teaching a toddler to read using flashcards elizabeth brewer arizona state university twc/421 –...

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TWC/421 – SPRING 2010

I Can Read!

Project Background

Description The goal of the “I Can Read” project was to learn a

software program of my choosing. I chose Adobe InDesign, a desktop publishing program. I used online tutorials through Lynda.com to learn the


I created a series of flashcards using InDesign to help teach my daughter to read.

Assistance Professor Michael Moore and fellow TWC/421 classmates

assisted in project development throughout the semester.

Project Goals

To learn the basic features and functions of Adobe InDesign, including: Creating new documents Setting guidelines Adding text and images Creating color palettes Formatting text Typing on a path Exporting to PDF

Project Goals

To learn key information about early childhood psychology and development What colors are young children attracted to? What fonts are easiest for new readers to read? What size should the flashcards be? What types of images should be included?

To create a series of flashcards that can be used to help teach a toddler to read

Project Progression

The project progressed in a series of steps and phases: Research Audience Analysis Software Tutorials Creation of Flashcards Review and Revision


What colors are young children attracted to? At 1-4 months, children are unable to distinguish between

similar shades; high-contrast colors are best. At five months, children are able to easily distinguish

between similar bold colors. By eight months, a child’s eyesight is near that of an

adults and they are able to distinguish pastels. Children are still attracted to bold colors until age four.

Result: I chose to use bold, bright colors for the flashcards.

Sources: http://www.midwest-facilitators.net/downloads/mfn_19991025_frank_vodvarka.pdf http://www.babycenter.com/0_developmental-milestones-sight_6508.bc?page=1


What fonts are easiest for new readers to read? In general, no particular font is better than any other font. However, many publications aimed at lower-level readers

have certain things in common: Sans-serif font for large headlines Fonts with strong ascenders and descenders, e.g. t, h, f, g, p, q Fonts with clearly identifiable letter shapes, e.g. a vs. a Spare use of “fancy” fonts

Result: I chose Century Gothic as the only font I would use.

Sources: http://typoface.blogspot.com/2009/12/typeface-or-font-readability-which.html http://www.teach-nology.com/forum/showthread.php?t=985


What size should the flashcards be? I was unable to find a lot of information about this

topic. For my own uses, I prefer “pocket-sized” cards that

could be used away from home easily. I received feedback from a sample audience, that

larger-sized cards would be more beneficial.Result: The cards I designed can be scaled up

or down and printed at a range of sizes.


What types of images should be included? Baby Einstein, an award-winning baby product

company, incorporates a blend of illustration and real-world images.

When using images/illustration it is important to consider copyright law.

Result: I chose to use both images and illustrations taken from stock photo sites and Wikimedia Commons.

Sources: http://www.babyeinstein.com/en/our_story/about_us/

Audience Analysis

One of the first steps in any technical communication project is to analyze the audience.

Audience Age Reading Level

Needs Concerns

Primary: Zoë

1 year Zero Bright, exciting things to look at and inspect


Secondary: Zoë’s parents

Older than 1 year

Advanced Simple, easy to use, easy to read

Usability, readability

Software Tutorials

The tutorials for Adobe InDesign CS4 on Lynda.com are taught by David Blatner, a veteran InDesign user and teacher. The tutorials are video-based and are accompanied by

sets of exercise files.The first set of tutorials, InDesign CS4

Essential Training, contained all topics in my list of goals.

Using this tutorial set alone, I was able to create my flashcards.

Software Tutorials

I have mixed feelings on using the software tutorials on Lynda.com. The tutorials are informative, well-organized, and easy

to relate to actual projects. The instructor, David Blatner, is proficient and able to

teach concepts well. However, my learning style is not suited for tutorials.

I found it was easier to experiment on my own. If I came to a problem, I used the tutorials for reference.

Creation of Flashcards

After learning the basics of InDesign, I began creating two sets of flashcards.

Animals Alphabet

Review and Revision

After creating the first set of flashcards, classmates reviewed and provided feedback.

I continued to revise the flashcards with review of each new version.

Additionally, I conducted a readability/usability survey of a sample audience of parents and children to gain more insight.

I improved upon each version of the flashcards based on the feedback received.

Review and Revision

Iteration 2

Animals Alphabet

Changed colors and position of

words to enhance


Added images to create more visual interest.

Review and Revision

Iteration 3

Animals Alphabet

Changed image to something

more recognizable to


Added stroke around letters

to further enhance


Review and Revision

Final Result

Animals Alphabet

No further changes.

Added colored border and

changed letter color to match

to increase visual interest.


I am happy with the success of the project. I feel comfortable using InDesign; I even used it to

create a brochure for another course and had no problems.

I am thrilled with the beautiful flashcards I was able to create.

I am confident that the flashcards will help my daughter learn to read.

I feel that I will also be able to apply the knowledge I gained about InDesign and a project lifecycle to my future courses and to my job.

Looking Forward

If I had more time… I would continue to learn more advanced skills

through InDesign. I would like to create a children’s book that could

accompany the flashcards. Perhaps one day I could go into business and market my


Thanks to everyone for a great semester and your help in creating a successful project!

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