sustaining the siop

Post on 05-Feb-2016






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Sustaining the SIOP. #3 Comprehensible Input. Sustaining the SIOP. Content Objectives Identify techniques for presenting content information in ways that students comprehend Review various ways to model and provide directions for academic tasks for all proficiency levels. Language Objectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Sustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOP

#3 Comprehensible Input#3 Comprehensible Input

Sustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPContent ObjectivesContent Objectives• Identify techniques

for presenting content information in ways that students comprehend

• Review various ways to model and provide directions for academic tasks for all proficiency levels

Language Objectives

• Discuss and listen to ways to modify speech that can increase student comprehension

• Write ways to modify activities for students of all proficiency levels and read them to the group.

SIOP’s 8 Components

1) Lesson Preparation

2) Building Background

3) Comprehensible Input

4) Strategies

5) Interaction

6) Practice & Application

7) Lesson Delivery8) Review &


Sustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOP

SIOP MacarenaSIOP Macarena

Lesson Preparation

Building Background

Comprehensible Input



Practice & Application

Lesson Delivery

Review & Assessment

SIOP’s 8 Components

1) Lesson Preparation

2) Building Background

3) Comprehensible Input

4) Strategies

5) Interaction

6) Practice & Application

7) Lesson Delivery8) Review &


Sustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOPSustaining the SIOP

Component #3Component #3

Comprehensible InputComprehensible Input

Mr. Cortez Video• How did the teacher purposely

approach comprehensible Input? • How will Comprehensible Input help

ELL students (English Language Learner)? Non-ELL’s?

• What did you like about this lesson? What did you not like about this lesson?

Comprehensible Input: 3 Features

1) Appropriate Speech

2) Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks

3) A Variety of ESL Techniques Used

I Love Lucy• http://

Things we can learn from Lucy

What did Lucy do to try to get her guests to understand her? – Spoke Loudly

• The students can hear, they just can’t understand the language

– Spoke Slower• Speaking at a slower rate is okay as long

as it does not compromise meaning or pronunciation

Things we can learn from Lucy

What did Lucy do to try to get her guests to understand her? – Rephrasing

• Synonyms are helpful for ELL students, especially for Academic Vocabulary

– Gestures• Physical motion that aides comprehension

is appropriate, TPR, etc.. (Her guest used a little of this)

Appropriate Speech

•Beginning•Low Intermediate•High



The Michigan English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) is administered to LEP students and the students are scored based on their proficiency levels.

Student Proficiency Examples

• Basic: Rain• Low Intermediate: The sky has clouds

and there is rain.• Intermediate: The day is very cloudy

and heavy rain is falling.• High Intermediate: It is a cloudy spring

day and it is raining more than usual.

BEW’s Web of Words• I was so scared that….

BEW’s Web of Words• Fill one box with your phrase• Find a person with the same hair

color as you and share your phrase.

• Listen and copy their phrase into your web.

BEW’s Web of Words• How can an activity like the Web

of Words make Content more comprehensible to all the proficiency levels?

I was so scared that…

Basic students may need a picture to identify the word scared.

Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks

• Spoken and Written

• Step by Step• Modeled/

Demonstrated• Finished Product

as a sample

Techniques for Achieving Comprehensible Input

• Use expression and body language

• Slower rate (thinking time)

• Pauses between phrases

• Shorter sentences with simpler syntax

• Stress high-frequency vocabulary

• Repeat/Review Vocabulary

• Repeat/Restate for understanding

• Be friendly and enthusiastic

• Supportive affect• Different


Deb Painter’s Class• Identify ways that Deb uses some

of these techniques in her classroom to reinforce the content.

• Write down examples under the appropriate technique

Deb Painter’s ClassBrainstorm with a partner how YOU

incorporate some of these into your lessons and create a list.

Tickets OutDid we meet our


One new thing that I learned or relearned was…

Something I didn’t understand….

Something I would like to learn more about next time….

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