈妈病


10. rationalize: v. bring into conformity with reason 使合理

The students try to rationalize their behaviors. 学生们试图合理解释他们的行为。

She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it. 她为


11. dormant: a. in a state of inactivity but awaiting development. 潜伏的,蛰伏的

There are many dormant volcanoes in the world. 世界上有许多休眠火山。

Many plants lie dormant throughout the winter. 许多植物冬天呈休眠状态。

短语 (Expressions)

1. be guilty of: to blame for sth; feeling or showing guilt 对……有罪责;感到内疚的

The jury had found him guilty of murder. 陪审团裁定他犯有谋杀罪。

He is guilty of telling lies to his parents. 他为对父母撒谎而感到内疚。

2. sink into: be absorbed, be fully understood 被吸收;被完全理解

The rain sank into the dry ground. 雨水渗入干燥的土地。

My warning obviously hasn’t sunk into your thick skull. 我的警告,你显然全不理解。

3. pull out: remove sth by pulling; leave (a station)

He suddenly pulled out a gun. 他突然掏出一支枪。

Hardly had I reached the station when the train pulled out of the platform. 我刚到车站,火车就


4. charge sb. for sth.: ask … as a price 要价

I was charged 25 dollars for this pair of glasses. 这副眼镜他们要了我 25美元。

Excuse me, how much do you charge for this dictionary? 请问,这本字典你要多少钱?

5. in terms of: as regard, as far as … be concerned 在……方面 就……来说

I have little in terms of work experience. 就工作经验而言我几乎没有。

Think of it in terms of investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事。

6. stand up for: speak, work in favor of 为……说话或工作

Customers must stand up for their rights. 消费者一定要维护自己的权利。

We will always stand up for you. 我们永远都会支持你。

7. blame sth. on sb. / blame sb. for sth.: consider or say that sb is responsible for sth done or not

done 指责;归咎于

He blamed the failure of their marriage on her. 他把婚姻的失败归咎于她。

The party blamed corruption on the government. 该党指责政府腐败。

8. end with: finish with 以……结束;以……而告终

The meal ended with coffee and brandy. 这顿饭最后上的是咖啡和白兰地。

Their plan ended with a failure. 他们的计划以失败而告终。

9. pay homage to: pay respect to, pay tribute to 向……致敬或致哀

We pay homage to the genius of Shakespeare. 我们对莎士比亚的天才表示敬仰。

They stood in silent homage round her grave. 他们站在她的墓周围向她默哀。

10. part and parcel of sth: an essential or main part of sth 主要部分,重要部分

Keeping accounts is part and parcel of my job. 我的主要工作是记账。

The engine is the part and parcel of the car. 发动机是汽车的主要部分。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. spend, squander

spend: pay out for sth 用钱,花钱

She spends too much money on cosmetics. 她花在化妆品上的钱太多。

squander: waste 浪费

He squandered all the money which his father gave him. 他把父亲给的钱都挥霍掉了。

2. transcript, manuscript

transcript: sth copied 抄本,副本

I was not present at the meeting. I’d like a transcript of her speech. 我没有出席会议,我想


manuscript: sth as first written out or typed 手稿,原稿

I must return this manuscript to the author. 我必须把原稿还给作者。

3. indignity, indignation

indignity: rude or unworthy treatment causing shame or loss of respect 侮辱,轻蔑

She suffered an indignity of being searched in a supermarket. 她在超市受到了搜身之辱。

indignation: anger caused by injustice 愤慨,义愤

They felt strong indignation against their boss. 他们对老板感到强烈愤慨。

4. clean, purge

clean: make clean 弄干净,使清洁

Wash your hands and clean your nails. 洗洗手,把指甲弄干净。

purge: make clean of physical or moral impurity 清除身上或道德上的不洁

King Arther tried to purge his land from sin. 亚瑟王试图清除他国家的罪恶。

5. preserve, protect

preserve: keep from harm or decay 保护,保存

We must preserve our natural resources. 我们必须保护我们的自然资源。

protect: keep safe from danger, enemies, etc. 保护,防御

They are fighting to protect their country. 他们正在战斗,保卫国家。

6. dormant, unimportant

dormant: in a state of inactivity but awaiting activity 潜伏的

Seeds remain dormant in the earth during winter. 种子冬天在泥土中休眠。

unimportant: not important 不重要的

His brother-in-law has an unimportant job with the firm. 他的舅兄在公司有份无关紧要的工


7. mistake, distortion

mistake: wrong opinion, idea or act 错误

We all make mistakes occasionally. 我们偶尔都会犯错。

distortion: giving a false account of sth 歪曲,曲解

It is hopeless distortion of the truth. 这完全是歪曲事实。

8. glamorize, praise

glamorize: make sth appear better than in reality 美化,使有魅力

Newspapers often glamorize the lives of film stars. 报纸经常美化电影明星们的生活。

praise: speak with approval 称赞,赞美

The publishers had praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商对他的小说大加赞赏。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. The investigation was not staged so that veterans could spill out their hearts or purge their souls.

The veterans held the investigation not to give themselves a chance to express their deepest

feelings, tell people about all the terrible things they had done in Vietnam, or relieve themselves

of their guilty feelings, so that they could have peace of mind.


2. …but said it would never get by his desk because the Army would rescind the magazine’s

accreditation to cover the war.

If that reporter let this article be published, the army would take away the magazine’s right to

send reporters to Vietnam.



3. …the helicopter crews fill the same body bags as the ground troops.

The helicopter crews can be killed too, just like the ground troops have been killed.


4. …the kind of criminal hypocrisy that has torn this country apart.

The issue of racial discrimination and racial segregation existed in U.S. while it was supposed to

be a country where everyone enjoyed freedom and equality. When the black people started the

Civil Rights Movement, the whole country was roused, either supporting or opposing it.


5. … it didn’t matter how many American bodies were provided to prove that point.

In order to prove that point, it was not important how many American soldiers had to die.


6. …he found himself doing to the Vietnamese exactly what had been done to his people and what

he had been conditioned by America to applaud.

He found himself doing to the Vietnamese the things that the white people in America had done

to the American Indians, and he also found himself doing the things that America had trained

him to think it was right to do.



课文翻译 (Translation of the text)

















































但使我们愤怒的还有那些声明,例如副总统阿格纽一九七 O年在西点军校讲话时所作的
















































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

With its common interest in lawbreaking but its immense rage of subject-matter and widely-

varying methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a legitimate claim to be regarded as a

separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, off-

shoot (分枝) of the traditional novel.

The detective story is probably the most respectable (at any rate in the narrow sense of the word)

of the crime species. Its creation is often the relaxation of University dons ( 住校生 ), literary

economists, scientists or even poets. Fatalities(灾祸) may occur more frequently and myste-

riously than might be expected in polite society, but the world in which they happen, the village,

seaside resort, college or studio, is familiar to us, if not from our own experience, at least in the

newspaper or the lives of friends. The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as

recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate associates. A story set in a more remote

environment, African jungle or Australian bush, ancient China or gaslit London, appeals to our

interest in geography or history, and most detective story writers are conscientious in providing a

reasonably authentic background. The elaborate, carefully-assembled plot, despised by the modern

intellectual critics and creators of "significant" novels, has found refuge in the murder mystery,

with its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with appropriate solutions

and explanations at the end. With the guilt of escapism from Real Life nagging (责骂) gently, we

secretly revel (以……为乐) in the unmasking of evil by a vaguely super-human sleuth

(警犬), who sees through and dispels the cloud of suspicion which has hovered so unjustly over

the innocent.

Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and

credible world. The sequence of fist fights, revolver duels, car crashes and escapes from gas-filled

cellars exhausts the reader far more than the hero, who, suffering from at least two broken ribs,

one black eye, uncountable bruises and a hangover, can still chase and overpower an armed villain

with the physique of a wrestler. He moves dangerously through a world of ruthless gangs,

brutality, a vicious lust for power and money and, in contrast to the detective tale, with a near-

omniscient (无所不知) arch-criminal whose defeat seems almost accidental. Perhaps we miss in

the thriller the security of being safely led by our imperturbable(镇静的) investigator past a

score of red herrings (青鱼 ) and blind avenues to a final gathering of suspects when an

unchallengeable elucidation (阐明) of all that has bewildered us is given and justice and goodness

prevail. All that we vainly hope for from life is granted vicariously.

1. The crime novel may be regarded as ____.

A. a not quite respectable form of the conventional novel

B. not a true novel at all

C. related in some ways to the historical novel

D. an independent development of the novel

2. The passage suggests that intellectuals write detective stories because ____.

A. the stories are often in fact very instructive

B. they enjoy writing these stories

C. the creation of these stories demands considerable intelligence

D. detective stories are an accepted branch of literature

3. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as one of the similarities between the detec-

tive story and the thriller?

A. Both have involved plots.

B. Both are condemned by modern critics.

C. Both are forms of escapist fiction.

D. Both demonstrate the triumph of right over wrong.

4. One of the most incredible characteristics of the thriller plot is ____.

A. the eventual defeat of the villain

B. the type of society described

C. the effect of the story on the reader

D. the fact that the villain is clever

5. In what way are the detective story and the thriller unlike?

A. In introducing violence.

B. In providing excitement and suspense.

B. In appealing to the intellectual curiosity of the reader.

D. In ensuring that everything comes right in the end.

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. Over 150 honorably discharged veterans.

2. They exposed the war crimes committed in Indochina.

3. To prove the policy of the United States in Indochina is tantamount to genocide, and that not

only the soldiers but also the U. S. government should be responsible for the war; that those

who encouraged the situation should really be prosecuted, and that the war crimes are

continuing every single day.

4. The American government. Yes, I do.

5. What the soldiers were doing in the war was wrong.

6. Because he was insensitive to the war crimes as the US troops used to do so.

7. Before they depart for Vietnam, they were conditioned to kill the Vietnamese like rabbits.

8. It's a distortion because we in no way considered ourselves the "best men" in this country,

because those he called misfits were standing up for us in a way nobody else in this country

dared to, because we know that so many who died would have come back to join die misfits,

and because so many of us have actually returned to this country to demand an immediate

withdrawal from Vietnam. And because so many of those "best men" have returned as

amputees and quadraplegics to lie in rancid hospitals which fly the flag that Mr. Agnew holds

so close.

9. They were unemployed, racially discriminated, addicted to drugs and unable to get better

medical care.

10. The de-sensitive attitude of the Americans, the hypocrisy of the U. S government, the

miserable situation of the Vietnam veterans, and their strong determination to demand the

withdrawal of U. S. troops from Vietnam.
















1. people who are formerly in one of the armed services

2. killed by being nailed or tied to a cross

3. to be submitting to sth. obediently and humbly

4. given to

5. were supporting

6. said that the side which should be responsible for it was

7. to be developed more tense to be

8. an essential part


John Kerry was a Vietnam Veteran, and he entered the investigation which was held in Detroit in

December, 1970. He thought that the veterans didn't only enter the investigation so that they could

spill out their hearts or purge their souls. Also not only a certain person was responsible for the

war crimes, but also American Government. He wished to awoke the sense of responsibility in

American people. He criticized the insensitivity of everyone from all walks of life in America and

pointed the hypocrisy of the policy set by American Government. He exposed the situation that the

veterans were terribly treated back to America: race discrimination, addicting to dope,

unemployment, bad medical treatment, etc. At last he told us that members of Vietnam Veterans

Against the War were marching on Washington and on the Capitol. Their most important demand

was that .the government set a date for withdrawal of troops from Vietnam. Otherwise they would

stay there and would never move.


The author told the war crimes of the U. S troops, not just to spill out their hearts or purge their

souls. He wanted to prove that the policy of American in Indochina was tantamount to genocide,

that not only the soldiers were responsible for what was happening in Vietnam, but that the whole

American people were responsible for the war crimes in Vietnam.

The veterans placed it before the people of this country, telling it like it really was in order to let

the American people know the truth about the Vietnam war and other wars. The American

government had lied to the people, and the American people didn't know at all. The American

people thought the American troops were right, in fact, they were not. The war brought massive

damage not only to the native people, but also to the American soldiers.

The Americans are indifferent. The veterans called on the American people and all the people who

love peace to fight

against the war, and demanded American government withdraw troops from Vietnam immediately.

Veterans were suffering in America. When they returned from Vietnam, they were faced with

the sickening situation:

unemployment, racial discrimination, addiction to drugs, and failure to get the proper medical

treatment, etc.


1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A

Lesson Fifteen

The Beauty Industry

Background knowledge

Aldous Huxley, an English novelist, poet and essayist, was born at Godalming, Surrey. He

graduated from Balliol College, Oxford in 1915. He published his fast book, The Burning Wheel, a

volume of poetry, in 1916. He in his most famous works expressed in scathing, witty terms, his

disillusionment with the values of 20th century society. One of his major concerns was the

dehumanizing effect on people of many aspects of science and technology. He is perhaps best

known for his satirical novel Brave New World, which portrays a bizarre, mechanized, emotionless

society of the future.

Huxley' s first published novel was Crome Yellow (1921), Mortal Coils, a volume of stories

appeared in 1922 and Antic Hay, a second novel, came out in 1923. Other important works of the

1930' s are the collections of essays Music at Night and Beyond the Mexique Bay, the novels

Eyeless in Gaza and After Many a Summer Dies the Swan. In the early 1940' s, Huxley became

increasingly fascinated with Eastern mysticism, an interest that is reflected in such works as The

Perennial Philosophy.

Main idea of the text

Beginning with the beauty industry, Aldous Huxey discusses the matter of beauty. He points out

that American and European women spend much money on cosmetics and try every possible

measures to make themselves look younger and more beautiful. This modem cult of beauty is due

in part to the diffusion of wealth, and the changes in women's position and in our attitude towards

the physical body. People succeed in achieving beautiful appearance, but not real beauty. For real

beauty is as much an affair of the inner as of the outer self. The appearance of human beings is

affected by the nature of its spiritual contents. However beautiful appearance one may have, he or

she is not really and perfectly beautiful as long as disharmonies, i.e., spiritual emptiness and

ugliness, continue to exist. What makes people really beautiful is not cosmetics but social

arrangements that give every one an opportunity to live completely and harmoniously.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. transform: v. completely change the appearance, character or function of sth. or sb. 完全改变外


The waste land has been transformed into fertile fields. 这片不毛之地已变成良田。

Marriage seems to have transformed him into another person. 结婚之后他好像变了个人似的。

2. expend: v. spend; use up 花费;用光

He expends all his money on stocks. 他用所有的钱去炒股。

They expended all their stores. 他们用尽了所有的储备。

3. cultivate: v. give care, thought, time in order to develop 培养;陶冶

He tried to cultivate the people who can be useful to him in his business. 他试图培养对他的事


She often reads the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind. 她常为陶冶情操而阅读最


4. preoccupy: engage sth so that he cannot think of other things 占据思想

Health worries preoccupied him for the whole holiday.整个假期他一直为健康状况而担忧。

The scientist was preoccupied with his research work all day long. 这位科学家整天醉心于自己


5. diffuse: v. send out, spread, in every direction 散布,传播

He diffused knowledge all over the country. 他在全国各地传播知识。

diffusion: n. diffusing or being diffused 散布,传播

The diffusion of knowledge is through books and lectures. 知识的传播是通过书和讲座进行的。

6. retrench: v. cut down, make economies 节省开支,缩减支出

We must retrench now in order to buy a new big house. 为了买一套大房子,我们现在必须节


We had to retrench our expenditure because of inflation. 因通货膨胀我们不得不减少开支。

7. symptom: n. change in the body that indicates an illness; sign of the existence of sth 症状;征

Chest pain may be a symptom of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的一个症状。

As a leader, you should pay attention to the symptoms of dissatisfaction among the workers. 作


symptomatic: a. serving as a symptom 有征兆的

Cough and headache may be symptomatic of a cold. 咳嗽、头疼可能是感冒的症状。

8. concede: v. admit, allow, grant 承认,容许,让与

You must concede that we have tried our best to do this work. 你们必须承认我们已经尽力做了。

concession: n. conceding 妥协,让步

At last, one party made the concession. 最后,一方做出了让步。

9. consummate: v. make complete or perfect 使完整或圆满

This award consummated my life’s work. 这个奖是我一生努力的圆满结果。

His desire was consummated at last. 他的愿望终于实现了。

10. transfigure: v. change the appearance of sb or sth esp. so as to make better 改变外表;美化

The young man’s face became almost transfigured. 年轻人的脸几乎完全变了样。

She was transfigured by love. 爱情使她容光焕发。

短语 (Expressions)

1. in any case: at any rate, whatever may happen 无论如何;不管怎样

In any case, you can have a try. 无论如何你可以试一试。

You’ve tried your best, in any case. 总之,你尽力了。

2. due to: caused by, because of 由于,因为

His success was largely due to his diligence. 他的成功很大程度上是由于他的勤奋。

The failure of the experiment was due to his mistake. 由于他的错误造成试验失败。

3. in part: partly; to some extent 部分地;某种程度上

His success was due in part to luck. 他的成功部分原因是运气好。

She looks in part like her grandmother. 她有几分像她的祖母。

4. badly off: in a poor position, esp. financially; in want of money 贫困潦倒;缺钱

We shouldn’t complain about being poor---many family are much worse off. 我们不应该因为穷


In the cities, the poor are as badly off as they were in the villages. 在城里,穷人们还象他们在


比较:be badly off for sth: be in nee of sth 需要……

The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food. 难民需要毯子,更需要食


5. in the way of: in the respect of 就……而言,在……方面

We can help you in the way of technology. 在技术方面我们可以帮助你。

She received very little in the way of wages. 她得到的薪水微乎其微。

6. within the reach of: extent to which a hand can be reached out 伸手可及

I’d like to have my books within my reach. 我喜欢把书放在我伸手可取的地方。

beyond / out of reach 手不可及

Please keep the medicine out of reach of the children. 请把药放在孩子够不到的地方。

7. demand sth of sb.: require sth of sb., need 需要;要求

Does this letter demand an immediate answer of the manager? 这封信需要经理立即答复吗?

Teaching demands great patience of the teacher. 教学需要教师有极大的耐心。

8. in so far as: to the extent that, within the range or limit of sth. 达到……程度;在……范围内

Liberty is cherished only in so far as it costs nothing. 自由只是在不付出任何代价的情况下才


This is the truth in so far as I know. 就我所知,这是真实情况。

9. in turn: one after the other; in succession 依次;逐个地

He has been in turn a peasant, teacher, and a writer. 他先后当过农民,教师和作家

The applicants were interviewed in turn by the manager. 求职者逐个接受经理的面试。

10. make no difference: be of no importance; have no effect 对……不重要,没影响

It will make no difference whether the meeting will be held today or tomorrow. 今天开会还是明


The weather made no difference to the game. 天气对比赛没有影响。

make some difference: 对……有些影响

The medicine made some difference to his health. 这药对他的健康有所改善。

11. feel / be justified: have good reasons for doing sth. 有充分理由做……

Customers are always justified in complaining about goods of poor quality. 消费者总是有正当


Are you justified in suspecting her of having taken the money? 你有充分的理由怀疑是她偷了


12. turn out: prove to be 证明是……,结果是……

Everything turns out to be satisfactory. 一切令人满意。

It turned out that the task was harder than we had thought. 这项任务结果比我们想的要难。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. intrinsic, instinctive

intrinsic: belonging naturally, existing within 故有的,内在的

There is no intrinsic shortage of water in England. 英格兰并非天然缺水。

instinctive: not coming from training or teaching 本能的,天生的

Animals have an instinctive dread of fire. 动物天生怕火。

2. occupy, preoccupy

occupy: take up; fill (space, time, the mind) 占据,填满

He was occupied with a translation of an English novel. 他正忙于翻译一本英文小说。

preoccupy: take all the attention of sb so that attention is not given to other matters 使全神贯

He was preoccupied with thoughts of the coming holidays. 他一心一意想着即将来临的假期。

3. indistinct, indistinguishable

indistinct: not distinct 不清楚的,模糊的

The figures in the fog are indistinct. 雾中的人影模模糊糊。

indistinguishable: that cannot be distinguished 不能分辨的

The material is indistinguishable from real silk, but much cheaper. 这材料与真丝没什么不同,


4. as long as, in so far as

as long as: on condition that; provided that 只要,如果

You may borrow the book as long as you don’t lend it to anyone else. 只要你不把书借给别


in so far as: to the extent that 在……范围内

In so far as you are a student, you are allowed to travel cheaply on our railways. 只有你是学


5. imitate, mimic

imitate: copy the behavior of 模仿

Children like to imitate adults. 小孩喜欢模仿大人。

mimic: ridicule by imitating 以模仿取笑

The boy made all his friends laugh by mimicking the teacher’s slow and solemn way of

talking. 男孩模仿老师缓慢严肃的说话把他的朋友都逗笑了。

6. affect, effect

affect: have an influence on; act on 影响

Will the changes in taxation affect you personally. 税法的变更将会影响你个人吗?

effect: bring about; accomplish 产生,实现

The war effected changes all over the world. 战争使世界各地发生了变化。

7. preserve, reserve

preserve: keep in good condition 保护,保存好

Ancient Egyptians knew of means to preserve dead bodies from decay. 古埃及人知道保存尸


reserve: keep for a special purpose 特别保留

I reserve the right to make my own decisions. 我保留自己作决定的权利。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. Europe is poor, and a face can cost as much in upkeep as a Rolls-Royce.

Europe is less rich than America. To keep a face beautiful by means of cosmetics may cost as

much as to keep a luxury car in good working condition.


2. Women are retrenching on other things than their faces.

Women cut down expenses on other things, but they spend just as much money on cosmetics as



3. We concede that the Matron is morally justified in being preoccupied with her personal


We admit that the British women are morally right for thinking about their own appearances.


4. Beauty that is merely artificial shadow of these symptoms of health is intrinsically of poorer

quality than the genuine article.

To use artificial means to imitate the indications of good health so as to appear beautiful naturally

can never be as good as real health.


5. The surface of the human vessel is affected by the nature of its spiritual contents.

The appearance of the human body is influenced by the qualities contained in the spirit or soul.


6. Still commoner and no less repellent is the hardness which spoils so many pretty faces.

What is more common and disgusting is the unfeeling air which ruins the beauty of so many

pretty women.


课文翻译 (Translation of the text)




























—— 反正不会在道德感上感到震惊。在审美感上是有些震惊——没错;有时如此。但在道德




















































补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

The forest from which Man takes his timber is the tallest and most impressive plant commu-

nity on Earth. In terms of Man's brief life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the

seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to the forester it represents the climax of a long succes-

sion of events.

No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all time. Plants have minimum re-

quirements of temperature and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of Earth's surface

has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive. However, as soon as climatic

conditions change in favour of plant life, a fascinating sequence of changes occurs, called a pri-

mary succession.

First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens(地衣), surviving on bare rock. Slowly,

the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and

mosses establish a shallow root-hold. Fems(羊齿植物) may follow and, with short grasses and

shrubs, gradually form a covering of plant life. Roots probe even deeper into the developing soil

and eventually large shrubs give way to the first trees. These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight

from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination—closing their ranks and forming

a climax community which may endure for thousands of years.

Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it

down to gain land for pasture or cultivation. If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession

will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the

early invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and lodged in the coats of mammals.

For as long as it stands and thrives, the forest is a vast machine storing energy and many elements

essential for life.

1. Why does the forest strike mankind as permanent?

A. The trees are so tall.

B. It is renewed each season.

C. Our lives are short in comparison.

D. It is an essential part of our lives.

2. What has sometimes caused plants to die out in the past?

A. Interference from foresters.

B. Variations in climate.

C. The absence of wooded land.

D. The introduction of new types of plants.

3. In a "primary succession" (the last line of paragraph two), what makes it possible for mosses to

take root?

A. The type of rock.

B. The amount of sunlight.

C. The amount of enclosure.

D. The effect of lichens.

4. What conditions are needed for shrubs to become established?

A. Ferns must take root.

B. The ground must be covered with grass.

C. More soil must accumulate.

D. Smaller plants must be detached.

5. Why is a "secondary succession" (in the 4th paragraph) quicker?

A. The ground is more suitable.

B. There is more space for new plants.

C. Birds and animals bring new seeds.

D. It is supported by the forest.

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. One hundred and fifty-six million pounds.

2. Because the sums expended was comparatively smaller than I had thought.

3. Because Europe was poor.

4. The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function (in the mathematical sense) of

wealth. 5. People have now come to admit that the body has its rights.

6. It is a success in so far as more women retain their youthful appearance to a greater age than

in the past.

7. No. Because a woman is alive and (he surface of the human vessel is affected by the nature of

its spiritual contents.

8. When the social arrangements give to every one of them an opportunity to live completely

and harmoniously, when there is no environmental incentive and no hereditary tendency

towards monomaniacal vice.













1. upkeep 2. cult 3. listless 4. preoccupied

5. diffusion 6. expend 7. indistinguishable 8. ineffectual


1. instinctively 2. preoccupied 3. indistinguishable 4. intrinsic

5. In so far as 6. mimicking 7. affect 8. preserve


1. submit to the will of God

2. good result

3. been after

4. strict appearance.

5. but it can mix the spurious with the genuine.

6. undoubtfully, people will be influenced widely.

7. it doesn't matter to its beauty or ugliness.

8. according to the porcelain specialists


The author first suggested that American and European women wanted to make themselves look

younger and more beautiful by spending much money on beauty. People would not think, as in the

19th century, that only a Lost Woman could use cosmetics. But what the author worried about was

that women only cultivated their personal appearance, neglecting the importance of improving

their spiritual ugliness-He thought that people would be really beautiful only when everyone had

an opportunity to live harmoniously. But the author didn't believe that it could be realized.


To make themselves look more beautiful people have adopted all possible measures. They spend

money on cosmetics, soap, face - cream, hair - lotions, on rubber reducing belts and massage

machines, and on books on the culture of the abdomen, on health motors and the skin foods, even

on plastic surgery. And they have succeeded, up to a point, in beautifying their appearance.

However, it is not enough for one to have mere physical beauty. For real beauty is as much an

affair of the inner as of the outer self. It is not skin deep. The appearance of the human being is

affected by the nature of its spiritual contents. However beautiful one may look, he or she is not

genuinely and perfectly beautiful so long as spiritual emptiness or ugliness continue to exist.

To be really beautiful, people should try every possible means to beautify their inner self besides

their appearance. They will be genuinely and perfectly beautiful only when the social -system

have given every one of them an opportunity to live completely, and harmoniously, when they

have improved their spiritual contents, removed the psychological emptiness and ugliness.


1.C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A

Lesson Sixteen

A Job Interview

Background knowledge

John Grisham was born in 1955 in Arkansas but grew up in Southaven, Miss. After he was

admitted to the Mississippi bar in 1981, he practiced law and served (1984-89) as a Democrat in

the Mississippi state legislature. Then, inspired by a trial he had observed in 1984, Grisham took

three years to write his first novel, A Time to Kill, which deals with the legal, social, and moral

repercussions when a black man is tried for the murder of two white men who raped his 10-year-

old daughter. Despite good reviews for its skillfully crafted dialogue and sense of place, the novel

failed to sell. Grisham vowed to "take a naked stab at commercial fiction" with his next novel, The

Firm, about a law-school graduate who is seduced into joining a Memphis law firm that turns out

to be a front for the Mafia. The film rights were sold to Paramount Pictures Corp. for $600,000,

prompting a bidding war for publishing rights, which Doubleday won for $200,000. Within weeks

of its release in 1991, the novel appeared on the New York Times best-seller list, where it stayed

for nearly a year, allowing Grisham to give up his law practice and move with his family to a 28-

ha (70-ac) farm in Oxford, Miss. In the meantime, A Time to Kill was reissued in paperback, and

over three million copies were sold.

Main idea of the text

Mitchell McDeere, a top graduate from Harvard, intelligent, ambitious, and handsome, came (o

the firm to take the job interview. The interview was conducted by three interviewers, Qliver

Lambert, Royce Mcknight and Lamar Quin, who had studied Mcdeere's resume many times and

intended to hire him. At the interview, Mcdeere was concealed from the real business of the firm

which in fact made huge profits by doing illegal work like evading tax, washing money, etc. The

three interviewers asked him questions about his educational background, his interests, hobbies,

and his marriage. Then it was his turn to ask about the firm, the initial work he should do,

particularly how much money he could be paid. The interviewers informed him he could get a

base salary of eight thousand dollar, plus bonuses, a low interest house mortgage and a luxurious

BMW car. If he worked hard, he could make partner in ten years, and in ten more years he could

become a multimillionaire. Attracted by such a well— paid job, he agreed to take it readily because

he was hungry for money.

词汇 (Vocabulary)

1. project: v. represent sb. to others in a way that creates a strong or favorable impression 向……


He had projected himself as a reformer. 他曾表现为一位改革者。

Does the BBC World Service project a favorable view of Great Britain? 英国广播公司的对外广


2. mandatory: a. compulsory, obligatory 命令的,强制的

The law of the country is mandatory to every one. 国家法律对每个人都具有强制性。

Attendance is mandatory at all meetings. 所有会议皆不得缺席。

3. cordial: a. warm and sincere 热诚的

When we arrived at the airport, they gave us a cordial welcome. 我们到达机场时,他们给我们


cordiality: n. expression of warm feeling 热诚的表示

I can read the cordiality from his letter. 我能从信中读出他的热诚。

4. mortgage:

1) v. give sb. a claim on property as a security for payment of a debt of loan. 抵押

The factory mortgaged their equipment to the bank for the loan. 工厂把设备抵押给银行来贷


2) n. agreement about this 抵押

It is difficult to get a mortgage on an old house. 以旧房作抵押很难获准。

5. composure: n. condition of being composed in mind, calmness 镇定,沉着

Facing danger, he behaves with great composure. 面对危险,他态度极为镇定。

He showed great composure in a difficult situation. 他在困难的环境中表现得很沉着。

6. solicit: v. ask for earnestly; try to obtain 恳求给予

Both candidates solicited my opinion about the election. 两位候选人都来征求我对选举得意见。

The boy solicited money from his father / solicited his father for money. 男孩向父亲要钱。

短语 (Expressions)

1. frown on sth.: disapprove of sth. 不赞成;不允许

Many parents frown on their children’s coming home late at night. 许多父母不赞成子女晚归。

Gambling and drug taking are frowned upon by the local government. 当地政府不允许赌博和


2. in demand: much wanted, popular 非常需要的;受欢迎的

Industrial products are in demand in this area. 这个地区需要工业品。

The records of the famous singers are in constant demand. 著名歌手的唱片一直很畅销。

3. be / go in search of: searching for;looking for 寻找;搜寻

The family went in search of their lost pet dog everywhere. 一家人四处寻找走失的宠物狗。

The policemen stopped the ship in search of contraband. 警察让船停住,搜查违禁品。

4. long for: desire earnestly; want very much 渴望;盼望

The children are longing for the holiday. 孩子们盼望放假。

Tom longed for his father to buy him the toy plane. 汤姆渴望父亲给他买玩具飞机。

5. take pride in: be proud of 对……感到自豪

She takes great pride in her son who has just been admitted to Fudan University. 她对刚考上复


The parents always take pride in the achievements of their children. 家长总是对孩子所取得的


6. play along: pretend to cooperate 假装与……合作;假意参与某事

Mitchell was just playing along with the interview. 米歇尔只是假意参与这次面试。

He intended to give up the job, but now he had to play along with the boss before he found a new

one. 他打算放弃这份工作,但在找到新工作之前,他不得不假意与老板合作。

7. blurt sth. out: say sth suddenly and tactlessly 脱口说出

The little girl blurted out the answer before the teacher finished the question. 老师还没把问题说


He blurted out the bad news on seeing his father. 他一见到父亲就脱口说出这个坏消息。

8. on behalf of: as the representative of 代表某人

I came to the meeting on behalf of my colleagues. 我代表我的同事来参加会议。

The manager is out, so the secretary signed the paper on his behalf. 经理不在,因此秘书代签


9. live with sth: accept or tolerate sth. 接受;忍受

The residents near the airport have to live with the loud noise from the jet planes. 机场附近的居


Can you live with the humid climate here? 你能忍受这潮湿的气候吗?

10. approve of: agree with, accept as correct 同意;批准

Her parents don’t approve of her engagement to John. 她的父母不同意她和约翰订婚。

The school approved of her application for studying abroad. 学校批准了她出国学习的申请。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)

1. spacious, huge

spacious: having much space 空间大的,宽敞的

The rooms of the palace were spacious. 宫殿的房间很宽敞。

huge: very great 巨大的(可指具体或抽象)

The room is dominated by a huge fireplace. 房间被一个庞大的壁炉占据了。

The demonstration was a huge success. 示威运动获得巨大成功。

2. recruit, register

recruit: enlist; take in new members 招收新成员

The men for the Navy were recruited from the men on merchant ships. 海军人员是从商船人


register: make a written and formal record in a list 记录,登记

I am a foreigner here. Must I register myself with the police? 我在这儿是外国人,我必须向


3. biography, autobiography

biography: a person’s life-history written by another 传记

He gave me several biographies of Lu Xun. 他给我好几种鲁迅的传记。

autobiography: story of a person’s life written by himself 自传

Will you please give me a copy of your autobiography? 请给我一本你的自传好吗?

4. blunt, blurt

blunt: without a point or sharp edge 不尖的,钝的

This knife is blunt. 这把刀钝了。

blurt: tell sth suddenly, often thoughtlessly 脱口而出

He blurted out the secret. 他不慎说出了秘密。

5. ratio, rate

ratio: a figure showing the number of times one quantity contains another 比,比率

The ratios of 1 to 5 and 20 to 100 are the same. 1与 5和 20与 100的比率是相同的。

rate: a value, cost, speed, etc. measured by its relation to some other amount 率,比率

They walked at the rate 3 miles an hour. 他们以每小时 3英里的速度行走。

He bought eggs at the rate of 5 yuan a dozen. 他以每一打 5元钱的价格买鸡蛋。

6. reward, compensation

reward: recompense for service or merit 报酬,报偿

He got very little in reward for his hard work. 他虽辛苦工作,得到的报酬却很少。

compensation: sth given to make up for loss, injury, etc. 赔偿,补偿

He received $5000 as a compensation for the loss of his left hand. 他失去左手,获得五千美


7. demand, command

demand: act of asking for sth 要求

The workers’ demands for higher pay were refused by the employers. 工人们增加工资的要


command: order 命令

His commands were quickly obeyed. 他的命令很快就执行了。

8. play down, play along

play down: cause to seem less important 降低重要性

They have consistently tried to play down his part in the scheme. 他们总是想贬低他在这项


play along: pretend to agree 假装同意

They are just playing along and have no real intention of accepting his suggestion. 他们只是


难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. The firm also frowned heavily on divorce, as well as womanizing and drinking.

The firm strongly disapproved of divorce, as well as chasing women and getting drunk.


2. Mcdeere was now a seasoned veteran in the search of employment.

Mcdeere was now a very experienced person in searching for jobs, for he had already had several

job interviews with three good job offers.


3. We don’t advertise openings and we don’t solicit applications.

We don’t use advertisements to make known we have open positions and ask people to apply for



4. We keep a low profile…

We keep a low posture so as to be less noticed.


5. Had it not been for that, college would’ve been impossible.

If it had not been for the full scholarship, I would not have been able to attend college.


6. It was a standard, nonsacred area explored by every firm.

It was the usual subject matter that every firm would inquire about.


7. But, he knew, like all the other firms they had to shadowbox around the issue until things got


But he knew, like all the other firms, they had to avoid talking about money directly until the

interviewer had to ask awkwardly about it.


8. You’ve got to pay your dues…

You have got to put in a lot of hard work before you become a partner.


9. They watched him carefully to make sure all of this sank in.

They watched him carefully to make sure that everything they had said was fully understood by



课文翻译 (Translation of the text)



高层合伙人把那张简历研究了 100遍,也没发现那位米切尔·Y·迈史迪尔有什么地方让他









欠了近 23000美元的助学贷款。他急需钱。





















司。我们与众不同,并为此而骄傲。本公司有 41名律师,所以和别的公司相比,我们公司






“税务公司。也有一些保险、房地产和银行业务,但 80%是税务工作。就是因为这我们才













“前五名。”不是前 5%,而是前 5名。这回答对他们来说已经足够了。三百名中的前五名。



















































“本公司共有 41名律师。去年我们每个律师赚的都比差不多大的公司里的职员多得多。甚











“我们所有的合伙人到 45岁时都是千万富翁了。”罗伊斯·麦克耐特说。


“是的。我们不打保票,但是如果你加入我们公司,投入 10年,成了合伙人;再投入 10










“什么时候?”米切问,同时梦想着一辆黑色的带大窗的 3I8i型宝马车。

补充练习 (Supplementary exercises)

How efficient is our system of criminal trial? Does it really do the basic job we ask of it —

convicting the guilty and acquitting the innocent? It is often said that the British trial system is

more like a game than a serious attempt to do justice. The lawyers on each side are so engrossed in

playing hard to win, challenging each other and the judge on technical points, that the object of

finding out the truth is almost forgotten. All the effort is concentrated on the big day, on the

dramatic cross examination of the key witnesses in front of the jury. Critics like to compare our

"adversarial" system (resembling two adversaries engaged in a contest) with the continental

"inquisitorial" system, under which the judge plays a more important inquiring role.

In early times, in the Middle Ages, the systems of trial across Europe were similar. At that time

trial by "ordeal" —especially a religious event—was the main way of testing guilt or innocence.

When this was eventually abandoned the two systems parted company. On the Continent church-

trained legal officials took over the functions of both prosecuting and judging, while in England

these were largely left to lay people, the Justices of the Peace and this meant that all the evidence

had to be put to them orally. This historical accident dominates procedure even today, with all

evidence being given in open court by word of mouth on the crucial day.

On the other hand, in France for instance, all the evidence is written before the trial under

supervision by an investigating judge. This exhaustive pretrial looks very undramatic; much of it

is just a public checking of the written records already gathered.

The Americans adopted the British system lock, stock and barrel and enshrined it in their

constitution. But, while the basic features of our systems are common, there are now significant

differences in the way serious cases are handled. First, because the U. S. A. has virtually no con-

tempt of court laws to prevent pretrial publicity in the newspaper and on television, Americans

lawyers are allowed to question jurors about knowledge and beliefs.

In Britain this is virtually never allowed, and a random selection of jurors who are presumed not to

be prejudiced are empaneled (列入陪审团名单 ). Secondly there is no separate profession of

barrister in the United States, and both prosecution and defense lawyers who are to present cases

in court prepare them themselves. They go out and visit the scene, track down and interview wit-

nesses, and familiarize themselves personally with the background. In Britain it is the solicitor

who prepares the case, and the barrister who appears in court is not even slowed to meet witness

beforehand. British barristers also alternate doing both prosecution and defense work. Being kept

distant from the preparation and regularly appearing for both sides, barristers are said to avoid be-

coming too personally involved, and can approach cases more dispassionately. American lawyers,

however, often know their cases better.

Reformers rightly want to learn from other countries' mistakes and successes. But what is clear is

that justice systems, largely because they are the result of long historical growth, are peculiarly

difficult to adapt piecemeal (零碎的).

1. The passage ____.

A. describes how the British legal system works and compares it favorably with other systems

B. compares the legal systems of a number of countries and discusses their advantages and


C. questions whether the system of trial by jury can ever be completely efficient

D. suggests a number of reforms which should be made to the legal systems of various countries

2. "British trial system is more like a game than a serious attempt to do justice." It implies that

A. the British legal system is often considered to be not very fair

B. the British legal system is very efficient

C. the British legal system can do the basic job well—convicting the guilty and acquitting the


D. the British legal system is worse than the continental legal system

3. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?

A. In the adversarial system, it is the lawyers who play the leading roles.

B. Oral evidence was unnecessary in France because the judges and prosecutors could read.

C. Lawyers in Britain are prepared to lie in order to win their cases.

D. When trial by ordeal was finally abandoned throughout Europe, trial by jury was introduced

in Britain.

4. In Britain, newspapers____.

A. are allowed to publish details about the trial before it takes place

B. are not allowed to publish details about the trial before it takes place

C. are not interested in publishing details about the trial before it takes place

D. do the same as American newspapers do

5. We can infer that American lawyers ____.

A. tend to be more passionately involved in their cases

B. tend to approach cases dispassionately

C. do not attempt to familiarize themselves with cases

D. prepare the cases themselves

课后练习答案 (Key to the exercises)


1. Because he looked good on paper and was their top and only choice for this year.

2. He came to the interview out of curiosity.

3. It was held in a hotel room. It was held there to avoid public attention.

4. It was a firm dealing with tax, some securities, real estate and banking. No, he wasn't told the


5. He was told that he would be sent all over the country to tax seminars and would do a lot of

research and generally boring stuff.

6. A base salary of eighty thousand the first year, plus bonuses. Eighty - five the second year, plus

bonuses. A low — interest mortgage for buying a home. Two country club memberships. And a

new BMW. The firm paid him so well because it made huge profits by doing illegal work like

evading tax, washing money, etc.

7. If he joined the firm, and put in ten hard years, he would become a partner first, and if he put in

ten more years, he would be the richest person in twenty years.

8. He was told that the firm was impressive, few lawyers had left the firm, they want their people

happy. They think the most profitable way was to operate.

9. Yes, he did.









7.他读过公司所有 41名律师的简短的背景介绍,一瞬间,他回忆起兰玛·奎因曾就读于


8.我们的合伙人一年赚 50万美元是很平常的事,大多数在 45岁以前就退休了。


1. resume 2. frowned 3. cordial 4. among other things

5. on paper 6. took pride in 7. keep a low profile 8. in charge of


1. huge 2. recruit 3. biographical 4. blunted

5. rate 6. compensation 7. demand 8. play along


1. he was set aS a young representative of the company.

2. We are very critical and have the power to choose.

3. More than two thousand third-year students who studied law were examined and selected.

4. What is your position in your class?

5. He had examined them.

6. We will pay you generously.

7."That's hard to believe," he murmured.

8.The smile disappeared and he became calm again.


The three interviewers hid the truth of the firm to McDeere and only told him that the firm mainly

did tax work. The clients of the firm were all big corporations, banks and wealthy people.

Although the firm was not large in size and only consisted of forty-one lawyers, the salaries and

all other benefits of the members were incredibly high. For the first year, McDeere

could receive a base salary of eighty thousand dollars, plus bonuses, a low-interest mortgage and a

luxurious car. If he worked hard, he would become a partner in ten years. If he put in ten more

years, he could be a millionaire. All these were very appealing to McDeere. He agreed to accept

this job without hesitation. But he could not imagine that he mistakenly went into a lawyer firm

which was controlled by a black organization and specialized in illegal activities.


From the passage I've learned much information, particularly about Mitchell McDeere.

Firstly, I got to know his educational background. He first attended Western Kentucky University

and then attended and graduated from Harvard University.

He made extremely high grades in his tax and securities courses and had a degree in accounting.

He was certainly a top student since he ranked top five out of three hundred. This strong

educational background had been greatly valued by the firms he applied to.

Secondly, I learned about his personality. From the interview, it was easily seen that he was

curious, quick -minded, intelligent, courageous, seasoned and ambitious. He was curious since he

went to the interview out of curiosity instead of immediate want. He was quick - minded and

intelligent since he answered the interviewers' questions cleverly and tactfully. He was courageous

and seasoned because he did his homework before he came to the interview and because he could

keep calm before the three interviewers. He was ambitious because he wanted to rise in the


Thirdly, I also learned about his marriage. His wife was named Abby, who had a degree in

elementary education from Western Kentucky. She had taught at a private kindergarten

near Boston College. They had known each other since high school and they had a happy


Finally, as for his financial status, I know he was hungry for money because he still owed close to

$ 23,000 in student loans. To finish his higher education, he also got a full scholarship from

Western Kentucky and some financial assistance from Harvard.


1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C

单元测试 4 Quiz Four

A. Text-related Part

I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, choose the word from the list that best

completes each of the sentences.

increase killing monster ambition wealth law terms ambush average violence

interesting order seminars nothing personal outwit apprenticeship avarice research

anger poor blurt taxation significant

The satisfaction of __1__ time and of affording some outlet, however modest, for __2__,

belongs to most work, and is sufficient to make even a man whose work is dull happier on the

__3__ than a man who has no work at all. But when work is __4__, it is capable of giving

satisfaction of a far higher __5__ than mere relief from tedium.

But what this country doesn’t know is that America has created a __6__ in the form of

millions of fighting men who have been taught to deal in __7__, and who have been given a

chance to die for the biggest __8__ in history. We have returned to this country with a sense of

__9__ and betrayal which nobody has yet grasped. We’re angry about the same things you are

in __10__ of policy.

The fact is __11__. To what is it due? In part, I suppose, to a general __12__ in prosperity.

The rich have always cultivated their __13__ appearance. The diffusion of __14__---such as it

is---now permits those of the __15__ who are less badly off than their fathers to do the same.

We have something similar to a two-year __16__, although we don’t call it that. We’ll send

you all over the country to tax __17__. If you want to pursue a master’s in __18__, we’ll pay

for it. As far as practicing __19__, it won’t be very exciting for the first two years. You’ll do a

lot of __20__ and generally boring stuff. But you’ll be paid handsomely.

II . Fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the list

below, changing its form when necessary.

by any means outwit distortion by means of

rationalize differentiate on paper preoccupy

listless in charge of pronounce cordial

1. They managed to trace his whereabouts _____ checking on his credit card


2. If you play chess with the computer, it is not very easy to _____ it.

3. The willful _____ of history in some of the films is appalling.

4. He _____ quitting school by saying that what he needed was practical experience.

5. The overwhelming heat made the office workers _____.

6. He was so _____ with his own thoughts that he didn't even hear the alarm.

7. The summit talk was held in a very _____ and friendly atmosphere.

8. His plan looks good _____, but I doubt it will work.

9. It is wrong to _____ between pupils according to their family background.

10.The judge _____ the man not guilty.

III. Tick the square in front of the right word or expression.

1.The office buildings with their ([A] desirable [B] desired) locations are very much in demand.

2. He said he would go to the dress rehearsal, ([A] unless [B] provided) he was not too busy.

3. The workers were filled with ([A] indignity [B] indignation) when they discovered that they

were secretly watched during working hours.

4. The policemen risked their lives in order to ([A] preserve [B] protect) the children.

5. The ([A] instinctive [B] intrinsic) quality of a person is more important than his/her appearance.

6. She said that she would ([A] preserve [B] reserve) the right to take the issue to a higher


7. The company is seeking to ([A] recruit [B] register) young managers.

8. He cut stone with a knife and ([A] blunted [B] blurted) the edge.

9. The amount of rain ([A] affect [B] effect) the growth of crops.

10.He has ([A] required [B] acquired) an extraordinary command of the English language.

IV. Answer the following questions in English.

1.What is, in Russell's view, the most powerful motive for work?

2. How were the veterans treated back in the US?

3. On what condition can human beings achieve real beauty, according to Huxley?

4. Why did the firm decide to give McDeere an interview?

V .Translate the following from English into Chinese.

1. However dull work may be, it becomes bearable if it is a means of building up a reputation,

whether in the world at large or only in one's own circle.

2. I imagine that an able surgeon, in spite of the painful circumstances in which his work is done,

derives satisfaction from the exquisite precision of his operations.

3. Over 150 honorably discharged veterans, many of them highly decorated, testified to war

crimes committed in Indochina.

4. The investigation was not staged so that veterans could pill out their hearts or purge their souls.

5. It is a success in so far as more women retain their youthful appearance to a greater age than in

the past.

6. Still commoner and no less repellent is the hardness which spoils so many pretty faces.

7. He had never met Lamar Quin and had no idea who would appear on behalf of the firm and

conduct the interview.

8. It's not unusual for our partner to earn half a million a year and most retire before they are forty-


VI .Translate the following from Chinese into English:



B. Proficiency Part

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Now is the edgy time for Yale seniors. In three weeks they will graduate and join the rest of us out

here in the real world. It is a place that they are intensely afraid of.

Not all of them, of course, will take the icy plunge. Quite a few will stay on the academic

assembly-line—in law school or medical school or graduate school—to. study for three or four

years more.

This doesn't mean' that they necessarily want to be lawyers or doctors or scholars. Some are

continuing their education because their parents want them to. Some are doing it just to postpone

the day of decision. Some are doing it because lawyers and. doctors make a good living. Some are

doing it to acquire still another degree, the lucky ones—really do want to be lawyers, doctors,

scholars or specialists in a field that requires further skill.

But they all are driven—those who are leaving Academia and those who are staying—by one

message; Do Not Fail. It is a message that has been echoing in their heads since they were

admitted to the nursery school of their choice, beating less competitive toddlers. Score high, test

well, play it safe. Next month's graduates have been so obsessively bent for four years on mea-

surable achievement (grades) and a secure future (jobs) that they have hardly had time to favor the

present and to grow as well-rounded people. They know that the outside world is wary of

experimenters, of late starters and temporary losers.

I'm talking about Yale students because I live in their midst and know them well. (I am Master of

Branford College, one of Yale' twelve residential colleges. In our house I can lie awake and listen

to some of the loudest stereo sets in the East. That, in fact, is why I lie awake. ) And I'm-talking

about seniors because they are the ones who are most on my mind right now: panicky that they

won't have enough A's to persuade an employer to hire them, though they are men and women I'd

like to have working for me, if I were an employer, for qualities of intelligence and humor and

humanity that don't show up on any chart.

But I could just as well be talking about Yale's juniors, sophomores and freshmen— or, I suspect,

about the students at most colleges today. They are studying more and enjoying it less. At Yale,

they play in fewer plays and musical groups, join fewer campus organizations, take part in fewer

sports, carve out fewer moments just to linger and talk and put a margin around their lives. They

fare under pressure to do too much work in too little time.

If all their friends are studying in the library until it closes at midnight (and they are), they feel

guilty if they want to go to a Woody Alien movie, though there is as much to be learned from a

Woody Alien movie as from a book—much, in fact, that they will never learn from a book. Not

surprisingly, their emotional health is often far from healthy. I see a lot of psychic disarray.

It is not that I don't wish them fame and fortune, especially the seniors as they lurch toward

graduation, more stuffed with learning and short of money than they probably ever will be again.

Obviously I do. But I also wish them a release from fear of the future. They should know that

fame and fortune are not end products that they will automatically win if they follow a straight and

safe route-, but by-products that will come to them if they dare to poke down the unmarked

side .roads that lead to life's richest surprises.

Home is where" the words-"Do not fail"-are. first instilled and constantly repeated. One of next

month's Yale graduate came to me on her first day as a freshman in 1973 and said, "I want to be a

great journalist— what courses should I take for the next four years?" she wanted a blueprint at

seventeen. Many students come to me in the middle of their sophomore year, afraid of changing

the curriculum that they mapped but no longer think is the one they want to pursue. "If I don't

make all the right choices now," one of them said, "it will be too late."

Too late at eighteen? Sad words. They are growing up old and set in their ways. They have been

told to prepare for one career and to stick to it and succeed. They are not told that they have a right

to try many paths, to stumble and try something else, our Bill of Rights. Today it is more

acceptable to change marriage partners than to change careers.

"Victory has very narrow meanings and can become a destructive force," writes Bill Bradley in his

book, Life on the Run. Bradley was an Ivy Leaguer himself and a Rhodes Scholar— an earlier

member of the same elite that is now so preoccupied with success—before starting his ten-year

career of professional basketball, which has just come to ah end. The taste of defeat," he writes,

"has a richness of experience all its own. To me, every day is a struggle to stay in touch with life's

subtleties. No one grows without failing. "

The fault is not with our children, but with the narrowness of the flowerbed in which we expect

them to germinate. We are stunting their growth if we tell them that there is only one "right" way

to get through their education for to get through life. America has always been nourished by men

and women who are not afraid to go against the grain.

savor vt. 欣赏,品味stereo a. n. 立体声(的)carve vt. 切,刻linger vi. 逗留,徘徊poke vt. 摸索地走elite n. 精英preoccupy vt. 使专心于

nourish vt. 养育

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:

(1) In the third paragraph the author refers to the last category of students as "the lucky ones" for

the reason that ____.

A. they can afford the money to continue their education

B. they will be able to win best-paying jobs

C. they are able to postpone the day of decision

D. they are motivated only by their wish to become qualified professional men

(2) For tour years Yale senior's greatest concern has been

A. laboratory experiments

B. all-round development

C. enough A's and a successful future

D. material well-being

(3) Which of the following does the author think is most likely to lead to success?

A. A straight and safe route

B. Courage to explore untrodden paths.

C. An excellent school record.

D. A well-made study plan in college.

(4) The author doesn't seem to think much of those ____.

A. who are unconventional hi their actions and behavior

B. who possess qualities of intelligence and humor and humanity

C. who endeavor to learn through failures

D. who wish to obey their parents and do honor to them

(5) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a result of the pressure on college students?

A. Inability to develop in an all-round way.

B. Disorders of the mind.

C. Physical breakdown.

D. Failure to expose themselves to a great variety of experiences.

2. Choose the best answer for the underlined part:

(1) Now is the edgy time for Yale seniors.

A. bad time for old teachers in Yale.

B. hard time for Yale officials

C. time of nervousness for Yale students in their final year

D. the time when Yale seniors feel dose to the edge .

(2) Not all of them, of course, will take the icy plunge.

A. to enter the real world they are intensely afraid of

B. to pursue further academic studies

C. to work on an assembly-line

D. to stay on as teachers

(3) Next month's graduates have been so obsessively bent for four years on measurable

achievement (grades) and…

A. diligently worked for

B. broke new grounds on

C. exhausting their energy because of heavy burden of study

D. to be obsessionally determined on

(4) Score high, test well, play it safe.

A. make it secure

B. play it with safety .

C. act cautiously without taking unnecessary risks

D. have a good performance .

(5) And I'm talking about seniors because they are the ones who are most on my mind right now…

A. in my memory B. unforgettable

C. in my head D. troubling my thoughts

(6) They are growing up old and set in their ways.

A. having fixed habits and opinions

B. blocking their ways

C. determined to go their own ways

D. being in progress

(7) ... an earlier member of the same elite that is now so preoc cupied with success...

A. busy with B. occupied with

C. absorbed in D. overwhelmed by

(8) America has always been nourished by men and women who are not afraid to go against the


A. not fearful of confronting difficulties

B. not afraid to be totally different from the commonly accepted customs

C. not afraid to be totally different from the authority

D. not afraid to displease others

(9) They know that the outside world is wary of experimenters, of late starters and temporary


A. aware of B. conscious of

C. cautious about D. indifferent to

(10) We are stunting their growth if we tell them that there is only one "right" way to ...

A. helping their growth

B. encouraging their growth

C. preventing them from growing

D. endangering their growth

3. Translate from English into Chinese:

(1) Some are doing it to acquire still another degree to impress a society in which they think

credentials are the only currency.

(2) At Yale, they play in fewer plays and musical groups, join fewer campus organizations, take

part in fewer sports > carve out fewer moments just to linger and talk and put a margin around

their lives.

(3) It is not that I don't wish them fame and fortune, especially the seniors as they lurch toward

graduation, more stuffed with learning and short of money than they probably ever will be


(4) The taste of defeat has a richness of experience all its own. To me, every day is a struggle to

stay in touch with life's subtleties.

(5) America has always been nourished by men and women who are not afraid to go against the


4. Answer the following question in English within 80 ~ 100 words.

What can you get from the author's discussion about Yale students?

Keys to Quiz Four

A. Text-related PartB.I. 1. killing 2. ambition 3. average 4. interesting 5. order 6. monster 7. violence

8. nothing 9. anger 10. terms 11.significant 12. increase 13. personal 14. wealth

15. poor 16. apprenticeship 17. seminars 18. taxation 19. law 20.


II.1. by means of 2. outwit 3. distortion 4. rationalized 5. listless

6. preoccupied 7. cordial 8. on paper 9. differentiate 10. pronounce


1 .desirable 2. provided 3. indignation 4. protect 5. intrinsic

6. reserve 7. recruit 8. blunted 9. affect 10. acquired


1. In Russell' s view, construction is the most powerful motive for work. . :

2. They were treated very miserably and were faced with such problems as racial discrimination,

addiction to drugs, unemployment, and poor medical care.

3. According to Huxley, human beings can only achieve real beauty on condition that the social

arrangements give every one an opportunity to live completely and harmoniously.

4. The firm decided to give him the interview because of his intelligence, ambition, handsome

appearance, happy marriage, excellent educational background, color, sex etc. In a word he

looked good on paper, and was their top and only choice for the year.

V. 1.无论多么无聊的工作,只要能赖以建立名声,不管是在广大的社会里,或是自己的小

圈子里,这件工作就可以忍受。 2.我猜想一名能干的外科医生,虽然需要在痛苦的情势下进行,照样能以手术技艺精湛



4.举行这次调查会的目的不是为了让退伍军人坦白自己的罪行以洗涮负罪的心灵。 5.更多的妇女能够在更高的年龄阶段保持富有青春活力的容貌,从这个意义上来说追求美貌的运动是成功的。

6.更常见且更令人可恶的是那种冷酷的表情,它破坏了许多女人漂亮的面孔。 7.他从未见过兰姆·奎恩,也不知道谁会出面代表事物所进行面试。 8.对于我们的合伙人而言,每年挣 50万美元,多数人在 45岁之前退休,这些都是很常见的。

V. 1. To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few

people have reached this level.

2. Everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization and depersonalization to go on

should be responsible.

3. It has,for example,a duty to do the best it can for itself in the way of strength and beauty. 4. This meant they had reached the point in the interview where the interviewee was supposed to

ask one or two intelligent questions.

5. Work therefore is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the boredom

that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in

comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days.

B.Proficiency Part

1. Choose the correct answer according to the content:(1)D (2)C (3)B (4)D (5) C

2.Choose the best answer for the underlined part:(1)C (2)A (3)D (4)C (5)D (6)A (7)C (8)B (9)C (10)C

3.Translate from English into Chinese:(1) 而有些人这样做只是为了再获得一个学位,好让这个他们认为只认证书的社会刮目相看。





4. Answer the following question in English within 80 ~ 100 words.

At the beginning of the article the author points out one fact that most Yale students do not study

out of their own will, but are driven by one message: Do Not Fail. Since this message is

entrenched in their lives since childhood, they tend to keep imposing pressure upon themselves,

thus in Yale students are studying more and enjoying it less. If we take a deeper look at this issue,

we can see that home is where this message "Do Not Fail" is first instilled. So not surprisingly,

students will grow up old and be set in their ways for they are told that they have no right to try

many paths, let alone fail. At last the author argues that the fault is not with our children, but with

the narrowness of the flowerbed, that is to say, the social attitude of America as a whole.

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