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2006 Local News

in English


LORIENT - OPEN 9 TO 9 - EVERYDAY - 05 90 29 72 46

WEEKLYPublished by “Le Journal de Saint-Barth” 05 90 27 65 19 -

JAMMINGJAMMINGThe Percussionist Papaguyo, and the celebrissism singer Jimmy Buffet, of passage in St Barth, played at La Plage together.


WELCOME!The Saint Barth Weekly

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résumé of the top stories

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Barth”, as well as origi-

nal articles in English,

the Saint-Barth Weekly

is the only completely

English-language news-

paper on the island. It

comes out every Friday

from November through

the end of July. Our most

exciting news is that

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St Barth Weekly n°81 2

Jean-Marc Gréaux,president of theComité de Liaison

Economique (CLE), anon-profit associationcombining the variouseconomic factors of theisland, announced onFriday, March 10, dur-ing the organization’sannual meeting, thatthis June will see thelaunching of a majoraudit of the tourismindustry, the island’smajor economic activi-ty. Ipsos, the thirdlargest company world-wide in terms of thistype of project, will mostlikely conduct the audit.The budget, estimated at125,000 euros, will befinanced primarily by mem-bers of the CLE, of whichthere were 137 at the end of2005. CLE is also countingon participation from themunicipality, which itcounts as a partner in thisproject. For Jean-MarcGréaux, this audit consti-tutes a “vast reflection onthe definition of the imageof St. Barthélemy and itspromotion around theworld. It is a professionaltool that is of interest to allthe businesses as well aspolitical decision makers onthe island.” It should alsoserve as a blueprint for theprimarily development of amarketing campaign.” The audit will take from sixto eight months. Its goal isto determine the exact char-acteristics of the touristswho visit Saint Barth, thetype of information theyuse to select Saint-Barthéle-

my as a destination, thevariables that help themmake this decision, andtheir actual perception ofthe island and its image. Itwill also help identifyimportant features that mustbe preserved as well asweaknesses that must beimproved in all areas: envi-ronment, safety, hospitality,lodging, restaurants, train-ing of personnel in contactwith the public, and sani-

tary conditions. Theaudit will be conductedin three phases: the firstwill be to question apanel of tourists fromEurope, North andSouth America, select-ed by Ipsos, which hasaccess to millions ofnames from around theworld. The second partwill be done on a localbasis, consisting of per-sonal interviews withhotel management andvilla rental agencies inorder to get their opin-ions and thoughts on theevolution of tourism, as

well as their ideas for thefuture. The third phase willbe the questioning oftourists directly in SaintBarth, during their stay onthe island. This will takeplace at two different times,in both high and low sea-son, in order to best under-stand the demographics ofthe various types of visitorsthat come to the island.

General meeting of the Comité de Liaison Economique (CLE):

An audit of the tourist industryannounced

Jean-Marc Gréaux, president ofthe Comité de Liaison Economique

The Comité de Liaison Economique (CLE), a non-profit association combining the various economic factors of the

island, during the organization’s annual meeting,

Live Music◗ Every Evening- Papa Guyo & Tanya Michelle,from 9 pm to midnight, La PlageSaint Jean- “KJ Denhert Trio”, from 9 pmto midnight, Bet’a Z’ailes, Gustavia - Lounge mix, 7 pm to 1 am,Bar’tô, hotel Guanahani, Grand Cul de Sac- All selected quality loungemusic by Philippe,Zanzibarth, St Jean- Screen Live concert from6.30pm, Café Yacht, Gustavia- Alan Landry, piano, 8pm,Gaïac restaurant, Hotel Le Toiny ◗ From Tuesday to SaturdayPhilippe Nardone on piano, fromthe Copacabana to Montmartre,from 7pm, Taïno Lounge, Christopher Hôtel, Pointe Milou

◗ Thursday, March 23- Bikini coca from 12pm, La Plage, St Jean- Latino Evening, Ti Zouk K’féGustavia◗ Friday, March 24- Balearic Afternoon by Franky,from 2 pm, La Plage, Saint-Jean◗ Saturday, March 25- Grand méchant zouk, Ti Zouk K’fé at 8pm- Les Romantics, Local Band,Bacardi Café, Saint Jean, at 8pm- BalearicAfternoon by Franky,from 2 pm, La Plage, Saint-Jean- Stéphane Cano, sunset concert from 5:30, Carl Gustaf, Gustavia◗ Sunday, March 26- Stéphane Cano, sunset concert from 5:30,Carl Gustaf, Gustavia- "Emergency" party starting at noon at La Plage, Saint-Jean

Let’s Party◗ Monday- Monday Night Fever, 100%disco, Ti St-Barth, Pointe Milou- Cream evening by Mateo,Yacht Club, Gustavia◗ Tuesday- Cabaret Show, with Kim & Co,Ti St-Barth, Pointe Milou - “Laisse Parler les Gens”,Caribean party, by Chaya, YachtClub, Gustavia◗ Wednesday- Plastic Boots Party by Carole, Ti St-Barth, Pointe Milou - BBQ on the beach from 8 pm, Nikki Beach, St Jean◗ Thursday,- Angel Party, Ti St-Barth,Pointe Milou - Hot Night, Only Girl, with sur-prise, Yacht Club, Gustavia◗ Friday,The Real Ti Party, Ti St-Barth,Pointe Milou ◗ Sunday- Amazing Sunday (DJ, fashionshow…), Nikki Beach, St-Jean- Karaoké Party, Yacht Club,Gustavia

Night Club◗ Every night- Casa Nikki, mix by JacquesDumas & Pascal, Gustavia- Feeling (except tuesday),Lurin, from 10 pm- Yacht Club, Gustavia- Bubbles Club, Gustaviafrom 11pm


◗ Through April 27Jesse Chapman, at Gustavia.◗ Through AprilDaniel Cosset at Central bARTGallery, near Ti Zouk K’fé,Gustavia◗ Through March 31

Denis Perrolaz, at Jane’s GalleryEden Rock, St Jean◗ Through March 30Fanou, at Porta 34, Bagdadgallery Gustavia◗ Through April - Stéphanie Leroux sculptures,Carl Gustaf hotel, Gustavia◗ Through March 30Hélène Donadieu, at Porta 34,Bagdad gallery Gustavia◗ Through March 30Orlane Gréaux, at Porta 34,Bagdad gallery Gustavia

◗ Permanent exhibits - Eve Ducharme Art Gallery presents paints of P.L. Bartoli,Wall House restaurant, Gustavia- Alain le Chatelier, Les Artisans, Gustavia- Pompi, Petit Cul de Sac- Spidler, Christian Mas gallery,Gustavia- Zaza Noah, Tamarin, Saline- Hannah Moser, Cul de Sac - Antoine Heckly, Made inSaint-Barth boutique, St-Jean ◗ Art Galleries- Eve Ducharme Art Gallery, 05 90 27 88 41- galerie, Gustavia- gallery, Gustavia- Central bART Gallery, near TiZouk K’fé, Gustavia

Fashion Show◗ Everyday- 1:30 - 2 pm, Case de l’île,Hotel Isle de France, Flamands- 9 pm, Lolita Jaca, La ScalaRestaurant, Gustavia◗ From Tuesday to Sunday,1.30pm, fashion show featuringGeisha Vampire, La Plage, St Jean◗ Every Tuesday evening,6:30 pm, Boutique of the HôtelIsle de France, Flamands◗ Every Saturday evening,Ti St Barth, Pointe Milou

◗ Through April 27Jesse Chapman, exhibits hispaintings at galleryGustavia.

◗ Through March 30Fanou, Orlane Greaux,Hélène Donadieu exhibittheir Paintings at Porta 34,Gustavia

TTIIMMEE OOUUTT■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Where to go dancing? See an art exhibit?Listen to live music? Time Out keeps you up to date on local happenings. Let’s party !

St Barth Weekly n°81 4

Former drummer forSly and the FamilyStone. Percussionist

for a funk band, Days ofWild, in New York. A“gypsy” on the beach inSaint Barth: one man, onename: Papaguyo. “I am inSaint Barth to create a newvibe for a new CD,” hesays. “It’s better than stay-ing locked up in a studioall day. We get to play infront of a live audiencewhile we are creating.”This winter, his fifth onthe island, Papaguyo hasbeen making a new kind ofmusic with his guitaristJohn Fritz, and newcomerMichael Kott on electriccello; the threesome play-ing informally as TheGypsy’s. Then the popularsinger, Tanya, comes back

and the vibe shifts to“Yazmin,” the name of theoriginal singer in that par-ticular band. But the heartand soul of all this isPapaguyo himself, anAmerican musician whosefather was a music teacher.“It’s in my blood,” hesays. “When I was aboutfour years old, my fatherwoke me up to watch TheBeatles on the Ed Sullivanshow. It was unbelievable.I saw Ringo on the drumsand knew I wanted to dothat.” Today he has movedaway from traditionaldrumming to embrace awide variety of unusualpercussion instrumentsthat he has collected orthat people bring him fromaround the world, from achopstick to a rain stick,

things found in Tibet,Africa, and even the SaintMartin airport. Barefoot,wearing sunglasses onstage at night, this dude iscool, cooler than his NewYork incarnation thatthrives in the hectic musicscene. “Our experience onthe island energizes us forwhen we return to NewYork,” he says. Whatmakes all this possible isThierry Badereau at LaPlage, the beachfrontrestaurant in St Jean,where Papaguyo hangs hishat during his stay on theisland. “Thierry was niceenough to give us a placeto experiment,” he says,pointing out that this is nota gig, but more like aworkshop to make newsounds, and a place to playwith people from around

the world as well asislanders who sit in andadd their flavor. The expe-rience at La Plage hasbrought change to all thesemusicians, including JohnFritz, who has a minirecording studio in hishotel room, and has startedplaying classical acousticguitar as well as electric,and Tanya, who now livesin Paris. Papaguyo has putdown the drumstick forthat chopstick and that rainstick, and spends his dayslistening to their musicwith headphones on thebeach, taking notes for thenew CD. ”In St. Barth, weare recreating everything,”says Papaguyo. “We arereally unplugged.”

by Ellen Lampert-GréauxPhoto by Rosemond Gréaux

St Barth Weekly n°81 6

■■■■■■■ A “Weekly” look at interesting island residents and guests

B L A C K T R U F F L E SMENU at 80 €

StartersHomemade Foie Gras with Black Truffles,

Salt Flower, Light Jelly and ToastsOr

Duck Carpaccio with Black Truffles Gills, Wild Mushrooms and Spinach Salad

Main CoursesDuck «Parmentier» Black Truffles

Gills and Flavored Mashed Potatoes, Arugula SaladOr

Black Truffles Risotto with Porcini MushroomsDesserts

Homemade Chocolate “Truffles”, White Truffles “Granite”

Or Black and White Truffles Cheese Cake

Reservation0590 27 53 00

Saint-JeanRoute de Saline



St Barth Weekly n°81 8

They are the world’slargest sailboats:sleek and elegant

with decks of polishedwood and towering masts.Magnificent with their sailsunfurled and simplybreathtaking with theirspinnakers to the wind,these giants of the sea willinvade the Port of Gus-tavia, as they arrive nextweek for the 11th annualSaint Barth Bucket. For thesecond time, the race willtake place over three days,from Friday, March 31through Sunday, April 2.The Caribbean version of“Newport Bucket,” whichtakes place every summerin Newport, Rhode Island,the Saint Barth Bucket isone of the informal meet-

ings organized around theworld by the owners ofthese fabulous single hullsailboats. With the Transatag2r, a transatlantic race onFigaro Bénéteau sailboats

(all 10m70 long), whosedepart is set for April 9 inConcarneau, in Brittany,the Bucket is one of thelargest sailing events inSaint Barth…. and one ofthe most prestigious in theworld. In fact, to date theonly race to have moreboats of this size was theMillennium Cup held in2000 in New Zealand. To make room for the fabu-lous fleet of the “Bucket,”the Port of Gustavia, work-ing in close collaborationwith the Saint Barth YachtClub and the municipalityof Saint-Barthélemy, hasmade both docks, the Quaide la République and the

Quai Général de Gaulle,available to the race organ-izers, including MelanieSmith, Hank Halsted, Tim-othy Laughridge, and IanCraddock. This is a nauti-cal occasion not to bemissed.

11th annual Saint Barth Bucket

Largest number of boats in the fleet

Schedule❑ Thursday, March 30at 6:00pm : Captain’sbriefing on the QuaiGénéral De Gaulle

❑ Friday, March 31First regatta: touraround the island. Departat 11am off of Public andCorossol.

❑ Saturday, April 1Second regatta: Departat 11am. Triangularcourse around the islandsof Pelé, Boulanger, Bon-homme, Frégate, andFourchue.

❑ Sunday, April 2Third regatta (coursenot yet determined)

6:00pm : Awards cere-mony on the QuaiGénéral De Gaulle.

LIST OF PARTICIPATING BOATS:Altair (38m), Antara (46m), Atlanta (36m), Avalon(33m), Boo-Too (28m), Destination Fox Harbour(40.84), Endeavour (41m), Freedom Of Flight (38m),Ghost (37.18m), Helios (37.18m), Knickerbocker(36m), Metolius (25.60m), Paraiso (38.40m), ParsifalIII (54.25m), Perseus (50m), Ranger (41.75m), Rebecca(43m), Ripple (43m), Rogue (31.39m), Rosehearthy(56.08m), Sapphire (32m), Seaquell (56.08m), Sojana(35m), Symmetry (29.26m), Unfurled (33.52m), Victo-ria Of Strathearn (40.23mm), Visione (45m), Whisper(35.66m), Windrose Of Amsterdam (46.32m), Zingaro(33.52m).


St Barth Weekly n°81 10

Avictim of his ownsuccess. That’s thecurrent problem for

Antoine Questel. JuniorFrench Champion (2001)Champion Espoir (2002),third place in the seniorscategory in 2004 & 2005.For mots of us AntoineQuestel seems to have all:titles, championships,sponsors. Yet that is notexactly the case. A memberof the Saint Barth YachtClub since the age of 11,Questel competes under thecolors of Saint Barth in allof the competitions heenters, but needs sponsor-ship money in order tokeep climbing the ladder ofsuccess. At the moment, itlooks as if he could beasked to join the Frenchnational wind surfing team,which will be rebuilt withnew members following arevitalization of the sport.While it is not yet decidedwhat role windsurfing willplay in the next summerOlympic Games in 2008, itis clear that Antoine Ques-tel will be at the top of hissport. Currently seeded inthird place in France, hehas integrated recentlyapproached by StephaneKrause, trainer at theNational Sailing School inQuiberon, who does nothide his intention to trans-form the racing section ofthe national sailing schoolinto the training ground forthe French national team.“In the French “top ten,” atleast five of us are under 21years old. Stephane Krauseasked us to take part in anintensive three-week train-ing session paid for by theFrench National Sailing

School and the French Sail-ing Federation. That’s fan-tastic: it gives us thechance to get in shape justbefore the season that runsfrom March throughDecember,” says Questel.Stephane Krause is not theonly one interested in ourlocal champion. The city ofLa Rochelle, the mecca forsailing and windsurfing inFrance, where Antoine haslived for the past three

years for obvious reasons,is also showing interest.Antoine, who hopes to con-tinue to compete for Saint-Barth, realizes that he hasreached a crossroads: “tojoin the French nationalteam, I will have to trainharder and compete more,”he says. But that has aprice. In 2004, his cost ofentering competitions, trav-el, and living expenses was15,000 euros. “The munici-pality donated 2000 euros,and the Conseil General thesame amount. I won a com-petition in Saint-Martin

with a prize purse of 1500euros. With the blessing ofmy sponsor, AHD, I alsosold some boards they hadgiven me. And of coursemy mother always helpsme.” In 2005, in order toparticipate in the 15 com-petitions he has marked onhis calendar, including theFormula World Windsurf-ing Championships in Aus-tralia next December, hewill need 30,000 euros. Get

a job? Impossible for a top-level athlete if he hopes tostay at the top. That is theplight of Antoine Questeland the reason we mustjoin forces and supporthim, so that he can realizehis dream, a dream weshare with him: that of see-ing a young man from theisland, for the first time inany sport, join a FrenchNational Team, the onlydoor into the OlympicGames, where AntoineQuestel sincerely hopes tocompete one day. 2008 isthe perfect time. But

Antoine is just 20 and stillyoung. Take a look at thecurrent French champion,Antoine Elbeau, who par-ticipated in an AHD eventwith “our” Antoine lastsummer in Tunisia. Elbeaue is 32 years old, whichmeans that our youngchampion still has plenty oftime to realize his dreams. For now, Antoine Questel,who spent the winter breakon his native island, has

returned to France, as hiswind-surfing season isabout to start up again. Hefirst heads back to thenational sailing school inQuiberon for some inten-sive training before com-peting in the first legs ofthe Coupe de France in lateApril, in Hyères, in theSouth of France. All finan-cial contributions are wel-come (as he has to balancehis budget), and can beaddressed to the Saint-Barth Yacht Club, attentionAntoine Questel.

Antoine Questel: champion windsurferseeks sponsors to succeed

Antoine and a group of friends during a recent fund raising event at the Saint Barth YachtClub. He would like to thank all those who support his activities throughout the year.





PPhhoottoo :: CCyyrriillllee MMaarrggaarriitt

Seen in St Barth

Seen in St Barth

1- KJ Denhert at Bête à Z'Ailes through April 2, 2005

2- Jimmy Buffet during a visit to Saint Barth


St Barth Weekly n°81 14

Amajor crossroads forthe island, the trafficcircle at La Tour-

mente— the only traffic cir-cle in Saint Barth— wasbuilt in 2002 and its designshould include some mean-ingful artwork. The munici-pality was aware of thisneed, and in 2004 held acompetition, open to all res-idents of the island. 53 proj-ects were submitted andsubject to intense considera-tion. In June 2005, the juryfinally decided on the proj-ect proposed by GuillaumeBlanchard that is called,“the soul of Saint Barth.”Standing on a base that rep-resents Saint Barth, with aniguana and a pelican at hisfeet, the proud Arawak Indi-

an sculpture has a storngsymbolic meaning for itscreator: “the Arawaks, ourforgotten ancesters, havenever been properly hon-ored in Saint-Barthélemy.Yet it is on a site in Saint-

Jean, and even more specifi-cally near the airport and LaTourmente that the largestnumber of their vestigeshave been found. I thoughtit was proper to pay tributeto them in this exact spot,”explains the designer of thesculpture, which is beingrealized by artist XavierBonpunt, who had also sub-mitted two projects for thecompetition. Based on Guil-laume Blanchard’s designs,Bonpunt is bringing thestatue to life, as it were,working in a studio not farfrom the churchyard in Gus-tavia. A metal mold follow-ing the anatomy of thesculpture was filled byPolystyrene, as it is a lightmaterial, then covered withplaster. Less athletic thanthe original design, theArawak by Xavier Bonpuntis even more like the

Amerindians who were theoriginal inhabitants of theisland and whose earlytraces date back to the pre-Colombian era (2500 BC).At 1.7 meters tall, theArawak has his head turnedtoward the hill overlookingthe airport, one of the mostimportant Arawak sites onthe island. “As if he werecalling his friends with thisconch shell,” imaginesXavier. The pelican that sitson the past of the base fac-ing Colombier is finishedand the iguana that accom-panies the figure is undercompletion. The threemolds when finished will besent to Saint Martin wherethey will be covered withbronze then soldered togeth-er. The goal is to have theAwarak in place by nextAugust 24, the feast of St.Barthelemy day.

Decorating the traffic circle: an Arawak under construction

EE vv eeDDuucchhaarrmmeeAA RR TT GG AA LL LL EE RR YY

By appointment only - Located in Toiny

Tel.: 05 90 27 88 41 or 06 90 50 81 92

DDoonn''tt mmiissss tthhee llaatteesstt wwoorrkk bbyy oonnee ooff FFrraannccee''ss hhootttteesstt aarrttiissttss�� PPHHIILLIIPPPPEE BBEERRTTHHOO�� aatt tthhee EEvvee DDuucchhaarrmmee AArrtt GGaalllleerryy iinn TTooiinnyy

TThhee ddaayy ooff RRooddeeoo''ss eevveenntt hhaass bbeeeenn nnaammeedd ""PPhhiilliippppee BBeerrtthhoo DDaayy"" iinn tthhee cciittyy ooff BBeevveerrllyy HHiillllss�� tthhee mmaayyoorr ooff tthhee cciittyy ttoo aatttteenndd tthhee eexxhhiibbiittiioonn ttoo pprreesseenntt tthhee aawwaarrdd ttoo tthhee aarrttiisstt��

""AAnn aarrttiisstt wwhhoossee ccoommppeelllliinngg wwoorrkk iiss aa ccoolloorrffuullffuussiioonn ooff AAmmeerriiccaann rreeaalliissmm aanndd aa kkiinndd ooffrreeiinnvviiggoorraatteedd ssuurrrreeaalliissmm aatt oonnccee�� PPhhiilliippppeeBBeerrtthhoo iiss aa ““mmaasstteerr ooff ttrroommppee ll’’ooeeiill””aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo TThhee NNeeww YYoorrkk TTiimmeess’’ WWiilllliiaamm ZZiimmmmeerr�� TThhiiss eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy aarrttiisstt’’ss oonnee��ooff��aa��kkiinndd ssttyylleesseeeemmss aatt ffiirrsstt ttoo aapppprrooaacchh tthhee ccoommmmoonntthheemmee ooff mmooddeerrnn mmaann’’ss ddaaiillyy iinntteerraaccttiioonn wwiitthhoorrddiinnaarryy lliiffee�� aanndd tthheenn pprroommppttllyy ttuurrnnss tthheeiiddeeaa oonn iittss hheeaadd�� WWhhiillee tthhee cchhaarraacctteerrss BBeerrtthhooccrreeaatteess oofftteenn bbrriinngg ttoo mmiinndd tthhee ttrraaggiiccoommiiccFFrreenncchh cclloowwnn�� tthhee ffiieellddss aanndd ssppaacceess tthheeyyiinnhhaabbiitt aarree aa mmuullttii��ddiimmeennssiioonnaall�� vviivviidd aanndd iimmaaggiinnaarryy llaannddssccaappee aaggaaiinnsstt wwhhiicchh tthheeyy ssttrruuggggllee""��


St Barth Weekly n°81 16


Three wind generators of 850kilowatts, standing 65 metershigh, and equipped with three

blades each 28 meters long, willallow the neighboring island of SaintMartin, with the help of the tropicalwinds, to generate 10% of the electricpower needed for the island. When?Next year. Where? At Red Rock, on ahill overlooking Anse Marcel andCul-de-Sac, facing the AtlanticOcean. Amram, the folks behind thisproject, have signed a contract wihthe EDF (the French electric compa-ny) obliging them to purchase theelectricity produced by the wind gen-erators for at least 15 months, at apre-determined price. The goal of theproject is part of France’s overall planto lower its nucear energy productionin exchange for more sustainableenergy. Would Saint Barth ever con-sider wind generators as a powerprovider?

Wind generators for Saint Martin on the horizon in 2007

Stephanie Le Roux born as apainter since the age 13th.,doing scene of the 20’; her

style is very distinctive with a cer-tain texture on the canvas due to hertechnique with the palette knife whogives a lot of movement in hersubjects.Then since 12 years now, she get intothe marble, studied and creating partof the year in Tuscany, Carrara,where the most famous contempo-rary sculptors are. From a solid and

heavy block of marble, she givessuch a passion that it attracts thetouch and the curves! Her subjectsare the famous fruits in marble andbronze, then since a few years shedoes as well animals and otherthings. That is such a real talent towork a material so hard and make itso soft at the looking!Don’t miss this unique exhibition atthe Carl Gustaf Hotel until April.To contact the artist at anytime:0690-272497

An exhibit by Fanou, Orlane and Hélène at Galerie Porta 34 from March 24-30, 2006. Three women, Three style.

Opening reception, Friday, March 24 at 7:00pm



Stéphanie in Tuscany.

St Barth Weekly n°81 18

■ Local Weather ■ Horoscope

Thursday Clear High: 79° F/26° CWind East 13 mph / 21 km/hNight : Clear. Low: 76° F / 24° C Wind East 11 mph /18 km/h

Friday Scattered Clouds High: 79° F/26° CWind East 13 mph / 21 km/hNight : Clear. Low: 76° F / 24° C Wind East 15 mph /25 km/h

SaturdayScattered CloudsHigh: 79° F/26° C Wind ESE 15 mph / 25 km/hNight : Clear. Low: 76° F / 24° C Wind ESE 13 mph / 21 km/h

SundayClear. High: 79° F/26° C Wind ESE 11 mph / 18 km/hNight : Scattered Clouds Low: 76° F / 24° CWind ESE 11 mph / 18 km/h

St Barth WEEKLYPublished by "Le Journal de Saint-Barth"

Ph. : Fax : ISSN-1766-9278

eemmaaiill:: ssttbbaarrtthhwweeeekkllyy@@wwaannaaddoooo..ffrr Director & layout : Avigaël Haddad

Chief Editor: Pierrette Guiraute, Translation and English texts: Ellen Lampert Greaux,

Photographe : Rosemond Greaux, Advertising sales : Chloé Ameur

Impression : Daily Herald

The traffic circle at LaTourmente (the top of thehill near the airport) hasaltered the traffic patternsfor who has the right-of-way. Now, vehiclesalready engaged in thetraffic circle have priority.Below is a small diagramto help you figure outwhat to do.



YIELD : You do nothave the

right of way=


ARIES (March 21- April 19) : Don'tpress your luck with your lovedones. You are best to stick toyourself this week. Try to beprecise in your communications.Travel may change your attitu-des with regard to your philoso-phy. Your lucky day this weekwill be Friday.

TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) : Youare best to stick to yourself thisweek. Do not yield to children orrelatives when they really don'tdeserve it. Be tolerant, but don'tlet any one take you for granted.Lack of funds may add stress toyour already uncertain situation.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) : If youkeep busy you won't feel the per-sonal pressures you are goingthrough. Travel opportunitiesmust be taken advantage of.Your ability to talk circlesaround your colleagues will helpyou forge ahead in the work-force. Pleasure trips should beon your agenda.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) : Youcan elaborate on your creativeideas and get involved in groupsthat relate to the arts. You mayfind that your generosity hasbeen taken for granted. Not eve-ryone will be pleased with yourplans. Try to channel yourenergy into physical work.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) : Secretaffairs will eventually backfireon you. You should considersubmitting some of your writtenwork for publication. A new youcould help your attitude. Takematters in hand when it comes todealing with clients or collea-gues.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) : Get thewhole family involved in aworthwhile cause or culturalevent. Concentrate on spendingquality time with children. Don'tdo something silly just to getback at your mate. Opportunitiesto get together with people inpowerful positions could helpyou get ahead.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) : Thiswill not be the day to lendmoney to friends or family.Exhaustion combined with ove-rindulgence could result inminor health problems. Try to

communicate if you wish tohelp. Travel could include delaysand other minor problems.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) : Youcan open up to your mate and letthem know what you expect outof this relationship. Do not jumpto conclusions concerning yourromantic partner. Have somefun, but draw the line if someonetries to fast talk their way intoyour heart. You would be wise tosocialize with as many people aspossible. Your lucky day thisweek will be Sunday.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) :You may find that someone youlive with is not too happy, butyou can't really do anythingabout that right now. Travel willenhance romance and adventure.Romance can surface if you getinto some of those fitness pro-grams you've been putting off.Your outgoing nature mightwork against you this week.Your lucky day this week will beSunday.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) :You may have difficulties whiletraveling or problems dealingwith close friends or relatives.Difficulties with children willsurface if you try to break a pro-mise you made. Physical limita-tions are possible if you aren'tcareful. Don't be afraid of oppo-sition; your suggestions arevalid. Your lucky day this weekwill be Friday.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) :There may be opportunities toattend social functions that arelinked to work. Problems withyour boss could lead to unem-ployment. Don't let friends orrelatives make you feel guilty ifyou're not able to attend one oftheir affairs. Take a trip or justspend some quality time withyour mate. Your lucky day thisweek will be Saturday.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - March 20) :Limitations at work might setyou back. Underhandedness willaffect your reputation. Childrenmay be less than honest withyou. You may blow situationsout of proportion when dealingwith the one you love. Yourlucky day this week will beTuesday.

■ At your service

Kerastase L’Oréal

GUSTAVIA Tel.: 05 90 27 78 62

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DEEP RELAXATIONMASSAGECLEO06 90 741 38805 90 271 561


TEL (ON ISLAND) : 0690 58 78 98FROM USA : 011 590 690 58 78 98

EMAIL : stbarthcordonbleu@yahoo.fr


Christine Jean-Jacques

St Barth WEEKLYPublished by "Le Journal de Saint-Barth"

Ph. : Fax : eemmaaiill:: ssttbbaarrtthhwweeeekkllyy@@wwaannaaddoooo..ffrr ISSN-1766-9278

Director & layout : Avigaël Haddad Chief Editor: Pierrette Guiraute,

Translation: Ellen Lampert Greaux, Advertising sales : Chloé Ameur

Impression : Daily Herald


St Barth Weekly n°81 20

Iinherited the passion forwatches and watchmak-ing from my ancestors,

the French EmperorNapoleon I, and his brotherJérôme, King of Westphalia,of whom I am a directdescendant. Our entire fam-ily collected timepieces –not only the Emperor him-self collected watches, butso did his brothers and alsohis sisters, including Caro-line Murat, an unbelievablykeen collector, who more-over ordered the world’sfirst wristwatch to be madefor herself.I have literally been takenover by this passion forwatches and watchmaking.I am still amazed by this artof the infinitely small partswhich create the mechanismof movement, entranced by

t h e s einventivegeniuseswho con-s t a n t l ytest ands u r p a s sthe tech-nical lim-its to bet-ter recordthe timethat goesby. I am

fascinated by the slow andpainstaking manner inwhich the watchmaker car-ingly manufactures histimepiece – which throughapplied science and infinitepatience becomes an exten-sion of himself, and a cre-ation in itself.In this totally exclusiveworld of fine luxury watch-making, it was my intentionto bring together the verybest craftsmen of our time.These master watch and dialmakers reproduce ancestralcraftsmanship and know-how, a heritage of ines-timable value transmitted tothem by their elders. Theyknow just how to add aspark of creative genius tothis precious personal her-itage. Day after day, thisshared passion enables themto create “the exceptional”timepiece – TheDewittwatches manufactured atour workshops in

Vandoeuvres(Geneva, Switzerland).Our search for absolute per-fection is never ending. Itresides in the heart of all ourcreations, pushing backunceasingly the frontiers ofthe possible to astound, sur-prise, and astonish thosecollectors and devotees ofthe DeWitt brand who do usthe kindness of being ourcustomers.For the men among them,we have designed the Tour-billon Différentiel Acade-mia with its patented Differ-ential System. This piece,available in a limited series,combines technologicalinnovation applied to thewinding system of the pow-er reserve with an all-newpresentation of the Acade-mia case, in a splendid tita-nium, red gold, and rubberfinish.For the women amongthem, we have produced thefirst DeWitt “Ladies” col-lection. A sensuously femi-nine collection featuring acambered, oval-shapedcase, its middle sectionengraved with the famousstylized “ImperialColumns,” available in twolines, Alma and AlmaUtopia, with its ”captivat-ing” patented complication.

Jérôme de Witt


Passionate about Watches

St Barth Weekly n°81 22

■ Classified adsRentalGustavia, waterfronttriplex apt, 360 sqft, fur-nished one bedroomA/C, 2 bathrooms, liv-ing room w. dining area,kitchen, terrace facingthe harbour. 1995euros/month Fax./tel :(0590) 29.74.48

LandOYD: Land of 1172m?(0.28acre) for sale,located in Flamandswith a nice view overthe ocean, precedentcondition of buildingpermit possible in thecontract. 590 000 euros.Exclusive listing Sibarth Real Estate 05 90 29 88 91

Looking forBilingual couple look-ing for caretaker posi-tion. He does exteriorand handyman work,she does cleaning andironing. Call Michel at06 90 35 47 71

Real EstateHandyman preventivemaintenance andemergecy service,

reasonable rates 06 9035 72 79

FOR SALE BY OWN-ER: Two bedroom villa,view St Jean Beach,swimming pool + 1 apartment 2 bedrooms.Contact 06 90 711 575or

KAT: Extraordinarylocation in Gustavia, forthis 1 bedroom apart-ment overlooking theharbor facing the sunset,including living room,bedroom, terrace withdining area and Jacuzzi$ 645 000. Exclusivelisting Sibarth RealEstate 05 90 29 88 91

For sale: brasserie busi-ness located in St. Jean.3-6-9 year lease. Foradditional informationwrite to

Sprimbarth has com-mercial real estate offer-ings and businessopportunities available.Contact 06 90 53 77

Villa for sale in Lurin(ref 06.248), great viewuphill villa 3 bedrooms,

pool. Price : 1,900,000euros. Contact les VentsAlizés: (590) 590 27 7870 or email

Urgent: seeking long-term villa rentals, one tofive bedrooms. Sprim-barth Contact: Cell: 0690 53 77

For sale EXCLUSIVEproperty located onVitet Hillside, Incredi-ble view on "Grand culde Sac", "Petit Cul deSac" and "Toiny". Madeup 3 bedrooms, 3 bath-rooms, large living openon the infinity pool.Contact : "St BarthProperties; Sotheby'sinternationnal realty" :0590 29 75 05

For sale various pieceof land with sea view,from 610 m2 until 7660m2. Contact "St BarthProperties, Sotheby'sinternationnal realty" :0590 29 75 05

For sale EXCLUSIVEVilla 3 beds, 3 baths,swimming pool, nicerental history, beautifullview above Flamand

beach. Perfect for the StBarth LOVER'S. Contact "St Barth Prop-erties; Sotheby's inter-nationnal realty" at 059029 75 05

Large choice of restau-rants, hotels, and shopsfor sale. Call for addi-tional information:IMMO BUSINESS 0590 29 22 98,

Magnificent and spa-cious apartment, privategarden, one bedroom,dressing area, salon,open kitchen with a per-gola, 20 meters from thebeach, 350,000 euros,IMMO BUSINESS0590 29 22 98

Villa: 3 bedrooms,very large living room/salon, 60 sq meter ter-race, swimming pool,nice spaces to redeco-rate, plus two apart-ments to renovate onfirst floor, 2,500 sqmeters of land.1,550,000 euros. Call for information:IMMO BUSINESS0590 29 22 98


Stay in touch WHEREVER YOU ARE



Immo Businessrue Lafayette Gustavia - BP 11997133 Saint BarthélemyTél. : (590) 590 292 298 ou 06 90 39 85 86Fax : (590) 590 293

Charming and spacious new villa with view of St Jean Bay, three bedroomsin two bungalows, swimming pool, plus

independent apartment with two bedrooms.$2,100,000

300 meters from the beachHigh-quality construction,

Two bedroom villa, perfect conditionLuxury detail1,200,000 €

An untamed natural setting surrounds this charming villa, built on 1900 Sq meters of flat, accessible land. Two bedrooms, largeterrace, garage, and independent apartment.

1,400,000 euros

Shipping rescue 05 96 70 92 92 Gendarmerie 05 90 27 11 70PAF / airport & port police 05 90 29 76 76Hospital 05 90 27 60 35Fire dept. 18 / 05 90 27 66 13Doctor on duty 05 90 27 76 03Pharmacy Aéroport 05 90 27 66 61

Gustavia 05 90 27 61 82Saint Jean 05 90 29 02 12

Tourism office 05 90 27 87 27Harbour 05 90 27 66 97Boat company Voyager 05 90 87 10 68

Rapid Explorer 05 90 27 60 33Airlines company Winair 05 90 27 61 01

St-Barth Commuter 05 90 27 54 54Air Caraïbes 05 90 27 71 90American Airlines 00 599 54 52040

Taxis Gustavia 05 90 27 66 31Saint-Jean 05 90 27 75 81

Town Hall 05 90 29 80 40EDF (electricity company office) 05 90 29 80 81Water system 05 90 27 60 33Post office Gustavia 05 90 27 62 00Marine Reserve 06 90 31 70 73Catholic church 05 90 27 95 38Anglican church Sunday 9am. 05 90 29 74 63Evangelical church St Barth Beach Hotel Sunday 9am

■ Emergency numbers

■ Useful numbers

Grand Cul de Sac � ����� Saint�Barthélemy � F�W�I�RREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN TTeell�� :: �� ���� �� ���� ����



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