task 5: image capture & processing

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Task 5:

Jess Stanton

Images sourced from books:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:Before the internet became a popular place for research, most artefacts were found in the forms of books. This can be seen as an advantage for sourcing this way as now, even with the internet, publications in the form of books allow for there to be an extensive collection of images without them being online. Another advantage is that these images will already be of a high quality as they have been in a book and so when scanned in to a computer for them to be used, the quality will still maintain of a high standard.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:A disadvantage of using books to source images from is that it may be rather difficult to get the images onto a computer if there is not a scanner near. By taking a picture of the image in the book provides a chance to loose the quality in the image.

Images sourced from google images:







Advantages of sourcing images this way:A positive aspect of sourcing images from Google, is that the quality will be high. By getting a JPEG image, when transferring it from the internet into your preferred space the quality of the image will not change. Another benefit is that the internet is so large, that any image you wish to receive has a high chance of being on the internet as this is a place where many store images. This allows for you to have not only instant access to an image once you have sourced it but allows the sourcing to be carried out in a quick and hassle free way.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:A disadvantage of sourcing images from Google is that if a JPEG image is not found, the quality could lag when the image is transferred offline. As well as this there is also a risk that some of the images could be copyrighted, prohibiting the use of them unless a fee is paid. Another disadvantage to sourcing images online is that many could also be of a low resolution, meaning when you have taken them and placed them in your own context, if the images a resized, especially scaled up the quality will be lost.

Advantages of sourcing images this way:A benefit to this way of sourcing is that if your options for images are fairly popular, stock image websites will not only hold images fit for your purpose but also a range of images giving you some choice as to what you use. Another advantage of sourcing pictures from stock image websites is that, unlike the images found on the previous slide the quality control is of a high standard and in most libraries a minimum quality is given. This means that when images from stock libraries are sent, they will be of a high quality.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:May not be of a professional standard, some can be simply of cats and dogs in a studio rather than other animals in their natural habitat showing natural behaviour. Another disadvantage is that professional images aren’t going to be on these websites because photographer have gone to an effort to create them and so won’t just hand them out. They will instead want some control over who has access to them and may even want to be paid for people using them. Another disadvantage to stock image websites is that money will have to be paid in order to get the watermark taken off, for you to use them. However even though you are paying for your use of the image, unlike copyright images you do not own them.

Advantages of sourcing images this way:A big advantage for using copyright free sites is that there is no worry about not being able to use an image because it has been patented. Any image on these sites are free to use by anyone free of charge at anytime. Another advantage which comes with copyright free imagery is that there is no fee needed. If you were wanting to use copyrighted images, a charge would need to be paid to buy the image and use it however if an image isn’t copyrighted this is not an issue.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:A disadvantage of sourcing images from copyright free sites is that many images online are copyrighted and so the variety of images on these websites may lack which may lead to your specific preference of images not being available on the copyright free sites.

Images sourced from your own existing images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:By sourcing images in your own way allows for you to ensue that the images are not under any copyright and are of a good quality. You are also able to have total freedom over what you shoot, allowing you to get images which are fully fit for their intended purpose.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:A negative aspect of sourcing your own images is that you might not always have access to subjects in specific photography genres e.g. wildlife so resorting to copyright free and stock images may be the only options.

Processing Images

Original image:

Cropped image:

Scaled images:




Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

Advantages of different resolutions:By altering the resolution of an image, an advantage is that the resolution can prevent others from taking it. If the image is posted online at a low resolution, when someone takes it offline for their own use and re scales it, the quality will drop and so they wont be able to use it. A low resolution image is also idea for putting online as it will not make as a significant different to speed unlike a high resolution image. On the other hand, a high resolution image will be better if the image needs to be scaled up e.g. for advertising.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:If a high resolution image is used online, it can impact the speed of the website and cause it to run slower. If images are being stored, the higher resolution ones will take up more memory leaving less space to store more images.

Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:When editing this image, I wanted to create a look which made the Elephants blend into the image more than they originally did. Firstly I edited the image’s brightness and contrast to allow areas such as the ground and on the elephant’s back to be less overexposed.

This then followed with me editing the image altogether to create something which was aesthetically pleasing. I felt the image was quite flat and didn’t have much going on in it detracting from it’s overall look. To change this, instead of altering what was happening in the image, I edited the look of it, applying an oil pain filter over the top to create a sleek look which looks like a painting. From far away, the image only looks slightly manipulated however when the eye moves through the image, it can be seen that each aspect has its own intricate detailing due to the addition of the filter.

The next process was captioning the image with a relevant statement similar to what could be found in a print medium such as a magazine or newspaper. I designed this with a sans serif font and gave an informative caption telling where the location of the image was taken and the name of the image itself.

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