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London Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

Stationenbetrieb aus Fach EnglischThema London

3. Klasse

von Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra RennerBG/BRG LAA/THAYA



Inhalte Ziele


Lesen ( mit Wortschatz) Lückentext Factsheet Bildimpuls Hörtext Focus on words Übungen im Workbook Games



Film über London

Finden und zusammenstellen von Informationen

Textfragen beantworten

gelernte Informationen richtig einfügen

Informationen zuordnen

Informationen und Bilder zuordnen

Hörverständnis / notetaking / textwriting

Erweiterung des Wortschatzfeldes (Stadt)

Wiederholung der Vokabeln/ Selbstkontrolle des bereits gelernten Stoffs

Erstellung eines Textes / eines Interviews

Förderung der Kreativität

Visualisierung bzw Belohnung der Arbeit

Art des Stationenbetriebes: 14 Stationen + 1 Station ( Film als Abschluss)

Erarbeitung von neuem Stoff mit Übungen( die auch für Schularbeiten geeignet sind)

Dauer: 9 Unterrichtseinheiten

Zusätzliche Anmerkungen

Focus auf selbständiges Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Unterrichtsmaterialien

Entwicklung der 4 Fertigkeiten ( lesen / schreiben/ hören / sprechen)

Benötigte Literatur:

You and Me – Band 3 ( textbook und workbook)

Texte / Bilder / Videofilm

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

Projekt : LONDON - Selbst erforscht! Name: ...........................





Nr. 1 Brainstorming on London – get together in small groups – write down what

comes into your mind when you hear the word LondonPflicht Erstellung einer Mind-

Map an der Tafel

Nr. 2

Read the texts on London – underline the most important facts – learn themAsk your partner about a sight of London – he tells you what he knows

Pflicht Selbstkontrolle(mit Partner)

Nr. 3

Read the questions on worksheet 1 – answer them in complete sentences ( in your own words)hand in

Pflicht Lehrerkontrolle

Nr. 4

Worksheet 2 – complete the following text correctly - Pflicht Selbstkontrolle(Kontrollblatt)

Nr. 5 Worksheet 3 – complete the factsheet on London ( stichwortartig) Pflicht Selbstkontrolle


Nr. 6 Textbook (You and Me 3) page 36 – Name the sights you can see on this page Pflicht Selbstkontrolle

(textbook des Lehrers)

Nr. 7

Workbook (You and Me 3) - page 30 – exercise 13 page 31 – exercises 15 + 16

Pflicht Selbstkontrolle ( workbook des Lehrers)

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

Nr. 8 Focus on words – worksheet 4 – do the exercises a to f – hand in Pflicht Lehrerkontrolle

Nr.9 Listen to the tape ( Textbook page 39 / ex 5) – PflichtLehrerkontrolle

Nr.10 Workbook pages 26/27 + textbook pages 40/41Ask the way ( siehe Aufgabe g – worksheet 4Practise in pairs then come to your teacher and act out one dialogue

PflichtSelbstkontrolle + Lehrerkontrolle

Nr 11

Games – siehe Anweisungen auf worksheet 4 – ex :hDomino game ist Pflicht – die anderen Freiwillig

Pflicht / wahlSelbstkontrolle

Nr 12 oder

Look at worksheet 5– look at the pictures and write down what you know about themYou must have at least 3 tasks completed

Pflicht / WahlSelbstkontrolle(Londontexte)

Nr.13 Textwriting – -worksheet 4 – last exercise)choose at least two topics and hand them in


Nr 14 Create a poster on London ( pictures with short texts of description + some important facts)( we will vote for the best poster in class)

WahlVeröffentlichung in Klasse

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc


Number of participants Writing


Listening Precision Reading Game

For brainy students Cut out! Talking Good fun!


Number of participants Writing


Listening Precision Reading Game

For brainy students Cut out! Talking Good fun!

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

Bemerkungen zu den Stationen(Was ist für den Lehrer noch zu tun?)

STATION Vorhandene Materialien Fehlende Materialien1 Eventuell Prospektmaterial

(Verwendung des Internets)

2 Selbst erstellter Text über London -+ VokabelblattIn Klassenstärke kopieren

3 Arbeitsblatt 1 - austeilen

4 Arbeitblatt 2- austeilenAntwortblatt des Lehrers ( ausfüllen / auflegen)

5 Arbeitsblatt 3 - austeilenAntwortblatt des Lehrers ( ausfüllen / auflegen)

6 Textbook: You and Me Band 3

7 Workbook – You and Me Band 3

8 Arbeitsblatt 4 -austeilen

9Kassette Zu You and Me – Band 3 Walkmann / Radirekorder

10Workbook ( You and Me – Band 3)

11 Spiele – siehe Arbeitsblatt 4 ( File)Vorbereitung eines Word DominosTabellenraster – Arbeitsblätter auf buntes Papier kopieren/ folieren/zerschneiden

12Arbeitsblatt 5 austeilen Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten die im

Text vorkommen ausschneiden und aufkleben-

13Arbeitsblatt 4

14Schüler besorgen sich Material selbst

Bilder ausschneiden/ aufkleben – während des Unterrichts oder zu Hause

15 Eventuell Videofilm ( Städte der Welt : LONDON)Oder Longman ( London –in engl Sprache)

Videofilm (auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch) Videorecorder

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc


In the 18th century, Dr Samuel Johnson, a great man of letters said : “ A MAN WHO IS TIRED OF LONDON IS TIRED OF LIFE”. This sentence is still true. London , the capital of England has got 8-10 million inhabitants. It is a great political centre, a paradise for theatre-goers and shoppers, but it is also a very quiet place with its parks and its ancient buildings. It is the capital of culture, too, with its museums and libraries. It is one of the most famous and biggest cities, millions of tourists go there every year. They visit the many historical sights or like to go shopping.

THE TOWER OF LONDONThe Tower is the old Norman Fortress, built by William the Conqueror. It is over 900 years old and is one of the most famous castles in England. It was once a Royal Palace, the home of the former Kings and Queens of England. Later is was a place for many executions. Monarchs as well as traitors and spies have been murdered, executes, imprisoned or tortured here. Some people say that there are still ghost in the Tower. Today this building is a museum and more than 2 million people visit it every year. It is guarded by the BEEFEATERS in their traditional Tudor Uniforms. The precious CROWN JEWELS are on show here. Among them there is the biggest diamond of the world ( The STAR OF AFRICA). Eight ravens are kept at the Tower and the legend says that the Tower will fall if they leaveNext to the Tower is TOWER BRIDGE, one of London’s best known sights. It is a drawbridge which can be opened to let large ships pass.

THE BEEFEATERSWhen reading the part of the Tower of London, we heard that the BEEFEATERS are the guards of the TOWER: Do you know where the name comes from? It’ quite simple. In former times Kings and Queens had a lot of enemies and so they were always at risk to be killed. The easiest way was to put poison into the meal. For this reason they had a person who had to taste the meal before the King was allowed to eat it ( beef – eater)

ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRALSt. Paul’s Cathedral is right in the centre of the City. It was once built by SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN, after the old cathedral had been destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666. It is the second largest church in Europe and when you climb to the top of the huge dome you have got a wonderful view over London (543 steps). From the top of the church to the ground it is 365 feet ( = 111m) – one foot for every day of the year. PRINCE CHARLES and LADY DIANA got married there in 1981 : Don’t forget to try out “ Whispering Gallery!”

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

TRAFALGAR SQUAREIt is a huge square with two beautiful fountains in the centre of London. In the middle of the square is NELSON’S COLUMN. It is more than 5o m high and on top of it there is a statue of the famous British admiral, Lord Nelson. He defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar (Spain) in 1805. Trafalgar Square is also a famous meeting place of tourists from all over the world. Today the square is best known for its pigeons. It is also the traditional scene for demonstrations. On the north side of the square is THE NATIONAL GALLERY containing a great art collection.

THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENTAt Westminster (= district of London), on the bank of the river Thames, are the Houses of Parliament, where laws are discussed and made. There are two houses – The HOUSE OF LORDSand THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Next to the Parliament building there is a tall tower. Inside of this tower is BIG BEN. Many people call this tower Big Bern, but in reality it is the name of the huge bell. The sound of the clock on this tower can be heard on BBC radio.-

WESTMINSTER ABBEYIt is one of the oldest buildings in London and one of the most important religious centres in the country, Most Kings and Queens had their coronations in this church. You can still see the famous CORONATION CHAIR , which once contained the STONE OF SCONE. Edward I brought this Scottish coronation stone to England in 1296. The English gave it back to Scotland in 1996. In the Abbey there are a lot of monuments and memorials of famous Kings, Queens, politicians as well as writers, musicians and artists ( Poet’s Corner)

BUCKINGHAM PALACEThis is the official residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. When the Queen is at home, the Royal Flag flies on top. Parts of the Palace are now open to the public during the months of August and September. About 4oo people work in this palace with its more than 600 rooms. Every day or every second day at about 11.30 a.m., you can se THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD. Tourists can also visit the QUEEN’S GALLERY with its famous paintings.

COVENT GARDENThis area was once a market area where people could buy fruit, vegetables and flowers. Today it is a fashionable and stylish place for tourists and people who want to buy special things. The renovated old market area contains interesting shops, a craft market bars, restaurants and cafes. When the weather is fine it is interesting to watch the street artists ( dancers, jugglers etc)

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

PICADILLY CIRCUSIt is at the junction of five busy streets and is one of London’s most famous landmarks ( neon signs at night). It is the centre of LONDON’ s entertainment world. In this area there are many theatres, cinemas, restaurants, discos and nightclubs. On Picadilly Circus people mostly meet at the statue of EROS. Near Picadilly Circus is the famous TROCADERO ( originally a music hall) which contains restaurants , shops, cinemas and SEGAWORLD (video games on seven floors).

THE CITY OF LONDONThis small part of London, which famous all over the world is also the oldest part of London. It is the place where the old Roman town LONDINIUM was first built. In this small area you can find the banks, the offices of many big firms and one of London’s most famous streets – FLEET STREET. This street was once the home of Britain’s largest newspapers and magazines, but few are still there today. Although half a million people work in the City, only about 5ooo live there.The symbol of the City of London is the GRIFFIN ( a kind of dragon)

10 DOWNING STREETNumber 10 Downing Street is the official home of the British Prime Minister ( at present Tony Blair). The gates at the entrance to Downing Street are guarded, too, to protect him from terror attacks

THE MILLENIUM DOMEBritain’s Millenium Dome should be the most exciting attraction of the year 2000, but today everyone says that it has not been very successful. There are lots of exhibitions shown in this huge building. Although there were thousands of visitors every day, this was not enough. The ticket price of 20 pounds was much too high. Now, nobody knows what will happen with this huge building, because the exhibition was closed. Perhaps it can become a sports centre or a high-tech centre.

SPEAKER’S CORNERThis is a famous place in Hyde Park. Here everybody can hold a speech on Sunday afternoon.If you have anything to say, you just go there, stand on a stool and e4xpressd your opinion to the crowd. It is, however, forbidden to insult the Royal Family.In former times this was the place where criminals were hung. Before they died, they were allowed to hold a speech – therefore the name Speaker’s Corner

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

THE THAMES FLOOD BARRIERDo you want to make a boat trip along the river Thames? From Westminster Pier , for example, you can travel down the river. You pass the Rower of London, Tower Bridge and GREENWICH.This is the place where the 0-meridien goes through. It is also in Greenwich where European time is measured (Greenwich Mean Time).When you travel further down the Thames you will arrive at an unusual tourist attraction – The FLOOD BARRIER: In former times many people died because the water of the river came over the walls and many buildings were damaged. The barrier holds back the water when the wind pushes the sea up the river.


1) THE BRITISH MUSEUM - If you wanted to see everything in this large museum, it would take you some months or even years. The British Museum shows the development of man from prehistoric to modern timers. A lot of people visit the museum to see the Egyptian mummies. There are mummies of people, of monkeys, of dogs and of crocodiles.

2) THE NATIONAL GALLERY -It is on the north side of Trafalgar Square. It contains a collection of paintings from the 1^3th century to this century

3) MADAME TUSSAUD’S - It is an exhibition of life-size wax models of famous people of yesterday and today. The museum is full of kings, queens, politicians, stars, sportsmen, musicians etc. 2.5 million people visit it every year. There are more than 4oo figures in the museum. It takes about 6 months to make a new figure. Artists make the faces and hands from wax. The bodies are made of plastic. They use real human hair on the heads. Often famous people give their clothes to the figures. You can “ meet” there Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, Napoleon, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Bill Clinton, Pope John Paul II, The Royal Family, Mozart and many others. Don’t forget to visit the CHAMBER OF HORRORS where famous crimes and famous criminals are presented. Before leaving the museum you can make a journey through time.

LONDON PARKSThe parks are often also called “ green lungs” of London. They give Londoners the opportunity to walk in the green, to have picnics, to row boats, to go horse – riding, to feed and watch animals or to relax after a hard day’s workHYDE PARKThis is the people’s park. It is used for every kind of public occasion. THE SERPENTINE is the lake which separates Hyde Park from KENSINGTON GARDENS: The corner of Hyde Park near Marble Arch is known as Speaker’s Corner.REGENT PARKThis is the right place to go if you like animals. There you can visit the Zoological Gardens. London Zoo is the largest zoo in the countryOther parks are for example – St James Park, Green Park

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SHOPPING IN LONDONIf you like to go shopping, London is the place to go! If you walk along OXFORD STREET , REGENT STREET, BOND STREET( most expensive shopping street) or PICADILLY CIRCUS, you will find thousands of shops and department stores. Don’t forget to pay a visit to SELFRIDGES in Oxford Street. It was the first department store in London.HARRODS is in Knightsbridge and everybody in London knows about it. Every day there are about 35 000 customers and when there is a sale on, there may be even 300 000 a day. More than 4000 people work there and you can buy everything that can be bought for money. What you buy is packed into a green and gold carrier bag. Don’t forget to visit the famous FOOD HALLS on the ground floor. Here you can buy whatever you like to eat or to drink. There are 500 types of cheese, fish from all over the world, 151 different varieties of tea and about 150 types of bread. STREET MARKETS – If you like street markets there is PORTOBELLO ROAD MARKET – one of the oldest and most famous markets in London. PETTICOAT LANE MARKET is open on Sunday mornings. CAMDEN LOCK MARKET is also a good place to go. You can buy there rings, bracelets, second hand things like books, clothes, necklaces and so on. Street markets are fun but sometimes also a tourist trap. If you go to one of these markets you should be careful of pickpockets.

MEANS OF TRANSPORTTourist often like to use the famous DOUBLE-DECKER-BUSES. Because you get a nice view from the top deck. Some of them are sightseeing buses, where the upper deck is open.The most popular means of transport is the LONDON UNDERGROUND. It is much faster than buses and taxis. Some of the stations have long escalators down to and up from the platforms.A tourist can find the right platform easily. At each station there is a large map on the wall on which the different lines are shown in different colours. A red arrow ( ) points to station where you are. As soon as you have found out where you want to go on the map, just follow your colour. At the top of the escalators and along the passages there are lights of the same colours as on the map.

If you have the correct money you can get a ticket from a machine, if not you must go to the ticket office. For tourists it is better to buy a TRAVELCARD. You can use it for all means of transport and you need not buy a ticket any more either for one day, for three days or for a whole week.

PEOPLE OF LONDONMost interesting i n London are the people. There are rich people, businessmen, homeless people sleeping on park benches or under railway bridges, wrapped in newspapers. There are also many punks who want to impress by their crazy hairstyles. But there are also lots of people from other continents, especially from Asia and Africa. They are called immigrants: Last but not least there are the many tourists who visit London at any time of the year.

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WEST END / EAST ENDTourists usually see only a very small part of London. They visit the sights, go to the big stores, go to see a theatre play or watch a film in one of the many cinemas. All these attractions are in the WEST END.THE SUBURBS Houses and flats in the nice parts of London are very expensive. They cost so much that even people with good jobs can’t afford them. Therefore many people live in the towns and villages outside London. Of course they must travel a long ways to work. Two or three hours in a train every day is quite normal for these commuters.But areas like BRIXTON in South London or the EAST END are poor areas. Here the houses and buildings are shabby, dirty and very old. Most people there are poor. The parents or grandparents of many young people came once from India, Pakistan or the West Indies.

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc



1) How many inhabitants has London got?2) What is Big Ben?3) What can you see in the Tower today?4) Why are there ravens kept in the Tower?5) What can you see at Trafalgar Square?6) What is Buckingham Palace?7) What are the two Houses of Parliament called?8) Who rebuilt St Paul’s Cathedral after the Great Fire?9) Who got married in St. Paul’s Cathedral?10) Name two famous street markets of London!11) What do people usually buy at street markets?12) What are the guards of the Tower called and where does their

name come from?13) Why do you have to be careful when go shopping to street

markets?14) What is the name of the lake in Hyde Park`?15) Where is Speaker’s Corner and where did this place get its

name from?16) What can you see in the British Museum?17) Name some parks of London!18) Which museums can you visit in London?19) What is Harrods?20)Describe London’s East End21)What was Fleet Street once famous for22)What is Westminster Abbey?23)What do you know about the Stone of Scone?24)Which means of transport are famous for London?25)What is a travelcard?26)Which river flows across London?27)What is Greenwich?28)Why was the Flood Barrier constructed?29)What is the symbol of the City of London?30)What was Covent Garden formerly?31)How much was the ticket price for the Millenium Dome?32)What is Mme Tussaud’s ?33)Where is the famous London Zoo?34)What kind of people can you come across in London?35)You want to go shopping in London – where cane you do this?

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TEXT – Worksheet 2(on London)

Many tourists come to London to visit the __________________ and because London is the

________________-of Great Britain and the centre for __________________________.

The Tower of London was once and old __________________then a ____________________

and later a prison where many ________________and __________________were executed.

Today you should see the ________________________-with the biggest _______________

of the world.Tower Bridge is a __________________________because it can be opened. The architect of

St.Paul’s Cathedral was ___________________________. When you go to Trafalgar Square

you will see _____________________and lots of _____________________ feeding them.

The Houses of Parliament are in the district of ______________________. Many British Kings

and Queens were crowned in ________________________ on the ____________________

Chair. Queen Elizabeth II has her residence in ____________________________________

Many tourists go there to see the __________________________________in the morning.

The British Prime Minister, however, lives in ______________________________________.

The best known department store is _____________________, which is in ____________.

Portobello Road is one of the many _______________________ where you can buy ________

_______________________, but there are also many____________________________

Don’t forget to go to the biggest museum, the __________________________________.

If you want to see famous people or your favourite pop star in life-size, then go to

_____________________________. If you like animals best, visit the largest____________

in _________________________! The lake in Hyde Park is called ____________________.

The City of London is the place of the old _______________town ____________________ .

All the theatres, shops and sights are in _______________________, whereas poor people

tend to live in _____________________. As housing is very __________________ many

Londoners live ________________ and have to __________________to work every day.

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc


Inhabitants of London

Paradise for:

Tower of London was built by

The guards of the Tower are called

The architect of St Paul’s Cathedral was

The Great Fire happened in

The height of St. Paul’s is

In the middle of Trafalgar Square is

Who defeated whom?

Buckingham Palace is

10 Downing Street is

The Serpentine is

Activities in Hyde Park are

The Flood Barrier protects

Mme Tussauds is famous for

At street markets you can buy

The poorer areas of London are

Harrods is

Selfridges is

Greenwich is

People who travel to work every day are

Famous means of transport are

The British Museum shows

The 2 Houses of Parliament are

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

FOCUS ON WORDS-worksheet 4

1) COLLECTING WORDS (Look at these 5 groups of words – collect more words and phrases for each group:

a) What kind of sights, public buildings, places can you find in a town? A castle, a bank, a theatre ……b) name some places where you can buy things or sth to eat/ to drink a supermarket, a restaurants, the baker’s shop ……..c) Where cane places be in a town? In Smith Street, in the centre, opposite the post office ,………d) What can a place in a town be like? Big, beautiful, dirty, crowded,……..e) Where do you go when you want to do the following things: to see a film - to buy meat – to buy flowers – to have a good meal – to have a quick snack to buy stamps – to see a good play – to watch a football match – to go swimming – to take your dog for a walk – to look at paintings – to buy books – to borrow books – to buy school things ( pencils..) – to see the Crown Jewels in London ?f) You and Me 3 – Workbook ( ad Unit 4 )

Page 28 / exercise 6 Page 29 / exercise 11 (page 30 / exrecises 12, 13,14) (page 31/ exercises 15 + 16)

g) Asking the way – work in pairs – one student with the workbook, one student with the textbook – look at the map – describe the way to the following sights :National Gallery - Covent Garden – St Paul’s Cathedral – Westminster Abbey – Victoria Station - Buckingham Palace – Trafalgar Squareh) GAMES:

Vocabulary Domino Play with a partner. One of you thinks of a famous building – the other one

must guess what it is by asking questions. ( Is it in the centre / is it a historicalbuilding …..) you answer only with yes / no

Play the Highway Code Game ( aus :Come Along 2 ( part 1 – p 42/43)

i) TEXTWRITINGa) Imagine that you are in London – you write a postcard or a letter to one of your

friends ( what you have already seen/ what you liked / disliked …..) make it lively and personalb) Imagine you have to interview a teenager who lives in London – write down the

interviewc) Interview one of your classmates about where he / she lives – what he likes /

dislikes, if he could change where he/she would go – write down the interviewd) Workbook p 30 – ex 14

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Credit to Mag. Judith Proksch / Mag Sandra Renner document.doc

VOCABULARIES – LONDONA man of letters Philosoph The Houses of

ParliamentDas Parliamentsgebäude

capital Hauptstadt A law GesetzAn inhabitant Einwohner To discuss Diskutieren/

besprechenA political centre Politisches Zentrum House of Commons UnterhausA theatre-goer Theaterbesucher House of Lords OberhausAn ancient building Ein altes Gebäude A clock TurmuhrA library Bibliothek A bell GlockeA historical sight Historische

SehenswürdigkeitInside Drinnen/im Inneren

A fortress Festung The official home Offizielle SitzWilliam the Conqueror

Wilhelm der Eroberer Prime Minister Premierminister

A castle Burg/Schloß A gate TorA royal palace Königspalast The entrance EingangKing/Queen König/Königin To protect SchützenAn execution/ to execute

Hinrichtung / hinrichten

A public figure Figur des öffentl. Lebens

A traitor Verräter A religious centre Religiöses ZentrumA spy ( spies) Spion (e) A coronotaion KrönungTo imprison sb Ins Gefängnis

steckenTo crown Krönen

To torture Foltern / quälen Coronation Chair Krönungssessel To guard Bewachen To contain Enthalten/beinhalten PreciousA precious stone

Wertvoll Edelstein

A monument Denkmal/Monument

A raven Rabe A memorial GedenkstätteA legend Legende A writer SchriftstellerA drawbridge Zugbrücke A politician PolitikerComplete(ly) Völlig/vollständig The residence Residenz/WohnsitzTo destroy Zerstören Official Offiziell/amtlichHuge Riesig The Royal Family Königl FamileA dome Kuppel The flag Flagge/FahneA view Aussicht Open to the public Der Öffentlichkeit

zugänglichFrom the top to the ground

Von der Spitze bis zum Boden

The Changing of the Guard


To marry Heiraten During WährendA square Platz A painting GemäldeA fountain Springbrunnen A market area MarktgebietA column Säule To renovate RenovierenA statue Statue A craft market HandwerksmarktAn admiral Admiral A junction Kreuzung(Strasse)To defeat Bekämpfen/besiegen A landmark MeilensteinA battle Schlacht Entertainment UnterhaltungA meeting place Treffpunkt An office BüroA pigeon / a dove Taube A Roman town Römische StadtA demonstration Demonstration A firm FirmaAn art collection Kunstsammlung A griffin Kleiner DracheThe bank of a river Flußufer A businessman GeschäftsmannThe Thames Themse ( Fluß) A homeless person ObdachloserSucessful Erfolgreich To row a boat Ein Boot rudernAn exhibition Ausstellung To feed animals Tiere fütternExciting Aufregend To relax Erholen/entspannenAlthough Obwohl Public occasion Öffentlicher AnlaßTo hold a speech Eine Rede halten To separate Trennen

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A criminal Verbrecher A corner EckeAn enemy Feind Stand on a stool Auf e. Strockerl

stehenTo be at risk Etwas riskieren To express your

opinionMeinung ausdrücken

A meal Mahlzeit The crowd MenschenmengeA reason Grund To insult BeschimpfenTo taste Kosten A sign ZeichenA pier Anlegestelle A means of transport TransportmittelTo travel down the river

Flußabwärts fahren The underground/Tube


To pass Vorbeifahren(gehen) An escalator Rolltreppe0 –meridian Null-Meridian A platform BahnsteigTo measure time Zeit messen A map PlanUnusual Ungewöhnlich An arrow PfeilA tourist attraction Touristenattraktion To point HinzeigenA flood barrier Flut Barriere A passage GangTo damage Beschädigen The ticket office KartenschalterTo hold back Abhalten/

zurückhaltenA travel card Wochenkarte

A department store Kaufhaus A park bench ParkbankA customer Kunde To wrap(ped) EinwickelnA sale Ausverkauf/Abvrkauf To impress BeeindruckenA carrier bag Tragetasche A hairstyle FrisurThe Food Halls Lebensmittelhalle Shabby SchäbigThe ground floor Erdgeschoß A flat WohnungA variety Vielfalt A commuter PendlerA type of bread Brotart To commute PendelnA street market Straßenmarkt Anywhere else Irgendwo andersSecond hand goods Gebrauchte Ware Traffic VerkehrA pickpocket Taschendieb A gig=concert KonzertThe development of man

Entwicklung ds Menschen

Pretty much the same

Ziemlich das selbe

Prehistoric times Urgeschichte To afford Leisten könnenAn Egyptian mummy Ägypt. Mumie To reckon Glauben, meinenA collection Sammlung The Science Museum Naturwiss. MuseumA century Jahrhundert The Docklands HafengebietLife-size figures Lebensgroße Figuren Pollution VerschmutzungWax models Wachsmodelle A side- street NebenstrasseThe Pope Papst Ought to Sollte A Chamber of Horrors

Horrorkabinett A lorry LKW

The lungs Lunge A yard Ca 1 meterThe opportunity Gelegenheit It doesn’t bother me Es ist mir egalTo have a picnic Ein Picknick machen Honest ( ly) Ehrlich

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Beispiel Vokabeldomino

A map Ausstellung An exhibition Eine Rede halten

To hold a speech Ecke The corner schäbig

shabby Verkehr traffic Frisur

hairstyle Verschmutzung pollution ehrlich

honest Wohnung A flat Tragetasche

A carrier bag gebrauchte Ware Second hand goods Menschenmenge

The crowd Nebenstrasse sidestreet flussabwärts

Down the river abhalten To hold back vorbeifahren

To pass Transportmittel A means of transport


Public occasion riesig huge Plan

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