sharing december 2014

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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Deer hunting, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday havecome and gone. We have begun the fast paced daysof December which usher in some very familiarexperiences – Advent wreaths, darkness, cold, snow, redkettles and bell ringers, baking, decorations outside andinside our homes, gifts for family and for strangers, foodwith family and friends and for the hungry, and year endcharitable giving. Will 2015 bring another Polar Vortexor an El Nino winter? A new year brings manyquestions, opportunities, hopes, and challenges.

One of my teachers used to tell us that if you don’t

know where you are going, it doesn’t really matter toomuch how you get there. This is true for our personallives and for our parish. For the last year parish lead-ers and staff have been in discussions and prayer aboutsome basic and important questions, e.g. Where are wegoing? What is our vision? What is our mission? Wheredo we focus our resources and energy? What are we toaccomplish in clear and simple language that is readilyunderstood and able to be easily communicated? Weagreed upon this mission statement to give directionand purpose to our parish:

As Disciples of Christ  • We give thanks and praise to God  • We study the Word of God  • We serve GodAs Disciples of Christ  • We go and make disciples!

 We also identied traits or characteristics of a disciple that provide some greater clarity as to how we achieveour mission. A disciple is one who:

• Has an active prayer life• Participates in the sacraments• Reads, prays, and strives to understand the scriptures• Understands growing in faith is a lifelong habit/activity• Discerns the gifts given by God and how best to

use them• Engages in the work of justice and Catholic Social teaching• Is involved in service and the mission of the church

It is my hope this will enable us to better use the resourcewe have and better serve you in the new year and beyond

Thank you for the feedback many of you provided to the master plan developed by our Worship Space Min-istry over the past two years. They have handed on theiwork to a Planning and Design Ministry who will incor-porate the feedback we have received into the contin-ued development of a plan that supports our missionand resources. A Capital Campaign Ministry will also beformed to hire a fundraising rm to assist us in devel-oping a realistic nancial budget for any remodeling ornew construction. I ask for your continued prayer for

 the work of these groups as well as for all the individu-

als and groups that make Holy Apostles possible.


by Fr. Don Thimm


Of Faith

A New Year and

a New Beginning


 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!, Fr. Don

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Mass ScheduleImmaculate Conception Masses:

Monday, December 8 at 8:00am and 6:30pmChristmas Eve Masses*: 4:00pm (Children’s & Teen Cho

6:00pm and 11:00pmChristmas Day Mass*: 10:00amNew Year’s Day Mass: 9:00am

* pre-service music 1/2 hour prior to each service

St Luke Mass ScheduleImmaculate Conception Mass: 

Monday, December 8 at 6:30pmChristmas Eve Masses: 4:30pm and 10:30pmChristmas Day Mass: 9:30amNew Year’s Day Mass: 9:00am

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by Natalie Cahlamer

On Saturday, October 25th, the School Marketing Ministry, with the help of Faith Formation, held the second annual Fall Fun Fest.This event was open to all parish and school families, as well as

 the New Berlin community. Kids were encouraged to come incostume and participate in a Trunk or Treat. In addition to this

 there were games, crafts, prizes,

photos, and treats available toenjoy. There were around 130children who attended the Festalong with parents and grand-parents. There was no admissionfee and children were given free

 tickets to play games. We hope to welcome even more familiesnext year!


Walking Through Scripture, formerly known as MetroBible Study, is a Holy Apostles sponsored Bible Study that

integrates personal bible study with dynamic lectures,and small group reections on how scripture applies toeveryday life. Our members come to relationship withGod and one another. Our program has drawn together

 those who have previously studied scripture in one formor another, and those who are taking their rst stepsdelving into the riches of The Good News.

Walking Through Scripture is one of the few Bible Studyprograms that does not rely on a video lecture or solelyon a commentary. For each study, we seek out a local

 theologian well versed in the book that will be studied.

The lecturer for our upcoming study of the Gospel of John is Dr. Michael Donahou, assistant professor of Reli-gious Studies at Cardinal Stritch University. Mike will beconducting 12 lectures throughout the course of our24 week study that will run from September 17, 2014

 to March 18, 2015. We would like to encourage newmembers to join us anytime during our lecture series.

Our weekly small group discussions allow for a more

Walking Through ScriptureA dynamic and inspirational Bible Study that incorporates scholarly interactive lectureswith meaningful small group discussions hosted by Holy Apostles.

intimate reection on how the Gospel should and doesimpact our lives, and how to better relate to those

around us. Each small group is led by a facilitator whohelps to not only move the discussion along, but allowsfor all voices to join in the discussion. Our primary goalis for all to feel welcome and to know that each plays animportant role in the spiritual journey we all share.

I would like to extend a personal invitation to you to jo Walking Through Scripture as we study the life of Jesus through the eyes of John. The rst words of Jesus in theGospel of John raise the question: “What are you lookinfor?” Some of us believe we already know the answer to

 that question – many of us are uncertain. Whether you

know, think you know or are tired of just guessing, comeand seek with us. Who knows – you might just nd whayou are looking for as we walk with Jesus. And what coube better than that?

For additional information, please see the HA web siteunder Adult and Family Faith Formation or contact:

 Jo Ann Hagner at 262-785-9164 or rjhagner@yahoo.comor Gloria Acker at 262-661-4662 or

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Spaghetti Dinner Held For New Membersby Terri Engsberg

On Saturday, September 27th, the Holy Apostles NewMember Welcome Ministry held a dinner to welcome

 those who have recently become members of the

parish. Existing members and staff were also invited to Johnson hall to enjoy a homemade spaghetti dinnerwith all the xins’. The staff shared informationabout exciting things happening at HolyApostles, but the main goal was foreveryone to share hospitality with newfaces. It was a great success.

The next dinner will be on Saturday, January 31, 2015, after the 4:30pm Mass.Soup, bread and desserts will be served

 to warm us up on a chilly winter evening.

Please mark your calendars whether youare new to the parish or a seasonedmember. New members will receivean invitation and there will be bulletinannouncements closer to the date, sokeep an eye out.

If you want more information or want to become involved in theNew Member Welcome Ministry, please contact Jennifer Flanagan at262-786-4086 or e-mail

Welcome Our New MembersMs. Marjorie Kennedy & Family 

Sergio & Anna Carini & Family 

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dillett & Family 

Ronald & Jacqueline Nickolett& Family 

Paul & Ashley Dillett & Family 

Mr. Jospeh Poshepny 

 Joe & Kelly Meyer & Family Daniel & Sara Engel & Family 

Mrs. Susan Wieczorek 

Dan & Monica Walden & Family 

Lee & Bridget Spude & Family 

 John & Laura Bradway & Family 

Chad & Debbi Dassow & Family 

Gordon & Patricia Fischer 

Bryan & Amber Rush & Family 

Terrence & Catherine Skelding& Family 

Eric & Kimberly Kulju & Family 

Gary & Lisa Pipik & Family 

Paul & Jill Mascari & Family 

Ryan & Pamela Peplinski & Family 

Bo Kitelinger & Kim Tarpinian-Kitelinger& Family 

Robert & Katie McDonald & Family 

Paul & Mary ByrneMatthew & Eva-Marie Nitka & Family 

Ms. Kathleen Casey 

Mrs. Rebecca Derks & Family 

Mr. Alex Dich & Family 

Ms. Diana Hornak 

Christopher & Augustina Parr& Family 

Katie Doyne

Miss Shannon Alberti

Emil & Anna Bowmil

 Jeffrey & Lisa Grifth & Family 

Mark & Brenda Narvaez & Family 

Brandon & Kristina Erdmann & Family 

Stephen & Tricia Zimmel & Family 

Adam & Courtney Morris & Family 

Travis & Kelly Brabec

Mr. Edwen Reagh

 James & Kathleen Bathie & Family  Jim & Char Bach

 James & Lorriane Clarey & Family 

Mark & Kristin Janecek 

Matthew & Rebecca Mueller & Family 

Brian & Colleen Watson & Family 

Mr. Jeremy Gill

 John & Kelly O’Reilly & Family 

Miss Jennifer Leising

Mr. Jim Mittelbrun

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Ministry Fair – Opportunitiesby Don Evans

On October 18-19, the Ministry Fair 2014 again afforded the congregation the tremendous opportunity to see all the different ways they can participate more fully in HolyApostles parish. We all see these different activities andways to serve described weekly in the church bulletin asplaces, dates and times, but those facts are viewed from adistance. It takes a lot of imagination to see how we mightt into a group much less how to join. An opportunity, like

 the Ministry Fair, to nd out from others rst-hand what they give to and how they benet from theparticular ministrycould be just theencouragementwe all coulduse to join. Butbefore all that

could happen, there was more.

Organized tocoordinate with

 the Commitment to Parish Lifematerials sent outin early October,

 the Ministry Fairwas broken downinto three broad

directions that aperson could commit to the parish in their journey asa faithful steward: giving praise & thanks, learning &growing, and serving. The Ministry Directory included in

 those materials also divided the different ministries along these broad categories, giving all of us a preview of what the Ministry Fair had in store. Thedirectory gave short descriptions ofeach program laying out the basic

 things that each group does and howmuch commitment is involved. Another

 tool in the packet to help us decide

on the right ministry was the shortinterest assessment called the PersonalDiscernment of Gifts. If we ever need-ed a good way to gure out whichministry or ministries to join at MinistryFair 2014 or anytime, this was it.

The response to the last Ministry Fair,over a year ago, was great but wassurpassed by this one. Around 225people signed up at the fair, select-ing from 79 different groups to serve

with and share. The surpris-ing thing is that this numberdidn’t include the more tha70 kids from the Conrma-

 tion class that were also there to nd and sign up foa yearlong apprenticeship ina ministry to fulll theConrmation requirement.And, of course, a part of that number who signedup at the fair were alreadyinvolved in different minis-

 tries. By wandering aroundvisiting with the other ministries, they too were intrigued to sign up for yet another way to serve.

All in all, Ministry Fair 2014 was a success.

Don’t miss the next one!

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I am excitedto serve as the

 Marketing andCommunications

 Manager  for Holy

 Apostles School.I work to promote the mission of theschool to our current families, parishmembers and the larger communitythrough strategic communications,special events and marketing out-reach efforts. My husband and I havetwo children, Nick and Emma, whoattend Catholic school and we aremembers of St. Dominic School inBrookeld. In my spare time, I enjoytraveling, reading and volunteering.

Angie Wegner

I am privilegedto have joinedthe Holy Apostlesfamily this year.It is wonderful to

come back to theschool that I attended and to workalongside the phenomenal staff.Catholic education has been thecrux of my life, having gone on to at-tend Catholic Memorial High Schoolafter HA. I was able to coach volley-ball this year with Melissa Trepte andit was great to volunteer my time inhelping the 7th grade girls improvetheir skills. I received my teachingeducation from Carroll University.

 My family and I are both membersof the parish. In my free time, I enjoystaying active through running, biking,playing softball, reading, and spend-ing time with family and friends.

Haley Schreiner

Hello! Myname is KarlyGaulke andI am the book-keeper  here at

Holy Apostles.I began in March 2014 and lookforward to supporting the manynancial functions of the par -ish. I have my Bachelor’s degreein Accounting. Currently, I live in

 Milwaukee with my husband andour two young children.

Karly Gaulke

New Staff

by Teresa Tobin

Samaritan’s Purse is an International Relief Organization thatshares the Good News of God’s Love to hurting children inover 100 countries around the world. This starts with shoebox gifts lled by children and families in the United States

 that participate in Operation Christmas Child.

Holy Apostles Children’s Ministry along with the HA GirlScouts sponsored the rst annual Operation ChristmasChild PackingParty on Sunday

November 16th.

Over 70 peopleattended thepacking party andlled boxes withwonderful dona-

 tions that so manypeople from ourparish donated.

 We are so grate-

Operation Christmas Child 2014

ful to have such a generousparish. We lled over 150boxes and each box con-

 tained a special note from the person who lled it.These boxes were sent to

 the central warehouse inBoone, NorthCarolina where

 they will be

shipped toover 100 countries around the world andshared with children who don’t know Jesus We prayed for the children receiving thesegifts that they might come to know thepower of God’s love.

Thank you to everyone who donated item this year. Your gifts were much appreciatedFor more information about this outreachvisit

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Christmas season is approaching and lled with nostalgia.For me, a time of nostalgia came in August of 2010.Finishing High School, not certain what course in lifeI wanted to follow, a friend and I went to a RecruitingOfce for Armed Services and listened to an ofcerspeak on what service life would entail. Being of age, wedecided – Yes. Things moved quickly and we were sworninto the Army. My parents, knowing what this meant, hadmixed emotions with my decision, as I had never beenaway from home.

 Weeks after induction moved fast. Physical exams,immunizations, forms to complete. My Basic trainingwould be at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Day beforedeparture, August 23rd we said our good-byes to familyand then were taken to a hotel near the airport to yout early next morn.

Arriving in MO at a USO Center, we boarded buses for

a long ride to the Base Reception Area where we weretted for uniforms, had more blood tests, and exams. On-ward to a giant barracks where we received instructionsas to next day routine. I felt so alone as I didn’t knowanyone in our Unit; but God was beside me. I was alwaysan early riser, so physical training beginning at 4:30am didnot bother me. After an hour, we marched in formation

 to a big Dining Hall. Hungry as we were, it was good tosee a variety of foods offered. Biscuits and sausage gravyfast became a favorite. All kitchen duties were done bycivilians off-base – no KP like guys once knew.

Six weeks of training were spent in much the same way.Intensity of various training exercises increased dailyleaving you exhausted and hungry at day’s end. Evenings,

 there be no TV or radio; just Ping-Pong, cards and reading.Hardest days through the weeks were eld work,

 training on the artillery Range. I rated this requirement

A Young Man’s Story – becoming a soldier to defend our country along with our freedom.

not to my liking. As training days came to an end, about25 from our unit dropped out, or were sent to otherbases. Throughout all our training, Chaplaincy Service wareadily available and Sunday services were at a Chapel oyour choice.

Graduation Day came to nd us marching from ourbarracks, in full uniform, into the Auditorium with familiewatching. Ofcial ceremonies ensued with each of uscalled by name, State, as we led into position on stage.Filming was shown to present all the maneuvers we hadgone through. Two day passes were given us and all en-

 joyed with families; then more good-byes.

Onward to ve more weeks of Advanced IndividualTraining as we separated into selective areas. Mine wasTransport Division where we learned how to handlehuge transport vehicles and needed repairs. At the endof this training, graduation ceremonies were held. My

grandparents attended and drove me home for a ten daChristmas break.

December 29th found me leaving home for Fort CarsoCO. Here they placed us into two man small apar tmentand TV was allowed. Could eat on Base or make our owmeals. Training days again with early morn PT. Harder onone’s breathing in higher altitudes. During time here, ourconvoy of trucks drove to Wyoming to learn about spot

 ting and searching for explosive devices. Later, a monthwas spent on the Mojave Desert in CA. Heat intense,slept in tents, daily training exercises. Back to Colorado

Base was welcomed.

The end of 2012 found me back home, Active Reservesmonthly meetings, weekends at Camp McCoy and more

 training. As I nish my story, our Unit is now on InactiveReserve status. I have completed four of my eight years.

 Many parishioners have served in our Military Services in past years.

Now, some of our sons and daughters are doing the same.

We pray for them frequently.

Thank you all for your prayers – please continue them and remember all thosewho serve and defend our country.

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This year, our parish had52 youth receive the sacra-ment of Conrmation on

October 5th, 2014. We alsohad two receive the sacra-ment with St. Elizabeth AnnSeton in May, 2014. Theyhave spent a year preparing

 through growing in smallgroup communities, servingour parish and community,and developing themselveson retreat. We ask you toplease keep them in yourprayers as they continue togrow in their faith journeysand continue God’s callingin life. May they go out andhelp make disciples!

Confrmation 2014by Ben Rogalla

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[Dates To Remember]Dec. 8  Feast of Immaculate Conception –

7:15am, 1:15pm (school), 6:30pm

Dec. 13  Advent Communal Reconciliation(Church) – 10:30am

Dec. 17  School Christmas Concert(Church) – 6:30pm

Dec. 20  Christmas Ministry Food Pack(Church) – 8am

Dec. 24  Christmas Eve Masses –4pm, 6pm and midnight** Adult Choir and handbells performing at 11:30pm

Dec. 25  Christmas Day Masses – 9:15amand 11:15am (Contemporary Music

 Ministry with concert at 10:50am)

Dec. 31  New Year’s Eve Mass – 4:30pm Jan. 1, 2015  Mary Mother of God Mass – 9:15am

 Jan. 3-4  Presentation of Engaged Couples –4:30pm and 11:15am

 Jan. 9  Fish Fry (Gym) – 4-7pm

 Jan. 25-30  Catholic Schools Week 

 Jan. 25  Fellowship Breakfast (Lofy Hall) –After all Sunday Masses

 Jan. 31  New Member Welcoming and ParishDinner (Johnson Hall) – after 4:30pmMass ** All are welcome **

Feb. 13, 27  Fish Fry (Gym) – 4-7pm

Feb. 14-15  Renewal of Marriage Vows – All Masse

Feb. 17  Volunteer Appreciation(Lofy Hall) – 6-8:30pm

Feb. 18  Ash Wednesday – 7:15am,1:00pm (school), 6:30pm

Feb. 21-22  Presentation of First EucharistCandidates – 4:30pm and 9:15am

Feb. 22  Fellowship Breakfast (Lofy Hall) –After all Sunday Masses

March 20-21 Haiti Food Pack (Gym) 

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