swamp fox real estate & land management

Post on 24-May-2015






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Swamp Fox - Real Estate and Land Management


Eastern North Carolina has millions of acres of wetlands. Because of looser standards in the past, thousands of private property owners have a piece of this treasure which they are not allowed to develop using conventional means. We help people make value with these properties.

Our Services:• Hunting Club

Rentals / Sales• Wildlife Refuge• Wetlands

Remediation• Conservation

Easements• Eco Tours• Logging

Wildlife RefugeWe help with sales or rental to private conservation groups or to local, state or federal use as a park or wildlife refuge. We pair the interests of these groups with a situation beneficial to both parties.

Hunting ClubsWe can match you up with local or outside hunting clubs who will lease your land for either a hunting season, yearly or multi-year periods. We can help with the rental agreements and rules for use. Our contacts with hunting clubs can help you sell the land if you wish.

Wetlands Remediation/Conservation EasementWe can match your land with projects that require wetlands swap or restoration for their implementation. Your land can help bring beneficial projects to fruition.

Farming and LoggingWe will pair you with farmers, fishermen or oystermen who need the type of wetlands you own for their crops.We will assess and help you determine if logging on the property is a viable option. We can also find loggers who would use the land for a tree farm, planting trees and restoring the wetlands for multiple years.

Eco ToursWe can help you with promotion, use rules and waivers for tourism.

It is no longer responsible to drain wetlands for development. People, plants, animals and the environment depend on wetlands to improve water and air quality for their survival. However, most believe that there is no way to recoup this benefit economically at the same time. We are not among those. We believe that we can help you draw value from your wetlands while helping to preserve its special place in the world. At the very least, we can help you earn enough from your land to break even on the taxes.

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