sivakami om anandi

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Sivakami Om Anandi-Article

Ambe Sivam

God is Love

It has come to my attention recently, what a misunderstood phrase thisseems to be for modern humans; although it is a straight‐forward statement.

Anbe Sivam does not say, God is Love if you are detached, or God is Love ifyou are the watcher, or any other modifying factor. Like all else on thespiritual path, Love is a ladder of intelligent vibration you climb one step at atime. All these steps begin from where you are, in a physical body withphysical responses.

My own spiritual mentor, Swami Bhaktananda compared it to falling inlove with one’s potential mate or significant other. This is one of the first deepspiritual experiences that is experienced as a result of the practice of deepmeditation. I have seen several devotees so drunk on Siva that they weretemporarily nonfunctional and needed help to get home. It is also notuncommon for these feelings of Love to be directed to the Guru or Acharyawho has taught the Chela the art of meditation. The classic case that comes tomind is Bagavad Krishna and the Gopis who were all in love with Him.

It should be understood that this is OK. It represents a major breakthrough tothe underlying reality… Anbe Sivam. This is the magnetic force behind andbeyond all creation. Through connection to the teacher’s expanded realizationof this state, the devoted Chela’s own vibration is moved in that samedirection. This could be compared to a tuning fork that is set to vibrating. Ifyou put another tuning for in proximity to the one vibrating, the second willvibrate in like fashion. In a student’s case, this happens through devotion andmeditation given by the teacher. Among other qualities, this creates a newspiritual family that is founded on God’s Love…Anbe Sivam.


As the devotee goes deeper and deeper, great levels of bliss begin to fill them.This automatically turns one more and more inward where one is absorbed inthe Samadhi of Love. This is the great secret of the statement, God is Love,and why Thirumoolarji compares it to being Love‐possessed. In verse 284of the Thirumandiram, He says,

”Like the sweet love in sexact


so in the Great Love,

let yourself to Him succumb;

Thus in Love sublimed,

all your senses stilled,

Bounding in Bliss Supreme,

that this becomes.”

This state of “being in love” that is so much like that of falling in love with apotential mate is the key to the realms of the highest states of bliss; where youfeel “cooked” and you melt in surrender to the sweet ecstasy of Love. For it isinside this Love, that one finds Siva…for this is His nature. When one residesin this Love, then and only then is one set free.

- Sivakami Om Anandi


Maha Siddhar Thirumoolar

10 November, 2009


The Sat Guru

There is much confusion in this day and age of the real meaning of theGuru. My experience in this area goes clear back to 1976 when I first joinedSelf‐Realization Fellowship, founded by Paramahansa Yogananda. A yearafter I joined, I went to a weekend retreat offered by SRF and led by aswami/monk of their order, by the name of Brother/ Swami Bhaktananda.During my very first exposure to this swami, a lightning flash passed betweenhis spiritual eye and mine. We didn’t talk about it; but I intuitively knew, heknew it had happened by the expression on his face. He also knew that I knew.Did this make him my guru? No; but it did make him my first connection toParamahansa Yogananda, and thus to this line of Yogis. He was also mymentor for many years.

The night following this experience with the lightning flash, Yoganandajicame astrally to me in my room and quietly took on much of my karma. Whenhe was done, He bowed to me and then was instantly gone. My life changedfrom this moment forward. Suddenly, I could concentrate like never before inmy life. Since I was already seriously committed to meditation, almostovernight I now received results. In less than 4 months time, I moved throughall the levels of Samadhi until I found myself one with the Sea of Spirit,spread throughout the whole universe. Did this make Yoganandaji my trueGuru? I certainly thought so. Certainly, I did not question it.

A few years later, while meditating, Mahavatar Babaji Nagarajsuddenly gave me His darshan. It was a powerful experience, that suddenlycaused me to realize that it is not the individual Guru only; but the “GuruLine” to which I was connected, that was truly important. This essentially

means those who are trained and receive the spiritual charge along a given lineof teachings.

Only later did I learn that the Ancient Siddhas of South India refer to thistradition of gurus as “Parampara”. In the Tamil Siddha literature there is


almost a total absence of any local cults of Deities. No genuine Siddha inancient Tamil literature (including Siddhar Thirumoolar) seems to have ever

sung in praise of any local God or deity. It would appear that no Siddha everworshiped any deity in the temples. Without saying it in so many words, thiswas even SRF’s approach. The only things on the altar are the photos of theMasters of their line. This also fits with what Thirumoolar says,

“The Guru is SIVAM; the guru is the ineffable one…”

SIVA (as the guru) is said to contact the disciple in the Ajna chakra(spiritual eye) and from that time forward, contact is continuous. Even afterall these wonderful experiences that I had been graced with from this line ofGurus, the pinnacle experience did not come to me until early in 1992. Theminute my mind learned who Thirumoolar was, He came to me in thetraditional manner; through the Spiritual Eye, and astrally out into mybedroom. He spoke my name, how happy He was to be with me again, and

many other things He shared with me. As He was leaving, He touched my ajnacenter with his fingers, and was gone. I was drunk on His love for daysfollowing this experience.

All doubt was gone forever. I knew this great soul was my True Guru; my SatGuru; the original from many past lifetimes ago. The question arises in themind; “could I have been able to receive this great being’s presence

and power if those down the Guru line from Him had not come to my aidwhen they did?”

It is said, there are no (or few) true accidents. If that is so, then I have toconclude I was not meant to experience only the single guru; but theparampara of Gurus that are in this line, from Paramahansa Yogananda backto Lord Shiva. Paramahansa Yogananda’s line of gurus goes back toMahavatar Babaji nad through him back to his Gurus, Siddhars Boganatharand Agastyar. Thirumoolar’s Guru is Nandi, and both Nandi’s andAgastyar’s Guru is Shiva.


The 9th Tantiram of the Thirumantiram, states the deep importance of theguru. In verse 139 Thirumoolarji says that proper understanding is achievedby the disciple by looking at the guru, by chanting the guru’s name, byfollowing the guru’s message, and by meditating on the guru’s figure.

Only the guru can give one the inner experience of contact with the higherworlds and with Siva. This was their aim; to have the direct Spiritualexperience. Within the individual, exists all the sacred places and the synthesisof all idols.

The great difference between the Guru line of the ancient Tamil Siddhas andothers is addressed by Siddhar Korai very simply. A true Siddha pointsto the path of experience whereas a non‐siddha points to the pathof scripture.

Recently, Thirumoolarji has shown me He lives all the time within my CrownChakra. It is from this location, anchored within physical reality, He initiatesthose chelas who are sincerely following His teachings (offered on this TSYwebsite).

It is a fascinating story, of how these great Siddhas have kept theirteachings alive and vital from one generation to the next. Always a willingliving human vessel is the temple into which they move. They have been doingthis for countless generations and I can only guess they will continue in thismanner for many generations to come.

My replacement, already known to me, will continue this work in a likefashion for this Maha Siddhar Thirumoolarji, and for the greater expansion ofHis bliss into each of His disciples.

- Sivakami Om Anandi

14 November, 2009


Anatomy of the Self

by Sivakami OmAnandi and Acharya Premananda (Dr. Basavaraj Udapudi)

History of the Three Selves

The oldest record of a reference to the different levels of the self, actuallycome from ancient Polynesia. The author of many books on the Spirituality ofthe Hawaiians, Maxwell Freedom Long tracks the ancient Hawaiians on along journey that took several hundred years. The short version, is theyescaped Egypt when the worship of the Goddess was being replaced by maledeities. They stayed for a while in the Atlas Mountains, to build ocean goingraft-type ships. They knew where they wanted to go. Through skills with astralprojection, they knew of the Hawaiian Islands, and that no one lived on them.

Their longest stop, of approximately 100 years, was in South India. FromIndia, they sailed to the islands that now are known as French Polynesia. Herethey stayed for another long period of time, before sailing North to theHawaiian Islands.

M.F. Long tracks this in his books by decoding the language of theHawaiians, which took him many years. During this decoding, he foundreference to the 3 selves that made up the consciousness of a human. I will notgo into all the language decoding and how he did it here in this short article.However, what he found was the belief in a low self, a middle self, and a Highself. Today, these are most often referred to as the Subconscious, Conscious,and Super Conscious.

Both Paramahansa Yogananda and Satguru SivayaSubramuniyaswami, have taught their students about the levels of basicconsciousness by using these more familiar terms; but they are the samelevels; low, middle and high self. The Kahunas, as Hawaiian Siddhas were


called, taught that the High self must be asked to help. It will now interferewith the individual’s free choice. Further, one must have the cooperation ofthe low, or subconscious self, or the middle conscious self will not be allowedto make contact with the High, or Super conscious self. This is also reflected

in the personal lessons of Paramahansa Yogananda, when he states; for one’sprayers to be successful, one needs the cooperation of the subconscious mind;or words to that effect.

The Kahunas said that the main reason that people have trouble getting thecooperation of the subconscious/low self is guilt If it feels guilty aboutsomething, usually a hurt you have inflicted on another, real or imagined, itwill not deliver your prayer or affirmation to the Super conscious/High self.

So as you can see, it is a very good idea to make friends with your low self, the

subconscious mind. Although childlike, it is very powerful. Your attitudetowards it, as well as towards anyone you may have offended, should be lovingand forgiving.

This has become a serious problem in the world today. Babaji toldSivakami Om Anandi that so many souls are earthbound when they die,because they have lost contact with their High selves.

That little nagging voice of conscience, is your subconscious/low self, warningyou not to make a mistake. It always pays to listen, and to be thankful for itshelp. By listening and forgiving, you are given an audience to your High self,and this is truly the greatest of gifts.

Personal contact with your Higher Self

The higher self is the true expression of you as an individual. Its purpose isto fulfil your heart’s desire and soul purpose of your present life. Theexperience of the higher self is joy, self-confidence, and self empowerment. Ituses the faculties of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and intuition.


The higher self is a part of you that usually remains hidden from view. It'sthought of as your spiritual self or the higher aspect of your being. Yet mostpeople misunderstand it and don't realize its significance. It can augment asuccessful career and dramatically improve your level of self-confidence andmeasure of happiness.

Your Higher Self as your mentor

A mentor is someone who is wise and highly perceptive, unconditionallyinterested in your highest good, and capable of figuring out where you aregetting off track, with the same intensity that is required to get you to reallylisten. In this sense your higher self is a powerful mentor. You can certainlyget assistance from this powerful mentor if you are setting out to change yourlife or achieve other types of seemingly impossible things and find you arehaving difficulty with the important decisions of your life.

How to get assistance from your higher self

Here is a two step formula to contact your higher self.

1)The more relaxed you are mentally and physically, the better your contactwith the higher self will be. So the best way to contact the higher self isthrough meditation. Do the So-Ham meditation for 5-10 minutes. Then askthe higher self for the solution to any area of your life situations and decisions;after sending love and thanking the subconscious/low self, for its help in yourlife.

2)Keeping the conscious mind in an expectant but detached attitude is very

important. Otherwise the other levels of mind would attempt to pose guessesas true knowledge thereby often confusing the true information received fromthe higher self. Usually the first impression or thought to pop up in your mindis the right one. Record it at once or speak it out-before your conscious mindhas a chance to change or reinterpret your original thought. However, youmust analyze each experience to make sure it is not made up of your fears,


worries, wishful thoughts, prejudices or imaginations before accepting theimpressions as genuine or acting on them.

As a matter of fact, a true higher self experience generally carries a feeling ofjoy, authenticity, enthusiasm, contentment, well being, clarity and convictionabout it. As you gain more proficiency in using your ability to recognizeanswers from the higher self, you will be able to recognize this feeling ofconviction quite easily.

Sound, Breath, and Transcendence

Unless we deliberately seek to regulate our breathing, we are ordinarilyunaware of breathing. When we begin to meditate, we become conscious ofthe sound produced by our lungs. For some beginners, this can be a disturbingexperience. For the more experienced, this is rythmic sound that is welcomed,because they can fasten their attention on it until the mind itself istranscended.

In Yoga, the breath, which is technically known as “hamsa” (swan), is seen asa manifestation of the transcendental Life, or Self. The two syllables of theword; ham and sa; are the ingoing and outgoing breath, and are also theascending and descending currents of life force. They contain a great message;“I am He”. In this way, breath is the constant reminder of the absolute truth,and that we are identified with the great Life of the Cosmos. This is the coreteaching of the HamSa- Upanishad.

The sequence of hamsa can also be heard as So’ham-So’ham. It’s esotericmeaning is “I am He”. ie: The Divine One. In this way the body is constantlyaffirming it’s own true being. If one meditates on So’ham, and this is the formsuggested by Thirumoolarji in His famous Thirumandiram, then we canmerge with the Divine. The goal of this practice is liberation from the roundsof rebirth. It gradually refines our state of consciousness.


Prana, or Life Force, is in the air that we breath. This Life Force also is thesum total of all existing energy in the Universe. Within this Life Force, existsthe primal consciousness. By continuing practice of So-Ham with the breath(pranayama mantra), one gains control over both the central nervous systemand the mind. By it’s practice, selfishness and passions are brought underone’s control. This also helps in awakening the dormant kundalini energy, orSakti.

The nerve channels through which the energy of kundalini flows, arecleansed through consistant practice. Another biproduct of this practice, is itincreases the alpha waves within the brain. If done correctly, it leads to controlover the emotions, calmness of mind, and refinement of sense perceptions.Awareness of the internal noises of the body may also become apparent. Overtime, all impurities of the mind are removed and a sense of peace andharmony is born.

This then leads naturally into a state of meditation, where the mindbecomes the abode of extra-sensory perception. Intuitive knowledge increasesas scheming is eliminated. So-ham repetition with the breath, favorablyinfluences one’s subconsciousness, aiding in calmness, onepointedness ofmind, and the burning of Karma.

The body is further helped as well by the proper elimination of carbondioxide and absorption of oxygen, a relaxed effect upon the heart, and thewhole of the nervous system. In the Brahma Vidya Upanishad (knowledgeof the Absolute), the practice of Hamsa meditation is recommended forboth householders, and renunciates. It tells us that it leads to not onlySpiritual perfection, but also is designed to awaken one’s paranormal abilities.

It makes no difference if you practice So-ham in the morning, afternoon,or evening… just practice it! Find a regular time in your schedule to do so. Tryto always practice it daily at the same time (whatever time you pick).Consistency is very helpful, for Where and When become absolutes to thesubconscious mind (which you are training). Watch the whole process as youpractice, and enjoy the reality which will begin to open to you.


Sivakami Amma's teachingsAll teachings here were given by Sivakami Om Anandi or simply Amma.

More are added from time to time.

Editor's note (Acharya Babananda): Sivakami Om Anandi acted as a teacherof Thirumular's Siva Yoga and the Three Divine Qualities-teachings given bySiddha Thirumular. Sivakami Amma pointed to these teachings severaltimes. I have edited these places and replaced the words Siva Yoga and 3DQwith the word ”Kriya Yoga”. I've seen this necessary so that those who followSiddha Thirumular's Sundara Kriya Yoga could understand to whatpractices Sivakami Amma refers to. Both Siva Yoga and Sundara Kriya Yogaare teachings given by Siddha Thirumular and are found on the sameprinciples. I think this editing makes Amma's message more clear.


”I believe in the next 30 years, there is going to be a push by these Siddhasto bring back the Higher Self... 8th and 9th chakra understanding amongdisciples that are ready for it. My experience showed me from a 9th chakraperspective, how one lives conscious of both the universe and the little selfsimultaneously; and how the balancing of masculine/feminine energiescreates this.”

”A promise impresses the subconsciousness. When it knows you are seriousabout something, it is much more cooperative. Devotion is very important


here as well. I've learned by experience, Parashakti energy is drawn bydevotion.”

”I'm sure my work had to do with the Master's wishes to put forth acomparatively easy, yet dynamic teaching that would take students on aninner journey of real progress. The number of emails I get from students whohave studied with countless so-called "Gurus", and have apparently made noprogress until they did 1. 51 Lettered mantra, and 2. 1st level of Kriya Yogaand on, is pretty amazing.”

”Dogma and orthodoxy tend to strangle intuition and creativity.”

”Always follow your intuition. It has been my experience in life, that it isseldom wrong. If it is, I've read it incorrectly.”

”Even if one is a freed soul, it can take years for the real realization of

these states to sink in. How you do that without at least some on-going

meditative work? I don't know... I would think it would slip away into only a

memory. Of course, it is a spectacular memory that will never be forgotten.”

”These great Siddha Masters never cease to amaze me. They are all soobviously "in-tune" with each other and the disciples that they seem to sharein common. Such complete Siva Consciousness is pretty incredible.”

”As Thirumoolarji said of the 51 Lettered mantra, it brings the

transcendant reality into the body. Truth is the same, wherever it comesfrom. Babaji and Thirumoolarji are oviously of one mind; that of Siva.”

”A few additional bits of advice that might help with astral projection. It isvery helpful to be physically completely relaxed... like right after soaking in ahot-tub or do the addition of relaxation teachings. This can put you at theedge of sleep without going to sleep. Since people astral project from sleep ona semiregular basis, this sort of relaxation can make it easier for the soul andastral body to "let go" of the physical body. This is much like dying, only, ofcourse, you don't. I felt the energy of the body rush into the spine and then upit and out between the eyebrows. At this level, your only form is a scintilatingball of white-golden energy, tipped in many rainbow colors. You take yoursenses with you in this light ball... Nothing does more to show you, you areNOT THE BODY. Fear of death just simply subsides forever. Beyond this,


many Masters teach from this level and I have learned much from themduring the years my health was good enough to do this on a regular basis.”

”Chidambaram is the only place in India I really wanted to go. Just towalk and meditate in that hallowed place where my beloved Thirumoolarjiwent into mahasamadhi, and to drink the vibration that must exist there, forthose who can tap it... The teaching of Kriya Yoga is an update of an ancientteaching from Babaji and Thirumoolarji. Babaji asked me to teach it.Thirumoolarji instructed me. Chidambaram is the home of Thirumoolarji...Back in the late 80s there was a young man who did travel shows for the PBS(Public TV, like BBC) in the States. His name was Michael Woods. He did avideo of India. He began in the North and ended in the South at where else,Chidambaram! I was only casually interested, as India in general does nothold the fascination for me that it seems to for most in the West who practiceany sort of yoga. However, when the camera panned over a lotus pond to theChidambaram temple, it was as though I'd been hit in the solar plexus. Iknew this place. I'd lived in this place. I could see and feel the cool interior,before the camera even went there. The coolness of the stones on my bare feetwas palpable!!! At that time, I had no way to make a contact, nor the moneyto have gone there. Now, my consolation is I have beloved Thirumoolarji,who clearly asked that I never leave Him again.”

”After you have "arrived" so-to-speak, it doesn't take very much to put youback into those areas of practice that raise so much powerful energy that thebody is again in danger of being over amped. My old mentor, BrotherBhaktananda, told me it was because of too many past lives of constantpranayama practices. I had learned to channel way more high voltageenergy than the body could or can process.”

Concerning Kriya Yoga-practice:

”I've been on the spiritual path more years than you've been alive (wow...don't remember getting so old!) and almost without exception, it is the mostcomplete, and yet fairly simple group of techniques I've ever encountered.”

”Great liberation does best when it is coupled with acquired wisdom.”

”Babaji employs all who are willing, at a level which they can give. He isvery good at that. It is amazing that one such as He, still walks the face of theEarth.”


”What leads me to believe you more than the words, is the level ofvibration. In my opinion, this is the true test. Words, as you have learned,can come from any source. This excellerated vibration is a much repeatedadjunct to an authentic experience of Babaji, in particular. It's a level ofvibration I'm sure my older-ill body could not have handled. It isundoubtedly why in my latter years, Babaji chose to lift me (without thephysical body) into the astral world to communicate with me.”

”It is interesting that you mention Babaji as a guide to talented peoplewithout their knowledge of the true source. A student in the US told me abouthis boss's close relationship with Jesus. When this student showed him aphoto of Babaji, his boss said, "That's Him! That's Jesus!"

”Early on my spiritual search, I learned guided meditations from a womanwho was a very good clairvoyant. She taught us an opening prayer, I use tothis day. It goes like this: "Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, and ChristConsciousness, we ask that our auras be cleansed, and that all negation beneutralized. We ask that our vibrations be raised to touch with that of God,Christ, and Gurus, and we give thanks that it is done. Om, Shanti, Amen." It isbasic and very easy. Since she (our teacher) was completely clairvoyant, shecould see the results of this prayer/invocation.”


”You need to broaden your own horizons by reading about many differentpaths to God...not do them, but study them. You already have the techniquesthat will take you there. However, as it says in the Old Testiment of theBible..."With all your getting, get understanding." It will enlarge yourunderstanding and one day help you to help others. Besides, it's fun!”

”It is technically true that if one can drop all desires and thoughts, they canspontaneously go into samadhi. However, it's pretty much unheard of inreality. Perhaps if one was already an ascended master, who for somereason reincarnated, then such a thing could be possible.”

”I believe astral projection is a very normal activity. Many people do itfrom the dream state regularly and remember doing so. In some traditions,Master teachers instruct devotees from Astral classrooms. In my case, Babajitook me astrally with him to show me the ruins of a place in either SouthIndia , or the Indonesiean Islands where I had lived and meditated in ancientlifetimes. It didn't hurt me. It was exhilerating and informative. I've had the


guidance and help of a number of masters when I was on the higher Astralplanes. I'm thankful for all of it.”

”Paramahansa Yogananda said, " The path is a razor's edge, and if youcannot discriminate, you cannot walk the path." I always looked for truth,even when it wasn't what I wanted to hear. Sometimes it causes us pain, butfor me, it has served me well. According to Satguru Subramuniyaswami,founder of the Hindu Himalayan Academy, there are no more than 100 JivaMuktis on earth at any one time. If that is true, there are a lot of "fakes andwannabes" posing as the real deal. The teachings of the 18 Siddhas, say, onlywhen the guru comes to you through your spiritual eye, and he is also anascended Siddhar, is he a true guru. They also state that via certain mantras,you can develope the powers without becoming a Master... scary idea.”

”I believe it is harder to be a disciple, for a westerner, than for an Indian.We are taught from an early age how to reason, how to question, anddescern truth from fiction. This helps us in the outer world, of course, but itmakes the act of surrender, that many Indian disciples find easy, hard. I hadan interesting example of this with a student recently. She wrote a review forher Kriya Yoga-level application as she was requesting the next. She gave afantastic review of psychic bells and whistles (my term). However, she saidnothing that spoke of the outcomes of the practice of Kriya Yoga. She did tellme about the teacher (I know of him through other students) who gave her aseries of mantras that brought this about. I wrote her teacher (who seems tothink He's the greatest!) who admitted she had passed him spritually, usinghis teachings. The question is, why did she do better than her spritualmentor, using his teachings? The answer is, she surrendered, and without

question, did as she was told. Unfortunately, he left her not knowing whatwas happening to her. This is the on-going problem with many who teach.They think they are more than they are, and some of them can cause realproblems for the student.”

”In the Higher Kriya Yoga offered by Paramahansa Yogananda, the lessonsstate, it is Laya Yoga. They only said it was a group of techniques that aretaught together. Only after first Babaji, and then Thirumoolarji madecontact with me, did I understand that Kriya Yoga and it's higher levelstogether make up the higher (and original) teachings of the 18 Siddhas.Traditionally it was called "Laya Yoga". This higher form destroys allmundane forms of desire by it's practice, without the need to individuallystrike down each desire we have. It brings with it the experience of eternalbliss, in which the mind and soul merges (eventually) into the Supreme


Being... Siva. With daily practice of Kriya Yoga, it first cleans the chakras,and when this is accomplished, builds the Golden body of immortality. This isa dynamic teaching that Thirumoolarji and Babaji have restored to it'soriginal and anciently taught forms. In the few short years this teaching hasbeen available, several students have already made it to Satchitananda, orOm Samadhi.”

”The Higher Self has direct access to Siva Consciousness, everywherepresent, and for old souls, which most serious meditators are, it retains allthe spiritual knowledge of those lifetimes. The HS is infact that brilliant lightseen in the Spiritual eye at the end of the tunnel. At death, this IS the brilliantlight that near-death experiencers describe over and over in case after case.”

”At the time of enlightening, nothing is a secret. However, this is a verydifficult state to hang on to. It is very hard on the physical body. I wouldagree completely on this. The reverse side of the coin of God's great love, ispower. Power like you cannot grasp or understand until you experience itfirst hand. It is also very hard to be a teacher if you are gone in Samadhi allthe time, and even if not in Samadhi, one is so detached from the world that itseems to be a dream of little or no importance.”

”Saints and sages are at many different levels of realization. I suspect someof the old Christian saints did now have as much bliss in their lives as youhave already experienced via your Sadhanas. Many may have even beenilliterate and didn't understand much of the inner life that they viewed. Theteachings of these 2 higher chakras has been all but lost to most. I firstlearned about them from Western Metaphysic's teachings. Then one day, by

what seemed sheer coincidence, a catologue for books came in the mail. Oneof their books was entitled "Laya Yoga". It was a large and expensive book,but I was too attracted to it not to buy it. It is a beautiful work of art, withlarge beautiful drawings of all the chakras, their deities, etc. Also in the textis shown an ancient silk hanging from ancient times, showing all ninechakras. Later, when I read all of Swami Subramuniyaswami's (founder ofthe Himalayan Academy) books, I learned about lower chakras in the legs,as well as these 2 higher chakras. Obviously, in ancient times, these 2 higherchakras were part of India's

higher spiritual knowledge. For whatever reason, it has been mostly lost. Toobad; as they turn out to be more important than was previously understood.”



”The spiritual path is always a struggle. Great changes take place withinus in a short period of time. This takes adjustment. In the case for Spiritualadvancement, the race does not go to the fastest, but to the persistant!”

”9th Chakra, which is the "I am That I am" personal the HighSelf. My experience with this level is pretty much beyond description. Athousand Suns, spread over countless miles is about as close as I can come toa description.”

”Concerning anger issues... This is absolutely counter-productive tospiritual work. It is said to be even worse than drugs, or meat eating,karmicly. This implies past desires that have been repeatedly frustrated. Idon't mean little desires, but deep seated ones. I'd guess these are carriedfrom early childhood, or past lives. Whatever the cause (some can be learnedand forgiven) it will greatly slow the progress spiritually, if one cannot getcontrol of this destructive emotion. I'm glad you find the "I am the Love of theSoul..." part of the affirmation helpful. Perhaps you should add, "I am theinfinite patience of the Soul..." to your affirmation.”

”For a marriage to really work, one has to feel great love and compassionfor one's partner; perhaps more so than they do for themselves. It is a greattest of unconditional love.”

”A depressed person has to want to help him/herself. This can be hard to dowhen one is depressed. Other environmental aids are warm colors in thehouse - reds, orange, gold, or bright yellows. Comfort foods can help also.These are usually things like hot chocolate with marshmellows, or coffee withflavorings and sugar or honey. Foods like melted cheese, or soups that havegood color, such as tomato soup or squash and or corn chowders can behelpful too. A hot bath or shower and a loving spouse who will follow it upwith a good massage can also be helpful, coupled with a supportive attitude.Also helpful is music that one feels lifts his/her spirits. If one is willing to helphim/herself, a good place to start is the Bellows Breath. Years ago, I knew ayoung man, who was suicidal. He said he did 6 hours of Bellows Breath aday for weeks before it corrected itself. This is an extreme case, but the keyhere is, the Bellows Breathing eventually cured him completely. This youngman eventually became a successful playwrite. The hatha yoga "Salutationsto the Sun" exercise can be of help also. Positive affirmations can be used toadvantage. ie: "I am a child of God, So all that is my Father's, is mine also,therefore I shall not worry or be fearful."...or words to that effect.”



”Be patient and RELAX.”

”(As you follow the teachings of Kriya Yoga) You are now climbing the innerladder to Self-Realization. Nothing; not any practice you do, is moreimportant than the ones you have that teach you to make contact with Om!”

”Pranayama practice has it's place and time in the growing spiritual life ofa student; but there comes a time when it too is mostly outgrown. Thesestages seem to be mostly ignored by most teachers. Perhaps they are notaware of this fact. However, just as we progress from lower grades in school,to higher, so too do we do the same with spiritual growth.”

”The root of most true spiritual traditions have been lost or corrupted. Itseems to be the way of the physical world's power structure. Greed andpower seem to be irresistable to many souls. You cannot control the mass ofhumanity if they have their own direct connection to God; thus theseteachings, wherever you find them, are weeded out of religious teachings...byforce if necessary. However, many of them show up again in Mysticalteachings, sometimes as only thumbnail sketches of earlier times; but theclues are still there, if you know how to look.”

”We all need to remain humble. Even Jesus said, "It is not I, but my Fatherwho does these things..."

”...even the Masters do not come to us, except by permission of our ownindividual Higher Self.”

”Essentially, when you are worshipping Thirumoolarji, you areworshipping Siva.”

”Thirumoolarji is a Universal Being. He is one with and identical to Siva.He sees every child as His son or daughter, as He is partially in every soul.”


”Kriya Yoga does all sorts of wonderful things over time with steadypractice. Enjoy!”

”Intuition is still the most reliable source of information.”

”A week or so back, I had a vision of dozens of Indians kissing my feet andfingers... I have no desire to be worshipped, and it makes me sad when Iknow the less educated among them, give their own power away. To show


respect and reverence is fine, but when it becomes devotion in place of one'sown inner efforts, it is wrong.”

”It also offers you more time to study the books that offer the philosophiessurrounding your chosen practices. None of it is wasted time. It rounds outyour own understanding of the spiritual path that you have chosen.”

”...Try 5-600 counts of the 51-mantra - no breath - just mantra. It bringsthe transcendent reality into the body, and it is very, very, protective.”

”Remember, Babaji asked me first to teach it (Kriya Yoga). It was after thatwhen Thirumoolarji gave it as it was practiced many hundreds or thousandsof years ago. It is clear to me that almost anything within the 18 SiddharTradition is of One teaching, and that these great Siddhars work togetherbehind the scenes.”

”What Yoganandaji was doing was trying to ensure that His teachings werenot lost and were properly cared for. I'm sure He would not approveorthodoxy where a fanatic outter attitude overshadows the truth of themessage. I fear that is what is happening (editors addition: to Histeachings)... I guess this is the common destination of any spiritual teachingthat makes it to the average population.”

”When you follow any inner spiritual practice; most particularly ones thatalso incorporate pranayama, you set up psychic channels to the source ofthose practices. When you do too many at once, it can confuse those psychiclinks being developed, one crossing another, even breaking some of them, soall your hard work is lost. I followed quite a number of spiritual paths in my35 years, but only one at a time. Sometimes spending 3-4 years exclusivelyon one practice as well as the teachings surrounding that approach. Onlythen did I move to the next spritual approach of interest... Yoganandaji wasfond of saying, the path is a razor's edge. He also said if you are digging awell, and you dig a little here and a little there, you will never get to thewater. He understood this problem very well. He didn't want his devotees(while he was in the body) to practice anything but what he taught.”

”I'm glad to know that you are feeling calmer. Of course what you should bedoing now is reflecting on what you have learned from all this, and how tobest avoid the same problems in the future.”




Even though these happenings can be challenging, do not become upset ordiscouraged. Part of the challenge, and it is that, a challenge, for lesser soulsgive up. These are some of the problems that separate the chaff from thewheat, so-to-speak.

P. Yogananda said, "God is shy and will not completely reveal Him/Herselfuntil convinced that the devotee's love is unconditional". He (Yogananda)had a prayer for this: "You may come, you may go, devotees may come,devotees may go, but I will love you always."

God is not a side show, or a circus. He/She does not reveal itself for ourexperience of bliss, but for our love. This God-force may even test thatprinciple within you from time to time.

This internal love for, and commitment to Spiritual union - This Love Affair -for lack of a better term, is a lifetime commitment.

There will be times when you will do less sadhana than others. Everything inlife, cycles. This will also. But the cycle is like an upward spiral. Each timeyou come around, you are on a higher rung of understanding.

The path is not always just sadhana. It may also invole outter worldactivities that your High Self would like to see you involved in. This is usuallyidentified by intuitive hits or "ah ha" moments. If these are followed, it helpsto fulfill some of the reasons your HS incarnated. After all, it is, and knowsGod at all times. It brought you into incarnation for an outter interest, aswell as the inner spiritual work.

The spiritual path is like a mystery that unfolds before us. A number of timesI have thought I had all the pieces of the puzzle and I would not be asked tolearn more. I was wrong. Always there is a higher rung to reach for. SivaConsciousness is so vast, so full, that even what you learn instantaneously inCosmic Consciousness, takes time and revelation with regards to it's parts, tounfold within one's personal life.

I recall somewhere in Jesus' teachings where in the last days He warns aboutfalse teachers. When His disciples asked how they would know them, He said,"By their fruits".

So my Spiritual friend, most of your life is a celebration of good. I see nothingbut both an interesting and beneficial future stretching out before you.”


”We have several students who have experienced Om Samadhi...andaccording to P. Yoganandaji and many other saints and swamis, the onlyway to liberation is through Om Samadhi. Swami Sivananda, founder of theDivine Live Society, who I quote in the lessons, says it is your only saviour,the true Guru.”

”I once asked Babaji... "Why can they not get themselves into the light?" Hisreply was, "They have lost contact with their own High Selves", meaning thatpart of Soul which resides in the 9th chakra and does not incarnate into thephysical body.”

”My life story is more one of "God helps those who help themselves".”

”Soul is your God-self, and it's power is the greatest protection you havebesides the 51 Lettered mantra.”

”Kriya Yoga incorporates the 5 lettered mantra (Om Nama Shivaya)within the 51 Letter mantra. This is the ONE greatest protection againstnegative forces, that I know of. Also it teaches an Om/Aum technique.Paramahansa Yogananda says in His lessons, that any path that does notteach one how to contact the Om vibration, is A FALSE PATH!”

”True wisdom cannot be wisdom without love. Love is the mother ofwisdom, and without it, wisdom is not.”

”There comes a time when we need to find our own way. Wisdom comesonly with age and the living of life. I don't want you to feel dependant uponme, or any other Guru figure for that matter. They and I can love and guide,but you are a unique soul. No one else is exactly like you, and your truths willbe slightly different from everyone elses... and that is as it should be.”


”I listened to Him on an unauthorized cassette tape in 1982, where He(Yogananda) clearly said: "You all ask me to give you God-Realization, but if Idid, you would be instantly electrocuted." He was saying, they had not yetdone the spiritual work that would raise the body's vibrations enough, for it tobe safe... I wasn't sure my body was going to survive the experience. Of course,it does change you forever. You never forget. You are reborn, truly a newconsciousness.”


”You shouldn't be too surprised that I can "pull these things out from myyogic sleeves". After all, Babananda, I've been actively on the Spiritual path 35years. I actually know all sorts of paths and techniques. I'm a Westerner, andmetaphysical information of any kind, East or West, was pretty hard to find in1973. I also learned to be skeptical of many of them. You have the get-richquick groups, this is so easy you can't fail group (usually not true unless you'vealready done a great deal of work elsewhere on the spiritual path) Then thereare those that are so lost in the thought-forms of their chosen religions, thatthey can't see beyond it's fog.

I asked just one thing when I began my search. I wanted truth. That search hasled me on some interesting journeys. It has also allowed me to side-step falsepaths that some of my friends fell into along the way.”

”There could also be some residual fear in the subconscious. You can talkwith it like a small child: 'I love you and appreciate all you do for me, butthere is nothing to fear.'”

”Remember, Siva is the generative power behind all creation in its dormantstate. When you make that maniest by sound and thought, this is the poweryou are working with.”


”I understand the sense of grief from separation with such wonderful blissand union with the Divine Beloved. However, you will need to learn tobalance outer world responsibilities with inner world realities. Over time,you will balance it all. You are at the beginning, that wonderful, wonderful,period of loving and being loved by the greatest Lover of them all. I envyyou. Enjoy it while you can.”

”I cannot express strongly enough the deep importance of becoming "thesound current's divine Lover". This is your true saviour, your true friend,your true lover, your true soul master. Even when the passion of union haspassed, the bride/bridegroom (om) will always be silently with you; yourfriend, your protector, closer than your Guru, always looking out for yourneeds. I could tell you stories of how it has changed and guided my life, but Ithink these better know personages can do so, more eloquently than I.”

”One needs to be spiritually prepared if one is to receive the greatest ofresults. Part of that preparation is to love God with all your heart and soul,


and to be absolutely surrendered without question to the creator of ALLTHAT IS.”

”If you look at the picture of Shiva, you will see that He sits with what lookslike an arm rest. That is how old this teaching is. It originates with Shiva.”

”Nothing changed my life like Om Samadhi; not before, or since. This is thegreat liberator when experienced as coming to you from without. However,in reality, I have figured out it is actually a combination of kundalini and theOversoul joining. The first puts you in contact with the world within, theOver-soul with virtually EVERYTHING. It is through this Over-soul that onecommunicates with everything from the Masters (in and out of incarnation)to unfolding to experience oneself as spread through solar systems anduniverses of physical matter.”


”My key to those higher states was to simply do mantric meditation asgiven by P. Yoganandaji, and listening for the Sound Current. Any KriyaPranayama* came after the fact, and I didn't really need it. In fact, it got mein trouble... Learned kriya techniques seeemed to be more of an educationalfeature for me. I also read a lot of books that helped me to understand theireffects on the physical body. All this helped train me to teach others who doneed more pranayama than was the case for me. I have used differentkumbhakas to help a number of people through the years from the time Iknew a fellow disciple of Yoganandaji's, who told me of his radicaldepression. He cured it by doing 4-6 hours a day of bellows breathing. Afterabout 3 months of continuous bellows breath practice, he said one day thedeep depression was just gone, and it never returned, even when he stoppeddoing the practice. But for myself, I just cannot handle the increase inenergy. It is too electrically powerful and too gross.”

”The other unspoken and mostly unseen dimension not being addressed, isthis is a time of rapid change on the earth. Many children, starting with yourgeneration, and still being born now, are already very spiritually inclinedwhen they arrive here in their baby-bodies... I believe within the next 50years you will see many thousands of young people who can make directcontact with the great Siddhas who have blessed this planet in the past.There is great acceleration now, and a need for many spiritually inclinedpeople to step up to the call. That call will take different forms depending onthe skills and talents of each soul, but as a whole, they will change things for


the better on this planet; even as global warming and other phenomenaaccelerate problems world-wide.”

”Be cautious about how much you tell others of your Spiritualaccomplishments.”

”Yoganandaji came to me in His astral body and took on a large portion ofmy Karma, or I would never have reachieved those levels of Samadhi sorapidly.”

”Truth is EVER the same. P. Yoganandaji taught that as well. He said whereteachings of different paths agree, there you will find truth. Truth is alwayswhat I have sought. 'Sat Tat Om', So as well as Love, God is 'Sat'... TRUTH,and it was always my goal.”

”Sometimes it is best to hide your light under a rock.”

”The Kriya Yoga-teachings, I was told by Thirumoolarji and Babaji, isrestored to it's original form. Over the centuries it had apparently undergonemany changes.”

”How magical is the ability to surrender, the golden key that unlocks theentrance to the Higher worlds.”

Kriya Yoga and The Immortal Body

”In my own experience with Kriya Yoga, they build the Golden body, alsocalled the diamond or crystal body of immortality. The one you step into atdeath. This begins after the cleansing of the Chakra system is completed.However it is an advanced and powerful practice when all 5 steps are doneon a daily basis, and I have no doubt it could take the practitioner to such aplace as Nirvakalpa Samadhi if the devotee is in a state of surrender.”

Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi

”The very first state of Samadhi is that, in of itself, is thefirst level of identification. Savikalpa (samadhi) is experienced within thebody as intense merging and absorbtion of Sat chit ananda. It is enjoyable inthe extreme and usually follows an in-rushing experience of the OMvibration. Nirvikalpa (samadhi), on the other hand, seems to be anexpansion of consciousness and is often experienced by advanced chelasduring everyday activities. It's classic form is seeing everything everywhere


(even out of normal sight range) as Spirit...realizing the form is just theprojection and manifestation of Spiritual light.”

Attain Sat-Chit-Ananda

”To attain Sat-Chit-Ananda is no small accomplishment. It makes one awalking magnet that can raise the vibration of others enough to clear a pathtoward enlightenment for them. However, I am of the opinion that even then,if there is not total surrender by the student/devotee to the process, it will nothappen. Every person I have ever seen reach great spiritual realization, havethis in common. They have a period in their lives where they are so identifiedwith the Teacher that they (by devotion) steal the same vibration from them.For an unenlightened person, this might break down their personal store ofenergy; but when the teacher's energy is tapped into universal energy, it isharmless.

Of course, the great Satgurus of our planet, be they physically living or dead,can effect this for the student too; but those without a body (physical) can doit only from higher planes, the astral upward. This means the student mustbe advanced enough to reach at least this high on their own.

A good example of this is my own experience. The night ParamahamsaYoganandaji came to me in His astral body; his direct desciple (in the flesh)Brother Bhaktananda, passed a physical/spiritual charge to me, during theprevious evening.Of course Babaji does have a physical body (semi anyway. I'm pretty sure it'smostly astralized at this point). This means He is an exception to the rule, atleast when He chooses to be. Still, just by having a realized person among thenon-realized, those who are ready, are lifted enough to also be realized ifthey do the work in a surrendered state.”

Devi's Words of Love”Devi” is a dear friend, a spiritual sibling of mine. She is one of SivakamiAmma's senior disciples and lives in India. With Devi's permission, I havegathered some quotes from her emails and present them here. Enjoy!



”Divine Mother is the embodiment of Unconditional motherhood.”

”Kindly follow your heart... There is a stage when we have to consciouslyand gratefully drop certain techniques. No technique is for the whole life timeand the ultimate technique is dropping every technique and just be. But wecan't do that until we have had a full course round of sadhana... ”

”At times the books and the bygone Masters say a thing but experienceproves that there are different dimensions to the same fact for the simplereason that Truth is multi-dimensional. The Masters who are physicallypresent are as absent as the Masters who are physically absent are eternallypresent. Our Siddha lineage is rich, eternal and infinite and they are everpresent to guide us and guard us. We need not worry about the physicalproximity... We are very much looked up on and directed.”

”As Sri Aurobindo and Mother say... The humanity can take a great leapin evolution when a significant number of people attain the body of light.They could not complete the process of converting to light body as thehumanity was not ready.”

”To my knowledge Light Body is the only experience that can becalled permanent and sustainable. All the rest (of experiences) aretemporary and we are forced to do sadhana to re-experience them. Let's aimfor the highest... ”

”Let us be the empty instruments for the Masters to use and serve... ”

”Inner realm is filled with love. ”

”Self Realization! This is a term or a state or a goal that I wanted to attainand tried desperately... but nothing happened. I moved from one place to theother and from technique to another technique... But the goal that I had setwas nowhere to be seen... It was suddenly and of course by Grace that Istarted realising few facts. Self-Realization is a moment to momenthappening. It happens when you enjoy the smallest miracles of life... Yourself is a reflection of the collective self... You are in everything and everythingis in you and when you enjoy a flower, a breeze, a chocolate, make love, bealone and feel complete... All these moments you are becoming one with theself.

Everytime you learn something mystical the Universe has been removing aveil of illusion and showing you a slice of Truth... A perfect moment of Self


Realization. In moments when you have extreme "self love" and you do allthat you deserve to explore and experience, you are taking one step towardsthis goal.

Do not set an imaginary goal... THERE IS NO END TO SELF REALIZATION.

This is an eternal journey... It has no culmination but only a long neverending path. The moment you have arrived and relaxed you are shown amuch more longer path to start off... A new journey and a new realization...So what is self realization?

The states of samadhi last for a day, week or may be a month for advancedbeings but then it's just like being in a state of infused euphoria and nothingmore. The true realization and true euphoria lie in living each moment withawareness. This I could attain only when I dropped the desire for SelfRealization... or the need to experience bliss or whatever.

You are already realising in every moment of awareness! It's a never endingjourney... So let's learn and share what we have learnt and learn more...

We are the Siddhas who have no mukti. There are two states... one isbirthlessness and another is deathlessness. Birthless are those who attainmukthi and go back to the source. But immortals are those who are like agrain with the potential to become another tree but they dont sprout insteadthey cook themselves to become food for others... food becomes life... lifeturns into knowledge and knowledge turns into wisdom. We are those grainsof Siddhas who are here to cook in the test of time and become source ofwisdom for others... Drop all the goals as there is no permanent state...Every millionth of a second the Universe is changing. No realization ispermanenet... Live the moment.”

”From what I have understood we are the siddhas and not mukthas. Siddhashave work to do and a samadhi state can hinder us from working for thesociety.”

A poem in ancient Siddha Tamil-language:

Grihathil Grahathey Grahithalum Savu

Soozhal Suzhiyil Surundalum Savu

Guhathul Guhaney Ganithal Gavani


Unakkul Udikkum Aam Savatra Savu

Death takes the one who is an expert in astrology

Death takes the one who is a slave to destiny

Listen if you have experienced Muruga in the cave of your heart

In you will arise a deathless death - a life immortal

”Let this joy and equilibrium make you a greater way-shower and let morepeople find guidance and light. ”

”Not analysing what the state is but simply flowing with it.”

One with the Master

In the introductory material of Siddha Thirumoolar's Siva Yoga it istold:

”By concentration upon Thirumoolar before or during (or both) thesetechniques, he has said; 'By concentration on me, the student will draw me toinitiate a spiritual charge of transmission for the opening necessary for them to tapthe power that lies in these great teachings.' He (Thirumoolar) told me (Sivakami OmAnandi) to make this known, and so I am. I cannot stress enough the importance offollowing this simple request. It could very well mean the difference between successand failure in your practice.”

As Sivakami Amma has said, tuning in with the Master might mean thesucces or failure in ones sadhana – spiritual path and practices. Obviously weare dealing with something very important, perhaps even crucial, here.


It is a well known fact that, when remembering and praying to their Gurus,spiritual seekers and devotees have received special blessings and healings,even such blessings which could be called miracles. Everything is One, allliving beings and creation rests in inseparable Oneness. Master is one who hasrealized this and embodies this Truth behind all created form. ThereforeMaster dwells everywhere. There is no place or situation where Master'sOneness Consciousness is not. He, the true Guru, is always here.

In verse 139 of the Thirumandiram, Thirumoolarji says that properunderstanding is achieved by the disciple

by looking at the Guru,

by chanting the Guru’s name,

by following the Guru’s message, and

by meditating on the Guru’s figure.

If we meditate on the Satguru by remembering His name, His picture andteachings, we can join with Him (and His realization) and hence become onewith everything. For this reason a Satguru, as He is essentially formless buthas a name and form, is important to a spiritual student. A realized Guru isthere to guide a sadhaka – spiritual seeker - whenever he or she, the seeker,desires so and chooses to request a blessing from the Master and tune in withHim. The initiative must come from the student because we have the freedomto choose.

As we remember His name, His picture, His teachings and His Divinemantra of Siva, we will become unified with Him in all His beauty. Surely, ifone wishes to, he/she can adopt the exact method of Guru dhyana –meditation – from the Jnana Sindhu and in the beginning when one islearning the practical skill of tuning in with the presence of the Master, it canbe helpful. But repeating Mularji's Siva-mantra and visualising His picture


works just as well. The point is to get a first hand experience of His presence,here and now. In the process the meditator learns much of him/herself andbecomes intimate with the Master.

If you wish, you may chant aloud or silently these as well.


Satguru Thirumular

Thirumular Namaste

Om Thirumular

Om Thirumular Namaha

Om Thirumular Nath Namaha

Jai Satgurudeva Thirumular

Feel free to chant the Master's name in a way or a melody that you enjoy.Just remember to do it with love and devotion, not in harsh manner. Youmight also print a small pocket size picture of the Master, so that you can carryHis picture and look at Him wherever you are. Sooner or later, you come tolearn what is it exactly (or who He is and how the Master is in this presentmoment) that you come aware of as you do this.

By meditating on the Satguru, being One with Him, in this way, both ourspiritual and mundane lives become filled with joy, peace and grace that wecouldn't even imagine.

At Mular's Divine Feet,

- Mularmurti Babananda, 12/2010.


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Meditation of Satguru Thirumular

Tools for spiritual growth

The Three Divine Qualities are sound, light and vibration. These threequalities are found behind all creation and they are useful pathways whensomething that has been created (such as a human being) wishes to find outones own origin in regressive steps from physical towards the subtle. Sound,light and vibration are irreplacable tools for this. It is good to remember,however, that they are still only tools.

Because a realized master, a satguru, represents with his whole being theorigin of all creation and Oneness, therefore taking the satguru as an object ofmeditation is very wise. When the student is in a conscious connection withthe satguru, his/her karmic being begins to be gradually replaced with pureconsciousness.

These two: three created qualities and satguru's meditation can be combinedinto one meditation practice. In this way the student can learn to know his/hersatguru in a very intimate and personal way and also to observe and go deepinto meditation with the help of sound, light and vibration. Even though thefollowing practice is the most wonderful practice, it is not meant that main


sadhana would be replaced by it. This is a helpful tool which can be said tocast a solid foundation for the practice of Sundara Yoga.

To begin with, the student has to learn how to be conscious of SatguruThirumular's presence in his/her own phys. body. 'Feel Thirumular'spresence'. This is the first step. Creating the connection and realizing thepresence of Mular can be practiced by watching his picture and byremembering his name, for example by repeating 'Om Thirumular Namaya' –nama mantra or more simply 'Thirumular...Thirumular...'. When you look atthe master's picture or repeat his name, be consciously aware of the sensationsin your physical body. When you repeat the master's name over and over againja watch/visualize his picture in your mind, you start to perceive the presenceof Thirumular despite of his name or picture. When this perception developsfurther, only an intention is enough to create a conscious connection with themaster. This can be practiced eyes open or closed in sitting meditation or atany time of the day at work, at school, at home etc.


The second step is 'to listen to the sound of Thirumular' inside studentsown body. This is done in sitting meditation so that the student is aware ofhis/her physical body, of the space inside the skin, and listens attentively thesound current which emanates of Thirumular's presence. This is the listeningof Satguru Thirumular's Nada-sound. As the student is focused on this soundwhich might sound of many kinds of instruments, he/she starts to feel verysweet, relaxed and deeply peaceful. It is not so important what the soundsounds like (it can sound like soundless silent sound too) but that the studentis tuned into Thirumular's presence and is attentively listening to the soundemanating from him.

Drawing of Satguru Thirumular. Painted by Gail Tarrant.

The third step is 'to watch Thirumular's light' inside students own body.The method is the same as in the second step except that now light isperceived, instead of sound. Be conscious of the bright, golden light ofThirumular inside your body. Observe and enjoy this brilliance in the presenceof Satguru Thirumular.

The last of the three qualities is vibration which meditation is included in allthe previous steps in a way that Thirumular's presence is observed in studentsphysical body. It is common that in sitting meditation the students body maycalmly swing from side to side like a pendulum of a big wall clock. Thismovement is natural and pleasant and the body might move like this when it isdeeply relaxed. However, if the body doesn't move like this it doesn't matter, itshouldn't be made to move self-motivatedly.

These three steps:

1. feeling the presence of Thirumular in students phys. body,2. listening to the sound of Thirumular in students phys. body and3. watching the light of Thirumular in students phys. body

are good aids in knowing and becoming close with the master and indeveloping concentration and meditating the three divine qualities which willguide the student to the source of truth.


In this instruction it is presented that the perception of each step happensinside the limits of the physical body of the student. This is an importantbaseline. However, with practice, deepening relaxation and loving surrenderthe inner sensation of Mular's presence, sound and light expands beyond theborders of the students phys. body. But we always begin the practice fromones own body. The expansion happens naturally in its own accord.

Finally it needs to be reminded of the importance of lovefulness. Lovingsurrender is a precondition to all spiritual growth which is the recognition ofones own self. Because realizing life as love is the deepest of all realizations, itis good for the student to develop his/her heartfulness so that he/she mightapproach this realization and truth. The fire of love can be set alight by sincerewords of prayer coming from the heart, by singing the masters name with loveor by singing spiritual songs. It is a matter of expressing love, showing it, tothe object of love. So when you meditate Satguru Thirumular, his sound andlight, express your love, your longing and your desire of truth to him. Like thisyou can make your spiritual path and your whole life full of joy and love.

Om Namah Shivaya

Om Thirumular Namaya

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Spiritual Retreats”You just have to look at what the situation allows you and jump in withboth feet where you can... and when you can't, let go of it and concentrate onthe job at hand.

Everybody has periods when things are more intense than others and it'salso the reason for, especially for householders, 2 or 3 times a year, if theycan retreat somewhere, for 3 to 10 days. Usually 10 days happens when youget older, are more secure in your job, have vacations and all that sort ofthing... Where you really can practice silence, eat clean foods and basiclymeditate, do nothing but meditate... Because it's very refreshing, it bringsyou back to center... I talked to Premananda quite a bit about this the last Iwas on the phone with him because I had never approached it before. Ipointed out to him that it certainly is an important part of the spiritual life ofa householder-yogi. So that they get breaks from time to time where they canre-generate essentially. And then of course you go back to your job and yourfamily and whatever else you have, it's not like you're leaving thempermanently, these are just mini-retreats... But they are very effective, ifthey're done right.”

Sivakami Om Anandi

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