sing like a canary

Post on 12-Feb-2016






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Great Singing book


Tyler Lohan's

Sing Like A Canary (or a pro!)

Four Essential Lessons For Every Singer

By Tyler Lohan

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Table of Contents

Introduction Pg. 3

Lesson 1: Relaxation Pg. 5

Lesson 2: Singing From The Diaphragm Properly Pg. 7

Lesson 3: How To Use Your Palate Properly Pg. 9

Lesson 4: Controlling Your Larynx Pg. 11

Recommended Singing Resources Pg. 13


How do I increase range?I Need to Belt out More?Do I Need personal singing lessons?Singing is my passion and I’ll do anything to get better.How do I hit the higher notes?My throat is straining so I need to practice more.

These are the kinds of statements I hear constantly as a singing coach. The fact is, it only takes a little bit of knowledge to sing with proper technique(See Here the Coach that Proves this Better than Anyone).

When you sing with proper technique, you increasingly sound better. So there's a big difference between singing smart and singing not-so-smart.

That's what these lessons will demonstrate. Once you start using these simple techniques, you'll know that you're singing smart because you will sound better and you won't strain your body in the process.

I can tell you that knowledge really matters in singing. Anyone using proper technique will start singing better with a little time and practice.


You may not sound like Aretha Franklin, but you ARE improving. That's what really matters.

When we can hear our singing voice getting better, we're motivated to keep using proper technique.


Lesson One: Relaxation Techniques First, you must understand that singing is actually very easy when done properly. One of the best ways to start making singing easy is to practice breathing relaxation before each practice, audition, performance, etc. This breathing relaxation practice will not only improve your singing, it will GREATLY improve your health. It's actually very soothing. Every time I do it, I say to myself "WOW, this feels good!". FIRST, simply sit in a chair and fill your diaphragm with a big inhale. Look down and notice your diaphragm in the belly region filling with air as you inhale. Your chest and lungs shouldn't expand much...But make sure your BELLY is expanding with the diaphragm.

NEXT, exhale slowly making a half-whistle kinda sound by placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth. So while exhaling, you should hear this long, slow, steady, controlled exhale coming out of your mouth. The more you practice this, the longer your exhale should grow. This exercise is expanding the intake capacity of your diaphragm, which is HUGELY BENEFICIAL to your singing.


Results Of This Relaxation Technique Are:

Increased, deep relaxation (too many benefits to count!)

Expanding your diaphragm enabling you to hold notes longer, strain less, etc.

Increased control of your singing breath


Lesson Two: Singing From The Diaphragm Properly

We already talked about the breathing relaxation practice. Once you're comfortable doing this practice and you notice Your belly (not your chest) expanding with deep inhales, start to "push" sound out with the exhale FROM your stomach area. That might seem a little weird at first, but this is probably a new concept for you. Don't think about "SINGING" because we're aiming to "push" out sound and notes from the stomach.

When you start doing this, you are now singing from the diaphragm! Why do babies seem to have the ability to scream forever?? Because they are using their diaphragms!! Now, can you imagine being able to sustain notes on those LONG, controlled exhales from the stomach (diaphragm)?? This is the direction we're moving in.... Exciting huh?? I sure was when my singing teacher showed me this for the first time...


You can also lie down on your back because this position forces you to breathe properly from your diaphragm.

Here's another way to visualize this practice: FIRST, imagine you're a tube of toothpaste and you squeeze ALL of the toothpaste out in the bottom of the tube using your abdominal muscles. THEN, relax, and the air will rush into your lungs and diaphragm naturally. That is a single, natural, singer's breath! Remember, there shouldn't be much movement above your sternum in the chest. Once you start "pushing" notes out with the diaphragm, you will will see these benefits to your singing:

● Longer, sustained notes ● Easier singing, not forcing it Much less wear and tear on your larynx and throat.


Lesson Three: How To Use Your Palate Properly This lesson can improve your singing DRAMATICALLY! And it's not hard to learn. To be a great singer, you need to learn to raise your soft palate. Fortunately, this is an easy task for us...Look in a mirror at that little thing hanging down at the back of your throat. O.K. now, raise it and make note of how you feel when raising it. So now, you can just close your eyes and raise that soft palate because now you know How It Feels.

You're increasing the amount of resonance/vibrations in your head when you raise your soft palate and sing. In other words, there's more room for air to come out of your mouth when singing. So you're not PINCHING the vibrations off... You can also practice sighing or yawning lightly and focusing on how that FEELS at the back of your throat.


Again, we are learning how it feels to raise our soft palate. With enough practice, we'll start automatically singing with a raised soft palate. Some people think this is the NUMBER ONE technique to improve a singer's voice DRAMATICALLY. I believe it's definitely one of the best things you can do to start improving fast.


Lesson Four: Controlling Your Larynx First, what is a larynx?

It's simply the cartilage at the back of your throat-the thing that closes when you swallow. The vocal chords are located on the larynx.

Vocal chords are simply little membranes on your larynx that vibrate when air is pushed out through your mouth and exhaled.

This produces sound, such as speech or singing.

Just remember, we want the larynx, the back of the throat, to be RELAXED at all times. And it doesn't matter if we're singing really LOUD. It should still be relaxed.

If you're like me, most of your singing has involved a strained throat or tightness after you've sang for a while. Or after singing with a lot of enthusiasm!


Well, this might sound a little crazy, but the condition and position of your larynx should be THE SAME as if you were talking to a friend comfortably.

When we sing, we want the larynx to feel just as relaxed as if we were talking. If it feels strained or tight, we're doing something wrong. We're trying to sing FROM the throat, which is bad technique and can actually harm our vocal chords (Note: remember, we sing from the diaphragm and not the throat or lungs!).

The neat thing is...With our larynx totally relaxed and singing from the diaphragm, we can still get A LOT of volume andsound great.

Pretty Cool, huh?

I hope you've enjoyed these simple lessons. If you practice these 4 lessons when you sing, progress is inevitable.

I remember when my singing instructor first told me these simple techniques and the light bulb in my head popped on...

Remember, sing SMART and you will reach your dreams.




Recommended Singing Resources Singing with Freedom – Per Bristow's course is the best singing guide I've seen. He really helping singers(including me) overcome psychological barriers to becoming great singers. I highly recommend his course. It works.

Singing Success - Brett Manning is a good teacher. He shows you a technique that lots of singers have used to increase their vocal range.

Singorama - Comprehensive, interactive program to quickly increase your singing skills.

Easy Singing Lessons - Yvonne DeBandi's course is another interactive guide that improves singers' skills dramatically. - My singing site, which is updated with relevant singing articles, product reviews, and more.

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