t w 1 ^ f a ills dailn nee w...

Post on 09-Jun-2020






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T W 1 ^V O I- 7. n o . -808. ____________ ^

i s i s PUSSES'IN [EypT m s m i l l E T I l l M s

Ol— “ unn'

All Demands Made by British o“ \

Government' for Murder of

Sirdar Are Met by the New _

Government. ■ /

LONDON, Deo, 1 C«»>—Tho now ¥ E gyptlim govornm ent b u , according to- ^ inform ntion roaohing tho foreign otticO todav , acceptod th e rem aining dooonds -m o f tho note le f t oyor by tho Zagloul M- n r<m>n}«tr> tion M acceptable—itoeogn~ T t Uon o f B ritish protoetion of foreign In terosta a n d rotontlon ' of BrlUah fin- an c la l and jod lcia l advlBora and th e ,

. B ritiah director o f public security . Tho • ovbOQaUon o f th e ^ lo x an d ila cttstoms,

i t is furthflr loorned, hlaa boon ordered. i T hus, tho crisis appears fo r th e tim e

b e ing n t on end, b u t Inte advices from ^ Cairo report th n t an o ffic ia l commnn- iqoo annoaneiag tho Bottlemont.is w ith- hold owiDg to tho roalgnatlon o f aomo o f tho now m inilters, w hich m ight im ply a d ivergence o f viows in the cab ino t on neeeptaace of tho B ritish term s. T k b , hoWOTOr, i* not dlroetly ■latod.

E g y p t a n d Sndan rem ain qulot an d "P' tho Btudent s trike sU ustlon scorns to be Improving, although » num ber o f I'** s tu d en ts h av e boen nxroatod a t Ale*- *to n n d rla in oonacctlon w ith a seditious »n>J circu lar. T b a t npprebonslona aro not y e t disaipatod is soon In the special polico precautions ndoptod to p ro tec t Rr Z lw ar Poahn, tho E gyp tian promior, ain from poMiblo a tta c k . Tho govern- rcl m o n t’s nction,In ylolding to the B ritiah pit dem ands h a s s till to run the g au n tle t joc of criticiem whon tho Egyptian parlin- tio m ont TO-MSombloB. and o v w ahould m< c ritic ism bo alloncod b y tho diaaolution of o f parllnmoxit, tho nn tionalist ag ita tio n Ai la n o t likoly to be easily controlled. Tl

— ftt DISCTUS Bitnation. «u

OAIRO, Dec. 1 OP)—The E gyp tian wi cab ino t la t u n til la to ton ight dlscusa* tii Ing th e i l ttia tlo n grow ing oa t o f the (lomnnds o f Q roat B rita in in connoc- nc tion with th e naaasBlnatlon o f S irdar F( S tnck . T he cab inot doclded th a t no $1 o ffic ia l ita tom on t regard ing tho B ritish oi dem ands should bo published u n tii to- te morrow. <’i

AlthoDgb it w as reported today th n t fi, th e m in iater of communications had rcr f„ Kigncd, it "wns snid lonlRht au th ■wna ',n not th e cnso. Tow fik Paalm R irnnt lia* ncceptcd tho portfolio of m iniater “ <if ocluc.ition and no d ifficu lty ia cx- jipctod in fi l l in g tlio rcm nining vncnncy n f miniKtor of pubilc worka. Lnat _ n ifjht HPntineld posted In tho British rosjdency Rrminda fired upon two i)oints presumed to bo prowlers,

eO Q im O O S EFIRE t i s SEIEN

Several o f Victims in New York

Blaze Trapped in Rooms;

Three Are Women.« ______

NKW v o n ic . Dcc- 1 (/P)—Scroti por- Miii-*. fiiiir ini'ti iiiicl tbrcc wnmon, lost llu-ir li'TH nnd ten wi-ri- injured in n fire v.liicli cnrly fodny awppt tlirrnif;li :i rooiiiiiif: Imiisc K itliin luiif a blnck of U pper Ufo.'iilwMy.

'i'liir nrifjin of (iir firo lins not yet licen ilolcrniine.I. fiovcral o f tlio vie tim.s were trapped in thc ir rooniB.

Sc-'ircti W.IS brinK mnJc for n a treo t. c-;ir fTiotiiriii.'iii wild h.'ld run hia cnr over ft f ire hono le.icling to lho liurnlng hniise, fi'vorirn; tlio tiiliinR and delay, int; tlio firoinen fu lly 10 m inutes.

Trapped in Booms.Tlio liemi women aro Mra. i'red ji

Das,-her, “ 8. Miss N itzi Itahak , 23, a n i Mnj. Mnry Donnelly. Tlio tw o form er wero trnppcd in tho rooma on the top floor o t th o four-atory structiiro.

J a c k Roid, 38, who also roomed on tiip top flnnr, died of Injuries tpccIvciI when lie fe ll to tho a lrec t in a ttem pt- InK tho “ Inimiin f ly ” road .ta>s»f«t.r<— ■

— .Tw o Rpiiiilih youths, known only to fellow lodgers an Ixiuia nnd Emanuel, diod in th e ir top-floor room.

A hnlf (loicn persona wero anved iu ]ircath laicin(f rcscucn by iodgers a n j

JA W -B B H A K IN a KA1£E

M II.W A U K EE, Wia-, Doe. 1 (/p)— O fficcr Ocoffjouo Konstnnynopolipan- cxykloirlszovricx aounda liko a (jelirioui

• croaS'Word purj'.lo, b u t i t ’a a namo th n tw ill aonn inenndor acroaa tho roator of th o 'M ilw aukee poHeo departm ent.


< F A I

Farmers Losing Mill Use o f Inferior

CHICAGO, Dcc. 1 (;p)—J . F. C o J t,.^ c thead of the farm cropa clopurtment of basthe Mielgan A grieulturiil collego to- mortlight tuid inemhera o f tho Intornntion- aroal crop Improvemont aaaociation th a t mioAmerican fnrmcrn wcro loaing milliona in iof dollnra annually through uao o t Im- ug 1I’ortcil aeoda o f in fe rio r grodoi^ wo«

Othora aehodulod to addroaa tho ait- d o ' unnl m eeting o f thu asaocintion in- ‘nocludo'l L. L. Olda, o f Wiaeontiin; Dr. E d| C- W. D arburton und Dr. A. J . ^lotora, F ra both of tho U nited Stntca dopartm ont whiof ngriculture. aup

“ M any 'o f tho eounrtlcs orpo tting lo t'

Fraud Case ' In Chicago,,

G o r e m m e n t ’a O h ie f W i t n e s s i n ^T r i a l A g a i n s t F o r m e r V e t e r - *a n s ’ H e a d T e D a o f C o n t r a c t *

; A g r e e m e n t s . j

CniCAQO, Dec. 1 (;?)—Elina Et. M o r-1 ‘ tlm or o f Phllndolphia nnd W ashington, j tbo govcrnm ont’s ch iof w itness in thu > conspiracy tr ia l o f Charles R. Forb id T i nnd John W. Thompaon fo r d e fraud ing ; « the governm ent, occupied tho w itness I aiand In federal cou rt all day today | describing tbo allegod agreomenta bo- . | twoen tho contractora and Forbca fo r v ap littlng the p ro f its o f tho hoapitah eonatrueted for wounded servieo mon.Ho wna about h n lf way 'through hta atory when cou rt adjourned and it waa | indicated his d iroct testim ony will f iil: nnarly a ll o f tom otrow ’ft aoaaloa. Kt

In troduction o f liJttors nnd tc lu -] 'o gram s uxcJinngcd between M ortim er ni and Thompson and Jam os W. Blnck, Jof re la ting to tho aw ard ing o f tho hos- ' p ita l contrncta, wm< stroMuoualy oli- ti jectod to hy tho defonso b u t tho olijec- | fn tiona woro overruled. Onu long dor'j-jHli mont, purporting to doacribe tho planH hc o f tho Colombian ayndic.ato, a South U Aihorieiin dovolopment project o f B Tliompson, B lack, his husinesa aasoi;i-j ftte, ancl othora, o f whieh Forhea w a s ; - supposed to ho ch iof engineer, w ni r withheld front tho ju ry for exnm iaa-| tion liy defense counsel. j

M ortimer teMtificd today that B laek ,’m ■ now dead, and Thompaun, offered lii ' Foriies tlie joh a s chief engineer a t tf I $100,000 a year, wiiili! Forlica was head fi I of fho vcter.iiis ' buroan nnd M ortim er tr• teatified th a t I-'orhcs aeeopted. Tlie w

Coionihian syndicate, M ortimer te i 'i- . iii; ficd liad viHinns o f latidiiig .rr.iitracH (i.• for .*1011,1100,(100 and Furlics was to help ii > ill ohlainiiii; these. 1:'

j; : jof — — ---------------------------:

. Copyright 1024, b y th e New T o rk T



il/ions Through T r Imported Seeds IEoed'to ua on n so-called friendly trnde basis,” said 2dr. CoX, "co u td do nu moro harm to our agricu lture than thoy aro doing i f thoy woro nvowed one- mles. Wo cnn cxpeet Oermnny to get in an ‘ n fto r the wnr sh o t’ by Bonding Us hundreds e f thousands o t pounds of worthless Ita lian and Inferior F rench clovcr seed, shipped from her por.ta ns ‘northern European aood.’ liow cvcr, . England ia doing tlto aame th in g nnd — France, la s t yoar nnd all yoors except Ufi when a shortage exiatod, ahlpped largo supplies o f aced o f qneationnblo vniue ' I Into tho U nited S ta te s .”

State Wool Bringa i Above SO Centa ih

Portland Pool Sale ,7 0 0 , 0 0 0 F o a n d s B o ld U n d e r , ' ’' '

S e a l e d B i d s ; - T h i r d A n n u a l _ J H a h o C lip t o b e S o ld ,________ Ih i

--------- a tPO E T IA N D , Or®., Doc. 1 0 « —

A p ^ x i i u t t i j r 700,000 poTtnda of the Id«lio vo o l pool w u Bold tm d er sealod b ida here today . P r i coo,

I vM lo n o t mada pabllo , w ere w ell I aboTe tlie {>0 cen t m ark , accord ing I I to Bnccesafol bidders. T his w u I th e Mintial IdoIlO wool cUp vc T ahippod to P o rtla a d fo r u i e . T he ovi

salo ao t records b o tli f o r prlceg int { and oolckneBs o f cleannp. mc ' _________________ tei


MAINTENANCE W ORKERS j'.!I C IIIC A ao, D o c . 'l (ff)—Tho U nited Ktntp« Tiiilrond Isvhor In a dnclslon duI'oday denied punitive overtim e In thn th ninth nnd tonth hour, to m ain tenance th

|o f way employes. re' At thc B;imo tim e the honrd g ran ted op time and one-hnlf on tho m inuto basil

!for work in cxeeaa o f e igh t houra to Jalinp nnd roundhouno employea repro- JO

I Hcnted hy tho TTjiited Brotherhood of I M aintenance of W ny Employes nnd ’ Bailw ay Shop Ijaborors. ^

"PAROLE BOABD. CONVENES•I ---------- d!! HOISE, Dcc. 1 (/P)—ProUminnry di

, m eeliug o f the atn te parole board, was mI held th is afternoon a t the p en iten tia ry N: to hoar recommendationa fo r paroles RI from Jo h u W. Saook, w arden, to bo c<r talcen up a t the regu lar form al aeaaion ni■ wodiioHday. Besido tho parole hoard d•.inectiag W ednesday n -m coting o f tho li< |iardon hoftrd will bo held to consider C) iiti!l|iiiiahcd buainesa from tho Inst regu- V

l:ir KcssloQ. ai


t t i i b . M , In ..


DAILtfOBKTWO, DECEM BER 2. lP 8 i.________ __


Despite Six Months Layoff

House of Representatives

Sees Small Number of Meas­

ures First Day.e rsi

WASHINGTON, Doc. 1 (ff>— A aur- m prisingly small number o f b ills, in la

!view o f tho aix montha’ lay o f f of I rongreaa, were introdueod In tho house _8C ja t the opcnlnc o f tho finn l ahort aes- ^ jaion t ^ u y and not even one waa intro- Iduced in tho sonnte. The aitnntlrm j waa accounted for in p.irt, howovor, by J

I tho fac t th a t hills introdueod a t thc I Inat seaalon and not disposed of rem ain i on tho calendars o f hoth chambor*. M

Only bllla o f general npplicQtion were introduced in tho house and— oven more unuaunl—only 200 th n t fnil ^ into tho clasaifiention of “ p r iv a to ” meaaurca, carry ing proviaiona of in- toreat only to Umitcd localities, wore q proposed- III addition, n jo in t roaolu- tlon was introduced hy R epreaontatlvn W right, dem ocrat, Oeorgin, te author-

, i*e appointm ent by tha prcaidont o f n > jo in t congressional committeo to atudy

nnd report on offcra fo r Muscle Shonls.I Threo of the “ goneral” bllla intro- I duced today propcaod am endm ent of>iu 1 the conflicting publicity proviaiona o f ljp . the revenue ac t o f 1024, one o f which

rcfiuirea th a t incomo tax re tu rn s h e iI opened to public inspection w hile n:i- other prohihita puhiication o f mieli re- h;

g turns in newspaper, magnz.inoa or other ti ,. journals. Several of theao billa also j, f cnll fo r am ondmunt e f tho im m igration j,II I

SUPREME COURT RULES 5B --------- ---- f’ nO ISE, Doc. 1 W l-A c lio n o f iho T

d iatrict court o f Bonneville coun ty in y denying a motion to eot aaido judg- 5 mont in tho cnso of L oyra K. Sm ith- *> y Neil nnd ngninst Kiias and E liznbeth j ' iS Reed was n o t an nhuao o f tho trin l 0 c o u rt’s discretion, declnrea tho Idnho ' n aupreme eourt in a dcciaion handed d down todny. -Tho decision wna w ritten 0 liy Juatieo Budgo nnd concnrred in by ir Chlof Ju stice M cCarthy and Ju s tice ” 1- Willinm E. Lee, w ith Justico D unn dis- l"

aentlng. ! '|i

= = L i*

■ ' ll!






Congress to G to Business Short A ct

Sixty-Kighth Assembly I Meeting and Adjourns Out of Respect to Thc President’s Message to

W A S H I N G T O N , D e c . 1 O T W ith erally as only, the forerunner of £ aixty-^ighth congress reconvened t( must give way on next March 4 last month.

The opening was brief and peri 1 session exactly twenty minutes ai

■ minutes. The onl^ departure trd • -------- ;-----------— — ;---------- ---— t ^ w i

Idaho Seeks I Rate Relief ^

I nd

M Hearing z■ I wa

’ Grain Transportation Charge for Two States Similar to

That of Oklahoma-ArkaoBas ' Scale Is Proposed. jmi

--------- -Ion! SALT LAKK, Doc. 1 W >)-Establish- “ n f> iuw it o f a fre ig h t ta to a tructu to oa ^ I grain and grn in products from U tah I 'I and Idaho pointa to he baaed on tho |

Okinhomn-Arkftnans scale, waa proposed,.. by n . W. P rlck e tt, m anager o f t h o ; r tra ff ic aervice burcnu of U tah , a t th e J

in te rs ta te commerce commiaaion hoar- •* ing on grain ra tes hore todny. M r. |

P r ick c tt ig n ttornoy for tho Ogdon ■ Ornin oxchango la its esse d e s ig n e d '

S to teat tho renaonablenead, o f r .ites 1 _ from origh ia ting territo ry in U tah and u ,Q Tdnho oh g'rain nnd grnin products. jn Embodied in thp proposal o f tho Ok- >

lahom ii..\rknnans arnlo wna n achedulc i [,. o f ra tes based upon th a t plnn w hich f 'h I d o a i g n e d to relievo tho U tah and- h nl Idaho te rrito ry from, alleged diacrim ina-1 10 '*” '7 transpo rta tion charges. |id ■ E a to Critlclrod- “

INtiihlirihment of tho ra te achedule j| ns measured by tho Oklahoma-Arkansaa

I scale was criticized by J . M. Soulby, ^ Irepreacutiug lho Union P ac ific ra il- > I road, III crosa exam ining Jfr . P rick o tt, '

- jaa nn unreasonable nnd a rb itra ry sched­ule based on n s tric tly mileage baala. [

iM r. Soiilby cont'-nded Unit ra te nehod- __ Itil.'s cilcd hy Mr. P rick c tt in ad v o cn t-■

ling the prnpn^ied rn te struntiiro had not I taken into account the actual nb ility jnf the cnrricr'i to furnish transportation jse rrice ns contained in the com plain-, ;:inf'i’ propnsnl. iI Tlin p’crioiis ronditinii nf Tdnho w heat 'crnw ors in Ihe irrij.nlcd sections wart ' ilisojo'ir’d Ilv r . Ron TJo.'r, form er prea-.. •ident nn.l «f,-retary nf the Tdahn St.atc iFartii Piiro:iii TVdcratioa. l ie te s tified j t i n t fhe'.•iverago prodiirtion per nere in lir>2l -.vai 2 ' htnhi'ls per acre, th n t the I coit .f proiliiefion per acre wns Jl-.'iS I per biiihcl nnd thnt fhe avernge pricn jr.iniri'd from ^1.0." (o l.f O per bnshol w ith most n f the w heat sold in Ju ly :ind nt priccs ranging from ,^l,f'.1 fo tl.2 * per bushoi.

eonditlonn Poor.

.Tames W. W ohster, vico president of the I'rirmcr" and Morelianfs Bunk of Rexhiirg, Idaho, testified th a t the fin- nneial. condilion nf dry farm land, w heat farm f^s was poor nnd th a t h a n k ­ers wore not loaning money' to them. Ue said th a t he vrouhl not, a« a bnnker, ' In.-in money on dry fnrm land v.alued nt f io an ncre, the vnluation fixed In his summary nf operating expenses.

On cross e iam ina tion ^fr. W ebster «aid th n t competition from com peting m illing ferriforica was a good th in g for tho producer.

The carriers are expected to open p resen tation o f th e ir caao aomo tim e dnring tom orrow ’s seMlon.

Canadian Police to i Use Magnets to Aid '

In Search for Men.Bodies Wrapped in Chains and

Thrown in Ocean Following Itaid-Arc-Songht_____ _— ' "I

'VTOTOaiA, B. 0 .. D o t 1 OP)- Powerful magnets will be u e d by

, - Canadian police la a final effort to locato tbe bodlea of Oaptaln W. j O. ailUfl and bia son, William. b«- UoTod ot bave been killed in a i “ hl-JtkJc” ra id on the gaaoUna | mm numer. Beryl O., on Septem-

» boA8. Tho bodlee.are said to havo been w r a p i^ In chains to wttlch an u ch o r w&s attaebed and thrown , ovnboard- off thia d ty W the | Strait of Jnan de Foea. D ire n h l n n n . i to fiu i tk . I

E W s '' ----------- ■■ ■ ■— ^


Get Down r s Today In iive Session' Reconvenes,, for Final ns Until Noon Tuesday ?hose Who Have Died; to be Read Wednesday.

l t h a n o u t w a r d c a lm v ie w e d g en >3 f s t o r m s t h a t a r o t o c o m e , t h o d t o d a y f o r i t s f i n a l s e s s io n . I t I 4 t o t h e n e w c o n g r e s s e l e c te d

p e r f u n c t o r y . T h e s e n a t e w a a in J a n d t h e h o u s e j u s t t h i r t v - f i v e ^ m t h e u s u a l o p e n i n g r o u t i n e ■^WM t h e / a d o p t i o n b y t h e h o u s e

o f a r e s o lu t io n f o r c o n g r e M io n a l ' m e m o r ia l s e r v i c e s f o r W o o d r o w

Wilaon on Dccembor 15- Each house , ttil,it>urnpd u n til noon tomoTTOw o u t o l

reap ed to tho memory of members who hnvo diod recen tly a fto r I t had ndoptod reaolutions o f regret. Bofore

- tha t, new membera had bcon sw orn la r nnd a jo in t eem m ittee had boon namod

to ndviao P resident CooUdgo eon'gresi was in sossioo. T his tho com m ittee

J d id la te r In th e dJiy.

) Bodgee Matoage., The ozoeutive Informed the com­

m ittee th a t “ tomorTow he wonld tra o t- j m lt the annunl bndget mossago and ■ion'‘Wcdneaday wonld send ia b ia own

. ' annual mossage e a tb e a ta te ot the ^ union. This w ill n o t be delivered in

poraon, thus o b v ia tin g tho neooMity fo r a jo in t session.

° ! Fadng the necessity e f pawing d , more than a dozen aonoal »ppto-0 j prlatlon biUa In three montha, ces- e ' gross will get down to b c k n e a f. I tomorrow. Tbe lumae will receive r, I the Interior department scpply

m easore and b eg in Ita cousldera- ,4 ' Uon on W odneaday,, ea ! As fa s t 'a s th e appropria tion moaa- id urea nro sen t to tho senate, othera

w ill be roady fo r bouse conslderation- Ic- N ot all o f th e tim e w ill be g lv ea to lc them howovor as honso loaders plan :h from timo to tim e to call op general id- legislation.A-1 Program Similar.

I Tho program ia n h e senate w ill be almilar, although tho ropnbllcan steer* ' ing committee w ill n o t m ap o n t a def- in lto program u n til la to thia w cok or

“ early noxt weok. M eanwhile, how- >1’ evor, tho aonnto w ill givo a tte n tio n to

■ Musclo Shoals which comos up Wed- ’ ncaday tender a apecial order. Tho

present 'expectation ia th a t It w ill bo

'd- (Contiaui'il on Pugo 5. Col. 1) it- —

E P S iiP W1 UIDER lEBJTEed ;in ' ■ '

President’s Riglit to Release

I'” Man From Judge’s Sentence

™ Is Questioned.

SV.\HUlNUTON, Dec. 1 OP)—Tho Iiri'.iiileiit H pariloiiing power was do- LiilfJ a t length tpday by couuael iu llic HUpreiae court.'

Tho <iucstion waa rai.iod by Phillip Uros.unan, wlio by h:ihc:iB corpua up-

^lealed from au order of tho federal dia- tr ic t court ftl t.'hicutjo, requiring him to servo a aoutenco for coutuiapt o f eonrt D olwithalanding u pardou by 1‘rcaident Coolidge. _

(,’riuiiHcl for tho <ii-Hlrict judges, who refused to rceogniro tho pardon aa w llh in tho p re s id en t's constitutional pow er', insisted th a t tho lifo o f tho judici.iry w-m dependent upon its un- fe tte red and complete nu thority , with-

'o u t executivo in terfcrrenco to onforco its decrees. >

I A ll D eclarod Alike.I Contending th a t ail .contem pt pro-

ceedinga woro a lik e nnd w ith in tho 3 /1 /■o'npl»to control o f tho courta, tho'

judgea’ counsel argued th a t thoro conld bo no d is tinc tion betw een thoao coulcmpla crcated In lho prcscnco of

n g tl^o^oart, commonly.designated as civil, "land oontempt o u t o f refusal to obey

in junetlens, which aro gonerally term ­ed criminal.

f A ttorney Q eneral Stono, appearing t In tho eosci a t tho spoetnl roqnest of

jtho pr3sident, m ade h is f i r t t arg sm en t K ^In court alneo becoming bead o f the a i departm ont of jostiee . H e asserted a j th a t tho p re sid en t’s pardoning power, i. m ust bo determ ined by eonsldoring aeni- e ditlons which existed a t the time^the h constitution waa fram ed. Tben, he aaid, a it waa the eatabliahed praetiee for the a courts to r eeo ab a tb a t th« axeoatiTa B had powers to pardon ta all ooatampi

H ■ .


Rem aining, Time of tlie Sixty- Eighth Session Crowded Wltti W ork; A ppropriations and Reports Coming Up.

W ASniN CTO N , Doc. 1 (/P) — 1'» • tho thrvo b rii 'f montlin of Hfo th :it ro- nmin of tho S ixty i-iKlitli Con}{rca», lho Jloufio linn ninny iniittora th n t m ust bo- thr;iHlii'<] out if i t in tu rutiro next Mnrcli willi h c ln in IcglHliitivo calendar.

lliuif'iiig over tho Hi'Msion th u l ended luNt Juno nro mnny bills th a t inuHt ho tkai'ii itji on tho fl<i«r for (-onHiilcratlflii-

w llh lln-HC iirii o lhcr liill*. !prai'lii'iilly nomplflli'il . in coiiimll- {toc, but n o t reported. In th d cloBin^ monthH of th o aoHslon numurouB invM- lifinlinns wrri! ordi'rnj. Many of Ihfiio months of tho BCRsion iiumcjoUH invci* ;tlt{atio«H were ordered, Mnny of trtjo Rnincd momentum during the Riitnner

— roca»«i-un<l-Uio -y*tpott— — thoir— work-------- ----m ust bet crowdwl inlo tho IIouso Irgii- Intivo ]>ro^rum.

Somo Oomplotod Bcsiilcfl n il thin the nnnuni npproprl*

ntion billn munt ho tnkon up nnd jHiNscd. flomo of thuBH BUpply moai- o r n nlready aro complotod nnd ronilv for fOii«lderntion. And to thla atatk of liiiHincfis, hnuRinf; iu vnrious plncci -Qi on the rnlender, il in pri’dicted, m ay lo nddcd olhcr problems ns y e t unfort- ^IW A I

Tho BUiiply bills, m aking aviiitnbls j lh<- monoy to cnrry on tho Rovorn--i mnnt'H nm chinery fo r tho noxt f isu l J rfntle vcur, probnbly will bo nctod Upon fln t.Ati. r ......... I.l.vc ....... -Ic.iro.l froM, t!i,.pathway, i t in uncertain to which of g ij j many inatlern tlm lloune will turn. pn rifO '

KlandiiiK a l llio top of all bufrtjim ri'Niaini; from the Innt tiPHSlon in tlie

■ IlowfU- llarUlcy bill lo nbolish tli»Itiiilrii.id Labor l.nard, n r i T

Spoclal CommlltooH I iS)'cri:il cominillcoH npiioinlcd to in- ' I ;

vi'!«tit;ati- ri'K |icetivdy thn ShippinR JjHniird nnrl Iho m nnufnrturn and opcr.v............ llio u irrra fl Indiinlry hnvo been _ ^nt wnrk dnriiiK the .lUiiimor . Both Ir)>iiiiiiitl<'of, it iH nni<i, wil! mibnilt rC' ■ _ .nf.-H :inii i-rcH-. forward diirini; tlw k,-. 1-ion 1.1 ll.........mplotion of thc ir nnsiRH’iiiciiIn.

Th.; im inirv into bind Krnnt* to tlii'N orthern Va'cific Unilroad Company n i« _ _ Iiri'sentn niiofhcr problem for iitt.'iilion. r io i lS This work was hold up during the num- lu.T reecHH of lack of funds. _ $3111

Till- Hous.‘ abio experts to reccive n report from a committco headed !))• ■ . Iii'pri''.'n t:ilivo McFadden. o f rcunsyl- Uy I vatiri; olriirmnn t.f tho HankinK nml Ciirr.'npv Comii.ill ee. wlii.\h._bnx ln’on iiivcstinatiin; .■linrj;c« of ;ill.'Kcd dupll- ratit'iis in novernu'eiil bnnils. A oom- ^ ' i.iiti.'e h.'adi'd bv ItcprcBcntalivo Buy a.T, Hepulilirnn, Now York, in cxpcct- defend 1 nl 1.1 Kiibii.it itH fitidiMKs I.f an ii.quirv (,.,i ntai into llie adm inislration of Ind ian af- mmu wl fairn (lldnlioina. Anottier report i ' ..miip, „ looked for from n ronim iltec In rbnrni' plm.i tc of l te |irc cn ta liv c lliidfiOn, llopubUrsn, tlon. Micliipin, whirli hns been looking Thinthe vnfon-\-n..'nt o f tho liquor trnffie ,i,..n!ili.r, lawn. a tii'orc

---------------------- KITVC tPOBT.WAB B 0U N D A E IE 8 OREATD the ENDLESS BAUCAN PEEPLEX ITV ,i„„,

UKl.dUAl'K , .luK.ixliivia, I).-.-. 1 (;T' „,„|„r | (4>)_T3i« ronfn.sion of the frontiorH of <.„unty lho HalUans nnd Centrii! Kiiroi.e, an mantlV;iii .................... th .' tt-:ir. has not I'p.t.si'ltled l.v any nn-niiM, although liltl.^ .Sonal in hoai.l of the doubtful stnto o f nf- n ,,,,, f„ fairs outside of tho immedinto roninns lui.Utorf iifl'octeil. chiincor.

New l.niin.lnry lines hnvo been run macliii.. thr(.ii;;h towns and villuK*-'* v.'iriotii |,i;,y „„ rountrieii nnd even ncrosn the farm s of ii,,,''..' w (■|•a .•lnl" l!ic'iri...;U-.'H, Ii. iiiai.y in- nltmreh if is roj.ortcd lh a t tho in.li- vidnals whos.i property is conccrtu’il do not know lo th is day t o '^ . l f l i st;iti' Ih rv should pay tho lr tnx.-s, Kstl- coal’s.-, mates hnvc bcon mnde by ii.v<'siij,'st- •’‘‘I” ors thu l il will rcp iire ten yojirs or was li- .-von I.illter l.i net lh e boundary lints ICniitau ?>lrai|:titei..'<l ixit. and con.lili.ms am- mnkliiu icnbly settled for mnny thousnnds uf pcnrH i porsons. from, lii'nt.’dB utlneis W ords Only 200 Years Old. pronHii

We cun truvo lo tli.‘ S.-v.'nttM'nlli pon-s i c ^ l i i r y the bet'tnnlnns ..f ou r nn.dern proshui couuiierolnl vocnbiilnr.v. ‘‘rnpltu!," treat o.i "InveHliiieiit.’- ■•illvldemr’ belong to the earlier, ‘'lusurm ice." “e.itiituori-lar’ and •'UlBCounf' to fbe luler pnrt of tlie oi'ii- tury, nnd tbo frrcnt wordn, ••bank," *‘m nchlne" nnd "innnufnoture" begin .proiiort tc acquire tlielr in.idertj iiienninc. Tlili ,wcnnierclnl vociibnhiry wna Inrgely Id- creuned In th e KlKbtcettlli cen tury , nntl wc bear of ‘■bulls'' nnd "benrH" nnfl .if . . trade belnK '‘dull" o r '‘brisk."—Krom L. P. Smllb'H 'T h e l':nKllsb Lao- = conge."

P roper W a y fo Love WThe lltllo fc'irl expeeib'Au d.-elnratloB I

* f ton .lem . 'SH f ro m Ih t doll. She Ilovefl it, nnd tlmt Is nil. Thai in the ■ way to iuvc.—Ueiny de <!oiirni<ini I^ ............ . 1

Page Two TWIN FA]'A L L S D A I L Y N E W S , T W

New Pro-Mnglish Prem

I? ^

- :V , ' ' [ '■

i i i l

s i a <ra.M icinmiKr;:H - P . r i E T X H E R -J- Z IW -A fe '

7A £ PASHA, preaident o f tlio EgyptiaD s 1 U a tendoDClea, b a s beon api>olnted \jj ] gypt, foUowliig the m lg n a tlo n of Za^tUon NiaY P . FL E T C nE B Is shown as lie sallod atles a s Amorican oznbassador to Romo, I t a JO E Q EN EEA L BIB OEOEOE M ’MITNN, < IU become B ritish lilgh conunlsalonor fo r lr H orbert Samuel.JTOB ADAM PE X aC V IC H 8HTJTSKT, k a In of tbe Eusslon H erald , Is In rea lity a n

■ hit IL L ” "-GRT FOR SU T ::-

b a n col__-—L 'C iilifo ri

I m urderns of Senator in Iowa Along „° th a t Fe

ame Lines as Those Madeability

y His Opponent.hubllH.

______ a b o til llnil I li

KS M OIN'K S,.lo.va. I>.v. I UV) - tiv.-s, .to r .Smith \V. llrookhurt j.liinH to years n nd llif* idaini to his nent in tho L'ni- Ktafi.'.s M'liato (HI lho same Krounds I whieli Dani.'l I', B tcr!:, bis demo- ir .ippoiu'nt, in tho general eluction 1 tu baso bil. .•.intobt c f the dec- c

to bo I'liis >va.H iliscbucd w h o n t h o nnotbe ,li.r, ibroiiKh court uction in noarly cnso ll oro of Iowa countirn, set out to pro- ia(t In c for Ihc probable sennto recount Jnj; m :hc biillut, all ri'cnr.ls of tho dec- , >.011.0 of whieh inljjlit bo de.itroyed IT llio Inw cn Droember ■!. when itv im ditors are norm ittcd to dls- tie votinj; i.iarhiiies and re tain only liital rcconlcd for each candidate. >'

:nali)r Ilrookhnrl, iu filing peti- w ore I n for iiijunotionH iiK^^i'^t 10 county Kinia itors, imke.l Hint Rpuciul m asters in nsklnt" icory br appoiiitcil to open votlnj* Va'Kin' hii.e^ and pr.>Hcrv«' ballots which Ju llnn ■ not hnve been (•ountcd, a s well as tu r e s ” I' whieh wero rrcorcled.

M akino Wood F irep roo f.- I'.x.il llial w ill iiMt lull'll ix, o f .rs.-. II iimetric* t'.'iIi-N lred i M ul*. H "1 '!’ . r .-iio it.-.l ili^.i ti..t , l e . lo d oil „ « ;il..rab l,- -oalo In .■Iaml :in A m it;.m i ii.M 'a ilnn for ”klni; wi.n-l .,..n .................. . I: aprH lh a t 111.- Mip lv lli-^t u 'l l l id rn u u m in .- ........I t., ..v :.,...n ii l„ ,i hi ‘,t.'d v ji.'iiii... . luMuli.-i s T li.-n a H r- I’ '" . iilliiu- s'd ..i;..n N f.in e .i inm o s l.r 111.- tliiit..T u n .l .T l.jd ra iill .-SSUIV. ll 1 ' M.lil t lm t .. ......I i l .u s ^lUo.l r - s l s t - ll.-.nv I I . W.-I- I.s n r... BliCiaJ

V ie fu t C ham oit ^■he chniiiol.s Is alieut the size of a ;e p .n t, but th e nt-ok Is l.miicr In liortloii und tlur h.'tly shorter. The il of lhe etiiimolH Is lilulily incd and Its skin Is mado Inlo ilier, tho (irlKliial "slintiim.vsUlQ"3K obtiilned from Hils animal. '


Evening Appoin


’W I N . F A L L S , I D A H O , - T l

mier for Egypt |p 11||

- 'A n n u a l

. ! ! Sho«\ ( L - i Use

L I\ .y '' Bripa wi^ annua l o:



I Uvttord river a

. . . - ■ -T thouKht--------------- " " " 1 offered.

the tho t

i ' ' V KUeli as I

‘■ou^ and Kvai

. 1 I M ore . ' . , . •_>- ' stock bo

. # t haps, thi• .'-i;'’' ’- ’ ' ' ' i ' r e u c h i

! . '> '1 J i b u t thoforeiKiiei

I nm nd oi

........ «,iaoO It

a B a a jC A pkcomoio f oper

a w nato , and strongly pro-Bngll»h makers 7 M n g r o a d as now F rem lor of importoj donl Pasha.:o d from NOW York to teetuno hi# " e n t up Ita ly , tho fra t(T, Q uarterm aster general fo r Ind ia , n u n y ft o r PftlestUio a t th e re tirem ent of tlo boos

know n in Ohicago as E d ito r Sko- ehuaper & mamber o f tho Eussl&a nobility , th e ir o]i

l)Cenusu' • ' ' ' oil, ropM


BAFFLES AUTHORITIES H™,”":,--------- a le ]iric

ANdUM-^y, Deo. I (yP)—Th.- turniiif; ■UR of F red W. i-’orrcr, Proncb chom- " '‘‘I I'nn whos‘0 body w;is f.iund in a Bulmr-. eotlai;e, hna eonfronto.l soiitliorn [

fornia nuthorilSos w ith o iio th .'r ' l . i s iu lor mystory. tow n in ilii-o aro workinff m m n• the theory m rop tl) ' F erre r hnd been killed for ft aeerot Tre.-s w'

luin which ho 'cu rried . Thoir in- roofs ca ication wns handicappcd by an in- reported ty to K-'iin more thau a meaRor do- .tion of tho slain m an 's past nnd Ik. F e rre r’s wifu know b u t little Tw> ll liim. “ Hc wns my husbnnd, th a t ’s By il I know ,” sho told polico dctcc- lutl.m < ., Ferrer c;ime to A m erica five |,„iy s nRo from Toulouse, Frnncc. H e ifnm la

omidoyed hem as chem ist n t a ufncturinR jilnnt. -----------

Not Bo'n In Va’glnla. Tlf courso, hdwoviT. it Is one tblnR ;10 ndm itted to VirRinln noelely nnd | q |>tb e r to helonK to It by. rlglit. A : - -Q In point Is thnt o f a Indy visit* ! in <In a VlTKlnlD city wbo, wbllu call- j D a t the houso of /ioiiie "F. F. V.'s” '

I iisk.-d by n lllllc Klrl, the <lniiKb- ; K«cj p f lho h.niM'. w here she bnd been i

n. ‘’M antlin." said lh.> little irlrl's ; taldnciher. nftor th.- ealler hnd departed. ; Uquldu must not nsk people w here they I u g s i•e bo'n.- If Ihey w.Te bo'n In Va*- i Browlnla they will ti-11 you so w ithout ' thrmigl Int'. nn.l If ih.-y w.-ren't bo'n In 1Kinlii U's very einbarrnsnlnc-"— ; „ Inn .'^iroct In "Auierlcnn Adven- i

! d .r t .I P

/h e n Z-'-.. ■ ! . - Ku«r»nt„. i- I - . . I . • - , Em ro- M- "■ ■ ■' ■ ■ ............. I U tl.-ll i.l II- - ■■I runv i:.-rv i,. ....... . i,,-.:. ■, = s =

luiloii or I'll- mill ..I. Ih.' nioii.l.'lire .>r in n tl .r nr.- In lli.o u ltl. ll..' vI.s fStnldl-^b.'.l by n»l•^■rl. s.-l.-ne.. is f |m er....... It Is ralli.-r tin-

iRlit n.iiMiT inliiiW KP.pliii: to- | aPd tho triilh wlth.iiit su(!lrl.-ni fac- I O1 knowlcdffo—From "Sdctieo nnd m.fr>nn Arfalrg" ^ §§

L a w P rotects th e F rog ; \ an ncctiunt of ilie greut demand for ;a' legs In Frunce tlio biiim chlan f lI tlirentened wltb exilnotlon. To : - vent Ihla u Inw wns paKscd pn>- ^InK froKs durlni; eortain p arts of i y e a r Jusl ns fish nml birds a rc pro- |«-ti The opcrailon of thu Inw Is i 1 to be Rivln« Ihe froKS a chnnce. | d

S it m a s

q u

intments ^' i l ia

[o S h o p I .DCILDINO ' C

iCE IS RIT ^i m m ^

____ ■ w ith Gerin tbe

lual Exhibition a t P a r i s ; ! ' " ! , " hows Trend T ow ard G reater

Tho p<se of Autom obiles. .

_ _ _ decipher___ ton Jn H

kItlS, Dor.' 1 (^ P ^ F rau e c is n t aiRnnturc I w ith tho uutomobilo fever. Tlio high soli a l oxliibitiou w ith i ts 1000 c a n , 30 tb u t Gcr hlch aro Amcricnn, has s tirred an c st that d id n 't nc«d'm uch •tirring , STUDE lho fur si(^ttod nro w orrying over tra ffic probloma o f tho fu ture . D u ltto r uutomobilcs for tho avorago it are prcav-nted thiii boobod, al« Local I'lll no rovolutionary leads uro haker rr rod. Frcuk mecluinlsnia aro fower, niotoristj the K«-'iitral common sonso koynoto gtudobnli ho show has n o t stopped tho d<>*[.enient c f recen t improvements, Woll i na fuiir-whoel itrakcs, tbo “ sorvo* rticoRnizi

i ” mechanism o f thom, an d tho hakcr is bou|>ht aubatitu to for d iffe ren tia l Qn of fi

Kvarshlft. ly „pptuore comfort in ronaonably priced tg £ bodiea and b e tto r powor ore, por- Dovelc , thu salient po in ts to tho buyer. Duplex ch cam long bnvo bcon crnmpod tim e in j iny mnn ta lle r tbnn D.fcot 6 inchos, advantni tho foreign trAdi) an d 'th o trade of comfort Igners bero hftvo roinforeed tho do- eloaed ct d o f-tho y rcn ch tbomBOlvos for a tlo i doci 3 log room, and th is y ea r tbey are bakor b ing it. • baker e

H as Oood Brakes. fo r Btud10 typiilkl, up-to-dato F rcnch auto- tun l bni ilo, curreaponding to tbu Amoriean own moi iO to $1!0U() elasses, now has four- 000,000 i ul brukea, a fa irly higb comprea- a pni

mctor, about tw o-lltor piaton dls- detailed omcut, balloon tiroa and a tUenee oU-enelo opemtion tb a t m any o f the b«at ^hQ x :ers horotoforo though t o f so g rea t s trik ing ortanee. ish i n ' iricos, aa usual, ore higher. They p aren t x t up w ith ft bang last spring when aWe nol franc tum bled and s tayed np, and lamps y fnctoriea guvo th(in Unotbor lit- boost to eelebrato the show. How- evco in

on u (;uld basis, tho beat curs soom iper Ihan in tho U nited S ta tes , b u t HOESE r oiiorntioit is f a r more, oxponalvo, j/)N T lusu of the lligbcr cost o f gasoline, violin b repairs, nnd tho F renchm an’s fftll* to look n fte r h is cur bimsolf. from th. rniico now has nbout 400,000 uuto- iles, or 1 to ovory 100 persons, but cordinc 01.0 hii;. 'nasH production manufac- sj,ortact r of France, m nklnf; a ligh t modor- gji,c|.j,i liricvd car, udvertises th u t ho ia H„j,pHoK

iiiiK out :iOO machines a duy nnd pro.liicu noo d a lly noxt year.

TOWN H IT BY OYOLONE lalion^ci' iSI«)N , ]>.T. 1 (/P)—('al.ccno, ii undnr o) n in northorn I’ortUKal, was today be dive pn>y a cyclono o f uniisunl violcnrc. l '‘a ' -s were uprooteil an.l ohimiioyH nnd ■ s carried nway. No ni-ninllien wore rled.

Tw o P o ta to Cropa a Yearly illi>plnK ‘ '•e.l |.i.iai...-s Inlo a so-.in (.f nltriilo ..f s.i.ln. Iwo crops W jmy li.> pr.i.lue.'d a Vonr. snys a Cul-*nla professor. H b

This Grows Hair W

UlH8 hair uul

IquldScalpMoo M F SSltm SSM i go fMds hair -^QrowlnBmedlclca i ' l rrough rubbar I Lpplea dlrwtlr

tbn half rcMrta. I t'i tha marrakm# Irw fBXbod icalp traatmaat. Vaa Eaa opa faUlng half—growa oaw balr la 90 lyi. Alk u» about tbs 90-da)r traat* Ient plan. Wa aell it Qodtr nonsr-baek I '1/'.larantaa. Oujr Vaa Eaa tixlar w d Vstf |.ka your hair toaigbt.


'AT a C u re ^ £ a C a ld

O n e ^

i B r o i ^ I n

\QuiniheJ gtablets "J

T h e t o n i c a n d l a x a t iv e e f fe c t o f L a x a t i v e B R O M O * Q U I N I N E T a b le t a w i l l fo r-

th o s y s t e m a g a i n s t G r ip ,I n f lu e n z a a n d o t h e r s e r io u s i l l s r e s u l t i n g £ ro m a C o ld .

Tbe box boazB th is slgQatnro

EPitoJO o;


HE IS UNABLE TO READ ro r i.YMODTH, Veraonl, Doc.1 (J>1 NIO lonel Jobn 0, Coolidgo, f a th o r 'o f iresidont, is looking fo r somo ono ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 Iinr w ith tbo G e r ^ ^ laagnago aad German soiipL w h en bo reeeiybd

le mail a le tte r - from-=^onfe- B a,rt>i 0 in Oormany. ho songht a , trans* ■, b u t conld h n d nono e ith e r i a ! H H t villago or in Ludlow, tho nearest i B town. ! ■

0 post m ark wns so b lu rred t h a t [ B ^ , ^ _ as impossible to . toll from w h at M | | ^ H tbo le tte r.eam o and no ono con ld | c s s a s ^ = ihcr tho name of tho c ity os writ* I V" in script inside or m ake out. thoiture. A n appoal..to tho Ludlow OUnicol

school broagh t tho in form ation Non-i German Is not tau g h t thcro . - dietoth<

IDEBAKER BODIES ARE I N ­BUILT BY STUDEBAKERcal oxhibltion of the new Stndo- r modela ia b ring ing bomo to T a v risls w ith now force tho f a c t th a t f U | obftkcr m anufactures Its bodies cars complete., in i ts own p lants. W o Wl all informed car owners hnvo long _ _ ’nlzed tbo fnet, in which Stndo- J | f r is unique nmong tbo largo build- I I t if fine cars, ^ u t i t is moro striking- \pparont th is year th a n evor before 10 car buying public a t largo. ' ivolopment o f tbo now Stndobalcor lex bodies—which for tho f irs t in automobile h istory combine the!

intngcs o f -tbo opon ear w ith tho I fort and protection o f tho on- , “!d car^-w aa mado posilble, anthori- declare, by tho foo t tb a t a ll Studo- b«!r bodies are designed b y Stude* * * ir exp e rts ,'w o rk in g a n d th ink ing A O Btudcibaker nlono, and tb a t- th '^ ac-

bn ild ing ia done In S tudobaker’a modern, eomplotoly equipped 410,-

)00 body plants, paralle l situation Is notod in tbo

-iled porfeclio'n o f S tudobaker’s inclosed body models. liQ new S tudobaker models present cing beau ty of appearance and fin- In' w hich thero is an In stan tly ap- 'int noto o f o riginality . This is not- I' n o t alone in th e longer linos, new 'pa and fenders, higher rad ia to rs!

sides on lower bung bodies, b u tt1 in tho finish and color sehomcs. |

^ E 8HOETAOE CAUSES 'WOEEY iONDON, Dor. 1 (;?}—M akers of- ' "in bows aro becoming anxious over I ^Rrowlng scarcity of w hito horses, I

I tho tnils o f which nro tak en bnirs V.< tho m nnufncture of bow strings. Ac- ling to nn expert thcro is a (lecidedtago of whito, horso ta ll h a ir from ”Tin .nnd cast Ilussia whence tho b e s t ' - - ,


ALTA,. Dee. 1 (A»)—The f irs t l.nt : in of Gordon Ilighiundcrs who wero _nr orders for Ind ia i t Is stn tod w il l : ^aivertcd to E gypt. Thla ba lta llon ! leave Malta tliis w.>..k.

' J p H A T ’S .

phone const in Id a h o s ir

N ew sw itt

b u il t, n ew c; o v erh ead ani

' 1 kficp p ac e v.'il'JHZ m ands. P ro s

s j f ^ r s I t I f I'J I lean y e a rs al

|e ie p h o n

— ■ ’TU- tlW i- 'i .J h ig h e r th a n <Z jp p T to ry . B u t

I w o n ’t w a it. ^7 b u ild n o w b

tfj .«'"7 d em a n d ed nc

.y" L> j y .r ,v" T h e r e are

in d ic a te a n j

p h o n e cqu ip r


^ The Mountaii

DECEMBER 2, 1924.

l TIFREEZEtr T otir O a r » ^ - F e r ' Q o ir t


j^ntlioilsod IM ttinraton for 1 H odion t a d B n e x ^ a z t i . ■ '

S B g 8 T E P ^

ON W. V Z S H ^ U . A;. M . S . licol and Laboratory D iagnosis fon-surgleal troatm cnti including tothcrapy and electrotherapy, icial a tten tion to genlto-urlnary ;ases, diabetes and diseases of Iren.

For Your ProtectionI w m Haoifio N O TH IN O SXTt .-


Jl o rder to provent confusion In I fo ture, th e Ooal OoJ bo known aa tho

Aberdeen Coal Co.EOBEBT SH A K ELB, Owner.

Form erly Shankle Ooal Oo.Fhono 436 Tw in Falla

Phono 22 B ohl ,

C A S HFor

C o r n a n d C u l l B e a n s

B E S T P R IO E S"Will buy tho y ea r 'round-

McNichols Transfer Co.P H O N E 2 0 0 TW IN FA LLS


' ’S w h a t It h as co s t to •y o u t a g re a t tele* o n s tru c tio n p ro g ram

s in c c 1920.

w itc h b o a rd 'h a s been , p o le lin es h av e been w cab le h as b een ru n

an d u n d e rg ro u n d to e w ith te le p h o n e de- ’ro sp e ro u s y ea rs and s a lik e ca ll fo r m oney lo re m oney to expand ho n e p la n t a n d keep up to B e ll S ystem

hav e been c o stly :ause m ate r ia ls w e re ' , an e v e r b e fo re in h is- it serv iee dem an d s it. W e m u st b u y an d - ff bccause se rv ic e is '1 now.

a re no es tim a tes fo r re o f Id a h o w h ich a n y d im in u tio n in

e x p e n d itu re fo r te le - u ip m en t.

Be// System

A«a Ati ,4/ | B \T\ nireelad\ l i 3 lu u a r


ita in S ta te s Telephone Telegraph Co.

E t .

« VM O tT C V N O -MV «OVA> ^ « ,E ^ C T

S -4 w \» y ^ > i z B V «1M T o K t ^ .

1 I N - >SOB VWH®-TO

: n B U r■ m m m :■ — t

' —But Two of 11 Boats in Which ;I*

Russians Left Country Re-1

main to be Disposed.^ '

M A N ILA , Doc. 1 ( iT ^ T h o U a Moro- motz, ono o t tbo B ussiaa voaaols irhich Arrived in M anila b ay a yea r and a b fllf ago undor A daiira l S to^k, La« boon Bold to a local transpo rta tion company,

, leaving only two out o f tho U vcsw lj! in tho orig iaa l float whJeh eam<t f ro m : V ladivostok with moro th an 800 Rua* Sian rotugoos. Tho others havo b«on sold to conccrns horo or In China. Tho oompany will nso tho B a Moromotz, which ia a high powor tug , in towing worlc in Philippinfi w aters.

Oaly 40 of tho orig inal 800 rofogoea who camo with tho fleo t rem ain in tho PhlHppinoa, tho others, inclod ing Ad­miral S ta rk , having dopartod for v a ri­ous countries. Somo OOO woro tokon to tho U nited Btates ou tho .arm y tra n s­port M o rritt more thnn a yoar ngo, and othcrn tram timo to tim o havo gono to Shnnghai. Adm iral S ta rk lo ft only a j fow dnys ago fo r Franco, whoro ho ox-1 poctfl to mako hia bomo a n d possib ty ' ontor businms. Ko and h is foUowors! belong to tho old m onarcbial regime, I and a t prosont are n o t welcomo in th e ir native land.

HAZELTONUAZELT6li—Mr. and M rs. *H. K .

Holmont and Mr. and M is. H . E. Qun* dolfingor attondod tho banquot given by tho E aste rn S ta r a t T w in Falla on Tuesday night.

M rs, S. Wolls re turnod homo tho firs t o f tho week from tho T w in Pnlla hospital where aho had boen operated oil Boiui'* ten days ago.

.Mru. Oeorgo Wyllio waa cnllcd to K im berly Tuesday by tho Illness of hor JittJc oioee.

A ttornoy Hall and E. E . Olenson of Jerome, wcro business viaito rs iu Huz-

. eJfoH .'iJoHtJjiy.Mr*. II. 'Hiorficn retu rned homo thc

firs t o f tho wcok from Swoot, Idnlio, wiivcr hIk! 1i«<1 bccH viaiting her brother.

Wiirruii Hoiniiiu is on the sick Hat th is week.

Mrs. B ert Havena nlao in on thc aick list,

Mrii. H . KycJS le f t l.'ist week fo r lliiMootiL'l. Wisi-diisin, wliocr aho will v isit \vith reiiitivcH.

Mr. :ind Mrs. .Tohn SoUmun motored to Twin I'jills Snturdny, Novoinbor 20.

To D islodge f io n eW hen 11 fl.slibonir hus liecomu lodKod

In tho tlinm t. Kiick tliu Juice of n leiiK’Ti. The ucl<l usunlly iHsaotvca t(i« ijifncml (iiirt, tiiriljliig fJie boae noxibU" and lc Is llieu i‘n?<y to remove It. If no lemon Ix* ul linnd, ewnllow ■a soon UK iiossll.h- the n iw whito ol an ORK whulc. This often rettiove* the oUstructUm. H In ii u>i»tiikt' tc tnko liny lluld wKli r» v |i‘w to dlslodgt tho Intruder. .MuHtlcnle a plcce ol brcinl ihorouKlily. und when U Is awal lowed moat likoly the bone will bo re- lenaed.

J fe r D ed u ctio nOld Mrs. Green wna down a t th«

, w hnrf nt uihldiiy seeing her nleco ofi on a trip. Clnncini; aloft slio re m arked: "Well, tlii-y'll noon lie s ta r t iQff. m y dtvir. HotJi funnH s n re Biiiok In* and they wouldn’t w unt both fun nelH Just to KCt lunch."—BouloQ Tran le rlp t.

D rastic P rofti6 itionT he conaumptlon of w ine renehc

' tuch a IiIkIi point ubout n thousunje a n i before the Clirlatlan ern tbn Lycurgiis. king of T hrace, passetl ptohlbUlon uet. the tliorouchaess c whlcl) cnnnot be (luestloned. A atrl( nhfltalfKT hliHself, )ip fo rbade the us of w ine JO Ills suhji^cts. and roote up all thc vines w ithin bin doinlaloi



* W « Buy T h m


AiTDts From tbe Salea Oroandt


r t s r ^W \% M O H 'm V l

V 5M ' ' H t V JH D J


__________ B » » t

-------------1 1 1 ll 1.

CROSS w o ’r d p u z z l e sHITS PRINCETON AND

PRIZES ARE OFFEREDI PBINCL'TON, i T J . , Dec. 1 ( ; p ) -II T bo cross word puzzlo wavo has awept ( I ocr«3« fncu lty and s tndon ts o f P rince­

ton unlveraity to tbo dopartm ent o f philosophy whoro Profesaor W arner i l t o bas otIcTci a prizo to tbo atndoat

jJl who can devise n pueslo capablo of |tw o separate solutiona. Such a prob- tlOm, Profeasor F ito asaorta, would hove

5“ a g rea t psychological value.Professor Robert K . Root o f tho Eng­

lish departm ent, reeontly anaouncwl his williDgneas to adopt tho pumlea as p a r t o f th e torm w ork in aomo of his courses provided aomo ono eonld bo

'0 - found to construct pur.z2oa au fnc lon tlr ch d ifficu lt fo r tho to s t a t tho c>nd of tho a torm.

i C i l l N l l l S I THNCOLN’S T O ihoid-

School S tu d en ts B ack From 8 0 0 Mile T r ip to Resting Place of M arty r.

ijiyl ______

»<».] BHEN’ANDOAH, Ii.w.i, Dec. 1 (/R —In to tho ir homes in tho neighboring citioa and towns morp than 1800 Iow a and Misaouri achool childrou brought a "tory of n pilgrimngo tbnt lirob- nbly hns no equnl. They woro tho chil-

K . dren who came back from nn KOQ.milc un- journey th a t took thorn to tho tomb of vcn Abrnlinm Lincoln n t Springfield, 111., on whoro they paid tho form er ]'roaideat

(hoBjago.tho . I t wiiB a wenry b u t liajipy throng a lia ,th n t jumped from tho long trains ns ted they pullod iu to jh o s ta tio n hi're. Tlio

' countleaa now o.xperiences woro bought to ' a t the eost o f long hours iibo.'ird a com­

ber fortlcas coach, n o t too ciueh alepp aud iiieuls irregularly eaten .

lal-' Ohoory Farowoll.; .As fJjc iu iir ac clio ita o t th o L iu co Jn ’ pilgriniUKO iiearod th i s c i ty th e y n to p '

•vlio, l" '‘l t ' ”" ' to allo w c h iliire ii fromclose b y to d is e m b a rk . A t oacli

H la tiou thuHc d e p a r t ia g w a v e d :i c h eo rj faruw o ll w liich bcH v d a n y f a t i g u t th e y tiii};ht linve f e l t . O ne younga te i

Tick a sk i'd ju s t b e fo r e he l e f t th e t in i r w lia t h e th o u g h t o f th o p ilg r la ia g o Jint

f o r a n sw e r w as p r o b a b ly ty p ic .il o f tin w ill 'in v o ic e d n p p r a ia a b o f ti i e r e s t :

“ I 'l l any th a t i t was some trip jrcd I ’l” I w e n t.”0. , S ------- -------------------

A Liberal Education.T hnt man, I th ink , bus had n llhern

•ducntfod who bus heeti so tralrini! ttIKOU y o u jl,

* a n t o f Ills will, an«l doe. w ith unwe am ' ‘ plenauro alt th e 'w o rk tliut, ns a meeh

nnlsni, it Ih eapublo o f : whose In t-iiKliK

of ’t" purtfl of e'luiil stroiiKt!nnd amootb w urklng o rd e r; rendy

° like a 'Bteam engine, to hp turnod t

lllM* snniera as well n s forge the anchor ' , o f th e m ind; whose mind Is storO'

J wllh knowleilKo o f ilie grent fiindt ’ ^ m ental tru th s of n n tu re nnd of tb

la w t o t her opera tio n s; one wbo. n stun ted ascetic. Is tu ll o f life niul Hr b u t whoHe pssfilona a rc tnilned t

th e come to heel by n. vigorous will, tli J off aervnnt of n tcm lcr consclcnce; wh

re- bus learned to love all beauty, whet! {(,r{. o r o r n a tu re o r o f n rt. lo bnto nil vll mok- ness, and to respec t others as blu fun* »*lf-— T. U. Huxley.



, i ! A BERD EEN ■ II COALlaloo. S

X , m a k o s b o t t e r f i r o s

“ S Warberg Transfer iS and Storage Co.S Phono 142M * Offico and Yards S Shoshono a t Fourth'South

oat jg ,

SO M E TOOPIE T H IN K LOUE M A K tS IME \N01!VX> S O "R O U N b B U T > 6vw e c ^ e f c v - r T O s i u v s - \ v j i s u

t h ;e S o o f e 0VS>

! W O ^ s o n C f tM t T \ ^ S W t M M S A W O P V o T tC tO ^ 'S , O^! ^ v \ ^ ^


Is She *"Rasputii

of - .


& -


(/n ^‘"B '

' i lbil. --------------->>1«; T H E BEOENT A BBEST o f Bortho 1

Brussels causod rio tin g in tho Belgla iowcra being in jured. Sho w as charg( clubbed tho “ Baaputln o f B elg ium ." i


x r-:w OKLEANS, Doc. I .—'^Coffco is atl exrellout and safe bevorago and becauso «naio peoplo ar<,s adversely af-

:o1n fecti'd by il doe« not m ean th a t tho fop- overwJieljning m ajority aro not bene- rom n to d , " is the stalenioiit made in an 'ach M'.xliauativ<? article upon eoffoo in tho .•ory jiato.st qu;irterly bulletin of tho Louis- igueiiati.-i ntnto htmrd nt h<-iilth, tho official s te r I liiiblieatiini of tlm sta te . U is con- rnin j irib iited by Dr. Oscar Dowliug, prosl- a n d jd e a t o f th'? board.th e ) ‘ •There jn itu rrc-'ifioa to bani.ih cat-

froia the breakfiisl tablo bocau.ifl trip , of tho fac t th a t under lom e conditione

i t m ay produce d isease," Dr. Dowlinfl continai's. “ I t js sim ply to bo used w itb diacretion nnd in m odoratioa and

iTfti obviously no harm cau rcan lt.”ll lo ------------- ^ —ier\-- P ro o f o f G la c ia i P eriod n n d O c o lo ^ i t a b a se th e i r s ta te m e a tt i'i?h- c o n c e rn in g th e i-xU tence o f Ih e jla -

In- d o i p e rio d in riln ly til><>n ovld i-nce lr Khic, t h e fo rm o f oriM ion o f rockw, th e c i- iiKth la te n c e o f li<iulder o lu y n n d vu rlou j a d y , o th e r <form>i o t d e p o s i ts . T l ie tlrsi d to Bclvntllh: r c A T ra c e s t o g h io h il f ictloi KOS- w e r e H iiugcsted by th e A lp lm - reg io n s

h o r s QR m u n d id m u e x lm p r i o r - t " a m o re d d u r in g tlie e u rly p a r t o f llie tilaclii n d a - p e r io d . T h e f irs t e v id e n e e o f ills ex

t b e Is te n c e Ih to bo f o u n d In tlie la te; >. n o g lu c liil p e rio d .lire. - - --------


s R e y n o ld s . ]X



T H E G U M P S ~ P .



s w w nC - = = = 1

.w>vi'TJ Hr

# i n n ^] ; J ----- II----- IIJ,hi;,]

^ ' ; f nnrnr

’.tin of Belgium?”

r ' : ^ H | |

: ' i i R A z , E i < : . ' I

ho M razok, noted w oman f a i th tea lo r, in Blgioa capital, a num bor of h o r ^ ip o a t fol- iBTgod w ith fraud . B ertho M n u o k bos boen 1 ." Sho o ffocts a tt ire an d manners.

I R O C K C R E E KT U _____

IJOCK CUMKK—Thci school wns elosed W ednesday fo r two days for

andnf. Mr. aud Mrs. .Tohn Uim scn of Jw in tho "a lls , were Tlmnka,"iving guests a t thc

e„(,. homo v t . Tr. .•ih<1 Mr.i. IfeH ry Hrifi.ien. a n ' nad M rs. Chris I’otcrson. MJbh

the M iller, Kvaim Thonipsoti nu.l Praak iHiK- K iag Were T liiiiiksgiving ffuests a t tbi icial bniiie (.f Mr. and .Mrs. Sl. Larsen, con- Miss IliiKiiv.i o f W'endoll is a week resi- end i;ii<-st o f friends a t Hxceljior fhi'

w eel:.co f.' Mr. and .Mrs. T errill o f Murt.iUKl au.io enlertriitied the IkoHC fam ilv ,:_ind Mr tiona nad .Mr^.'Jf. Stric/cer fo r Thaiiitsglviaj; rling Mr. .-iinl Sfr.i. Dan Iverson ea te rta ia used ed Miss W itte aad her frieuda fror and Twin F.'ilJ.i TJj.-jnksgivjjig day.

I 'i l i e d a n ce h e re w a i w e ll a ttc n d c i jT liu r.id a y e v o n in g an<l th e re w ill bc an

^ ; o lh o r one i')cccu ibe r KJ.

*^a* Provision M ade fo r CatsJ, jj. T he vi)]iie o f Vms to the I'cstn . JJJ. sarvlce bus come (•> be so well re.-o^ i-lous onnnal approiiriatlcm lijjf^l m nde by ci>n>;re.'<'‘ fo r tiie lr mnliite

; nanec. Tbe rew ard Is In "n it ment,' ■Ions, " 'b lch .costs ubout a year.

and --------------------------aeliil D ays G o n e Forever* ex- Whnt hna lioi-nmo of th e old.fna^ later ioned clilldrt?n who were mnde to w-nl

for "aecoml tabIo“ ?—liiilutli Heralr

C h r i s t m a sT re e s

^ Our car of Douglas PirOhristroas Trees is due to

^ arrivo this week. Oome ia early and make your se-

^ loction.

Opposite Sales Grounds

s. B r o th e r s Co.,

B O R N -T H B >>0


K 0 ?=O F V \ ,^ C F

C O L V -^ T O R R .

----------- ^ T T T

'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S T j [ s u n ;

■* Ogden F o rest O fficials Tell of R easons for Killing Animals | in K aibab R eserve.

OODKN. Utah, Dec. 1 (ifp)—Belief j th a t ujnvardj. o f one th ouw ad decr rrilJ bu Blnin in thq K aibab forest of northern Arizona in tho^noxt fow days ' was exjircsscd bv U nited S ta les foroat I serviee '• offieials liere upnn re- i coipt o f « telegram confirm ing tho ' report th a t tho fo rest aorvico nnd I Htate nf Arizona had reached nn agreo-i mont providing fo r lim ited shooting in th c proaervo.

T h o te le g ra m cnm o f ro m R . IL R u t ­le d g e , d is t r lo t fo re s te r , w ho sa id tho •vest Sldo o f th c f o r e s t w il l ho open f o r H huoting from D ec em b er 1 to l . la n n n ry 5. . 1

J>iH triet I-V)reHtor R u tle d g o a .iid th o s lio o lln g w ill n o t in te r fe ro w ith tlio p ro p o sed d r iv o o f .'SOOO d e e r aeroa« th e e a n y o n to a n o th e r p n r t o f A ri /.o n a b u t f o re s t serv i,-c niOu e x p re s s d o u b t th n t th is d r iv e w ill bo a auccoss,• T firough (ho nR reem on t w ith A ri to n a

th o fo ri 's l nervlco w ill lasuo p o rm lta to b iin le r s to e n te r th o p rc» e r\’o, pro- \-i<l<-<} th e h iH itc rs p a y f iv o d o lla r s fo r ench d o e r s la in . T h o f u n d roco lved fro m thi^ issiinnec o f p e rm i ts Is to be «}iv»<}e,} h v ff,(, fo rc .,t so rv ic o a n d (h i' s tn to o f A riz o n a to c o v o r e x p en se of s iip e rv is in g th e k i l l in g a u d rem o v a l

'f a l J c " -0“ th o p e rm i t i.r

O T v id e s t h a t th o h o ld o r s h a l l onde.iv .• to k i l l ;u ,d ri-niov.* f r o m o tto to th rco

^ d e e r from th e a re a in w h ic h g iioo tinc l IS p e rm i tte d . I

for p* '** I . . .

rraiik I Y o u r K e y

tS'i, - T h e i - e i s o n e

.,«ci, . c i v e 1 0 0 p e r c e

vhic ■ 'I'l y o u r v a l u a b l

r ™ p o l i c i e s , :d e e d s , s t o c k s , o i


P l a c e t h e m :

, p o s i t v a u l t o f \y o u w i l l h a v e

i r i i a k n o w i n g - t h a t t l

f r o m f i r e , t h e f t

G e t a k e y t c

B o x h e r e t o d a jfaah-w n lt

'raid . __

F i r s t N a t § of Twi'

U 'e Hack : on Ou

w m

l r ■ ______ '

1“ A P P L E . SU ntil tbey aro go n e ,'‘vou can

got w in tor varia tio s o f applea a t tbe Hardin cellar, tw o mllas

8 lou tb . ona-Quartor woat o f Bho-thono S treet B ridge. Prlcoa reo- toiubla.

H A R D I N «3 S O N

:NG, DECEMBER 2. 1924.

~ \)0 tT D R , l j

f i H O T W ^ S i ■ i

c ^>ovgvt (vv fl) J h .- Win X

: e w H t G e u u ,

T O [m■ It '

J U u L I■ . ' ________

■ _ n n H a AUaa P IP E PLU SH to open up th a t

•lug Id yonr draitt popa. Dooa n o t lojuro tb e plam bing in any way. Bal­laday H ardw are Company.—ody.

1 = ^ '

F o r a- M a n ’s

§0 G iftreo-1 ing

W O su g g est one o f

tho th ese B rad ley oU-‘’to wool k n it voats for

an y young m an on tho your Ust. Thoy a rehut h e ro in a ll th e nowihat , ,shades.


To'r $ 3 * ® t o $ 7 5 0Ived ) be th.-

Bvnl 1 t h e IDAHO DEPT. 8T 0E B

;; M en ’s S to rehrcoting

I s R e a d y

n e c e r t a i n w a y t o

c e n t p r o t e c t i o n t o

a b l e p a p e r s — i n s u r -

1, a b s t r a c t s , n o t e s ,

, o r b o n d s .

n i n t h e S a f e D e -

i f t h i s b a n k . T h e n

v e p e a e e o f m i n d ,

t t h e y a r e p r o t e c t e d

e f t a n d p r y i n g e y e s .

to a Safe Deposit lay.

i t io n a l B a n k w in F a llsck M ure JSuhuh-hs Ou r R cconl.

5 For Potato Bags'WMlo tb ey Ja tt, g e t them now

I a t ^j j j j . ‘ n ducod prices from


E. D, KELLOGG304 SMond AT«nn« N o ttk

^ P . O. Bo* 754. pnoa* eeo-w .


24. . ' Paee Threa

“ Today’s Sporl

m i m m ”

OF BULL« [ I— • . Uml

iO SESoppoili

---------- n n d (

English R eporters D escribe the G iant-W hite Sox M atch in “ “ li'

U m l

London in Term s of C ricket;Play Held Slow. *^{3

______ ' ■ ■ liiirKCi

l,()N I>{)N . n .'.-. I (/p )— W l.t'ti th i ' -Tyi. (ii.-iiitH liixl \VliU>' Siix )>Iavr<1 th c i r f i r s t .•sliil.iH oii bi.H.'l)iill mim'c in r^m rloti H u thixr m iin tli, NOIIIII I lf t i le iK-WHpaprm IIo u c )Ki-ftl tlu -ir K 'l'f rt-porlorN o u l tn do th e F c lirc hKirv o f thfl |iroi'c-i-ilitiK'«. -M"Ht o f th o B o lto Joiirni.l-.. huw ovor, rn n f r r rp .l th o na-

:.li o f t l ..... . r.-iiort.-il l-i th e impuliicniitHm w h a l tli i 'y li!i<l ni-cn-

Karl, am i .'v.-ry ono o f th - m p itio .l ' th o poo r h a l l.-r l.c-raiimi I.is l ./ .t wna (.A' n i l Muall nn .i til.- fi.-liliTB ' Klov.-n h o .la rgo . J l l f)tio w rilcr ro iiil ia ri'd th o b n t to n 1 1 1 l.rootiiNtii-k, nn .i tho to Kiict-piid- U l l.liiiL’ al.h- to nfixorl. (-very b u ll th n t .'IIIII.' n i th in ri'a .-h.

C o a t o f M nU H ut wlK.t m o ft «ir.i.-Jc tli . ' H ritixh

...iK.rtorH ill th in '• i in fn irm - .s o f th .; iill.i.-!ilion o f tl'.- a r m o r ” wn-. th r r . t o h .T ’K “ fo i.t o f m a i l” m .d th o iim- iii r .-S “ triiJli- n -a.i.lin j; a ro u n d tho rii.'K t.” o n ly tlK'’ l.iiH fim n w as “ *»ib- § { 3 i,o |. to .-omi.li-ti. .l i« n rn ia m o n t.’ '

T h.r ?,fiiiii'li.‘’«t*-r f la a rd ia r t r,'p o r te r ^fu u n d ImK.'hail .......” an .l th ov .'li-n iii « o if rh ro i i i i 'l r r o f th . ' M orn liijj

ir a n r.-ullv n lit rrv .” T h i' im u h - th a t imi- I « ) l .>f ilM-m ' fo n n .i' iin.'i,..t(.niiii-< a n d Hh ' Hhcott. „ lh .T -.l.iw. wai. won w ith a n in it itin- iiiL- ra llv , .Mul aiiioiiK' f i - ld in tr per- ,] „ f t i r forini.n .'.'-. h :ui li.'.'U a tr ip l . ' p la y .

Ltlco FloldinR .- ],v ||i<\ . . a r l y a ll <>t th.- H ri ti-h r.'p c irlir«

cxpn 'uxod n .Im ira lin u fo r th o firliliiiK ,.,m! o f Ih .' l .i.s .'l.a ll l.UMin.--.-, th.- .p.-.-.l an .l i.i'.-iiriM'v o f th e ru n n iiig . c-ati-hiiif> " .a a d t h r o w in - .^ n p r a W to ■h.-ni ........lly . - ^ dHut th , ' l ia ttin K . an .i .•s,,.-H ilily lh ,' tt..- f U^y■i i;.,v..M iiai; fou i l .n l l s fa il .-d I .' « iv .. 1 iu in r . . . , th i'm n - v r v in t.T ,'» tinu '. Om- “ Ti„ a „ ......m .'.l i-ri.'V .-d I .1 I r a n , th a t tli.- t io n 1l.a tt .- r nol o n ly iiiisM'H i.s m n n y uh h .' j„ ,\p hitH, I.ul th a f “ wlii'i. h .' <-onn.'.-t-i h.- 1 , 5,,,,; , h a n ii.i 'n 'il i'V ru le whi.-li mal<.'-< a ll «trokc'H Io till- r ij;lil i . f n .id o f f or Itn' p , . ' |. . f , o f m i.l .m t. '. -h n l . . . i ly fon . ' M i;l [„ f f a a d m id on ar.- .'r i- t^ . 't f i- 'ld m ark - " < ln,>;i .-nm prirald.- (o Oh- a n d f . r i t -

tiii.'K. T l... w r i i . 'r H.'.-ni.'d lo lu ' HiO I f i .r th c r di.Ir.'.HK.'ii l.y th .- f .i . 't th a t “ tl . . ' .-riti.- a r . 'a w ith in w hi.-h th.- I .a l l . 'f . 'a n niuk.- Rpr „ r.m atin> r -1...1 is i .i.-o n v .'iii.'u tIy ..h .H l.'rrd w ith fi.-ld ..m .'n , w ho a r . ' m> . .r r ,.,, fa«t riiiU .-ffi.-i.'i> t. Ih u l Ih.'V ra r . 'iy luiHH.-d a n y lh in j ; r ra . 'lm l.h ', a in i .is rar .-lv Ihriiw a va r.I w i.ir o f th ,- ir H I G m a rk .” /

F o u ls P i u s le T h i.. l.n-in .'H s o f fo u l an .l f a i r l.all'-

l .m p K '.l n.or.- Ih a n .m .' ro i.o rt.-r to S tu d ' . hiH m 'll in n fh .o d o f w ord-.. “ AU »oi

of till- h ilt in K llil" to I"- ■'*f io n t o f III.' w i .- k . 't ,” w ro ti- on.-. • • A n y t h i n t th a t «o..H, in rri.-k.-t.'TH latn;u:iK.-.tow nrdH p n h it o r -./pn iri'-li'n 'i r l i. 'h in d ........thi- ivi.-ki't d .ii". n.l i-onnl. T l» ' vo-,«U ' i« t h n t th e a .-h i. 'V . 'm . 'u t,o f H .'onnj: i- '.jtp i'-H ivi-lv d i f f i n i l t l.coi.n-.- t h f f ii'ld - p n .l. ' . rn nni.i-il w ilh H n.'t-iiu.ldii.K K lo v .- f T i^ d : .-an ll.- r . 'l i . 'i '>n 1-. Htoj. u r . 'a lf !! . 'v . - r y pl.-t..l l- in u th a l ......... . lo Ihi'U i. a n .t ‘ th .'rc n ii i .r w hii'h til.' lu t t in K hi.!.' m u sl i- .iv rr in a v e rv lart;.- oui-. 1 Im on ly

,0 .loK th .. l .a ll ...ll o f lh .-

^'^l-.-rhaii,-. th . ' Jl.<l^t H lrik in^ 'lv m .v rl th in i ; nlm ut lia - . 't ia ll to th . ' H ri li .l i N:.m m in d U Iho .-in.ount o f ta lk in u a n d l.-nd . Hl..:nVm« a n d l.o w lin i; lh a t k " " ’‘I’' im d .'

. How a iiif.'h .T .-an p it.-h w .thlIuK h.'v .l.-nnini.:s raz r.in j; h im from th.- ; . llnrU-I.UH.- !in.- a n .l t h - ,-r..w .i y.-ilim :rem arkH o f a n o t i.a r t i .-u ia r ly .....n i-h ' "B-tn t-.itv n a tu re , Ih « U ttk ' in .ir.', ........ .iuKlv. th a n lh o .ju i. 't . pi-.-ic-fnl H ritm . a Kr. r '.V n n .l .T M a n .l . N or d o .'s ho f in .l i t Im .m .•asv 1.1 .•cim pn-lii'ad how a l.atK inan i-iiii ih .- 'I hi' 'so inn.-UHitivi.' ns to I,.- ul.l.- to .lo h is f „ . .n ioi. « i t h thi,' cu ti-h .T i-hatt.T iiik ' invay , on a lin o o f in t. n t io n a lly i r r itu lin K r<-

“ ‘ T V at th.- OiafilH a n d W h ite Hox w ill «■'>' -u rc e t 'd in t h . ' i r a im o f im p la n tin g !'''*>•' l.aM -hall in ( I rv a t H ri ta in . no n a tiv .- Ih'- N am liovi'H. T o th e m a j .i r i ty u f th . ' Kn^- It lish it H.-.nis fo lli- a "low . m oii.'to ii.nm -'a m .'. I t doos n o t la a t th ro o .la y s lik . ' , a o r i . 'k . 't m a tc h , w ith .i-v .-m l hun .irod ,„ » « a n .l t im o o u t fo r t.^-. a n .l lunct..H u t nov.Tth.-lc;-!. a n d n o lw ilhK ta iid in j;. th o y Uo f in d i t .-.low. P Q l


__ miHdi

D « « i v r . M lc k e lw a lto o n W a y B o c kt o S c h o o l F r o m N e b r a s k a O am e, ^S jrtau ls D a y H e ro W i th M o tl ie r . ^ ®

D e n n W . M ic V rfn a U c ; non o f M is .M a y I . .M ickclw a ito , n n d m e m b e r o f '' th o ffradu fltinR ela** a t O re g o n A gri- .c u l tu r a l colleRC, o n h ia -nray b a c k to sch o o l a t CorvoJU d f ro m L in c o ln , N o^ '’“ '<1' b ra a k a , w h e re lie p la y e d ta e k le n n d fict-\•ng c /tp ta in o f th o O rcfjon A s g ie s fo o t- b a y y te a m a g a in a t th o U n iv e r s i ty o f N 'e b ra ak a , s p e n t S u n d a y h e ro v liU ln g b is m o th e r . H e c o d e d tb is y e n r h ia th i r d aucceBsfuT aeaaoa on th o O regon ' a rio A g g ie te a m , a e r v ln g oa a c t in g c a p ta in " n " '’* u n d e r th e s .rs te m na ed b y Coai;h Scliisa- T hi

I W , w h e re no c a p ta in ia e le c te d , b u t tlir.-o a a a c t i n g c a p ta in i s a p p o in te d

. . e a e b g a m e.

• FageroflT TWINFi!

rd n g N e w s STM B A U G H B O W L E R S W I N f

F R O M e U T T E R - N U T T E A M '

Ctors Take A ll T h ree Oames In . I BowUAg Leogae C on test; B m gem an I Brothers C arry O ff HoBOra. |

Unibniigh bowlers defeated th e But- -N u t nquad, w inning nil three gumen - II Twin Fnlla bow ling league tnateh §6111

3nd.iy evoning nnd p iling up (i tolal ,rc o f C.-.ll na ngainat s m fo r tholr M, poiientfl. II. Bruggi.'inun, w ith .'580, d C. Bruggcniiin w ith '»30, carried,' . 1, C tho lionora for tho um baugh tonm,' CH liol no member of th e defeated squad „ cccedca in passing th e DOO m ark. The ta lk 'd Hcorc: , ' ’U m hnuR h- 1 2 3 Tot.

Hniggonmn .... 180 18-1 187— 5.10 m -uMtn .................. M7 1.12 1 7 1 - 450 i„„ch

Bruggomnn .... 108 175 213— 580 todaji.lerson .............. I.'i5 l.-id 118— 429 doBuirKcn .............. :... 175 130‘ 101— -IOG i„jj „

Totals ................ 855 770 871—2511Huttor-NutH— 1 2 3 Tot. -'juotnnuck) .................. 1.15 105 340— 4(50hrcnlinck .......... 12.T 100 157— 301 l>r*cciilton .................. 100 140 M 5— -120 thu }ndholtr. ............. ; 147 131 148— 420 ; wliicllith .................... 120 100 142— 407|«ecut

T oIiiIn ................ 719 753 732—2204 t ''‘'»t

E E lI iG I IN SCHOOL P l i 1

thia--------- hoivo

t a t e B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n i '" * '"

S e n d s O u t P r o o f s o n P r o - ', ? ™ °

p o s e d L a w o f C h u r c h e s . r ™

■ ■■ |mobi

HOISi:, n»H'. 1 OP)—Ailvancml proof i eels o f the j.roposul to proaent tn the ] 'i.tlaturo a ro«ohition fo r ^tho intro- Th Ift iou of Wblo roadingB in tho public fnrt. hooln aro b.-ing o.'nt ou t to patronH j rlu.li • lho alnto board of edufn tion . i t Avnn jfigiit inounrr'il tndav nt lho offiro of the .,11 i .ard itl Iho stnto houae. A thouannd oxlr.- 'rnom, in tho s ta te , selrcted by the oon.( .ard, w ill roceivi' tl.o advance (.hcota, „|ine .- foreword anya, nnd nil nro urged to ,.xpn V.' th e m.iUer cnns'idernble Tending. nirnt “ Tho bonrd b e lloven ," the Intro.luc- „oaai on anva, " t h a t to ca rry ou t th e plnn jppr,. .lotail nnd insure i ts or.lorly func-jiHMU, oning w ill require tho en thu a in a tic ,'..f I irdlnl npprovnl of tho stnndnrd brod [ndv.n liristian men nn<1 women of tho olee-I new irate. To th n t end It aeeka n t th is jwns we, tlirouRU na w ide .1 d iatribu tlon of Uiow le plan na possib ly nnv eonstructlvo j thro iti.-i,im th a t cnn be o ffe red .” llJniiRpn-e iH le f t in tho aheet«. fo r sug-|m on '-.t.-d forreotion o f B ible selections nn U o n •ranged by the board. jwny

lIG H S C H O O L E X P R E S S E S I M l


itudentfl nnd F acility Mombora a t As-1 sem bly T hank nnd P ra ise E unnersup , fo r S ta te Championnhlp., ! p,

Twin Fnlls high '..-hoi'l sln .li'i.ts ...... I:i.-nllv ini'Milii-r- nl nn :i-Hi-mlilv M-'U-1 ay expr.-H 'd ih.-ir api'r.-.-iati.m of am! , ri.l,. in lh ,' f...il!.all t.'.'im. wlii,-', uihI.'. Mdnnr.- o f Cna.li K.-lix T 'lastiao .•..|ii- '

.......... . ' ’" lA ln i„n1,.., f.ir th.. M .l- iii.,.r„-U„las,^...................lian.p.onshi,., y [Talk-i w.-r.. ;;iv,.a l.v Klo <'.i..k. Mil.is

,-alt,.r<. Hnlnii.n C n ’V .....1 IMwia Tr.„.f th.- Mu.l.-iit l.odv ri'Iafiv.' fn M.,' ' „ ::.„,pa-Twiu IM I- ..ontrM . Sup,.rin- ,i„„..nd..nl K, l>. Hliii.m .-x].rr>M'.l his i;r;il. \v;ud.- ..viT fhi. r..HulIs uaini'd l.y lh - i-] '.am ill th i- -.‘a 'ln . ’s j.lay-«n.l f..r fin- ]\iliirit in whi.-h Ihe r.'Hiill-» w.-re work- ..^.1<i .IUI. Mr. ............... . t)i;ii>k<'d fh.. c„-<r1..n,l.,TM o f Iho sipia.l for havini; ili.n.' ront

g rea t deal townrds ere ,.ting a belt,-r ,„it|rand uf sp,.rl-.nanship Imth on ami 01/ giv.11.. -fielil Cnarh I'lastino thank.-d fhr o f . ootl.all l.'nm for th r sp irit o f “ nevrrav d ie ” dlsplav,.d bv th,. t-.am. Pla-. i iii in„ tnid fh-. -fu.l.'nf-. th a t Ih.-y mi(,'M ,.|1 lu- ]ir..nd of Iho tm n i. nnd tiie gan..' hvo d bv fh.' loraK la s t Fri.li.v ar .-ampa. ’ ] A

It wan annoiin-T.l thaf Twin FallH, I,v , ili he iillowi-d a rli-i.'Kafion of 2 .'. at , Uin In- O M .t H ov-’ ...mferon.--- In W h-'l.IiL . I.is we,-k .'It Huhl. j.list


•I’win Fal!> p-.lli-r la>t 7n"iilh lua.I- L'-'. f)n<. rr.-sts. 12 .if whirh involvo.l n1h-;;.d fpp,| .iadem-niiora in v io lation of -ta fe law„. jinn .-rordii.g l-> munthly ri-port snbm itt.'.l up 1 I. tlir lanniripal eommisnion by Cliief U *. O. Hcrrim.an. F ines in tho ti.lal h w , um of *f.il w.-ro .'jsspssed in pnlir.- rourl. '.-Ini: ifh.T nrroHlr. w .to ma.le .m :,.-nmnt shoe f violation r>f various or.liiianr.'s.l • .md la f f ir ordinan^o^ 0; .Irunkenness, 7. Ing T w rntv n.eriN wi-rr f,iri'i!.ed to pri- Hin

n,.ds in tho .-ity ja il .lu ring lh.' m-mlh. oxrr hilo lii-d^ w,.r.' fnrniHhod in the ja il a t t . 27 i-T -nn , who wero not prisoners. PI n ,iring the month the poliro invosti- Frar

iitrd 71 r.im plaints .m d ii-n.-d w ara Norl :;Th .in .trr-,unt o f m inor violntiouK of rour arion* or.linanroH, l.'i; t r a f f i r or.li- Ti ii.roK, .'ill: san ita tion o rd inanres. X enn^ Three rarft.w.-ro r. [H.rted ito lrn .'imt Shot

ir.-o W.T.- roi-ov(-r..,i; 12 biryrlo.M wor.- rep r .p„rtod ‘ fn!,-u and *ov-'n woro t.«- and ,v..'r.-d. eour


rT M T E L ^ FIFTH m s ^

. • p w

CLIMB UPlllD I — I n s

ofelling O rders N ear Close of

dri'Monday’s Session Sends E x- - change’s F avo rite Issues F w ' Poin ts Lovyer. '■

_____ - - enmp

M-;W YOKK, Dec. I nv«.nche of aellliiR orders poured Into p „ jtv iday 's Btoek m nrkot ju s t bufoi ro the OBU BL-ndiug.' scores of Isauca mclud* g nmny of the popular industria l and liWoad favo rites ono to th rco uad n . i l f pointa bolow S a tu rd a y ’« finnl lotiitions. Tho b reak which tam e ftor 91 iBsues had eatabliahod'now peak i rices for tho y e a r tem porarily halted .0 genernl upw ard movo o f pricea, “ . hich today cnlerod upon itn i i f t h con- ‘ icutive week. T otal anlos croaaed tho vo million aharo m nrk fo t tUi> th ir- ^ ■onth timo sinco eloction day. 'P ro fit tak ing , inspired by tho apocu- *

itivo. b elief th a t a technical ruaction ns w arran ted n fto r tlio v iolent nd- anco of -tho la s t fow weeks, waa tbo lief causo of tho--olU ng. Failuro of to i jrtnin so-wllod TuTStal siocka to reak throngh tho lr higha of la s t weok oro conatrued by mnny traders aji an ^ idieation th a t "ing iderH ” woro no t iapc.ae<l to follow up tho advance n t on lia timo, O tlior contribu tory factors So: owovor, wero an incrcnso ' in monoy to 0 itea, a cu t in tho quarte rly dividend *ican n Btromberg C arburetor from (2 to aalil 1.50, an increaso in tho aouthcrn CaJi- proe. srn ia oH o u tpu t fo r tho WQok onded fiurgi :ovembe.- 20, nn increnao on tho Euro- form c-:in bcot sugnr crop oatimnto nnd tlio I t v nnouncemont o f nnother cu t In nuto- vtoui lobilci prices bv ono o f tho large man- le.ontl fneturors. U ctoi

T rade Factors. _There woro aovornl fnvornblo trade P

artors to counternct thla, however, in- T lulling the .'Nlabliahnieiil of a now high j ( J Iguro by r.inc pricea. Declnrntion of j II iiiercasL-d r e g i ^ r divldond nnd nn r t i xirn (Itoek dividend by tho Simmona I ompany, nnnoiincem ent o f h igher gna- 11 line pricea In tho Cnrolinns nnd h igher ^ xpnrt nnpthn prices. Bullish demon- Irntions during tho enrly pa rt o f tho esaion wore moat offectivo in tho cop- ier, motor, ra ilroad nnd public u tility '■'•'c .HUOH. K ansas C itv Southern wns ono j ■ ( (ho features o f tho rnilrond group, | • Sl dvnnr-ing mnro tbnn fonr points to n 1 lew top n t 30 1-4, n.altlmorc nnd Ohin : Q: vns bill up more thnn 3 pointa to a 1 low top a t «.l 5-.1. O ther raUn to breivk hrongh the ir previous highs worn I Jnion P neifir, A trhison, Frisco ,-om-| non. M issouri. Knnsns nnd Toxas com- ' non nnd preferred , nnd Southern •Rail- vny proferred. ' 'j '" '


fttan and W oman Convicted o f VIolat- \Ing D ry Law . FUo Notico of A p-'l."',,! pe.il W ith MoUon fo r Now Trial, l '^ ^ ,

--------- ^'ri'pliN .itirr of aj.pi.al, nolir.- ..f n i.p licn-, Hull

iio.i ft.T n.-Nv irin i and appli,-atinn fo r i A :idmisHi.in nf fh.' defeu.lants to bnil bera IV.T.'.fV.'.l .M..n.lav in dinlriot .-ourt in ns tll......\*(\ I'f K.lwnr.l .1. Murrnv and Mrs. IhnsA lm a'A vi.ry . who w.-ro ronvi.-t.'d o f i ld a l ill.'gal po.H.'.-ii.n of fiv.. gallons of :<-riH lifpior an.l w .to s.-i.toi/c.',! to MOrv.- 0 0 , ln-r inys in ll„- .-nunly ja il nnd pav fin,' o f : publ MOO .'act,.

ll.'iiring on fh.' applicatir.n for ndn.is- |tli,- ,ion fo hail was fix,'.l l.y D islriet .Tinlg.- I tim. «•. A. Habcork fo l.o hold Di-cciul.er ' I-. 1, 12. n,'M.

Motion for now Irinl la based on sov : r-.rn •ral aH.'gcd orrors in tho tria l of th o i and -as,- la -t n.onlh nmong them b.-ing tho ;„fri, m ntention thn t tho rou rt erred in p .-r-11,0 . m itting tlio kog nnd ita contents lo bo , poei iiv .'n to the ju ry w ithout lho prr.^ rnrei, Tl it def.'n.lnnts or th .-jr rounsel. h.o'rs


_____ I MA aoalrd verd ict is to bo returned H'e

l.y the ju ry in tho enao of John « . o,.n Flinlon ngainst C. H. Oaborno nnd Y.I.. Kvans th n t wa.s tried Mondny in Tl listrie t court here. The case wns given u.^s.l o flio ju ry n t about 5 oV Iork M ondav I'-

'vening. involving H in to n ’s elnim to ^ [^os-iession of CO sheep valued n t J.IOO..vl.irVi strayed la s t apring from h is rinrks ns tlioy wero being moved from froding grounds on fho X o rth 'S iile to 1’ .'’" Ilnnsen. which wero found nnd tnken ip by Osborne and Kvans.

Under provisions o f the herd distric t aw, .lefendants Osbojno nnd Evans = : >laim rnmpenaatJon fo r ra re o f ,tho ihcep figured a t the r^ te o f fZ pet day ind from May to Octobcr, and amount- ng to approslm ato ly «240. P la in tif f Hinton contends th a t thl« demand Is 'xressive and haa offered rompensation It the rntc o f «1 per dny.

P la in tif f H inton w aj rcp resm tcd bv •Vank L. Stephan o f Stephan nnd m '.’orth, n n r ry J . B cnolt appearing ns •ounsel fo r defendants.

T rial In th e caae o f the Id.-iho Mer- an^ile c o m p ly , represejitcd bv J . H, Iherfey of Buhl, againat John J. Blick, epresented by A. R. H icka nnd Wolfo nd Winkins. is set fo r todav in d istrict ourt.. - H M


ONGRESS GETS DOWN ■ NOT TO BUSINESS TODAY HI(Continued from P a g e 3) B oth

n t back to tbe ag tU sU nro ebmmit- A o e. ■ ” D tt

ym i» new legUUtKni o f Im. p o r tu e * v lU Im proposed »nd tak o ita place. <m t h e , c * t o U n w ith j ca^d i th a t e u u on r tn rn tb o la s t ' «eario»^ th e re Is l i t t le p ro fpeet o f j a c tio n on m any m a tte n o ther th a n pi{,i„ th e B O ^ y UQs. . Xb« zipob llean .poav Insorgenta 'wlU hold t h e balance Bchoo Of pow er and th e ir lead e rs haTO the i d e d a re d th ey wlU eontinne to lyeoa d riv e fo r th e ir p rogram w h h I tTlew te tak in g th e ir f lg h t to th e Bryni eo on try again tw o year* hence t i e n w h en th e M rantie tb congress la to nbillt h e elected. cd hiW hatever of increased b itterness

hnt m ay havo como out o f tho recent nm palgn la moat npparont to find ' *pre«sion Jn the senote. Tho repub- leans there have rend out o f tholr a r ty councils thoao senators who ac- “ Ively oppoaed the election of Treai- cn t Coolidge. JAll four of thcao senators wero prca- . •

n t today. Deapite a ra th o r severe .j. old. Senator L aFolletto w as i n ' his ilneo in the fro n t row. H e arrived rom Madiaon in the m orning and wna :feolod n t tho senate cham ber by a ,um ber of his collengtjes. Including ^onn lonntor Wheolor, dem ocrat, Moutnna, fho wns his t.innlug m ato on the in- tary Ijpenilent p reridentlal tielcoc. Owei

Sonator W heeler received a throT h e a r ty welcome from m any o f h is knov coUeognes on th e dem ocratie side, whic Coincident w ith h is r e tu rn. Sima* hnnd to r Bobinson of A rkansas, th e mi- ' n o r ity leader, said th e re v s i no gift* in ten tio n a t th is tim e o f read ing light M r. W heeler out o f th e p n rty "be- over cause of h is acceptance o f a place on th e independent t l ^ e t i"^o<S enato r LaFollotto hnd no comment

.0 o ffe r on tho action o f the repub- ican eonforence - Likowise, i t wns lald th a t he hnd not discuaacd tho iroei'duro with ,»»'i-/>ibcr3 of tho in- iiirgont bloc nnd conaoqucntlj?' bail formed no specific program of action. ft wa.i nddeil, howover, fhn t as pre- ” 1 /ioualy nnnouncetl tho aonator wouM •ontinuo hia fig h t for wIint was chnr- ictorized na progreaaivo loglalation. i f t


u t J]

C ham ber of Com m erce R epre- ,„JJ • sen ta tiv e s to G a th er a t Po- ci„,l

catello December 12 . t.'riipian

--------- j o f tPOCATFM .O, IV.'. I (/P)— A ......fin-!

Ilf Iho .S,.u(h.-n»lVrn' M aho FiMerntion„f Chaml.ern of Commo..... has li.-.|irallo.l l.y S, K. Hrady, proHidonI, f. r ,’1* iV rom l.er 12 af IW al.-llo and ropro ^I'nfafivo* will ationd from nil towns 1.11 th.- T « iii Falls trai-t fr..in fho Hull! an.l O.ii.dlnj: .o rtion . all c ities onst t- fh.. U'y.iuiing lino an.i all norfh to the Moi>lai.a lin.-. Word wn« r.-eeivoil th 'f m orning l.y fho m anager of tho T w ir " " " l-'all\. .'Iiamlx.r tl.at (hat rhaniber w ilii renio into fh.- f.-i.-rafion an.l fn vo ra l.l. '! ri'plies havo als,. 1.,-ou r-.-oivi-d fro.u I, " Huhl, F ile r an.l oth.-rs in Mmt distri.-i 1

At ibiH nie.'iinu^ ilu' fodoraf.on mom I ;’’" 'iH-rahip will l„. oon^idoral.ly .................I 'j ' ' 'ns tho Uppc'r Snako Rivor Federation | V " ' has slowly branched out in to a south ,. Idaho organi/atl.iu . Two major proj- oriH will l.e worked n.if a t thc Dorom- , I.er ineolinc. fho .■slabliHhintf o f n sfa t- ' publioily l.nr.'.'iu and a land s.'ttleinenf VT«.p«sit>i.H whsH. 1ms uTRt.l l.vthe -r.nth.-aHlorn f.-le ra tiou for som.- ' timo an.l the m atter o f a .lis trie t fa ir T '!’' I-. l.o’ hold af Hlarkfi'of annnally . A .ijl - nal.lini; nri in n,-re--.arv (o perm it th,-I • foniiini; of fa ir distric ts by connlir-.| = and n plan has boon a.lopted bv the .iffio.-rs of Ih.- fair nss...-iation and will j , , I.e pr.'sentod to the fodoration u l tl..- Poentollo meeting.. Tho N orth Idnho Fe.Iornlion of Chain- -r be'rs o f Coinmorre will bo hold a t M.i-

” • - ......: iuA N N 0tm C B M E N T 8

Mrs. M. K. Jennuon w ill en terta in = (ho Wimodatiso rlnb w ith a 1:30 lunrh- m oon \Vodnesdny, Deferabcir 3.

The M entor club will m oet on Wod- t . n.-s,lav nfternoon n t thn homo of Nfrs. d h. E . W ilson. H

Prim rose Rebekab lodge will meet in I. O. O. F . hall THeaday evening.H. ro m b o r. Thc m eeting w ill bo c.illed prom ptly n t 8 o'clock. T hero will be in itia tio n by thc reorganised degroe Htaff under the direction o f i l r s . E ffie _ W ntklns. All brothers nnd aiatcra arc -

Storage WarehouseN egotiab le Eecolpts Issued

tCash Advancedon

W arehouse Beceipts



;oth B ry an Owen to O Ito T w in F a lls A odlaoce Adra& tages ot Bee Own ' I D n iuna l O p p n tan lttea . ^ I

B oth B ryan Owod^ daogh ter ot WUl* im Jenn ings B ryan and w ifo of U a jo r teginold Owen o f th e B ritish a m y , rbo is know n as " a woman o f nccom- BUOj Usbment,” on a lectnro to n r is to peak W ednesday ovoaing n t tho high pfi ehool aoditorinm , th is locttire bciag he fo u rth nom bor o f tho Tw in FbUb T i reoom eoarse for tho proaent season.

I t has been the privilege of Bnth )ryan Owen to have cajoyed opportnni- ioi w hieb eomo to few women, and her b ility to graap tho possibilities offer- d her has mndo hor ono o f th o fore- aoat women lecturers of th e nation odny.

M rs. O w en 's exeentivo ab ility , f ir s t V 0 ittm cted a tton tion as a membor of tho ‘ 'XecutiTo' com m ittee o f Amoriean Wom- m 's Boliftf F und, In which w ork sho vas asaociated w ith th e lead ing womon o^rni )f E ngland. Following th is .she hold 084.li 7orlonB im portan t positions on commit- ? « o i COR and d id ex ten ilve w olfate w ork donn vith womon and girl* in London. Be- l<30,0' lently she has been anpelntod to tho < idvisory board o f tho ^ c l e t y o f T iaoal dont« l?dnentIon, fo r w hich she ia w riting oays, !llmi fo r n a tlo qa t'd is tribuU on in tb ls bieni lountry th is w intor. - Thi

As a w a r nnm e In th e B ritish volnn- W23, nry n id detnehm ent In E gypt. M rs. ilms .1 Dwen w as ab le to go w ith ht»r hnaband |'Port ;hrongh J h n t fnaeinnting nnd Uttle ^rom Icnowti chap ter o f tho world w ar. In rcatim iThlch P alcatine waa w rested from the incro land o f tho Tnrkir. ^ |

M rs. Owen poaaessoB tho oratorical jIft* o f h e r fa ther, ahd hiia th a t do- Ightfnl a b ility to' carry her audlonee Jver tho ground which aho haa traveled mnklng thom feel, w hen aho has fin- ' lahod, th n t they hnvo ae«n w h at she liaa seen. Sho hns n charm ing person- niily nnd an excellent delivery—not one w ord is loat. Bho began hor lec- turo w ork a s n lecturer fo r tho oxten- trooj lion departm en t o f tho TTnlversitr o f Wem Nobrnska, and htij* been such a d is tinc t “t*®” suceean th n t aho ltt now kopt buay for nil the tim e aho will sparo from her fnmily nnd homo duties.

f '• Will:coasi

--------- If. nVAUD EV ILLE AT ORPHEUM I'uok

Fivo vnri.'d nn.l inter.-sting a.-tijFall» ni.ik,' UT. ,.| w..ll round...l vnnd.-ville biil mon, u t tho Orph.'i.m theater W.-dnescliiv afl- lev; .-rn,.oii und -venin-; ‘ u! C

Three Danrinu' .‘ axo 's: Roth m.-a Halt servrd ovors.-ns. Thoir trombone nov.-l- Uola ty was o rig irn ted in a lioapifnl in Hei- T. I Khm w hilr iK.fli w rr.' b.-ing modirnllv <i- > tr.-al.'d. The Indv wns a nurso nnd en- H V l.rin ino .l w ith tho snxonphone a n l B. 1 pinno -Inrinir lho ^Vorld wnr. I^.ve.-. LuHi .if K00.1 will npprorinle the ir of-fn rt.. War

nr..w ii an.v llrown pn-s.-jif nn nef on- Jl:>» tilled “ Tho Villag,' <Vn>us.’ ' sonsist- ^ Ing uf -onij«, •teM n i^ K to rle s , whlru d iffe r from the u s ^ iiifit-d tenm, in- nKniurh ns tlirv hav .r somewhat of .1 plot to the nef. Tlirrn ia plontv of snuppv pnttoT in th is every mlmU.'; “ somo exrepfionnlly e .itrhy songs, nnd , , i, few ferpsirhorean offorta thn t nre a*. | ' -nredly jdonsing to the eye. “ ”

Allaire comes hern n fle r soveral so.-,. J®*" sons w ith the big e.astern elrcult;.. Tie J ' l.nn.IIos rlnbs w ith a dexterity t h a t ' , . , lias mnde him known ns one of the few iJ’^^J

iroal rlu b jugglers, llo also tlir.'wy ;hata OUI ovor fhe audlonee nnd m n k e ,!” “ ; jthom r.-fnrn to him on tho atnge. Himi- l ' ; " Inr to a b.mniernng.

Koofor an.l Alberta, la te frntur,- of If;’ , the " W h ir l o f M ir th ." hnvo Hstrno.l lo fho ra il uf vaudeville. This elever ! oMipIo has arranged an offering of p J J comedy nn.l song si.rrounde.l by n eol-

lorfiil se tting . Mr. Ke..for lins nn e.,- viable r.'pninfion ns n rhnrnrfor roni.- j j ,

;dinn and Miss A lberts stnnds In n d l l '- n ;.,. Ib y h e rs o lfn s n e o in c l ie n n o ,'■ nndr..,|uosfod to bp pri'sent nnd n welconjo is oxtondod to v isiting brothers nnd n sisters. ^

Tiio ro u n try W om en’a club will meet with M. C. K enw orthy on Wedneadny nfternoon, December 3, inatend o f with Mrs. C. K. McClnin, os given out in tho club yenr book.

I p l {


‘‘Daughters ;fPI( asure"A nd Comedy. ■•Court P la ste r.*’

L a te s t N ews Weekly

TOMOBROW Vaudeville Road Show

r t v e B ig Acts TH E TH B E E S A X O P H O l^



Plctores* '

“Tlie Plunderer"s ta r r in g P ran k Mayo

A sto ry of a gold mine.Also Oomedy.


i, DECEMBER 2, 1924.


iudget of School Calls fo r Ex­pend itu re of $ 2 1 3 ,434 '.19 for . Two Y ears.

IJOIfiE, Dec. 1 W>)—Albion Normal chool will need' fo r th e aeaaon o f 1020 ■ ^ .nd m o a grand to ta l o f *213,-134.10,.ccordiug to the. ten ta tiv e budget con- o ined in th e biennial xoport lec^vfid >y Governor C. 0 . Mooro todoy. Of his umount i t is estim uted th u t 482,350 vill be rccoived na revoouo from tho indowment fund and th e in stitu tio n 's larninga, leav ing a not to ta l o f 9131,•184.10 to bo rn iied by appropriittion. 2ecommendatioa fo r constracUon of u ' lonnilory w ing, a t on estim ated cost of 160,000, ia mado as a s tep tow ard solv-' n g tho problom of housing tbo atu- tonts. A dditional teaehers, the report uys, ulao w ill bo needed fo r tho next )iennlam ..

The repo rt covera from Jan u a ry 1,1028, to Deeomber 31, 1021. Tho school las .h ttd a rom arkablo grow th, th« re- . [wrt atatea, increasing in enrollm ent ^ !rom 91 in 1010 to 27S in 1023-24, au iatim ated attcndanco in 1025 o f 330, an ncroase e f 300 per cen t in fo a r yoara.


Membera of the . A m erican Legion Womou’s nuxiliary a rc to bo greets • Ihia ovoning of Twin F alls post, Amcri- :an Legion, a t A m eeting and entortain- inont a t the. E lks club rooms. Tbo Le­gion post on tb is occasion is to present an Ameriean flag to tho Boy Scout troop fo r which tbe poat is aponaor.Members of tho acout troop also ore to attend tho nffoi^r.

i h e J - | o t e i . s

ROGKHSOX—Charles Drnco, Chi cngo; T. A. Ponce, Philndolphia; A. T. rurooll,*f5t. Paul; Joseph Fagergrcu , II. Williiiglinm, Salt L ake; Donald Pan- co.nst, N. V. Jonca, M am m ctt, Idaho; 0 .If. Hicknell, Chicngo; C. B. Scott, 8 :1m I’uokor, Contact; C. P. Johnaon, Twin Falls; Coorj-o McGee. Hoiso! G. F. Itcd- mon, Skows M ines; J . F. W eldon, Bur­ley; Frnnk Klooffin and fumily, Bolsft;|{. C. Havdingor nnd w ife, I ln rry Blaml,Hall Lak,-; Karl Uobiiisf.n, V. W. Dobba,Hoiae; J . W. Thometr., K. B. Potorson.T. K. George, ro cn te llo : O. M. Bates,(i. L. McDonnrd, f . H. Klingonemith, 'H F. Schiffninn, U. II. HobortaoH, W.H. Campbell, I). II. Johnson, K. V.Larkin. J . W. Xewina, R ay D Wood, lioim^; K. L. TitU-v, O gden; Miaa Ituth Wnrnl-T. J lrs . Robert Poole; Carl H.Ilanson, Clydo B. Lec, Los Angelea;I', n . O ’Connor, K ansas C ity ; J . B. Jen- aon. Snlt Lnke; Byron Doe, Ogdon;\V. R. C arpenter, D enver;'C . S. Uurdy,Suit Lake; Ben II. Bushtnhnn, Buhl.

PKRRINK—Cliria F unk , O gden; R.P. Hill, Po rtland ; C. B. Cline, SeatUe;J. L. Haube, Oaklnnd; F red G. Cher- unt*, Snn Frnncisco; W. A. Shank*,Boiso; J . C. P ln tt, S alt L ako; B. A. Mntlicwa, Pocntello; A. J . H eaton, Salt Lnko; M. D. Eckley nnd wifo, Jar- bldgo; M. W. M usgrnve, C ontact; J . N. Henlsley, Rogerson; M. C. McAdoo, W innomucen; II. J . H ann ibel and wifo, H rerkcnridge: P. Rcbultr., Jnck Rieh- nrdaon nnd w ife, Jnrb idgo; C nptain L K. Worthloy, Boise; R. R. Hampton,Ogden; J . L. ;^immormiin, Chicngo; II. Ilourrlker, Gnnnett; R. W. Ferris,Hoiso; M. T. Lnrge, S.ilt Lako; A. J.P riest, .T. W. Vnnee, E. C. Keratead,I'olae; H. A. Alrlrich, Twin F a lls ; 0 . B, Fnrnsworth, Snlt Lnko; N eil Jenson. M urtaugh; A. M. Sm ith, Logan: Jim Ginnopulos, Lognn; Ous Kudhtyar,P rire ,.Id n h o ; O. Norvlll, H. F. Bataon and wife. Salt Lnkc; S tanoly Anderson, Chiengo: C. E. Rndy, B uhl; W. F. Mc­Auley, Pocatello: D. E . Rhives, Ogden;G. A. Lyon. Ogden.

Joe-K Says:I seo whero tho doctor« in the

cast advine a follow to marry a . girl w ith “ high inatops.” None over advise “ a loving diapoai- tio n .’» Ilow kum t

j g i a i i T o1 < i f i I


‘ ‘ T h e F A S T S E T ’




Nows W eekly Oomedy Idaho O rehostra


“Wages of Virtue”George’s Coming Back)"A lw ays th e B est fo r the

Idaho Qnest, Alwayi.**


S a I^ S y ' «

See what a dollar ' buy Wednesday. See ■

a crowd will be here ing the things that a lar_,will buy. Dollar —the best sale day of ■ all. Many things for are included. ’Join ir


BEDROOM SLIPPERA splendid C h ristm as g ift. Lat room slippers in all colors and both fe lt and co rduroy ; special W ednesday ........................

KIDDIES' SLIPPERSSom ething th a t will keep the kid w arm and comfy. Children’s bedi pers, sizes 8i/a» 2 ; in

j blue and red fe l t ; apecial a t ........

j- FINE BRASSIERESAn asso rtm en t o f b rassieres. Wl sierea trim m ed in lace and er w ith built up shoulder. F ro n t fasten ing . L o n g .an d m edium ; tw o fo r ................. .■..........................

KOTEX AT WRIGHT’SKotex. Special du ring th is one nesday. Two packages of Kote: 65c size, a t W rig h t's two fo r ..............................................

CORSET GROUPOnfc lo t of corsets, f ro n t and I size up to 25; good substantij form erly priced a t ?3.95; a t W right’s now .............................

SPECIAL HOSEA new hose fo r women. A silk hose th a t is really be tte r and mc th an a pure silk hose. Good rnnge of colors fo r .... - ................

CHILDREN’S HOSEF o r the school children, hoac ai a good value Children’s hose i black and w h ite ; now a t W rig h t’s, fo u r p a irs f o r ...............

HOSE FOR BOYSA .-school hose fo r boys Som et

' will stand the rough and tum b In black and b ro w n ; special th ree pairs fo r .................. -...........

LADIES’ COTTON HOSOnly a few p a irs left.. A ladi( hose in a size 8Vi only; in bi b lac k ; a real value now, a t W rig h t’s, fo u r p a irs fo r ..........

FOR TH E CHILDRENG et a .-supply of these hose fo r : d ren now while th is value la.s' d ren ’s hose in brow n and black; six p a irs fo r ...................................

FLEECED UNIONSF o r snoNvy, blo\vy Ja n u ary any like a pa ir o f th ese heavy fleece now a t W rig h t’s, tw o p a irs f o r ...................................

FLANNEL GOWNS^Vomen'.H ou tin g flannel gowns, and button f ro n t style, cu t fu ll s well, double yoke; w hite and co o red ; values to $1.50; special.....

CHRISTMAS CARDSBox C hristm as c a rd s ; personal i c a rd s boxed, f ifteen asso rted ( envelopes; very specia l; th ree boxes fo r ..............................

_______________ J . t y ± x ^ J A i .


PEARL IV x . P e a rl bead necklaif /A and 80 inch, gradin A , t in t s ; each finishedi i / f ^ stone c lasp ; very s

w /J a ^ fABRKSuede f a b r j t glove suede fln istf; some

COEvalues to ?1.95; sp

BOYS’ tK n it su its fo r boys w a is t w ith tan pan f ive o f th ese ; age :

• very special ........

ir w i l l COTTOIe what W hite cotton middi

all s lightly soiled;?e D U y - 44. Y our choice a a. doi- la s t ; very special j

“ them New vases in the) r g i l t s red colors; ii n , m ake a splendid C

value $1.25; very special ..........

S BABY VV anta ve.sts fo r 1

cross-over style; n a re pre-.shrunk; th

■n 50.25 values fo r .L ad ies’ bed-xnd sizes in ,BABY \

5 1 B aby hose. W hite................................ o n ly ; slightly soil<30 sm all sizes only;, . , W rig h t’s, th ree pi kiddies’ feete d r o o m ^ i p - 5 , ^ ^ ,

............ A splendid value iwool baby hose;

!S sizes only; very s;W hite b ras- 'W rig h t’s, two paii em broidery

n t and back BABY5 1 Baby blankets foi

......" n ig h t blankets witin blue and p in k ;

' ^ $1.25 values fo r ...ne day Wed-)tex, regu lar GIRLS’

$ 1 Bloomers fo r the i k n it bloomers a r school w ear. In si

J b.-,ok lace , n t W c o r s e te ,

............ 5 I C hildren’s sweateV ery com fortable: .brow n and ta n ; s

ilk and fiberm ore glossy ______

f i i COTTO.............^ * C otton chalHe for

com forts. A 'gooi lig h t and dark she

: a re ahvays special n t five y a n ;e in bro\vn,

« ■ ! VACATIC“Buy early .” Get

§ now fo r your spr. .. d ren ’s school dres;

riething th a t ^^^lors. th ree yardf mble games.

..... $1 NEWT h is beautifu l corc

lOSE ing lounging robe? id ie a - c o t to n >" “ >1 •■'•'''■los “ t W i

b r o w n n n d “ n o y n r d f o r ............

..... $1 TABUp y T able dam ask. Tl

, red and white, an>r your chi - colors, 72 inches ila.sts. Chil- fjne Wrigl

5 1. ....... ^ * FIVE YA!S H ere is your chaiiny boy will real value; a goodeced unions; «ind d a rk shades; ^

^ i | w ide; five yards

l_......... MADRA________ M adras sh irting .

n s , sliD-over m ak ing sh ir ts fo r 11 size; m ade vjahU; a sp

$ 1 a t th ree yards fo

a s OUTINCal C hristm as M ake your wint( d cards and o n tin g flannel. A

lig h t and dark sh ..............9 i W rig h t’s, fo u r ya:



. NECKLACES - - - - - -d a c e s , i n d e s t r u c t i b l e , 2 4 ^a d u a t e d s iz e s , o p a l e s c e n t o f l e d w i t h r h in e - r s p e c i a l ...........................^ I

q u a

R IC G L O V E S -

) v e s . F a b r i c g lo v e s ; a l l n e h a v e s h o r t c u f f s , o th - : o n t r a s t i n g - t r i m ; ^ * 1s p e c i a l ..............................^ • T h i s f

th in g s

- KNIT SUITS —y s ; a l l w o o l c o lo r s , b r o w n ) a n t s a n d v ic e v e r s a , o n ly re 8 a n d 4 y e a r s ; ^ 4

.......................................... 9 ■ P illo wg e t a

rO N M I D D I E S A go.d d ie s w i t h c o lo re d c o l l a r s ; tw o y d ; s i z e s 6 , 8 , 1 0 , 2 0 a n d e w h i l e t h e y ^ 4 l l a t ................................... I

" T h e

OLORED VASES;h e l o v e ly o r a n g e , y e l lo w ; s o p o p u l a r - t h i a y e a r ;I C h r i s t m a s g i f t ; r e g u l a r j

...... ................................ $ 1 E verjc r e p e

V A N T A V E S T n n d u

r b a b y . S i lk a n d w o o l ; o r c h i ( ; n o b u t t o n s ; t h e s e v e s t s t h e s e w o n d e r f u l

I' ................................. ^ Rubb.f in i s h

{ W O O L H O S E n m k e ;l i te w o o l i n t h e l a r g e s i z e s p a c k e o i l e d ; b la c k w o o l h o s e i n b o x e s r ; n o w , n t ^ 4

p a i r s f o r ........................^ ■

[ AND WOOL ZTile i n th e .s e w h i t e s i l k a n d ' In ch e ie ; s l i g h t l y s o i l e d ; l a r g e c ia l V' s p e c i a l a t f '* r .l a i r s f o r .............................^ ■

Y BLANKETSf o r w i n t e r m o n t h s ; c o z y n ia sw i th k i n d e r g a r t e n d e s i g n s a n d j

i k ; 3 0 x 4 0 - in c h ; la .^N ;.............................................. I

S ’ B L O O M E R S

e a c h o o l g i r l . T h e s e p i n k j.a r e j u s t t h e t h i n g f o r j -

1 s i z e s 8 to 1 4 (.(.j-u f o u r p a i r s f o r .............^ I

ES- SWEATERSa t e r s f o r o u td o o r w e a r . ^ e m s ) l e ; a l l w o o l s w e a t e r s i n s e le c t ; s i z e s 2 a n d 8 ^ 4 >c ia l f o r ............................. I

rON CHALLIEf o r m a k i n g t h i s w i n t e r s c ^ r i f :o o d g r a d e o f c h a l l ie s i n o r s . s h a d e s ; b o x ; a r d s f o r ............................. ^ ■

n O N G IN G H A M

le t y o u r v a c a t io n g i n g h a m h ie c i p r i n g d r e s s e s . F o r c h i l - w i th r e s s e s ; f a s t ‘<pecli r d s f o r ............................. ^ I

V C O R D U R O Y T h a to r d u r o y ia j u s t i t f o r m a k - s o m e b e s a n d c h i ld r e n ’s c l o t h e s ; th e m W r i g h t ' s ; J i | a t W

SLE DAMASKT h i s b e a u t i f u l d a m a s k i n L ig h l

a n d b lu e a n d w h i t e ; f a s t 5 0 w; :s w i d e ; ^Hves • i g h t ’s f o r ....................... i

fA R D S P E R C A L E L if eh a n c e t o g e t p e r c a l e a t a g o o dlod q u a l i t y p e r c a l e in l i g h t s h a m3 ; 8 6 i n c h c s 1 ^ 4 s o f t ;I s f o r ................................ 9 I


r. J u s t w h a t y o u n e e d f o r A g(o r m e n a n d b o y s ; a l s o f o r olem«s p e c i a l v a lu e f o o tf o r ..................... .............9 I $1 .2S


n t e r c o m f o r t s f r o m t h i s C a n dA g o o d h e n v y w e i g h t in C r y s

f l h a d f s ; n o w a t t r a c ty a r d s f o r ........................9 I C h r i ;



W o h a v e t r i o d t o s u p p ly e n o u g h

>f t h e s o s p o o ia l i t o m s t o l a s t

t h r o u g h o u t t h o d a y . H o w e v o r , t h o

i ^ u a n t i ty o f s o m o a r o u u a v o id o b ly

l im i te d . O o m o e a r l y .


is f i n e c a m b r i c w il l b e u s e f u l f o r m ti n g s in t h e h o m e . A v e r y f i n e c l tv en m u s l in c a m b r ic , 3 6 t f ;h e s w id e ; f o u r y a r d s f o r ............... .-. ^


How tu b i n g . H e r e i s y o u r c h a n c e t a l o t o f n ic e p i l lo w c a s e a a t a b a r g t

g o o d h e a v y tu b i n g , 4 2 in c h e s w i W r i g h t ’s , ■ t f 0 y n r d s f o r ................................................. ^


'h e k i n d t h a t w e a r s . " N o n e e d t o 1 >re a b o u t t h i s lo l o f g e n u in e J a p a n n g e e ; 3 3 in c h e s ^ v id c ; a t t f r i g h t ’s , p e r y a r d ' ....... .......... ...............4


? e r y " g i r r i i k e s d a i n t y t h i n g s . T h i s p l i e p e i s j u a t t h e t h i n g f o r m a k i n g g o \ d u n d e r w e a r i n b lu e , y e l lo w , t f c h id , w h i t e ; t h r e e y a r d s f o r ............. 4


i b b e r h o u a c a p r o n s in m o t t l e d co lt l i s h e d w i th a c o lo r c d r u f f l e d r u b b ik c s a v e ry p r a c t i c a l C h r i s t m a s s e k e d in C h r i s tm a s t f x e s ....................................................................... 4


e o f f e r y o u a l e a t h e r p o u c h b a g in b l ;d b r o w n ; m i r r o r a n d s m a l l p u r s e c h e d ; r e g u la r ly p r i c e d a 't $ 1 .4 9 . S il W e d n e a d a y t fr ........................................... ...................... ...... ^


iHt w h a t y o u w a n t f o r m a k in g C h i a s g i f t s ; b o u d o i r c a p s a n d .s u c h ; ci 1(1 s e e o u r a s s o r t m e n t w h i le i t ^ st-^; f o u r y a r d s r i b b o n ........................... ^


t a i l o r e d v e s t t o w e a r w i t h y o u r h e h a v e j u s t w h a t y o u w a n t . A n r ? 1 .9 5 v e s t in w h i t e a n d ^ r u - f o r ............................................................... ^


Iw a y s u s e f u l , n lw a y a a w e lc o m e g :m s t i t i ;h e d l in e n h a n d k e r c h i e f s . A g l e c t io n o f c o lo r s ; w h i l e th e y ^ s t . e i g h t f o r ................................................. ^


a n d k e r c h i e f s in b o x e s . A w o n d e h r i s t m a s g i f t . C o m e in w h i t e a n d ■s. T h r e e h a n d k e r c h i e f s in a ^ ) x : s p e c ia l , p e r b o x ................................... h


v e r y sc h o o l g i r l w a n t a o n e o f t h e s o I e c o m b s ; a lw a y s r e a d y f o r u .s e : c-( i t h b l a c k r i b b o n a t t a c h e d ; A le c la l f o r ............................................................ m

WATER WAVERSh a t n a t u r a l w a v e is e a s y to m a k e % im e o f t h e s e w a t e r w a v e r s . W e 1: lem . O n e d o z e n n o w ^ : W r i g h t ’s f o r ....... .......................................^

^ FOUR LIGHT GLOBESa v e p l e n ty o f l i g h t a n d s a v e y o u r e i g h t g lobe.s— y o u r c h o ic e o f 1 0 , 2 5 , ) w a t t g lo b e ; a g o o d l i g h t t h a t ^ v e s .s e rv ic e : f o n r f o r .............................

LIFE BUOY SOAPi f e B u o y S o a p . T h e h e a l t h s o a p ; a i x>d .aoap f o r b a t h i n g ; a l s o g o o d l a m p o o in g t h e h a i r ; m a k e s i t i >ft a n d g lo s s y : 1 8 f o r ..............................^

ELECTRIC CURLERSv a lu e f o r e v e r y o n e . A n e l e c t r i c cu i g o o d w h i t e e n a m e le d c u r l e r , h e a

e m e n t g u a r a n t e e d f o r o n e y e a r ; 1 >ot c o r d ; r e g u l a r | 1 .2 9 , f o r ............................................................ «

C A N D L E S T IC K S ’

a n d le s t i c k s . t h e p r i d e o f e v e r y h o s t r y s t a l c a n d le s t ic k s i n v e r y n e a t a n d • a c t iv e p a t t e r n s ; m a k e g o o d ^ h r i . s t m a s g i f t s ; a p n i r ........................... •



^ T O IL E T P A P IT o i l e t p a p e r . A r e a l v a l d a y . Y o u m a y h a v e 2 4

t h o * t o i l e t p a p e r a t W r i g h t ’s

,b ly f " ' ' ‘>"'5 ' ..........................................

H O S P IT A L T ISH o s p i t a l t i s s u e . A lw a y s ii r o l l o f 1 0 0 0 s h e e t s o f f im w h ile i t l a s t s . N o w sp ec i.

m a n y 1 0 ro l l s f o r ................................c lo so

S ' l S IX T E E N GLAIY o u r c h o ic e o f f o u r d i f f e i t h e s e g lasse.H . ,A g o o d t u r d a y u s e ; a r e g u l a r 1 5 c g

i c e t o ’1 0 " ’ f o r ................................,r g a i n .w i d e ; ^ C R O C H E T C D l t f i J u s t w h a t y o u n e e d fo

• ^ ■ to w e ls f o r C h r i s t m a s p rcv a r i e t y o f c o lo r s . H e r e if g e t 3 6 b a l la

, f o r ....................................................t o a s kp a n e s e g y p g g j ,

S l Y o u m a y h a v e a s e t o f s i c e r s . V e r y f i n e f o r e v e r ;

j p o f e i t h e r t e a o r c o f f c e c u p ^ s p e c ia l , a ix f o r ....... ................

g o w n s B R E A D B 0 > t f i Y o u w il l e n j o y e a t i n g b r

. ^ i a n d f rc .s h . I f w il l t a s t e 1 in o n e o f t h e s e w h i to e n a i a i r - t i g h t b r e a d b o x e a .......

E N A M E L K E T, ; A to a k e t t l e t h a t w ill l a s t ,

i t e a k e t t l e . A f iv e - q u a r t g rn d o , I n r g e b o t to m ;

■ s p e c ia l n o w f o r ....................

C O T T O N BA 'I b l a c k C o t to n b a i t s . J u s t i t i • s e a t - w i n t o r c o m f o r t s ; a v e r y p

S p e - p o n n d c o l to n b a t t ; ju .s t r .size. 7 2 x 9 0 , n o w .................

N O V E L T Y B PT o u c h u p y o u r o ld d re s f

p , . l ik e n e w w i t h s o m e o f thU n r i s t - a s s o r t m e n t o f c o lo r a ;

' ...........F O R C E D A R C

C o d o l) lo c k s f o r y o u r cod i t t h a t c l e a n r e f r e s h i n g o

r s u i t . t a i n s s i x b lo c k s : s p e c ia l , r e g u - . t 'v o b o x e s ..................................

$ 1 S H A M P O O JA (G iv e y o u r f r i e n d s a a h a a C h r i a t m a s p r e s e n t . C a w h i le i t i s in s t o c k ; a s s o

I g o o d " f c o l o r . , ...................

$ 1 . R IB B O N EUY o u w ill w a n t s o m e o f t h e la s t i c f o r m a k i n g f a n c y m i n u t e a n d th e y a r e re a i

i d e r f u l f o r u s e ; tw o y a r d s ..............n d c o l-

e - J T I S S U E ’ KERCA b e a u t i f u l h a n d k e r c h i t k e r c h ie f . A ll w h i t e w i th g u a r a n t e e d f a s t c o lo r s ; '

!C B o b - " iw c ia l , tw o f o r ...................

• B E L T S , A L L V$ I B e l t s , a l w a y s u s e f u l . A

p a t e n t b e l t , a n d a g o o d li: a n d w i d t h s ; a t ’W r i g h t ’s f o r .........................

:e w i t h

= K IT C H E N A P5 1 A n a p r o n to s l ip o n o v e i

f i n i s h u p t h e k i t c h e n v c r e t o n n e p a t t e r n s ; w il l s w a t e r ; s p e c ia l f o r .............

r e y e s .2 5 , 4 0 , W R I S T W A T

t f i C o m e e a r l y a n d g e t o n e - ■ C h r i s t m a s . W r i s t w a tc l

v e r y s p e c ia l a t W r i g h t 's W e d n o H d a y , tw o f o r .......

o d ' f S L A D IE S ’ H O it f ^ L a d ie s ’ c o l to n h o s e . A

. . 9 1 w e a r a n d a l s o f o r 1y o u c a n n o t a f f o r d t o m i b la c k a n d b r o w n : e i g h t ]

F O R O U T D C• f iH o •‘’p o r t s d u r i’ X i ' t e r m o n th s . Y o u w ill

S I c o m f o r t a b l e w i t h a p n i r•• ^ la d i e s ’ w o o l a n d c o t to n ,! :

B O X S T A T IClo s t e s a . ■ G e t t h e s t a t i o n e r y y o un n d a t - C h r i s t m a a n o w . A g o

t f 4 f i n i s h , c o n ta in a tw o doz«... ^ I a n d e n v e lo p e s , f o u r b o x c

DECEMBER 2, 1924.■■■■ ..........; - • ' ' ' " 5

-^--r-T,-------------- ~~ '0 ' '

T ’ S ' ' : '■ < >■

'APERvalue on W ednes- , • —2 4 rolls of crepe

..............$1TISSUE/s in demand. The fine tissue for you lecial,

iLASSESffe re n t pa tte rn s i n ' tum bler fo r every-

c glass,

COTTONfo r em broidering __ ,

pre.sents. A good •e ia y o u r chnnce to ,

.........$1SAUCERSf six cups and sau- ' very-day u se ; a set cups; $130XES: b read th a t ia soft 5te th is way if kept inam el ^ < |

SETTLESast. A g ray enamel a r t s ize; a heavv

................ $1,BATTSi t fo r f ix in g your ry good quality two-

....... $1

BRAIDSress. M ake i t look f th is novelty braid.

........ ;...$1

1 CHESTScedar chest. Gives

Ig odor. A box con-

.... ........ $1JACKETSsham poo jack e t fo r Call fo r your shade


ELASTIC ”f th is sh irred ribbon ,ncy g a r te rs ; only a ready ^ i |

ERCHIEFSchief is th is tissue /ith colored borders;

....... $ 1 ■

- WIDTHSA good wide black

d line in m ost colors

................. $1APRONS

over your dress and n work. In p retty ill shed ^

BATCHESone fo r the kiddies’ atches fo r children:

.......... $ t

HOSIERYA hose fo r every-

o r best. Som ething I mis.s. In t f i | h t p a ir s ............ «Dll

roooRslu ring the cold win- vill feel w arm and a ir o f t f ^m .hose.:.............9 I

TIONERYyon will need this

good, quality linen dozen shoots t f 4) O X e S .. ...... J P l ^ ,

■ •

fege su - • TWIN,

r w m F A L L S D A IL V N E W S '- iM uod e v « rr inorn ln ii «xc«Dt fttunduy

K T rtT FW l»~N*w « PuW tBhIn* Co.. Ine., (E ttab l(a h « d IXA.t

E n iiu e d n a leoond cUm itiftll m a tte r A Srll 9, 19t8. ttt th a poatofflca a t Twtn r a l l a . ^dnho. u n d e r th e a c t of M arch i ~~■ IW*. .* ., - I


■ ' ! |{ S V :_________________________

MRM UER O F A 880C1A TK O I’K RSS a r T ho A nrocintcd T roaa la <ixcluii|vel>

•D tltlM to th o uae for rei>uhlicaiioii ol ... «U nrwf» d iap atp h ra crj'd lipd lo li. o r no.

.B i." ,! ; ':" J S : , ' : ' ; GS.Tj "fiin # b ta of rcpiibllcntJon of apectal rti*' tAtrhcM Ticirisrn a ro a lao rra^rvod, a t

Ml mp«na Aaaocliitod I*ri-a».

T tin Npw/i I> n m em ber of th<! Audit Buri-nti of C ircu lation , from »h o m full tnfon iin tlon nn to olrctiU tlon mny ha oh- , t»lnv(l uimn n i'o llr ju ln n . • pB tnllM infor- Binttoii dupplli-d lo n il lr upon rfnu-*"!.- ----------------- ----------- — ---------------- ----- utl

Ko rraponalbltlir la a aaum fd for th> wrA or unaoltcKrd innnuRcrlptn. phoio-fniTihn or oth«>r r;on«rlhn»rrt m n u r r Ar-Ucl<-H M ihm ltied for ptihllca llon urill l>' oacit or no t u« lh o d l«cro t1on of th r e d i­tor. nnd no m nnuaerlatB will ho n*Mirii‘’»1 Onl''»n iiccom piiiiird liy npcraaary non'iK(i- ro

RASTFIRN RBPnRHF:NTATIVR.<J OforKi* n- D avid Co.. Inc.. Now T ork :

A. n . K cntor. Chlraigtj: F red V. H alt Conit'iitiv. Inc.. 8n n ' F^nnrlnco. m;


MODERN “ B X PLO B H as.” jp 8lini1(>y B a ld w in . prcMcnt P r im e pc

M iniH tc-r'o r K nu lnnd , iit a roo o o t d in ­n e r rrfo rro rf to r .o n l H a lfo iir ' n n d S i r A iii'k la n d O cddon nil " d la t in f^ iB h o d

' ex ]i|o ri‘'r!<,” lifriiiiMo th o y h nvo c rp lo ro d tilt, Uvixn n .i.l m ind o f th o A m o rica n j,, por>i,lo n n d hnv n pn rrip d to th o lr fo l­low .•(iuii(ryni«'n a f ln o in to r p r o ta l lo n or o t o u r n a tio n .

T h is Ik Honn'tliinR n s t f tip o r ta n t to c lv ilir-alio ti .-It p rM o n t nn wnn th o o r - , ploriiiK' o f o n r lio r d n y s th n t ro v ca lo d now i-onfi'nonts nn tf n e w poopfo*. Jtfnny d itttiiiB nlshod fo ro ig n c rs rom o to th is cn itiilry , I rn v i 'l throiiR li a f e w la rg o cltii-K, K;ifli(’r lin s ty ImprcJialona a n d t l i fn r t-lu rii to th c i r ow n Innda to to ll K 'wlm t A n x 'r irn in lik o . T h e i r v iow a nm l ojiinirinii t l i f f o r nn w id e ly aa tho tiJHlcvH a n d tcm poram on tB « f th o m on th i'nm dvi'H , n n d f re q u e n t ly n ro w ro n g b c ra m 'i ' tbc-y nro no llm itp d in aropp , j„

;A nifrirnii(i n ccti n o t iro tnpW n tb o Ic« b i t to r iy o f tl.i« , l.ecnudo w e-d o > . tho flnm.' lliin jr, tn ltitif : iifi n lm olu tc f n c t Diftiiy o f th e pCMonnl rcn c tio n a o f A m .-rii'un t r n v r lo ra in o tlio r Innda.

T lir r i ' in no th in K r r lm in n l o r ov en .. florionnly .■ ..•narinn in n il tM a. Ix it It ia bnd i l doea h o ld b a c h t r u e ■„in tr r n n t in n a t onilo rM tnndiog nnd co- opp riitio ii. The* I l r i t ia h P ro m io r vo ices <ho wwfi o f m n n y Ih o itg h tfiiJ po raons Jn (I l i . .•o u n try w ell a» l i i i ow n w hoii li<! Bnya:

“ I f c-oiild o n ly 1)0 poraim dodto ro frriin f ro m p u b lic ap o n k in c u n ti l th e y w .'r i ' .|ii: i’ ifitid n« in to r ii rp fo K , thii.KH n-..iil.l \w m tirh - l .o tli 'r on b o tl. H e itl . 'i o f 111- A t l a n t i c . "

TIIE TW IN nuaB A N D B . I ; I 'rd iii t i l l ' b i'K iiininR j o f tlio c lr ; im a ,:

th e r,- h a v f Ni-in p ln y s bn.-od on Ih o l n f tw in a . Plnfu-^, th o '

L a t in i i l a y n r i ; : h ( , p rodu .-.- i ;» ^iinot.Mj p i. ,-.- o f IUl' iu n il, iiiH jiir-iI -h r— aJi I oM -r ( irr.'U p la y , flhakf-ipy.ir.r o f to n ^,'r itNcl th . ' t l i . 'm r . 71 i^ Ntill nncd o n [ r . i - v r y K U i:., N 'onrly n lw aya. h o w / '

i-r tm o u n ’-e th o c n tn n -,-^ R l-,n ..,ii.. ..«• th .. p la y :.b.Hur.lly i w l " R cr.,l,n l, a n il inniHt th a t th o tw in a f . t . l . l no t iio.Hsibly l.c’ Mil Im .lly t» u ta il, a l.y .•v i'ry lm d y . ’

W h a t, th i-n , i l to b o ^ a a id o f thi-< w h n m a n d ra m a fro m ro a l l i fo , in A u ilu -J tl b o n , N.-w Y o rk ! A n .a n n a m e d M o r - l l ' Ran. cliartMMl w ilh l.iK.aniy, aaya t h a t i ' ' h is Iw in U ro tluT wa-i k ille d in rrnn r< -, ' during- Ml.' u : i r , :nnl l l .a t In- lli.ni'KM from _th.' widow nnd orphans nnd took th .‘ l>riith<-r’B pl-aoo ns hn^ bniiii nnd fa ther, w ilhout tho subMti- f tn tion OVIT boin^' Uisrovored, ITo i-jc- piaina . hc w anted to eave tho wify I Borrow and take ra re of her an.l her ehildron.

A ll w o n t w e ll, th e n ,’ u n ti l th ia au r v iv in g tw in f .’ll in lovo w ilh n n o th o r w om nn -ind m a rr ie d ho r, apend inR f iv r i d nva a w ee k in h ia w if o ’a hom c a .u i l v w ool; enda in hi.s b ro lh (3r '9 hom e. T h e ! tw o w om en .lin ro v e rc d th o d n p lic itv -I o f tlic h u sb a n ii, a n d h a te d h im in to e o n rt. T h.- f i r . i t M rs. M orR an fltill m riin tn in s t h a t th o d e fe n d a n t i.'* h.T re a l h u sb n n d . H o flwoarn h e Ja n o t.

lls 'ow , w h n i do y o u m nke o u t u f th i i tJ I t ' is a cn.io f o r a S o lom on. A lao fo r a c n n to ra p o r .iry p l.iy w rig h t.

Timely Aid.A n o ld ne;:r.> wnni^in cnni.- In to a

J lo lly w tm d ro .il e s tiit .- .itJlco n ,,- uH ht

4fty n n d wmh ....... .. iih th .- ic n n iit• f n Hmnll lumM. ih.- vn luo ..f w h lcb b n d h e c .n i f riiu.-b .•nlm n.'.-d bv ro n s.m .

II o f n now atudl.. bulMln'.: lu iimi ,i,.1l:1i- j.*! bofhootl. ‘'I.o-ili b rr .', jinnM.., wt- arc fOlnK t.. Mla.- y.m r lorii H.Ih inniilb," j, th e iiKonl n-niarlr.il l.ri.sUiy, ••J),.od, an ' AIikc l-IikI I.> hour dal. xiili." (hr Old woiniui .Iii.kftn; f.. ,- f„.„il !>'iwlltciy. "M kbl.v irla.l, U hI.o. .-u.h.- All Om conio In liynli liTdny t.-r tell

. yo’ n lU dnt All otiiil.ln-f ratBo b it djs {’, month.V—Sutur-la.v i:\i;;iin;: f,>gr. “

W M , W . D id n 't “W e Bbould n o t |io 8s fro m tti* 4 a r tb

w itlio u t leoTiD * t ro c c a lo carry^ , oop tn e m o ry to p o B irr lty .— N apo leon ,

■ Radio ProgramsAdvance offarlnca » t priaoipoj aiatlon wiiiiiii ruiiKD or r«e«ivinK M U In Twtn Palla country, arrunsed briefly for buay roadars. TWIN FALLS TUCB __


•i p. ni.—Kudy Bolgor’s orehoatrn. «1 r>:30 p. m.— Kudy B oigur’g vrchoN tro. t• 0:30 p. m.-7-Cliildrcu'a a tory hour. U> 8 p. m.— Itndy Bclgor’a orcheatru. li

tt p. ni.—rrogrn iii by U nited Stntea -ca rm y b o n d , o rg a n a cc o m p an im o n t.

11 p. m.— E. Mttx B rud fie id ’a voraa- t ! tilo band.! ' KQO, OAKLAND.

5 -.5>iail.—Concort oreheatra o f Hotel St. Franeifl. -1

7:15 p. m.—Final rt,Miding of Block ■ Pm nrkot roporta. I '<

I t» p. m.— Kducation program ; M uiie *'by Arion trio . «

11 p. in.—Dnnco muaic, Ilonry Hal- ^a ten d '< orchM tia. ^

KOW, POETLAND. ''i:aO p. in.—Conccrt. ‘ fl p. 1/ —Children 'a progrnm.

j 8:1S p.. m.— M arkota, woathor, polieo ^roporta. ®

9 p. m.—A grieulturul locturo. “0:30 p. ni.— Conccrt. *'

K H J, LOS A N O E L E a *■j 1:30 p. m.—Progrnm proaonting Tom- ®

my Tibbottca and liia Itondezvoua or- ^, cheatro. |

3:30 p. m.—Program through cour- 'toay of Southern C aliforn ia Muaic com- J

) pany. ' 7 p. m.—A rt H ickm an’a concort or-

. eboatrn. '

. 7:30 p. m.—C hild ren ’a atoriCB,.0 p. in.—Program by courtcay of j '

Hollmnn Commt-rcial T ruat nnd B nv "‘ inga bnnk. .. ^■ 11 p. m ^ E a r l B u r ti ic tt’a IliUmoro ' 1 orchealrn.

• WOO,. DAVENPOET., p. m.—Cliimea concort.

f> p. ni.—Sport nowa, w enther; aiU\nt 'J

K TW , O iK O A ao. "' 3 p. m.—A fternoon froUe. 1 » .Tran p. Ml.—C hildren 's atoriea.5 O p . m.—D inner concort. ^I 0:-15 p. «n.—Around tbt.- town with TI KYW. ‘ , 8 p. m.—Muaieal progrnm.

10:30 p. m.—-A t home prograni.WDAP. KANSAS O n T .[>. m.—S ta r ’a rndio orchoalra.

- p. n i.-S d io o l o f the n ir; piano tun- [ '■ ing in number; rh ild re n ’s atory; Hnn- ; B Ion Knniaon Trlnnon ensemble.0 10 : ili p. m.—N ighthaw k frolic. ‘ t W LS, OHIOAOO. " f 2:l.'5—Homo makorB’ hour. !"

n p. m.—Mnrki-t aummnry..'5:30 to 9:40 p. m.— Pipo organ ro- ^

e ita l: lullaby tim e; fnrm progrnm; ;' W hS thea te r; on thn Hook T rn il; Ford J>’ nnd Qlenn tim e; m idnight revue. ,

KSD. ST. LO U IS. / s iT p. m.— Homo cconomica pronVam., ri p. tn.—Conccrt h r Bonjrtnrm Had- [, o r'a orchestra. '

3 p. m.—T’rogram to bo nnnounced. *1 WOAW, OMAHA. [

p. ni.— Advico to tho loveJorn. ,' rnZr, p. in— Dinner program.

3 p. m.—M erry M usical Mnlds ofI Hotel I’onfonelle. »

' i iD A iro ."I r,f V irtu .-.” Oloria Swan- ,> >in'n lateat I’aram ount. production, di.■I :ro .'lo d l.y A ib in D w n n , w h o mad.> b o th , . . • 'M a n l i a n . l l . 'd ” ' a n .l “ H o r L o v o l , . ,K io r y ,” w ill hr. .h n w n to m o rro w n n d , , 'b a ln n o c o f . th . . w ee k a t th e T daho. Tlio

M ory JH »n a ilap t.-)tion b.v r-.rr.-.^ t H.-jI- , •.oy o f th o p<.j,ul:.r tiovol o f th o v im e

' Inam .- bv l*.T.-iv:;l W ron . |i T ho t . i r ln ro i« pIoaHii.K love t a l e ! ' w oven a b o u t n y o u n g ^ ir l . t.ro .lu r t o f

i- [th o sb im s. w l... bi-romo.q th o to a - t o f th c . . l l ' r o n r h For.-ii;n L . r l n n . A s C nrm elitn ,, jM i.s Swan«nn has f. n d - idoallv auite.l . !to her. a part th n t tnnkea “ Wngoa of . ' I V ir tu e " stand ou^ ns tho groateat 1

M .tliini; rhe has ever clone in her lengthy

REAL E 'sfA T E ^ R A N S F E R S |■J Fumtahed by tho Twin Falla T ltla and , T A bstrac t Company.

J, 8 .-»turdny, N ovem ber 29, \Qnil claim .loo.l, A. M attson \to J.

^M attM m , $ 10 ; \V i,; NE e7-9.1f..'■( Pord. .‘Sheriff to J . Mattson,'I jW u Ni: 27 f».lfi.e ! M ary V. MoCre;.rv to A. F. ^rcKwon,V .Ir., «1; NE SE 32-10.18.

' ^ p i i n■ BHEIITIIF: REDPEPPEIIS' Uh....matism. lumbaj;o. ii.'uriii.-. b.nok-' a.h.-, - t i f f n.-rk. M.r.‘ nuu.'k-a, Hlrain^- Kprain-. a.•hini: j . .iu l . Wh.-n y..u aro ’ .u ff.-n iig ^o you .an han ilv i:ot aroun.i,■ j 11.1t try Il.'d Pc].|HT Ibib.

.Vothiiii; ii.ia atirh ounoi'iitrati'il. i.on-• .-trating hoat na rod p<-pi-. r.«, atnl when I h .a f iM.Mo(ra(.-H rij;iit .low» inlo paia . an.l rn,.i;.-hti«n roliof .'oni.v^ a t one...I Jn a t n* aoon na yuu ni.iily Rod Pep-

por Itub you fo..l til.- tii.Kliiig hoat. In threo m inuto, f |„ . ...ro apot l< w.-irin,-.| through and tlir..UKli nnd lho torture i» gone.

Kowli-a Uod I'oi.t.or K.ih. mftdo from rt-.l pcppora. oosti littlo a t nny druc ,

; Hlore (lot n_ j. ,r a t once. Ho anrt. to get thc gonmne, witb tb.- namo Kowloi t.n overy p a rk sg e .-n d v .


“ SINNERS Mhy\Clive


Covering h e r fnce w ith both hands,' tbo stro v e to BubdtiQ tlie extrnordlnnry

. tum ult w ltliln bcr . . . then looked up n t Ihe aound o f th e door being hnatlly shu t w ith a cm sh o f bamboo tl

I -cntiefl. olW ith n gnap of relief, ahe reiUUed w

• th a t sho w as nlono.--------- cl

V »I b .] A fter tho nnflvcs' a ttack , a new gi . phnBo began betw een the pair. P ara- tli

I doxicnl Uimigli It tnay aound. the | vi . ' liouni wblcli brought thera bo n e a r to­

g ether wltloned thc gu lf betw een them. fl . Had .th a t eventful night ended wtth C

tlie ncrldt'n tnl d ischarge nf tho w volver. tb e lr dnily llfo m ight havo cnn- dl tinued more nr less placidly, like the K w utom of aomc river, w ith b u t nn oc- II

, cnfllonni rock obntnictlng Un cven ty courBP, But C roft's nmnzlng Int-lc of i-i Bolf-control hnd boen like a huge atnno f. hurle<l vlolenlly. Into th e cen ter o f tho tl river, causing ever-widening clrclo t to

. extend. In tcnslfled n hundredfold, all 01

. the fonrs of her flrat afternoon upon x] thc lalnnd niRbcd riotouniy bnck .' 9he 11

_ bw am o conscious of him ns sho luid , never been befo re : not only of tbo il

forco of bin will, b u t o f the sln*ncth si o f tb c pnsHlnnu lying dorm ant nnder n A cold ex terior. c.

N othing more had been said conccrn- w I ' Inc th e cpisotle. H n lf expecting some ki

I kind of apology, sho bad ilw lded. nexl k I niominir. to nccopt It frigidly, drnwing n

■ I clone th e clonic of h e r o^m rcffcrvc nnd ndignity. fl

Rut th e apology never cnme. H e didnot appcn r a t nil u n til nonrly midday, d

. whon ho nrrived w ith ntros .fu ll of d frcah fru it. Then It was he whoseemed encased In n m antle of suoli pfey reserv e ffint ho r own n tlcm pts 11dwindled to more foollshnes-H. Sho took f.refuge In alienee. A slone wnii nnd ten .11m iles of land might hnvo divided tbem. a!Ho spen t th c nfternoon fotcljing thinga tlover from th e reef, lenving her severely llnlone. u

T bls position endured fo r some d a y s . ' ein»- «eeme<l to ^ e e p nwny nn much na tlpossible, nnd lier loneliness bccam e nt f'

■ times Inlolem ble. B ut she lenrned Rirtny prnctJcjil ftilnga IIj» (niigbt imr n to c rea te Are by friction w llh wood; to il bnke b ren d fn ilt—th n t sub.atltiito fo r n cen-nl In the South w ns—In hot em- n bers, then seoop o u l the In te rio r; or rl preservo ll by .tryinu’ tbin siloes In Ihe r.

'■ sun, She siM'n noiinln-d p rim lilv t'w nysj of pn-pnrlni;. with n cnmpllre nn<l a' •<

fow old nntive veHsels, rbi> strnnjp* nsh. llbln ls nnd tb>* fniltK lie brouclit. <•

Tben. ..no .liiy. ho >-nino striding h , down th e sl.>|..-. n fto r belnc nhsi-nt for■ hours. l....l;lmr Himni:ely bncirnrd niiind b

the oyes, Wllb diH.-i.n.-ortIng sii.tdon- v noss, In .■bnrni-ierlvil.-, b rie f sen i.-n res:--« he doiun-iid.->t. ui.t .- thnn siicgested. n frleh-lHblp botwoon tbem,

. . oiin’t p> ..n ' . . , Ulls llf.-'s t.iinbeiinil.l.-...................“ n u volco was Ftinu«nnllv m rf . tbe - .-ntene.-M won- .lls. f ,I..’nt.-.l. bis n.Tvo« evldonilv worn (bin

Sh.- wnv tiik-n ut.iiwnroM. nt 11 n w I'm.-nt of <l.‘i-i. <li-i.r.-s«|..n. wh.-n .-vory- tblni: v,.oui.'.l vor>' ib.rk. Not pi.ii-.lni; ! II ., r.-lt.-.-t .-n ib .. i.f.vsii,iiiiv ,.r s im lln r ^ M.lT.-rlni: I n . 'I n - |.t....-H .-l r h h r.-.im -st ^f r.,.,. -M - . I tv . .............. . t .. tl.-.-. «he•ihrunij t-ri-'i; l..-r f. :.rt an.l --u-^i.l.-|..ns

I- oro-v.lli,;; In «'• - r n . n f.-a1.1 T tni-^i v n u r— ’ >' ; fri.•!..1-4.1... I <'nn-| f-r.-.-t- " o | n .- t....U...l lit h-'i- ..'•..■■tU. witll ores i

II,:.I 11;. -h -.l b. oi.bl. -. ^.n-cr. 1 '■ ■'!’ n ll -II : •riii'.i Iin i-xi-ei>. i *

,(„n ;.l r . n - . n n . I . - r - t a m t r ■'n m .v.-ar-^ ..f rn i 'l i i in M ii-n-;ii..lin-'s

1 nr.- n - l w i | - d ...n In I - v r l r .n a w,-,-k. * i ■■rm iifr ; '! .l n . 't . I — " I

" T h .-n .v.m m il-! lu m p I tV H.- f tu m .-d nvvav wl(!i :in .-N i>r.-s.ho sb r.ie , I

"j a n d -llM nn-.-ar. d it;, tlio b ill . '‘‘ I T b n t u a - . Ilio ..!ilv . .v o rm ro b . ' o v .t

........... ................................... . ^•' Unrl.nn. wol.--:.....I aiiyiuinw whi.'h |

made fo h - r (/...(i..-?iN.

S For tho lorriblo f.-.-lini; " f Inii.oii-n..-. tho sbi-or b..m .'skkn.'vs, th - l.m.-Iln.-s-.. « wore evor bolow the surfn.-.-. r.-iuly. i Id nil toK.-tlier t.r individually, tt. Kpring iilitin her n't any in..inont. i

.K dfiy nrriv.-d .m which the .in.sets oiimi- *'n<.t Hln;;ly bul In bnttnllt.ns," , She had beon nlone for hours. When - Croft nrrlvod. b e r Bpirits woro below

' ' zer.>, ho r nerves frayed, her tompor ] wns not o f tiie best. H o glanced nt hor i

"i shrew dly, b u t appeured to notice noth- . Ing. Coming to tbo hut. bo dropped a large coconut Into her lap, whero aho sa t oQtaldo th e door.

‘T h e re you a re . my child I Oet ; b u ty l" bo rom arkod cnstially. i

U ncootrollable Irritation, tho result I of solltn ry fre tting , welled up within

bar. Im pulsively she Mirod tbe coco- ' n u t aad buried It down tho beach.' “Don’t cnll rae th a ti- I’m not yonr^

I 'child’- n o r anything to do w ith yotL" i 1 T h ere w as a m omcnt'a silence ; thea J be ffave a little iMCiL

“ No. indeed I L.-fa Miiiiik the j;.)od ' .. Lor.l for thnl. a t nil eventK.”1. Slu* Itwkod up, dum foundetl; but be

hnil m rnt'd nwny Int.i tbo liut,>' So tb a t was tb.- position? H er dis- ' ” like wna rctuniotl in full? A shnr.«) ' ” Blab of hurt pride and desolation caused sudden tt.-un» to rlsi* nml rt>ll '

,1 down h e r rlieeks. Hhe «cmnibl.-d to ' ,I her feel nnd. oul o f sight uiu.uik Uio ' i, bruHhwo<Hl, lay down an.l bo!,I,e.l -u t '

h e r 'h e a r t . in C roft got his own su[.per tha t nljcbt.C Ho m nde no coininent on her swollen " eye.H nnd lack of appetite. Hut wben ’ sho look Iho larKo aliella ust-d for '

p ln tcs lo wasli In Ibe laguon. he roso.


N m A W N ’± .

Arden ;■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1

IIInipulHlvely. i(> follow her. A fter a Tew Rtei.r.. however, he paused uncer.

f tiilnly. Wllil a little helpless shrug, a I he returned to the hut.( Eneb day ht> spent much tim e upon t: ) th e reef, snlvinc nil th a t wna possible li

of th e mnclilne, until w hat rem ained ° I wus sw ept awuy ono n igh t by th e tide.

A dozen times i> day. one o r both ° climbed the bill nnd vainly sea rch ed , , the ,horizon—giiihering, w ith dwindling*' '' hopes, more fuel tn heap upon th ? '

r growInK pile wblch som e day m igh t.,- tlare Into a beneim to n ltru c t n passlDf ' ? ) I vessel. “ W

T he nntives seldom ventured far . from the ir aeltlem cnt. W henever \ Croft en.'ounlered one. th e frightened• w retch took in his heels. Only onco• did hc meet line w ith nulllcient courage ® » to rep ly to the w hite mnn’s ciucstlona.- Ilul. nl the Urst allusion to ships and1 n tlier w hite men, hla fo rtitude gave " f i-oHipb-tely Mwny; with n wflllJng cry of * ) fonr. he lum ed and vnnished omong ,, ) the irtH-4. leiivinKCr'.ft no wiser. • - .) Jlarl.nni wus linunted by thoughts 1 of lIu s h ’K stiTTerlng. To he nllve. In 1 Mpleiidltt li.n ltb . yet u u ih le to Inform> iiioso iiiotirnlnK her iu*atb. could be 1 .-quiilorl onlv hy n like linpoienco uponi lho c.tluTr !<li|e of the gn ive lo alloy the I siirr.-rlnx>‘ of Ihose beloved upon ro rth .1 A fter n lif.-tiine, tt>». o f ln.sepnrnble J

coiupanloiiHiili>. this new existence, In- wbloli Htiub had n o '" p a r t . seerocO ' } Kiraii;:oly ini-iim|ileie. Vot. paradox- ’ I k-nlly n;:iiin. IiIh 'pn.-Hehee w aa not * ; noe.b-<l b e ro : b.- w -uld hnve seenietl na * 1 much t.ut o f pln.-e ns tiie proverbial ?

tlsli out of w ater. . . ”1 Croft, on the o ther linnd, appeared •. dnily tiiiiro KUlliHl to IliH envlroniiK-nt, f titling In as if It w ere Indeed hi,a> "finturai sphere,” G rndually, a s the ' I past crew fainter, ber conllilcnce re- * 1 lurnetf. ff,» apparen t dfsfncffnatfon ' c f.ir her comimny, though reassuring In 1 one wny. pl.pied la-r hi another. So. she w ithdrew Inlo her own sh e ll; nnd ■ 1 tbe Invlnlble wall grew h igher betw een ' r then i^on ly oci-aslonal chinks n p p e a ^ ^

inc .-or thin ........ . tbm ugli which thoy *' t-nmo a lltlle nenri-r. A t these tim es *

a th e K'rl recn-iletl ber refusal of b is one * t frien.lly ovo,-ture. . . . ‘1 It wns one evenhiK, Iwo o r thrpo * r n-o.-k-. utU'T th>‘ na tives ' nttack. that * 1 the InrgoKt oblnk In tb e wall appenred. * » Tho .lay ha.l b.-en iinuminlly h o t;• and Hbo xtr..lk-.l lU llessly up lo th e * r rlv.-r t-> Imtlio. W ith i.are sunburned ‘

r.-i-t. nn.l Ihe rovi.lvt-r—without w hich ‘ « -die S.-1.1..UI -Ilrr.-.l—Htiick In her belt, ‘ 1' lh e iiUK-iod tbrouKli tb.- irrove, IbroiiKh I. lhe tnll ilnrk nveniie.s beytmd, to lho '

H.-nrliiL- by ibt- w ater’s edge. T hcro • c Hbe Imli.otl. nniazt-d. - ‘r ............ lay Croft, h h tlark1 bend burled in his a m is ; beslile him . w oro-oni-or tw o bnincbes of b an an as ; '' fr-+»-e.iUple of bn-a.ifrull had rolled, un- " I. notic-tl. a fow ynrds aw ay. )

Strnnirely ombnrnis«.-d. B nrbara hesi- 1 s ta ted . uncertain w hether to no o r stny. s Rhe waM In the net o f tu rn ing awny,I. w hen hc lifUMl his bead nnd saw her.I F o r n moment bolh w ere silent. In , „ hls fnc«‘ wns the look sho hnd seen ] .. thore on tbo m om lng a f te r tbo w reck. ! ; I Ho rose fo his fe e t; nnd, conquering ; r ' he r ombnrnmsment. she w ent tow ard ! , him. ; o “ W hat U u r ’ ahe naked enm ostly., H e looketl down into tbc m isty b ine <

eyes m lsed. full o f shy sym pathy, to bis fuce.

•'W bat ifi I t r ho repented. "H —l! i , : T hn t’H whnt It is.” H e stooped to pick 1'

i up' tl.o fm lt. "W hnt nre you doing ! h.-r.-? Cnimr to h a tb e r . j ',i " I wns,” she replied, hesitatingly, j ’

, “H ut—don’t go. C nn't wt- sit down and ' , tn lk? I t—It’H so lon.'ly." I |

I Ai:n!n he looked down Into h e r eyes, j; Rlni'ist luinirrlly, N othing she could

[' huvc snid could hnvo h it the m ark wltli i., *' s u re r nim. Hut ho clenched his hnnda t

and put them bt-blnd him . ]r’’ , She gave a rpilck look a t h is gloomy ' ” p ice , throw prldo to th e winds, ond '

h plunged wUh l...r <.ld impulslvcncsa. ''C nn’t .1.- /,o -fr lc n d -< r ulit- Qifkt-d. Ho ri-nialn.-.l -^ll.-nt, wltb hnnda stiil ,

^ clnsj>t-il nt bl.s I'uolt. wutclilng her cirri- ously.

g "I tboutibi you did not wish It,” he , rem arked nt lust,

a Sht- snt tlown upon a rock, nb- ” fitrnctedly ploldn;; t>ui b its of tho moss n wbl.-li i'..v.-r.-d it. • iv " I - l ’vt‘~f..|-;;.,tt.-a th a t—" Sho -r pninetl. llusliin-„'. " I f—we' sbnred our <r tboughiji ujor.-. ibiii^s mlRht n o t seem 1- qu ite HO l.a.l,” she Htigge.sted. n T be gli.-si (.r n sm ile moved his lips.0 "You slmll biivi- more eompnny Kotjn.

W e nro Koin« to visit the natives. I »t hnve ^ont a luosKngtj lo Ibo ciilef.”^ "Abttul wlmt?"

it "To coiiio lo see mo nnd bc prepared n t.) con.lm-t us back to the ir liotlic-ment.> To Tiinke frlvnda."\ "Frlt-nUs: Tho.so savages—"

" I t’H neces-.iiry. T hey leavo us nlone ■* now tbroujib fenr. wblch pmbal.ly 0 w.ui’l law. They will liato w hat ihey

fo u r: ntid Id lime only tiie linte may iH'mnin. T h a t’s no t th e rieb t keynote < fo r u biippy life h e re ; Is UT’ Ho

,(j looked qult-tly up a t her, w ith a sinlie full o f bid.len menning.

"N o." Sbo llii.sbed a liltlo ; then gnvt- a droary intich. "Hut I can’t Iinnclne wlml could be, In these cir-

.p ciimstnnct-s.""Cnii’t you?" H e looked nway nt tho

II w at.-r tum l.llns .n e r th e liuge bowlder,0 rnti-hinu- hor.- nn.l th ere llnsb.-s <.f sun-

ligh t tbr»ii«b the netw ork of branches overlieml. "Y.iu w ere golni; t<> llnd oul nil about tbat. In crowdt-tl c ities ;

I. w.-ron’i y...i?"■■Ab.nil wlmt?"

■n -W lm t the ke.vnoto I s 'w b lc b yoo ,r have foun.l missing' to the v a s t bar- i e. , ■ ■

[ O, TUESDAY MORNINmony Of crcntUm.” 1

She glanced n t him In pleased Bur- I p rise. J

“ How nicely you expri™ i n “T H 0V er' 1 realized It so cleariy os t lm t; It wan a ll I rn'ftuc. Yes. I suppose t lu t la w b a t J 1 f e l t I f s strnnge. but I haven’t fo lt . It so much here.’*

I S he w atched him collect hta f r u i t w •'Have yoa found the keynoter* »be ^ ; asked boldly. —

H e Iooke<l a t her fo r a moment 1 th ough tfu lly ; then nnawered. guarded- t ly : “1 know w hnt U la. And I bavo i only fully realized Ita n.ecca»lty alnco—

coming hero 1 W o aU uso subsUtutea ‘ out In th c worid. I t hns a lot o f “ . hninchcs—or. n iiher. sub-keys. Per- '■ hnps few people ever discover ! t

T . . . .Well. Barimrn. have your dip.”H e wns nbout to tu rn nwny; b a t, “

; 1 ac ting upon some Itnpulae./paufled bo- .fcjilnd her.1 " rs It nil very dreary fo r yon—here? ^

Do j-ou linto it so m uchT’ "I[ . T h ere wnn a wonderful, unusual gen- ' tleiieas In hla voice—nn underctirrent • o f som ething, almoat ycnm ing, w hich w

’ touched h e r unnccountnbly. ^: “ I t’s no worse fo r mo th an for yoo," O' ‘ sho rep lied responding to biB tone In* the na tu ra l generoalty o f h o r .h c a r t H o ’A

mnde no reply for a m o m e n t' T hen , ni lightly , ho prcsaed her ahoulder w ltli t i

h ls hand.’ 'Conio und tell rao whon th e tonell- 8 : ‘ ness Is too bad.”‘ And ho wns gone, hla footstepB dying O* aw ay upon lho loose twlga of bamboo al* cane. She undressed nnd stood, fa ir and ^

allm as Psyche, beside tb e w ater, a I freah In terest nwnkcnod In her com- 0

punlon. A# »he lowered herself Into tho shim m ering ripples, she resolved to

' follow up th is tnlk, to press throngh S - thlB th in picce of w a ll; and,' by a o , p rocess of sub tle siege, w in the friend-.

sh ip which all n t onco seemed oxtremo- la ly dcfllruble.

Dut, us usual, dlyoppolnlmcnt m et tl ' h e r efforts whon next sbo assailed the

wnll. T he gup provid to bo firmly “ putchcd up. cven barred across. I t y wnB Jmprejrnnble. BaOTcd, she conld only finger the bars nnd wonder. . . .

5 T ho old chief appeared, keeping a ] sa fe distance, soon a f te r receiving tbo “ , w hite m an 's mtrsKage. But an ont- I. b reak of slcknetu was raging in tho _ sc tllem en l; therefore, much to th e ■’ . girl’8 relief, tbe lr vlalt w as postponed.

Having ascertained from him th a t^o o ” trnde was curried on w ith other IsiandB. th a t no sh ips cnmo to tho soutb. C roft " th rew himsolf w ith renewed zest In to °

I th e hulldinx of u new hut. As If to. drown nil thought, he worked Inces- " ’ Bnntly, HomctlnieH moodily silent, sotno-

tim es soeining keenly to enjoy tho new »' ^ com m deshlp tha t had estnbllahed ^ J Itaelf. lltllo by little, between them . “ ,’ A riiontb or in.tre piinaed before thc* nntive ch ie fs wrlnkletl blnck face np- « ° poared iiKaln. two w arriors In attend-

onec.^ Crofl ib rust a hand throuch hor arra.

w hen fhey Joined th e nfltJves; and " ngaln she wns coiiscIouh of tbo old ■ lunKnotio stim ulation of h ls pentonnllfy,

w h ic h , had sustnlned h e r during the first terrib le n leh ts and days,

r- (Coutinuod in K oxt Issue.)T. ________________

n I O P p N N O S T R IL S ! END | ' • I A CO LD OR CATARRH ' ff td 5 i.

I How To G et Ilc lirf W hen Ifend Y and None arc StulTcd fp .

O i-niint f iflv ! Y.mr .-ol.l iu ho:.d nr . iitarrU di-aM-. arH.- V.„,r .•ln,:u.'.l n .

II iriK will tho 'lir i.a-i-.ii-.'-. of your k l.oa-1 will .-loar an .i von oan i.r.-ntli..ig fro.-ly. No in.To .h.'iffliii;;. hawUin- „

{mu....... ,li«.-ha.-,:o. .Irvn .-- or h.-a-Ia-h-: “_ Itl.. -tni-i^clini; f-,i h r .a th a l ninh*. 1” ',’ i Oel a -mall bottio o f E ly 'a O renm '

jlta lm fr..ii. vnur .IrD-K'-t and n|,,-lv ., | f l l i t t l . - o f thi-. fra -ra ..t iinti«,-].lir r r .- a m lt

*• |i-r ^.,llr t:n-trils. It ■ lit ,':i IId |,-v.-rv a ir p .v .aco ..f tho h.-a.l, *i...;l.ii:;r 1 nJl ........ li.'ali..;; tho svudlon .,r in tla m -l I pIsjuiuoouH in-mhrati,-. nivin^; you i'i-t:i..t

Ir.-lief, He;ui o..i.h and t-alarrl. vi.-ld „ liko ma«ic., Don’l hlay Htuff.'dn]. and ‘ ,5 mi^orabl.-. Reliof ia ..u re .-a .lv . *

■a- Blrda Usually F ly Lew. ^Though some nstronomem havo oa

ll* uniisunliy c lear nlKht.i seen hlrds cross- ■1* bolwt-en tlieir telescopes nnd thc

mottn'n disk, and have estimated theit « elevjvtlon as high as two miles. It li }

unuauoi for birds to migrnto a t altl- ' b- tudes g rea te r than 5.000 feet, a s a M rule. They tend to keep helow lowest ,

clouds. Tbls Is desirous because the ‘ Iio h igher they go the o ld e r It gets and ‘ u r llio harder It la for them to breathe, m A viators report JinvJug enfounicfed '

b irds above the 5,000-foot- oltltudo. ' >5. Hlgb-flylng birds ura gecae, cruues, n. rooks and lapwliiKS. Low-fliers are ‘ 1 B w ollow s nnd i.tbcr common varieties.

W hen weath.*r is hnti. t^speclalJy w hen - It Is cloudy, all b ln ls lly low. '

ed — '


ly When your i.i.rk Is aore nnd Inme ‘to or lumbago, scintlc-a or rheumatism 'Io haa vou stiffened ut-. ',lo I don’t suffer! G et ■

^ I

I H H l H . \-uda thV ^ a -. . ^fy- I t ia a b ao lu te -

tr- ly hn rm loas n n .r dtfL'sn’t h u m th c a k iu ' - o d v . 1

[NG, DECiSMBER 2, 1924.

I Fairy. ^ ^ s i r y G i a J t a n ^ ^ n R i

! SMOOTH PUFFERI *1 don’t believe.” th e Smooth Puffer , said, aa be awnm about hla now home I In tbe aquarium , " th a t th ere la a croa- ture w ith a nume aa flne and unuaual

and diatingulshed In sound aa mine,« "Sm ooth Puffer 1, T bere’a a name _ .

for y o n l Not m any have nftmcs ! even approocblOK U la In te re s t

“HuaQ 't It a beoutlful sound? Smooth J P u tte r I I love to Bay It over and over

ngaln.“I f 1 were a fond mnmma nnd bod

t a denr little baby boy to nam e 1 i wouldn’t coll him Jam ea Henry, or

Malcolm Auguslua. o r Edw ard LItch- - Qeld.1 would ra il him Sm ooth Puffer.D -Any p aren t inay nam e a child a fte r

me, a n d I won't o b je c t I don’t want I tb bo greedy.

"Oh, It U ao beautifu l a name—. Sm ooth Puffer r * .

“U y nnme is p re tty One,” said { Orango-Strlpcd O ru n t oa be awam 9 a b o u t too.

"N othing lllio mine,*' anid Smooth ~I Puffer.i “O f conrae Il’a not like yours,” snid I- Omngo-Striped G ru n t “b u t ta flne. Just c the aam e.”D “Oh, I d o n 't know about t h a t ” saidII Smooth Puffer.' “I t aiiowa you have a 0 little color and th n t you aro ag ru n t* i- ing kind of a lish—b u t mlno—ab, mlno h- Is th e bcsl o f a ll-S m o o th Puffer.”

“W hut do you th ink of m ine?" asked t the Bone-fisb.e ’’L ittle . If onythlng.” said, the f Smooth Puffer. " I t aounda a s though t you wero as sparing of yourself, aa d though there w ere so little o f you cx- . cept bones.”. “ W hat nbout m in e r ' aakeQ the Jelly B fish.

"Oh, yoara sounds so squoshy and .JJ queer,” aald Smooth Puffer. “You are B auch a—you a re such a—well, you ore I aucb n Jelly flah 1 T h a t Ju st describea ; I t

"Now, I’m m re In an nqunrlum. My t fam liy nren’t to bc found here often.„ but I like It hero be tte r than mosl of „ them hove. I ara really very happy

here.» “All o f you mny adm ire m oi Ju s t f sec my dark flsh s u i t and my silvery .J dcconillons on tbc sides and undcr-

neath.p "I d o n 't p u l e v e ry th in g nice I h avo

on top. No. Indeed I l. ‘‘I ’m so B inooth and I h n v e n ’t any

acalcH o n m y s id e s o r u|>on iiiy bnck."I Imvo spines over niy waistcoat

Z 1 =^^^^=2 - = : ^•You’re All Right, Orange-Striped


nnd I keep these liat, and so 1 iip i.ea r,■ I nent. l.ut not overdressi.-tl.

I "I Jutve Ihc i>( Knf/Mf flvh. foo,.I for my hond Is slmpi-d Houiotblns liku

Ul 1 the b.-nil of n nibhli.:I>-j " If such Is thi- oase (I’ve n.-v.-r ^o.-n ■:r|n rnbtiU m.vst-lf) I tblnk a rnbhlt H u • ' pcnslhio nnimnl.

“ Hut while I Rci the llrst num.- be- canse of my sinontli nsb snll, I g.-t the unrue of ptiffer ns I pMff out my stom ach wbon I am nlnrined.

"Ami that KhowB how Interesting I

B ®"‘'"Somo cren tures show nlnr:ii or fo.ir

■ In Bucb dull wnys. Tbey cry ou t:” ’f)h, liour. I’m flo frightone.l. Oh.

I. 1 w iinl to go bitme. Oh. whnt can it . b e r

, ’-n u t not your friend. Smooth iMilTer.,, " I puff—1 look InrKor—my slonmcli m . Is puffo.i forth until II’b n Hplendld J fnt looking thing.^ "Now. suppose one of these eliildren

who come to th e aquarium should bo •0 ab le to do th a t—then Fd say :^ “ ’Good work, children. You hnvo _ ray praise.' • [

"B u t they'll never have It now,,Q Tliey'U never receive my pnilse tf thoy

don’t hnvo n d iffe ren t.w ay of show­ing when they 're frightened. I" '

"A nd srown-u|i.s liie samo way!Tlicy shriek o r become excited, but they don't do anything Interesting. ;

"It'B dull lo w atch thc ir alarm , an<V y mine Is worth wblle.I “Oh, well, th e wbolo world can’t bo

sm ooth puffers, I suppose. I t’s bard on th e worid. bm II makes our familj*

ij,_ more Interesting, na there a ren 't so nmny of us. |

o f ' ” You’rc nil right. Orange-Striped >t. G runt, aad you’n- n o t h a lf bnd. Bono-;>>■ Flah, and you'll pass in a crowd. Jelly

Flnb ( tha t la perhaps you- will, ond - '>d again maybe you won’t) , buf I, F^mootb

[ Puffer, nm a rnre nnt! wonderful flah g’ I wlUi tbo most .beautiful nnme, to ray i , I Smooth Puffer way o f thinking, in all

th e flsh or butuan world.”,f, ---------------------------R> T oo You n g

T eacher—W hal great event hap-'*I ' pened three huntlrcd yenrs ngo? I

P o p U - I don’t know, s lr l I’m only , eigh t ycara old 1—C hristian ia T y r ij ," ^

24. ' '

!t HE MARKETStlno ero

----------- ------------------------------------- dellvoric

markets at a glance— . ■* ' whoat *

K E W T O R K , Doc. 1 C « —S to A s Chicago—U lghor; A m oric*a W ater W orki inflnonejumpa J2 3 ^ p o in ts - ports b>

Don<l»—S toady ; high yield ing ra il "RAisHUca advance. Corn

of whotyorolgu oxcbaugo—Btrong; atcrl- nvorics

ing near 1024 liiglx; frnnca gain. p^rnry‘ Cotton—W enk; increoBcd crop ea- fftvornb

tim atw . gentina

^ Sugar—L ow er; commjaaion selling.

'' Coffce—i'irm ; bulllsU .crop tvd* to nbovi vicfB.

_ _________________________ m o a CHICAGO. Doc. 1 W>)—W hent— T>oe. ..

“ r o l y atendy; increnaed atocka. Mny ..

Corn—E aay; llirgcr receipls._________'^ 'ooni- C nttlc—Irreg u la r._______________________Dec. lIogB—S teady to higher,____________W ay ..


TWIN FALLS MARKETS n “ * ^-----------:----------------------------------------------- Mny ...

Theao pricea are obtainod daily >Tuly ..• n t 4 o 'clock in tbo aftoraoon and

aro intondod to cover only tho av­orago o f pricea. Whoro ccrta in c illC donlora fo r ahort perloda offor more » rcil t

• thnn tho quotod prices no o ffo rt i i *] 55 i .. mado to Includo anch puotationa. '

quotationa aro offered noro ly aa a „ „ ‘culdo to producer# and ahould n o t - •'bo »ec«ptod a. 7efl«etlns o ltr.oc . 0 « ^of o ither higb or low prleoa. ■> " h i t i

" Ryo-EE T A H i M A aBX TB. i?"**

P a id to P ro d n cen Tho Twin Falla m arketa yeaterday Clov(

wore na followa:LlTM tock .

H o g a______________ :------#5.50 to M.OOC ow a___________________82.00 to «3.00H c l f c r . ----------- -------------- ---------- •3.50 1«A1Steors ..................................... 53.00 to W.60Veal cnlvea _____#5.00 to 6.00 NL n m b s---------------------------------- —

Fowl*. UuHH°’tfHonvy hena .......................................... 13c cuhI.

. LiRht hena .................................. ............ Oc $1.07>4Li'Rhorna ............ — ................- ........... ... Oc 701:; wHroilcra (L eghorn) .— ........- ........ .... u o 1 ItnssotiHroilcrB (colored) .....................- ...........^^clooc; m

.T u rk e y s ....................................................H ftcks.............................................. ............lOe Knn.Oceso ......... - .................................... .......... ,

Dnirv jTm.-l:c(lI'.uttorfat, crcnm ery .......................... .. 30'il l '» rtlliiltcrfn t, p tntion .................................. 34cjitimi,l ,f’D u iitr /b u tto r ___ __ —..................... 85o,;iIs J l.l1:kith (8l.il.pcra) .................................... 40c :tol.KKs (locnl a tore) ......... - .................... 45c 1 lu-uuti.

WhMit nnd MUI Feed. jWtu.ut, buahol ...............................— •Hrai.. n v t ........... - .................................. $ 1.00 ^Hraii, .'IOO-lb. lota .............................. ■$l..'5r> | ‘l“ !'Hty

-Hi(,ck food ........................................... Jl.S.T’''",:Slock foo<l, .".OO-lb. lo ts .......— ..... «i.80

PocaWOB. WiHcoi;I'oti.toos, R urala .................................. GOc'nnrv (I'otatooB, Oema ...................................... 90c 00 to

Boana.Ho.-,«s in d ir t ......................................

. lloutiH, ri'clenned, sufkc.l .............. ; H ^b-uSugar, W holesale. ! Idnlio

••Cane, .............................. - ............ .......... «0.48Hc.-t ........................................................ • ‘>•28 I Knu

BETA IL PRIOEfl. Inlroni;yesaiA blet. ||„nK «

fo tatoes, lb------------- -----------------------02a *]H«id le t tu c e ______________ 10c to SJOo ^Cabbage, lb ............... ................................04o'’nniiflowor, lb__________________12H * 'Ci-lery. bunch ..............................- ....... 10c

r ro iv.G ra p e fru it, caeh — --------- lOe to 15« ' * ‘

Lomona, d o w n ____________________« eOrAnirci doren .....- .......- 35e to 6O0 'ibcmt

M lh ................... irnit.-.!Ornpca, pound ........................................ lOc.Sundn;

D airt HarkedCrcamcry b u tle r --------------------- — 45c , frostr.Huh! ---------------------------------------------^«*l«'r; j.oW lioon.ln e b ^ 'ic ---------------------Uivor

---- — \ Id.’lllOP O E T L A in) O EAIN. \

I’OUTLAND, Dpc. 1 OP)—W hent— j-IO 1-2. H ard w hit(>n. 8 . Danrt., DiTcmber tl.7 0 |f-> 4Se .laiiunry »1.7.'5; soft, w hite, Uocember 3.'> cen Jl.Ot.. Jnnunrv $l,Ur.; .wrstorii w hite, KrC: Deeember >1.01 , .Tniiuury.$1.0.'.; wontc-rn rnscfl;white, Deccmbor * l.a i , Jan u a ry ri'l tohar.l w in ter, December $1.00, Jan u a ry -I- $1.02j northorn npfSng, Dccombcr $1.00, Poul .Jiinilnry we»H'rn t««1, Dcc«n»bor X4 1-2$1.54, Jnnunry •l.-’lS; BB hnrd whito, 14,l-2c Dcccmber ♦I.7.'5.

Onta—Xo. 2 w hite focJ, Pecembor $38.50, Jnnunrj- $30; No. 2 g ray , Du-

. cember $37.G0, Janunr>- $38.Corn—No. 2 E. Y. ahipment, Doccm- l,cnlvoB

ber $40.50, Jan u a ry $40; No. 3 E. Y. shipm ent, December $4.'i.50, Jnnunry f

• »«■=«■ ' _____ _ p a


______ . bulls,CHICAGO, Dcc. 1 C 4 ^S o n ic th in g of

a jo lt cnmo to holdera of w heat todny I'"'* as tho reault o f nn unlooked fo r big Increase o f th< U nited S in tes viaiblo to supply totnl. N otw ithstnnding thn t MrlU-r tho w heat m nrknt had nscended -'OO ‘f

" to aew high prico recorda fo r th e Bca* *■*“ son •drcllno!. duo to tho visible supply ‘’“ ‘I n nnnouncrm ent le f t vnlucs hea\*y n t tho i'® ‘’-Of finish, 1 3-4c no t lower to 3-8c gain,

‘ w ith December $1.S3 3-8 to 1.53 5-8, and 3 -.0 ; Mny $1.00 3-4 to 1.01. Corn closed un- 3,>( chanRcd to 3-4c down, onts nnchnnjtcd to l - 2 c o ff and provisions ahowing 10c P' f . 37c ndvnnro. 20(

Bpeciai Bignificnnco nppenrcd to bo Ami e ntt.ichcd to tho fnct th a t tho viaiblo ’ J '’ supply en largem ent carried tho to tn l choice to nbovo 100,000,000 bushels. Tho nc- ■moot tunl ‘ncrenso waa b u t Httlo g rea te r "Initg! thnn th a t fo r tho corresponding woek a "f". year aRO, b u t the en tire dom estic visible and al supply nt th n t tim e was only 71,808,000 ^ o " . lyisheJs, w hercaa to d ay 's agg rega te was 0->0;

*100,303,000 buahola, tmd w.na a defeat to trad c ra who hod been expecting 8 h(

► stocks to dwindle m th o r th an to pllo np. dy! r , Xew peak prices which tho w heat weigh

m arket hnd renched during tho firs t licavj

T W ^P A ]of tho (ia;^w oro aacribod largely V % 1

ly ing th a t grew out o f fu rth o r re-. 1 1 I o f front , dam aging tho Art?on- crop. The fuct th a t good aitod 9TTZ

’orica o f w hea t today on December ' * raeta here had npparen tly gono in to vU C lg handa nnd thnt much of thc ftW xt wna likoly to bo shipped o u t o f ^ago soon was nlao a a trongthoning lonee; on thc other hand, la to re- a Bnid tho w eather in A rgentina ngnln tu rned w ann. ^iru nnd on ta pnrallelod thci action vhont. Smnllnesa of Deeomber de- rica o f corn furniahed only n tem- ^ ry prop lo the cron m nrkot. Un-, L irnblo eorn crop reports from- Ar- ;lna woro likew ise o f only tcmp'or- >o f fe c t —^iveatment buying lifted provisions bove previous top levels th is senson. \CLmt

H o a t - Oj.on. High. Low. Close.............. 154% 157 l.-.3% - 153%

........ 103 ICOVi lOOy, 100%r ........ 143 144>Vi 142»<, 142%

............. 114=‘i 115% \U% 113% ‘r ........ 122>^ 123 121 121• 123 12-J. 122 122Slo— " '‘crn............. ..52-% . 3>A ,'.2 52' ..........52u fiPH 5fiVi 58«4 . ^• ..57«4 57% 57 57

______ News)----------OXBH o a A lN . '“ endy

lllCAGO, Doc. 1 O P)-\V hc:.t— No. '•<l $1.0H 1-4 lo I.OH 1-2; No. 2 hnrd L"'"” " 5 1-2 to i .s r rh - j . 5 7 ;orn—No. 2 m lsed $1.15 to 1.15 1-2; *2 yellow $1.17 to 1.17 1-2.

nta—No. 2 w hite 54 to . 4 l-Uc; No.•hito 50 3-4 lo 52 i-'Sc. .;yo—No. 2 $1.33 1-2 to 1.35 3-4. larley— 75-to 87c.'Imothy se e d ^ 5 .3 5 ‘ to 0.75. ' lover s e e d - $24.. a r d - $15.10. O.M;: ib a - $18. ‘■''•ptf

______ stendyPOTATO M A R EET. '

DAIIO FA LLS, Nov. 29.— (U nited “ > tea D epartm ent o f A griculture Mar- light 1

News S erv ice)—Ilau lings Ught; huw» $ le ra te w ire jntjiiJry; demnjjd mod-(IMO; . to; m arket sligh tly strongor for weight iHot«, flto.idv on Rurnl!.; carloads f. 0.:nsh tra c k ; C alifornia pack Ru«sots 1714 to 1.10 ; euHtern pack Hur.'ils I ' , , . , .: w:igoiihind« oash lo grow ers; bulk wels, bnsi.H repiickcd w eights 85 to ''' ; moHtIv t)ltc fo r atock w ith bnkera •‘"‘J'* roiuoved; RiiralB C5c. >'j:ht ;

Cansns C itv—Supplies libera l; der- $i>: fi' Ild «low; niurkct du ll; M innesotn hiuil... l:od Iled Hlvor Chios $1.10 to 1.15.•ort W orth—Supiilit's libera l; do- ii.l xlow; m nrkot steady ; Idaho Rur- , .] t , Jl.70 to 1.75; Colpr.udo w hites $1.00 l.i;.'; I’eoiiloH Runseta nnd Brown , * .utios $1.05. .:iiiciigo— Supplies libera l; demnnd 1 ' I trad ing lig h t; norlhern m arket 1: wentern m arket w calter; o rd inary ility and condition; somo fie ld froat- 170 tt

wouic showing e ffec t o f d ry ro t; tn !>.” iinoRot.-i round w hites fa ir lo o rd l-’ Lionn : y condition 70 tn 80c; fow h i g h e r ; n Hconsin round whitoH moRtly ordl-i •V condilion 75 to KOc; fow fancy ,to :i5c; IJnho R ukrcIs $1.75 to 2; )

stiv $1.85 to 1.00. I, " ,A ngeloR-D on.and and trnd ing •L"*';''

d erate; m arkot Htcadv; S tockton | rbnnk.-, *1.00 tn 1.0.': f-'W $ 1.7 5 ; |to $1 llio Russets <•1.0.'- to 1.70; mofltly ; (*11001. 0.'. iigod'an Fraiioisro—Kiipplic.i moderato; . f a t c' uarid and trad ing moderate^ m a rk e l ' ongor on Californias; California n ,,,,. :g wIiile.H Xo. 1 $1.25 to 1.35: No. 2 1 ^

lo l . ir . ; W nshlngton N etted Gems I 05 to 1.S5: mcHlly $1.05 to 1.75; lho liURHets ,*1.75 to 1.85; R ura ls , '» ’• •1(1 to, 1.4.5. j romai:

POTATOES AND PEODUOE. | grade; :.'IIICAOO, Dor. 1 ( /P l - l ’o la to e s - ih lg h ilv tTntUng ratUf'T » W ; niark«‘t ' grade nut M.-ady; receipts 77 rn rs ; lo tn l,h av e ■ itod S tates shipm ents, S aturday 02S, ;lato 1 nday 42; M innesota nnd W isconsin ^both ■l:cd ronnd w hites some dccnyed nnd have .Sted SO to POo; few bc.-t shade high- ns Dc

poorer 70r; M innesota snrkcd Itod vor Ohios, fow s:.h-r. $1.15 to 1.25; ; i!io Mirked Russets $1.75 to 2. T.Olliitlor — Low er; c ream ery , cxtrns ;it 'th l-2c; stnndnrdfl'4 .5r ;ex tra firs ts -15 to 11 4Sc: firsts 37 to 41c: seconds 33 to 'n n d p cents. Iwithd

|.;pjjs — U nsettled : rereip ts 20n ]ow inp .Ofl; f irs ts 48 to 55c; ordinnrv firs ts ' hohle

to 40c;-refriger;» tnr oxtrari 37 to )l- ,lr ; f irs ts 35c. ................................. S J O

P o u ltry -A liv o . unsn llled : f 0 w 1 s j ' 1-2 to 20c; RpringR 2 1 -Uc; rooster*

,l-2c; turkovs 20c; geese 10c; duck.i conta. St

PO ETLAND LIVESTOOK.PORTLAND, Doc. 1 M»)—C attlo nnd jrond Ivoa—Strong; receip ts 2270; steers Satur od $7.50 to 8.10; medium $0.25 to lw c c k iO; common $4..50 to 0.25; cnnnora ami t te r steers $3.50 to 4.50; heifera good Low, 1 pounds up $5.50 to fl; common and Tol 'dium nli w eights $3.50 to 5.50; cows od $5 to 5.50; common nnd medium XE to 5: cnnners nnd cu ttera $1.50. to 3; wnvo

lls, good beef yearling* excluded, close .50 to 4; common to medium ennnor the u d Imlogna $2.50 to 3.25; calves mc- todn> Jm to choice IDO pounds down $0.50 tivo '

8.75; cull nnd common 100 pounds p,„ ■wn $4.f;0 to 0.50; medium fo cholen wUi, 0 to 2G0 pounds-$0 to 8.25; medium opern

cholrCi 200 pound" up $4.50 to 0.70; sesah ill nnd common lOO pounda 'up $3.50 high 5.00. Tn

llo g i—F irm to lOe higher; receipt* chnr: 70: 213 th rough : henvy w eight 250 tho f 350 pound medium, good and cholco for t

.50 to 0.15; medium w eight 200 to hicrr 0 pounds $9 to 0.35; ligh t w eight ICO moto

200 pounds, common, medium, good er e< (1 chnico 50.25 to O.CO; ligh t ligh ts Incre 0 to 100 pound*, medium, good nnd llrmi olco $8.!)0 to 0.50; pncking hogs crrns .00 th $7 to 7..50; rough ^.T.75 to 7; mate u tgh te r pigs 130 pounda down, modi- forni n, ood nnd choico $7.50 to 8.50; feeder ru t i id a to c k a plga 70 to 130 pounda, com- Inrge on, medinm, good nnd choice $0 to quar 50; soft or oily h o p and roaating pigs bure :i-lu(led In above qootations. mninShoop nnd lam ba—N om lnnlly atea-

r ; recclptB CO; lamba l ig h t fn d handy Bight modium to choice « l l . ‘to 12.50; Nl BRvy w eight 03 pounda up medium to ,sugn


~ w i u . t i o w ■ y o o t i 'T B o r i t c l ! f j u o i t vDU A w n u-rm trs iu iT - I Few S W I S 11CS j LCf m c m ave V--------FACfV

1^ • s JLt

) / / \|) V if NEWl l I t M


" T - ----- i j j j , ,

dUftorsne $9.50 to 11.50; all w eigh t cull ^nry.

common $10.50; yearling w ethw s jili^ntU lium to primo $8 to 10; w ethers two Sla. C. ra old and over medium to prim e "w X 5 iO to S; ewos common to choice $4 soutlin 0; cnnners and culls $1.50 to 4 ; j.cHitioi ve quotations, except lamba, on exporio rn bnaia. arrang

--------- R|vo aD EN V EE LTVESTOOK. P*‘0»°

•ENVER, Dec. 1.— (Special to Tho vs)—Hogs—Ileccipta .1900; ac tivc , -jdy to 10c higher; top $9.20y bulk ‘

to 0.10; moatly fo r 190 to 250 nd w eights; few ligh t llgh ta tS i L • f a t piga $7; packing aows $7.50 to >; atock piga moatly $5.25. - ^ =ihtei>—llccelp ta 3850; no f a t lam bs 1 1 ered; quotKblo higher, up to $13.00; ]' lond 117 pound fa t owes $7.75; I F 0 « :idv; no feeder lauiba aoldo e a r ly ; itable up to #14.25. j P h ^

-OMAHA LIVESTOOK. . were i)MA1IA, Doc. 1 (/P)—Hogs — Ro- ehange|)ts 13,50l»; fnirlv active, generally A nilid y ; bulk 200 to 300 pound butch- cstlmai

$H.(10 lo P .l.': top $9.20; dosirable 7,413,0'to 200 J.ound weights $H to H.OO; matos

It lights downward to $7; packing th a t t\$.S.25 to 8,30: bulk salerf $8.25 to in Cub

3; avorago cost Snturdny (8M3; 'nnd hcIght 220. The sjilieep—I{on-i|its «.'00 ; lambs moglly owing

I.ighor: earlv salea fod w ostorns distan t iXr> u . Vl.-H): bosi hold around $\4.r.O; wasV c lip i.0,1 lii.i.i.s $11.75 to 1 2 J 0 ; y e n r- 'f i v e t gs nn .l kI.oo]. ^.troiig to 2.1e. h ig h e r ; m nnth! I.t v ra r lin g « $11; w e th e rs u p w a r d to 3.00, ^ ; f a t ew es u j.w nrd lo $8 .25 ; f e e d in g i T r ie 111... M eadv, ti:t.7.-. h id . 'o h a i.g r

---------- la te d .OmCAOO LIVESTOCK. good '

MliCAGO, Dr.-. I OP)—lIogH — H e-'an d r .jits !i;!,noi>: <.peiied sleadv to lOo jeries. ver: ch.snl nctive gonernllv 10 to L 'e ' Itcfi

Ii«ht lighls showing more ad- 1 noo; toi, *0;70: bulk good and ehoire 1

K, :i2.1 pound l.uchers to IMIO; 11 to 200 pound weight largely $«.75 ''Onds 0.25; bulk 140 lo 151) poutid

■ns $7.50 to 8.40; packing sows mosllv '‘.0 lo 0 .10 ; m ajorily Kirong weight ,,ughtcr pigs $«.50 U. 7; hold 'c r 8000. .Sboep—Roeelpts 22 ,0 0 0 ; a r liv o ; f a t | ' - nl>H fullv 2.-.r higher: bulk ?14.7.-; n. |.2,'-: lop $15.2.'.; fo.l clipped upwar.l t ^ '

$12.75; heavv yenrlingM $11; i':it ! Ron, L-ep and fee lin g himl.H 2 .1c h igher: .'v ritte od wethers JIO; bulk handy w eight 'I ewes $8 lo 8.50: top $8.75; bulk •ding lan.bs $14.50 to 15; f.'cder y,.nr. 1

_____ ‘mlds.

WOOL.HOSTON, Dee. 1 OP)—Wool prices stoma, main strong in nil lines. Hales, how- pains cr, arc son.owhat restricted in severnl a ^dcs, owing lo the lim ited stook and Ij-AIN 5h J.rices. The medium and f iae r ' V, ade lowcT wools ii\ tUc Ohio group ve shnwa «lighllv moro advance of le than the finer grndes. In fact, th 3-8 nnd 1-4 blood enmbing stock ,ve moved a l about tho snme figure [_gj Dolaine. . , ____

LONDON WOOL SALES. 1 AlT.OSDON. Dee. 1 (/P)—Tli,' o fferings

the wool auctions todny nm ounted la 1II.101 bales. Trnding wns active J,,,]

id pricea were firm . There wero aome Ida ithdraw als nf fine grado m erinos 1i-ing lo the high priccs nsked bv the iHnlb:i|,kT>.


STOCK M A EK ET AVEEAOES. JipJ.Tw enty Tw enty

Tndustrinls R nilroads Th<ondny ....................... 110.42 98.01 the aitu rdnv .......................111.40 98.07 • Yni'eok ngo .................. 10H.90 97.70 P'ni'iiigh, 1024 .................. 111.40 03.74JW, 1924 .................. 90.27 SrOOTotnl sales 2,184,000 shares.

N'EW YORK, Dccv .1 0P>—\ henvy nvo nf p ro fit tak ing ju s t boforo the ose of to d a y ’s stock m nrkot checked serve 10 upward mnvement of priccs, w hich tric t, idny en tered upon its f if lh eonseru- elscw vo week. Closing quotations rovenled thnt rurious m ixture of gains and losses "•'‘'d ,

Uh the la tte r predom inating bullish [lerntlona during the oarly p a r t o f th e '’’'’’’t ‘Salon, w hich lif ted 81 atocka to new igh prices for tho yenr.Trndo nowa wns dccidodlv m ixed in

iinraeter. Favorablo Items included J,"-;.; 10 est.ibllshm fjit o f a new high record ,infc( >r thc y ea r by zinc pricca, reports o f .Vovr icrrnsed operationa In the steel nnd Mort ■otor industrlea announeement o f high- Knlls r coppor and gasoline prices nnd an Wi icrcm o in the conl ou tput. A dverse I>iatt ems Included publication o f nn In- rrnsed European beet sngar crop csti- into, nn incrcnso In tho southern Coll- irn ia oil outpnt, announcem ent of a , | ‘ ut in autom obile pricca by ono of tho irgei r.;\ntifactur<*rs, n redaction In tho uartcrlv dividend on fltrom berg Cnr- u.r,, ■uretor'from $2 to $1.50. and h igher mney rates, f,om

--------- ,'fnrtlBTJOAE. I TWI

NT.W -YORK, Dro. 1 O P )-T h c rnw j m ugnr m arket was firm loday. No aalea [H igl


t w i E rME . CENT PER WORDIvertisements under this head are far devised ol bringing the need ol


s’EW W RITERS wanted, New Mng- APP! ne, 100 subjects. Articlea, atoriea, Kcllogf in.s. scon.arios, ctc. Arrival, 097, Loa I >v.\rK»:lc". Cal.__________ _•___ __________ or huaiJINI.N'G AND S L K E P lN ^ c u r con 'o r Kin rtorg (w h ite ); experieneo unnecoa- Phouey. Rend for bonk of rulea, nnd a p ----- —rnllon. S u p t.. Railwny Exchange 1. C. Lns Aagtflcn..VANTKD—Kor a boarding achool in WA^ itlirrn Idaho, « strong woman for acrea c dtioii as f irs t cook; must hnvc hnd e<|uipm i.oriwii'o and bO able to follow monua . = r : ranged by m atron. In ans^rorlng |•e ago. experience, nddrcsa aud ono numbor. Addreds Box 28, Nows. FOR


I’OR SALE OR TRADt:—Large mod- garage1 bungalow. Phono 1513._________ easl.iVANTKD—To trado cow for work FOU rsc. 3 miles cnat IVi mllo north ha lf b ishlngton achool. P hone 514R1. 440J.

B A IA —iX fiU aT T O B ~ ~ ‘e ri^ rc i

ro iT s A L & ^ ^ s o h o T d fu r^ U ^ ^ for oom houae; no rugs, no stoves. KOR ono 1038 mont.,= = = = = = ^2^rc reported nnd prices were u n - ' p ( inged a t *1,09. du ty paid. |\ n incrcnsp. in lho European beet crop 8 BV Imnto bv a loading statistic ian 'to take si 13,000 tons against provioua csti-' o^o»,toa o f .....990,000 tons nnd reports I'OUit two contrnls hnd started grind ing b a ttc rj Cuba caused oonsiderablo liquidation Batter; (1 hedge seJIing In th\t sugnr futures. e spo» month held relntivelv firm , ~ ~ ing to tho strength In actual but itnnt months were ensicr. Tl.e close IS Iwo pointa higher on Dcccmber nnd 135 (

. c v t „ p o in t , low er on )nlhs. December eloaod 3.20, M nrrh ^,,^1 n 10, Mnv .3,13, Ju lv .3,21. vine’ 'Priees for refined sugnr were un- ange ,1 n t 7.15 to 7..' 0 for fino griinn- :ed. New business wns light b u t ;. north, od wilhdrr.w:.l demand wns n<iled d refiners wero delayed on d o liv it'!'- norlli.Refine,1 lu iu re . wero no.ninal. ■ —

QOVERNMENT BONDS.NKW YOItK. Der. 1 (>P)—L lberly — >nds'closed: mlrroil-2s ...................................................$100.2 : Moon

4 l-l- ' ........................................ lo i-M - F d 1•rond 4 l-U ................. ................. 101.0 jlilrd -I l-4s .......................... ......... IQl.lCI VhoiK.urth 4 14s ................................. 102.3 ~ p o j. R. flovornm ent 4 1-ls ............ 105.14 1,;, fo

---------------------- -— .TamojA Good Thing—DON’T M ISS IT . —

Rond your r.nine and n.ldress j.lainlv plumlritti'n . together w ilh T. cents (and thi.s nntf sip^ to ( ’hnm berlain Mcdlcino Co., De.s motornines, lown. and reroive in re turn n engin.ial paokage containing ClIAMHEIJ- “ VOnu A IN ’R COUGH REMEDY for eougha,■Ids. rroup, bronchial “ f tu ” nndliooping eoughs, nnd tickling th ro a t; rirAM HKRLAIN’S TABLETS f 0 r ^ _omach troubles, indigestion, gnssv KOIlins th n l crowd the henrt. billious- close‘SS nnd oonstipatinn; nlso CHAMBER- —^ A IN ’S SALVE, needed in overy fnm-I- for burns, scnids, wounds, piles nnd ^ ,o ,s;in a ffec tions: tliese vnlued fam ilv H i.ra' edieinoH for onlv 5 cents. D o n t’ miss. - a d v . ■ — ;

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS------------------------------------- —- Ik „11,


la tho D istric t Court o f the Eleventli Jud icial D istric t o f tho Htate of Idaho, in and for Twin-Kalls Counly.

'nlUind - N orth American M ortgagi- 1 - 7 Cnmpany. a rorpor;Uion, I’lfin tif f ,

lary L. D.-iyton."'K dna B. Johnson, i Mnhel r . Loworv, Minnie B. Boddow,H attie A. Dnv,' (Joldie F. Leonard,M.-.rv K. Havton, and all unknown heirs nnd -lovisees of F. P. Dayton,

STho Stnto of Idaho Sends G reeting tn =

lie above-named Dofendants:You are hereby notified thn t a rom- __ _

la in t has been filed against vou in r n lie D IsU iet Court o f the Eleventh f:,r,n u d ie iab D istrlc t o f the S tate o f I,Iaho, n and fo r tho Countv of Twin Fnlls, y the above named plain tiff, nnd you ro hereby d irected lo appear and nn- ,.,„„r wor the said com plaint w ilhin tw entv .iu e i ays of lho service of Ihis summons if i , erved w ithiu lho said Judicia l Dis- ricf, and w ith in fo rty dnvs If served Iscwhere; and you. aro further notified hnt nnleea vou so nppear nnd answer aid oom plaint w ilh in the time herein ~ T : poci^icd, tho pLaintiff will tnko judg- . ncnt aga inst you as prayed in said , •c.unlnint; the nctiou is brought to 'oreclosn a m ortgage on real estnti', = nade. executed and delivered by F. P . I f < i , Invton (nnw deco.ised) nnd M arv L. / )avl<in. his w ife, lo tho p la in tiff,Inted N ovem ber 7. 1019, nnd recorded Vovember 14, 1010, In Book 53 of ^ ^tortgngos, pnge 239, records of Twin •'nils County.

W itness m v hnnd tho seal o f said . M atrict Court thia 2 ,'lth day of Novcm- )er, 1024. 7 ‘ '

(81':AL> C. C. SIGOINS, Clerk. , IW C, L, BOW EN. Deputy. ' 'Clinton H. Hnrtaon, nttornev for " " "

ila in tiff, residing nt Boise, Idnho.N O T IC E „„nt

Beginning M onday, Dercmber 1. nre lf<24, tho Hanaon Bridgo will bo closed „i;ir from oight a. ni. until twelvo noon, nnd f;] from one p. m. unlll fivo p. m., until tnni. fu rther notice. ;iTWIN FA LLS HIGHWAY DISTRICT, ircn

By 8 . A. SHOBERT, D irector of s< llighwnya. ply


rtOVERTISED PER, INSERTION - iire always alive and active, and ci ol advertisers to the attention of


^PPL E nud potnto atoragc. E. D. WA.N llogg. Phono 050W. P . O. box 754. .082. VANTED—To buy coru in tho flold WAN huakcd; would prefer nround llnnaon Phone K im berly. Cnll R. L. M cKlnator. “ W a'N

one 450, Twin Kulla. of. Ad' I WAN

W ANTBD—TO .BBITa' Ito Twii■ - - H. R. (

.VANTED TO RENT—30 to lOO;—r-m r ea ou Twin Fnlla trnct. Iiavo the j, lipment. S. L itta ii, Buhl, Idaho, R, 4. p,

rO B B E N T -P U B N 1 8 H E T '

r’OR RENT— Room, furnaco h ea t; >o’is;' n p referred. Phono 1213J. ^*'^o•OK RHNT— Lurgo heated r o o m ; --------rage i f w anted. 230 S ix th avenue ===■ - ll. I ’hono 208..’OR R EN T— Kuriinco heated room, f block from high school. I ’hone J^ULD )J. 227 S ixth avenuo north. KItOJr’OR RENT—5-room furniahed mod- 'I residence. Eloctrio hea t; closo in. "treot v luiro 127 E ighth avenuo oaat. FAR] !^ R RENT—3-room furnlBhod apart-nt., Renaonablo. Bungalow. Applyrat a tree t and Second avenuo eaat. I-’a W.......... . = td ordc

FO B B A IA —ATTTOUOBILSB Quincy----------------------------------------Hoosier

3EVEN paaaongor Naah aednn. W ill ■ = = (0 amall car aa p a rt paym ent. Room ^ over C ity Pharm acy. ^bXJUD B atto ry $14.05 Ex. Dodge ,Itery $23, Ex . A t tho Preat-O-LUo »ttory S ta tion , 325 Shoahono South, ono GO.

POB o A l^ M IB O B lL A N E O U B

F o irS A L E ^ N o w AmVco" Grain drill.5. U. R. Eaaloy. Phono 80 or 44. Phone KOR KALI'}— Hny derrick, 3 miles -^AT Jt, 2 south of foundry. Mra. C. De- Hniiror.

__________________________________]KOJt BALi:— i:)resH su it coat and vest,;o .-IS: inciuire 552 Kourth nvenue FORrtju____________ ______________ •_____ bnll. ;KOK HALI'>-(;oo(i slide trom bone: » ' !’•ghilv used. Cull 443 Second aveuuv ---------rill. I'hone 3H1. ’ \KOli SA LIC -R oek creek gravef. I '\ i o ^ arkel blacksm ith shop. 142 F ourth '„ r„ner'•eiiuo w est. Phone 203W._________ __ l,.i.o„oAUTO windahielda and door glaan. 1 Irror.'*. pinto . and window glassoon ’s P ain t Shop.__________________,TwinKOU WALi:—Cheap, tyi.ew ritcr desk |

)d chair. Inquiro ScJiver warehouse. hoinv 335 ,'cvcuinKB, 1047W. ,KOU HALK—I ’S to 100 tons hny lo 'secont

.' fed on 120 acres; tig h t fenced.'; “ f r ^ icuoa Lowe, Route 1, Kimberly. 'T O irS A L E -A n v ila , belting , bags, before iumbing supplies, plleys, pipe, “ now loan. j<r socond h a n d .” 1 25 H .-F . clcctric money otor w ilh s ta rtin g box; 1 1 II. P . gni terms. Igine. Idaho Ju n k Houio, 152 Sccoond = = aronuo south, acroaa f -o u aaloa ground.hone 040. ------------------------I'OI

FO B B EN T—m nrO B N lB H E D

'FO It'R K N ’I^ m n H tn e 'v 5rroom hou-e. ose in. Phone 15S5-.I.TO RKNT—5 room house, m odern,'irnaee heal, gnrngcs closo in. Phon* j ____■04NW or SCO Mr. Larson n t Dl:unond p „ v . ;»rdv.-:vrc.


' f o r 'B A I J S ^ ’n ii r ty 'n c rc T fa rm land - J i l i no nnd three-fourth miloa from Twin ASIU •nils c ity lim its, near piivcd highwny. HOM lood p b c e fn r dairy or small stock aw B nnn. M. J . Sweeley. Twin Falls. ■

O m C K EN S. I

' ^ N T K D —Poultry of a ll k inds; t o p ___ I.rices. H. C. H unter.' Phono 903W. |

C lIIC K K .N 's 'f^ s.ilo: 100 Leghorn 1 — _ ens. Larsen stra in . Phono 752W. !

KOU H A L K -I’uro bred regiatered Woldl urkevR. W alker stra in , from prizo win- Mack ing gobbler a t Oregon s ta to fn ir; his BoUa •<,ung t(.ms took firsl, second nnd th ird Black iri^^ea -at Twiu Knlls county fn ir this •c'K-. Inqu ire A. Tannler, Buhl. Phono Phomooj \T ; =

FO B REN T—FABMB STUI— .— -----------------------— — ------- A.

I’OR REN T OR SALE—M ontana i tro'arms, non-irrignted, ad jncen t to fn - , ------nous Milk rivor, one-fourth of crop as I en ta l; option to buy. P ay for laud ' ^ ’irst vear. K iftv bushels w hoat nol un- I..mmon. (iood m arkets and schools; ■ U versified fnrm ing. Farm eq u ipm en t,.5 all vou need. ^V rite Sias and W nt-! _ . <ins, Chinook, Mont. WAI

- - ...................= ; ^LOBT CliO;

LOST Oerman poUoe dog, female,.ix m onlhs old. Return lo Hill M a c , _ Cnnl,.y . M „ c . u l „ V C lg .r . .o , , . . ^

“Youthful” Gland ;=£! Patient, Aged 72, , _

Arrives from England ' ^--------- 1 Co

M aking tho statom ont th a t capsules n n v t>f a p reparation mado frnm tho glands , w , i>r anim als which hnd been ad m b isto red tn him in a London hospita l hnd over-1 ^ i-onie a seriou.s illncsa w ith whieh fao't wns a fflic ted and “ renewed hla yo u th ,” i —-II London broker wns ju b ilan t upon h l s ’oE il arrivhl in th ia country. This is ju a t 12 nnnther instance of thc wondera th a t Mi are today being worked through gland- = u lar treatm ent,

Glandogen. the now seien tlfie ' ginad m a i tnnio, prejinrcd iu tab lo t form providea | — a simple m ethod of tak in g glandular 1 trea tm en t. . I -

Schramm-Johnson J )rng Co. will sup- J.ly you. ifa lU ordora accip ted .— ndv.

DECEMBER 2, 1924.

m m- AND WORTH ITId constitute the hest meanv of residents of South ldah«WANTEIW-MTSOELLAITEOUS

VA.NTf.:!)—To liny fnm ituro. I'hono

VANTi-;1)—F ^ t i u ^ ' "and '-c .'ittlo . ini« 1003MJ.Va'NIT.D—Hmull chilli t« U\V.v. Ciito

Address Box 10, News.VANTK1>— Old horaes; Lring” tho'ni Twin Falls V etcrinarv Hospital. Dr.R. Groome.

'•OR SALI-;—Olioico of'R enungtou or derwood No. H typewriter. Inquiro •d Foss lla rn -ss shop.

WANT—Potatoes, apples nnd on- nns;' also beaus. Carlots. T. D.IcCoy. T d 503.


iniR 'T MAKIN'6 . Phono lom .•’ItOZKN RADIATORS ropiircd n“t lho V ulcanirlng Works, 230 Bhoahono eot west. Phono 729.’ARM SALI'>-Oni> milo south Sho- .no F alls. F r id a y . morning. L. U lllvan and N. W. Arrington.■’ThJCY BASKETS and"flowers mado , o rd e r 'b y J l r s . '0 . 0 . Willinma, 201 incy s treet. Display In window of nsler second han d atnre. _________


(VANTflD—Bevor&l good nncd c&rx.IP n. W hito Oo. Phooe 147W.


.VORK w anted per day or hour, ono 091W.iVO.MAN w ants work by d“ay or hour, one Oxford, A pt. 10.NIa TKHNITY nursing. Mrr. E. J .■ iror. Phono 540R4. '

P o H 's A iI a —i . r v ^ x o c i “ ' '

['OR SALE—2-ycar-old Ouernsoy 11. 3-4 milo north F ive Points store.

P. Pribble.___________ _____________


MONKY TO LOAN—Farm nnd c ity oporly. C. E. P oller, real eaUilo. lono 374.MONEY TO LOAN on farm property, iites low. Address P. 0 . Box 401, s»1d Fnlla, Idaho..MONKY t o LUAN—$12,000 to loan

I Houth Bide roal e.italc, 7 per ccn t ad no comruissioii. H. L. B tcw art, 711i-cond avenue easl.___________________KAH.M LOANtj—Aro you paving too

uc.U in terest on your loaiiT Bee. ua oforo renew ing or mnking th n t new <an. Wo havo an unlimilctl am ouat of oney for long tim e lonns on best o f rms. Letsrh i: W illiniiis—aiJe.


K(7UND--Ruaary.' ’id ^ itify nt Newa rfice :ind pny for ad.


HXD L. H O D G IN -R oom s 12 Had TT K'rst N ational Unnk Hldg. P h o o e »

I. 0 . HALL, over Clos Hook Mtorc.OUN W. tJK A liA M —Laivyer, Hank t Trii"l Building. Phoae 03511.

ISIUIE B. W lL SO N ^L nw ycf. iO M EE 0. M lL L ^ O v e r City cH* iW BELEY tl SW EELEY — A ttornor.

.tl-law. Pra.-tir.. ie nil .-u-iMs. Twl»>’nl1i. ld»h^

business directoryBLAOESMITU

B L A C K SM IT im jO .Voiding Hardw arelach ln ista HoracshocraloUcrraaking W.igon M.-Kkors blaeksmlthlng Spring W orka

Krongol Mnchlno Co.’hono 1202 210-220 Socond South

AUTO S E K ^ r a i

JTUDEBAKEB SPECIA LIST — Lional A. Do.m. We correct all S tudebakertroubles. 120 Sccond Avenue Weal..----------

_ _ _

WINDOW OLASS—Wind shields, cabl nel work. M oon’s Shop. Pliouo 5.

WABBEBO TBA N Sl’EB AND STOBAOE CO. Coal and wood. Phono 142.

OliOZlEP. T E A N SFEE CO. Fhono a4s!Or.'tt;ng. Hri.tn»;e and LiUcriy eoal.

M cN IC noijB T EA N til’E E A BT'OKAai _ -G aH .afie hnulr<l daily. Phoat. l!0«'

OASEY JO N E S T B ^ S P E B , P M n itn r i moving, local nnd long distance. Call Douglas Coal Co. Phino 211.

i n o F ~ B E P A m ^

T\VIN FA LLS SHOE E E P A IE IN O 132W. Shoshono. Ph. 308. Re:,| leathor. (ioodyear heels. W ork guarai.tecd.

EOYAL SHOE B E P A IB ~ S H O P -^r^ i .Xieyers, Prop. 130 Soeond s tree t S., \ Twin F a lls. Wc also cnrry new ahoes.


120 Sccond avc. west. G oodyearan^Miller llrc.s, V uleanltlng, rM readiag.

B n i lA B D S :

M A O A U L B T ~ 'B B O ar~ fo 'r m o n u m e n t s

IDAIIO MOITUMENT*^ CO.. TiOC Sho^ ahon,'» wcat. Thono 103W.

Page Seven ,

SHORT iOTETO F R M T U l l l S i

o f< 'yi'n

Municipal Commissioners Ap-

prove Plan for Building Gra- "i;,

vel Road on Minidol<a Street [“

to Solve Traffic Problem, r i

Twin J'lilln m unicipal commiaaion a t n ri'gulnr mooting Monday ovoning Ravo itn npprovnl to a lookingtuw ard building ot a gcavol rond on M inidoku Btroqt, oxtonding atrnight wcxt from K lm borly rond to connoot ■with ttio pavem ent n t Oregon Short L ino fre igh t o fficcs liMC, a diatanco ot nbout nno-hnlf milo. Tho improvem ent J. o f tho Btroot Wui proposed by S. S. All, eommisslonor o f atroots and w ater works, who waa nuthorltod to proceed w ith ostimntee and -preparation o f dfi-

• tailed plana fo r tho work.I t wns pointed ont In tho course of

dixcnMion th a t Improvomeni o f thia thorqughfnro would d iv ert a largo, pro- portion of honvy t ra ff ic now passing over a longer distaneo tow ard th e same doBtination on paved strORts; th a t w ear nml roar on pavem ent would be r»> : dttectl nnd th a t mileage nnd tim o would bo saved to fanners and othera haul- ^ Ing loads to th e frcdgbt yarda aad w arohousofd iatrie t

Drops OoTOpatloaol T o r . ]\°TTndor suspension o f the n iles , th»

commission adopted ordinanees agreed P .' upon n t la s t w eek 's m eeting to do aw ay w ith ^ u l r o m e n t fo r paym ent o f U- V” cctiso by show honaes, anetioileera. . pliimbnrs nnd elootrlcians doing bnol< nrss In Twin Falls. These Ileense fees th n t had beon doslgnnted in disontslon by tho commissioners as "occupa tiona l tnxc*,” had beon reqnlrcd under or-

.(linnncCR mnny o f which woro cnacted *' . ago, and gonorally a t tha

instnnco o f porsons nlrondy ongaged hcirn in tho linos I t waa proposed to fj” nsHoss. ' ' '

Tilconso Issned tn Mrs. A. A vory to J|! opornto the K eith rooms on M nin nvo* ! ! nno cnat, wns by tho commission n t th is sossion rovokod on rocomraondntion o f Chief of PoHco r . 0 . H crrim an. Mrs. ‘I* Avory was convletod recently of vio- *, In ting tho prohibition laws. ' ' '

Perm it fo r instRllntlon o f sockets In q" . sitlonrnlka in w lilrh flags purchnscd by q"

. business houses nro to bo displayed on oecnslod was votod by tlio commission ' '' wlion tho sali’sman fo r tho flags pro- | sontod ovidenco th n t flngs In suffi-1 c ifiit numbers hnd beon sold horo to*,i!„ provide for tho lr display n t intervals | \ l i i o f 2,’i foot on Mnin nvenuo ami n t th o jv i' rn to of olght fo tho block on Shoshono m stroot.

Oorrocta Aaaessmeat*. twC a n c o lla t io n n f nnsossm ont f o r s ji ra y - .m

In g tro rn in cnscn where*, pm in ’r ty ovrn- th crK a g n ln s t >vhom th o Ic'vy fn r th i< y j ^ n irj 'o ir hnd boon nm do show ed th .T tl f r , t l ic v hm! nn trop/j lo Im s p ra y o d ,,w n a j n j'p ro v p il b y tlio rom m iR sionora. i|„ .

ray n ic -n t n f b ill s w n s n iitlio rizp il i,,. a ::;i in s t t lu ’ jjc tio rn l fn m i in th.* ».uin ,!,■ f>f «inP t,R ."; M iirlnltliiig fu n d . ? i? l; li- iir irv ftiti'i. $r;on. I„.

VI WkaTHS ’’.IT ^O ^ M A ^•--M r^ . IV lin IJndnu in . 7".

di''<l .Siiiid.'iy o v i 'n in g a t th o hnm o o f j h iT hon, J o h n IJoclninn, ono nm l o iic -H ' fn iir fh m ilf.i H oiithorjnl n f T w in F n lN . i " ' fVnm r f f r r t ^ r><, a fn r:ily ti< ' ■ i frn lto l '’ nli'Mit i n clnvn I 'nnor.ol ncrvu-r^.n iu li 'r aiispirc.H r>f (!io n a p t i s f ohtirc-h. " n ro to bo hc'M ;it 2 o V ln rh thiw iiftiT- n o o n n t tlic G ro«sm an^ oli.Tpo!. B iirin l \ w ill bo in ttio T w in F : .lls con io tory ,

>Jrs. I to d a i i i i ram o w itli h o r snn to T iliihn fro m M irh lg n n n b o iit ir i y c i r s n g o , fo llc iw liig th o <tr.ntli o f ! ir r hns- li.'ind w lio w n^ a v o to ra n o f th o O iv il 1" w a r . T h o y orinio to T w in F a tN nhnu t ■’* s ix v r a r s ngo a f lo r r r s ld in g n t B u rlo y " f n r i 'i ; ;h t v m r - , ' 1'

--------- --------------------------- IfiOTJOIT— C h n rlr* O n u ch . tw o ilrvvs |

o ld son o f M r. n n d Jfrn . Ch.-xrln C n iich . ■'d io d M o n 'ln y n io rn in g n t th o fa m ily "ro s id o n c o so n tl iw r/i t o f F i lo r . F n n r r n l "s e rv ic e s n r r to bo hrlcl n f 2 n 'c lo r k "th is a f te rn o o n .-v t'Ih r B lno a n d S tu rd i - -i

. v a n t ch.apr] h r r o nnd in l r r m r n t w ill 'b o in th o T w in F .'ills com otor.r. '

A TKO W OnTTT — P n u l in r .\ in g w o r th ,s ix m o n th s n tu l Cl dnvp o ld . ’U n g h l r r i o f M r. a n d ^rrfl. C h a r lrs F . A ln g w o rtho f IT nnscn . d ir d R undny fit th o fa m i ly tr c s ld e n c r . F n n r r n l s c rv l r r s , ro n d n c to d Ib y th e Box*. M r. T fonnds n f th o H o ly iO h o s t chnpo l. .nro *o bo ho ld n t 2:3f) Io ’c lo rk fh is n iro rn n o n n t th o O rW I tt tf lhnpel. I n t r r m c n t is tn b e in th n I T w in F a l l s ro m cto ry .

■ R A ISE S rU N D FOB OHAItTIT.A nuounrcm ont was mado Monday t

th n t th r n ig h lan d View d n b had de­rived $-<1 from ita candy snle Inst F ri- I day nnd flntnrdn.r. Tho proercds aro to be n»od in charify work.

H rnfrn R n a q ty fihopp« . Phooe 27R.


PhOM 67. MlgM Pli«n« 22.

Pogo EiBht t w in ]


. VT. H. Noirlfl Aika fo r Slvorc«, AUeg-

lug l>eMrtlOD o f -M ore Ttuia Y ear; vlsl Aaka C ustody o f Fonr Sons.

' cT. II. N orris, t h r ^ g h 0 . C. Ilall, j,,

atto rney , in stltn to d ' su it in diatrlet court hrro M onday fo r dlvoroe from Hariih Ann Korrlf, whom ho m arriod In ^ 18111 in Cuniborlaiid county, Toddcssoo. .N'orris alleges dcsortion on thu pnrt 2)11: o f hls 'wlfci dating from April o f lost yonr, nnd stfttoii in Jila petition thn t she 1 hns doclinod to «penk to him io r moro than four yonr*. a n d becomes appnr- piq ontly enraged whon ho a ttem p ts to ii.ldross ht-r. Ho aaka for cuatody of t four sons rnngiog in ngo from 11 to wc! IH yoara. ' ’is

F f i O M l i i iCROSSES O I IE ?

1•• . --------- M<

J. W. Snodgrass, Early Day S

Western Freighter and Pio-,103

neer Albion Merchant, Dies, ’’.r______ M

Jam es Wilaon SnodgrasH, 62, froii- tiorHmun hrid friond o f Jn inca'B riilger Hi an d K it Carson, p ioneer f re igh te r nnd nn for mnny y o n n inofchnnt a t AlWoni cv Idnho, died Sunday evening a t tlio u homo hero o f his daughter, M rs. W. II, Rtanley, n f tc r eo ly . a few hours ill­ness. ^ ^ n o ra l iorvicoB, undor auspicm H. rtf tho C hristian Science church, are to gi bo held a t 5 o'eloek th is afternoon a t M (he Bluo a n d S turd ivant chapel here. C. Tlio body Is to Lo tnkon W ednesday to gi Albion, wboro buria l aervlcos will be nr conducted b y Albion lodgo A. F . and A. M., w hich he served fo r 35 years as its treasurer. 0 ,

Leaving h la Iiome a t La H arpe, 111., and going to P onvw whon he was 17 years old, M r. Snodgrnss sp en t tho noxt **' ■10 yenra fro lgh ling betwocn Nebrnskn City to C entrnl C ity , Colorndo, Denver to Virglnin CUy, M ontann; Nobrnakn n i y nnd Hnlt Tisko, nnd Snlt Lake nnd Los Angelos. In 1809 ho established a llv rry stnbic a t Corrine, U tnh, nnd in 1H7.T ho bought a rnnch n t Plymouth, **'’ n tn h , whero two yenrs la te r lie married J ’ M ikh M^irthn Flfraon, whose death oc- I'urrcd a t Albion 12 years ngo. Tlie fnmilv home wa* cstabllshod n t Albion, thon Mnrsh n a iin , i» 187r>. Threo of (h r nino children born to M r. nad Mrs. Snodgrnss survive'. Thoy nru Dr. K, N, 4.1 -‘ iiodgrnss o f Jerome. Idnho; M. D. Snodgrass o f Aiihton, Idnho, nnd Mr*. Sinnloy of th is city. •

j Tlirough Idaho In 180G. th{ Mr. Saoilgrasi f i r s t visited Idaho in .llll- fall o f IHO." n liea ho pnsscd through *■*

I tliin rrgion fre igh ting flour from Den- '** (v.-r to Cacho Vnlloy, U tah. From 180.1 _ [lo IHO.T ho waH aK>(ooiatrd w ith Cnmp- ;boll bro lhor.i’ Iroight ou tfit, plying bo- tKocti XobraHk.i O ily .nnd Central City,• icul in thc laHt tiamrd yonr ho extended m tho fre igh t roiitp from D enver to Vir- ii g in ia City, Montann. Ilo spen t ono year o' fn-ii;!itiiig ln'twi'un N ehraskn City and fi

Isn lt Laho nnd two yonrs on thc roulo d' il'i-tnooii Salt hake nml Los Angcli'i. n being as-iorinleii w ith S irg o l. brothers hi ilnring lh a t time. <1

During -18 yc:irn’ roHidrner nt Alhinn u he- was engaged in Rrnc-rnl mnrrhaiidiso ■' liii'iiti''!i< aiul npi-rated a lihrU-*mitii tl

■ -l.nji. Hr- t'yrviii a,i ]in-.tin:i;iti'r nnd a* .

, I U<‘ was om- (if .".0 jtrr.'iotii jircsriit 1 fjw hi-n IJie f.ir^t Ic'iid of liiiiilic-r v.-a do- |. ilivi-rrd in th is v iriiiity fot c-onKtnirtlon j

I llf tho f irs t fc'rry bo:it n r ro 'i 52,i;,!;,.! l i iv r r :it HhOMlmtio fall«. |

Hn had bom, a m.’ml.or o f th - Ma- | ^u.iir Indijc- f.ir y rar-. |

1 W E L L KNOVVn” r l T r M AN

„ A N S W E R S D E A T H ’ S C A L L

i. Ccori;^ l.i'<*ii:ir<l, Hiiii-t.' llKii' re.nidont i t | " f till' Kiivr rlislrict. wh'Ti: ho (nvnod t .’iti‘| farnii’d cxti'iiNivc. Inilii hohlings, y oiK' iif llu- ruiiinil.s.-doni-rs o f the I’ik-f”

liiijlnvny liistrirt aud for tb n i ' year.i [uvst managi-T of tlio Wcly Zuc.kcrman

•H |irni!ii.-<' coiii-i'ni'K |d:int a t FilL-r, iHed riuddoaly nliout m idniglit Saturdny

V iiiclit :il h is liDini- utio and onc-half it mili'.i west <<f Kilor. Hr w m .Hn years k old. Dc-ntli 'vhirh occurrcd shortly i. .’ifli'r .'lr. L'-oji:ird hnd r r t ir rd , was nt- I] triliuted lo linrdonlng of the arteries

itl lhe ri'ginii o f lho heart. T lir end I'uiiic alm ost w ilhout w arning, lie had

h, )M]ii-iit .'^atiird.ny Jiftoriioon on bu'ine^s 'r in Twin Falls.h The body wm tnkon M onday from ly tho F. K. Drako m ortuary a t Filer to ‘d Ihe fninily rejiiiloneo whero i t is to ro­ly main un lil 10 o ’clock Thuraday morn- I'f) ing, tho h our fixed fo r funeral srrvicea It to ho hrh l n t lho Catholic church in in Filur.

Surv iv ing Mr. Leonard, brsldea hia wifo, nro three Hons, all n t homc, two .-tiHli.-rs, ono rcdiding in M innesota nnd

ly the other In Wisconsin, nnd a brother.0- Mr, Leon,ird woa born near Des1- M oinei, Iowa..

: -M l>-°'ver Prices

S o f s , StoTof, Llsolenm V iilt O a r B:^cliaage D epartm eat.

A . H . V IN C E N T C O .20^-200 Blioiliono Bonth.


B R E V X T l - E S “oWoiaer D octor V lalta—Dr. C. 0 , Con-

au t o f Woiaer, ia horo for a‘ fow days ' vlalt,

Ooea to Kanaaa—J . X . Miller oxpocts ti» leavo todoy on u v ljit to Dunlap, Kanaaa. Em.

To V lalt a t BllliB«»—A. K. Uamil- ton ia to leuvo today on u v isit to m illngs, M ontana. ‘

, gr*'To V lalt In Nobraaka—Mr*. A. 8 .

ILtnson loft Monduv to v isit iu North P lo ttc , Nebraaka.

Ooea to M issouri—M rs. ^Inud Max- tncr well o f thia city , lo f t M onday on a soci v isit to Bismarck, Miaaonri. an t

— ----- U.To V isit in SUcblgan—Q. K ostcr of [ {ict

Amsterdam, le f t horo M onday on a v isit 'a a e to Orand R apids, M ichigan. |

V isit in S a lt L a k » —r , 8 chulU of Jnrbidgo and J . 0 . M cGrath o f thia i" e ity , lo ft M onday ovoning on a trip -gt," to S alt Lako.

Surveyor Travel*— Ilarold W-illlnm M errill, county survoyor-olect, left Mo'ndny m orning fo r a wocik’a husinexH t r ip to tho northern p a r t o f the state.

, tn tK e tu n u to B«Xbarg—Mrs. C, E. S h ir- '^ I r

loy lo ft Mondity ovoning, re tu rn ing to t'*’?- liiT homo a t Itexburg n fte r ii few days’ .te r vinit horci a t tho home of her sister, afl Mrs. C, R, H olland. ,to

Conclude V lalt—M r. and Mr.n. David th< H ubbard, pnronts o f L. R. Hubbard me nml Mrs. C. N. Lo/ivitt, lo ft Monday [ evening re tu rn ing to thoir home a f te r ' u few d a y s ' v isit here . ,ii,

Ouard In s tru c to r V isits—C aptain L.K. W orthloy, in struc to r o f nntional ),n guard in fan try in Idaho, arrived here pn Monday on a m onthly visit to Company „ C. Twin Falla un it o f tho Idnho n n tio n a l, gunrd, and w ill todny v isit tho Qiihl ■■ unit. , W

H ere fo r W eek-End—Mr. and Mrs. |0 . M. Korr, Mr. and Mrs. R. Austin of g j American F alls, nnd John Montgomery nf Ruport, m ade up a phonsnnt shont- ing party hero over the wo<^k•ond, and r wero Sundny dinner gucals a t thu home o f Dr. and Mrs. II- R. Groomo. ' j„ '

------• ' FiiPrisoner Ooea to H ospita l—Roy Bry-*

n n t of Mnckey, w ith only nino daya to iorvo out a senlonco .imposed in fed-]),(j| oral court on conviction o f violating prohibition laws, wna Mondny tnken from thc county jn il bore to the county t _ general hospital for trea tm en t fo r pocu-inonin w ith whirh hc wna stricken Sun- .1 lei, dny.

Declaroa ZnteatloQ—John II. CIny. P*' 41.’) Mnin nvenuo woat, filed Monday in th e offico o f tho clerk of tho diatric t j*” ' court hero hia doelarntion o f intention | fo becomo nnturallzod ns n citizen o f , ' " ‘ tho U nited Statoa. M r. Clay, who la a nntivo o f L in thw nito , Yorkshire, Eng- Innd, arrived in th is country in Novem- bcr. 1010 . I’'


Jesus'M oreno , M exican, on arraign-!1 ini-iit M o ndny b e fo re J u d g e O. P. D uvall |o . • in p ro b a te e o u r t h e ro nn p o tty la rc e n y l ,i; i - c h a rg o o f t h e f t o f n b o x o f t n r n ’s ho<ie I to 1 from th e A m o rira n E x p re s s c o m p a n y ’h | of ) ile liver.v w.Tijoii h r ro , e n te r r d a j 'le a o f jn . n o t g u i l ty , l l c a r in i ; in fho ca»o w a s ' t h i Hi't fo r to d n y . M o ro n o w an n rrrs t--d ; pt

nn ! lir new c h a rg e M o adny w h en l io . i n 1 w as re le n se d fro m tl ie c o u n ty .iail on :; I 'T jiira tio ii o f HH ih i.vs ' -n 'n tr iic r fo r ^1 th i-f t o f n iv ii r o f ini'n'-* shoc i. S:

t 1 ____ T-


Mn' ” ^



The'Vogue u Velvet! The fc ro footwearfashioo and receiveid The MiTCtta, December’s C

esc velvet, patent leather e Johansen and proffered, hi

1 ^7



socim m c w '''E dited b y

MB& E. B. W ILLIA M S » __________ Phone 306____________ J

The Sta^" Social 'c lu b mot M onday p aftornoon n t tho homo of Mrs. 0 . A. ^ Emoa on F if th avonnei caat. Tbo uanal g buslnosa wun tranonctcd w tih th e pros* n; Idont, Mra. F. W. Dumke, in tho chair. it This wns followed by a do llgh tfu l pro* e: g n m composod o f aoveral vocal dneta .g and aoloa by Miaa Flo Cook aud Misa tl Jorom a K rivaaok, accompaniod on tho ^ piano by Misa Mngdalonci Sohoofer.Mias Schaofor also ronderod an inatrn* montnl selection. D uring a ploaaant social hour Mrs. Emcs, and tho naslat- a n t hoatosses, Mra. B. 0 . losot and M r/.U. L. Dlnkelaokor, sorved dollcious re-

|froshm ent« to tho 35 ladles in nttond- ‘ aaee.I —J —’ Mrs. C. II. E ldred ontertainod nt dinner Sunday for Mra. J , H, Sherfoy o f Buhl, nnd Mr, Bnggs. fa ther o f Mrs. Sherfey, and M ra-.M atUda Mifrckcll o^

jC raicm ont, Idnhn, who U grnnd cliief ot tho Py th ian Sistora lodge of th ia s ta te .

On Monday afternoon Mrs. C. H, E ld­red nnd Mrs, I ra W oatfall ontortainod

In t thc homo of tho form or in honor of :M rs. Mnrckoll. Tho invitod guests ,wexo tho membcra of the P y th ian Bis*. tors lodge in th is city. Thia dollghtful a f fa ir was in tho natu re o f a surprlao to the gucst o f honor. Tho afternoon

'w aa spent socially and a t a la to hour tho, hoslCBiies served dain ty re^esh -

^menta. '

Mrs. C. N. Anderson ontorta lncd a t ^dinner Sundny n't hor homo on Sixth 'avenue east complimcntnr>’ to Mra. Ilnm llton of Gray Bull, Wyoming, who has been v isiting hor nieeo, Mra. E . E.

' Bascom. Covers wore laid fo r 11 a t a beautifully nppointed table.

' m any join in TRIBUTE 1 TO JAMES FITZGERALDB ig Aaaemblftga a t F a a e n I Services

I fo r Ploaeer 8 « ttle r o f F ile r a n d Woll 1 EaAwn Tw in F a lls B a d a e u M aa.

I Funernl sorvlcos M onday fo r tho lato Jam es F itrgorald , early doy sottleir of

j F iler distric t and woll known bnainess ' tnnn of Twin F alls, whoso d ea th 'le i i r r td last woek n t Rochester, Mlnne- Msota, were n ttcnded by nn dssomblnge ■ of friends nnd nssociatca th a t taxod I the lim it o f fho cap.icity o f tho Oross-

jinan rhapel, and n profusion o f floral offering* n ttested to tho general es­teem In which ho was held,

Tho services wore held under aus* ^ plci’s o f the Chrlstinn Scionco church =

!jO f which Mr. F itzgerald was n mem- • her., I Pallbenrers chosen from nmong Inti- [ I mnto friends nnd nssoci.ites woro IT, II,, Schildman,-T. E . Mooro and T, D. Con- . nnr o f Filer, nnd A . R. ^ i c k ^ T. M.. Robertson and E . K. K ail o f Twin

j Fall.i.

j FRENCH H ELD TO A N SW ES f j r o a STATTJTOTIT CHABOE- I .\lv in French of Bulil, wns b y Judgo 1 ;<X 1’. Duvnll in probnto cnurt horc< Mon- ~ •jiliiy . hi-lil to answ er in thc d is tr ic t court f 'jfo rh.irge of com m itting n a ta tu to ry ■•lOffi'Mso. French wafl adm itted to bond f in tho snm o f $1?00. Testim ony of s I thrco witnesses w.as introduced n t thc 1 1 Iiri'liniiiinry hearing by i'lie prosccut- '• . itig attornoy.

r I .:rtr l.nv!. a e.nn of r i F E FLURH, Salla.Iay 'l la rd w arr rcinit;;iny,—ndv.

m dhW g lo H A N S E N

le fcbric o f royalty reigns in eives a tight royal welcome!'’s Calendar Style, in black­er edged, is made only by d, here, only by th is ihop!


P l S g J

0, TUESDAY . MORNING,Fair and Warmer “ "

Weather Prevaila an‘ — po Forecast fo r today—Olondy and

•warmer. Tl— Bod

F a ir w eathor w ith higher tom- derpuraturoa eharactorlzod w eathor Is n-conditiona in th e Twin Falla ro- ' g loa ovpx tho woolc ond. Tho the?.. momotor S uaday roglatorod GO fo r iU high m ark a a d 15 fo r tho low-ost point, M oaday . waa two do- j j

• grooa w arm er d aring the day an d «dvitho n ight wna th reo dogrooa warm-. yo«.

Satin Fo<—B etti

Satin ia firmly entrenched for women’s shoes. I t is a shoes os well as evening sho


! - ( \

t v * ^I

■ The Pe- Price $

I In prettiness, fit and price all. Shown in black satin,

,1 heel. Widths AAA to B.II

A Boyd Welsh\ MAIN FLOOR SHOEJ I i' I I .1

J The Idaho Depj1 “ A FTER ALL T H E BEST

Hoosier Furniture Co.2 T W IK F A IX 8

I - ------------- ~ - -'t —

“= £ x i 6 eBATTERIES

NEW EADIO A's and B's

Wo chnrRO less for oloctrlcal v.'orlc. L a te s t and wost m odem ctiulpmont In SouOicm Idaho. Com­plcto lino of

I RADIOSBill Helm's JVIotor Service ^

Plonty of A twator-Konta |PH O N E GO ■ I



Home Candy; MakerOEOOOLATE





POPPY133 Shoshone N . Phone, 1B69

As th m aN o car* for It, ba t welcoew

i n iM ia ofieo bronght ^

V I C k S

fG, DECEMBER 2, 1924.1 , • - \ ==g=?*

orn thormomeitor roaohing B8 oad dropping to 17 during tho hottoat • and eold^at p a rt o f. the 24-hour period.

Tho annua l roll call 0^ the Americaa Bod C ro u has boon d^ierred .. Za or­der to hold a chapter ia Tw ia Falla i t ia M ceaaary to ro ta ia a eortain aom ber of mombora and i t is doairod th a t all who aro In te ro a t^ ia th e organlzatloq, leave tho lr memborahh) feo of $1 a t tho C ity L lb ra jy ’before Docombor 8 .—adv.

I I f yoor property u dectrabU a a d Is I adverflaed la tbe elaaaified—y e a 'l l flad iyow* bo ra r.

ootweartter Than Ever ,Jied aa a leading material i a smart thing for street shoes.

Perizee$9.50>rice, the Perize leads them tin, gray kid.lining, spike

Creation. lO E DEPARTM ENT ,

partment Store1ST PLA CE TO T R A D E "

in oet 'E m Qulckl 3 U HOT WAFFLESt i l u ith fn-sli eroaiiiy but- I ,

lor, lionc-y, ma]'lo nyriip j n r' fru it .ji-lly, l.'c . t

M Onr H realifaH Sj.ooiall



1 l l a v r y o n r p rem ises In sp ec te d , j p ro liab li- c au se s o f a c c ld c n ta de- ] t r r m in e d n n d t l i e lr rem e d ie s p re-


I t Costs NothingI f you plaeo your W orkm en's

Compensntlon Insurance in tho H nrtford A ccident nnd Indem ­nity Conijian.v, expert Inspection Servieo will bo Tendered w ithout charge. I t moans fewer nccl- <lcnts, .1 lowcr premium ra te , and

j morn contonted employes.

W rito or telephone thla agency.

= Twin Falls Title . & Abstract Co.'* " E v e ry K ind 0/ laaaraac* aatf ' B oada” ST'.I phoa* 168

top related