the humpback creeper by steven donnini

Post on 30-May-2018






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Creeperby Steven D. Donnini

Library Of Congress


Copyright Stephen Donnini 1999

Steven Donnini



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June 1, 1956, our trucks rolled into Jesup, Georgia. We

were working the small towns up and down the east coast.

This would be a black fair with special attractions. I was

riding shotgun with Jimmy a 16 year old black kid in the

lead truck just behind my granddad’s shinning silver

Airstream trailer. Our nine tractor-trailers were all in

line. They were painted black with Bright Light Shows in

gold letters across the sides. All those black and gold

trucks coming down the main street of town was a thrilling

sight. It was exciting, the broad smiles and hands waving

as the street came alive with people, a welcome just for

me. At 13 years old, I didn’t understand what the fair

meant to these people.

Later, I came to realize that the three days we were in

town would be permanently imbedded in the lives of

everyone. I was about to change in ways that are never

part of the myth of running off to join the circus.

Standing in the middle of the street directing traffic to

the fairgrounds was Ace Bailey the advance man. The field

where we were to set up the tents for the midway was in the


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center of town. Ace was the best at dealing with the

problems created by local fire codes and politicians. He

would simply pay them off. If that didn’t work we would

setup and disregard the codes. After all we were only

going to be there for three days. By the time they figured

out what we were doing wrong, it was too late.

Everybody called my grandfather Danny, including me. At

first thought it was strange but I wanted to fit in and not

draw attention to myself. The truth is, I was privileged

in every way. Although Danny owned the Bright Light Shows,

Bingo, and midway tents, the rides and other attractions

were contracted for available fair dates. So, of 19 fair

dates we did from Palm Beach to Maine each one was a little


My father and mother agreed to let me go on this summer

vacation with Danny. A trip the year before to a

fundamentalist Jesus Christ boot camp ended in disaster.

They thought I was in good hands with Danny. Grandpa Danny

and grandma Edna were separated shortly after my dad was

born. Dad was abandoned by his mother Edna at about 2

months old, she went off to be a “Flapper” and Danny was a

working card dealer in New York and New Jersey speakeasies.


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When he discovered she had left Dad with relatives, he went

and got him. They traveled together from NY to Miami Beach

until Dad went to New England and College at Brown

University in Providence. The family story goes that Danny

won the Bright Light Shows in a poker game in 1948.

Quickly Danny became well known for creating some of the

best “Flat Stores” in the country. A flat store is a game

of chance in which the object of the game is to take all

the player’s money in the shortest amount of time. The

flat store “Flat takes your money.” You can’t win and you

don’t get a Teddy Bear to take home. The back end of the

game is as important as any other part. The mark (player)

must never know he has been swindled. He is chosen from

those available to play. Most flat stores have a look out,

banker, shill (decoy), and store manager. Three Card Monty

is a flat store that is played commonly on city streets in

NY. The most profitable games on the midway of the

fairgrounds are flat stores.

Danny called his flat store “The Humpback Creeper.”

Over the years, the Bright Light Show had many colorful

shows including one called “Monty the Boxing Chimp.” He

would climb up on you and kiss you on the lips at the first


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meeting. At just 45 lb. he was powerful and I never felt

quite comfortable around him. During off hours he would

walk around with Jill his owner and trainer. He would be

playful and jump up, wrapping his long arms and legs around

her. On fair days she would put him in his 10 ft. x 10 ft.

x 10 ft. steel cage on the midway and stand out front

working the crowd as they passed by. Monty was dressed in

football helmet and boxing gloves. Jill would talk to

everyone that came down the midway looking for a mark. She

would pick out the biggest, tough guy on the midway. The

idea was to get this guy to put up $20, to stay in the cage

with Monty for 10 seconds without calling for help or

asking to get out. If he could last that long he would

walk away with $100. She would taunt him unmercifully

until he agreed. He too was outfitted with boxing gloves

and a football helmet. Jill showed him to the door and

closed it. This action triggered the clock over the door.

When the guy stepped into center of the cage, Monty climbed

over the top of the like an acrobat landing on the guys

shoulders from behind. With a sweeping motion Monty had

one arm wrapped tightly around the guys neck, he removed

the helmet in his other hand, holding it by the face guard,

he proceeded to beat the intruder in the face and ears with

it. Within 3 seconds or so the tough guy was begging to


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get out.

Monty wasn’t finished, he started laughing wildly and got

in a few more good wacks to the nose while the man screamed

to let him out. Meanwhile the man’s friends were laughing

in the middle of the midway at the beating he was getting

at the hands of a chimp.

Every once in a while, things would get out of control and

Monty wouldn’t stop when Jill commanded. I guess Monty

thought it was a game and was in the mood to entertain the


One night, this big redneck got in with Monty and he didn’t

want to loose. So, he tried to fight back. Monty hung on

his neck as the guy spun around trying to grab a hold of

him. The faster they spun the louder Monty laughed. By

the time the guy managed to get out he was humiliated and

bloody. When he regained his composure he forced his

friends to suffer the same fate. Jill played them

perfectly. She cleaned them out.

Jimmy was the first truck driver I had ever seen, so he

must have been the best. He was tall, thin and handsome.


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That’s what he told the girls. He stayed away from the

white girls, but they loved him. He told me that he had

never gone to school past the 6th grade. At 16 he didn’t

see the point of getting an education. His Momma had

taught him to read well enough to get by. He loved

traveling with the show and Danny trusted him with the

rigs. In return he was fiercely loyal.

Jimmy backed the tractor trailer into a spot Ace picked out

on the fairgrounds. Within 2 hours we had the Bingo tent

up. It was the center spot in the midway. Every other

store went up on either side and across creating a narrow

alley arcade. The rest of the crew worked into the night.

Danny sent word to me to come to the trailer for dinner.

When I arrived at the Airstream trailer Danny’s pet Macaw

started in on me. He said, “Where the hell have you been

Red?” I wanted to answer, but I thought it was weird

explaining anything to a bird and I was embarrassed about

my red hair. He was so convincing that if I wasn’t

thinking I would automatically come up with an excuse and

answer. As I entered the screen door he ordered me “Shut

the damn door.” No one paid much attention to what the

crazy Macaw had to say, but me. I took it to heart.


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Danny’s wife, Claudia greeted me with her usual sunny face.

Although she wasn’t my real grandmother she treated me like

she was. She had a fiery wit. A true carnie at heart, she

fit in with the show people. Danny didn’t. He was too

well dressed and mannered. He looked like he was on his

way to the polo grounds in Palm Beach. In fact, he would

take me there whenever we would visit him at the winter

home in Florida. Claudia on the other hand was more at

home in one of the local taverns with a beer, a shot of

Crown Royal, her friends and a fresh pack of Pall Mall.

She could tell a dirty joke with flair and often did, but

never around Danny. She knew he wouldn’t approve.

At dinner Danny gave me lessons on how to do business on

the midway. This time he wanted me to work “The Humpback

Creeper.” He said, “It’s time for you to get your feet

wet. I want you to work the Creeper this week. It’s

simple, but there are some things you need to know. I’ll

put Jimmy and Paul with you. It won’t take more than the

three of you guys to run it. Jimmy will be your partner

and shill. Paul is the banker. Just take the lead from

Jimmy, he’ll show you what you need to do and when to do

it. He has the most experience with the game.” I was so


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across the surface and bouncing off the rubber bumper that

was around the top.

It would travel across the top over and over before it

would come to rest on one of the numbers. Clearly, the

idea of the game was to pick the correct color and number.

Jimmy set me behind the game and adjusted the swivel chair

for my feet to touch the control peddles. I practiced

while Jimmy talked about how he would communicate with me

without giving away the fact that we were working together.

“It’s important that you know when to let the mark win.

I’ll touch my right finger to my nose, like this. When he

should loose I’ll scratch my head. Got it?”

The hard part was learning how to stop the Creeper on the

winning number without everyone seeing it stop too fast and

how to keep it moving past the winning number. If we let

them win, it wouldn’t matter how fast it stopped. On the

other hand if I had to speed it up to keep them from

winning, they would suspect we were cheating and that can’t

happen. He told me to let them win if I couldn’t make it

look natural.


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As the sun went down, the show opened and the midway lights

came on. The midway alley slowly filled with people.

Couples out on a date, Moms and Dads with their kids. I

had never seen so many black people in one place before.

For the first time I felt what it must be like to be black

in a white crowd. But, because Jimmy was there I felt like

I fit in.

When Paul showed we were ready for action. Jimmy looked at

me and smiled. It was the signal that he had found a mark

and it was time to go to work. I greeted the mark and

explained the rules of the game. “ Step right up and pick

a number. Everybody’s a winner. $5 minimum per number,

double your money with every winning number. Step right up

and pick a winner.” The mark was cool. His diamond ring

was a thing to behold. It was at least 2 Ct. His gold

tooth shined. Jimmy knew he was a gambler. He put his

finger to his nose and “peeked the poke”(looked into his

wallet to see how much money he was carrying) as the guy

was looking at his money thinking about how much to bet.

He was flush with cash. He said, “$300 on blue 6.” I spun

the Creeper. I knew then I had pushed it too hard. It

slid around the top for what felt like forever. As it

slowed, I tried to control it with the powerful magnets


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under the glass by moving the foot peddles around.

I was sure he was going to catch me. Jimmy looked at me as

if he could read my mind. He didn’t want Paul to know I

wasn’t trained well enough. The Creeper was responding to

the magnets. As it floated over the numbers it would

change direction slightly and bounce off the rubber bumper

on the side and back across the numbers. Getting the

Creeper to stop on the Blue 6 was harder than making it


This big man with the gold tooth, made his money selling

funeral and burial insurance to poor folks. They bought

his insurance because they wanted to leave this world in

style. For $5 a month, they were going to get a ride in a

Cadillac limo, a bronze colored casket, live music and

fresh flowers. The Creeper came closer to blue 6 and I

pulled it up like parking a car. The Insurance salesman

was excited but held it in. I didn’t notice but Jimmy did.

Jimmy smiled at me again. I said, “Pick your number.” The

mark laughed and pointed to black 9. He put $1,000 in 20’s

on the table. Jimmy scratched his head. I spun the

creeper. This time I didn't push too hard and it glided

smoothly across the glass. Paul said, “Come on Black 9!”


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Then he looked at me and smiled. The Creeper was headed

directly for Black 9. My feet were the magnetic breaks.

It slowed down faster than I wanted. My foot slipped off

the control peddle, the Creeper went right by black 9 and

stopped abruptly. The mark was stunned.

I looked him in the eye. He looked at me for a few seconds

then down at the Creeper, then back at me.

I remembered Jimmy’s first instructions look people in the

eye and don't look away until they do, or you'll get

caught. He starts to turn to walk away and Paul stops him.

“Hey buddy, I've got $100 bucks that says you're on a

streak. That one was so close. You pick one number for

me.” The mark turned confused, but flattered that someone

thought he was a good bet. Paul put the money down.

Jimmy said he wanted some of the action and put another

$100 on the table. I said, “Pick a number.” The mark

opened his wallet and took out $500 and looked at Paul with

renewed confidence. He said, “Green 8.” I spun the


This time I gave it a good push because I wanted plenty of

time to get control of it's speed and direction. It


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crossed the top several times before I could see any

response to the magnets. As it slowed down I got more

control and was able to articulate the moves. Jimmy was

watching every move.

He knew I was on thin ice. Because the stakes were so high

Paul was nervous, shifting his weight from one foot to the

other. I wanted to let the Creeper take it's own path, but

was hard not to interfere with it's path. It slowed and

stopped inches from Green 8. The Mark said, “Ah!” then he

turned and walked away from us down the midway. I was

surprised at the ease with which we took the guy's money.

The rest of the night, we worked one mark after another.

We made $5,200 that night. I went to Danny's trailer for a

late dinner. He was sitting on the couch counting money.

Claudia was cooking in the kitchen. He asked, “What do you

think of the Creeper?” I was happy that he had trusted me

enough to let me work a game. I said, it was a lot of fun.

He returned to stacking the money in piles of 50's, 20's

and so on. The next day, I felt like a pro. Jimmy, Paul

and I were clicking. Then we hit a snag.

The local sheriff had a brother that was a gambler. We


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didn't know who he was when we took all his money. He lost

$1,500 in an hour. Later that night, the Sheriff paid us a

visit. When he walked up to Danny's trailer I was inside,

but I could hear the conversation through the open window

in the trailer. Danny was unflappable. He was sitting in

a folding lawn chair smoking a Camel cigarette. They

exchanged greetings. The Sheriff asked if we knew the show

could be shut down and sent out of town. Danny answered

politely that he didn't. The Sheriff pressed on, “As I

understand it you run a game called Humpback Creeper. Shut

it down and give my brother his $1,500 back or I'll run you

out of town.” Danny fired back, “If your brother lost

money, it was because he was looking for action. If you

come to a game and loose then you pay the price. On the

other hand I don't want you to go away mad. He takes a roll

of big bills from his pocket and slowly counts off $1,500

in twenties. He said, “I think the police need all the

help they can get.” He hands the money to the Sheriff.

Danny continues, “Please accept this as a gift for the

policeman's welfare fund.” The Sheriff folded the money

and put it in his pocket. “You’re very generous. Billy is

a little hot headed. I'll have a talk with him.” They

shook hands and the Sheriff went on his way.


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Sunday was the big day on the midway. The most popular

attraction was Monty the boxing chimp. Jill was at her

best. She was hot into it. A big peanut farmer came up

watching everything Monty did and laughing at the faces the

chimp made. She noticed that he was with his two brothers.

They all looked and acted alike. So she did her thing.

“You boys look tough enough to stay in the cage with Monty

for 10 seconds. How about it? I'll give you $100 if you

can do it. Just $20 bucks boys, will get you 100 green

backs. Who's first?” The biggest brother stepped up.

“I'll do it. But, I hate to take your money lady.” She

took his twenty, handed him the football helmet and helped

him with the boxing gloves.

A crowd was forming as he turned to smile at the brothers

who were laughing at the way he looked. She opened the

cage door, set the timing clock over the door and pushed

him in. When the door shut Monty was all over the guy and

was pounding him with the football helmet. The guy’s nose

was so bloody it was streaming all over his clean white

shirt. The clock read 7 seconds when he started to

screamed “Help!” The crowd was in an uproar and the

brothers were on the ground rolling with laughter. She

commanded Monty to stop and opened the cage door. Monty


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looked disappointed. He loved to beat up on those guys.

One after another, the brothers were beaten into

humiliation. Jill was counting the money as the brothers

walked away.

That night, I went to the canteen for dinner. I wanted to

be part of the crew and talk to the dancers that worked the

Divine Dancers Show. They had a special trailer, it was

constructed so the side would swing down and made a stage.

It was self-contained and included lighting, dance stage

and sound system. The girls were all great dancers. At

least I thought so.

When I walked into the canteen tent Suzy was sitting alone

so, I sat down next to her. She was the daughter of the

hermaphrodite in the sideshow. At 15 she was the best

looking girl in the show. I asked what her mother's show

was like. “We have four sheer veils at the entrance to the

tent. The first one cost 50 cents to look through. But,

you can't see much. The second is a little closer and

costs $1 and you still can't see much. The third, cost

$2.50 and you can see Della spread eagle on the pillows,

but it's still a little fuzzy. The fourth veil is in front

of her, two feet away. You can clearly see it all. For


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$20 you can come in and touch her. Pass the gravy!” Suzy

look up and smiled. I knew we would become friends. She

worked with her mother in another sideshow where Suzy

climbed into a box and her mother would stick swords in it.

Inside she would move her arms and legs to avoid getting

cut. She was a true contortionist. She told me that her

mother wore a dildo in the show. She said, “It fools

everyone. They want to believe they are seeing a true

hermaphrodite.” She was wise beyond her years, but warm.

She didn't seem to worry about the things I did.

We went for a walk in town after dinner. We stopped at the

Dairy Freeze for a shake and sat at the tables in front.

Out of the darkness a car full of teenagers pulled in with

their lights shinning in our eyes. As they got out, it

was clear they were drinking beer. I sensed they were

going to give us some trouble. I didn't look at them as

they got out of the car. The driver walked by the table

and said, “Ha, Babe.” Suzy answered, “Looks like you

can't handle your booze.” He walked to the table. “Handle

this!” He grabbed his crotch. He looked at me and said,

“What's wrong with you?” I couldn’t think of anything

clever to say. Then he hit me in the head from behind.

The next thing I remember, we were on the sidewalk and I


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so happy to have won that he didn't have to tell her in

front of us how much he had lost. They walked away happy.

Jimmy came over to me and spoke out of the side of his

mouth. “It's all about the action and saving face. Don't

forget that kid.” I couldn't quite grasp what he meant,

but I couldn't forget the intense way he told me.

It was like a deep dark secret I was being told, because it

was in my blood. He was awakening me to something, a truth

about life.

The next guy that came to play was a nasty SOB and I loved

watching him loose. Jimmy took uncommon pleasure working

this guy over. It was like watching a lion in one of those

National Wildlife TV shows. He was mean and ill mannered.

At one point he reached over the top of the game, grabbed

me by the shirt pulled me half way out of the both before

Jimmy and Paul saved me. We had taken his rent money. It

was sickening to me that he would gamble away his rent

money. At the same time I felt guilty. He stomped off

“You cheated me. I'll be back.” I knew he meant it, so

did Jimmy.


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We were about to shut down for the night when Jimmy saw the

guy coming through the crowded midway with 6 of the

roughest looking men I've seen. Jimmy turned to me and

yelled out “Run!” So I jumped out of the Creeper and took

off running through the crowd. My heart was pounding. I

was thinking, it's like a football play but the guys are a

lot bigger that I’m used to playing with. There was

another difference. They weren’t playing ball. That made

me run faster. I ran across the midway to take shelter in

the Bingo tent. Once inside I looked back to see where

they were. One of them spotted me and yelled out to the

others. The tables made a good barrier between us, but

there were too many of them. They surrounded me and it was

all over but the beating I got. He swung at me and hit a

tent pole. I heard a crunch when his fist hit it. Another

guy hit me from behind, grabbed my arms and held on to me.

They started to beat on me. After the first two or three

punches I couldn't feel a thing. It's the way wild prey

feel before they are eaten.

Jake the Giant came to my rescue. Jake was the biggest man

I've ever seen. He stood 7.8 ft. tall and was a mass of

muscle. His arms were as big around as grown man’s leg.

He picked up one of the guys over his head and through him


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over two Bingo tables. The other guys moved back. The next

thing I remember was being carried to Danny's trailer in

Jake's arms. I had never seen Danny get really mad before.

He asked Jake what happened. He told Jake to bring Jimmy

to the trailer. That gentle giant stayed with me the rest

of the night sitting at the bedside. I slept hard that

night knowing he was watching over me.

The next morning, I couldn't move without pain somewhere in

my body. My left eye was swollen and my lip was split. I

knew I was out of the Creeper business for a few days. The

innocence that was once on my face was gone, at least for

the time being. Danny had a sit down meeting with Jimmy

that lasted for 30 minutes. When it was over Jimmy came

out to tell everyone to watch out for the guys that had

attacked me. Our departure was set for Monday morning

about 5:00 AM. There wasn't much chance of those guys

coming back for more action. But, I wanted to get even


I stopped to see Jimmy at the Creeper and to ask what he

would do in the way of revenge. He wasn't busy so we

talked a while. He offered, “the dudes are easy to get

even with, because when they come across the unexpected,


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they can't handle it. I've got the perfect plan. Meet me

at the Canteen at 9:00.” I thought this guy better have a

great idea. I didn't want another beating.  When I showed

up at the canteen Jimmy was waiting. He was excited and

eager to get going. As we walked into town, Suzy called

from behind me. I didn't want her to get hurt if we got

into a fight. But she insisted on coming. I had a feeling

she could handle herself.

We walked up to the door of the Pelican Bar and Jimmy

stopped to give us instructions. He said, “Just go along

with what I do no matter what and stay cool.” He opened

the old screen door and walked in as the door slammed

loudly behind us. The people at the bar were all drunk. I

looked around to see that the guy we were after wasn't

there. We sat at the bar and ordered drinks. The

bartender starred at Suzy and me for the longest time then

said, “I don't serve no minors.” Jimmy chimed in, “How

about serving Coke?”

The bartender studied Jimmy for a moment then turned around

and pulled a couple Coke’s from a cooler. Jimmy asked, “Is

Judd around?” I turned to see him come out of the men’s

room. My heart was pounding as he walked straight for me.

With every step he took he got hotter. Jimmy turned, “Hey,


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eyedropper in it fell to the floor and rolled toward me. I

reached down and picked it up.

The label read, Bett's Veterinary Supplies- 2 drops per

gallon- for constipation. I looked up to see Jimmy get hit

again. His nose was bleeding. I could see that he was

trying to stay away from Judd for as long as possible. Now,

Judd was showing off to everyone. He was fast, strong and

as tall as a Georgia pine. To everyone's surprise Judd

stopped his knock out punch in midair and let out a giant

fart that all could here clearly. The room fell silent as

all eyes turned to his stunned face. Judd said, “Oh!”

Jimmy knew this was his best chance, so he hit him square

in the belly as hard as possible.

It was hard enough to cause Judd to pause. Then there was

mixture of strange sounds, but Judd never made it to the

toilet. There was a resulting gastrointestinal explosion

that came with every step toward the Men’s room. Suzy

counted the money and paid the bar tab. I told Jimmy I

would never forget the expression on Judd’s face when he

farted. Jimmy said, “I was getting worried. It took a lot

longer than I thought for the horse laxative to work. He's

finished around here. People will talk about this forever.

They will tell the story of how a skinny guy hit Judd so


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hard he messed his pants.”

We walked back to the fairgrounds. On the way I thought

about what happened. I was becoming addicted to the

feeling of excitement. Even craving it. It wasn't clear

if I could control my feelings or my need for it.

The next morning, we packed up the tents. After breakfast

we got in the trucks and drove off toward our next date,

Shelby, South Carolina.

We hoped to be there by Night fall but the weather had

turned bad and the forecast was for thunderstorms for the

rest of the week, which was to be expected at this time of

the year. Naturally, we were all thinking that the fair

could be a wash out. Danny wasn't bothered by it. He

couldn't cancel it anyway. Not this close to the date.

The rain was like nothing I had ever seen before. We were

crawling along at 25 mph on a mountain road when Jimmy hit

the brakes too hard and the back end of the trailer

jackknifed across the highway. When we came to rest, the

trailer was loose and turned over on it's side in the

slippery red clay that had washed down from the hillside

onto the road. Danny stopped and came back to see us

sitting in the cab. Jimmy's hands were glued to the

steering wheel. His head stuck in place.


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The entire day was spent walking, crawling and digging in

the red mud. We got the trailer hooked up and made the

trip to Shelby in just over 5 hours.

The next day, we all went to Danny's Bingo tent for a

meeting. All the concessionaires were worried about the

weather. The forecast was for rain through the weekend.

During the meeting “Sparky,” Danny's dog came out from

under the counter where we kept gifts for the winners. He

had a nasty habit of sniffing the people he encountered.

Everyone always says that dogs have a great sense of smell.

If that’s true, why do they walk up to another dogs butt

put their nose in it and sniff? Why can't they smell if

from a distance if they can smell so well?

That day Sparky was in a sniffing mood, because he walked

up to the “Fat Woman,” stuck his nose into her crouch,

inhaled loudly, stepped back and sneezed. The woman

embarrassed said, “He must have smelled my cat.” Everyone

acted as if nothing had happened.

That afternoon, I was on the midway getting ready to open

the Creeper and Jimmy walked up, he was in the mood for

excitement. His idea of fun was to go out, get an old car


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and roll it over as many times as possible. I had never

done anything like that, so naturally I wanted to try it.

We agreed to meet at closing time on the edge of the

fairgrounds. I wanted to bring Suzy along, but he said it

was a manhood thing, we had to do it alone. He said we

would pick up the girls after we were finished and go

skinny dipping at a rock quarry outside of town.

As day became night, the idea of rolling a car got more

real. I imaged all kinds of scenarios. The car would roll

over and I'm smashed in the back set and not found for

weeks. As I walked to the edge of the field where I was to

meet Jimmy I saw a 1946 Chevy pull up and stop. I walked

up to the car to see Jimmy fooling around under the dash.

He looked at me and asked, “What do you think?” I was

suddenly paralyzed with fear.

Off we went down a long dirt road toward a rock quarry.

The tailpipe was dragging and smoke was filling the air

behind us. We stopped at the edge of the quarry. Jimmy

told me to hang on and he popped the clutch. The old Chevy

was bouncing along the edge of the water as we went faster.

Without warning Jimmy turned the wheel as hard as he could

to the right. The car started to skid across the rocks,

then it slowly rolled over. The sound of the rocks


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scraping across the roof was deafening. When I stopped

bouncing around in the car, my feet were in the air and my

head was stuffed under the back seat.

We got out of the car and walked around to survey the

damage. The back window was gone and the roof was crushed

in. Jimmy wanted to go again right away. But, I talked

him out of it and we went off to get the girls back at the


Suzy loved the idea of skinny dipping, so we went back to

the local quarry. We were all swimming around when a biker

showed up and asked me a lot of questions about some people

that were at the quarry before we got there. He was very

strange, but in those days bikers were all strange.

Everyone was getting out of the water when I saw a convoy

of cars coming down the dirt road at top speed, a dust

plume rising behind them. I had a bad feeling about staying

so I told Jimmy we should get into the car and head out of

there. He was slow to react. At the time I thought it was

his pride, but I don't think he knew what to do. Simply,

he panicked, got into the car and froze. He couldn't start

the car.


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The cars pulled up to us so their headlights would be upon

us and they got out of the car. One of them had been

beaten badly. He was in a fighting mood and we were about

to be the victims of revenge. I closed the back door when

one of them told me to get out. Jimmy just sat there and I

was holding back my panic. I think that's when this one

guy took a swing at me through the window. I leaned back

dodging him. The next time he swung at me, I put my foot

up and his fist hit the metal tap on the heel of my shoe.

It took all the skin off his knuckles. There's something

primal about angry crowds and blood that brings out the

beast in men. They started throwing rocks at the car. One

large rock came through the back window bounced off the

seat and landed on the floor beside me. It was time to get

out. I screamed at Jimmy to start the car. The tone of my

voice must have jarred him into consciousness. He turned

the key and as if by magic that wonderful old Chevy

started. He popped the clutch and the dirt and rocks flew.

We were on our way out of there. Suzy was hanging out the

window yelling at them. Jimmy was one of the best drivers

I've ever known. His girl Jessie was hiding. She had been

in this type of situation before and knew what to do. Keep

your head down and carry a gun. We were bouncing around

the quarry and the cars were in close pursuit. Jimmy


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pointed the car in the direction of a field of tall grass

and we went plowing through. The cars were 50 yards behind

us when he turned off the lights. All we could do was

listen to the loud noises of the car hitting stuff.

Somehow we lost them in the darkness and came to rest. I

could hear them all around us. Jimmy decided to stay put.

We waited a few minutes until the cars were all gone. I

must say it was very exciting.

The next day, the fairgrounds were almost dry and

everything was back to normal. The big top was magical to

me. The animals had their own smell that would drift

across the fairgrounds. I always tried to see the

rehearsals, because the performers were dress differently

and the lighting was not theatrical. It was raw and real.

I stopped by that morning to talk to Sam the Clown. We sat

and talked in the stands. I wanted to know how all these

people made money. What he told me startled me. He said,

“Danny is smart, he knows that if you have live

entertainment then you get the large crowds to the midway


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and that's where you make the money. More and more shows

are not carrying the big top because it cost too much.

This is one of the last small ones.” I didn't really

understand what he was saying until I was older and there

were only a few shows left in this country. He said one

thing that I heard before. “On the midway it’s all about

action and saving face.”

I walked back to the Creeper thinking about what he had

said. It was time to open the show so I got everything

ready. I picked up the Creeper, removed it from its blue

velvet bag and placed it on the glass table. I felt

something strange. I was for the first time looking

forward to the first mark of the day.

I looked down the midway and saw Jimmy coming with his arm

around a guy. They walked up and Jimmy introduced Jerome.

It's like we were hunting. The game was just standing

there eagerly waiting to get taken. I started the game in

the usual manner taking my cues from Jimmy. We knew he had

$500 on him. We won that in 10 minutes. But, I wanted

more. I was after something else, something that mattered

more to him than money. I wanted to hurt him and I didn't

know why. Jimmy told me to quit the game with this guy and


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move on. But, I wanted to press on, so I did. I told

Jerome I was willing to play for big stakes if he was. Of

course he was excited, so we made a bet for his new Ford

convertible. Jimmy tried to stop me but I continued.

Jimmy was angry with me to the point where he stopped the

game. I took the car keys from him. Suzy and I took it

for a ride that night. She didn't give it a second thought

that I had cheated this guy out of his new car. It's all

part of the game. On the other hand my grandfather wasn't

happy at all when Jimmy told him what had happened. He

sent him to bring me to the trailer.

Suzy and I had stopped at drive-inn burger place for a

shake and french fries. We were about to get into serious

making out when Jimmy found us. He pulled up in the

company pick-up. “Red, your grandfather is upset. He

wants you at the trailer now.” He didn't wait for an

answer. The next thing I knew he was speeding back toward

the fair grounds. I could tell he was real angry. It

looked like he was to blame. After all, he was my tutor on

the Creeper and I had shown no respect for the rules of the

game. By beating the mark out of the car I was opening us

up for the Sheriff to come out to see Danny. Somehow I


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knew that even if Danny was upset he would blame himself

for putting me in that position in the first place. God

please don't send me home.

We pulled up in front of the trailer and Danny was waiting

in the doorway. He was the original poker face, so I knew

he was thinking it was time to send me home before I got in

real trouble. Suzy got out of the car and quietly said

good night. Danny told me to come in and have a seat. He

said, “You're going to give the car back. Put the keys on

the table. I want you to pack your clothes and be ready to

go home tomorrow.”

I said, “Please let me explain. I didn't mean to do it.

Well, maybe I did. But, it seems like part of the game.

Taking what you want from these people.” He looked at the

floor. “When I came to this country as a young boy, my

brother and I were all alone. We learned how to play cards

on the boat and in the streets. We couldn't speak the

English language. So, we had to find a way to eat.” I

could see he was in pain as he talked about this time in

his life. “You don't have the same problems we had. I

should not have brought you with me this season. You're too

young.” He loved me and this had hurt him deeply. I said,

“Look I did it. I'm sorry. Please let me stay. Give me


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another chance.” I pleaded. He said, “Don't con me.”

Looking for a way out I said, “I'll bring the car back to

the guy myself. I'll do it in the morning.” He hesitated

for a moment and walked around the room.

After a long silence he spoke, “OK, but I want you to do

what you're told and nothing else.” It was clear that he

didn't want to send me home. But, at the same time he

wanted me to learn to control my passion for the game. The

truth is I loved taking stuff from these people. It was

fun. To everyone else it was a serious business.

Danny was still uneasy with the arrangement. Even if there

was an apology, the truth is that the guy lost his car in a

rigged game. By giving it back we were admitting that

fact. If we could make it look like we were not greedy by

giving the car back, then we could save face and the guy

would not be angry. I had to give it back. I asked,

“Grandpa, please let me take the car back. I'll tell him

we didn't want him to loose the car, so we are returning

it. We don't want any bad feelings.” I waited for an

answer. He stroked his fingers through his hair. “Do it

tonight. Go out with Jimmy and return the car. The sooner

the better. We'll talk more in the morning.”


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Jimmy was outside in front of the campfire when I

approached. He looked at me with anticipation “What did he

say? No let me guess. He wants you to go home. Right?”

“Yes, no and maybe. I'll talk to him in the morning. It

all depends on you.” He looked like the guilty one. He

knew that he had done this kind of thing in the past. I

didn't have to bring it up. I said, “He wants you to come

with me to return the car, now.” The fact that everyone

knew about the car by now, meant we had to get it back

fast. Jimmy was great at this stuff. I was feeling a lot

better, because he was with me. He got up, turned and

walked away from me talking to me. “I'm going to get fired

or killed teaching you this business. Come on. What was

everyone so upset about? It was just a little mistake.”

When we got to the guy’s house Jimmy went to the door and

knocked. A well dressed black woman came to the door. She

said, “Yes, what can I do for you?” Jimmy took off his

hat. “Well, Ma’am my name is Jimmy Jackson and I work at

the Bright Light Shows. We are here to return the car. On

the title it says, this address.” She was furious. “Well,

come on in boys.” She turned and bellowed. “Jerome get

out here, it's your lucky day.” She sat down in an old

over stuffed chair, it look like a queen’s throne. The


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odor in this house was different from our house. The food

smelled great and it made me hungry. She turned to me and

said, “Sit down son.” Jerome came into the room. He was

mama’s boy.

Jimmy sized him up instantly. “Jerome, I'm here to give you

your keys back. We don't want any bad feelings. Anyway

here are the keys and the title.” He was so delighted that

he didn't hear anything else we said. Mama was about to

deliver a speech about the moral issues but Jimmy cut her

off. “I smell pecan pie. I bet you make the best in the

County. How about a sample.” Just as Jimmy had intended

she forgot what she was about to say and went to the

kitchen with Jimmy in tow. Jerome quietly stood in the

middle of the room looking at me. I said, “I'm truly sorry

about the car.” He wasn't listening. She came out of the

kitchen and asked me to join them. The pie was great. I

realized how much she was like my mother.

The next morning, Suzy came to awaken me. She had tears

streaming down her cheeks. Danny had died of a heart

attack in his sleep. She tried to comfort me. “Death came

quietly in his sleep.” I've never understood what that

means exactly. How could you know for sure? What if he


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dining table crying. Her hand was wrapped around a glass

of beer. On the table was lit Pall Mall with red lipstick

on the tip burning in the ashtray. I asked if she wanted

me to come back another time? She invited me in and hugged

me for a very long time. She was a strangely charming

woman. For the first time I cried with her over loosing

Grandpa. I guess grieving was meant to be a shared

experience. But, why was I thinking that someone was going

to catch me having the wrong feeling? The way Danny died

fit somehow. He was doing what he loved most.

Now, I know where I got the idea that what you do in this

life is important. It can be the cause of great pain for

the people that love us. In one way we draw life from the

people around us. Danny did that in a nice way. At least

people didn't hate him for it. Then the unthinkable

happened, the first greedy thought came creeping in. What

was going to happen to the Bright Light Show’s?

I didn't want it to come to an end. Everyone thought

Claudia would keep the show. The next day my Dad came up

from Miami and we grieved together. I wanted it to be over

with. That night we traveled south on the train with

Danny's body to a funeral home in North Miami Beach. We


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were both dead tired at the funeral. Danny's coffin was


to the grave sight and placed at the foot of the Showman's

Association monument. He was placed in the shadow cast buy

a 15 foot bronze elephant. My Dad greeted strange men.

Danny's friends had come to say good-bye. They were mostly

Jewish and Italian

Showman. They disappeared a quickly as they had appeared

in a fleet of black Cadillac’s.

Danny's will, was to be read at the wake at our home. In it

was his wish, that I inherit the show. He didn’t plan on

going so soon. It didn’t take long for me to decide to give

it to Claudia to sell or keep. Like my Dad, I was not meant

to be a traveling showman.

I was filming in Miami not long ago, so I stopped at the

cemetery and spent time sitting on the grass beside him. I

learned much about life in the short time we spent

together. The most important thing is that love last

forever and that very little else matters.


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