the cloning tool

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Photoshop workshop continued

Q1 What is the cloning tool

» On your sheet in the box that says the start of the lesson write what you think the cloning tool is.

Q2 Do photographs lie

» Is everything that you see in a photograph total truth ? write a sentence explaining your thoughts

» The cloning tool

» The clone tool, is used in digital image editingto replace information for one part of a picture with information from another part.

» A typical use for the tool is in "photoshopping" out an unwanted part of the image

» Most images we see in magazines have been retouched using the clone tool, wrinkles blemishes are all taken out using this tool

» OBJECTIVESGain an understanding of photoshop and cloning tool. Use this knowledge to increase their understanding of photographic truth.OUTCOMESAll students to have produced a basic cloned portrait. Most to have progressed two cloned images and a some to have progressed to a third image using a high level of cloning

» On your desk top are three images they are titled image 1,2,3. Open the images in Photshop by pulling the image into the PS icon. Starting with the first image use the clone tool to take away the persons wrinkles and blemishes.

» When you have completed the first image work your way onto image 2 and then onto image 3.

» Use the success sheet to asses your progress and how successful your work is.

» Save your images and upload them onto your weeblyfoundation page


2 3

Q3 What is the cloning tool

» With the knowledge you have acquired in the lesson write in the box that says the end of the lesson what you now know about the cloning tool

Q2 Do photographs lie

» Has your opinion changed write in the second box what you now think

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