social tools for the organization

Post on 17-May-2015






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Social tools can help your business develop and maintain relationships, but in addition, you’re going to need to have some common interests with your communities and the people you’ll interact with.


Assembling the Organization’s Social Tools

As with everything on the Internet, the field of social technology is maturing quickly!

We all know the more familiar social sites – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, and others – but of course you know there are 100’s of very useful and effective social sites and tools that can be just as useful as these giants?

Some of these tools are topic or industry-based, such as for realtors, for auto dealers, or for sales professionals.

Social tools can help your business develop and maintain relationships, but in addition, you’re going to need to have some common interests with your communities and the people you’ll interact with.

If you sell kitchen appliances, you’re much better off getting involved with a community built around cooking!

A business has to engage others to be successful in the social realm. Social communities won’t stand for spam or blatant advertising – that’s not why people are there.

People use social sites to explore their own personal world, not yours.

The idea is to become a part of their world, to become a part of their lifestream, and not try to bring them into yours.

Engage in conversation Engage in relationships Engage in sharing

Starting discussions is the easiest step you can take to engage your audience. Make it a topic that’s not necessarily directly related to your business, but be sure you have plenty to say and offer on the subject – the better the discussion, the longer it will go on, and therefore the better for your business.

Social sites designed for connecting with people:

Social sites designed for business professionals:

Aggregate, Not Aggravate

Developing relationships and keeping all of these new engagements fresh and exciting can be a daunting task, to say the least. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tool that would make managing it all easier and less time consuming? Here are a few…

Listen Quietly

Finding discussions and topics where others are talking about your products or services is a more recent area where social tools are becoming increasingly useful and valuable to our businesses. People are most honest in casual settings.

To listen and find these conversations here are a few sites to get you started :

How to Measure Success

Measuring success of your social efforts is an interesting aspect of your company’s social program.

Here are a few social measurement tools that you can incorporate into your social program.

Social SEO

Something else to consider regarding all of these conversations and discussions floating around out there about your business, products, or services… for the most part, it all will eventually one day get indexed into the major search engines, and in turn, could potentially improve your search engine listings, page ranks, and other areas of your SEO campaigns.

The Social Channel

Social Media platforms provide us with content-serving tools that many people are familiar with in their daily routines of checking news or entertaining themselves.

Creating media such as instructional videos, entertaining low-budget commercial, or a slideshow of a house for sale are all great ways to engage your customers.

Pass It On!

Bookmarking has become social. People like to save and share high value content. Social Bookmarking is becoming increasingly important in search engine ranking.

The philosophy is that the more people who are bookmarking your site, the more relevant and important it is, and therefore it gets better ranking.

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Technology never stops evolving and we never stop following it. Led by international technology speaker Scott Klososky, we’re a team relentlessly focused on capturing and translating ways organizations can use technology to win markets, adapt cultures, and remain ahead of the curve for years to come. From public and private workshop tracks to full-scale organizational technology assessments and digital outreach blueprint strategies, we’ve got enterprise technology growth covered.

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