small enough to care. big enough to challenge. · uniqueness of each and every child, made in the...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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Small enough TO care. Big enough TO challenge.

2020 Strategic Plan


Our Mission 5

Message from the Chair of School Council 6

Our Vision 9

Message from the Principal 11

Staff 2020 Vision in Action 12

Our Strategy Map 17

Our Students and Community 21

Our Finances 26

Our Processes 37

Our People and Resources 38

our miSSion

Centred on the Christian faith and finding joy in God,

Arden provides an exceptional co-educational learning experience

that nurtures the uniqueness of confident, capable global citizens.

4 5

Arden is committed to being an inspiring learning community, dedicated to providing an exceptional, co-educational learning experience for children, Pre-School to Year 12.

At Arden we seek to offer all students the opportunity to understand the eternal significance of Jesus Christ as a part of their educational journey.

As we set out to develop this Strategic Plan, the School Council and I were keen to both honour the past and the work of all those who have contributed to the Arden we now know, whilst also setting a fresh vision that would energise the school community for the world of rapid change we live in today.

We believe Arden is uniquely placed at this point in our history. We have both deeply grounded community respect as a Christian school, faithfully serving the needs of our local community for over 90 years, alongside the energy, enthusiasm and innovation of a newly established Secondary School achieving significant success across many fields of endeavour.

Individuals from across our school community have contributed to our strategic learning journey as we have worked together to develop this plan. Students, Parents, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, Executive and the School Council have collaborated, challenged, refined and ultimately delivered a strategy of which we are all rightly proud.

We believe we have set ourselves a bold, achievable, visionary and yet grounded direction for our school.

As you read this Strategic Plan, you will recognise the Arden of today but also statements about the Arden we aspire to be. I commend it to you and encourage you to join with us in making Arden and our students ‘salt and light’ in the community in which we all live and work.

David SietsmaChair of School Council

Message from the Chair of School Council


Well knoWn, Well cared for and Well taught.

our viSion

Arden strives to be an inspiring learning community that engages the mind,

nurtures the spirit and nourishes the body within a caring Christian environment.

Arden graduates are curious, courageous and compassionate men and women with an enduring passion for learning who transform the communities in which they live and work.


It is worth celebrating that the thought that guides us forward was given back to us by one of our own students. One of our first graduating Year 12 students, when asked by a journalist, “what did they appreciate most about Arden?” replied, “the students here are well known, well cared for and well taught". And so as we envisage Arden in 2020, we hope to do what we have always done as a school community, whilst also doing it anew with fresh intent, professionalism and great passion.

As every parent entrusts their child into the safe hands of an educator, they have the right to expect that their child will be seen as an individual, nurtured to their potential and challenged to grow and develop to their best. We believe in the uniqueness of each and every child, made in the image of God. We also believe that it takes a community to raise that child – a partnership of parents, extended family, teachers and the wider Arden community, dedicated to raising a generation of young people capable of transforming the communities in which they will live and work.

The School’s vision is one of a thriving learning community: students, teachers and parents. It is a vision of a well-rounded education, where students are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually challenged within a Christian context. It fosters in its graduates curiosity, courage and compassion and recognises that the rent we all pay for this good life is service to others.

Our strategy is enabled by the quality of our professional, dedicated staff, many of whom have been very involved in the development of this plan. Their words over the page are testament to their commitment to and involvement in this process.

I speak for the School Executive and Council when I commit to being accountable for progress against what we have laid out in this document. We are in the initial stages of developing more holistic measures of success and I look forward to sharing this journey with the broader Arden community as we move towards 2020.

Finally, I thank the students, parents, staff and School Council members who participated in our Preferred Future’s Planning, Dennis Doherty and later Bob McDonald for guiding us on our strategic journey.

Mr Graham Anderson Principal

Message from the Principal


Staff involvement in the planning process culminated in a Professional Development Day in April, 2013 where they had the opportunity to articulate the School Vision in their own words. It is written in future state language and highlights the level of alignment between staff and leadership.

We believe each student is created in God’s image, with unique God-given talents. This means that we meet each child with the determination to know who they are, what they are passionate about and what they are good at. We know what turns their light bulbs on! Students at our school know that they matter to us and that they belong here. Staff members make the effort to know the students well and to nourish and care for them academically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. Students at Arden are regularly recognised for their achievements across the full spectrum of their interests.

A speciAl pArtnership exists with pArents

Student progress is effectively supported by first class processes for tracking and monitoring their development. Excellent processes exist to ensure that parents are well informed of student progress and closely connected to the School through a range of well-designed and meaningful opportunities. We acknowledge our special partnership with parents in the formation of each student. Pastoral care practices at Arden offer students an exceptional range of support systems, formal and informal. Every student here can name at least one staff member who knows and cares for them.

we focus on the holistic development of eAch student

Highly skilled and passionate teachers effectively impart both knowledge and skills to students. We focus on core business here and ensure that our timetables and other key systems and structures are uncluttered and promote a focus on quality teaching and learning. While we deliver an outstanding academic education, we focus also on the holistic development of each student. Our assessment practices reflect this breadth of provision for students... learning activities are student centred, promoting personal responsibility and deep engagement. Hands-on, discovery-based learning activities are designed and delivered by engaged teachers who model life-long learning. Students are continually supported in seeing the links between learning and life.

there is An ongoing focus on effective teAching

Arden is characterised by a capacity for open, honest and collegial relationships between staff, students and parents. Communication between all groups within the school is outstanding with strong links between Primary and Secondary Schools and between staff and School Executive members. Staff members with positive and wise expertise in their areas of enterprise are offered opportunities for promotion and advancement when these arise. Sufficient faculty time is provided to ensure an ongoing focus on effective teaching. A well-designed portal for all staff, parents and students supports communication throughout the School and from school to the Arden Community.

stAff members experience the well known, well cAred for, well tAught ethos

Staff members at Arden know that their work is valued and that they are heard and understood on matters of significance to them. In recognising this value, staff members are provided with the resources, including sufficient time, to meet their responsibilities to the students. Staff members experience something of the ‘Well known, well cared for and well taught’ ethos that characterises our aspiration for our students. Excellent decision-making processes exist across the leadership levels of the school and communication about decision making is timely and clear. Every effort is made to ensure that internal processes are streamlined and prevent unnecessary work. Clear role descriptions exist for all positions and staff members receive, seek and welcome rich and regular feedback on their work. Staff facilities are well ordered, aesthetically pleasing and appropriate to function.

we Are one school

Arden has an integrated and comprehensive process for student record keeping which includes all known achievements. A strong, world class pastoral care process meets students at their point of need, focusing on developing student resilience. Our approach to pastoral care bridges our Primary and Secondary Schools, making the transition between them an easily negotiated one for students. Similar effective emphasis is given to other significant transition points. Regular debriefings on student issues are frank and open. As with pastoral care, curriculum approaches in the Primary and Secondary Schools are fully compatible with each other. Our leadership on these issues is strong and decisive with our behavioural management processes consistent across the School. A strong unity of purpose and vision ensures that our school voice is clear and consistent. Resources are freely and generously shared between teaching colleagues and effective efforts are made to ensure that staff members from different parts of the School are well-connected and aware of each other’s work and challenges. We are one school.

at thiS School, We meet each Student With the

determination to knoW Who they are, What they are

paSSionate aBout and What they are good at doing.

Staff 2020 Vision in Action

12 13

students know their own worth here And their gifts Are celebrAted

Students at Arden are supported in reaching for their academic and life potential by the provision of outstanding resources and teaching. Best practice technology is available and used in every lesson as appropriate. The learning environments at Arden are uniformly positive and encourage appropriate risk-taking, questioning, and critical thinking. These conditions for students are supported by staff members who receive regular and effective professional learning opportunities. Creativity is highly valued and students are encouraged to be innovative and to inquire deeply. Students know their own worth here and their gifts are celebrated both in class and more widely in our school. We instil in our students an ability to regulate the pressures and demands of the digital community, helping them to maintain balance and perspective.

Arden produces lifelong leArners... nurtured to impAct on the world they live in

Throughout the P-12 journey, learning is underpinned by the teachings and example of Jesus. Arden is acknowledged widely as a school which produces graduates with a generosity of spirit. Graduates of Arden are seen as balanced young people, serious about their academic work and yet serious too about living lives that reflect other priorities. There is a strong focus on celebrating the diversity of our people and an ethic of inclusion across the School.

Our graduates are ready to take an active role as citizens and have a determination to serve beyond the expectations of their immediate interests. We produce lifelong learners, nurtured in their formative years by high quality staff to become people grounded in sound Christian principles, so that they can positively impact upon the 21st Century world in which they live.

StudentS knoW their oWn Worth here and their giftS are

celeBrated Both in claSS and more Widely in our School.

Staff 2020 Vision in Action

14 15

Arden developed this Strategic Plan using the Balanced Scorecard methodology. The Balanced Scorecard is an integrated strategic planning and management system that delivers a ‘Strategy Map’ (pages 18-19), a Strategic Plan (pages 20-46) and associated accountability in the form of a Strategic Reporting framework.

The School has looked at its strategy from 4 different ‘Perspectives’: Our People and Resources, Our Processes, Our Finances and Our Students and Community. Three significant ‘Themes’ emerged from discussions throughout the planning process and are shown vertically intersecting the Strategy Map over the page – the quest for Educational Excellence, the need to Build the School and to continue to be a Community founded on Christ.

The School’s Strategic Objectives, 15 in all, are positioned in each of the horizontal Perspectives. The Strategy Map is designed to be a ‘Strategy on a Page.’ During the workshops, the Strategic Themes and Objectives contained many overlaps and so the Strategy should be viewed as an integrated whole, rather than as a set of isolated elements.

Reading up from the base of the Strategy Map, Arden’s strategy is clear: aligned with our mission and values we will enable our people to deliver on key strategic processes, that make optimal use of our resources, exceed the expectations of our community and achieve our vision.

This Strategic Plan outlines Arden’s ‘envisioned future’ for 2020 and so it is written in ‘end-state language’ . Therefore readers will find in this document the School’s intentions in areas of current stretch, alongside longstanding strengths.

Arden is in the early stages of developing strategic, non-financial, ‘balanced’ measures of organisational performance. A number of initiatives in the first few years will be to develop ways of determining progress against strategy. These measures are designed to provide significant feedback and enable continuous organisational learning and improvement over time.

Our Strategy Map

16 17

high quality staff culture and leadership

love hope

Centred on the Christian faith and finding joy in God, Arden provides an exceptional co-educational learning experience that nurtures the

uniqueness of confident, capable global citizens.

continuously improve all key processes

Develop 21st Century learners and thinkers

Strengthen teaching and learning practice

Build the School

community founded on chriSt

educational excellence

...So that We achieve our viSionWell knoWn, Well cared for, Well taught

our StudentS and community

our financeS

our people and reSourceS

our proceSSeS

our valueS

Improve communication internally and externally

Strengthen relationships and engagement

within our community

Strengthen caring, holistic, integrated

Christian approaches

Optimise revenue

Maximise efficiency of resource use

Increase student and parent engagement

Value each person and develop their unique, God-given potential

Attract and retain high quality staff

Enhance staff effectiveness

Promote a culture of staff wellbeing

Develop a culture of service and

Christian leadership

Optimise learning spaces and resources

service courage compassion respect

...and exceed the expectations of our community...

...that make optimal use of our resources...

...we will enable our people... deliver on key strategic processes...

Aligned with our mission and values...

Learning is experiential, challenging, inspiring and relevant, with Arden students consistently displaying creative and critical thinking.

Each student is achieving their academic potential and shows evidence of improved academic achievement over time.

Alumni credit Arden with laying the foundations of their life-long passion for learning.

develop 21St century learnerS and thinkerS

Our Students and Community

each Student iS achieving their academic potential.


21st Century Skills



To be developed

In development

Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Measurement Program

20 21

Students are observed as passionate, engaged learners who are optimistic about school life in general.

Parents are highly satisfied with the schooling their children receive at Arden. They believe Arden provides value for money and the parent community actively refers friends and neighbours.

increaSe Student and parent engagement

StudentS are paSSionate, engaged learnerS.

Our Students and Community


Student Engagement

Parent Engagement

Student Referral


A Grand Mean of 4.4 by 2020, as measured by the Gallup Student Poll*

To be developed

In development

Strategic Initiatives

Student Engagement Program

*Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.22 23

excellence in co-curricular endeavour iS foStered.

value each perSon and develop their unique, god-given potential

Arden genuinely values and nurtures each child, resulting in high levels of wellbeing and resilience.

Excellence in co-curricular endeavour is fostered, resulting in holistically educated, well rounded graduates.

The Christian faith is embedded in all aspects of School life. Each student hears and understands the Gospel and is able to articulate their individual response to the Christian message.

Our Students and Community


Student Wellbeing

Studen Faith


A Grand Mean of 8.82 by 2020, as measured by the Gallup Student Poll*

In development

Strategic Initiatives

*Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


financial giving iS part of the School culture.

optimiSe revenue Year on year enrolment targets are achieved and maintained, Pre-School through to Year 12.

Financial giving to build infrastructure has become part of the involvement culture of the School.

Revenue from other sources is growing, leading to satisfactory debt reduction balanced with targeted investment.

maximiSe efficiency of reSource uSe

Facilities are used optimally for School and non-School use. Staff related expenses and cost drivers are well managed, resulting in expenses maintained at or below budget levels.

Our Finances


Student Enrolment

Total Revenue


Full Enrolment by 2020

Operating surplus of 5% by 2020

Strategic Initiatives

Revenue Generation Program


Budget to Actual Variance


Less than 2% by 2020

Strategic Initiatives

Financial Performance Reporting


Appropriate governance and administrative processes are in place to support the delivery of high quality outcomes. School capacity has been built in reporting, customer service, budget management and project management.

continuouSly improve all key proceSSeS

School capacity haS Been Built.

Our Processes


% Process Improvements Implemented On Time


To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Plan and and Associated Reporting Processes

Budget Process Development

28 29

Arden is a collaborative teaching and learning environment with a school-wide approach to pedagogy. Research and evidence-based teaching practices are encouraged in all classrooms to ensure that every student is engaged, challenged and learning successfully.

Teaching practice is informed by individual student strengths, learning styles, interest, prior knowledge and gender differences which are used to maximise learning. There is a strong link evident between teaching and learning, assessment, programming and reporting.

Teachers and School Leaders take personal and collective responsibility for improving student learning, working as a team and learning from each other’s practice.

Strengthen teaching and learning practice

evidence-BaSed teaching practiceS are encouraged.


Evidence of Student Problem Solving / Critical Thinking

Peer Evaluation


To be developed

To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Teaching & Learning Review School-Wide Approach to Pedagogy Project (SWAPP)Australian Curriculum

Strengths Based Teaching and Learning

Academic Partnerships

Our Processes

30 31

arden iS connecting Well With the community.

improve communication internal & external

Arden’s brand is connecting well with the community and presenting a distinct positioning for the School.

All external communications – advertising, marketing material, online, PR and social media are working together to present a coherent, attractive message that is cost effectively raising enrolments to targeted levels.

Internal communication is enabling authentic community dialogue. Parents, students and staff are respected by the School, their feedback is sought and their voices are heard in decisions that affect them.

All stakeholders are able to access key information online with ease, in a timely manner and in a way that matches their expectations.


Parent Satisfaction with Communications

Staff Satisfaction with Communications


To be developed

To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

School-wide Marketing Strategy

Operational Reporting and Database System Improvement

Our Processes


Strengthen relationShipS acroSS our community

The School actively seeks ways to enhance student learning and wellbeing by partnering with parents and families, other education and training institutions, local businesses and community organisations to improve opportunities and outcomes for students.

Parents and families are supported as a family unit and are recognised as partners in their children’s education. There is a high level of family involvement across all aspects of school life.

All stakeholders are committed to positive and caring relationships because of their importance to successful student learning. High levels of trust, a strong sense of belonging and pride in the school are apparent across the Arden community.

parentS are partnerS in their child’S education.


Student Retention


To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Community Capacity Building Seminar Program

Before/After School Care, Vacation Care Review

Student Transition Program

Our Processes


Each child’s unique strengths are recognised with students encouraged to excel in areas of personal interest/ability/giftedness. Individual learning needs are addressed across both academic and co-curricular areas.

Students feel a strong sense of belonging and connectedness to their peers and the broader School community. Arden is known for its integrated pastoral care which focuses on the wellbeing of each and every student.

Students are educated in a Christian context where they are encouraged to explore their spiritual life, discover their leadership potential, connect with the community and develop their sense of global citizenship.

Strengthen caring, holiStic, integrated chriStian approacheS

StudentS are educated in a chriStian context and develop a SenSe of gloBal citizenShip.


Parent and Student Satisfaction with Pastoral Care System

Student Strengths


To be developed

To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Measurement of Student and Parent Satisfaction with Pastoral Care System

Student Strengths Program

Strengths in Student Leadership

Our Processes

36 37

BeSt poSSiBle teacherS, expertS in their SuBjectS.

attract and retain high quality Staff

Arden seeks to attract, retain and develop dedicated, highly effective, values-oriented staff to all positions in the School.

The School aims to attract and retain the best possible teachers, who are experts in the subjects they teach and highly committed to the continuous improvement of their teaching practice, who have a passion for teaching and learning and who believe in the unique value of each student in their care.


Staff Engagement


A Grand Mean of 4.17 by 2020, as measured by the Gallup Q12® Employee Engagement Survey*

Strategic Initiatives

Measure Staff Engagement and Satisfaction with Resources

Staff Management Program

Recruitment Program

HR Analytics

Our People and Resources

*Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Arden’s ethos is of high expectations and a commitment to academic excellence.

Staff are united in their commitment to improving the quality of teaching and learning, are active partners in their professional development and have embraced a reflective, school-wide evaluation and ongoing development program that nurtures skilled, passionate practitioners who are part of a collaborative team.

enhance Staff effectiveneSS

Skilled, paSSionate teaching practitionerS.


Staff Appraisal

Staff Effectiveness


To be developed

To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Staff Appraisal Program

Our People and Resources


There is a happy, optimistic climate in the School.

Communication is consistent, decisions are made transparently and equitably, staff are safe, and their workload is supportive of sustained teaching effectiveness.

A high priority is placed on staff wellbeing.

promote a culture of Staff WellBeing

a high priority iS placed on Staff WellBeing.


Staff Wellbeing



To be developed

To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Review of Roles and Conditions

Staff Wellbeing Program

Our People and Resources

42 43

The Principal and other leaders are united, passionate and explicit about their improvement agenda for the School. There is a strong collegial culture of mutual trust and support between staff and school leaders.

All levels of governance are committed to embodying the Christian values of the School and a culture of servant minded leadership is fostered at all levels.

develop a culture of Service and chriStian leaderShip

a culture of Servant minded leaderShip iS foStered.


Effective Christian Leadership


To be developed

Strategic Initiatives

Leadership Program

School Council Development Program

Values Program

Our People and Resources

44 45

Staff are equipped With excellent reSourceS.

optimiSe learning SpaceS and reSourceS

Arden has optimised its built environment, creating attractive, inspiring, flexible learning spaces, reflective of its learning culture.

Staff are equipped with excellent resources and technology has been fully integrated into the learning environment.


Staff Satisfaction with Resources


A Grand Mean of 4.1 by 2020, as measured by the Gallup Q12® Employee Engagement Survey*

Strategic Initiatives

Buildings and Facilities Master Plan

Technology Master Plan

Our People and Resources

*Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


an anglican School for girlS and BoyS

pre-School and primary School

39-43 Wongala Crescent Beecroft NSW 2119

T. 02 9484 1146

Secondary School

50 Oxford Street Epping NSW 2121

T. 02 9869 2644

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