sponsorships help businesses succeed

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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When you sponsor an event, great things happen!

You are helped when you help.Not only do you transform lives in your community, but your company is

transformed as well.

You can receive media coverage and promotion through St. Vincent de Paul’s event. Your branding will be more identifiable by

those of the community, you will get more exposure, which can ultimately grow your business.

St. Vincent de Paul increases awareness of your company through several social media platforms based on the level of sponsorship.

In addition, all donations to our 501(c)3 are tax deductible.

You improve our community and transform lives.

All proceeds directly support the programs and services provided by St. Vincent de Paul.

With the increasing number of individuals who need assistance, St. Vincent de Paul staff, volunteers, and funders like you have answered the call to

help our community. Over 125,000 nights of shelter were provided in 2016, and 30,000 meals are served each month at both of the

St. Vincent de Paul Gateway Shelters.

With your sponsorship, you greatly impact the lives of those who use our services or participate in our programs.

You receive perks.When you sponsor at the Hope Level, you receive 15 complimentary

entries, recognition in printed and digital material, and exhibit space at the Sock It to Poverty 5K.

Assistance Level sponsors receive 5 complimentary entries, your logo on our website, and much more.

Missions sponsors can receive their names on signage along the 5K Route.

More details for the various sponsorship benefits can be found at stvincentdayton.org/5K

You are valued and build a positive reputation.

Companies in general have few opportunities to build trust and establish rapport with their customers and prospects.

Getting involved with an event and being seen as dependable and supportive will accelerate the process. Attending an event is important but standing out in the crowd by being a sponsor will highlight you and

your business with a captive audience.

You signal commitment and concern for your neighbors as you invest in community development.

You feel good about making a difference.

When you give to someone else, there’s a physiological response that gives you a boost of feel-good endorphins. These endorphins are the same one’s

associated with a runner’s high.

You can find out more about how St. Vincent de Paul is actively changing the lives of individuals by learning about the programs and services.

You can read about the success stories at stvincentdayton.org and sign up to receive the latest news of hope. You can see how your support and

sponsorship is impacting the community and feel good that you contributed to the difference making.

Learn more.937.222.7349 Ext 410



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