ssarah kramer’s conceptual piece n8305498 …...advertising problem: the target market is unaware...

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SSarah Kramer’s CONCEPTUAL PIECE N8305498Semester 2 2013


Sarah Kramer N8305498



Copy Platform


Target Audience Pro�le

Print Ad Copy Format

Mock up

Trials / Drafts

Reference List









Sarah Kramer N8305498



The Client: Nutcase

Nutcase Helmets are all about making helmets fun and safe. Nutcase Helmets take pride in creating a helmet for

every personality!

Product: Helmets (entire range)

Objective: To increase brand awareness of Nutcase within the target market by 60% over 3 months. To position the

brand as a cool and stylish way to protect your head while biking, boarding, skiing and pursuing any activity that

safeguards your most important asset, your brain.

Single-minded proposition:“Protection for your head that looks good.” Feels comfort-

able and o�ers a high standard of safety…

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Copy Platform

Advertising Problem:

The target market is unaware that the product (Nutcase Helmets) exists, as it’s production, marketing and distribution is conducted online .

Advertising Objectives:

To increase brand awareness of Nutcase within the target market by 60% over 3 months. To position the brand as a cool and stylish way to protect your head while

biking, boarding and skiing.


Nutcase Helmets

Distinctive feature/USP/SMP:

Nutcase o�ers a full range of helmets for the sport enthusiast be it biking, skating, snowboarding or any other activity. Whether your activity takes you to the street, snow or water, Nutcase helmets will heighten your visibility wherever you are. The

helmets incorporate leading graphic designs with the right type of creativity to inspire ‘kids’ of all ages to wear them. This creativity is combined with safety to

ensure the wearer not only looks good but also feels good in the knowledge that they are adequately protected.

Product description:

Nutcase is a full range of helmets that incorporate original and unique graphic design prints that not only look good but serve the purpose of protecting your

most important asset, your brain.

Product bene�ts:

Safe and Stylish protection for your head.

Principal bene�t or promise to the consumer:

Protection for your head that looks and feels good.

Support or reason why this bene�t is possible:

A team of professional graphic designers has created these unique styles to suit every person’s needs and the industry standard safety features will ensure

everyone’s protection.

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Copy Platform

Target audience:

The target audience encompasses a wide range of male and female consumers and their families whose priority is to wear a helmet that not only protects them but sets a trend in style and uniqueness as well. With headquarters in Portland,

USA and online sales across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, the target market is truly global. The speci�c target audience includes parents, families and active bikers, boarders or skaters between 18 to 45. The reason the target audi-ence begins at 18 is due to the fact that the sales, (apart from USA) are online.

Therefore, in order for the purchaser to buy these helmets they require a credit card or visa for the purchase. This spread is also due to the fact that the target

audience is aimed at wealthier families who are more likely to a�ord the higher price of these helmets.

Target competition:

Research of other helmet brands has identi�ed that Nutcase has a pre-emptive claim as their competition have not exploited their graphic designs. Therefore,

Nutcase presents as unique in the market place. As the Nutcase website states, the innovation behind these helmets is the lack of printed helmets (apart from copy righted cartoon prints for children), in the market place. Therefore, people who

are after stylish, �amboyant and unique headwear have limited options. Nutcase created a niche in the market place and used this shortfall to pioneer a product

that was original and innovative. However, since their established in 2005, other helmet brands may well be catching up to their ideas and designs.

The main competition lies with retail stores such as ‘Big W’ and other ‘style’ inspired helmet companies such as ‘Bike Pretty’, another online helmet store. ‘Big W’ poses the biggest threat as a major competitor as it has actual store space and

is, therefore, easily accessible. This is especially pertinent when it comes to size and �t due to its size, Big W is able to produce the helmets at cheaper prices. In

contrast, Bike Pretty is an online store which targets females rather than a wider range of both genders and families which restricts its overall target audience.

However, it is considered a rival as it may impact Nutcase’s female helmet sales.

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Copy Platform

Brand character:

The Nutcase slogan: “I love my brain”


The product advertisment predominantly position the product as a ‘must have’ safety product for every family member using a�ective strategy methods. This

product will also be positioned as a stylish safety accessory for people who ‘love their brains’ and are concerned with the way they look. Therefore, the helmet’s

fashionable appearance will be a unique and major selling point.

Creative Strategy Statement:

Advertising will increase awareness of Nutcase Helmets, as the stylish option for males and females between the age of 18 to 45 who love their own and their

family’s brains. Nutcase advertising will highlight both the stylish aspects as well as the safety bene�ts. This advertising will attract consumers worldwide using the

A�ective Strategy approach which incorporates shock advertisement methods. These adverts will be print advertisements that include modern technology such as QR codes. This technology will serve as the main support to link viewers to the

online store. The tone of the campaign will include an emotion-based theme incorporating reverse bene�t methods and word play to lure the target audience.

The brand character of the product is ‘I Love My Brain’ and will be supported throughout the campaign.


The advertising campaign will incorporate print media including posters, billboards and newspaper advertisements that will be targeting the main consum-

ers whilst in transit. It will incorporate an emotional appeal through shock advertisements which will rely on the safety aspects of the product, utilising

reverse bene�t and word play methods. There will be a variety of posters which will include the same headlines and sub text, however, the imagery will di�er

slightly in each one.

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Copy Platform

Media Placement:

The advertisements will be placed in outdoor areas of transit over a three month period during the lead up to and during mid- year school holidays. This will be

followed by a short period after the school holidays end. This placement will ensure that families (the main target audience), will notice these adverts during holidays when they are predominantly together and actively pursuing outdoor

activities such as bike riding, skating and skateboarding. The advertisements will be repeated by situating them within close proximity of each other to ensure the target market view the advertisements multiple times a day. To ensure that 60% of the target market is reached, these advertisements will be placed in the major cities of each state throughout Australia as well as in other highly populated and

urbanised areas which are more likely to undertake active pursuits.

Supporting Copy Points:

Online stores that ship to USA, North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Full range of bicycle, snow boarding, skating, skiing and water sports helmets in

unique colours and designs.

Sarah Kramer N8305498



Love your brain the right way… don’t BE a nutcase…..wear one!..

In our contemporary society, ‘identity’ has become a major factor in how we create meaning in our lives. Self-Image plays a major role in formulating this identity and how we portray

ourselves in our world. Furthermore, this image-making combines with character building to help shape who we are and who we want to be. Moreover, we are encircled by neoliberal

ideologies, which permeate our social fabric, emphasizing competition and individuality.

Families, therefore, are constantly engineering their own identities surrounded by a world of competitive individualism. Branding, through clothes and accessories, becomes a way of

demonstrating this identity and individualism. Buying Nutcase Helmets sets the consumer apart and portrays the buyer as an a�uent, competitive, individual who is able to a�ord a product that not only has superior safety standards but is a market leader in captivating

designs. The helmet’s uniqueness lies in the dual concept of it being superiorly safe yet outra-geously fashionable with its bold graphics. These designs are innovative and original and

competitors have yet to compete with these outstanding attributes. This lack of competition ensures that Nutcase Helmets have a niche market, which can only be tapped into and

extended through superior advertising, which this campaign o�ers.

In addition, we are living in a risk society in which individuals fear for their safety because of the expense of insurance claims and exorbitant medical bills. Should a person have an accident whilst failing to wear a helmet they are liable for damages and insurance companies may refuse

to cover their claims. These factors ensure that Nutcase Helmets which meet and exceed Australian safety standards, are a prominent choice for families concerned about their safety

and protection.

Sarah Kramer N8305498



The advertisements creatively integrate emotion, word play and reverse- bene�t features to e�ectively portray the importance of ‘protection for your head that looks good’. The imagery

plays on the word ‘Nutcase’ by representing a mentally unstable ‘nutcase’ that is eating his ‘brains’ out of his nut case helmet. The sub-heading that highlights and clari�es this confront-

ing imagery is: ‘don’t be a nut case wear one’. This explicit ‘nutcase’ imagery is a powerful representation of what could happen if you don’t wear a helmet. The second advertisement

follows a similar format but incorporates a startling and di�erent image of a mutated person eating their brains out of a nutcase helmet. In this mutation, the person’s face is substituted

with a vegetable. Again, there is a play on words with the ‘vegetable’ image serving as an explicit reminder of what you may turn into if a helmet isn’t worn. The QR code incorporated

into each poster provides a link to the nutcase website. This link shares letters with prospective customers to emphasize the safety of nutcase helmets. This is achieved by creating a page of

testimonials from customers who have survived accidents because they were wearing a Nutcase helmet. Viewers will read this link after viewing the advertisement and, therefore, the link

becomes a useful tool in creating a long standing connection with the brand.

These constructs will serve the purpose of shocking parents into buying Nutcase helmets. These overt messages reinforce the concept that Nutcase helmets not only safeguard and protect but

also provide style and appeal. The posters validate these statements by claiming: “Nutcase Helmets provide protection for your head that looks good’.

This campaign will be e�ective because the messages contained in the posters are emotive, eye catching and strongly appeal to a person’s sense of vanity as well as a parent’s role of keeping a

family safe and secure. Furthermore, the adverts promote the consumer as an a�uent individual who is able to protect the family whilst enhancing the family’s self-image and

portraying an identity that suits their pro�le. These subliminal advertising messages place value on safety and image that consumers will wish to attain.

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Accountant FirmAbout:Married Mother of 3full time work as an accountant 33 years oldLeads a busy lifestyle in Brisbane city, likes to bike ride and take children out roller blading on weekends, all three children are at school and ride to and home from school everyday.Husband is trying to loose weight so he also rides his bike every day to and home from work.Safety is a must for every member of the family.Her husband and her earn a combined total of around $50,000 to $80,000 a year.They own their house yet are paying o� a mortgage.

Example Target Audience



Sarah Kramer N8305498


Example Target Audience

Mood Board






Sarah Kramer N8305498


Print Ad Copy Format

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Print Ad Copy Format

Sarah Kramer N8305498

Mock Up

Wear a Nutcase... Don’t be one!

Love your brain...

“Protection for your head that looks good”

Scan the Code to read the Love letters from

Nutcase Survivors!

Love your Brain the


Like us on facebook


Sarah Kramer N8305498


Mock Up

Wear a Nutcase... Don’t be one!

Love your brain...

“Protection for your head that looks good”

Love your Brain the


Like us on facebook

Scan the Code to read the Love letters from

Nutcase Survivors!

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Trials/ Drafts

Don’t Be A Nutcase..

Wear A Nutcase!!

Love your brain...

Wear a Nutcase... Don’t be one!

Love your brain...

“Protection for your head that looks good”

Scan the Code to read the Love letters from Nutcase Survivors!

Love your Brain the RIGHT way

Like us on facebook


“protection for your head that looks good’Vegatble eating a brain for dinner

Prevent yourself from being a nutcase…. By wearing a nut case!

Don’t become a nutcase!Wear a nutcase instead!

Instead of being a nut case, wear one!Instead of becoming a nut case, wear one!

love your brain the right way..wear a nutcase don’t be one!

love your brain the right way…don’t be a nutcase wear a nutcase

“Protection for your head that looks good!”

“I love my brain”

dramatise itStylish.

Reverse bene�t and emotion and word play

Tension between headline and image

Sarah Kramer N8305498


Reference List

Creative Commons (2013). Creative Commons Search. Retrieved from

Lost&taken. (2008). Textures and the pursuit of happiness. Retrieved from

Morrow. M (2013). Nutcase. Retrieved from

QUT (2013). QUT Library. Retrieved from

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