some of my older work

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Sandra Augustin portfolio

MIX 08 Event Invitation

The objective was to create a design that integrated the vibrant style of the MIX 08 Web site with the flair of the event’s Las Vegas venues, the Venetian Resort Hotel and Tao Restaurant, that is applicable to html & print purpose.

My role was to conceptualize a design for the invitation, apply it to print and web and coordinate all printing efforts. In addition I created web banners, posters and promotional materials within the given MIX 08 branding guidelines.

More than 100 reporters and analysts from 15 countries were onsite. The MIX VIP party was a hit, with more than 200 people attending.

Print: VIP invitation, posters, promotional items

Web: html VIP invite, web banners

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, MS Outlook

Sandra Augustin portfolio

Waggener Edstrom Worldwide HR Materials

The objective was to develop a current look and feel for Waggener Edstrom Worldwide’s HR onboarding materials that fit within the overall WE branding guidelines.

My role was to collaborate with HR partners to develop the new Total Rewards brand and create two onboarding brochures, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint templates, ongoing collateral, and intranet web banners. I also created ads that coordinated with the new look and feel. As the lead designer on this project I handled all communication with our internal client and coordinated print efforts.

The internal feedback was 100% positive, and HR partners were pleased to be able to work with materials and templates that had a consistent look and feel accross geographies.

Print: HR brochure & booklet, yearly personalized income brochure,

collateral for European and US offices, advertisement

Web: web banners

Presentation: internal HR PowerPoint presentations

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, MS Powerpoint, MS Word

Sandra Augustin portfolio

mayan journey

NetHope Organizational Update 2008 & 2009

The objective was to design the Annual Report 2008 for NetHope, a non-profit organization bringing technology to developing countries.

My role was to develop the overall design and format of the report. I handled all design aspects of the project and oprint production oversight. As we used many images provided by the client (many of which were not done by a professional photographer) this project involved significant Photoshop work to ensure all images were consistent in color etc.

The client was very pleased with the overall design and decided to continue using it for the updated 2009 report. The feedback of the stakeholders at their conference was unanimously positive.

Print: Annual Report 2008 & 2009

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

Sandra Augustin portfolio

HP TouchSmart Digital Brochure

The objective was to use a digital format to give a sneak peak of HP TouchSmart products to key players in the Asian market before the information was published online.

I worked closely with the Singapore office to put together this digital announcement. The design of the brochure is derived from the HP TouchSmart branding. With a tight timeline and two external clients as well as the project manager being located in Singapore, one of the key components was to ensure that client feedback was implemented in a timely manner.

The clients were very pleased with the project flow as well as the end product. The roll out was a success resulting in outstanding news coverage in the Asian market.

Web: interactive pdf & flash brochure (created from InDesign file)

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, InDesign

Sandra Augustin portfolio

Unilever Training Materials

The objective was to create training materials for upper level leadership trainings for Unilever, that seamlessly blend into the Unilever look and feel while establishing Mercer Delta ELC as a partner for their management training needs.

I used elements of the Unilever brand and put them together in a compelling way to create cover and divider pages for multiple workbooks, a PowerPoint presentation template, and posters. I also was responsible for book and presentation layout and decided on all printing processes and materials.

Mercer Delta ELC successfully rolled out the program for Unilever in 2005. Since then Mercer Delta ELC has developed a lasting relationship with Unilever, partnering with Unilever’s internal Academy to teach leadership skills to their middle manage

Print: training workbooks, posters

Presentation: PowerPoint presentation for a total of five days of training

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPess, MS PowerPoint

Sandra Augustin portfolio

Novartis Training Materials

The objective was to design and lay out training materials for a series of upper leadership trainings.

I was involved in determining training material needs and setting up production time lines. I was responsible for the design of covers and divider pages as well as the layout of various training manual (pictured to the left materials from the ELI Training). Another large part of the project was the design and layout of accompanying PowerPoint presentations.I coordinated and oversaw print production for all printed materials.

Mercer Delta ELC successfully rolled out these leadership programs and all materials were very well received by internal and external clients.

Print: training books, posters, collateral

Presentation: PowerPoint training presenations

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, QuarkXPess, MS PowerPoint

Sandra Augustin portfolio

Mercer Delta Folder & CD

The objective was to create a sophisticated folder and CD used for all upper management training programs, that integrated seamlessly with the new Mercer Delta identity and were compatible with client branded training materials.

My role was to come up with the design for a presentation folder and CD. As part of this project I researched materials, chose printing techniques, and oversaw print production.

The folder and CD replaced the prior design. By carefully choosing paper, print house and printing techniques (metallic inks and embossing) both added a touch of exclusiveness to all programs held by Mercer Delta ELC.

Print: Mercer Delta folder & CD

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Sandra Augustin portfolio

In Search of Growth

The objective was to design a booklet and PowerPoint presentation for a study on organic growth directed towards top-tier management. First we produced an edition for the initial study participants. Later a comprised publication was used to pitch trainings to clients.

I interfaced with internal clients in Portland and off site to ensure objectives and time lines were met. The process involved conceptualizing the design, setting up layout, choosing artwork, and deciding on print processes and materials.

Mercer Delta ELC successfully started to sell programs on Organic Growth to top companies.

Print: book, brochure, reports

Presentation: PowerPoint training presenation

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

Sandra Augustin portfolio

Blindskills Inc.

The objective was to create a fresh and meaningful identity as well as to update a publication cover. For the golf brochure the objective was to update the design to draw in new sponsors. For all projects it was important to keep the production costs to a minimum.

I designed the new Blindskills Inc. logo, and implemented it on business cards and various other collaterals. To make the business cards useful to their visually impaired clientele, the name is also imprinted in Braille. I also came up with a new cover design for Dialogue, a bi-monthly publication, and designed a marketing brochure for the yearly golf tournament.

Blindskills Inc. now has a visual identity and has been able to market their services to a larger community. The golf tournament in 2006 enabled Blindskills Inc. to raise money beyond their expectations.

Print: folder, business cards, brochure, and other collateral

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, InDesign

Sandra Augustin portfolio

periodic table

Columbia Sportswear Foldout

The objective was to design a foldout that categorized the Women’s Sportswear line of Spring 2004 by time of delivery and cross-referenced the page where each product could be found in the corresponding catalog.

I was responsible for design and layout of the foldout using the existing branding of the season. This was the first season a foldout like this was used as a sales tool in addition to the catalogues.

This foldout was a great planning tool for buyers, showing them when they can expect a specific color/style to be delivered. Columbia adapted the concept for other lines as well.

Print: foldout brochure

Programs used: Adobe InDesign

Sandra Augustin portfolio

PowerPoint templates

On this and the following page you can see a small sample of PowerPoint presentations I have created for Waggener Edstrom Worldwide. Due to the at times confidential nature of these presentations some of the contenthas been replaced with placeholder text.

I am well versed in Microsoft PowerPoint from basic text formatting, and creating custom graphs/charts to inserting video and other media, timing slide transistions and costum animations, to arrange that all content will show well when projected as well as when printed.

To ensure that a presentation looks well put together I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for image preparation and initial design. While using the Adobe Suite to enhance/prepare images and design charts/graphs I always arrange, that graph & chart data in the presentation is live and can be edited by every stakeholder involved in a project.

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Adoble Illustrator, MS PowerPoint

Sandra Augustin portfolio

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