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    Hafsa Idrees

    The Beginning


    the End



    Copyright 2013 by Hafsa Idrees

    PUBLISHED BY: Published by Hafsa Idrees through CreateSpace, in association but no finan-cial affiliation with EynhallowBooks, 2013.

    Book Cover Design Roy Eynhallow, 2013.

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights un-der copyright reserved above, no part of this publi-cation may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owners and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously.



    Hafsa Idrees

    The Beginning


    the End

    Published in association with


    ISBN-13: 978-969-9974-00-7



    Dedicated to my parents

    who taught me the meaning of life

    and to everyone who wants to

    heal the world with me!






    To my Creator, Guardian & Protector,

    For everything.

    To my parents,

    For the support, love, care, understanding and all

    the sacrifices. For feeding me and checking up on

    me when I almost forgot to take care of myself.

    For appreciating even my negatives & giving me

    the best lap to rest in and relax.

    To my editor Vlad Mackevic (a.k.a. Roy Eynhallow)

    For helping, guiding and supporting me more than

    he could. For being there to answer my stupidest

    questions and correcting the silliest typos. For his

    polishing feedback, appreciation, all his time and


    To my best friends and siblings,

    For picking on me. For supporting me, telling me

    that I am special, loved and one in a million and for

    cheering me up in my saddest times. I love you all.



    To my Colleagues,

    For helping me with the things I got stuck with.

    For suggestions, encouragement, back stabbing, leg

    pulling and support.

    To all my author friends from all over the world,

    For the friendship, guidance, motivation and ap-

    preciation. I have met and become friends with

    some of the most amazing people who love me,

    respect & value for what I am.

    And to everyone else I could thank for many things

    but space and time convinces me to stop here.

    Thank you for being there!




    MY EYESIGHT WAS GLUED to the painting

    hanging over the wall and my mind was stuck in

    the memories. I did not realize I was standing and

    staring at the ceramic images absent-mindedly for

    the past half an hour. Soon after realizing it, I

    shrugged and started walking towards the left of

    the gallery, sometimes staring and sometimes mere-

    ly glancing at the paintings hanging over the walls

    and placed on the tables. My mind was still there, in

    my past, and it was so hard to shake off the memo-

    ries and synchronize it with my present or with the

    atmosphere I was currently in.

    Oh! That one! What a masterpiece!!!

    My ears could register such voices around me.

    I so want to buy this one but it is expensive!

    I was walking forward and hearing such expres-

    sions, or rather wishes people had after seeing such

    splendid artwork.

    Can we also buy these? The material seems durable,

    somebody muttered to someone standing beside

    her just at the instant I crossed them. I was trying



    my best not to give any impression that I was lost.

    There were a lot of people at the exhibition who

    knew me, so wearing a smile, though a fake one,

    was something mandatory, indispensable if I want-

    ed to avoid, or be away from any sort of conversa-

    tion or interrogation. In short, avoid being no-


    A few days ago, I had got an invitation to be at

    the exhibition of Patrick Forbes paintings in the town. Seymour Forbes was a very good friend of

    my father and his son Patrick was a talented paint-

    er. They knew that I loved the paintings and that I

    would have a great time visiting the gallery. I had to

    be there as I also wanted to spend a day out. My

    temperature was stable in the morning when I left

    but now I was feeling terribly sick.

    Why did the sunset scene in that picture over

    there grab me? I asked myself. Maybe because I

    love those shades and deeming hues and I can feel

    how exactly it feels to say Goodbye?I did indeed

    say goodbye to Allan. I did, I did, I did! I repeated

    this in my mind incessantly.

    Everything was so messed up in my head. Grrh,

    Chrissie, youve gone crazy! I thought.

    Goodbye could stand for starting a new day or

    not starting anything at all. I was talking to myself

    and was trying to figure out where I was standing

    and what I had become since I excluded Allan from



    my life. Sometimes in life, you do come across the

    moments when you terribly want to cage up some

    flashes and preserve that memory eternally in a

    time capsule. But this just does not happen. You

    have that feeling to experience so that you could

    cherish it afterwards. I will add the word repent

    to it. Sometimes it is not always about cherishing.

    You have to let go. Holding on can be way more

    painful than moving on but one can visit the past

    occasionally (certainly not to remain in it but just to

    keep it alive). The notion of keeping it alive or bur-

    ying it also varies from experience to experience

    and from person to person. Keeping it alive at

    times is excruciating and the memories torture you

    in a way that you ache to have them again exactly

    the same or you remorsefully regret for creating or

    saving those flashes. My mind was thinking and

    coming up with the question marks too rapidly, ac-

    cusing and excusing, giving reasons and justifying,

    sometimes feeling pity and being sympathetic. It

    always works this way. Thinking about my past is

    my favorite hobby. When I am not found any-

    where, I am actually there and it is not in terms of

    physical existence, obviously. In the physical world,

    I knew where I was. In the world of my thoughts, I

    was lost.

    I came out of the main exit door of the gallery.

    Aaahh! I took a deep breath, then closed my eyes



    and opened them again. The sky was clear. There

    were not many people around. Most of them were

    probably inside the gallery. I started dragging my-

    self to the parking area. I was walking slowly. It was

    crowded by now. I am numb, I thought to my-



    If all the rules were meant to bend,

    And you swore you were my friend,

    Now Ill have to start all over again.

    Cause no ones going to take your place

    And Im scared Ill never save;

    All the pieces of a love we made.

    And Im so sorry; its not like me,

    Its maturity that I am lacking so dont

    Dont let me go, just let me know

    That growing up goes slow!

    The lyrics were playing in my head; echoing

    again and again. It was one of my favorite tunes. I

    always felt that these lyrics were written for me.

    This Sad Song never gets old. Every time I listen

    to it, I feel and enjoy it with the same energy. I

    never get bored of the composition, lyrics, vocals,



    music, or anything about it. It takes me to another

    world. Lying on my bed, I could see the moon

    through my window trying to pierce through the

    clouds and scatter silver light all around, cover the

    sky with glitter and pollute the darkness. The sky

    was clear and I had always adored such a sight of it.

    The night had covered the world. I could feel my

    heart throbbing sensationally. Feelings certainly

    have no restrictions, no boundaries, and no limits.

    They dominate you at times and control you irre-

    sistibly. Another day in despair was ending. Crying

    does not help in anyway. It makes sadness linger

    and elevates the intensity of the pain. When you

    cry, you get to feel the pain way more deeply and

    closely. And it certainly never helps. I could feel

    something so quiet inside me wanting to scream at

    the top of its lungs. But it would not help either. I

    was feeling a constriction in my chest; that very

    something in my throat and a defeated heartbeat.

    My head was spinning. My temperature was unsta-

    ble. Never taking my eyes off the moon, I put a pil-

    low over my midriff. Everything around was ap-

    pearing vague. Soon, the glitter of the moon started

    pinching into my lens so I closed my eyes again. I

    tried to see the hands of the clock, where they were

    exactly, but I could only see the blackish yellow

    square box hanging on the wall. I was tired and it



    was so hard to keep my eyelids open. They were





    I DID NOT KNOW when I dozed off; when my

    heavy swollen eyes with purplish shadows under-

    neath just snapped shut. Since lately, it was usually

    very hard for me to catch sleep this easily but the

    medicine I took was incredibly helpful. Soon after

    lying comfortably on my bed and closing my eyes,

    thinking of the dark black space, I was sleeping like

    a baby doll.

    A shrill chirrup threw me back into reality. As I

    was struggling to get my phone, my hand caught

    the glass placed over the side table and it fell down

    onto the carpet, spilling the water that I had not

    drunk last night. I succeeded somehow in grabbing

    the handset as the ringtone was irritating me too

    much. It was just like somebody hammering on my


    Hello? Yes? I uttered in a feeble torn up voice

    without looking at the name on the screen. I could

    feel my throat was horribly scratchy.

    Hi, Chrissie! How are you? Still sleeping? Have

    you seen the time?



    Uh! Rose again. My strict, rule-obeying friend.

    Yeah! I stayed up late last night. Was actually

    reading a book, loved it so lost track of time a bit.

    So whats up? I asked. I wanted to cut it short and

    I asked her directly, without pausing for niceties,

    what the matter was.

    Aha, I see! You read too much by the way. I

    had called to tell you that Jenna is leaving for Van-

    couver the next week so we had decided to throw

    her a party and wish her farewell. Also, her birthday

    is coming up so it would be All-in-One. Dude, and

    you are invited!

    She was speaking non-stop as always. Rose was a

    real talking machine and spoke at the speed of a

    million words per minute. Sometimes I really had

    to make an effort to keep my ears and my mind

    open and receptive so as to let my brain completely

    comprehend what she was saying. The idea of a

    party appealed to me and without giving the second

    thoughts I agreed.

    Oh, wow! I am sure its gonna be great fun.

    Been ages since I last saw you guys! I said. I tried

    my best to sound excited. I honestly did not have a

    faintest clue if Id succeeded or not. I did not like

    the way my voice sounded at all.

    Oh-kay! That is super cool. I am so damn ex-

    cited to see you all. Gosh, I cant wait she want-



    ed to speak more. The call was getting long and I

    was getting annoyed.

    Me neither. See you then. Bye love. I discon-

    nected the line.

    It completely slipped from my mind that I also

    had to ask for the day, time and venue. I was such a

    goose. And she, being so excited, also forgot to tell

    these details. I was glad she texted later and told me

    that it was going to be tomorrow. I leaned towards

    the back of my bed, still holding the phone in my

    hand. It had been infinite moons since I spent a

    day out together with my high school friends. Isola-

    tion can be contagiously damaging; not just to the

    physical but psychological and emotional health

    too. I was just unable to decide if I really wanted to

    go or not.

    In a blur of thoughts, I gathered my energies and

    finally left the warm cozy bed to spend the rest of

    the day doing something productive. Lying in bed

    all day made me lazy. I had no concrete plans,

    though. Also, I had not fully recovered yet from

    the recent illness.




    Red, blue, black? No! This plum top would be the

    best, I said to myself as I was rummaging inside

    my wardrobe for clothes.

    I grabbed the hanger out of the closet and ar-

    ranged the messed up clothes before closing it, put

    it in the bolster and walked to the left side.

    Shoes! Gosh, its been long since I came here

    to decide for the clothes and shoes this way, I said

    to myself. It was tough. I seemed to have lost my

    sense of fashion. Really, Id spent too much time in

    isolation! I took out a pair which was going well

    with plum and checked the time. The clock told me

    it was 4:30 pm.

    DAMN! I had to be real quick as the party

    would begin around 5:30 at Roses place. I almost

    yelled at myself as some ruler yells at his subject

    when he is in a hurry. It was a twenty minute drive

    from my apartment.

    I was still feeling weak and languish. I could feel

    the pain in my bones all along my body. It pulled

    the guts out of me to prepare myself and get ready.

    But I had to keep this all aside as I was aching to go

    out and enjoy myself. I had got a chance. My doc-

    tor had strictly forbidden me to leave the bed but

    let it be the price I had to pay. I was longing to have fun. Despite my strongest/deepest desires,



    something deep down inside me had always

    stopped me and I hated even to laugh.

    Today I was finally up for it and had made up

    my mind: I wanted to laugh like a jester, without

    caring how I would look and what people around

    would think about me. I wanted my laughter to be

    full of energy. I wanted to go all crazy as I used to

    be. I was dying to be the old Chrissie who would

    spread smiles around, who was nuts and insane and

    it was expected of her. The very Chrishuanna Soule

    Daddys girl and Mommys eye candy. I smiled at

    the thought. I had seen and was still seeing the

    darkest time of my life. I had never thought that

    my 20s were going to be this excruciatingly strangu-

    lating. I was craving for some light, a bright ray to

    make its way from somewhere and brighten up my

    world as it once used to be. I wanted to go far,

    miles away from this circle of suffering I was

    trapped in now.

    I had put on light make-up and before leaving I

    grabbed the carefully wrapped gift: a gold plated

    bracelet for Jenna, another good high school friend

    of mine. I started my car and the guard of my block

    opened and closed the gate as I left. The weather

    was unexpectedly pleasant. I could see the clouds

    keeping the city cool. It was a great time to be out,

    enjoy and have fun. No wonder Rose had checked



    the weather forecast before deciding for the day! I

    said to myself softly, with a smile.


    We all are fools to believe in happiness. This is the

    worlds greatest lie. There is no such thing in the

    world. No such thing ever existed. It is just the pro-

    jection of the mind, an illustration of an illusion, a

    shade or a mirage and we all are bound to take it in

    our heads the other way. Such dorks we are, know-

    ingly, I spoke to myself wryly. It is just like a Holly-

    wood movie. Not the ordinary stuff, of course, but

    a good one. You enjoy watching it, engrossed in

    every line, action or scene, and the end has to come

    anyway. You have to return back rather sadly to

    your fucked up original practical life.

    For me, the stupidest thing in the world is to

    make or gather memories. I do not know how

    someone can cherish a happy memory believing he

    once had it and enjoyed in some part of his life and

    how someone can be happy on a sad day, thinking

    about a memory. I have been at a loss to understand

    this complicated world and its ways and to keep up

    the pace with it.

    I was trying hard to put these thoughts aside,

    though. I was driving and I had to be careful.



    One part in me was pushing me to drive to

    Roses street and another part was pulling me away.

    I was afraid of meeting so many people ab-ruptly

    after a long phase of isolation.

    How would I greet them? They will all bombard me with

    so many questions! What would I answer to them? How is

    the time going to pass there? How long I will have to stay

    there for? So many questions and so many answers I

    could not find. The first part in me was convincing

    me that it all would happen gradually and things

    would get back to normal, but not in just a day. All

    I had to do was try and give it time. Convincing

    myself to attend the birthday cum farewell party,

    getting all ready for it and then finally leaving was

    one heck of a huge step I believed I just took for

    the sake of my peace. I had no intention of screw-

    ing it up.


    I turned my car to a small forest in the town. It was

    the north part of Arizona and a very beautiful one.

    I hadnt been here for many times but I loved this

    place for its majestic beauty, peacefulness and pen-

    etrating silence. The beauty and calmness conceals

    you from inside and you just forget everything else



    and sink in the scene. I parked my car aside and

    turned off my phone. I had to do this.

    I was walking away from the city, the crowds, the

    noise of egoism, the selfishness, indifference, andcallousness. I was walking towards myself to spend

    some time with me, to be all ears to what I had

    kept inside, what had been burning in me for years

    and what I actually was longing to whisper. There

    was a peculiar sound of long-fronded trees. The

    atmosphere was suffused with the strange smell of

    the mud. I could see the climbers and creepers all

    around filling the emptiness and beautifying it fur-

    ther, on the ground, over the trees just every-

    where. The stones, the grass, the dried fallen leaves

    they all talk to you if you try to listen to them. I

    smiled to them imperceptibly. I was convinced to

    believe that they also listen and watch you all the

    way. All you need is to discern closely so as to hear

    and understand what they are meaning to say. They

    have a very different language of expression, a lan-

    guage which is quiet but way better than the one we

    humans use.

    I was walking slowly. The dry leaves were getting

    crushed under my feet and I just adored the soft,

    crackling sound. It was breaking the perfect silence.

    With every step I took, the sadness was creeping

    over me, over the trees, stones, and everywhere,

    spreading just like a white fog I had seen in fiction



    movies. I believe the way the forest behaves is dif-

    ferent for different people. It certainly knows how

    to respond to someone who makes his way here. I

    found a fallen log. I walked towards it, drew my

    legs under me and sat there comfortably.

    It was the same kind of weather when I had met

    Allan. I had never known that we would get too

    closer to each other; he would get in my head and

    become a part of my soul. For, he was the one who

    loved me when I was not lovable, he held me up

    when everybody else had knocked me down, he

    made me smile when others made me cry, he wiped

    my tears when others wanted to see them, he was

    there for me when everyone I knew left, he was a

    real buddy who juggled multiple roles for me, from

    a cheerleader to a therapist, to the bestest friend,

    to a baby sitter, and so much more just to make me

    strong enough to stand tall on my feet. He was the

    only one who could understand the hidden mean-

    ings of my words, who could interpret the tones of

    my voice, who could tell what I was feeling by just

    throwing a mere glance on my face. There was

    nothing of me which was hidden from him. He

    knew every version I had from the baby to the

    grown up mature girl. I always respected him for

    loving my naked soul and not my naked body. He

    was a hero, a perfect legend that is why it was so

    hard for me to let go my first and only love affair.



    It would have been easier if he was just a human,

    an ordinary guy like so many found in the town. I

    was lucky to have found a gem among the stones; a

    real, precious and unique gem.

    It was mid-December when I met him. He was

    studying law and loved it. He was a hedonist, a true

    believer of pleasure and happiness, and not just a

    believer but also someone who would spread it

    around and share as well. We became good friends.

    Initially, our every conversation was only about ei-

    ther academics or current affairs and philosophy.

    He always loved it if I came up with contradiction

    and made him believe what he did not earlier. He

    was receptive and eager to grow and learn new

    things, explore himself and the world around, expe-

    rience what he has not and be a great man one day.

    He never had big dreams. I mean yes, he had, but

    not like having a mansion in NYC, a gang of girl-

    friends around, piles of dollars and things like that.

    He was very different from the world. I would say

    he was a man just like I wanted and always

    dreamed of. There were times when I used to think

    that we were soul mates, we were made for each

    other. I felt I knew him long before he was just a

    sperm somewhere in his fathers body and how I

    enjoyed myself when I used to be with him is just




    Words have limitations but feelings and emo-

    tions dont. They dont follow any boundaries or

    rules like words do. For me, it is a sheer injustice to

    put these two dimensions together. I picked up a

    stick lying in the mud and started drawing random

    things with it on the dust. I had never thought I

    was so expressive. My mother Candice had always

    taught me that life is really short and even a single

    word shouldnt be left unsaid or unheard. And I

    grew up this way.

    In school, with friends and people I loved, it was

    my habit to gift them with small things, with pure

    gestures of love like a hug to mom, a jump on dad-

    dy, a kiss on his hand, teasing my siblings and then

    hugging them tightly. I loved doing these things. It

    was the same with him. It was never my intention

    to grow feelings or fall for him because I knew we

    both could not happen, ever. We had different

    paths to follow. It was maybe an intersection of his

    path with mine where I met him but he was surely

    not to stay. I understood this (in theory), and de-

    spite these facts, I started loving him, loving him in

    all the honest ways I could. I loved him for what he

    was. He realized my unusual caring for him and

    told me to step back. He probably knew the cir-

    cumstances. Oh! How much I hate these moments

    when I am forced to think about all the things I

    tried so hard to forget, I terribly wanted to get



    them off my memory track, but sometimes return-

    ing to memories is just so irresistible.

    I threw the stick aside. I was frustrated but feel-

    ing alone and scared, scared of being hurt and vul-

    nerable. I couldnt stand to see him going even a

    slightest inch away from me. Unacceptable, despic-

    able, outrageous it was for me to see him getting

    along with any other girl. The typical teenage stuff,

    but I was born this way; miss-abnormally-

    possessive. Even after knowing I loved him so

    much, he couldnt just grow those very feelings in

    himself for me. He loved me like a best friend, the

    closest buddy and the trustworthy chap but he

    couldnt ever think along the lines of a man-woman

    relationship. I wanted to bring him closer, push

    him away (both hurt unimaginably!) and then hug

    him and cling forever.

    True, every soul in this world wants to be loved.

    And even after loving someone hopelessly, madly,

    desperately, completely, out of anybodys imagina-

    tion; it breaks you, treads on you, drags you merci-

    lessly over the floor, you bleed and you can never

    be healed. A love without a reward or reciprocation

    on at least equal measures is just like a very im-

    portant question which never gets an answer.

    I could feel my eyes getting wet as a tear crawled

    down my cheek at the revival of these memories I



    had them buried somewhere as they always made

    me cry. Cry and elevate the pain. My eyesight was

    focused on the reddish beige maple leaves at the

    base of the tree right in front of me, making out

    with the slow soft breeze which was blowing in in-

    tervals. I wiped my face and wrapped my arms

    around my bent knees. The wind was making my

    long straight blonde hair fly in frenzy.

    It was getting dark and the sun was leaving with

    the promise of showing up tomorrow. I was look-

    ing closely at the sky gray, blue, purple; a mixture

    of all such hues and a splendid cover. A beautiful

    sky, who was the sole witness of my life story, had

    started dripping with stars now. The story had

    started in December 1992 and I always eulogized

    my childhood. But it was not the time to get there.

    I had already had enough memories for today. It

    was the time to wrap up the memories and get up

    to leave for home. I understood it clearly that a

    storm would be waiting for me for not showing up

    at the party and not informing anyone, and I had to

    brace myself and prepare for it, but the time I spent

    only with myself in the forest really was worth it.




    I WENT TO SLEEP late at night and was feeling

    tired when I got up in the morning. I had hardly

    slept for 4 hours and I could feel my eyes receding

    in the sockets. My back was hunched. Suddenly, as

    if in a trance, I got up and walked towards bedside

    table and pulled out a drawer. I dont know what

    exactly got into my mind. This was a very special

    drawer for me: it had the memories of us, all those

    I could save, from cards to letters, from small gifts

    to any sort of writings or things that could be pre-


    You are really beautiful but not like those super models

    who make their appearance in the magazines or films. You

    are beautiful for what you are, for how you think and how

    you take and treat everyone around you. You have a very

    unique and beautiful sparkle in your eyes and it shines even

    more when you talk. You are beautiful for having the ability

    to make others smile even when you are feeling sad or down

    yourself. You are not beautiful for something as temporary as



    your skin, hair or looks. You are beautiful in the terms of

    permanence. You are beautiful deep down to your very soul.

    I mean each word I just wrote. They are not just the

    words but have inexplicable feelings behind.

    Love always,

    Allan Lyons

    I sighed. My hands were trembling and heart

    throbbing. I so wanted to cry out loud, cry at the

    top of my lungs so that I dont have any tears left

    to shed. I kissed the paper, folded it with care and

    placed it back in the drawer. I sat right there on the

    floor. My heart had started to sink. My eyes stum-

    bled upon a card wrapped in a red ribbon. It read

    Happy Birthday, Barbie. My mind was connecting

    random dots of the memory, and the whole film of

    my 17th birthday got played in my mind after hav-

    ing a look at that card again. How terribly I wished

    to stop the time for ever but I could not. Felicita-

    tions this was given to me by him when I gradu-

    ated high school. To top it all, I was the top of my

    class and it was no doubt a great day.




    I could not stand looking at the physical ramifica-

    tions of my memories. These types of feelings are

    really hard to define. You feel wonderful; and at the

    same time the pain for not having it anymore

    strangulates you horribly.

    I had abandoned the relationship I had with

    him. Maybe temporarily, but I had. I did it inten-

    tionally as a part of self-therapy. My love for himwas a really pure one without any selfish motives or

    purposes. I loved him like anything but I guess you

    cant be best friends with someone you love with

    all your heart. At least I could not handle that. I

    thought that by staying away from him, I might be

    able to forget him or lessen the intensity of my feel-

    ings. But it wasnt helping. I had cut myself off

    from the world and all types of bonding. I hated

    relations. My parents were already living in Wiscon-

    sin; I was away from them and alone here and my

    siblings were busily carving their own career paths.

    I had no close friends as such. It had always been

    difficult for me to open myself to others. I was a

    kind of a girl who would keep her issues to herself,

    smile when others are sad and spread love around

    as much as I could regardless of what I have in the

    heart and how I feel at the instant. I could not see

    anyone in trouble. But it was always him who knew

    me and understood each and every fiber of my

    mortal being. Only he knew me down to my roots.



    Because of this reason, I never got closer to any

    other person. Even now, at this psychological

    stage, I might talk to the people but then find ways

    to sabotage it. I was living in fears, fears of so many


    I would not say that he did not have any feelings

    for me. He had. But those feelings were of a differ-

    ent kind. Just like you have different feelings for

    your brother, mother, father, sister, friend, spouse,

    acquaintance, etc. They all are different relations

    that you may have in your life. The same word love

    is defined and interpreted differently for all of

    them. It has varied dimensions. The way he loved

    me was not like the way I loved him. I couldnt just

    shift him from his tracks to mine. It is too tough to

    define. I know how much my heart was aching to

    see him, grab and hug, but I knew that once I was

    back there, with him, I would be all dead. I wanted

    the addiction to wear off. I realized that it is much

    easier to get rid of drug addiction but it is almost

    impossible to live a life without someone you de-

    pended so much upon. Even if you try, you are not

    the same person you used to be, you go farther

    from that original version of yours.

    The flashes of the memories were sickening me

    and I was drained. The best was to close the drawer

    and I did it. And then, right at that instant, I real-

    ized that if I were going to keep these reminders



    save, I would never be able to get him completely

    out of my mind. I opened the drawer again, emp-

    tied it and grabbed all the things it contained. I had

    been saving them since day one but now it was the

    time to get rid of them. Because I truly wanted my

    usual self back. I took them in the backyard and

    placed them in the form of a pile on the ground. I

    went to the kitchen and brought the matchbox.

    With a drenching heart and squinting feelings, I put

    the burning matchstick on top of the pile, stuck a

    few under as well, and set the physical existence of

    memories on fire. I witnessed a few of my tears

    falling in the flame and disappearing. My heart was

    filled with sadness. I left the fire burning and came

    back inside. I wanted to be dead like those ashes.

    Or maybe I was in the phase of burning; I could

    see my future in those ashes: at least they were so

    free, so light, and so independent.




    IT HAD ALMOST BEEN a month since I last

    talked to him; it felt just like a century for me. I had

    this understanding deep inside me that Allan would

    also be longing to see me. He would have tried all

    the possible ways to get to me for he knew I was

    not mature enough to live on my own. One thing

    that he had always taught me was to stay away from

    this cruel world and not to trust anyone with any-

    thing, ever. For him, the world was full of dogs and

    bitches waiting to hunt me down and chop me up.

    He believed that there are very few people who are

    good. There was no reason to disagree. He had

    taught me that these good and bad parts are in us,

    in everybody. Its we who freely choose which part

    we allow to take action, and then it makes us exact-

    ly what we are. Most of us follow the dark parts

    and it had made this globe a dark place to live in.

    He wanted to create a bubble and put me in it to

    save and protect from the evils and harms, and his

    presence in my life was that bubble. I had this clear

    idea that abandoning him would also burst it and I

    would be vulnerable. I had to keep my eyes open



    and be aware of every step I chose to take. It was

    really very hard as I had forgotten what his absence

    felt like, what it had been like before we met. He

    was always there to guide me, save me when some-

    thing went wrong and drag me out of the place

    where I was not supposed to be. I was addicted to

    him in a way, he was my drug and only I know how

    empty and hollow I was feeling without him and

    how terribly I was sensing his absence and missing

    his presence.

    The world might have taken me for a worryguts.

    One side of me was telling me to shun all these

    thoughts, think bad about him, be selfish and hate

    him for not marrying me and loving on my terms

    but one part of me was telling me that he was pure,

    sincere and it was none of his fault. In fact, he nev-

    er refused to give me his name because he had nev-

    er promised any such thing. Besides, he was ful-

    filling all the promises he had made and one of

    those was to stay with me and never leave no mat-

    ter what. He promised to be there, always. I used to

    make fun of this, saying that after my marriage no

    one would let me stick to him anymore or else my

    husband would banish him from the grounds. I

    laughed it off. But today I was wounded; these

    wounds were very much different from the usual

    ones. I had bruises on my soul, blisters on my

    heart, a tortured spirit, blooded emotions, broken



    feelings and a hollow body. I wanted him to be

    around me, I wanted him to slide in with me on my

    bed and I would rest my head on his chest, holding

    his hand and snuggling. I would never ever let him


    His love was the only drug that could satisfy my

    thirst, heal me fully and return my pure smiles back.

    I had lost peace, I had lost sleep, I had lost the

    knack of laughing that would touch the innards of

    my soul, and I was losing me. This was such a high

    price I was paying; risking my own life and letting it


    Sometimes I wonder why people come closer to

    you when they have to leave you eventually. And

    even if they do, their departure must not hurt you.

    Why does it happen and then you almost stop liv-

    ing? Is it your defeat? Or is it all written in the

    stars? I believed strongly in the Four Noble Truths

    and existence of Karma. True, life is suffering, suf-

    ferings have an origin and casual reasons, those

    reasons can be ceased to perplex and for that there

    have to be certain ways. I was just unable to locate

    those, figure out what could be the solution of this

    misery and identify the ways to stop it. This was

    not abnormal. When you are hanging in a city so

    dead, when the thread is getting weaker each day,

    when you know you are in limbo, you cannot step

    back or move forward, your brain ceases to think.



    All you do is moan and indulge in self-pity. There

    was one solution that I could think of and it was

    staying away from him, pushing him away from

    everything but it was not working at all.

    I had always heard that the time is a big healer.

    Things dont happen overnight but they do get bet-

    ter with time. Wounds heal, after all, and getting

    them healed slowly is at least better than not having

    them healed at all. But for some obvious reasons, I

    had believed that time only fills up the bruise or the

    cut and covers it up. A scar is always there. It never

    vanishes. If something happens to hit near the

    same place, the cover would peel off and open the

    old wound again.


    I was young and pretty, pretty like a doll. At the age

    of 18, you dont even know what love is exactly and

    how things work in a relationship. I had heard that

    if you cant love your own self you should not ex-

    pect some other person to love you. At the end,

    your best friend must be you only. But the truth

    was I loved myself when he was around. I loved

    each bit of me when he told me I was special. I

    loved every feature of my personality when he re-

    garded it the best one. I did not know how I was



    able to love myself when there was no one to ap-

    preciate me.

    Everything changes: things, feelings, people, pri-

    orities, interests, ambitions, preferences, persons,

    emotions just everything. Even us, we change

    each day a little. That is why every day of ours is

    different than the one that is gone. But I was stuck

    I dont know why. My feelings for him had not

    changed even slightly. Despite all the pain and dep-

    rivation, my priority and preference was still him.

    My future was incomplete without that single per-

    son. People might get an impression that I loved

    him for his body or looks, but no I loved him for

    what he was as a person and for how he had made

    me love myself and explore myself even more. We

    understood each other like we didnt even under-

    stand ourselves. Physical love is a part of such type

    of relationships but it has never been our priority. I

    wonder how another human being can become so

    important to you. This was the way of the thoughts

    and feelings I would never be able to grasp I was

    only able to live it.

    I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I could not.

    This apartment, this place, this city all was full of

    his memories. I suck at forgetting. Memory that is once created in my brain never gets out. It gets

    carved there. This is one bad part of having a

    strong memory being unable to forget the things



    which are best to be forgotten. I dont know how

    we forget someone unless we hate him or dislike. I

    could not hate him. Those you love, reside in the

    hearts. They are with you all the time, in your

    thoughts, in your memories, they never leave.

    When they dont leave, how can they be forgotten?

    And when they cannot be forgotten, how do we

    handle the painful absence? How can we deal with

    the wait? The. Uncertain. Wait!

    God!! I wanted to smash my phone right into

    the wall with all the force I could exert. It was the

    only thing placed nearest to me but I could not

    move. Not even slightly. I was stiff and still, pain-

    fully still paralyzed.


    I was in kitchen and could not hear someone

    knocking on the door. They knocked louder and

    with more intensity.

    Who can it be? I wondered while walking towards

    the door. I peeped through the door-hole. There

    was a postman. I opened the door with a smile and

    he greeted me.

    Hello there. Are you Miss Chrishuanna? he


    Yes, I am, I answered.



    Well, you have got a parcel. Kindly sign here

    and receive.

    OK. I took the paper from him and signed.

    He handed the parcel over to me and left. I

    came inside, closed the door and placed it on the

    table. I thought of opening it but then I had to re-

    turn to the kitchen for something. After which, I

    completely forgot about it.

    After spending the most of the day in the kitch-

    en, I was back in the lounge. I turned on the TV.

    As soon as I started surfing through the channels, I

    remembered the parcel. I got up, grabbed it and sat

    back on the sofa with my legs tucked under me.

    First, I tried to guess its contents by looking at

    the package. I could not. There was no return ad-

    dress. It was a medium-sized box wrapped in black

    and white paper. I started opening it slowly, un-

    wrapped it with a confused look and a frown.

    The top of it read With Love and Best Wishes

    My heart skipped a beat.

    Who could send me love and wishes like this!

    I breathed in and out and opened the box.

    For a moment I almost screamed with excite-

    ment when I saw what was inside it. There was a

    beautiful pendant encrusted with what were per-

    haps zircons or some other precious stones (I was



    bad at guessing about such things). Whatever it

    was, it was super awesome. It had been long since I

    received any gift from anyone. Surprises have theirown delight, and the suspense it just takes you.

    My gaze fell on an envelope which was there

    right beside the ornament. I placed the pendant

    down and took it. It was blank on both sides. I

    opened it and there was a letter.

    Letter? I paused. I still had no idea who had

    sent me this.

    I opened it and gasped. It read:

    Dear Chrissie,

    I am sorry that it has been quite a long since I last wrote

    to you. This does not mean that I have given up on you or I

    dont think about you anymore. I dont know but I might

    have given up on me perhaps.

    I wont drag the conversation long because I dont know

    what you have on your mind regarding me. But I respect eve-

    ry decision of yours and you know that.

    Baby, I cant take my eyes off you as I always have said.

    First I planned to see you at your apartment but then I

    thought it was not right. I decided to write to you and this

    small gift, though its noble, is just a cry for attention (you

    are worth much more). I found this yesterday and it remind-



    ed me of you. It was made for you perhaps so I bought it

    right then.

    I considered myself unworthy of love, especially from a

    person as perfect, complete and excellent as you. I know how

    painful it is for you to forget what you cant get after loving

    so much. But today, I would like to confess a few things

    which I never confessed before.

    Before meeting you, passion and love were something I

    had only seen in movies. I had never dreamed of such emo-

    tions ever coming to me. I still remember your beautiful hon-

    est smile which tingles amorously. Just like you, I am also

    vexed and perplexed to see you, meet you, and talk to you

    about whatever is happening. I feel it is not right. We have

    to talk about it. I know I cant match your gentleness, ten-

    derness and feelings but I have always tried to make you as

    safe as I could, protect you and love you in all the honest pos-

    sible ways. The place that I hold for you right in my heart is

    precious beyond any words. I agree that I cant marry you

    but that doesnt mean that you are not the type of person Ive

    dreamed about. I just cant do that, Chrissie, and I have

    explained that to you a billion times. Only I know my heart

    is crying while I am writing all this but I dont want to ruin

    your future life. I know even if I marry you, I wont be able

    to keep you happy. I know I would not come up to your ex-

    pectations. Do you think this would give me any sort of

    peace? I am not the kind of the guy you deserve. We two are

    different personalities. You deserve so much more, so much

    better. But I am taking this chance to tell you that whatever



    you are doing to yourself is not right for you. You think be-

    ing with me would make matters worse, but in my absence

    you are doing even more harm to yourself. I have always

    promised to be with you through all the thick and thin unless

    I am assured that you have found someone who is capable of

    keeping you happy and taking good care of you. Even after

    that, I would be there.

    I always wanted to see you a strong and independent girl

    who knows who she is and what she has to do. All this time

    I only worked to hold you up. But I am a human too. I also

    fall sometimes. But the only answer to my passions and

    dreams is you. You are always in my heart, in my mind, in

    my thoughts and I ache to meet you. I cant see you dying

    like this. I never knew that you were setting yourself off on

    this secret suicide mission. I cant stand to see this happen-

    ing. I see all my love and efforts going down a drain.

    I am living with a yearning that can be satisfied only with

    your stupid jokes, loving gestures and caring ways. Please

    come back!!!

    Ever dreaming about you!

    Tearfully yours,


    My hands were trembling and my heart stuttered

    as I read his name at the end. I felt moisture in my

    eyes; I blinked repeatedly to clear them. Then I



    folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope

    before putting it on my heart. The world was away

    and it was me and my imagination of him now.

    Allan! You should not have written to me, I

    whispered to the letter, tears dripping from my eye-


    After such a long time Only I know how

    hard it is for me to resist. I cant. You know, I

    freakin cant. Ahh! I sighed and burst into tears.

    Allan! Allan, please, dont do this to me! Allan!




    THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS had helped me

    realize even more that love comes with pain. A ter-

    ribly unkind disservice has been done to us by all

    the fairy tales in the world. They lied about the

    stark truth of love and portrayed everything so

    sweet and simple. They lied that once you find your

    true love, you enter into the realm of that happily

    ever after and no heartaches, sufferings, pangs of

    sorrow come your way. Such deceivers, I won-


    I had so many questions in my mind which were

    torturing me.

    Whom could I count on to seek these an-

    swers? I muttered. I was talking to my brain. It

    suggested something. These words came in a sud-

    den gush.

    Allan! Allan Lyons.

    No, no, no! Not him. Not him anymore, I

    grunted. My heart and mind were in a wrangle as I



    tried to convince myself. Not after I have decided

    to live alone, without depending on him.

    Some questions are better left unanswered. I re-

    spected this fact now. When you come across such

    a situation, you should stop questioning. When I

    was in my early teens, I wanted to have answers to

    every question that made its way through my mind

    but things were very different now. I told myself

    that I could found good questions there were no

    restrictions on that but not good answers. I only

    knew that I was breathing and it meant that I was

    just alive. To live and to be alive are two different

    concepts in practice.

    Love has pain because all humans are imperfect

    and we live in an imperfect world. We make mis-

    takes: even after we try to do our best, we do things

    we are not supposed to do. Since we humans are

    open and vulnerable, those mistakes wound us. The

    intensity depends on the type and nature of the

    mistake, but it does hurt anyway. When we deny

    this fact, we are actually denying the nature of hu-

    mans and that of love. I had heard that the pain

    which you get as a part of true love is precious. It

    teaches you so many things which you cant learn

    from books or encyclopedias. Pain is the endorse-

    ment of the sincerity of the feelings. Every fiber of

    my being was in pain, but unfortunately I was not



    learning what I was supposed to. At least not at the


    Books had taught me that you should let this

    pain sink into the deepest depths of your soul. You

    should count the tears which love gives you as if

    they were gold. But how can we like something

    which makes us hate everything else? Again, it was

    another unanswered question!

    I tried to shun all the thoughts which were push-

    ing me to meet him. I had to involve myself in

    something which could distract me, but nothing

    was working. My brain was heavily occupied, and

    each time I returned to the same question. I was

    stuck between a yes and a no.


    Time was passing by passing rather quickly. I

    thought of renovating my apartment. It sounded

    interesting. At least it was something which was

    expected to keep me busy and away from all that

    mental garbage that was filling my head. I wanted

    to do something new, something out of ordinary.

    Lets call Rose, I thought to myself. She loved do-

    ing such things.

    I phoned her and invited her over. She instantly

    agreed and left for my place immediately. She lived



    nearby, just some streets away and in a few

    minutes, she appeared on my doorstep. Exuberant

    and nicely dressed up as always (it was one of the

    things which I had always loved about her). She

    was full of energy no matter what. We decided for

    the new places of the furniture and other things

    and colors for the walls. Now we both were excited

    about the new look.

    Initially we both talked about random things and

    I must admit that she was a superb gossiper. I was

    really enjoying her company after such a long time

    of having none.

    I dont know what got in her mind while rear-

    ranging the things in my shelf and she inquired

    about Allan.

    Chrissie Do you know Jenna is in a huff with

    you? She did not like the fact that you didnt show

    up on the party! she continued without looking at

    me and arranging the books. We were all expect-

    ing you

    I was standing and staring at the floor cushions.

    I answered without looking at her.

    Yeah, I understand.

    You know what I was wondering? she stood

    up and turned to me. I thought you were with Al-




    Allan? I smiled wryly. No! I was not with

    him, I said. I had all plans for the party, I even

    dressed up, left the place but then I dont know

    why I went to the forests.

    Forests? she said with surprise in her voice.

    And what happened between you and Allan? She

    narrowed her eye.

    I turned and met her gaze. I was silent for a

    moment. I did not know what to tell her. All she

    knew was I was madly in love with him.

    Rosie, though I loved him but he was a good

    friend only, I grumbled to her.

    What is going on? She was eager to know. She

    walked closed to me and locked her arms behind

    her back. For a moment she looked like an investi-

    gating officer.

    I am trying to stay away from him, Rose! I

    snorted and continued. I should have realized it

    long ago that we both did not have a mutual future.

    You cant live with someone you love the most as

    just friends. At least I could not. My expression

    was sad, and she could clearly notice. I sat down on

    the couch.

    How are you dealing with it? She held my

    hand and sat down next to me. I mean You

    didnt even tell me and decided all this by yourself!



    Its so hard, I know She was caressing my hand.

    She was lovely.

    I dont know if I am actually dealing or not. I

    am just trying, I muttered.

    She was all ears to me at that moment, she was

    listening every word of mine very carefully.

    I want myself to have that drug forever or not

    to have it all at. You have no idea what this pain of

    addiction is like, I continued. It had been ages

    since I had spoken my heart out to someone like

    this and I wanted to continue. She was listening.

    Rosie, I think I am not like others, I am a bit

    a bit different and I paused and she nodded

    agreeing with me.

    I wanted to turn away and blink to get rid of the

    unwanted moisture in my eyes.

    Chris, I know life is hard. Its hard for all of us

    but in different ways, Rose said. I know you are

    going through hell but the solution you have cho-

    sen for yourself is not actually a solution.

    What else am I supposed to do? I pleaded. I

    cant bear to see him marrying or getting along with

    some other girl. It scratches my heart. Terribly. I

    almost shouted but did not stop. I think if I could

    be away, the pain would grow lesser with time. Ive

    heard that time heals.



    Though I had heard this, I didnt quite believe

    this myth. Not anymore. While I said that, my head

    and heart strongly rejected my words. But still there

    was a hope that maybe it happens. There must be a

    reason why the myth is still not dead.

    Rose was listening and thinking, perhaps unable

    to decide what to say next. There was silence. We

    both were quiet for a few minutes. Meanwhile I

    was trying to shake the thoughts out of my head. I

    cocked my head to the left side and tried to relax

    my nerves.

    I understand everything you are trying to say,

    she said finally. I do not know what the exact solu-

    tion is but I am certain enough that this current

    one youve stumbled upon is not right You are

    being betrayed by yourself and this worries me.

    I got up and checked on the books. There were

    still a few left unarranged since when she started

    the conversation. I sat there, wiped the dust off the

    covers and placed them in alphabetical order. I was

    listening to what she was saying.

    I am the happiest person when he is around.

    But I am the most suffering one when he is not.

    The problem is, I want to possess him, I said in a

    distorted voice. I got up from where I was sitting

    and faced her. She was looking at the painting on

    the wall right in front of her. I want him to be



    mine and only mine. You tell me if its right. I

    added while my heart gave a hard thump.

    See, I am not an expert on this. But what I

    would suggest you is she paused.

    Is? I echoed.

    Is that you should meet Allan. Tell him how

    even this is not working out for you, she told. I

    could sense that her heart was full of despair and

    concern for me. Tell him everything the way you

    just tried to tell me. I am sure he would have the


    She sounded so certain. I choked out a wheezing

    sound and nodded. I did not want to say anything,

    perhaps I did not have anything to say. I was feel-

    ing too miserable to respond.

    Has he ever broken his promise? she asked


    No. Never! I answered. He is a man of his


    When he says he wont leave you, he wont she

    said reassuringly. He knows he cant marry you

    but still he is not ready to give up on you; he wants

    to bear you in every mood and take care of you

    He has to have something on his mind, she ex-

    plained. You should try it, just try.



    I nodded. My brain had ceased to think about it

    for the moment. My sight landed on the coffee


    Coffee? I tried to stretch my lips in a grin. The

    atmosphere was suffocating me.

    Oh, yeah! she said with a smile, standing up.

    We both silently wanted to change the topic.

    I also had some cookies in my fridge, as well as

    other snacks to eat. I asked her to take those out

    while I made coffee. It was cloudy outside, but still

    warm. We enjoyed the food and spent time togeth-

    er till it started getting dark. Since we put a full stop

    to that discussion, we never started it again. We

    talked about a lot of other things and it was fun.

    Also, the monotonous setting of my apartment was

    driving me crazy. It was presenting a much better

    look now. There were still a few things which

    needed attention but we were almost done. I even

    enjoyed doing that.

    Ah I sighed. Finally a good day after such a

    long time.

    I realized I was smiling to myself.




    Lying down on my bed and watching the move-

    ment of the ceiling fan, I was connecting random

    dots in my mind. I seriously wanted to think about

    the phase I was going through. I put my arm over

    my midriff. This reminded me of my childhood

    days. I was much closer to my father than to my

    mother. My father was American but my mother

    was from Asia. I was a hybrid. My father belonged

    to a middle class family but he provided us siblings

    with everything we needed. It was love that made

    him rich. Whenever I was upset or disturbed about

    something, I used to lie on my bed, flat on my

    back, with my eyes open wide, lost in thoughts or

    despondency. One of my problems was that I

    couldnt sleep, my mind being occupied with trou-

    bling thoughts. My father always came into my

    room, sat next to me, wrapped his big arms all

    around my upper body and I felt as if I was hidden

    somewhere warm and safe; and told me amazing

    bedtime stories which I always loved to hear. The

    stories pushed out all the bad thoughts. He always

    told me I was special and not like ordinary girls.

    Such things always made me happy and put me to

    sleep because they soothed my heart and comfort-

    ed the storms in my mind. I used to ask him so

    many questions, about almost everything. He

    would come up with answers, sometimes to make

    me happy, sometimes sad, sometimes convincing



    me about something, sometimes making me laugh

    and sometimes making me exuberant, and some-

    times not answering at all. I was missing those days

    badly, intensely, when I was lying here alone, stray-

    ing among thoughts and wading in confusion, both

    as important to me as my life. I was feeling terrible.

    There was no one to hold me and tell me I was not


    I badly wanted to be with my family but I was

    here to study. It was one of my fathers dreams and

    he wanted to see me successful, standing on my

    feet and doing extraordinarily well in life. My heart

    was connected to Wisconsin and although Arizona

    was great, I felt more than any time before that I

    hadnt found many friends here in Phoenix to

    spend my time with. I felt I needed my father more

    than anything because of the phase I was going

    through. I wanted to tell him about Allan, about my

    feelings and about the feeble thread on which I was

    suspended in the middle of nowhere. I had always

    been an introvert so living alone in my apartment

    here was not a big deal for me. But I needed him

    and didnt feel right upsetting him as I was sure of

    my failure. I had a clear realization that he was not

    getting any younger and situations like these be-

    come way more frustrating with age. Henceforth,

    Arizona was supposed to be my home.



    Allan. Rose, my mind, my heart they all were

    suggesting Allan. I felt like I was about to surren-

    der. It was so hard to fight with the thoughts. You

    are one and they are many. Rose had somehow

    convinced me to contact him. I could still hear her

    sentences echoing in my mind. There was some-

    thing which was pushing me now. Long before her,

    my mind had been suggesting the same but I resist-

    ed somehow. I had no idea why I gave in this time.

    It was adding to my cravings and frustrations. It

    was eating me inside like a parasite and I didnt

    want to be a host. It had to find an outlet.

    It had been a week now since I received that let-

    ter from him. I had not looked at that pendant

    again once I put it in the jewelry box. I flipped and

    got to the side drawer of my bed. I opened it and

    searched for the phone diary. I was regretting hav-

    ing deleted his numbers from my phone.

    I have to call him, I said to myself.

    Yes! Call him. Call Allan, I was saying to my-

    self in the mixed feeling of excitement, eagerness

    and agony. My heart was thumping like mad.

    No. Dont. Place it back! a part in me roared. I

    came up with an excuse:

    Whats wrong with trying?

    I dialed the number.



    His line had connected. His phone was ringing.

    After a few seconds, he picked up.

    Hello! Allan Lyons here, he spoke. My heart

    leaped out.

    Hi! I spoke after a one-second pause. Hi, Al-


    Chrish-shu-anna. He uttered my name break-

    ing it, emphasizing every syllable.

    How are you? How have the things been? How

    are you doing? I have been sick worried about you,

    Chrissie, he continued. Chrissie? You there?

    He sounded restless. He was almost shouting.

    I was silent. Words vaporized off my tongue. I

    felt as if somebody was pressing hard against my

    wind pipe as my ears heard his voice. The same

    voice I had craved for, loved, wanted. I could not

    believe I was hearing it again. It was hard to tell

    myself that yes it was him who was there right on

    the other side. At last, I spoke.

    Umm I am fine. I I got your letter last


    I almost whispered. I was stammering badly. I

    used to do that when upset or nervous.

    Shhshhh! Forget everything. Just tell me, shall I

    come to meet you? Please just dont say no. Tell me

    when? he pleaded. I so knew this version of him



    and had loved it always when he desired me in his

    unique way.

    I was thinking. I did not know what to say and

    how to answer his question.

    Yes! Yes, Allan, I mumbled. I dont know

    what happened to me at the instant that I started

    begging without even waiting for him to respond to

    my affirmation.

    Allan, please. Please come and hide me! I was

    screaming. Please end this pain. I am just just

    tired of fighting. I I cant do it anymore, I

    sobbed. But it was louder like a moan. My head was

    spinning like a top.

    Shusshhh shhhh..! Chrissie, my baby! I know

    everything. I am coming tomorrow. Just a few

    hours to wait. We will talk about it. His voice was

    full of sadness and helplessness.

    It is all ok. I understand. I will wait, I told him

    resolutely, trying to control my abrupt self. Trying

    to calm down.

    Uh, he breathed. Till then, please, take care

    of yourself. He was about to cut the call when he


    And always remember that no matter what, I

    love you.

    I smiled unconsciously. You too, take care.



    And I disconnected the call.

    I dont know if I was happy or sad and it was

    awful. There are times when you are unable to cat-

    egorize your feelings, put a label on them. Its hard

    as they are not concrete and dissolved in each oth-

    er. Or maybe they are and you are unable to draw

    the line. It was one of those moments.





    was longing to see Allan all the time. That month

    was like a century. I rediscovered something about

    myself. I was an astoundingly intense person. Even

    if I had tried to exclude him from my life, I was at a

    stage where my mornings began with thoughts

    about him and my day ended with him in my mind.

    I was the kind of a person who would put her heart

    and soul behind everything. This can be visible only

    to the person who wishes to look closely into me. I

    dont know but this can be intimidating too.

    This world keeps things superficial but light. I

    believed the extent of my intensity was antithetical.

    I had always craved for a man who would look into

    the smoldering red fire in my eyes and never back

    off. He may flinch in order to prepare himself for

    being pressed upon, but not leave. For some rea-

    sons I had thought it was him, Allan was this man.

    He promised me fidelity. He always believed in

    commitments and fulfilled what he had promised.

    This is the nucleus of any healthy relationship

    which is based on love. This was probably a reason



    I was still unable to hate him. He was not one of

    those who flew away the first time we had a small

    disagreement; neither was he of the type who

    would look for a bigger, better deal. He had stayed

    and he was going to forever. I had this faith in

    him. He had always tried to find ways for overcom-

    ing every last obstacle. If not much, he was sensi-

    tive to my feelings and needs and had reasonably

    respected and honored both of them. The only

    hope of mine which he crashed down was mar-


    After being in love with him, the only excite-

    ment I had about anything good or new was that I

    would share it with him and cherish it together, and

    the only satisfaction in bad times was his overall

    presence. His arms were the safest and most treas-

    ured place for me; he was someone I could trust,

    confide in, play and enjoy my life with. Every night,

    I gazed at the moon and asked it to reflect my love

    and feelings back to him. My appetite for him was

    endless. I wanted him to heal the scars and wounds

    of my heart which bled every night. I breathed only

    him. I sensed only him. I felt only him. After all, it

    was him who introduced and showed me what love

    and passion could be. He opened my heart and led

    me to a complete new world. After going through

    the tough times, I was supposed to be stronger. I

    did not know if I succeed in it but I was at a place



    where I had never been before. It was neither

    something in the mind nor something physical; it

    was the place where my soul soared. It was a place

    where I had shared him with me. I had not learned

    to live in his absence yet and I was not sure if I ev-

    er would.

    I was waiting for him. I had to. I wanted to do

    more than just cry on his shoulder. I had this dis-

    tinct impression that he does love me in a some-

    what subtle way. It was I who interpreted it the

    wrong way, and, due to those incorrect interpreta-

    tions, I came up to an equally incorrect decision. It

    did not save a great deal of trouble as I had ex-

    pected. My vulnerability was now a visibility. Time

    had peeled away another layer of the same onion.

    My only hope was him now. All I wanted was for

    him to hide me in his arms forever. I wanted to

    cuddle and die snuggling.


    Isolation is never a solution, Allan said in a dis-

    approving voice. How did you think it was going

    to help? he objurgated.

    He was here and I knew how he was going to

    question everything. I was silent for the moment.



    He was sitting on the sofa right in front of me. I

    was avoiding his gaze.

    Okay I know I know I am not perhaps the

    most loveable person but but I did not know

    that I was not a desirable person as well. He winced

    and it stole my breath.

    You are taking everything wrong, I said, de-


    Then you tell me what is right, he demanded.

    Anger tightened his throat.

    I took a long breath. I wanted to say everything I

    was keeping in, say all what I wanted to but I was

    unable to pour all out in a gush. He was looking at


    Allan!.. I started. I could not find the appro-

    priate words to start off. I was surprised and scared

    at the heat of his anger.

    Allan, all I wanted was you to desire me in all

    the possible ways, I said. But I also knew that

    even the realm of desirability, I cant rely upon you

    or anyone to generate my sense of self-worth. My

    voice started to tremble. So many thoughts were

    crossing my mind. It was hard for me to filter

    them. He was quiet and listening intently now. My

    words had perhaps calmed him down a little.

    I made a mistake. I forgot that people who are

    with us dont necessarily find the same things inter-



    esting and neat. We all are different and work dif-

    ferently. The reason why Ive made this mistake is

    you; you always acknowledged and respected every-

    thing that came from me. You always gave me that

    attention which I needed. You were an equal part

    of my sadness and happiness

    I paused to get my breath back.

    that I started thinking much more about you,

    starting fantasizing about you, about our future to-

    gether. I thought you were the perfect guy I had

    found for me, I explained. I was looking down at

    the floor now and trying hard not to smile stupidly

    while I said: like the perfect match we see in mov-

    ies. I started taking you as my-prince-so-charming,

    I stopped and blinked. I could feel moisture again.

    But then you told me that we could not happen,

    that just shattered me. I gritted my teeth. When

    you dream about getting something all your life and

    you are told you cant have it cant have it ever,

    how do you feel?

    He stood up, stepped towards me and sat at my

    feet. He held my hand in his right and wiped the

    crawling tear with his left. I was wrangling with the

    intensity of my emotions.

    I dream of you and me together and when I get

    up every morning, but then I have that crushing

    pain of realization that it was just a dream I had



    to decide. I wanted to live on my own then. I want-

    ed to hate you just as an excuse to forget. But I

    couldnt. I could not, Allan. You ruled my

    thoughts, my heart, and my mind! I said, not

    bothering that I was almost shouting at him and

    crying. All this time I wanted and tried to free my-

    self from this intangible bond I had with you, I

    sobbed. I could hardly speak. My voice choked. I

    could not speak clearly anymore, but I pressed on. I

    wanted to spit out every phrase I had in.

    My nights are sleepless. For some time, I was

    even insomniac. I am not in peace. My smiles are

    just the movement of my lips. I have forgotten

    what being happy is like II

    I groaned before I could stop, in the middle of

    the sentence.

    He lifted himself up a little to hug me. I could

    feel his hand caressing the back of my head, just as

    if somebody has sprinkled water on the burning

    flames of mad fires. I didnt know how it felt to be

    desired, loved, cared for, but that feeling was just

    inexplicable and all-encompassing. I was feeling so

    secure and protected. I felt being in the same bub-

    ble he had always talked about. This was the first

    time he let me fully experience his touch and I

    needed it the most then.



    Shusshhh. He kissed my head and held my

    face in his hands.

    Why did you try to separate yourself from eve-

    ryone and faced the deprivation all alone? he

    whispered. I could barely see but his eyes were wet

    and red.

    Because I was possessive about you. I did not

    want you to be with any other girl. I wanted you to

    be mine only, if not you, then no one. I sniffed.

    You could have shared it before you thought of

    it just like youve just shared everything with me

    right now. His voice was distorted. Have I ever

    not listened to you? From crazy to insane to mature

    to childish to just everything? Have I ever jeered or


    No, no, no, Allan, never! I grabbed him and

    hugged. I pressed myself hard against him. His

    tears made my hart hurt as if it were crushed in an

    iron fist. I never ever wanted to see him sad. His

    tears were tearing every fiber of my being. I wanted

    to hold him, just like he had held me in every state

    or mood.

    He wrapped his arms around me, not very but

    tight enough not to let me go.

    I am so sorry I never wanted to see you like

    this. I am hating myself for what you have be-



    come become because of me. His eyes met

    mine; there was guilt in them.

    Its not your fault, Allan. I am equally account-

    able, I explained apologetically, still holding him.

    A strand of my hair fell on my forehead right

    then. I wanted to free my hand to move it back. He

    did it and caressed my eye brows.

    Allan, I have no anger towards you. It is not

    anger but sadness. Sadness of pain, pain of not be-

    ing lucky enough to get you, I spoke. The life in-

    side me has died. I wish there was a way to go


    He held me closer to his heart. His warmth was


    I. Love. You, I whispered.

    He stretched his cheeks to grin, but sadly. It

    made me both smile and cry. I was feeling a little

    better but still a terrible mess.

    If you do, then give up on your self-created

    mission, he suggested with a smile.

    I nodded.

    Sometimes in life you come across a phase

    where you realize that youre not worth more than

    a grain of sand or a leave hanging on a tree. Then,

    your existence or disappearance doesnt really mat-

    ter for anyone anymore. There are so many to re-



    place you and fill the gap. I felt that the phase was

    ending. Allan was still here and was the same as if

    nothing had happened. I was feeling so light after

    pouring my heart out to him. I realized that talking

    to someone else or not talking to anyone at all was

    no solution. I did not have the regret having unsaid

    words. I could see a path now, a hope, a way. I was





    THE MOON WAS CLEAR. I pushed the curtain

    aside and sat on the rug in my room, resting myself

    against the wall. A cool breeze made its way into

    the room and blew my hair for some seconds. I

    was a little world-weary but for some reasons I had

    always believed that the night had to reveal some

    secrets to us; it only looked for someone to listen

    to it and pay attention for it was which it sought.

    It had the language of silence, a language which is

    not understood by all.

    Allan had promised to put my pieces back. He

    was a man of his words and never backed off from

    what he ever said. I believed him. Despite the satis-

    faction, I still had that ache in my heart and an

    empty feeling in my soul. I only wished he could

    snap his fingers and make it all disappear just like a

    magician or a vampire. He was unlike normal hu-

    mans after all.

    Life such a simple word of four letters but

    complicated just like a billion books. Books are the

    combination of a few letters; life is also a combina-

    tion of simple things that can weave really compli-



    cated patterns. You think, choose your life and take

    decisions about it. Sometimes right, sometimes

    wrong. But this is how humans learn. This species

    is always liable to make mistakes; great are those

    who seek lessons and not hate themselves for not

    taking a step in the right direction. I was in a roller

    coaster ride and living in assumptions and expecta-

    tions expectations about human relations and

    emotions. Perhaps he had loved me so that I did

    not find time to love myself or perhaps there was

    no such need. But things were different now.

    I was looking closely at the moon and the dark-

    ness around it. I was feeling how it was still stand-

    ing alone to shine in the dark sky and illuminate

    other objects surrounding it. A sudden gush of real-

    ization came in to my mind. The focus of my think-

    ing switched. I discovered a part of that very secret:

    it was to be really careful about your thoughts because these

    thoughts become your feelings and feelings are generally mo-

    mentary. Being humans, you do not have full control

    over what you think and feel but still you have to

    try when your head continuously warns you about

    the consequences.

    I got up and collapsed on my bed. Allan had my

    heart completely and I was stubborn enough not to

    let myself want anyone else the way I wanted to be

    with him. But I had to cope up with the emptiness.

    I was thinking resolutely. I had to give up on a few



    things and hold on a few. He showed me my self-

    worth and I did not have to let it go this time; I had

    to work to stand on my own feet. He was my

    strength but my love for him was my greatest

    weakness that I had to overcome in a wise way.

    Sometimes life really confuses you between what

    should be done and what you want to do.


    There exists a concept of omen. Omens are the

    ways in which God communicates with you. It is

    your and His language. This is not same for every-

    one. My language with Him might be different

    from any other humans. I believed that through

    these omens He guides you, gives hints, warns, and

    supports, and talks with you. You need to have a

    different understanding in order to interpret His

    language. The whole universe is His words, His

    composition and His tools of language. At the

    moment I was having a clear realization that I had

    been drifting away from Him during the past few

    months. I was losing faith even in my own self.

    God doesnt like sad people. Whining is a cardinal

    sin, it makes you procrastinate. People who are

    happy have God in their hearts. They are pure.

    Heart speaks. I assumed He was rather in a huff



    with me for being unthankful for so many things

    He had granted me. I had not felt any omen since

    my isolation but today I was having this feeling

    deep inside me that things can get better only if I

    try and feel motivated towards it. God is always

    there to help. He helps those who help themselves.

    If you offer Him your hand for friendship, He nev-

    er dejects. He loves all of us, all of His creatures

    equally. He can be the best friend one can ever

    have. He would keep your secrets; help in mysteri-

    ous ways, sooth you when you are down, and so

    much more. He knows everything because He lives

    in your heart. You forget Him but He is still there,

    loving you and trying to communicate with you

    with His omens. He is the Supreme Power and we

    humans are the mere collectors of pieces of paper.

    I was trying hard to sleep but I was not sleepy at

    all. I had forgotten all these things about the one

    Who created me, was always there even when I

    thought I was living alone; still communicating with

    me but I was not answering His calls. I was going

    further and further away from Him. I had forgotten

    what my mother had always taught me. She taught

    me that if you pray to Him with all your heart and

    soul, He does grant your wishes. If He doesnt an-

    swer, it does not mean that He is not listening. It

    can have multiple meanings. It is about what your

    desire and deserve. He is quiet because maybe He is



    planning for something much better than what you

    desire and which is exactly what you deserve. May-

    be its because the time you pray to have something

    is not actually the right time for you. He is silent

    maybe because He wants to see how much you

    trust Him and have faith in Him and for long can

    you stand it. There is always something good for

    you but you dont figure it out at the time. You do

    realize and experience that good in the later

    phases and you always thank Him for His plans.

    I got up and sat resting my back against the back

    of the bed. I was wondering how many times I

    talked with God and shared my heavy heart since

    lately. It is very hard to please the humans but it is every

    easy to please God. Humans are strangely selfish. And

    even if you attempt to please them, it is not them

    who would be thankful, it would again be Him re-

    warding you in several ways for your act of good-

    ness. I had tears in my eyes. My heart was filled

    with guilt. Lately, all my tears were either of self-

    pity or of the emptiness created by his absence. But

    today I was shedding them for my mistakes. I was

    embarrassed. I wanted to talk to God and seek for-

    giveness. I admitted that for the past few months I

    never wanted anything except Allan: for him to

    come home, embrace me and hold me for an eter-

    nity in his arms, whispering every sweet word of

    love. I wished to marry him and possess him in the



    legal ways. I knew that lovemaking and physical re-

    lation must be there only after marriage. I never

    wanted to dishonor my parents and their teachings.

    I didn't but i wanted my dreams to come to reality.

    I expressed all my fears, dreams, hopes,

    thoughts, feelings and I was filled with calmness. A

    wave of satisfaction and peace washed over my in-

    ner self and the living water remained there, filling

    every cavity and crevice. Though crying, I was calm

    calm like a sea which was initially disturbed by a

    storm. My trail seemed insurmountable but I was

    now accepting it that no relation on earth is ever-

    lasting. We are all mortal beings. I prayed for the

    forgiveness of my transgressions, I was yearning to

    be closer to God and to have His peace. I had laid

    down all of my cards and wanted Him to let go the

    guilt I was harboring. Life is an everlasting journey

    of falls and recoveries. I had fallen and wanted Him

    to help me up. I prayed for healing my sickness,

    sickness in mind, body, soul and thoughts. I prayed

    for Him to heal me and make me whole again. I

    prayed to Him for the guidance, patience, grace,

    and mercy. He is my Savior, Redeemer, my Teach-

    er, my Creator, my Protector, my Comforter, and

    my Lord and only Convalescent. I prayed for His

    blessings to shine down upon me, now and forever.

    I wanted to re-establish the connection with Him

    which I had been losing. I wanted to bring it back



    because I was nothing without Him; I had no

    worth, any value. I

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