spoken english for international business episode one: arrival of the americans comprehension...

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Spoken English for International Business

Episode One: Arrival of the Americans

Comprehension questions:

Section 1

1. Who is Kang Li? Who is Zhonghua Yang?

2. Where were they at the beginning of the story?

3. Who were they waiting for? Where were the guest from?

4. Did the hosts know the guests before?

Episode one:Section 2

5. When did Mr. Bowen arrive?

6. Were the hosts and guests glad to see each other? Why?

7. Why did Mr. Li have to leave earlier?

Episode one: Section 3

8. What was Mr. Bowen’s preference for seat?

9.Where was the airport?

10. Why was Mr. Yang amazed?

11. In what kind of hotel were the guest going to stay?

Topic for discussion

1. If you have guests coming from afar, do you usually go to airport or railway station to meet them?

2. Do you think it is important to meet your guests at the airport or the railway station when they arrive and see them off when they leave? Justify your answer.

Episode Two

Comprehension questions:

Section 1

1. What did Mr. Yang do first after arriving at the hotel? Why?

2. What did Mr. Yang reserve for the guests?

3. What kind of rooms did the guests prefer? What did they actually have?

4. How did the guests and their baggage get to their rooms?

Episode Two: Section Two

5. How did Mr. Bowen like his room?

6. What did Mr. Yang want to discuss with the guests?

7. How long would the guests stay in China?

8. What would they do for the first two days? Why?

9. What would the Americans do in the afternoon?

10. Who was Mr. Wang? Why was Bowen interested in an interview with him?

Episode Two: Section 3

11. What would Mr. Dewey do in the afternoon? Why

12. What was planned for the evening? Who would attend?

13. What was the plan for the next day?

14. Why was Mr. Bowen so excited about the tour on the Tiananmen Gate?

Episode Two:Section 4

15. Where would they go next?

16. Would Mr. Bowen go there? Why?

17. What was arranged for the following evening?

18. What would they do from Tuesday on?

19. What did Mr. Yang do after he finished going over the itinerary?

Topic for discussion

1. Do you usually have an itinerary for your visiting relatives, friends or business acquaintances? If you do, how is the itinerary worked out? What items are usually included in the itinerary? Are itineraries for your business acquaintances different from those for your relative and friends

Episode 3: At the Dinner

Section 1:

1. Where was the dinner?

2. What were the titles of the people attending the dinner?

Episode 3: Section 2

3. What kind of drinks did the attendant have to offer?

4. Why was Mr. Bowen surprised?

5. What other changes did Mr. Bowen notice?

6. What did Mr. Li suggest for the use of chopsticks?

7. What did the guest decide to use? Why

Episode 3: Section 3

8. Why was Mr. Dewey so good at using chopsticks?

9.What did Mr. Li toast to? What was Mr. Bowen’s toast to?

10. What was Mapodoufu?

Episode 3: Section 4

11. Why was Mr. Li’s joy beyond expression?

12. Why was Mr. Bowen a pioneer in the US trade with China?

13. How had the relationship between the companies been since their first contact?

14. What was Mr. Li’s belief?

15. What did he toast to?

Episode 3: Section 5

16.What was Mr. Bowen told about the Chinese?

17. What was his impression now?

18. What joke did he crack?

19. What was he excited about?

20. What would he like to do?

21. What was his toast to?

Episode 3: Section 6

22. Why couldn’t the guest have more food?

23. What was served at the end of dinner?

24. How did the guests enjoy the dinner?

Episode 4: Sightseeing

Section 1:1.How did Mr. Bowen and Mr. Dewey feel about the Tiananmen Gate?2. Why did the emperors build the gate?3. What was Mr. Dewey’s comment?4. What has the gate witnessed?5. Why is the gate important to the Chinese?

Episode 4: Section 2

6. What are the buildings on and around the square? What are they for?

7. What did Mr. Bowen find amazing?

8. Did Mr. Yang agree with Mr. Bowen? Why?

9. How did the guests feel at the end of the gate tour?

Episode 4: Section 3

10. Where did they go next?11. Why did Mr. Bowen have to leave? When would he see Mr. Yang again?12. As what is the former imperial palace better known in the Western countries? Why?13. How is the palace made up? What are the functions of the different courts?14. Why are there 9,999 rooms in the palace?15. How large is the palace?16. What was the Hall of Supreme Harmony for?

Episode 4: Section 4

17. How did Mr. Dewey feel about the throne?

18. What were the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony for?

19. What were the purposes of the imperial examination?

Episode 4: Section 5

20. How was the marble ramp made?

21. What was unusual about it?

22. How was it moved to Beijing?

What was Mr. Yang’s suggestion at the end of the tour?

Episode 5:The Negotiation Starts

Section 11. How did the Americans enjoy the sightseeing?

2. Did they have any complaints?

3. When they came to the negotiation, did they still suffer from jet-lag Why?

4. What did Mr. Li suggest?

Episode 5:Section 2

5. What was Mr. Li’s hope?6. What did Mr. Bowen’s fax of June 2 say?7. What was Mr. Li’s attitude?8. What was Mr. Li’s suggestion for the new contract?9. Did Mr. Bowen agree? Why?10. What was Mr. Li’s explanation?11. Was Mr. Bowen convinced? Why?12. According to Mr. Li, how competitive were Dafa blouses in terms of price?13. What was Mr. Bowen’s only worry?

Episode 5: Section 3

14. What did Mr. Bowen suggest next?

15. What was Mr. Li’s offer?

16. How did Mr. Bowen respond?

17.How did Mr. Bowen and Mr. Dewey feel about Mr. Li’s offer?

18. Why did they feel so?

19. Why did they feel so?

20. What took time to find out, according to Mr. Li?

21. Why did Mr. Bowen send the inquiry to Dafa?

Section 3

22. What would be a competitive price for Mr. Bowen?

23. Why were Dafa blouses worth more than Mr. Bowen’s counter-offer?

24. How did Mr. Li convince Mr. Bowen that Dafa blouses were better than the Filipino ones?

Section 4

25. Why did Mr. Bowen agree to make a concession?26. How did Mr. Li think of the concession?27. What would happen, in Mr. Bowen’s opinion, if the price was raised any further?28. Did Mr. Li think Mr. Bowen was serious? Why?29. How did Mr. Bowen counter Mr. Li’s argument?30. What did Li do to show his goodwill?31. What was Mr. Mr. Bowen’s response?32.Who should, according to Mr. Li, make the next move?33.What kind of situation did Mr. Bowen think he was in?34. What did Mr. Li propose to break the deadlock?35. What did they discuss next?

Episode Six:Price and Terms of Payment

Section 1

1. What did Mr. Li suggest for the terms of payment?

2. Why did Mr. Bowen want to make a change?

3. Why would L/C give the best protection to the exporters?

4. Why was the case different with Willshire Fashion?

5. Why was Mr. Li reluctant to accept D/A or D/P?

Section 2

6. How did Mr. Bowen explain his position?

7. Do you agree with Mr. Li that a business firm’s future is somewhat unpredictable?

8. Why couldn’t Mr. Bowen go along with Mr. Li?

9. What did he suggest?

10. What did Mr. Li suggest?

Episode Six:Section 3

11. What news did Mr. Li have for Mr. Bowen in the afternoon?

12. Why did Mr. Li accept Mr. Bowen’s proposal for terms of payment?

13. What did he hope?

14. What did he suggest they discuss next?

15. What did the two sides differ in when Mr. Li was reviewing their negotiation?

16. Who, according to Mr. Li, should take the next step?

Episode Six: Section 4

17. How did Mr. Bowen respond?

18. Why did Mr. Li take the risk in terms of payment?

19. What was Mr. Bowen’s concession?

20. Why did Mr. Li think Mr. Bowen was too pessimistic?

21. Did Mr. Bowen make further concessions?

22. What did Mr. Yang suggest when the negotiation came to a deadlock?

Episode Six: Section 5

23. What did Mr. Li do during the break? What did he find?

24. What didn’t he like to see?

25. What did he propose?

26. Did Mr. Bowen accept the proposal at first?

27. Why did he finally accept it?

28. What was the final agreement?


1. Work in groups of three. Plan a trip to Qingdao. Talk about the transportation, length of stay, accommodation and other related arrangements for the trip. Don’t stay on one topic for too long. See who can change and return to the original topics most often and most appropriately.

2. Work in pairs. One of you represents a Chinese company exporting toys, the other an American toy wholesaler. Negotiate an agreement on exporting 20,000 toys cars to the USA.

Role Play

Work in groups of four. Two of you act as Chinese exporters and the other two as Canadian importers. Give each of you an appropriate title. The Canadian want to buy 30,000 pounds of Chinese black tea. Now, negotiate for an agreement on this. Each side should prepare well for the negotiate. You are free in conducting the negotiation, but make sure that all the expressions you use are appropriate. The most important thing is: make the negotiation realistic.

Episode Seven: Delivery and Claim

Section 1

1. How did Mr. Li and Mr. Bowen differ on delivery?

2. Why couldn’t Mr. Li promise to deliver earlier?

3. Why did Mr. Bowen insist on early delivery?

Why would it take so long to clear the customs?

Episode Seven:

Section 1

1.       How did Mr Bowen differ on delivery?

2.       Why couldn’t Mr Li promise to deliver earlier?

3.       Why did Mr Bowen insist on early delivery?

4.       Why would it take so long to clear the customs?

Section 2

1.       Why couldn’t Mr Bowen have placed the order earlier?

2.       What were the garments makers competing in ? Why?

3.       Why was it difficult for Mr Li to deliver earlier?

4.       What did Mr Bowen suggest?

5.       What was the date of delivery they mutually agreed upon?

Section 3

1.       How had the relationship between Dafa Garments and Willshire fashion been in the past years?

2.       Why did Mr Bowen insist on the inclusion of a claim clause?

3.       What example did Mr Bowen use to support his argument?

4.       According to Mr Bowen, what might be the main causes for claims?

Section 41.       What kind of problems did Dafa Garments have in quality?2.       What was Mr Li’s explanation?3.       Was it satisfactory to Mr Bowen? Why?4.       Did Mr Bowen insist on the claim clause so that someday he would invoke it? What was his reason?5.       What kind defects did Mr Bowen list?

Section 5

1.       What was Mr Li’s way to categorize the defects/

Section 6

2.       What were the penalty rates Mr Li proposed?

3.       What was Mr Bowen’s schedule for penalty?

4.       How did Mr Li respond to Mr Bowen’s schedule? Why?


Episode Eight

Section 1

1.       What did Mr Li and Mr Bowen do in the following morning?

2.       How did Mr Li fell about the contract?

3.       In Mr Bowen’s opinion, what should be done to further their relationship?

4.       What has changed in the requirement for delivery?

5.       What would happen if clients’ needs were not satisfied?

6.       What problem did Mr Li have in speeding up delivery?

Section 2

1.       Would new machines make a difference? Why?

2.       Why didn’t Mr Li buy newer and better machines?

3.       Could Mr Li take out a hard currency loan in China?

Section 3

1.       What was the option which often came to Mr Li’s mind recently?

2.       Was Mr Bowen enthusiastic about the option? Why?

3.       What would be the benefit to Mr Bowen if this option worked out?

4.       What did Mr Li suggest for the time being?

5.       What would the letter of intent say?

Section 4

1.       When did Mr Bowen call Mr Li?

2.       What had he done after he returned to the US/

3.       Did Mr Bowen’s colleagues like the idea of compensation trade?

Section 5

1.       What were Mr Bowen’s colleagues concerned about?

2.       Did Mr Li understand the implications?

3.       What did Mr Bowen’s colleagues suggest? What was the rationale?

4.       Was Mr Li convinced at once?

5.       What was Mr Bowen’s explanation?

6.       What did Mr Bowen suggest?

Section 6

1.       What else did Mr Bowen suggest?

2.       When, in Mr Bowen’s opinion, should Mr Li go to the US?

3.       What did Mr Bowen ask Mr Li for at end of the telephone conversation? What would be instruct his secretary to do?


Episode Nine

Section 1

1.       Why did Mr Bowen call Mr Li?

2.       Which flight did Mr Li plan to take?

3.       What precaution did Mr Li take before their visit? Why?

4.       What else did Mr Li ask Mr Yang to do?

Section 2

1.       How was Air China’s Monday flight?

2.       What was United Airlines’ answer?

Section 3

1.       Which class did Mr Yang book?

2.       Why did Mr Yang have to pick up the tickets three days in advance?

3.       Why did Mr Li ask Mr Yang to send fax to Mr Bowen?

Section 4

1.       What did Mr Li have to show at the check-in desk?

2.       Which seat did Mr Li choose?

3.       Could Mr Yang carry his handbag on board? Why?

Section 5

1.       Who was David Jackson? Why was he amazed?

2.       What happened during Mr Jackson’s visit to China?

Episode Ten

Section 1

1.       What are needed, according to the script, to enter the US?

2.       What kind of gift did Mr Yang want to bring into the US?

3.       What is not allowed to take into the US? Do you know why?

Section 2

1.       What kind of rooms did Mr Dewey reserve for the Chinese?

2.       What was the rate?

3.       Where could the guests have meals?

Section 3

1.       Why couldn’t Mr Bowen come to the airport to meet the Chinese?

2.       How did the Chinese like their rooms?

3.       What was the itinerary proposed by Mr Bowen?

Section 4

1.       Whom did Mr Li call?

2.       What kind of party would there be at the Chinese Consulate? Who were going to attend?

Section 5

1.       What kind of functions did the mailbox have?

2.       How much was the postage?

3.       How many types of US coins are there?

4.       What was needed to change coins at the change machine? What kind of money did Mr Yang have?

Episode Eleven

Section 1

1.       What was agreed on in the letter of intent?

2.       What was further agreed on ?

3.       How did the two parties differ in who should finance the compensation trade? Did they finally settle the difference?

Section 2

1.       What led Mr Bowen to assume that the compensation would take six months to complete

2.       What was Mr Bowen actually worried about?

3.       What was Mr Li’s suggestion?

4.       Was it acceptable to Mr Bowen? Why?

Section 3

1.       Why did Mr Bowen insist that they agree on the financial arrangement before they visit the factories?

2.       How much was the upper limit that was finally agreed upon by the two parties?

Section 4

1.       What did they work on next?

2.       What was Mr Li’s suggestion for the payment arrngement?

3.       Was it acceptable to Mr Bowen? Why?

4.       What were the advantages and disadvantages of such an arrangement?

5.       What was Mr Bowen’s suggestion for payment arrangement? Was it OK to Mr Li?

6.       What’s Mr Li’s suggestion for terms of payment?

7.       What’s Mr Bowen’s preference? Why?

Section 51.       What guarantee did Mr Li ask Mr Bowen for? Why?2.       Was Mr Bowen’s response a guarantee to Mr Li? Why?3.       What other reasons did the parties use to support their arguments?4.       What’s Mr Bowen’s proposal at the end of the meeting?

Episode Twelve

Section 11.       What did Mr Li and Mr Bowen accomplish the day before?2.       Which factory did they visit first?3.       How old was the factory? Why did the owner want to sell his machines?4.       How many machines did Mr Moro show to the guests?5.       How long had they been in use?6.       According to Mr Moro, how were their conditions?

Section 2

1.       How much did Mr Moro want to charge for the machines?

2.       How did Mr Moro calculate the depreciation?

Section 3

1.       What did they order for lunch?

Section 4

1.       Why was Mr Li surprised at Ho’s Clothing?

2.       How was Mr Ho’s business? Why did the want to sell his machines?

Section 5

1.       What could the computer-dided designing system do?

2.       What could the computerized embroidering machine do?

Section 61.       How much did Mr Ho charge for his machines? Why?2.       Which example did Mr Ho use to support his claim?3.       What was the quotation by China Textile Machinery Corp.?4.       What was Mr Li’s counter offer?

Section 7

1.       How did Mr Li compare the machines he saw?

2.       What did an insider tell Mr Bowen?

3.       What was Mr Bowen’s conclusion?

Episode Thirteen

Section 1

1.       Why did Mr Bowen and Mr Li go back to Mr Ho’s office?

2.       What did Mr Li want to add to the contract?

3.       What else did Mr Li suggest?

4.       Who would be sent to oversee the dismantlement of the machines?

5.       Would it be easy to send the chief engineer over? Why did Mr Li insist on this?

Section 2

1.       Did Mr Bowen and Mr Ho conclude a contract?

2.       How much was the total payment for the machines?

3.       Who would draft the final agreement? Why?

4.       When would the agreement be signed?

Section 31.       What did the Chinese decide to do after Mr Bowen left?2.       Where did Mr Yang want to go for entertainment on Saturday?3.       What did they decide to see Firday evening?4.       Is there, according to Mr Li, a typical American dinner? Why?

Section 4

1.       Where did they have their dinner?

2.       What did Mr Li order? What did Mr Yang order?

Section 5

1.       Did Mr Yang enjoy his dinner? How can you tell?

2.       How much was the dinner and how much was the tip?

3.       What did they ask waiter about? What did the waiter tell them?

Section 6

1.       What kind of movie did they see?

2.       Where did they talk about with the taxi driver?

Section 7

1.       How did they get back to the hotel from the cinema? Why?

2.       What did they talk about with the taxi driver?

Episode Fourteen

Section 1

1.       What did Mr Li and Mr Yang do before going to bed? Why?

Section 21.       Did they have a good sleep the previous night?2.       Where did they have their breakfast? What did they order?3.       What did they do after breakfast?4.       What kind of tickets did they buy? Why?

Section 3

1.       What was the first thing they saw in Disneyland?

2.       How many picture did they take?

3.       What did they do next? How did Mr Yang like the experience?

Section 4

1.       Why , according to your opinion, did they have to tear themselves away from the park?

2.       Where did they go next? How did they get there?

3.       What did Mr Li give to Mrs Bowen? Did she like it ?

Section 5

15.How was Alice’s song?

1.       Do you think that Mr Li could sing well?

Episode Fifteen

Section 1

1.       What did Mr Bowen prepare for the Chinese at the beginning of the meeting?

2.       How did Mr Li feel about the draft as a whole?

3.       What was the main point of Mr Li’s proposal?

4.       What was Mr Bowen’s reaction?

Section 2

1.       What change did Mr Li want to make? Was it fair? Explain.

2.       What was the final agreement on the way of payment?

Section 3

1.       Was Mr Bowen happy with that? Why?

2.       What did Mr Li say to cheer Mr Bowen up?

3.       Was Mr Bowen convinced?

Section 4

1.       What did they discuss next?

2.       What did Mr Li want to do?

3.       How did Mr Bowen calculate the interest?

4.       Why did Mr Li want to change it? How?

Section 5

1.       What do you think was the final agreement on the method for calculating interest?

2.       When would the revised draft be ready for the signatures?

Episode Sixteen

Section 1

1.       How did Mr Li and Mr Yang feel when they came to the cocktail party?

2.       Why was Mr Bowen surprised?

3.       Whom did Mr Bowen introduce the Chinese to?

Section 2

1.       What excuse did Mr Bowen use when he left the Chinese?

2.       Why more and more Chinese companies are selling foreign wine?

3.       Where can one find information about Chinese companies doing international business?

4.       What steps did Mr Li suggest for doing business with Chinese importers of foreign wine?

Section 3

1.       What is an exclusive sales arrangement?

2.       In which aspects can the exporter make specifications?

3.       How is the length of exclusive sales arrangement decided? Is it different in the US?

4.       What are the obligations of the parties involved regarding the volume of the business?

5.       Can the parties involved buy or sell the specified products from a third party?

6.       What kind of relationship is there between the exporter and importer? Who is responsible for the results of the operations?

Section 41.       How is the relationship different in an agency arrangement?2.       How does an agent make a living?3.       How many types of agents are there?4.       How many commission agents can a principal appoint?5.       Can the principal sell directly without the involvement of his agents?6.       Does he have to pay commissions to them if he sells directly?

Section 5

1.       When may the principal appoint an exclusive agent?

2.       How many exclusive agent can the principal appoint for the same area at the same time?

3.       Are direct sales allowed? If yes, will the agent get commission? Why?

4.       What are the differences between general agents and other types of agents?

5.       Does China differ greatly from the US in agency arrangements?

6.       What will China do, according to Mr Li, in her relations with other countries?

Episode Seventeen

Section 11.       What’s Mr Li’ pleasure?2.       What kind of wine is Dynasty?3.       What conclusion did Mr Taylor draw from Dynasty?4.       Why, according to Mr Li, did foreign investment in China increase so fast?

Section 21.       What example did Mr Li use to support his argument?2.       Which area in China, according to Mr Li, is best for foreign investment? Why?3.       How many types of foreign investment were listed by Mr Li?

Section 31.       What is compensation trade?2.       What are the rationales for co- exploration?3.       What has the Chinese government done in co-exploration?4.       What was the size of foreign investment in co-exploration?

Section 4

1.       How great were the risks? Why?

2.       What would be the gains if the exploration was successful?

Section 5

1.       What agreement did Mr Li and Mr Taylor reach at the end of their conversation? Were they serious? Why?

2.       Whom did Mr Taylor introduce to Mr Li? What excuse did the use when he left?

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