test review : chapter 1 vocab./ scientific method honors chemistry

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Test Review : Chapter 1 Vocab./ Scientific Method

Honors Chemistry

A system of applied science that is the means by which a society

provides its members with those things needed and desired.


Area of study that focuses on the composition of matter.

Ex: Measuring the level of lead in drinking water.

Analytical chemistry

A material found in the air, water, or soil that is harmful to humans or

other organisms.


Area that deals with the mechanism, the rate, and the

energy transfer that occurs when matter undergoes a change.

Physical chemistry

Applies science to the production of biological products or processes.


Objects that are large enough to see with the unaided eye.


Research that is directed toward a practical goal or application.

Applied chemistry

The pursuit of chemical knowledge for its own sake.

Pure chemistry

The study of chemicals that, in general, do not contain carbon and are found mainly in nonliving things

such as rocks.

Inorganic chemistry

The study of the processes that take place in organisms.


The organized method in which an experiment is done is referred to as



Deduction , educated guess, idea, possible solution, and prediction

are all examples of a(n):


Independent, dependent, and control are all examples of:


What are the three parts of an experiment?


The part of the experiment which is measured, is a result of the change

in the independent variable, and makes up the Y-axis of a graph is

called the:

dependent variable

The part of the experiment which is manipulated by the experimenter

and makes up the X-axis of a graph is called the:

independent variable

The part of the experiment which is held constant and used as a

comparison is called the:

control variable

A fake drug or medication used as a control is an example of the use of

a (n):


In order to test an educated guess, one sets up or develops a(n) :


It is important that on records observations and measurements.

These records are known as:


The act of using senses to gather information is called :


The experimental factors or what varies in an experiment.


The first step in the scientific method is to clearly state the :


The general belief and best explanation for natural

phenomenon based upon observable facts and

experimentation is called a(n) :


The idea or educated guess based on patterns of observation.


The orderly process gone through by scientists in order to find solutions to problems and to

discover answers to questions is known as the:

Scientific Method

The result or results based on what you have seen as the outcomes of

an experiment is called the:


The statement that if this is true, than this is true is termed



List in order and briefly describe the 6 steps of the scientific method.

1st Step =

1) Problem: What is solved

List in order and briefly describe the 6 steps of the scientific method.

2nd Step =

1) Problem: What is solved*2) Observation: Using your senses

List in order and briefly describe the 6 steps of the scientific method.

3rd Step =

1) Problem: What is solved 2) Observation: Using your senses*3) Hypothesis: Educated guess

List in order and briefly describe the 6 steps of the scientific method.

4th Step =

1) Problem: What is solved 2) Observation: Using your senses 3) Hypothesis: Educated guess*4) Experiment: Test hypothesis

List in order and briefly describe the 6 steps of the scientific method.

5th Step =

1) Problem: What is solved 2) Observation: Using your senses 3) Hypothesis: Educated guess 4) Experiment: Test hypothesis*5) Retest/Revise: Redo / Change

List in order and briefly describe the 6 steps of the scientific method.

6th Step =

1) Problem: What is solved 2) Observation: Using your senses 3) Hypothesis: Educated guess 4) Experiment: Test hypothesis 5) Retest/Revise: Redo / Change*6) Theory: Hypothesis that withstands repeated testing, Final and best explanation

The following statements are examples of the use of the Scientific Method. What is the correct step?

Heat on the bottom glass tube causes the air to expand, the liquid to rise, and the birds head to dip into the

water. The moist tip makes the top of the “bird” cooler and keeps the

liquid rising.


The following statements are examples of the use of the Scientific Method. What is the correct step?

I redid my experiment using a control and another cylinder and changed my

procedure by adding food coloring to the liquids.

Retest / Revise

The following statements are examples of the use of the Scientific Method. What is the correct step?

I think there was something other than water in the cylinders. I predict the

mystery liquid will be less dense than water.


The following statements are examples of the use of the Scientific Method. What is the correct step?

There were three graduated cylinders filled with liquid. In the first cylinder the

ice floated, in the second the ice sank, and in the third the ice stayed in the



The following statements are examples of the use of the Scientific Method. What is the correct step?

To test my prediction I heated the bottom of the “birds” and pulse glass with the

heat of my hand and observed the results.


The following statements are examples of the use of the Scientific Method. What is the correct step?

What makes the bird move, and why doesn’t the ice float?


H Chem: Test Review

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