social media marketing tips for writers, authors & book publishers

Post on 06-May-2015






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DESCRIPTION How To Develop a Fan Base On Facebook and Twitter & Launch and Promote Your Next Book With Social Media. We look at the major social media platforms and look at different tactics to market your book or ebook with social media including YouTube. This can be for self publishers or in conjunction with a publisher. Includes Two Author Case Studies 1. Guy Kawasaki -"'Enchantment" 2. Tim Ferriss - "The 4 Hour Work Week"



Social Media for Writers Don’t Wait To Be “Picked”

Facebook: Jeffbullas.comBlog: Twitter: @jeffbullas

How To Develop a Fan Base On Facebook and Twitter & Launch and Promote Your Next Book With Social Media


Introduction: The Web’s Growth


Introduction: The Web The Numbers: What has happened since 1995?

First Website in 1990 130 Web Sites in 1993 16 Million Users in 1995 738 Million Internet users in Asia in December 2009 252 Million Internet users in North America in 2009 1.8 Billion Users in 2010 234 Million Websites in 2010 247 Billion – Average number of email messages per day 90 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2009 30 Billion – Photos uploaded to Facebook per year 2010


Introduction: Google The Number One Site on the Web


Introduction Social Media – Video

Video: Social Media Revolution


Some Social Media Facts Facebook has 650 plus Million Users Facebook has grown by 100 million users in last 9 months If Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd largest in the

world The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65 year-old

females There are over 155 Million Blogs Over 30 Billion YouTube Videos are viewed every month In 2010 Gen Y will outnumber Baby Boomers..96% joined a

social network The 2nd largest search engine in the world is YouTube Twitter received 74 Million unique visitors in January, 2010 Twitter passed the 10 Billion Tweets mark in March 2010


Social Media Universe


Social Media Universe

Social Media Amplifies your content.


Social Media Universe

Social Media provides low friction, minimal cost, high leverage “World of Mouth” & spreads your content and message fast and wide.


Social Media Universe: What Technology is Driving The Growth?

Hardware Platforms Laptops Netbooks Smartphones iPad – coming

Software – Open Source and open API’s

Broadband – Faster Cheaper

Processors – Speed doubles every 12 mths

Hard Disks – Larger & Cheaper

YouTube Video: My Blackberry Is Not Working


Social Media:Your Blog as Your Home Base


Social Media:

Why Blog?

To establish a home base Great for personal branding Eg.”” Position you as a thought leader in your niche Establishes Authority Google likes fresh unique content Easy to use


Social Media:

Why Use Facebook?

•Personal – Fun keeping in touch with friends easily and efficiently•Business – Generating fans spreading your unique content, blogs, videos•Pages and Groups •Multi-Media rich•Easy To Use•Growing at over 600,000 users per day and currently over 400 million users•YouTube Video


Social Media:

Why Use Twitter? Communicating quickly and virally Distributing content Connecting Promoting Facebook, Blogs, Websites Real time search

Note: More than 225 million Twitter Users 2011


Social Media:

Why Use Linked In?

Over 100 Million professionals are members worldwide Great for networking professionally Finding Opportunities Positioning you as an Expert Integrate your other sites including company, blog and facebook

Average income of LinkedIn member: over $100,000


Social Media:

Why Use YouTube?

Second Largest Search engine in the world Easier to rank higher in organic search than Google Important if you are connecting to “Gen Y” Free Easy to use


So you have written your book!

What next?


Ideas and Tips To Promote Your Book On the Major Social Media Channels


Growing & Optimising Your Social Media Audience and Assets

“before you even write your book”







Optimizing Your Social Media

Facebook has over 650 million Members Use a group or page profile for your business Choose a vanity URL eg “” Exclusive offers for Fans only is great Fan bait – to read the first chapter

you have to ‘like’ the page When you post content, always include video or imagery. Facebook users

are very visual. Publish fresh content at least 2-3 times per week Analyze, iterate and optimize using the Facebook Insights Tool

Tip: Start building a Facebook Fan following and grow your tribe on Facebook. Make it easy for people to ‘like’ your page on your blog, email and other online properties. So when you launch your book you have Facebook fanbase.


Optimizing Your Social Media

Over 225 Million Users in February, 2011

Include a photo on your Twitter account In the account settings, be sure to add your Facbook or Website’s URL Write a “Great Headline” Place a retweet button on your blog articles and integrate your Twitter URL within your

site’s Global Footer, which appears at the bottom of every page of your site. Both of these options offer usability to your site visitors and help drive your Twitter URL up in the search engines.

Include “Follow me on Twitter” buttons on your emails and blog Leave at least 20 characters spare (make your tweet no longer than 120 charcters), so

that it allows room for people to “Retweet” your “Tweet” with comments like “Great post” Almost always include a link back to your blog, or Facebook page in your tweet (don’t

waste a Tweet), this is a significant traffic driver for bloggers.

Tip: Develop a targeted Twitter following even before writing and launching your book for more on this read


Optimizing Your Social Media

Comscore announced in August, 2009 that over 25.4 Billion video views ocurred in the USA alone in 1 month

Create your own YouTube Channel In your description section for your video, always put your link to

your Blog, Facebook fanpage or your website to make it easy for people to link back to your site

Put the category such as [Social Media Marketing] in Brackets before each Title of your video

Put “Tags” in your video tags section, make them relevant to your video title, fill up your tag allotment quota allowed and optimize them

Again promote your YouTube video on Twitter and place them on your blog in a Video or YouTube Channel section

Tip: Get a well known person (s) to review prior to launch


Optimizing Your Social Media

According to Wikipedia there are over 155 million blogs worldwide

Buy your own domain name not a subdomain or name under typepad or wordpress .. buying a homebase is a lot better than renting one.

Purchase a theme such as WordPress theme that can be optimised for SEO such as URL’s and  meta descriptions

Post content regularly (at least once a week) .. Search engines love new unique content

Promote your Blog on Twitter regularly (Google now has real time search feed into Twitter API)

Include share buttons to other social media channels on  each blog post so visitors can add your blog and posts

Start building your email subscriber database

Tip: Start a blog and publish and promote blog posts and developing multimedia rich content for your target audience before writing and promoting you book


Optimizing Your Social Media

There are now over 100 million members on LinkedIn Create a public profile (don’t lock it away) Use the questions and answers feature to start conversations, create

community, and Position yourself as a Thought Leader or expert by answering questions, This can also be used to drive traffic to your blog when you leave your answer or

when you place your question. In your homepage activate your Twitter and LinkedIn interfaces. Activate your blog feed to your homepage on linkedIn Make sure your websites and blogs (you can enter 3) includes My Company,

My Blog ( and My Facebook “Page” URLs

Tip: integrate your blog posts and Twitter into LinkedIn and update your posts on LinkedIn. Also you can participate in one of the 900,000 groups that is suitable for your target audience


Marketing With Social Media

Video: Social Media ROI: Socialnomics


Writer Case Studies

Case Study One:Tim Ferriss Book: The 4 Hour Work Week

Case Study Two:Guy Kawasaki Book: Enchantment


Case Study OneTim Ferriss: Four Hour Work Week

His 4 Key Secrets

1.Know Your Target Audience2.Produce Evergreen Content3.Reach out Personally to Bloggers 4.Give Away so much you are UncomfortableResourcesThe 4 Social Media Marketing Secrets Of A New York Times Best Seller


Case Study Two

Guy Kawasaki: Enchantment

12 Social Media & Other Marketing Tactics Guy Kawasaki Implemented To Launch & Promote his book “Enchantment”


Case Study TwoGuy Kawasaki - “Enchantment”

1. Facebook -

2. Website/Blog -

3. Review Copies – 20,000 bloggers invited,1,600 copies sent, 150 interviews, 200 reviews of the book

4. Email Marketing – 160,000 emails5. Pay Per Click – Google Adwords6. Photo Contest – 1,150 entries, 35,000 visits, 70,000 entry views, and 10,500 votes

7. Quizzes- 700 took the Facebook version, 2,900 took the website version

8. Infographic -

9. Badges, Buttons and Stickers - 10.Wallpapers - 11.PowerPoint - 12.Thank You Slideshow – YouTube


Four Major Benefits of Social Media

1.Immediate2.Leverage3.Longevity4.Creates a valuable online asset


The Future of Books?

•What is a Book?•Is the Convenience of the eBook enough?•What is a Book Worth?•Is a 400 Page Book an Obligation•Niche Books are becoming a Profitable •Is this the Future of Books?

More ResourcesIs This The Future of Books The Ipad Digital Interactive Book

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