shared goals

Post on 08-Feb-2017



Leadership & Management



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January 26, 2017 University of Washington- Tacoma

Goal: ◦Give young people decent jobs and they will create a better future

Some Fun Facts ◦The world now has the largest generation of young people ◦This generation can be the first to end poverty and be the last to avoid the worst of climate changes ◦UN Chief, Youth Envoy; Ahmad Alhendawi, and President of General Assembly; Sam Kutesa, have stated that 74 million people worldwide still cannot find a job ◦Of the 1.8 billion young people, 9 out of 10 live in least developed countries

What is Being Done◦United Nations WANTS and HOPES to change the course of human history by adopting the new development agenda ◦It is critical that we invest in helping young women and adolescent girls who face more obstacles than young men and adolescent boys ◦Need greater investments in science, technology, engineering, and math to advance innovation

Harnessing the Demographic Dividend ◦Also, right policies and interventions are needed in order to get a higher

proportion of younger generation to productive adults ◦To help harness the demographic dividend, United Nations Secretary

General Ban has proposed four steps: ◦ Increase access to family planning and reproductive health care services ◦ Ensure that younger children get an education and training to meet the needs of

labor markets ◦ Investments on focus of human rights◦ Social protection systems to help end poverty and fight persistent inequalities

Why Does it Resonate to Me? ◦ I have a love for children and wanting to be an influence, a leader, a role model to

them for their future◦ I am currently a dance teacher, and the feeling of being an influence to a child and

helping them achieve their goal gives me a satisfying feeling that I did something for the better good

◦Helping the younger generation, especially those from an underdeveloped country to continue their education and be productive adults in the future is a goal I would want to help with

◦ I also believe the next generation can change our world for the good and would love to see it happen, and be an influence to make it happen

How Can My Interest be Applied Locally? ◦ Continuing to pursue teaching and influencing children to follow their dreams,

achieve their goals is something I can do ◦ Volunteering at local elementary schools where they might have the majority of

their students come from families who come from a family experiencing poverty ◦ An urban studies class I took at UWT allowed us to visit an elementary school in

Tacoma where the majority of the school, the students came from a family of poverty. Majority of the school was also non-Caucasian. They then came to UWT to visit to see that there was an opportunity from them after they graduate and we had the chance to be influencers. It was such a fun day, and a rewarding experience, so being able to volunteer for a younger generation group of that sort, could also be beneficial.

Where Can I Make the Greatest Contribution? ◦ I can make the greatest contribution in the elementary

schools and more of the younger generation. Helping them find ways to achieve their dreams

◦ I also believe by being able to volunteer in groups where the children age from 14-16 and getting close to graduation and post graduation, I can help influence them on the steps they can take after graduating from high school

◦ Being able to share with friends about information of helping the under developed countries, and promoting the four steps General Ban would like to make can also help promote what he would like to be done.

Social Media

◦ By using any social media platform to find groups that are looking for volunteers locally that help educate and influence the younger generations is the best way I can use social media to find groups locally that could use my help

◦ By also using social media platforms I can share articles I find, or share ways to help those who are looking to improve their education or help those under developed countries with better education

◦ Social media platforms have allowed us to connect with so many people locally and around the world, so it is easier to share anything I find with my friends, who can share with their friends, who can share with their friends, making the network larger and the information to travel to more people

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