the morter report december 2015

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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M rterReport



he holidays . . . it’s a time to take stock, to give, to receive, and to dream. Sometimes, in all of the hustle and bustle, we forget the importance of the moment. It’s our true test, isn’t it? Whether we can be in the storm, but not let the storm be in us.

As we look ahead to 2016, the opportunities abound. Morter HealthAlliance will be offering more new programs, products and ways to make your dreams come true than ever before. You’ll be just that much closer to each of your goals, your dreams and your desires – being a part of this Morter family gives you the support and leverage to get it done!

So get ready! Start marking your calendars! Update your dream boards! Set your goals! You have the power to be, do and have anything you desire. And, we’re here to help you realize that power!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

A Special Call to Dream BiggerI received a wonderful holiday call from my longtime friend Sacki Jordon. I have written about Sacki many times over the years, and although each year’s call is special, I feel this year it was extra special. I say this because I have known his family for a long time, yet I haven’t really felt connected. Now I really do.

It all started with a text wishing us a Happy Thanksgiving, just like the ones from so many on that day. And when I replied, it wasn’t 10 seconds until my phone lit up. I smiled from ear to ear when I saw it was Sacki calling. Literally, the smile across my face when I heard, “Hey Doc, this is Sacki,” was so big, so intense, it almost hurt my face! And, for the next 20 minutes we shared stories. Sacki reminded me of the challenges we had faced together, well over 10 years ago, bringing his wife and children to this country from Cote d’Ivoire, the Ivory Coast in West Africa. Previously, we have always spoken of the ups and downs with disappointments, failed visa applications, false promises, lost money and sheer frustration of trying to re-unite his family. But this call was different.

This call was about thankfulness and about joy. Sacki’s daughter, Waifah, was graduating from college. He was so proud and so was I. He mentioned the origin of her name which we had never spoken about in previous conversations. Waifah . . . what did it mean? Her name is a family name from his mother and grandmother meaning white and pure, and also something about white chalk and a ceremony which was specific and exclusive to his African culture involving rubbing the pure white powder entirely over the body of the young girls as they reach woman hood. Heck, both he and I were nearly crying with his excitement in speaking about his family. And, his son is overseas studying advanced architecture design! These two amazing children certainly have a lot to offer the world!

This simple telephone call was the highlight of my holiday blessing. The journey of Sacki Jordon is the Law of Attraction in action, especially highlighting the most important and most overlooked part of all . . . taking massive action. He was here; his family for all practical purpose was a million miles away. The dream of Sacki Jordon became reality because he took the steps to make it happen. He never gave up. Overcoming serious health challenges of his own, Sacki learned of MHS and B.E.S.T. He learned how to focus his mental imagery of being healthy, connected, and in charge. He learned how to get exactly what he wanted from life, how to change his pattern into personal power. I truly believe this early connection to Sacki was no accident, no coincidence. Sacki Jordon learned to dream bigger and it paid off immeasurably. He taught me about dreaming bigger.


by Dr. Ted Morter

Get back on track after the holidays!Join Dr. Ted for the Alka•Slim® Challenge!

Beginning January 2016, Dr. Ted is starting the biggest Alka•Slim® Challenge EVER! We’ll have huge prizes, the lowest product prices ever, and a private group page on Facebook with daily updates, recipes, exercise ideas and sharing. Join Dr. Ted and the whole Morter team so we’ll all be slim, energized, healthy and ready to make all our dreams come true in 2016! Watch your email for all the details! This is your plan for success!


Dream Big Dreams Do you have a dream? Do you change your dreams from time to time? Is your dream big enough? How big is big enough?

These are just some of the thoughts I encourage you to consider when you are evaluating the successes you have enjoyed in 2015. Yes, December is a month for evaluation and assessment of your accomplishments for the year. In this light, let’s look at where dreams fit in.

According to Webster, dreams are a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep; or an idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not real; or something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time.

Let’s look at each of those definitions in more detail. The first happens during sleep - one of our Six Essentials - and deals with thoughts, visions, and feelings. They are recalled from your sub- or non-conscious mind. These thoughts, visions, and feelings can be influenced by input from your conscious mind. They fall into the category of “what you put in, you get out.”

The next definition deals with an idea or vision created in your imagination, yet not real. Remember, all thoughts are real! Thoughts are things! If you want it to manifest in your life you must think about it. If you can think about it with feeling you have a much higher level of intensity and frequency and a greater chance of actually attaining it. This process can make it so! By picturing it perfectly or “in perfection” or “as if” you can actually make it real – your reality.

The last one deals with something you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time. Does this concept sound familiar to your training? We have learned the difference between “wanting” and “picturing it as if” - the “I AM” part of the Power Pose. The part of the definition about wanting something very much means with intensity and emotions. The part about wanting it for a long time actually separates it from a goal or chief aim you have accomplished. The ability to do, be, or have something is dependent upon your desire to make it so.

We all have the ability to dream. Make it a daily process for your betterment as an individual. Celebrate the wins along the way; they contribute to your emotions and intensity moving forward. Never stop dreaming, you never know when they may come to fruition. Dream bigger, you are worth it.

FROM THE FIELD by Dr. Tom Morter

Love is the thread that binds peacefulness to your being. To reach a state of peace, you must achieve a balance or alignment in the three planes of your existence – physical, mental, and spiritual. The body, mind, or spirit alone cannot give you peace. Peace and healing result when there is a harmonious balance between your soul (mind and body) and your spirit (God). Unconditional love is the source of peace. It is by loving more and expecting less that you can reach this state of peaceful harmony.

- Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr.


Take a moment, if you will, and imagine that you have a relative that lives in South America. After he passes away, you come to discover that he was extremely rich and left you a check in his will for $10 million with the stipulation that you have to fly to South America and personally pick up the check. There is just one problem: you don’t have enough money in your bank account to purchase a plane ticket. What do you do? I once posed this very question to those on my social media feed, and some of the answers I received in the comments section surprised me. There were some who replied with things like, “Well, if I couldn’t afford a plane ticket, then I wouldn’t go.” Others said things like, “I would set the goal of raising the money so that I could pay cash for a plane ticket and go pick up the check without guilt.” Still others cried out, “I would borrow the money somehow figure out a way to get to South America as quickly as possible. I would do whatever it took to achieve my goal.” Take a moment right now and make a list of all of the reasons why you have ever failed. Seriously. Go right now. Put this article down and make a list of all of the reasons why you have ever failed. Did you get it done? Do not proceed until you have. If your list is like that of most people, it probably includes things like “I didn’t have enough money to get started,” or “I didn’t have the time,” or “I didn’t have the right schooling.” It’s fascinating that each time I teach one of my seminars, I ask the audience this same question and almost always receive similar answers to the three above. The thing about these answers is that they all list resources, when the real problem could be found within the person himself as a lack of resourcefulness. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation like the above mentioned case of needing to go to South America and pick up a check, unsuccessful people will use a lack of resources, in this case money, as excuses for why they didn’t achieve what they said they wanted to achieve. Successful people, on the other hand, use their resourcefulness, such as tenacity, dedication, and perseverance, to come up with the resources that they need when they need it. In this case, they could put the cost of the plane ticket on a credit card. They could borrow the money from a bank or a loved one. They could refinance their car or their house. The point is, successful people do whatever it takes, and they do it no matter what.

My friend, the pathway to success is almost NEVER convenient! If it was convenient, there would be no growth, and growth only takes place when sacrifices are made. I once had to make a 60-hour round trip journey to get to a training that ultimately helped me achieve the success that I have today. Not including the cost of travel, the seminar by itself cost me thousands of dollars, but I got there.

Right now, grab another sheet of paper and something to write with and make a list of all of your excuses. You may find that this turns out to be a rather long list, but get it done. Once you’ve done this, make a solemn commitment to yourself and to others that you will never allow these excuses to be a filter in your life again, and then go destroy the list. Be a “Whatever it takes!” kind of person and watch your results go up.

by Eric Bailey

Whatever It Takes!


by Dr. Bruce Phillips

I have struggled with the concepts of dreaming big. What is big anyway? By some people’s definition, I already live a big life. I am certain by another person’s definition I live a very ordinary life. Big is so random to me, and of course we can always dream bigger. I have come to realize that my dilemma is this whole point! I want to constantly grow my vision of life, my purpose and my future.

Secondly, dreaming is dreaming. How do I focus dreams, so that I can direct my efforts? Should I ever put a limit to dreams? If I’m dreaming so big that I cannot even begin to imagine it becoming a reality, is that really beneficial? I have read “The Magic of Thinking Big” several times. But, I still struggle with this concept. I am happy! Do I really need more or bigger things in my life? Or, should I practice being grateful for everything that I currently am blessed to possess and experience? I believe that we have so much to offer our communities. We need to continue to step up to bigger challenges to spread health and wellness. How do I dream big enough to meet the world’s need for natural, whole health? One tool I turn to when this dilemma plagues me is the money game. I would like to introduce it to you here, and hopefully you will find it helpful as well. With any activity, I have found that it takes practice. It also takes continued growth and visualization to make your dreams a reality.

You can play the money game whenever you like, and it only requires a pen and a piece of paper. You might want to use a journal. The first time you play, you start with an imaginary $10,000 and you must spend it all. You can spend it on anything you wish. You might even donate it to a meaningful cause or charity. Then each time you play you add $10,000 to your account. So the second time you play you must spend $20,000. You continue to add $10,000 each time that you play. Initially you might find this game easy, but at some point it will start getting harder and harder to spend all of the money that you have to spend. The more thoughtful you are with your spending, the more benefit you will gain from this exercise. You can also replace money with anything, like practice members, friends, experiences. But if you think about it, often money becomes the path to many things that you might put in its place.

You will gradually exercise your subconscious mind to attract more money to you as you become more thoughtful with the money you are spending in the Money Game. Commit to playing the money game consistently, so you can grow and expand your dreaming and accomplishing. Improving the health of mankind worldwide is a big vision and demands big dreaming to achieve!

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Ad-ministration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

B.E.S.T. Process Alka•Line Supplements help your body restore its natural alkalinity, put you back on the road to health, and help return your body to its natural state – healthy and func-tioning perfectly! They are not heat treated, so the enzymatically active ingredients remain alive for maximum effectiveness.* Call 800-443-BEST (2378) to order!

In Dr. Morter’s opinion, there were no truly natural supplements on the market that were purely organic, covalently bonded and able to increase and replenish the vital alkaline reserve. So, he created the B.E.S.T. Process Alka•Line® Supplements. They are formulated to provide the necessary minerals found organically in whole foods like fruits and vegetables, while maintaining live enzymes wherever possible. To aid in healing, Alka•Line® products provide whole food nutrients and don’t mask symptoms or act as drug-like stimulators.*

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Dream Bigand Bigger!


Where do you go from here?

Throughout the year you have been exposed to some of the most powerful and effective techniques, concepts and ideas available for succeeding in business and in life. But, no matter how good these ideas are, just being exposed to them is not enough. Knowledge in and of itself is not power; execution of this knowledge is everything. You must now do something with these ideas, techniques, and strategies. In order for you to get the most value out of your investments, you might want to consider developing a step-by-step action plan. An effective and results-producing plan should consist of 5 steps:


Ideas are nothing more than ideas until they are put into action. Once acted on, they have the potential to literally turn around a struggling business, or help an already successful business become even more dynamic and successful. But, before a person runs out and implements a newfound idea, they should first take the time to evaluate their operation to determine just what areas are most lacking and could use the most attention. You have the potential of making the most improvement in your own business if you will take the time to identify and work on the area of greatest need first.


Once you’ve identified your greatest needs and placed them in priority order, you can begin to search out available solutions. Be on an “opportunity lookout.” The material in this series of articles is just the beginning of the many places you can find good, usable, and practical ideas. Don’t turn any ideas away just because you think they might not pertain to your business or the way you operate. Capture them and then apply step number three.


As you encounter new ideas, keep an open mind. Study them. Analyze them. Think them through. Ask yourself if an application can be made to your specific situation by simply changing or modifying part of the concept or idea. If a certain illustration uses a certain type of product or service for the example, but you don’t sell that product or service, a simple adjustment might be all that’s needed.


Just as a membership in a health club won’t do its owner any good unless he or she goes to the club and participates in the exercise program, so too, with the information that has been shared with you. It’s of no practical use unless it is implemented. It’s easy to come up with good ideas and develop plans, but where most people get bogged down is when it comes to putting them into action. It’s not always easy, but if you’re going to truly be successful, you must do whatever it takes to act on your plans.


After you’ve worked with your new ideas for a period of time, stop and evaluate how things are working. You may need to make some adjustments so you can continue to see improvement. Sometimes, an idea you thought was great doesn’t work out at all. That’s okay. Just learn the lesson and move on to something else. On the other hand, if you find an idea that works well, see if you can refine it, or “plus” it, to make it even more effective.

That’s all there is to it. I know it sounds pretty simple to say, but in reality there’s a lot to do. The plain and truthful fact is: most people simply won’t take the time and effort to do the things we’ve just discussed. That’s unfortunate on one hand, because they could be even more successful than they are now. On the other hand, their failure to take action is good for you. In implementing and executing, it will be you who realizes the success!

Now you have the tools…GO FOR IT!

by Dr. Ralph LeBlancSuccess!


I was visiting with a client recently, and we were discussing how it seems people tend to really overextend themselves, especially around this time of year. With the holidays, we scurry here and yon looking for that perfect ingredient, perfect gift, or perfect decoration. All of this scurrying tends to leave us drained emotionally, physically, and even spiritually sometimes.

Being raised by a mother and grandmother who drilled into my head how everyone else’s needs come before my own, it has taken a lot of focused attention to shift this belief for myself and to recognize that I am not being selfish in doing so. In fact, I am making an empowered decision, which adds to my energy well to share with others.

My client said, “I know, I just hate to say no to people.” I was quiet for a moment and replied, “I used to feel the same way until I shifted my focus. I reminded myself that I am not saying “no” to them. I am saying “yes” to myself.” This keeps me focused on the yes (the more positive statement) and reinforces this new belief that it is empowering to make conscious choices, instead of saying yes to everyone and feeling bitter or resentful about it later.

I find I enjoy life and the holidays much more fully when I am able to come from a place of empowered choice, instead of imposed guilt. I can hear some of you reading this saying, “you just don’t know my mother, my husband, my family, etc.” I am not saying that people won’t still want and expect those old behaviors from you. What I am saying is, you get to choose.

You will find that choosing YOU, will not be the downfall of your family or friends. They will still love you, and in fact, likely respect you more. Those who don’t are working through their own issues, and it is not up to you to “fix” them or continue to make choices that are not supportive of you to “keep” them happy. If they were truly happy, they wouldn’t be depending on your decisions to keep them in happiness.

I invite you to start looking for ways in your life you can identify the Yes in the No. I trust you will enjoy a more graceful and fulfilled life.

by Melissa Higby, LMT

Finding the Yes!in the NO!




October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France17 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November13-14 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA29 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

December4-5 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario11-13 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

January15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Los Angeles, CA29-30 B.E.S.T. Training – Phoenix, AZ31 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

February20-21 Spiritual B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA26-28 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

March18-19 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia19-20 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France31-2 Elite Master – Sedona, AZ

April 15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France22-23 Eat to Live – Dallas, TX29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR24-25 Live Rich – Denver, CO

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL29-30 Live Out Loud – Chicago, IL

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Dallas, TX10-11 Homecoming – Dallas, TX30-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

October7-10 Paris Trainings – Paris, France21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA





All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique

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