student fees - elsenburg

Post on 03-Oct-2021






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1.1. Student administration section

Office hours for enquiries: Mondays to Fridays, 08:00 to 16:30

Correspondence should be directed to:

Head: Student Affairs

Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute

Private Bag X1



Via e-mail:

Academic enquiries should be directed to:

Financial enquiries should be directed to:

Covid-19 related enquiries should be directed to:

Application enquiries should be directed to:

Open Day enquiries should be directed to:

Elsenburg website:

Fax number: +27 866879255

Contact Person Telephone number Email Address

Desiree Chinasamy-Dampies 021 808 5457

Liesl Hendricks 021 808 5453

Elizabeth Everts 021 808 7652

She-Earl April 021 808 7691

1.2. Hostel

Office hours for enquiries: Mondays to Fridays, 08:00 to 16:30

Correspondence on matters relating to Elsenburg residences should be directed to:

Head: Hostel

Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute

Private Bag X1



Elsenburg website:

Fax number: +27 866879255

Contact Person Telephone number Email Address

Laetitia Smith 021 808 5470

Brenton Maarman 021 808 7667


1.3 Debt administration section

1.3.1 Debt administration deals with the recovery of outstanding student debts.

Office hours for enquiries relating to payments for student accounts is Monday to Friday from

08:00 to 16:30 and the operating hours for the cashier at the Elsenburg main building is

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 15:30.

Correspondence on matters relating to outstanding student fees should be directed to:

Manager: Financial Accounting

Western Cape Department of Agriculture

Private Bag X1



Contact Person Telephone number Email Address

Shereen Everts 021 808 5035

Anastasia Jansen 021 808 7677

Malinda Fryer 021 808 5393

1.3.2 In the case of modules reflected incorrectly on statements, students should contact the

Student Administration office directly.

1.3.3 Enquiries on invoices, monthly statements and reminders on outstanding accounts must be

directed to the Debt Administration Section.


2.1 Payment Modes

Annual student fees may be settled by means of one of the following two modes of payment.

Annexure A, Payment Terms for Student Fees, must be completed, signed by the student and

parents and returned to Ms. S. Everts by means of email on or before 15 December.

Option 1: Full settlement of all fees relating to the academic year on the day of registration.

Only if all study and related fees are paid in full for the academic year at registration a

request for a 3% rebate on the tuition fees (subject / modules fees only) can be submitted

to the Debt Administration section. The payment for the full academic year must be done

within 3 days of registration, if payment is not received within the 3 days the 3% rebate option

will then fall away and option 2 semester payments will be activated. See option 2 below.

Please Note: No Rebate will apply if there are outstanding fees from the previous academic

years. The previous academic years fees must therefore be paid before the 3% rebate can

come into effect.


All monies received on day of registration are allocated as follows:-

1. The compulsory first payment for the registered academic year.

o Registration fee

o Computer usage fee

o Continuation fee

o Laboratory fee

o Printing and Photocopy fee

o Meal Coupon fee

o Meal activation fee

2. Outstanding amount from the previous academic years, and then

3. Accommodation costs and subject fees.

Option 2: Three instalments per academic year

Payment in three instalments, with the compulsory first payment by registration and two further

payments at the end of March and the end of July, with the amount equal to that semester’s

outstanding fees.

The compulsory first payment on the day of registration includes the following fees:

Registration fee (or late registration fee)

Computer usage fee, if applicable

Continuation fees, if applicable

Laboratory fee, if applicable

Photocopy fee, if applicable

Printing fee, if applicable

Meal coupon fee

Meal activation fee, if applicable

The second payment at 31 March must include the total outstanding amount relating to the

first semester fees as indicated on the day of Registration. The third payment at 31 July must

reflect the total outstanding fees for the second semester.

Refer to paragraph 6 for tariffs and detail per fee.

Interest will be charged on all outstanding amounts after the dates as set above.


2.2 Payment methods

Debit card, credit card and EFT facilities will be available on the day of registration.

2.2.1 EFT payments

Payment is preferred by direct deposit into the following bank account:

** Please note that this account is only for academic fees and not for the sport fees. Any sport fees payed

into this account will be allocated to the student’s academic fees account.

Bank : Nedbank

Name : Department of Agriculture

Branch code : 198 765

Account number : 1452 045 119

Swift Code : nedszajj (Only applicable to foreign students)

Reference : Student number and surname

The deposit slip must be faxed to 086 565 2094 or emailed to the Debt Administration Section

at The student number must be used as reference. Please allow

five working days for the transaction to be processed on your student account.

2.2.2 Payment at the cashiers (amounts not paid at registration or via EFT)

The cashier is situated in the main building of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture

opposite the college campus.

Office hours for payments at the cashier: Mondays to Fridays, 08:00 to 15:30.

2.3 Failure to pay and charging interest

2.3.1 Interest will be charged on all outstanding amounts after the set dates in paragraph 2.1.

Interest will start accumulating from 1 June on the first semester’s outstanding fees if not paid

on 31 March and from 1 October on the second semester’s outstanding fees if not paid by 31


2.3.2 The Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) will institute legal actions to recover

outstanding amounts including all legal costs and interest.

2.3.3 Students may not be allowed to register for a next study year unless all outstanding debts are

paid in full. The student will only be allowed to register by paying in full for the new study year

at registration or by paying all outstanding debts in full.

2.3.4 At the end of the final study year a student’s exam results may be withheld if their student

accounts are not settled a week prior to the day of graduation.


2.3.5 Invoices are sent out during May and September. Statements are sent out during June and

October. Non-receipt of the statement shall not be grounds for non-payment or late payment.

The onus is on the student to ascertain the outstanding amount and make payment by the

due date.

2.3.6 Study and accommodation fees are payable in full, regardless of whether any service

provided by the College is disrupted by circumstances beyond the College’s control, such as

strikes, student boycotts, public unrest or any other type of disruption on campus.


3.1 Application for Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute study bursary

Prospective students should apply for a bursary on or before 30 September. No late

applications will be considered.

The criteria for bursary applications at EATI are based on transparency, fairness and the

promotion of the WCDoA’s transformation objectives. Please note that a limited number of

bursaries are available and meeting the criteria does not guarantee entitlement. Allocation

will be according to the bursary priorities set by EATI.

The bursary application form, obtainable from the department or online, must be fully and

correctly completed and signed by the applicant and if applicable, his/her parent or

guardian. All documents requested on the application form must be submitted and failure to

comply may result in the application being deemed incomplete. Only applications submitted

on the prescribed application form and completed applications will be considered. The use of

tippex on application forms is strictly prohibited and no faxed/emailed application forms will



Successful applicants will be informed during November. Applicants who do not receive

notification prior to registration in January must consider their applications as having been

unsuccessful. Bursary holders may not accept more than one bursary with service obligations.

Please note that the successful candidates must submit a copy of the approval letter (or

contract) and a copy of their ID at registration. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain this

letter (contract) from Student Administration before registration. No registration will be allowed

without this letter.

3.2. Other Bursary Holders

Bursary holders are personally responsible for the payment of their student fees. The onus rests

on the student to ensure that a bursary payment is received before the payment due dates

as stipulated in paragraph 2.1. If no payments are received on the due dates as stipulated

the student will then be held liable for payment of all outstanding fees.

A copy of written proof that a bursary has been awarded, which indicates specifically the

amount of the bursary, and a copy of the contract with the bursar must be submitted to the

Debt Administration Section, preferably before registration or otherwise during registration.

Proof of bursaries can also be sent via e-mail to



4.1. A compulsory registration fee is payable prior to the day of registration. Proof of payment of

the registration fee must be presented on the day of registration.

4.2. Students are encouraged to register for classes on published dates. Whether you are a

continuing, new, or re-entering student, additional charges will be applied to your account if

you do not register for courses by the published dates for registration. A late registration fee is

applicable in addition to the registration fee.

4.3. A verification of results will be conducted and if it becomes apparent the applicant does not

meet the minimum admission requirements, he/she will not be admitted. After verification of

results students will select their subjects for the year and a cost statement will be printed

indicating all fees payable for the semester. The student will be directed to the pay point.

4.4. All students (including bursary holders) must report to the pay point to settle outstanding

accounts and to submit bursary approvals and other documentation where applicable. Also

refer to par. 2.3.3. of this manual regarding outstanding debts.


When a student leaves the college without having completed his/her programme of study, the

Head: Student Affairs shall be notified accordingly in writing, together with the reason(s) for the

discontinuation of studies. The written notice of discontinuation of studies must be handed in at

the Student Administration office. Discontinuing students are also required to complete a

Discontinuation of Studies form which is obtainable from the Student Administration Section and

or the Finance Section.

If the written notice of discontinuation of studies states no date of discontinuation, the date of

receipt of such notice shall be used for the purpose of calculating the outstanding amount.

Any student (excluding students registered for year modules) who discontinues his/her studies

after 31 March in the first semester OR after 31 August in the second semester of the academic

year for which he/she registered, shall also be liable for the full study fees owing. Students who

are registered for year modules i.e. Diploma in Agriculture (Experiential Learning, Extension and

Cellar Technology), who discontinue his/her studies after 31 March, shall be liable for the full

study fees owing.

The possible refund of any amount rests with the college. Refer to the table in paragraph 6 for a

summary of all fees payable and the refund thereof if in accordance with the stipulations of

paragraph 5.



All fees are reviewed on an annual basis. The Institute reserves the right to amend all fees,

without giving prior notice, during the course of the academic year.

Although the information in the Student Fees Guide has been compiled as carefully as possible,

the Institute accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

The following are costs for the 2021 academic year. Also refer to paragraph 7 for detailed

descriptions of relevant study fees payable.

Fees Course Amount payable


When payable Refunds on fees paid

1. Application fee All 100.00 When submitting

the application


Not refundable.

2. Acceptance fee All 200.00 When accepting

the college’s study


Not refundable.

3. Registration fee All 2 550.00 At registration

each study year

Not refundable.

4. Late Registration All 1 477.00 At registration

each study year in

addition to

registration fee

Not refundable.

5. Internet usage All 904.00 Optional. At

registration each

study year

Not refundable.

6. Photocopy fee All 200.00 At registration Not refundable

7. Student card All To be confirmed At registration Not refundable.

8. Administration


All 452.00 On any

transaction where

money is refunded

on request

Not refundable

9. Re-mark fees All 447.00 Within one working

day after the final

results have been


Not refundable

10. Boarding of


Equine studies Refer to

appendix 2

At registration Not refundable

11. Examination

fees for Equine


Equine studies Refer to

appendix 2

Prior to assessment Not refundable

12. Lodging All Refer to

appendix 2

At the beginning

of each semester

Pro-rata refundable if in accordance with

par. 5 above

13. Meal activation


All 2 000.00 At registration Meal credits will be transferred to the next

academic year. When leaving the

college the unused credits are



Fees Course Amount payable


When payable Refunds on fees paid

14. Meals All R19.60/breakfast,



As required during

the year

Meal credits will be transferred to the next

academic year. When leaving the

college the unused credits are


15. Lost Meal


All 194.00 Per occurrence New coupon will be issued to a student.

Student will be liable to pay a

replacement cost in the event of a

lost/replacement coupon.

16. Tuition fees All Refer to

appendix 1 for

fees per module

Refer to par. 2.1 for

modes of


Pro-rata refundable if in accordance with

par. 5 above

17. Change in


offering fee

All 677.00 Per change in



Not refundable

18. Sport and

recreation fee

All Refer to

appendix 2

At registration Not refundable

19. Printing of





and Diploma


58.00 Per application Not refundable

20. Re-issue of




and Diploma


172.00 Per application Not refundable

21. Lost Keys All 115.00 Per request Not refundable



7.1 Application fees

An application fee is payable when an application form is submitted. No application will be

considered if proof of payment of the respective fee is not attached. Should the application

be unsuccessful or should the applicant withdraw his/her application, the application fee will

not be refunded. The application fee is not used towards payment of any other fees.

7.2 Acceptance fee

In order to secure provisional registration, an acceptance fee is payable to the Institution.

7.3 Registration fee

A class registration fee is always payable upon registration.

7.4 Late Registration fee

Students are encouraged to register for classes on published dates. Whether you are a

continuing, new or re-entering student, additional charges will be applied to your account if

you do not register for courses by the published dates for registration. A late registration fee

is applicable.

7.5 Internet Usage fees

An internet usage fee is payable at registration. The fee provides the student with access to

the internet for the duration of the academic year.

7.6 Continuation fee

Students who are readmitted to the college after unsuccessful studies in the Diploma:

Experiential Training, Diploma: Cellar Technology or Diploma: Extension programmes are

required to pay a continuation fee.

7.7 Laboratory fees

Students registering for the Diploma in Cellar Technology are required to pay a fee for the

use of the laboratory.

7.8 Lodging

The Elsenburg campus has six hostels and two student houses. The first year hostels are Ou

Koshuis, Huis Noord and De Kelders. Senior hostels are Huis Suid and Bacchus. The annual

residence fee shall be deemed to be the sum of the room and meal option charges. The

annual residence fee for these purposes shall not be deemed to include residence life and

service charges. Students who have not been living in student housing for the first semester

and who are accepted into residence for the second semester are liable for the second

semester fees only. Returning students are required to apply for residence annually.

7.9. Meal Activation fee

A meal activation fee is payable at registration to activate the meal system. A meals coupon

fee of R97.00 is deducted from the meal activation fee for booking of meals. The balance of

the meal activation fee may be utilized for booking of meals. If you lose your coupon, you

may have purchase a new coupon to be activated at the hostel against payment of the

required amount of R194.00.


7.10 Meals

Meals are pre-booked online or at the meal-booking machine at least a day in advance,

before midnight. The student exercises his/ her right by choosing which meals he/ she will be

taking. The meal account must at all times have a credit balance. Actual meal credits not

taken will be credited to the student’s account at year end or when the student leaves the


7.11 Photocopy fee

A photocopy fee is payable at registration. This amount is credited to the student’s fee

account for the use of the Institution’s photocopying facilities. The photocopying quota may

only be replenished with a payment at the cashiers or by direct bank deposit into the

institution’s bank account. If the photocopying quota is not depleted by the end of the

academic year, the remaining amount is credited to your student fees account.

7.12 Student card

Each person who registers for the first time as a student is given an Elsenburg Agricultural

Training Institute student card (photo identity card) at no cost.

Students registering for the B.Agric programme who require a Stellenbosch University student

card may purchase the card through the Stellenbosch University. This fee is payable to

Stellenbosch University at the cashiers in Admin A.

Returning students keep the student cards they were given the first time they registered and

they are required to bring their student cards with them every time they register in order to

reactivate the student cards for the new academic year.

7.13 Administration fee

Raised on any transaction where money is refunded on request (cancelling of a course or


7.14 Changing of instructional offering

A penalty levy will be raised to discourage continuous changing of instructional offering to

avoid administration disruptions. (Not relevant to the first month of registration.)

7.15 Re-mark of test/examination paper

A student who wishes to have an examination paper re-marked must apply in writing at the

Student Affairs Office and pay the required amount at the cashier (Finance Department)

within one working day after the final results of a module have been published on the website

and the lecturing noticeboards.

No re-mark will be considered without the necessary receipt of payment. Proof of payment

should be sent via e-mail to

The Lecturer responsible for the module will be contacted by Student Affairs after the proof

of payment has been received. The Lecturer will contact and supply the external moderator

with the relevant script.


The results of the re-mark could potentially only be made known shortly before the

supplementary examination takes place. A student must therefore prepare himself/herself for

the supplementary examination in case he or she needs to write this.

The Student Affairs Office will inform the student of the outcome of the evaluation.

7.16 Printing of academic record

An academic record is a formal transcript of a student’s academic history at the Elsenburg

Agricultural Training Institute (EATI). Students will receive a free copy of their Academic

Record with their degree/diploma/higher certificate certificates at graduation.

7.17. Re-issue of certificates

Applications for replacement certificates will be granted provided that a sworn statement is

submitted confirming that the original certificate has either been destroyed or lost.

7.18. Lost Keys

A room key will be issued to student at the beginning of the academic year. Student will be

liable to pay a replacement cost in the event of a lost key amounting to R115.00 per


7.19 Boarding of horses

The tariff for horses being kept on pastures is for registered students and the horses must be

available for practical courses. Veterinary costs are for the student’s own account. This tariff

includes the normal horse rations.

7.20 Equine Studies Examination Fees

All examination fees are payable directly to the Equestrian Qualifications Authority of South

Africa (EQASA) by the student. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she registers

with EQASA and that the necessary fees are paid. EQASA website for additional information:

7.21 Sport and Recreation fees

At EATI, our sport and recreational clubs are open for all students to take on a range

of activities outside study hours for a healthy lifestyle. We have the following sports

clubs on campus:




An annual membership fee is payable in order to join one of these clubs.

(See appendix 2)

All first year students pay a compulsory fee (non-curricular fee) for clothing to be worn

during the orientation week. (See appendix 2)


Payment is preferred by direct deposit into the following bank account:

Bank : ABSA

Name : Elsenburg Sport en Ontspanningsklub

Branch code : 632005

Account number : 0410166119

Type of account : Cheque

Reference : Student number and surname

7.22 Tuition fees

Tuition fees are determined annually per module and are calculated per subject in addition

to the registration fee.

The following table contains the estimated tuition fees per programme for 2021 for the first

year of study only. Contact the student administration section for a more specific and

detailed quote. (See appendix 1 for fees by module)


B.Agric +/- R 18 470.74 +/- R2 550.07

Diploma in Agriculture +/- R 17 049.67 +/- R2 550.07

Equine Studies +/- R 17 894.88 +/- R2 550.07





B.AGRIC Agribusiness Management 12281 112 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agribusiness Management 12281 142 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agribusiness Management 12281 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agribusiness Management 12281 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agribusiness Management 12281 313 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Agribusiness Management 12281 343 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 142 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 213 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 243 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 311 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 321 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 341 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Agricultural Engineering 58491 351 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Carrots & Green beans) 59897 322 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Cultivated pastures) 59897 351 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Greenhouse Management) 59897 252 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Harvest & Quality) 59897 343 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Lettuce & Sweetcorn) 59897 332 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Morph- & physiology) 59897 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Potatoes & Onions) 59897 342 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Small grain cultivation) 59897 313 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Vegetable Industry) 59897 222 10 R 1 421.00




B.AGRIC Agronomy (Veldt Pastures) 59897 321 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Agronomy (Winter crops) 59897 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Health 59927 222 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Health (Large Stock) 59927 322 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Health (Small Stock) 59927 332 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (akwakultuur) 59935 361 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Animal Nutrition) 59935 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Beef cattle) 59935 342 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Dairy cattle) 59935 312 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Dairy Science) 59935 352 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Largestock) 59935 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Meat Science) 59935 353 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Pig Production) 59935 321 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Poultry) 59935 351 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Sheep Management) 59935 332 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (Small Stock) 59935 262 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Animal Production (wool) 59935 362 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Biology 58459 113 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Biology 58459 143 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC BLW (Chemistry) 58440 111 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC BLW (Laboratory techniques) 58440 141 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC BLW (Mathematics) 58440 121 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Cellar Management (Human Management) 63169 343 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Cellar Management (Operational) 63169 314 20 R 2 840.00

B.AGRIC Cellar Management (Quality Management) 63169 341 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Communication 58505 111 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Communication 58505 211 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Computer Skills 58521 112 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Crop Protection 58467 141 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Crop Protection 58467 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Entrepreneurship 59870 221 5 R 710.00




B.AGRIC Extension 59978 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Extension 59978 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Extension 59978 312 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Extension 59978 322 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Extension 59978 344 20 R 2 840.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Alternative Crops) 13554 361 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Alternative fruit crops) 13554 351 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Citrus cultivation) 13554 352 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Cut flowers) 13554 331 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Fruit Cultivation) 13554 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Orchard establishment) 13554 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Pests & Diseases) 13554 342 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Postharvest physiology) 13554 312 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Production practices) 13554 322 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Horticulture (Value adding) 13554 332 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Natural Resource Management 59899 142 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Natural Resource Management 59899 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Natural Resource Management 59899 311 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Natural Resource Management 59899 341 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Oenology 59943 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Oenology 59943 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Oenology (Grape quality) 59943 313 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Oenology (Quality Management) 59943 342 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Oenology (Wine chemistry & Analysis) 59943 321 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Oenology (Wine chemistry) 59943 351 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Oenology (Wine micro & Analysis) 59943 311 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Oenology (Wine micro) 59943 361 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Soil Science 58475 112 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Soil Science 58475 142 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Soil Science 58475 212 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Viticulture 59919 212 10 R 1 421.00




B.AGRIC Viticulture (Establishment & Pruning) 59919 242 10 R 1 421.00

B.AGRIC Viticulture (Fertilisation & Cultivation) 59919 321 5 R 710.00

B.AGRIC Viticulture (Pests & Diseases) 59919 344 20 R 2 840.00

B.AGRIC Viticulture (Phenology) 59919 313 15 R 2 131.00

B.AGRIC Viticulture (Table grapes) 59919 352 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agribusiness Management (DIP) 12281 110 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agribusiness Management (DIP) 12281 130 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agribusiness Management (DIP) 12281 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agribusiness Management (DIP) 12281 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agricultural Engineering (DIP) (Agric Structures) 58491 130 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agricultural Engineering (DIP) (Irrigation) 58491 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agricultural Engineering (DIP) (Spraying machines) 58491 230 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Agronomy) 59897 350 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Cool weather crops) 59897 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Cult. of potatoes & onions) 59897 220 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Grain production 59897 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Intro to Agronomy) 59897 130 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Intro to Vegetables Prod.) 59897 110 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Tunnel Vegetables) 59897 140 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Agronomy (DIP) (Vegetables) 59897 360 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Animal Nutrition) 59935 110 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Aquaculture) 59935 215 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Aquaculture) 59935 370 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Beef Cattle) 59935 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Dairy cattle) 59935 130 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Dairy herd management) 59935 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Large Stock) 59935 350 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Poultry) 59935 135 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Poultry) 59935 340 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Sheep management) 59935 240 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Small stock science) 59935 140 5 R 710.00




DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Small Stock) 59935 360 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Animal Production (DIP) (Small Stock, wool, meat) 59935 220 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Biology (DIP) 58459 110 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Biology (DIP) 58459 130 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE BLW (DIP) (Basic Chemistry) 58440 120 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE BLW (DIP) (Mathematics) 58440 110 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Computer skills (DIP) 58521 130 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Crop Protection (DIP) 58467 110 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Extension (DIP) (Comm. & Innov.) 59978 110 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Extension (DIP) (Ext. in Practice) 59978 360 15 R 2 131.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Extension (DIP) (Project Management) 59978 350 15 R 2 131.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Extension (DIP) (Social dynamics & Change) 59978 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Citrus Cultivation) 13554 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Fruit Production practices) 13554 220 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Horticultural industry) 13554 110 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Horticulture) 13554 350 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Morphology & Cult, prac.) 13554 130 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Pests & Diseases) 13554 240 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Horticulture (DIP) (Post-harvest physiol.) 13554 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Natural Resource Management (DIP) (Environmental Studies) 59899 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Oenology (DIP) (Cellar Technology) 59943 350 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Oenology (DIP) (Origin of Wine) 59943 130 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Oenology (DIP) (Wine Biochem & Microbio.) 59943 220 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Oenology (DIP) (Wine chemistry) 59943 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Oenology (DIP) (Wine evaluation) 59943 240 5 R 710.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Oenology (DIP) (Wine making tech.) 59943 210 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE RSM (DIP) (Scientific Methods) 59978 310 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Soil Science (DIP) (Chemical Properties) 58475 130 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Soil Science (DIP) (Soil formation & Physics) 58475 110 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Viticulture (DIP) (Integrated wine production) 59919 230 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Viticulture (DIP) (Intro to Viticulture) 59919 130 15 R 2 131.00




DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Viticulture (DIP) (Table & Raisin Grape cult.) 59919 240 10 R 1 421.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Viticulture (DIP) (Viticulture) 59919 350 80 R 11 394.00

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Viticulture (DIP) (Wine grape cult.) 59919 210 10 R 1 421.00

EQUINE STUDIES Module 1 (Equine studies) 59934 101 38 R 5 397.00

EQUINE STUDIES Module 2 (Equine studies) 59934 102 44 R 6 249.00

EQUINE STUDIES Module 3 (Equine studies) 59934 103 44 R 6 249.00

EQUINE STUDIES Module 4 (Equine studies) 59934 104 46 R 6 533.00

EQUINE STUDIES Module 5 (Equine studies) 59934 105 50 R 7 102.00



Accommodation Per semester Per annum

Lodging (Double room - Hostel) R 10 340.00 R 20 680.00

Lodging (Single room - Hostel) R 12 296.00 R 24 592.00

Lodging (Bacchus) R 12 296.00 R 24 592.00

Lodging (Double room - House) R 12 296.00 R 24 592.00

Lodging (Single room - House) R 14 181.00 R 28 362.00

Equine Studies (Per month)

Horses kept on pastures (Applicable

only to students registered for

Equine Studies Programme) R 2 184.00

Horses kept on pastures (Applicable

to students not registered for Equine

Studies Programme) R 3 012.00

2021 Examination Costs

Payable directly to the Equestrian Qualifications

Authority of South Africa (EQASA)

NB. 2021 costs not available at time of print

Registration Fee R 385.00

Module 1 (Equine Studies) R 1 950.00

Module 2 (Equine Studies) R 2 175.00

Module 3 (Equine Studies) R 2 500.00

Module 4 (Equine Studies) R 2 600.00

Module 5 (Equine Studies) R 2 750.00

EQASA website for additional information:

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