the first ten amendments to the constitution are known collectively as the:

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known collectively as the:

“Bill of Rights”

The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution protects this right of American citizens:

The right to bear arms

I was a businessman who created a steel monopoly and was known for my philanthropy.

Whose profile is this?

Andrew Carnegie

I was president of the Continental Congress and I signed the Declaration of Independence in a big way.

Whose profile is this?

John Hancock

I was a businessman who created Standard Oil, which was a very successful monopoly.

Whose profile is this?

John D. Rockefeller

The 3rd Amendment to the Constitution protects this right of American citizens:

Protection from “quartering”; no troops can be placed in people’s homes without permission

In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?


I was America’s third president and the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

Whose profile?

Thomas Jefferson

The growth of this mode of transportation in the 1800s allowed goods and people to move throughout the country, and created access

to the frontier.


Transcontinental railroad

In what year was the United States Consitution written?

1787It replaced the Articles of Confederation

and was written at the Constitutional Convention

I was the leader of the Continental Army and the first president of the United

States of America.Whose profile?

George Washington

This term describes the movement of people to cities in search of jobs.


I was a famous inventor. The light bulb I created revolutionized the world and

increased industrial production by allowing factories to operate at night.

Whose profile is this?

Thomas Edison

My work as an inventor and my background in education for the deaf led me to create the telephone, which greatly

increased personal and business communication.

Whose profile is this?

Alexander Graham Bell

During the Civil War (1861-1865), what did the slave states of Maryland,

Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri all have in common?

They did NOT join the Confederacy

Name the main weakness of the Articles of Confederation:

Did not give the Congress the ability to tax(also could not regulate trade)

Name the famous American author who named the post-Civil War era the Gilded


Mark Twain

Why did frontier settlers build this type of house instead of a more typical style?

Because there were few trees on the plains and it would be very expensive to

ship timber there

What segment of society did political machines perform useful service for?


Why were monopolies considered by many to be dangerous to the United

States economy?

Monopolies were too powerful and eliminated competition, which is makes a healthy capitalist


What is the difference between a subsistence economy and a market


Subsistence - reliance on resources to produce only what is needed for

themselves or family.Market - people produce things in order

to sell to others.

The “Intolerable (aka “Coercive”) Acts” were meant by the British to punish

Massachusetts Colony for the actions of radical Bostonians. What had the

Bostonians done”

The Boston Tea Party

One of Andrew Jackson’s main goals as president was the destruction of a U.S.

institution. Which one was it?

Bank of the United States

Many thought he exceeded the powers of the presidency in order to accomplish it.

The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government. Where was most of the power placed by the AOC?

with the 13 states

What was John Brown’s ultimate goal when he raided Harpers Ferry in 1859?

to use the federal arsenal to destroy slavery in the South. He believed God

intended for him to be an instrument of slavery’s destruction.

Describe the philosophical difference between the Federalists and the Anti-


Federalists believed a strong central government was good for the nation, while Anti-Federalists feared a strong

central gov’t and wanted more power to reside with the states.

Anti-Federalists would only accept the Constitution if a Bill of Rights was added.

In Washington’s farewell address, he gave several warnings to Americans. Of these, one of the two main ones was to avoid foreign alliances. What was the

other one?

Washington warned against the danger of political parties and their ability to divide

the nation. Washington suggested that the Democratic-Republicans had already

started this process.

What agreement that was made at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 made

the statement that slaved were NOT considered full citizens of the United


The 3/5 Compromise

What was the important result of the battle of Yorktown?

The British were defeated and began to realize that the Revolutionary War could

not be won, so an end to fighting and peace negotiations were unavoidable.

What was the headright system?

A colonial arrangement that enabled wealthy land owners to gain more land by

paying the overseas passage of indentured servants.

Name one of the major abolitionist newspapers of the antebellum period.

William Lloyd Garrison’s The LiberatorFrederick Douglass’ The North Star

How did the concept of “popular sovereignty” apply to new American territories in the early to mid 1800s?

Settlers in the territories would decide whether or not slavery would be allowed.

What was Harriet Beecher Stowe most known for?

She authored the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which helped caused the abolitionist movement to grow.

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