subpart ooo—standards of per- formance for nonmetallic ... · initial crusher means any crusher...

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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.670

Chemical name CAS No.*

Isobutanol .......................................................... 78–83–1 Isobutylene ........................................................ 115–11–7 Isobutyraldehyde ............................................... 78–84–2 Isodecyl alcohol ................................................. 25339–17–7 Isooctyl alcohol .................................................. 26952–21–6 Isopentane ......................................................... 78–78–4 Isophthalic acid .................................................. 121–91–5 Isoprene ............................................................. 78–79–5 Isopropanol ........................................................ 67–63–0 Ketene ............................................................... 463–51–4 Linear alcohols, ethoxylated, mixed.Linear alcohols, ethoxylated, and sulfated, so-

dium salt, mixed.Linear alcohols, sulfated, sodium salt, mixed.Linear alkylbenzene ........................................... 123–01–3 Magnesium acetate ........................................... 142–72–3 Maleic anhydride ............................................... 108–31–6 Melamine ........................................................... 108–78–1 Mesityl oxide ...................................................... 141–79–7 Methacrylonitrile ................................................. 126–98–7 Methanol ............................................................ 67–56–1 Methylamine ...................................................... 74–89–5 ar-Methylbenzenediamine ................................. 25376–45–8 Methyl chloride .................................................. 74–87–3 Methylene chloride ............................................ 75–09–2 Methyl ethyl ketone ........................................... 78–93–3 Methyl iodide ..................................................... 74–88–4 Methyl isobutyl ketone ....................................... 108–10–1 Methyl methacrylate .......................................... 80–62–6 2-Methylpentane ................................................ 107–83–5 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone ....................................... 872–50–4 Methyl tert-butyl ether.Naphthalene ...................................................... 91–20–3 Nitrobenzene ..................................................... 98–95–3 1-Nonene ........................................................... 27215–95–8 Nonyl alcohol ..................................................... 143–08–8 Nonylphenol ....................................................... 25154–52–3 Nonylphenol, ethoxylated .................................. 9016–45–9 Octene ............................................................... 25377–83–7 Oil-soluble petroleum sulfonate, calcium salt.Oil-soluble petroleum sulfonate, sodium salt.Pentaerythritol .................................................... 115–77–5 n-Pentane .......................................................... 109–66–0 3-Pentenenitrile .................................................. 4635–87–4 Pentenes, mixed ................................................ 109–67–1 Perchloroethylene .............................................. 127–18–4 Phenol ................................................................ 108–95–2 1-Phenylethyl hydroperoxide ............................. 3071–32–7 Phenylpropane ................................................... 103–65–1 Phosgene ........................................................... 75–44–5 Phthalic anhydride ............................................. 85–44–9 Propane ............................................................. 74–98–6 Propionaldehyde ................................................ 123–38–6 Propionic acid .................................................... 79–09–4 Propyl alcohol .................................................... 71–23–8 Propylene ........................................................... 115–07–1 Propylene chlorohydrin ...................................... 78–89–7 Propylene glycol ................................................ 57–55–6 Propylene oxide ................................................. 75–56–9 Sodium cyanide ................................................. 143–33–9 Sorbitol ............................................................... 50–70–4 Styrene .............................................................. 100–42–5 Terephthalic acid ............................................... 100–21–0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ................................. 79–34–5 Tetraethyl lead ................................................... 78–00–2 Tetrahydrofuran ................................................. 109–99–9 Tetra (methyl-ethyl) lead.Tetramethyl lead ................................................ 75–74–1 Toluene .............................................................. 108–88–3 Toluene-2,4-diamine .......................................... 95–80–7 Toluene-2,4-(and, 2,6)-diisocyanate (80/20

mixture) .......................................................... 26471–62–5 Tribromomethane .............................................. 75–25–2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ......................................... 71–55–6

Chemical name CAS No.*

1,1,2-Trichloroethane ......................................... 79–00–5 Trichloroethylene ............................................... 79–01–6 Trichlorofluoromethane ...................................... 75–69–4 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane .................. 76–13–1 Triethanolamine ................................................. 102–71–6 Triethylene glycol ............................................... 112–27–6 Vinyl acetate ...................................................... 108–05–4 Vinyl chloride ..................................................... 75–01–4 Vinylidene chloride ............................................ 75–35–4 m-Xylene ............................................................ 108–38–3 o-Xylene ............................................................. 95–47–6 p-Xylene ............................................................. 106–42–3 Xylenes (mixed) ................................................. 1330–20–7 m-Xylenol ........................................................... 576–26–1

* CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Registry numbers assigned to specific chemicals, isomers, or mixtures of chemicals. Some isomers or mixtures that are covered by the standards do not have CAS numbers assigned to them. The standards apply to all of the chemicals listed, whether CAS numbers have been assigned or not.

[55 FR 26942, June 29, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 58237, 58238, Nov. 27, 1995]

§ 60.668 Delegation of authority. (a) In delegating implementation and

enforcement authority to a State under § 111(c) of the Act, the authori-ties contained in paragraph (b) of this section shall be retained by the Admin-istrator and not transferred to a State.

(b) Authorities which will not be del-egated to States: § 60.663(e).

Subpart OOO—Standards of Per-formance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants

SOURCE: 74 FR 19309, Apr. 28, 2009, unless otherwise noted.

§ 60.670 Applicability and designation of affected facility.

(a)(1) Except as provided in para-graphs (a)(2), (b), (c), and (d) of this sec-tion, the provisions of this subpart are applicable to the following affected fa-cilities in fixed or portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants: each crusher, grinding mill, screening oper-ation, bucket elevator, belt conveyor, bagging operation, storage bin, en-closed truck or railcar loading station. Also, crushers and grinding mills at hot mix asphalt facilities that reduce the size of nonmetallic minerals em-bedded in recycled asphalt pavement and subsequent affected facilities up to, but not including, the first storage silo or bin are subject to the provisions of this subpart.

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40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) § 60.671

(2) The provisions of this subpart do not apply to the following operations: All facilities located in underground mines; plants without crushers or grinding mills above ground; and wet material processing operations (as de-fined in § 60.671).

(b) An affected facility that is subject to the provisions of subparts F or I of this part or that follows in the plant process any facility subject to the pro-visions of subparts F or I of this part is not subject to the provisions of this subpart.

(c) Facilities at the following plants are not subject to the provisions of this subpart:

(1) Fixed sand and gravel plants and crushed stone plants with capacities, as defined in § 60.671, of 23 megagrams per hour (25 tons per hour) or less;

(2) Portable sand and gravel plants and crushed stone plants with capac-ities, as defined in § 60.671, of 136 megagrams per hour (150 tons per hour) or less; and

(3) Common clay plants and pumice plants with capacities, as defined in § 60.671, of 9 megagrams per hour (10 tons per hour) or less.

(d)(1) When an existing facility is re-placed by a piece of equipment of equal or smaller size, as defined in § 60.671, having the same function as the exist-ing facility, and there is no increase in the amount of emissions, the new facil-ity is exempt from the provisions of §§ 60.672, 60.674, and 60.675 except as pro-vided for in paragraph (d)(3) of this sec-tion.

(2) An owner or operator complying with paragraph (d)(1) of this section shall submit the information required in § 60.676(a).

(3) An owner or operator replacing all existing facilities in a production line with new facilities does not qualify for the exemption described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and must comply with the provisions of §§ 60.672, 60.674 and 60.675.

(e) An affected facility under para-graph (a) of this section that com-mences construction, modification, or reconstruction after August 31, 1983, is subject to the requirements of this part.

(f) Table 1 of this subpart specifies the provisions of subpart A of this part

60 that do not apply to owners and op-erators of affected facilities subject to this subpart or that apply with certain exceptions.

§ 60.671 Definitions.

All terms used in this subpart, but not specifically defined in this section, shall have the meaning given them in the Act and in subpart A of this part.

Bagging operation means the mechan-ical process by which bags are filled with nonmetallic minerals.

Belt conveyor means a conveying de-vice that transports material from one location to another by means of an endless belt that is carried on a series of idlers and routed around a pulley at each end.

Bucket elevator means a conveying de-vice of nonmetallic minerals consisting of a head and foot assembly which sup-ports and drives an endless single or double strand chain or belt to which buckets are attached.

Building means any frame structure with a roof.

Capacity means the cumulative rated capacity of all initial crushers that are part of the plant.

Capture system means the equipment (including enclosures, hoods, ducts, fans, dampers, etc.) used to capture and transport particulate matter generated by one or more affected facilities to a control device.

Control device means the air pollution control equipment used to reduce par-ticulate matter emissions released to the atmosphere from one or more af-fected facilities at a nonmetallic min-eral processing plant.

Conveying system means a device for transporting materials from one piece of equipment or location to another lo-cation within a plant. Conveying sys-tems include but are not limited to the following: Feeders, belt conveyors, bucket elevators and pneumatic sys-tems.

Crush or Crushing means to reduce the size of nonmetallic mineral mate-rial by means of physical impaction of the crusher or grinding mill upon the material.

Crusher means a machine used to crush any nonmetallic minerals, and

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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.671

includes, but is not limited to, the fol-lowing types: Jaw, gyratory, cone, roll, rod mill, hammermill, and impactor.

Enclosed truck or railcar loading sta-tion means that portion of a non-metallic mineral processing plant where nonmetallic minerals are loaded by an enclosed conveying system into enclosed trucks or railcars.

Fixed plant means any nonmetallic mineral processing plant at which the processing equipment specified in § 60.670(a) is attached by a cable, chain, turnbuckle, bolt or other means (ex-cept electrical connections) to any an-chor, slab, or structure including bed-rock.

Fugitive emission means particulate matter that is not collected by a cap-ture system and is released to the at-mosphere at the point of generation.

Grinding mill means a machine used for the wet or dry fine crushing of any nonmetallic mineral. Grinding mills include, but are not limited to, the fol-lowing types: Hammer, roller, rod, peb-ble and ball, and fluid energy. The grinding mill includes the air con-veying system, air separator, or air classifier, where such systems are used.

Initial crusher means any crusher into which nonmetallic minerals can be fed without prior crushing in the plant.

Nonmetallic mineral means any of the following minerals or any mixture of which the majority is any of the fol-lowing minerals:

(1) Crushed and Broken Stone, in-cluding Limestone, Dolomite, Granite, Traprock, Sandstone, Quartz, Quartz-ite, Marl, Marble, Slate, Shale, Oil Shale, and Shell.

(2) Sand and Gravel. (3) Clay including Kaolin, Fireclay,

Bentonite, Fuller’s Earth, Ball Clay, and Common Clay.

(4) Rock Salt. (5) Gypsum (natural or synthetic). (6) Sodium Compounds, including So-

dium Carbonate, Sodium Chloride, and Sodium Sulfate.

(7) Pumice. (8) Gilsonite. (9) Talc and Pyrophyllite. (10) Boron, including Borax, Kernite,

and Colemanite. (11) Barite. (12) Fluorospar. (13) Feldspar.

(14) Diatomite. (15) Perlite. (16) Vermiculite. (17) Mica. (18) Kyanite, including Andalusite,

Sillimanite, Topaz, and Dumortierite. Nonmetallic mineral processing plant

means any combination of equipment that is used to crush or grind any non-metallic mineral wherever located, in-cluding lime plants, power plants, steel mills, asphalt concrete plants, portland cement plants, or any other facility processing nonmetallic minerals except as provided in § 60.670 (b) and (c).

Portable plant means any nonmetallic mineral processing plant that is mounted on any chassis or skids and may be moved by the application of a lifting or pulling force. In addition, there shall be no cable, chain, turn-buckle, bolt or other means (except electrical connections) by which any piece of equipment is attached or clamped to any anchor, slab, or struc-ture, including bedrock that must be removed prior to the application of a lifting or pulling force for the purpose of transporting the unit.

Production line means all affected fa-cilities (crushers, grinding mills, screening operations, bucket elevators, belt conveyors, bagging operations, storage bins, and enclosed truck and railcar loading stations) which are di-rectly connected or are connected to-gether by a conveying system.

Saturated material means, for pur-poses of this subpart, mineral material with sufficient surface moisture such that particulate matter emissions are not generated from processing of the material through screening operations, bucket elevators and belt conveyors. Material that is wetted solely by wet suppression systems is not considered to be ‘‘saturated’’ for purposes of this definition.

Screening operation means a device for separating material according to size by passing undersize material through one or more mesh surfaces (screens) in series, and retaining oversize material on the mesh surfaces (screens). Grizzly feeders associated with truck dumping and static (non-moving) grizzlies used anywhere in the nonmetallic mineral processing plant are not considered to be screening operations.

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40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) § 60.672

Seasonal shut down means shut down of an affected facility for a period of at least 45 consecutive days due to weath-er or seasonal market conditions.

Size means the rated capacity in tons per hour of a crusher, grinding mill, bucket elevator, bagging operation, or enclosed truck or railcar loading sta-tion; the total surface area of the top screen of a screening operation; the width of a conveyor belt; and the rated capacity in tons of a storage bin.

Stack emission means the particulate matter that is released to the atmos-phere from a capture system.

Storage bin means a facility for stor-age (including surge bins) of non-metallic minerals prior to further proc-essing or loading.

Transfer point means a point in a con-veying operation where the non-metallic mineral is transferred to or from a belt conveyor except where the nonmetallic mineral is being trans-ferred to a stockpile.

Truck dumping means the unloading of nonmetallic minerals from movable vehicles designed to transport non-metallic minerals from one location to another. Movable vehicles include but are not limited to: Trucks, front end loaders, skip hoists, and railcars.

Vent means an opening through which there is mechanically induced air flow for the purpose of exhausting from a building air carrying particu-late matter emissions from one or more affected facilities.

Wet material processing operation(s) means any of the following:

(1) Wet screening operations (as de-fined in this section) and subsequent screening operations, bucket elevators and belt conveyors in the production line that process saturated materials (as defined in this section) up to the first crusher, grinding mill or storage bin in the production line; or

(2) Screening operations, bucket ele-vators and belt conveyors in the pro-duction line downstream of wet mining operations (as defined in this section) that process saturated materials (as defined in this section) up to the first crusher, grinding mill or storage bin in the production line.

Wet mining operation means a mining or dredging operation designed and op-erated to extract any nonmetallic min-

eral regulated under this subpart from deposits existing at or below the water table, where the nonmetallic mineral is saturated with water.

Wet screening operation means a screening operation at a nonmetallic mineral processing plant which re-moves unwanted material or which sep-arates marketable fines from the prod-uct by a washing process which is de-signed and operated at all times such that the product is saturated with water.

§ 60.672 Standard for particulate mat-ter (PM).

(a) Affected facilities must meet the stack emission limits and compliance requirements in Table 2 of this subpart within 60 days after achieving the max-imum production rate at which the af-fected facility will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup as required under § 60.8. The require-ments in Table 2 of this subpart apply for affected facilities with capture sys-tems used to capture and transport particulate matter to a control device.

(b) Affected facilities must meet the fugitive emission limits and compli-ance requirements in Table 3 of this subpart within 60 days after achieving the maximum production rate at which the affected facility will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup as required under § 60.11. The requirements in Table 3 of this subpart apply for fugitive emissions from af-fected facilities without capture sys-tems and for fugitive emissions escap-ing capture systems.

(c) [Reserved] (d) Truck dumping of nonmetallic

minerals into any screening operation, feed hopper, or crusher is exempt from the requirements of this section.

(e) If any transfer point on a con-veyor belt or any other affected facil-ity is enclosed in a building, then each enclosed affected facility must comply with the emission limits in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, or the build-ing enclosing the affected facility or facilities must comply with the fol-lowing emission limits:

(1) Fugitive emissions from the build-ing openings (except for vents as de-fined in § 60.671) must not exceed 7 per-cent opacity; and

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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.674

(2) Vents (as defined in § 60.671) in the building must meet the applicable stack emission limits and compliance requirements in Table 2 of this subpart.

(f) Any baghouse that controls emis-sions from only an individual, enclosed storage bin is exempt from the applica-ble stack PM concentration limit (and associated performance testing) in Table 2 of this subpart but must meet the applicable stack opacity limit and compliance requirements in Table 2 of this subpart. This exemption from the stack PM concentration limit does not apply for multiple storage bins with combined stack emissions.

§ 60.673 Reconstruction. (a) The cost of replacement of ore-

contact surfaces on processing equip-ment shall not be considered in calcu-lating either the ‘‘fixed capital cost of the new components’’ or the ‘‘fixed capital cost that would be required to construct a comparable new facility’’ under § 60.15. Ore-contact surfaces are crushing surfaces; screen meshes, bars, and plates; conveyor belts; and eleva-tor buckets.

(b) Under § 60.15, the ‘‘fixed capital cost of the new components’’ includes the fixed capital cost of all depreciable components (except components speci-fied in paragraph (a) of this section) which are or will be replaced pursuant to all continuous programs of compo-nent replacement commenced within any 2-year period following August 31, 1983.

§ 60.674 Monitoring of operations. (a) The owner or operator of any af-

fected facility subject to the provisions of this subpart which uses a wet scrub-ber to control emissions shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate the following monitoring devices:

(1) A device for the continuous meas-urement of the pressure loss of the gas stream through the scrubber. The mon-itoring device must be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within ±250 pascals ±1 inch water gauge pres-sure and must be calibrated on an an-nual basis in accordance with manufac-turer’s instructions.

(2) A device for the continuous meas-urement of the scrubbing liquid flow rate to the wet scrubber. The moni-

toring device must be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within ±5 percent of design scrubbing liquid flow rate and must be calibrated on an an-nual basis in accordance with manufac-turer’s instructions.

(b) The owner or operator of any af-fected facility for which construction, modification, or reconstruction com-menced on or after April 22, 2008, that uses wet suppression to control emis-sions from the affected facility must perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to dis-charge spray nozzles in the wet sup-pression system. The owner or operator must initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective ac-tion as expediently as practical if the owner or operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspec-tion of the water spray nozzles. The owner or operator must record each in-spection of the water spray nozzles, in-cluding the date of each inspection and any corrective actions taken, in the logbook required under § 60.676(b).

(1) If an affected facility relies on water carryover from upstream water sprays to control fugitive emissions, then that affected facility is exempt from the 5-year repeat testing require-ment specified in Table 3 of this sub-part provided that the affected facility meets the criteria in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section:

(i) The owner or operator of the af-fected facility conducts periodic in-spections of the upstream water spray(s) that are responsible for con-trolling fugitive emissions from the af-fected facility. These inspections are conducted according to paragraph (b) of this section and § 60.676(b), and

(ii) The owner or operator of the af-fected facility designates which up-stream water spray(s) will be periodi-cally inspected at the time of the ini-tial performance test required under § 60.11 of this part and § 60.675 of this subpart.

(2) If an affected facility that rou-tinely uses wet suppression water sprays ceases operation of the water sprays or is using a control mechanism to reduce fugitive emissions other than

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40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) § 60.674

water sprays during the monthly in-spection (for example, water from re-cent rainfall), the logbook entry re-quired under § 60.676(b) must specify the control mechanism being used instead of the water sprays.

(c) Except as specified in paragraph (d) or (e) of this section, the owner or operator of any affected facility for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced on or after April 22, 2008, that uses a baghouse to control emissions must conduct quar-terly 30-minute visible emissions in-spections using EPA Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7). The Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7) test shall be conducted while the baghouse is operating. The test is successful if no visible emissions are observed. If any visible emissions are observed, the owner or operator of the affected facil-ity must initiate corrective action within 24 hours to return the baghouse to normal operation. The owner or op-erator must record each Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7) test, includ-ing the date and any corrective actions taken, in the logbook required under § 60.676(b). The owner or operator of the affected facility may establish a dif-ferent baghouse-specific success level for the visible emissions test (other than no visible emissions) by con-ducting a PM performance test accord-ing to § 60.675(b) simultaneously with a Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A– 7) to determine what constitutes nor-mal visible emissions from that af-fected facility’s baghouse when it is in compliance with the applicable PM concentration limit in Table 2 of this subpart. The revised visible emissions success level must be incorporated into the permit for the affected facility.

(d) As an alternative to the periodic Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A– 7) visible emissions inspections speci-fied in paragraph (c) of this section, the owner or operator of any affected facil-ity for which construction, modifica-tion, or reconstruction commenced on or after April 22, 2008, that uses a baghouse to control emissions may use a bag leak detection system. The owner or operator must install, operate, and maintain the bag leak detection sys-tem according to paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Each bag leak detection system must meet the specifications and re-quirements in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (viii) of this section.

(i) The bag leak detection system must be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting PM emis-sions at concentrations of 1 milligram per dry standard cubic meter (0.00044 grains per actual cubic foot) or less.

(ii) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide output of relative PM loadings. The owner or operator shall continuously record the output from the bag leak detection system using electronic or other means (e.g., using a strip chart recorder or a data logger).

(iii) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an alarm sys-tem that will sound when the system detects an increase in relative particu-late loading over the alarm set point established according to paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of this section, and the alarm must be located such that it can be heard by the appropriate plant per-sonnel.

(iv) In the initial adjustment of the bag leak detection system, the owner or operator must establish, at a min-imum, the baseline output by adjusting the sensitivity (range) and the aver-aging period of the device, the alarm set points, and the alarm delay time.

(v) Following initial adjustment, the owner or operator shall not adjust the averaging period, alarm set point, or alarm delay time without approval from the Administrator or delegated authority except as provided in para-graph (d)(1)(vi) of this section.

(vi) Once per quarter, the owner or operator may adjust the sensitivity of the bag leak detection system to ac-count for seasonal effects, including temperature and humidity, according to the procedures identified in the site- specific monitoring plan required by paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(vii) The owner or operator must in-stall the bag leak detection sensor downstream of the fabric filter.

(viii) Where multiple detectors are required, the system’s instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detec-tors.

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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.675

(2) The owner or operator of the af-fected facility must develop and sub-mit to the Administrator or delegated authority for approval of a site-specific monitoring plan for each bag leak de-tection system. The owner or operator must operate and maintain the bag leak detection system according to the site-specific monitoring plan at all times. Each monitoring plan must de-scribe the items in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Installation of the bag leak detec-tion system;

(ii) Initial and periodic adjustment of the bag leak detection system, includ-ing how the alarm set-point will be es-tablished;

(iii) Operation of the bag leak detec-tion system, including quality assur-ance procedures;

(iv) How the bag leak detection sys-tem will be maintained, including a routine maintenance schedule and spare parts inventory list;

(v) How the bag leak detection sys-tem output will be recorded and stored; and

(vi) Corrective action procedures as specified in paragraph (d)(3) of this sec-tion. In approving the site-specific monitoring plan, the Administrator or delegated authority may allow owners and operators more than 3 hours to al-leviate a specific condition that causes an alarm if the owner or operator iden-tifies in the monitoring plan this spe-cific condition as one that could lead to an alarm, adequately explains why it is not feasible to alleviate this con-dition within 3 hours of the time the alarm occurs, and demonstrates that the requested time will ensure allevi-ation of this condition as expeditiously as practicable.

(3) For each bag leak detection sys-tem, the owner or operator must ini-tiate procedures to determine the cause of every alarm within 1 hour of the alarm. Except as provided in para-graph (d)(2)(vi) of this section, the owner or operator must alleviate the cause of the alarm within 3 hours of the alarm by taking whatever correc-tive action(s) are necessary. Corrective actions may include, but are not lim-ited to the following:

(i) Inspecting the fabric filter for air leaks, torn or broken bags or filter

media, or any other condition that may cause an increase in PM emis-sions;

(ii) Sealing off defective bags or filter media;

(iii) Replacing defective bags or filter media or otherwise repairing the con-trol device;

(iv) Sealing off a defective fabric fil-ter compartment;

(v) Cleaning the bag leak detection system probe or otherwise repairing the bag leak detection system; or

(vi) Shutting down the process pro-ducing the PM emissions.

(e) As an alternative to the periodic Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A– 7) visible emissions inspections speci-fied in paragraph (c) of this section, the owner or operator of any affected facil-ity that is subject to the requirements for processed stone handling operations in the Lime Manufacturing NESHAP (40 CFR part 63, subpart AAAAA) may follow the continuous compliance re-quirements in row 1 items (i) through (iii) of table 6 to subpart AAAAA of 40 CFR part 63.

§ 60.675 Test methods and procedures.

(a) In conducting the performance tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-erator shall use as reference methods and procedures the test methods in ap-pendices A–1 through A–7 of this part or other methods and procedures as specified in this section, except as pro-vided in § 60.8(b). Acceptable alter-native methods and procedures are given in paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) The owner or operator shall deter-mine compliance with the PM stand-ards in § 60.672(a) as follows:

(1) Except as specified in paragraphs (e)(3) and (4) of this section, Method 5 of appendix A–3 of this part or Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this part shall be used to determine the particulate mat-ter concentration. The sample volume shall be at least 1.70 dscm (60 dscf). For Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A– 3), if the gas stream being sampled is at ambient temperature, the sampling probe and filter may be operated with-out heaters. If the gas stream is above ambient temperature, the sampling probe and filter may be operated at a

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40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) § 60.675

temperature high enough, but no high-er than 121 °C (250 °F), to prevent water condensation on the filter.

(2) Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part and the procedures in § 60.11 shall be used to determine opacity.

(c)(1) In determining compliance with the particulate matter standards in § 60.672(b) or § 60.672(e)(1), the owner or operator shall use Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part and the procedures in § 60.11, with the following additions:

(i) The minimum distance between the observer and the emission source shall be 4.57 meters (15 feet).

(ii) The observer shall, when possible, select a position that minimizes inter-ference from other fugitive emission sources (e.g., road dust). The required observer position relative to the sun (Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part, Section 2.1) must be followed.

(iii) For affected facilities using wet dust suppression for particulate matter control, a visible mist is sometimes generated by the spray. The water mist must not be confused with particulate matter emissions and is not to be con-sidered a visible emission. When a water mist of this nature is present, the observation of emissions is to be made at a point in the plume where the mist is no longer visible.

(2)(i) In determining compliance with the opacity of stack emissions from any baghouse that controls emissions only from an individual enclosed stor-age bin under § 60.672(f) of this subpart, using Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appen-dix A–4), the duration of the Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) observa-tions shall be 1 hour (ten 6-minute averages).

(ii) The duration of the Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) observa-tions may be reduced to the duration the affected facility operates (but not less than 30 minutes) for baghouses that control storage bins or enclosed truck or railcar loading stations that operate for less than 1 hour at a time.

(3) When determining compliance with the fugitive emissions standard for any affected facility described under § 60.672(b) or § 60.672(e)(1) of this subpart, the duration of the Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) observa-tions must be 30 minutes (five 6-minute averages). Compliance with the appli-

cable fugitive emission limits in Table 3 of this subpart must be based on the average of the five 6-minute averages.

(d) To demonstrate compliance with the fugitive emission limits for build-ings specified in § 60.672(e)(1), the owner or operator must complete the testing specified in paragraph (d)(1) and (2) of this section. Performance tests must be conducted while all affected facili-ties inside the building are operating.

(1) If the building encloses any af-fected facility that commences con-struction, modification, or reconstruc-tion on or after April 22, 2008, the owner or operator of the affected facil-ity must conduct an initial Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) perform-ance test according to this section and § 60.11.

(2) If the building encloses only af-fected facilities that commenced con-struction, modification, or reconstruc-tion before April 22, 2008, and the owner or operator has previously conducted an initial Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7) performance test show-ing zero visible emissions, then the owner or operator has demonstrated compliance with the opacity limit in § 60.672(e)(1). If the owner or operator has not conducted an initial perform-ance test for the building before April 22, 2008, then the owner or operator must conduct an initial Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) perform-ance test according to this section and § 60.11 to show compliance with the opacity limit in § 60.672(e)(1).

(e) The owner or operator may use the following as alternatives to the ref-erence methods and procedures speci-fied in this section:

(1) For the method and procedure of paragraph (c) of this section, if emis-sions from two or more facilities con-tinuously interfere so that the opacity of fugitive emissions from an indi-vidual affected facility cannot be read, either of the following procedures may be used:

(i) Use for the combined emission stream the highest fugitive opacity standard applicable to any of the indi-vidual affected facilities contributing to the emissions stream.

(ii) Separate the emissions so that the opacity of emissions from each af-fected facility can be read.

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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.676

(2) A single visible emission observer may conduct visible emission observa-tions for up to three fugitive, stack, or vent emission points within a 15-second interval if the following conditions are met:

(i) No more than three emission points may be read concurrently.

(ii) All three emission points must be within a 70 degree viewing sector or angle in front of the observer such that the proper sun position can be main-tained for all three points.

(iii) If an opacity reading for any one of the three emission points equals or exceeds the applicable standard, then the observer must stop taking readings for the other two points and continue reading just that single point.

(3) Method 5I of appendix A–3 of this part may be used to determine the PM concentration as an alternative to the methods specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Method 5I (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3) may be useful for af-fected facilities that operate for less than 1 hour at a time such as (but not limited to) storage bins or enclosed truck or railcar loading stations.

(4) In some cases, velocities of ex-haust gases from building vents may be too low to measure accurately with the type S pitot tube specified in EPA Method 2 of appendix A–1 of this part [i.e., velocity head <1.3 mm H2O (0.05 in. H2O)] and referred to in EPA Method 5 of appendix A–3 of this part. For these conditions, the owner or operator may determine the average gas flow rate produced by the power fans (e.g., from vendor-supplied fan curves) to the building vent. The owner or operator may calculate the average gas velocity at the building vent measurement site using Equation 1 of this section and use this average velocity in deter-mining and maintaining isokinetic sampling rates.




= ( )Eq. 1


Ve = average building vent velocity (feet per minute);

Qf = average fan flow rate (cubic feet per minute); and

Ae = area of building vent and measurement location (square feet).

(f) To comply with § 60.676(d), the owner or operator shall record the measurements as required in § 60.676(c) using the monitoring devices in § 60.674 (a)(1) and (2) during each particulate matter run and shall determine the averages.

(g) For performance tests involving only Method 9 (40 CFR part 60 appendix A–4) testing, the owner or operator may reduce the 30-day advance notifi-cation of performance test in § 60.7(a)(6) and 60.8(d) to a 7-day advance notifica-tion.

(h) [Reserved] (i) If the initial performance test

date for an affected facility falls during a seasonal shut down (as defined in § 60.671 of this subpart) of the affected facility, then with approval from the permitting authority, the owner or op-erator may postpone the initial per-formance test until no later than 60 calendar days after resuming operation of the affected facility.

§ 60.676 Reporting and recordkeeping.

(a) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with § 60.670(d) shall submit to the Administrator the following infor-mation about the existing facility being replaced and the replacement piece of equipment.

(1) For a crusher, grinding mill, bucket elevator, bagging operation, or enclosed truck or railcar loading sta-tion:

(i) The rated capacity in megagrams or tons per hour of the existing facility being replaced and

(ii) The rated capacity in tons per hour of the replacement equipment.

(2) For a screening operation: (i) The total surface area of the top

screen of the existing screening oper-ation being replaced and

(ii) The total surface area of the top screen of the replacement screening op-eration.

(3) For a conveyor belt: (i) The width of the existing belt

being replaced and (ii) The width of the replacement

conveyor belt. (4) For a storage bin: (i) The rated capacity in megagrams

or tons of the existing storage bin being replaced and

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40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) § 60.676

(ii) The rated capacity in megagrams or tons of replacement storage bins.

(b)(1) Owners or operators of affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) for which construction, modi-fication, or reconstruction commenced on or after April 22, 2008, must record each periodic inspection required under § 60.674(b) or (c), including dates and any corrective actions taken, in a log-book (in written or electronic format). The owner or operator must keep the logbook onsite and make hard or elec-tronic copies (whichever is requested) of the logbook available to the Admin-istrator upon request.

(2) For each bag leak detection sys-tem installed and operated according to § 60.674(d), the owner or operator must keep the records specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) Records of the bag leak detection system output;

(ii) Records of bag leak detection sys-tem adjustments, including the date and time of the adjustment, the initial bag leak detection system settings, and the final bag leak detection system settings; and

(iii) The date and time of all bag leak detection system alarms, the time that procedures to determine the cause of the alarm were initiated, the cause of the alarm, an explanation of the ac-tions taken, the date and time the cause of the alarm was alleviated, and whether the cause of the alarm was al-leviated within 3 hours of the alarm.

(3) The owner or operator of each af-fected facility demonstrating compli-ance according to § 60.674(e) by fol-lowing the requirements for processed stone handling operations in the Lime Manufacturing NESHAP (40 CFR part 63, subpart AAAAA) must maintain records of visible emissions observa-tions required by § 63.7132(a)(3) and (b) of 40 CFR part 63, subpart AAAAA.

(c) During the initial performance test of a wet scrubber, and daily there-after, the owner or operator shall record the measurements of both the change in pressure of the gas stream across the scrubber and the scrubbing liquid flow rate.

(d) After the initial performance test of a wet scrubber, the owner or oper-ator shall submit semiannual reports

to the Administrator of occurrences when the measurements of the scrub-ber pressure loss and liquid flow rate decrease by more than 30 percent from the average determined during the most recent performance test.

(e) The reports required under para-graph (d) of this section shall be post-marked within 30 days following end of the second and fourth calendar quar-ters.

(f) The owner or operator of any af-fected facility shall submit written re-ports of the results of all performance tests conducted to demonstrate com-pliance with the standards set forth in § 60.672 of this subpart, including re-ports of opacity observations made using Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appen-dix A–4) to demonstrate compliance with § 60.672(b), (e) and (f).

(g) The owner or operator of any wet material processing operation that processes saturated and subsequently processes unsaturated materials, shall submit a report of this change within 30 days following such change. At the time of such change, this screening op-eration, bucket elevator, or belt con-veyor becomes subject to the applica-ble opacity limit in § 60.672(b) and the emission test requirements of § 60.11.

(h) The subpart A requirement under § 60.7(a)(1) for notification of the date construction or reconstruction com-menced is waived for affected facilities under this subpart.

(i) A notification of the actual date of initial startup of each affected facil-ity shall be submitted to the Adminis-trator.

(1) For a combination of affected fa-cilities in a production line that begin actual initial startup on the same day, a single notification of startup may be submitted by the owner or operator to the Administrator. The notification shall be postmarked within 15 days after such date and shall include a de-scription of each affected facility, equipment manufacturer, and serial number of the equipment, if available.

(2) For portable aggregate processing plants, the notification of the actual date of initial startup shall include both the home office and the current address or location of the portable plant.

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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60, Subpt. OOO, Table 2

(j) The requirements of this section remain in force until and unless the Agency, in delegating enforcement au-thority to a State under section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting require-ments or an alternative means of com-pliance surveillance adopted by such States. In that event, affected facilities within the State will be relieved of the obligation to comply with the report-

ing requirements of this section, pro-vided that they comply with require-ments established by the State.

(k) Notifications and reports required under this subpart and under subpart A of this part to demonstrate compliance with this subpart need only to be sent to the EPA Region or the State which has been delegated authority according to § 60.4(b).


Subpart A reference Applies to subpart OOO Explanation

60.4, Address ................................... Yes .................................... Except in § 60.4(a) and (b) submittals need not be sub-mitted to both the EPA Region and delegated State au-thority (§ 60.676(k)).

60.7, Notification and recordkeeping Yes .................................... Except in (a)(1) notification of the date construction or re-construction commenced (§ 60.676(h)).

Also, except in (a)(6) performance tests involving only Meth-od 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) require a 7-day ad-vance notification instead of 30 days (§ 60.675(g)).

60.8, Performance tests ................... Yes .................................... Except in (d) performance tests involving only Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) require a 7-day advance no-tification instead of 30 days (§ 60.675(g)).

60.11, Compliance with standards and maintenance requirements.

Yes .................................... Except in (b) under certain conditions (§§ 60.675(c)), Meth-od 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4) observation is re-duced from 3 hours to 30 minutes for fugitive emissions.

60.18, General control device .......... No ...................................... Flares will not be used to comply with the emission limits.


For * * * The owner or operator must meet a PM limit of * * *

And the owner or operator must meet an opacity limit of * * *

The owner or operator must demonstrate compliance with these limits by conducting * * *

Affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruc-tion after August 31, 1983 but before April 22, 2008.

0.05 g/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf) a 7 percent for dry control de-vices b.

An initial performance test ac-cording to § 60.8 of this part and § 60.675 of this sub-part; and

Monitoring of wet scrubber parameters according to § 60.674(a) and § 60.676(c), (d), and (e).

Affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) that commence construction, modification, or reconstruc-tion on or after April 22, 2008.

0.032 g/dscm (0.014 gr/dscf) a Not applicable (except for in-dividual enclosed storage bins).

7 percent for dry control de-vices on individual enclosed storage bins.

An initial performance test ac-cording to § 60.8 of this part and § 60.675 of this sub-part; and

Monitoring of wet scrubber parameters according to § 60.674(a) and § 60.676(c), (d), and (e); and

Monitoring of baghouses ac-cording to § 60.674(c), (d), or (e) and § 60.676(b).

a Exceptions to the PM limit apply for individual enclosed storage bins and other equipment. See § 60.672(d) through (f). b The stack opacity limit and associated opacity testing requirements do not apply for affected facilities using wet scrubbers.

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40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) Pt. 60, Subpt. OOO, Table 3


For * * *

The owner or operator must meet the following fugitive emissions limit for grinding mills, screening operations, bucket elevators, transfer points on belt conveyors, bag-ging operations, storage bins, enclosed truck or railcar load-ing stations or from any other affected facility (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) * * *

The owner or operator must meet the following fugitive

emissions limit for crushers at which a capture system is not

used * * *

The owner or operator must demonstrate compliance with

these limits by con-ducting * * *

Affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) that commenced construc-tion, modification, or recon-struction after August 31, 1983 but before April 22, 2008.

10 percent opacity .................. 15 percent opacity .................. An initial performance test ac-cording to § 60.11 of this part and § 60.675 of this subpart.

Affected facilities (as defined in §§ 60.670 and 60.671) that commence construc-tion, modification, or recon-struction on or after April 22, 2008.

7 percent opacity .................... 12 percent opacity .................. An initial performance test ac-cording to § 60.11 of this part and § 60.675 of this subpart; and

Periodic inspections of water sprays according to § 60.674(b) and § 60.676(b); and

A repeat performance test ac-cording to § 60.11 of this part and § 60.675 of this subpart within 5 years from the previous performance test for fugitive emissions from affected facilities with-out water sprays. Affected facilities controlled by water carryover from upstream water sprays that are in-spected according to the re-quirements in §§ 60.674(b) and 60.676(b) are exempt from this 5-year repeat test-ing requirement.

Subpart PPP—Standard of Per-formance for Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants

SOURCE: 50 FR 7699, Feb. 25, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

§ 60.680 Applicability and designation of affected facility.

(a) The affected facility to which the provisions of this subpart apply is each rotary spin wool fiberglass insulation manufacturing line.

(b) The owner or operator of any fa-cility under paragraph (a) of this sec-tion that commences construction, modification, or reconstruction after February 7, 1984, is subject to the re-quirements of this subpart.

§ 60.681 Definitions.

As used in this subpart, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the Act and in subpart A of this part.

Glass pull rate means the mass of mol-ten glass utilized in the manufacture of wool fiberglass insulation at a single manufacturing line in a specified time period.

Manufacturing line means the manu-facturing equipment comprising the forming section, where molten glass is fiberized and a fiberglass mat is formed; the curing section, where the binder resin in the mat is thermally ‘‘set;’’ and the cooling section, where the mat is cooled.

Rotary spin means a process used to produce wool fiberglass insulation by forcing molten glass through numerous

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