texture-based 3d face recognition using deep neural...

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Texture-based 3D Face Recognition using Deep Neural Networks forunconstrained Human-Machine Interaction

Michael Danner1, Matthias Raetsch2, Patrik Huber1,3, Muhammad Awais1, Zhen-Hua Feng1, JosefKittler1

1Centre for Vision, Speech & Signal Processing, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom2ViSiR, Reutlingen University, Reutlingen, Germany

3Department of Computer Science, University of York, York, United Kingdom{m.danner, m.a.rana, z.feng, j.kittler}@surrey.ac.uk, matthias.raetsch@reutlingen-university.de, patrik.huber@york.ac.uk

Keywords: Face recognition, Deep Learning, 3D Morphable Face Model, 3D Reconstruction.

Abstract: 3D assisted 2D face recognition involves the process of reconstructing 3D faces from 2D images and solvingthe problem of face recognition in 3D. To facilitate the use of deep neural networks, a 3D face, normallyrepresented as a 3D mesh of vertices and its corresponding surface texture, is remapped to image-like squareisomaps by a conformal mapping. Based on previous work, we assume that face recognition benefits morefrom texture. In this work, we focus on the surface texture and its discriminatory information content for recog-nition purposes. Our approach is to prepare a 3D mesh, the corresponding surface texture and the original 2Dimage as triple input for the recognition network, to show that 3D data is useful for face recognition. Textureenhancement methods to control the texture fusion process are introduced and we adapt data augmentationmethods. Our results show that texture-map-based face recognition can not only compete with state-of-the-artsystems under the same preconditions but also outperforms standard 2D methods from recent years.


Recent developments in deep Convolutional NeuralNetworks (CNNs) led to significant advancements inthe field of face recognition. For the case of frontalface recognition, deep learning systems are alreadyoutperforming humans. But recognition of non near-frontal faces under uncontrolled imaging and illumi-nation conditions still remains a challenge. The state-of-the-art recognition systems mostly treat faces as2D objects. These systems detect faces in an imageand then apply some kind of geometric transforma-tion like rotation and translation on the 2D images,and feed the resulting images as input to a CNN. Wewill extend this input, as human faces are in reality3D objects and consist of 3D shape and skin tex-ture. There are some existing face recognition sys-tems (Masi et al., 2016; Kittler et al., 2018; Koppenet al., 2018) which take 3D shape of face into accountand synthesise frontal faces by using 3D information.Kittler et al. (Kittler et al., 2018) have combined 3Dshape and texture information for face recognitionand have shown that the system benefits more fromtexture than from shape. Motivated by their work,in this paper we investigate different approaches to

improve a face recognition system based on texturemaps. We fit a 3D face model to 2D input images inthe wild in order to recover 3D shape and surface tex-ture. We then transform 3D data to a 2D output imageby storing pose information in RGBA images, wherethe alpha-values represent the view-angle of the faceto the camera for each pixel. The output of mergingtexture maps are not a beauty contest for human eyesto produce smooth facial texture but to augment thedataset and provide the deep learning network withdiscriminative information.

Using regular 2D images as input and output ofour preprocessing pipeline enables us to use commonface recognition datasets and allows us to exploit lat-est CNN architectures. Last, we employ data augmen-tation for training deep neural networks. We generateadditional training data by merging and blending facetextures of one subject from multiple images usinga quality-controlled fusion. We show that, with theproposed face texture enhancements, our face recog-nition pipeline achieves a performance comparable tostate-of-the-art 2D face recognition methods.

Figure 1 depicts the pipeline of our 3D assisted 2Dface recognition system that has two main compo-

nents: a) 3D assisted data processing, b) face recog-nition engine based on 2D input. In this processingstep, we perform face and facial landmark detectionfor a 2D image in the wild. We then reconstruct the3D face of an input 2D image by recovering its 3Dshape and skin texture. This is achieved by fitting a3D face model using 2D facial landmarks. The sur-face face texture of the input image is remapped ontoa 2D isomap projection of the 3D mesh, to producetexture maps. We choose to work with a rectangularisomap projection that fills the whole space with pixelinformation, so that it is especially amenable to con-volutional processing. Every texture map is then anal-ysed, rated, enhanced and augmented to train deepCNNs.The main goal of texture improvement is to enhancediscriminatory information of skin texture of 3D facesby combining cues from multiple training images.This leads to the following contributions of the pa-pers. First, to address shape distortions in isomapsresulting from imprecise fittings, we propose geomet-ric correction of texture maps. Second, to fill miss-ing texture values in isomaps due to large non-frontalposes we propose texture merging. For a smooth tex-ture merging between different training images of thesame subject we propose a measure of texture qual-ity. Last, data augmentation plays a significant rolein training of CNNs, therefore, to train deep CNNfor face recognition we propose a 3D data augmen-tation technique. For effective data augmentation weutilised proposed texture quality measure to mergeand blend face textures of one subject from multi-ple images. In the progress of this work we createfour variants of the CASIA dataset to enhance train-ing, which consist of (a) the unedited 2D skin texturemaps, (b) merged texture maps by an alpha composit-ing algorithm, (c) merged texture maps by a Poissonblending algorithm and (d) a dataset where the origi-nal texture maps are aligned, warped and enhanced.The face recognition training is evaluated on theLFW (Huang et al., 2007) and IJB-A (Klare et al.,2015) datasets and compared to conventional 2D facerecognition results. We carry out training on eachof the four texture map datasets using an Inception-ResNet-v1 (Szegedy et al., 2017) architecture andachieve competitive results. This has exceeded ourexpectations greatly because extracting texture andusing a 2D isomap representation have little impact onlosing discriminative information for face recognitiontasks. Additionally, the consolidation of the four tex-ture map datasets for an augmented training matchesstate-of-the-art performance.The remainder of this paper is structured as follows:In Section 1.1, we discuss related work on the devel-

opment of face analysis, deep learning and 3D as-sisted face recognition. In Section 2, we show anoverview of the proposed framework and introduceour methodology including texture map rating, recon-struction and augmentation. We subsequently reportour experimental results on 2D image datasets in Sec-tion 3 and conclude in Section 4.

1.1 Related Work

This section presents a short introduction to the liter-ature relevant to tackling the 3D assisted face recog-nition problem. We first discuss recent facial land-mark detection methods since they are an importantprocessing step of many 2D face recognition algo-rithms. Then we consider several recent works on fea-ture learning and summarise the state-of-the-art stud-ies on face verification and identification. Last, wediscuss several recent works on data augmentationand the utilisation of 3D face models.Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2014) present a de-tailed overview of facial landmarks localisation meth-ods. Current landmark detection methods are ei-ther model-based (Cootes et al., 2001) or regression-based (Dollar et al., 2010) (Feng et al., 2015) (Fenget al., 2018). The model-based methods create a rep-resentation of the shape during training and use theshape to fit faces during testing. Popular frameworksinclude 3D Dense Face Alignment (3DDFA) (Zhuet al., 2016) in which a dense 3D face model is fittedto the image with a CNN model, and Pose-Invariant3D Face Alignment (Jourabloo and Liu, 2017) thatestimates both 2D and 3D landmarks by integratinga 3D point distribution model. The regression-basedmethods map the image directly to the target outputusing a cascade of multiple networks stacked together.Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2014) used a cascade ofseveral successive stacked auto-encoder networks thatrefines the coarse locations obtained from the firststacked auto-encoder network.

Bulat et al. (Bulat and Tzimiropoulos, 2017)first roughly rotated each set of facial landmarksand then refined the detection results. In 2018,Feng et al. (Feng et al., 2018) introduced a new lossfunction, namely Wing loss, for facial landmark local-isation with CNNs. The landmark detectors used inthis work for 2D images and for texture isomaps arebased on the methods of Bulat et al.and Feng et al..

Ding et al. (Ding and Tao, 2016) describe differ-ent pose-invariant face recognition (PIFR) algorithmsand stated PIFR as crucial to realise the full potentialof face recognition for real-world applications. Theyclassify exsiting PIFR algorithms into four categories:pose-robust feature extraction, multi-view subspace

Figure 1: The proposed 3D assisted 2D face recognition pipeline.

learning, face synthesis and hybrid approaches.Dataset augmentation techniques are transforma-

tions that are applied to images without changing thecontaining face’s identity. Such methods are knownto improve the performance of CNN-based methodsand prevent over-fitting (Chatfield et al., 2014). Thesemethods typically use generic image processing oper-ations to synthesise new appearance variations. Pop-ular augmentation methods include simple geomet-ric transformations such as oversampling, horizontalmirroring, image rotation, and various photo-metrictransformations. Masi et al. (Masi et al., 2016) sug-gest a much more sophisticated technique to augmenta generic face dataset. Their approach is to synthesisenew face images, by creating face specific appearancevariations in pose, shape and expression. They use3D morphable models to extend the CASIA WebFacedataset.


The aim of this work is to investigate the merit of us-ing 3D models and 2D reconstructed faces from 3Dmodels for 2D face recognition. This requires a rep-resentation that recovers both 3D shape and textureinformation from a 2D image, as well as the abilityto extract powerful features from this representationusing CNNs.The first step of the proposed pipeline in Figure 1 is

to detect facial landmarks in an input image using thewing loss (Feng et al., 2018). We then fit a 3D Mor-phable Face model (3DMM) to the landmarked im-age using the algorithm and open-source software de-scribed in (Huber et al., 2016). As 3DMM, we optfor the Surrey Face Model, which is a compact PCAbased representation of 3D face variability, learnedfrom a set of 3D face scans, and consisting of sepa-rate shape and texture parts.Every vertex in a 3D mesh stores a spatial coordinate(x,y,z) and a texture coordinate (u,v). The UV co-ordinates form a 2D embedding of the 3D vertex co-ordinates to store the texture in an image form. Sucha generic representation of the face texture is createdwith an algorithm for rectangular texture maps thatfinds a projection from the 3D vertices to a 2D planethat preserves the geodesic distance between the meshvertices. We follow the method for performing thesesteps described in (Kittler et al., 2018). As advocatedin (Kittler et al., 2018), we use a conformal Lapla-cian Eigenmap where the boundary vertices are con-strained to a square, as shown in Figure 2, callingit square texture map. The texture map contains theremapped texture of the original 2D image, preserv-ing all details.Although the accuracy of facial landmarking is veryhigh with CNN-based landmark detectors, there arestill some images with incorrect landmark points, pro-ducing variations in the quality of the resulting tex-ture maps. The pose of a face also affects the qual-

Figure 2: 3D face shape and constrained Laplacian squaretexture map

ity of the remapped texture, at least in parts of theface. This paper focuses on the problem of texturemap enhancement as a basis for improved 3D assisted2D face recognition performance.In order to improve on the quality of texture isomapswe propose a novel method of texture recovery whichis based on a quality based fusion of textures frommultiple images. The proposed method requires anumber of ingredients:• Square texture map quality assessment

• Geometric texture map rectification

• Quality based fusion of rectified texture mapsThe details of the proposed solution is presented inthe following subsections.

2.1 Square Texture Map QualityAssessment

Although intuitively appealing in principle, a practi-cal realisation of having surface texture is challeng-ing because the 3D reconstruction from 2D projec-tions is prone to errors. This leads to texture distor-tion, which is reflected in degraded recognition per-formance. We propose two skin texture enhancementmethods to rectify the problem: a geometric correc-tion to counteract the shape distortion, and texturemerging to fill texture holes caused by pixel visibilityissues in non-frontal poses. We propose a measure oftexture quality and use it to control the texture fusionprocess.

To measure the quality of square texture maps wepropose a number of different criteria:

Pose rating The visible area of a face depends onpitch, yaw and roll of the face from the camera per-spective. A face that is directed to the camera gives usmore texture information than a face that turns awayfrom the camera. Also the probability of detectingbetter landmarks is higher on a frontal face. An im-age has n rows and m columns. Every pixel pi j con-sists of red, green, blue and alpha values ranging from0 to 255. The alpha value represents the angle to thecamera for each pixel, by mapping angle of 0 to 90 de-grees to values from 255 to 0. The pose rating valueP is the sum of all alpha values αi j for all pixels, di-vided by the number of pixels and the maximum alphavalue:

P =∑

n−1i=0 ∑

m−1j=0 αi j

n ·m ·255. (1)

Overall histogram rating The histogram of thetexture map tells a lot about the image quality. Atfirst the image is transformed into a grey-scale im-age based on the RGB values from 0 to 255 per pixel.The histogram is a discrete function h(rk) = nk, whererk is the kth grey level and nk is the number of pix-els in the image having grey level rk (Gonzalez andWoods, 2008). The next step is to find the maxi-mum value max of nk and calculate normalised valuespk = nk/max. The values r0 (black) and r255 (white)will not be counted to compute the rating Himage sincethese values represent the pixels of the face’s invisibleareas. The final rating is given by:

Himage =∑

254k=1 pk

254. (2)

Himage represents a measure of the overall histogramrating of the distribution of tones. A wide distribu-tion is an indicator for rich information content in theimage. Peaks in the histogram are often detected inblurry or badly aligned texture maps.

Eye position We run an eye detector on the texturemap in the expected area of the eyes. We define ascore function that will be high if the detected positionis exactly where an eye should be in the texture map,since the texture map is aligned. The higher the devi-ation of the eye position, the worse the rating. For thetexture maps of a size 224 x 224 pixels we determinedoptimal coordinates for the left (plx, ply) and the righteye (prx, pry). Figure 3 shows some eye detection re-sults inside the search area (red rectangle). The greenrectangles stand for the detected eye positions. Wetake the centres of green rectangles as left and righteye positions lx, ly, rx, ry and calculate the rating Ele f tand Eright . The difference between the detected andthe model eye coordinates is then divided by a factor

N, that defines when a deviation measures reaches thevalue 0. We experimentally determined N = 40 to bea good value for an image size of 224x224.

Ele f t = 1−|lx− plx|+ |ly− ply|


Eright = 1−|rx− prx|+ |ry− pry|


Since there are images with eye occlusion likesunglasses and profile images with only one eye vis-ible, the rating of an undetected eye will be excludedfrom the overall score.

Figure 3: The green rectangles show the detected eyesfound inside the red area.

Eye detection weight Edetect is the value returnedfrom the eye detector, for the probability of a detectedeye, ranging from 0 to 1.

Eye histogram Like the overall histogram rating,a histogram of the pixels in the area of the detectedeyes will be analysed and rated as Heye. If there aretwo eyes, the histogram will be combined, if there isno eye detected, the rating will be omitted and doesnot influence the overall score. Figure 4 shows thehistogram charts for three different eyes, the score islikely to be higher, if the histogram values are evenlydistributed and calculated by:

Heye =∑

2541 pk


Figure 4: Eye histogram charts of different quality levels.

Overall rating The overall rating R is the averageof all calculated values, which can consist of a maxi-mum number of six ratings when both eyes have beendetected. For the histogram and pose ratings the ad-ditional parameters have been determined during testruns with representative images.

2.2 Texture Map Reconstruction

To reconstruct self-occluded face parts and to improvethe quality of the texture maps, we build a system forface texture improvement.

Deep Neural Network for texture map landmarksAs a first step of the system, we train a CNN for land-mark detection in texture maps. The network is buildon the Face Alignment Network of Bulat et al. (Bu-lat and Tzimiropoulos, 2017), which uses a stack offour Hourglass networks combined with a hierarchi-cal, parallel and multi-scale block. The network hasbeen trained on about 5,000 manually annotated tex-ture maps of the CASIA WebFace dataset.

Face texture alignment The face texture alignmentis based on a warping algorithm that uses facial land-marks and Delaunay triangulation. We use the 68 fa-cial landmark points and eight points on the boundaryof the texture map to calculate a Delaunay triangu-lation, which is used to break the texture into trian-gles. Having the 68 facial landmark coordinates of thedefined texture map of the Surrey Face Model, com-bined with a standard Delaunay triangulation, thesetriangles can be used to calculate a 2×3 matrix M ofan affine transformation for each triangle so that:[


]= M ·




dst(i) = (x′i,y′i),src(i) = (xi,yi), i = 0,1,2 (7)

Finally the source image src is transformed usingthe specified matrix M for each particular triangle tocalculate the pixels of the destination image dst:

dst(x,y)= src(M11x+M12y+M13,M21x+M22y+M23)(8)

2.3 Texture Merging for DataAugmentation

Data augmentation is widely applied to training andtest data to improve the performance of CNN-based

Figure 5: Texture Map Reconstruction. Left to right: CASIA WebFace image, input texture map, facial landmarks, Delaunaytriangulation, enhanced output texture map

methods and prevent over-fitting. The proposed ap-proach to augmentation is based on merging texturesof a person’s face derived from different images ofthat person. In texture maps, all sides of a face arevisible and eyes, nose, mouth are all aligned to a com-mon reference frame, derived from the embedding. Inthe process of generating our square texture maps, ev-ery pixel gets its assigned RGB values, and an alphavalue for visibility depending on the calculated angleto the camera.

Our data augmentation aims to explore the effectof merging different numbers of textures from a setof images of the same person to a new one. Our firstmethod to merge the texture maps is to compose thepixels based on their alpha values. The texture mapsare merged by taking the weighted mean with the val-ues from the alpha channels used as weights.

In the second approach, we used Poisson blendingto merge textures. Poisson blending is a gradient do-main image processing method that blends images bycombining them in the gradient domain and solvingfor optimal RGB pixel values.

Our third training and evaluation dataset consistsof the facial landmark aligned texture maps from ourtexture map reconstruction algorithm.

Figure 6 shows some example images from ouraugmented CASIA WebFace dataset.


The effect of our texture enhancement method canbe judged subjectively from Figure 5. However, thekey motivation for the development of these textureenhancement mechanisms is to improve the perfor-mance of 3D assisted 2D face recognition approaches.Consequently, as objective measures of the proposedsquare texture enhancements, we shall use the facerecognition and face verification rates achieved byour 3D face recognition engine designed for use withthese texture maps. In particular, the aim of our ex-periments is to evaluate the performance of a facerecognition engine trained using texture maps createdfor the CASIA database. The training is limited tothe CASIA dataset so that in terms of the informa-tion available for training, the results are comparableto the 2D face recognition methods in the literature,trained on the same resource. The evaluation is car-ried out on standard benchmarks, i.e. the LFW andIJB-A datasets, using the standard protocols.

3.1 Experimental Settings

The CASIA-WebFace (Yi et al., 2014) dataset is usedfor scientific research of unconstrained face recogni-tion. The face images in the database are collectedfrom internet sources by the Institute of Automation,

Figure 6: Data augmentation examples of one female andone male subjects with five images per subject. A: Gen-erated square texture maps from a single 2D image. B:Merged four texture maps by alpha composite method. C:Merged two texture maps by Poisson blending. D: Land-mark aligned and edited square texture map

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). The datasetconsists of 10,575 subjects and 494,414 images.

During each training, we conduct face verifica-tion tests on the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW)benchmark to evaluate the performance of the dataand configuration. The LFW dataset contains morethan 13,000 images of faces and has been the stan-dard benchmark for unconstrained face verificationfor many years. The IARPA Janus Benchmark-A facechallenge (IJB-A) was an open challenge in which re-searchers execute algorithms on NIST-provided im-age sets, and return output data to NIST for scoring.From 2015-2017 NIST produced regular results re-ports.

3.2 Face Recognition Engine

We use a TensorFlow implementation of a face recog-niser, described in the paper from Schroff (Schroffet al., 2015), which is based on Inception-Resnet-V1.We train the model using softmax loss, which has

been shown to be one of the best-performing loss inrecent works (Szegedy et al., 2017). The input to thesystem are square texture maps with a resolution of224 x 224 pixels as a training and test set for the facerecognition network. We use a Tensorflow implemen-tation of Inception-ResNet-v1. To improve the per-formance of the trained model the initial learning rateof 0.05 is decreased by a factor 10 when the train-ing starts to converge. In our experiments we stoppedthe training between 120 and 150 epochs, ending upwith a learning rate of about 0.00005. The L2 weightdecay and L1 norm loss are set to 0.0005.

3.3 Effect of Texture MapReconstruction

In the first experiment, referred to as step (A), theaim was to establish a baseline and to gauge the ef-fect of texture enhancement achieved by square tex-ture reconstruction. For this reason we trained thesystem and measured its performance on individualsquare texture maps. The underlying aim of the ex-periment was to establish that facial recognition basedon square-texture-maps is fundamentally possible andalready achieves an evaluation rate which is not lag-ging too far behind 2D methods in the literature. Wealso wanted to measure the effect of square texturemap reconstruction. For this reason we performed theexperiment on the original individual square texturemaps first, and then repeated it with the texture mapsobtained using the reconstruction method described inSection 2.2. The verification on LFW was performedat a false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0.001 and the veri-fication on IJB-A was performed at a false acceptancerate of 0.01. The results on the original texture mapsachieved a verification rate of 87.7% and an accuracyof 97.7% on LFW and a verification rate of 73.3% onIJB-A as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Evaluation results of training the square texturemaps (A), the merged square texture maps (B+C), the land-mark aligned reconstructed texture maps (D) and the com-binations of them.

Method LFW Acc. IJB-A Ver.A: square texture maps 97.7 73.3

B: 4-pic merged textures 96.8 68.7C: 2-pic merged textures 97.0 69.5

D: landmark aligned textures 98.0 75.1A+B 98.1 79.4

A+B+C 98.1 83.3A+B+C+D 98.4 87.3

3.4 Effect of Texture Map Merging

In the second experiment, referred to as step (B), fourtextures were used to create a new texture by mergingthe faces based on their alpha values as described inSection 2.3. To make sure that the total number of thetraining images does not change, they are merged asfollows: If there are five images of a person, the firstfour images are merged to a new image, the secondto fifth image are merged to a second new image, im-age three, four, five and one then are merged to thirdnew image, etc. The result of the evaluation was sur-prisingly worse than the results of A, but this can beexplained by the fact that the evaluation was done onthe non-merged textures, with missing values, whichthe network hasn’t learned to interpret during training.

In order to adapt the evaluation data to the train-ing data, we also merged the images of LFW and IJB-A according to the method described above. Wherethere were less than three images per class, additionalimages were generated by horizontal mirroring. Us-ing these measures, we were able to improve the re-sult of the first experiment on IJB-A verification from73.3% in A to 75.2%.

3.5 Effect of Texture MapAugmentation

In the next step, by using the combination of A and B,we trained for the first time with data augmentation.Doubling the data has significantly improved all thetest results. For example the IJB-A verification resultincreased from 75.2% to 79.4%.

Then, in the next experiment (C), we merged twoimages by Poisson Blending and added them to theexisting Set A and B. Thus, the data volume of thetraining images has tripled and the results on the IJB-A dataset have again improved from 79.4% to 82.1%.Table 1 shows the evaluation results obtained by train-ing using the different variants of texture maps.

That is followed by experiment (D), where theoriginal square texture maps are realigned by our fa-cial landmark detector and Delaunay triangulation.This has lead to a significant improvement of thetrained model, having an accuracy on LFW of 98.0and 75.1 on IJB-A verification. Even the datasetaugmentation benefits a lot of adding dataset (D) toachieve our best overall results.

Finally, we compare our evaluation results to otherexperiments that used the same dataset for trainingand evaluation. Table 3 shows that we can com-pete with previous work. Using our augmentationstrategies, we outperform most original methods, andachieve a performance close to Masi et al., who addi-

Table 2: Face verification results on LFW

Method #images ACC(%)Hassner et al.(Hassner et al., 2015) 93.62

HPEN (Zhu et al., 2015) 0.75M 96.25FF-GAN (Yin et al., 2017) 0.5M 96.42

CASIA-NET (Yi et al., 2014) 0.5M 96.42DeepFace (Taigman et al., 2014) 4M 97.35

Masi et al. (Masi et al., 2016) 2.6M 98.06VGG Face (Parkhi et al., 2015) 2.4M 98.95

Ours w/o augmentation 0.5M 97.7Ours (A+B+C+D) 1.9M 98.4

Table 3: Evaluation on IJB-A dataset.

Method IJB-A Ver. IJB-A Id.

GOTS (Klare et al., 2015) 40.6 44.3OpenBR (Klontz et al., 2013) 23.6 24.6

Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2015) 73.2 82.0FF-GAN (Yin et al., 2017) 85.2 90.2

Masi et al. (Masi et al., 2016) 88.6 90.6Ours 87.3 89.8

tionally synthesised new poses, expressions and iden-tities.


Although 3D assisted 2D face recognition has intheory the potential to surpass the performance of2D face recognition by virtue of separating the keysources of face biometric information, namely faceshape and skin texture, it has always lagged behindpurely 2D techniques. There are several reasons forthis state of affairs. First of all, recovering 3D in-formation from 2D projections is prone to errors.Moreover, the conventional mesh representation of3D faces is not convenient for convolutional process-ing by the latest machine learning tools, i.e. deep neu-ral networks.

We proposed two enhancement techniques: geo-metric texture map rectification to correct for shapereconstruction errors, and quality controlled texturemerging from multiple images. We showed that withthese innovations the performance of our 3D facerecognition engine, designed for, and working with,3D face representations of 2D faces (texture only),can produce competitive results on standard bench-marking datasets. As there is a considerable scopefor improving many aspects of the 3D assisted 2Dface recognition approach, we consider these resultsas very promising. Future improvements will includetraining on much larger databases, following the pathof purely 2D face recognition methods, as well as us-ing the 3D shape information in conjunction with the

skin texture maps.


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