tanzania presentation final

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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  • 1. 356,000 Square miles74%RuralDar es Salaam 26% Urban 43 millionsGDP per capita $1,500 $49,000

2. 95%16% Mobile Phone HouseholdShared mobile Penetration63%16%Personal Elsewheremobile 3. What is Mobile Money ? 4. M-Money MarketAwareness 92% Usage24% 5. 91% What hinders people to use 61% M-PESA?BrandRecognition 38%Market Share 37% 30% 20% 25%8% 6. Commissions?!??? PIN? 7. Timeless Needs 8. The Early Adopters Im an Urbaniteabove poverty line Durban malebankedliterate26% 9. The Underserved TAIm abelow poverty lineVillagerrural female o unbankedilliterate 74% 10. Timeless Need 11. Marketing Plan 12. Campaign GoalMarketing MessageMost Reliable &Convenient M-MoneyAwareness UsageEverywhere inTanzania 13. Campaign Strategy Educate Consumers Reach Rural Area 14. The V-iosk 15. Q&A $24/7 16. Marketing Plan 17. Distribution Channels2 Unique Consumer Segments URBANITESVILLAGERS 18. URBAN DISTRIBUTIONDar es Salaam, TanzaniaStore within a Store Strategy EXISTING AIRTIME RETAIL NEW RETAIL PARTNERSHIPS 80% Retailers Village SupermarketsIndependently Owned** SHOPPING CENTER V-IOSKS 19. URBAN DISTRIBUTIONStore within a Store StrategyPERSONALIZED ATTENTION 20. RURAL DISTRIBUTION Villagers make up 74% of Population24/7 Self Sufficient CenterMonthly Schedule Highly Trained Staff 21. Extension & The Future 22. Future Brand ExtensionvBay Tanzania people Tanzania people 12% are banked7% Are considered middle classM-PESA Online Shopping Platform 23. Future Brand Extension V.S 24. Future Brand Extension- V-PriceEdge No InformationLow Negotiation Power Exploited by MiddlemenPrice Edge Corn Local AVG:$3.45/kg Global AVG: $10.45/kg 25. Test Market MorogoroIringa 26. Global Extension RwandaSierra Leone Mali 27. Consumer Responsibility Marketing Deliver the care1.3 million Tanzania childrenorphaned because of AIDS.Deliver the care with usDeliver the care 28. vBayQuestions? Deliver the care Price Edge

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