the church of st. anne, ortonville, mi december 29, … plan ahead. it wasn't raining when noah...

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The Church of St. Anne, Ortonville, MI December 29, 2013

Page 2 Church of St. Anne, Ortonville

Religious Education Office Annette Thompson, DRE Diane Thorpe, Assistant 248-627-3965 ext.130, 131


Dec. 1 - Advent by Candlelight 5-8pm Dec. 1 - Pre/K 10:30am Dec. 2 - Men’s Bible Study 7:30pm Dec. 3 - Women's Bible Study 9:45am Dec. 3 - Tue. Rel. Ed. 4-5:30pm Dec. 3 - Middle School Youth 7:30pm Dec. 7 - Family Catechesis 3-6pm Dec. 7 - Pot Luck Dinner after 5pm Mass Dec. 8 - Pre/K 10:30am Dec. 8 - Confirmation Prep 12-4pm Dec. 10 - Tue. Rel. Ed. 4-5:30pm Dec. 16 - Men’s Bible Study 7:30pm Dec. 17 - Women's Bible Study 9:45am Dec. 17 - Middle School Youth 7:30pm Dec. 22 - Kid’s Craft Day with St. Nick!

Theology On Tap…

Around The D!

Theology on Tap will go on the road

this autumn and winter. As a way to

concentrate efforts to rally young

adults in vicariates and regions

throughout the AOD, Theology on Tap

will be hitting some of the suburbs on

the 8th of each month. The format will

remain the same with a 6:30 pm

Dutch treat dinner and social hour

followed by the presentation at 7:30

pm. The schedule is as follows:

January Green Street Tavern 37700 Green Street, New Baltimore

God’s Bucket List

Christian Humor

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark.

One: Don't miss the boat.

Two: we are all in the same boat.

Three: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

Four: Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do some-thing really big.

Five: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

Six: Build your future on high ground.

Seven: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.

Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

Nine: When you're stressed, float a while..

Ten: the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

Eleven: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.

May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door!

Have a Blessed New Year!

Today we celebrate the Holy Fam-ily of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. As we do so, our Gospel invites us to consider Joseph's protection of Jesus in the face of danger. Just as in the announcement of Jesus' birth, an angel appears to Joseph in a dream. The angel warns him of Herod's plans to harm Jesus. Jo-seph follows the command of the angel and takes Joseph and Mary to Egypt, returning only after re-ceiving word in another dream that it was safe to do so. This feast is part of the Christmas season, so we should look at to-day's Gospel in the context of what Scripture tells us about Jesus' birth. Today's reading is found in the Gospel of Matthew, following the story of the visit of the Magi. Recall that Matthew's story about the birth of Jesus makes Joseph the primary character. Among Mat-thew's themes in this infancy narra-tive is Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about the messiah. Indeed, the story of the Holy Family's flight to Egypt recalls the story of Moses in the Book of Exodus. It should also be noted that today's reading omits the verses that re-count Herod's order of the massa-cre of the infant boys in and around Bethlehem. We mark this event on the Feast of the Holy Innocents on December 28. These events remind us of the diffi-cult reality of Jesus' birth. While the story of the Magi's visit will be re-called in our liturgy on the Feast of the Epiphany, our Christmas cele-bration is made more sober by the recollection that not everyone re-ceived Christ's birth with joy or obedience. Herod's jealousy and

Parish Life Corner

PARISH Following the

POTLUCK 5:00pm Mass

January 4th, 2013

Followed by:

7:00 PM Free in

Hardy Hall

Our featured film will be;



Bring your family to one of our events or stay and enjoy both!

malice contrast with Joseph's obe-dience to the words of the angel. The Holy Family's escape to Egypt and the massacre that Jesus is saved from remind us of the strug-gles and sacrifices that are re-quired as preparation for God's salvation.

January 21st, 2014 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm

Facilitator; Gloria Boesch

Theology: The Scriptures

Theology: I Believe, We Believe

Each Booklet w/CD will cost only $8 All are welcome to attend the discussions.

Page 3 Church of St. Anne, Ortonville


Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. This feast is relatively new to the church calendar. It reminds us that our early relationships in life are forma-tive. Sirach speaks of how God “sets a father in honor over his children” while confirming a “mother’s authority.” Most of us first experience from our

parents what it means to be loved. Even-tually we develop the ability to give love as well. Today’s feast reminds us that Jesus started out as a member of the family of Joseph and Mary, with all that entails. Paul’s letter to the Colossians, written

from prison, reminds us that in baptism Christ redeems us from our sins. This means that our lives should be lived by following God’s commands. “Seek what is above,” he writes in the verses before our reading today, which concerns rela-tionships within the community and family. Paul counsels putting on “heartfelt compassion, kindness, humil-ity, gentleness, and patience.” But most of all, he says, “put on love.” In the somewhat controversial verse 18, we have Paul speaking as a man of his day, encouraging expected behavior for his time. Today we are mindful of equality between the sexes, so many would call for a more reciprocal relationship be-tween husband and wife. In our Gospel, Joseph is presented as

the caring father who provides for his wife and son. Obedient to the command of an angel, he takes them to Egypt to avoid Herod’s plan “to destroy” the child. For Matthew this episode is a ful-fillment of the Scripture, as several times in our brief passage things happen so that what had been spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled. For Mat-thew, Jesus’ life is the fulfillment of God’s plan.

(Taken from Ministry & Liturgy)

The Weekend of January 5th, 2014

Lectors 5:00--Judy Henley, Margaret Lee 8:30—Alex Leskie, Dave Donnay 10:30—Ron Bahling, Bryan Born

Eucharistic Ministers—PLEASE LET


ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE 5:00—Kris Anderson, Sue Sirgany, Bud Johnson, Trina Lang, Mo & Sharon Voyer, Imelda Ingman (MS)

8:30—Michele Dulek, Cathy Genovese, John Hansel, Kim Rossman, Karyn Milligan, Linda Mizejewski, Denise Nowakowski (MS)

10:30—Jerry Bellefeuille, Tom Boesch, Beth Eschmann, Scott Johanning, Doris McCarville, Gabby Mathes,

Joe Claya (MS)

Altar Servers

5:00—Rose Ingman, Lily Ingman, Jae-lynn Decker 8:30— Alexander Leskie, Natalie Brinker, Noah Brinker 10:30—Isabel Stickney, Nadine Maldonado, Cole Jaworowski


Readings for January 5, 2014

Isaiah 60:1-6

Psalm 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13

Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

Matthew 2:1-12 ***


THE WORD Weekend of December 29th


Weekend of January 5th

8:30 a.m.—Nancy Allar 10:30 a.m.—Beth Eschmann


Altar Care


Marilyn Bornais ***

Altar Linens

12-29-13—Jean Zubalik 01-05-14—Ruth Rogan


10:30 a.m. New Year’s Day

Lectors—Carol Klenner, Connie Stalker EM’s—Linda Mizejewski, Marge Sisson,

Jerry Bellefeuille (MS) need 4 more

Altar Servers—need 3 Ushers—needed ***





Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

We have people committed to each hour but anyone is welcome to come during any hour. There must always be some-one in the presence of the Blessed Sacra-

ment while it is exposed. ***

I would like to express my gratitude to those people who helped clean the church building on Friday, December 20th. Marilyn Bornais, Jerry Belle-feuille, Ed and Denise Nowakowski, and Kathy Wojtalewicz. These people worked from 9:30 until 2 p.m.! We did break for pizza, but then went right back to it! They took a lot off of mine and Steve’s shoulders. Thank you again, you’re the best!


A New Year’s Blessing

The new year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God’s gift; they carry God’s blessing. As a blessing we welcome them. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us and all that was harmful be left be-hind. May the New Year bring you joy,

peace and happiness.



Page 4 Church of St. Anne, Ortonville

Registration for Maverick Baseball

and Softball is open. Please go to:





to register for softball, we anticipate

two girls softball teams and two boys

baseball teams.

If anyone is interested in coaching baseball or softball at SJS please contact Mrs. Tyner




Our athletic teams are open to SJS students in grades 5-8 and members of

St. Joseph, St. Anne, Christ the Redeemer and St. Daniel.

Amazing Grace Christian

Yoga is Coming to

St. Daniel's! Patti Dolan, RN, Certified Yahweh Yoga

Instructor and parishioner of St. Daniel,

will be leading a 8-week Christian Yoga

session. The class will incorporate

scripture reading & reflection,

strengthening & flexibility exercises, set

to Christian music. Classes will be held

Tuesday afternoons from 1:30-2:30

pm. The next 8-week session will be

January 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th and

February 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th.

However, you may join at any time!

The classes will be held in The

Weingartz Room in the Cushing

Center. Beginners to more experienced

students are welcome. Please arrive 10-

15 minutes early and bring a yoga mat

and blanket with you. Interested? Phone

Patti at 248-245-1878 to register or with

any questions. You may also visit

Christian Service


Joseph, the biblical figure that played such a vital role in the life of our Savior, yet we k now so very little about him. What is the first picture that comes to your mind when you think of St. Joseph? Do you visualize him leading the donkey that bears Mary, or do you see him at Mary’s side when the Wise Men ar-rived? Such powerful images have been ingrained in our minds, but Joseph was much more than just an image.

In the time when Christ was born, the area of his birth was full of political un-rest, division of faith, and laws were enforced by a different system. We first get a glimpse of Joseph’s compassion when he discovered Mary was pregnant, but they had just become betrothed. Joseph knew the child could not be his. Although Joseph suspected Mary of be-ing unfaithful, he knew of the laws of the day (women were stoned for adul-tery), and regardless of his feelings of betrayal, his main concern was for Mary’s well-being. He wanted to call off the engagement quietly and without her feeling shame, being treated cruelly, or worse. When the angel appeared to Jo-seph in a dream and was told the truth about Mary’s child, he immediately took her as his wife. When the angel appeared a second time to tell him his family was in danger, he left without every return-ing to his homeland. He left everything behind, everything he owned, to take his family safely to Egypt for protection. He waited there patiently until the angel appeared to tell him it was safe for them to return.

Although Joseph is mentioned in just a few passages in the Bible, his obedience to God, and his loving concern for Mary and Jesus gives us all an example of courage, selflessness, faith and trust. I have heard Joseph described as an aver-age person who got swept up in the ac-tivity of God, a “minor supporting role” in our biblical history, however, I think it is clear by the strength and faith he showed when so many others would have withered and doubted, he was clearly much more than that! As we remember the Holy Family this weekend, let us look at this family as a whole. What would Mary’s life have been like if Joseph was not there? Yes,

God would have protected her, for that I am sure, but how would others have treated her, or even her child? Without Joseph, would Jesus had been born in a manger away from any threat from Herod, or birthed in an unsafe place where the man who sought him to do him harm could be found easily? Would the Wise Men have found our Lord? Would Mary and our Saviors lives been lived in constant fear? As we remember and ask the Holy Family to pray for us, let us thank Joseph for his deep love for his family, and protecting them as he did. As we go through our daily work, make a firm commitment to strengthen your own family commitment to one another, provide for one another, care for one another, and love one another, just like Joseph loved and protected Mary and Jesus. Let Joseph’s example light the way for all of us.

Peace and blessings,


Collection of Baby Items For Problem Pregnancy Center There will be a blue baby cradle in the Gathering Area to receive “gifts” of new baby items from Christmas Eve through January 6th. Gifted items such as dia-pers, clothing for infants, from infant through 2 years of age and bedding will be donated to the Problem Pregnancy Center in Oxford.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is just the thing for putting zing back into your marriage. You can choose from a variety of weekends in 2014, including an In-Parish Weekend at St. Kieran January 31 – February 2. The focus of the weekend is to learn a tech-nique of communication that encourages exploration of important areas of your life together in a positive spirit of love and understanding. The weekend begins Friday evening and ends at about 3:30 on Sunday. Call Pat & Kelly Duda at 248-740-4675-322-9963 or go to to reserve your spot.

All couples are welcome on a WWME weekend regardless of ability to donate.

Page 5 Church of St. Anne, Ortonville

Parish Directory Pastor: Rev. Gerry Frawley Parish Phone: 248-627-3965 Parish Fax: 248-627-5153 Website:

Parish Staff Director of Religious Education Annette Thompson 131 Asst. to the Director of Rel. Ed. Diane Thorpe 130 Worship Coordinator Julie Neal 107 Christian Service Coordinator Karyn Milligan 103 Music Director Ingrid Kasper 121 Youth Minister Kim Zernec 132 Bookkeeper Sheryl Van Fleteren 106 Parish Secretary Mary Ann McCarville 100 Building Maintenance Steve Szach 100

Worship Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:30 and 10:30 AM Weekday Masses Monday, 7:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 AM Holy Day Masses 9:00 AM, 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment Sacrament of Matrimony Couples should contact the pastor at least six months before the marriage Infant Baptisms Parents contact the parish office

St. Anne Pastoral Council Beth Eschmann 248-627-6706 Jaime Huerta 248-821-9812 Imelda Ingman 248-922-0820 Jim Kelty 734-585-6270 Bob Lee 248-627-2375 John Naren 248-693-3832 Bernie Potts 248-625-6834 Ann Schmid 248-627-6467 Anne Schulz 248-627-5595 Mary Siring 248-627-5488 Coleen Skornicka 248-627-6857 Robert Tscherniwetz 248-814-6813


The Mission Statement

of St. Anne Parish "We, the people of St. Anne, are a

growing Catholic Community with

various gifts and talents, and we are

open to the Spirit among us. Rooting

ourselves in The Word of God, we

reach out to all in loving service,

witnessing, and celebrating the life of

Jesus Christ in our midst."

Knights of Columbus

College Scholarships The Knights of Colum-

bus will again be accepting scholarship applications for high school seniors gradu-ating this spring. Appli-cants must be a member of St. Anne’s Catholic Church or an immediate family member of a standing member of the Knights of Columbus Council 6824. Applications can be found on the Knights of Columbus display in Hardy Hall or through e-mail by request to: All applications must be postmarked

by March 7, 2014.

Quilting Group The quilt and craft group

meet twice a month, usu-ally the first and third Sat-urday of the month at 10 a.m. Our main purpose is to make quilts for

various charities, such as Jt. Joseph Hos-pital, for those entering Hospice and baby quilts and twin quilts for shelters. We welcome all crafters, knitters, cro-

cheters or anyone who would like to share their interests or learn something new. We also welcome donated cotton material. They will meet again on January 4th.

For information, call Colleen at 810-636-9060.

Need Alterations/Repairs? call

The Sisters of Mt. Thabor If you’re in need of someone to do

alterations or repairs of your clothing, please remember that

the Sisters of Mt. Thabor, right here in Ortonville can help. They have been doing sewing for years and

they can take care of your sewing needs at a very fair price. Please call and make arrangements before going there as they spend a part of their day in prayer. If no one answers, leave a message and they will get back to you.

For information call the Sisters at 248-627-4355

Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday, December 28, 2013 5:00 p.m. People of St. Anne

Sunday, December 29, 2013 8:30 a.m. Tracy Golden (Birthday

Rembr.) req. by Family & Friends 10:30 a.m. Patricia Peiffer req. by Jerry

& Jedine Bellefeuille; Gus Gammell req. by Cynthia & Bernie Potts

Monday, December 30, 2013 7:00 p.m. People of St. Anne

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 9:00 a.m. William Emon req by Family

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Wednesday, January 1, 2014 10:30 a.m. People of St. Anne Friday, January 3, 2014 9:00 a.m. Julie Bernock (Anniv. Of

Death) req. by Frank & Eleanor Bernock

Saturday, January 4, 2014 5:00 p.m. People of St. Anne

Sunday, January 5, 2014 8:30 a.m. Shirley Koss (Birthday

Rembr.) req. by Dick Koss 10:30 a.m. Janice & Jerry Seme

(Healing) req. by the Gromek Fam-ily

Please Pray for the Intentions of: Margaret Tunk, mother of Judy Henley...John E. Geisler….Bob Wal-rath...Bob Sage…..Valerie Abra-mouski...Sue Badger.....Larry Win-ter...Shane Michael Holton...Sr. Cath-erine Henry...Bonnie Bone...Carol K a s p e r . . . J e n n i f e r W a t -son...Jessica….Kathy Kowalski...Polly Mayer....Julia Nooman...David Wood…Car r i e Bond s . . .Ch az Secon -t i n e . . . I s a b e l l a . . . A m a n d a Fugate...Deborah Bruna...Millie Friesor-ger...Ethel Pettit. ..Maria Geno-vese....Don Swett….Sue Suter...Kim (Kudza) Badger...Andy Ruhala...Diane Hollibaugh...Fr. Norbert Ezeh...Teresa Richards...Nancy Wyzgoski...Pam Al-len...Mark Batulis...Susan Strel-l i n g . . .Ma r y Su e Br a dd….Ed Gr a y. . .Ka r en John son….An it a Gromek...Danny Wiegand….David Robinette...Gloria Johnson...George Graveldinger...Ashley Gayheart….Cindi Sipes....Sharon Perosky…Therese Apel…Shelly Sammons.…Michael Lu-c a s . . . B e t h B o r d n e r . . . C h r i s Christiansen...Jerry & Janice Seme...Bill McCracken...Everett Snyder.....Antinette Ruggirello....Patrick Lamb

Page 6 Church of St. Anne, Ortonville



Parish Support Fiscal Year: July 1, 2013/June 30, 2014

Weekly Budget Sunday contribution………....….……...….…$8,967.00 (100%)

December 1st Sunday, Received…………..…….……….$7,640.00 (86%) 2nd Sunday, Received…………….…..………$7,734.00 (87%) 3rd Sunday, Received………………....…...….$7,453.15 (84%) 4th Sunday, Received…………….…..............

Weekend of December 14/15, 2013 Amount in Envelopes……………….……………...….$3,993.00 Electronic Offertory……………….....……..…………$2,805.00 Loose Monies…………………………...…………...…..$615.15 Holy Day…………………………...………………….….$40.00 Weekly under Budget…………………………..……..$1,513.85 Yearly under Budget……………......…………............$6,430.97

Automated Electronic Offertory We currently have several families enrolled in Automated

Electronic Offertory. If you have taken advantage of this type

of payment system for your mortgage or utilities, you know

the convenience and security an electronic payment can pro-

vide. Automated Electronic Offertory is an ideal way for pa-

rishioners to serve Christ through their treasures. To sign up,

simply stop by the parish office for an enrollment form or

contact our bookkeeper, Sheryl Van Fleteren at (248) 627-

3965, ext. 106 to have a form mailed to your home.


Sat., Feb. 1st Angel’s Place Prom-we will be putting on a prom for special needs adults with some other youth groups and it’s a wonderful event. Sun., Feb. 2nd Rainbow participant blessing at 10:30 Mass-the whole family is welcome. Rainbow weekend is Feb. 7-9, 2014. Fri., Feb. 14th Couples Comedy & Catered Dinner

Evening with youth helping serve. Fri/Sat. Feb. 21-22 Mother and Daughter Retreat and Father and Son Ski overnight. Details later.. Youth Group meetings are Wednesday 7-9 p.m. Feb. 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th. We pray for a happy, healthy new year for you and your families. We thank God for all our blessings and support throughout the year. We ask for guidance to make a difference in this world. We pray that all we do honors you. Amen Kim



We are having a mandatory PEAK (Prayer, Encour-agement, Accountability and Knowing God and each other) gathering Friday, Jan. 17th. We will meet at Madison Dearing’s house 7 p.m. for potluck dinner, games and discussions. We will stay the night and leave from her house to go out and serve! On Saturday, Jan. 18th from 9-2:30 we will be join-ing 100’s of other youth groups in Detroit for Martin Luther King Service & Prayer Day. This year’s leadership team is: Mackenzie Andreolli, Samantha Andrus, Jessica Born, Madison Dearing, Lexie Godfrey, Natalie Halli-gan (new), Eddy Kaleel (new), Nicholas Moss (new), Tyler Saint Amour, Sophia Sebring, Rebecca Thorpe, Kerrigan Tomas (new), Erin Wall. Keep up the good work team, we are proud of you!

January Youth Group Meetings will be Wednesdays Jan. 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th 7-9 p.m.

Sunday, January 12th is our Parent/Youth Rainbow meeting 12-2 with Pizza lunch. This is mandatory for all attending and we will go over all the details for the conference and brainstorm banner ideas.

Saturday, January 18th Soccer Fun Night 10p.m.-midnight at Oakland Yard in Waterford. All 8th –12th graders are invited and it’s just for fun, no pressure!

Brand new this year “Life is a Gift” conference put on by the Archdiocese of Detroit for all ages-High School through adults. Sat., January 25th 8-3 p.m. This conference focuses on pro-life issues and some of the topics are: Evangelizing with the Gos-pel of Life, The Pro-Life Cause and the Challenge of the 21st Century Culture, Defending Life in a Post-Christian World, Overcoming Obstacles & more. Free for High School students, $45 for adults-must pre-register through Kim by Jan. 10th.

Saturday, January 11th we will be serving the homeless at Grace Center of Hope in Pontiac from 10-1. Please sign up now if you are interested, space is limited. They are asking for donations of paper products and personal care products.

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