the origins of the concept mapping tool and the continuing evolution of the tool⋆

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2006 5: 175Information VisualizationJoseph D Novak and Alberto J Cañas

The Origins of the Concept Mapping Tool and the Continuing Evolution of the Tool  

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Information Visualization (2006) 5, 175 -- 184©2006 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. All r ights r eser ved 1473-8716 $30.00

The origins of the concept mapping tool andthe continuing evolution of the tool�

Joseph D Novak1

Alberto J Cañas1

1Florida Institute for Human and MachineCognition (IHMC), Pensacola, FL, U.S.A.

Correspondence:Alberto J. Cañas, IHMC, 40 South AlcanizSt, Pensacola, FL 32502, U.S.A.Tel: 8502024491;Fax: 8502024440;E-mail:

�This paper is based in part on an earlierpaper: Novak, J.D (2004), Reflections onHalf a Century of thinking in ScienceEducation and Research: Implicationfrom a Twelve-year Longitudinal studyof Children’s Learning. Canadian Journalof Science, Mathematics, and TechnologyEducation, 4 (1), 23–41.

Received: 8 February 2006Revised: 10 April 2006Accepted: 12 April 2006

AbstractA research program at Cornell University that sought to study the abilityof children to acquire science concepts and the effect of this learning on laterschooling led to the need for a new tool to describe explicit changes in chil-dren's conceptual understanding. Concept mapping was invented in 1972 tomeet this need, and subsequently numerous other uses have been found forthis tool. Underlying the research program and the development of the con-cept mapping tool was an explicit cognitive psychology of learning and an ex-plicit constructivist epistemology. In 1987, collaboration began between Novakand Cañas and others at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cogni-tion, then part of the University of West Florida. Extending the use of conceptmapping to other applications such as the integration of concept mappingwith the World Wide Web (WWW) led to the development of software that en-hanced the potential of concept mapping, evolving into the current versionof CmapTools now used worldwide in schools, universities, corporations, andgovernmental and non-governmental agencies. Differences between conceptmaps and other knowledge representation tools are described. The integra-tion of concept mapping software programs with the WWW and other newtechnologies permits a new kind of concept map-centred learning environ-ment wherein learners build their own knowledge models, individually or col-laboratively, and these can serve as a basis for life-long meaningful learning.Combined with other educational practices, use of CmapTools permits a NewModel for Education. Preliminary studies are underway to assess the possibili-ties of this New Model.Information Visualization (2006) 5, 175--184. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500126

Keywords: Concept map; development; history; meaningful learning; CmapTools;knowledge representation; New model of education

IntroductionThis paper describes briefly the theoretical foundations for Novak’s researchprogram at Cornell University that led to the development of the conceptmapping tool, and the range of applications for this tool. In the history ofscience, there are many examples where the necessity to develop new toolsto observe events or objects led to the development of new technologies.For Novak’s research program, the necessity to find a better way to representchildren’s conceptual understandings and to be able to observe explicitchanges in the concept and propositional structures that construct thoseunderstandings led to the development of the tool we call a concept map.This tool has now become a powerful knowledge representation tool usefulnot only in education but in virtually every sector of human activity. Webegin with a brief historical sketch of problems and issues addressed in theresearch program, and proceed to describe how the integration of conceptmapping with new technologies have enabled the development of softwareprograms that greatly enhance the capabilities of the tool.

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Origins of the concept mapping Joseph D Novak and Alberto J Cañas176

One of the issues debated in the early 1960s was the ex-tent to which children could profit from instruction onabstract, basic science concepts such as the nature of mat-ter and energy. The dominant thinking in science educa-tion and developmental psychology was centered on thework of Jean Piaget,1 particularly his ideas about cogni-tive operational stages. Piaget had devised some ingeniousinterviews administered to children, the results of whichcould be interpreted to support his theory of stages of cog-nitive operational development. It was widely assumedthat children could not profit from instruction in such ab-stract concepts as the nature of matter and energy beforethey reached the formal operational stage of thinking atages 11 or older.The fundamental questions that concerned Novak and

his research group were:

1. Are these claimed cognitive operational limitations ofchildren the result of brain development, or are they atleast partly an artifact of the kind of schooling and so-cialization characteristic of Piaget’s subjects, and thosecommonly tested in US and other schools?

2. With appropriate instruction in basic science conceptssuch as the nature of matter and energy, can 6 to 8year-old children develop sufficient understanding toinfluence later learning?

3. Can the development of children’s understanding ofscience concepts be observed as specific changes in theirconcepts and propositions resulting from the early in-struction and from later science instruction?

4. Will the findings in a longitudinal study support thefundamental ideas in Ausubel’s 2 assimilation theory oflearning?

Answers to these questions could only be obtained byfirst designing systematic instruction in basic science con-cepts for 6–8-year-old children, and then following thesame children’s understanding of these concepts as theyprogressed through school, including later grades whenformal science courses were taken. We were interested inobserving very specific changes in the concept and propo-sitional meanings held by the children as they progressedthrough school, in accordance with Ausubel’s2 cognitivetheory of learning. This was the instructional develop-ment and research project Novak’s group set out to do.Development of instructional materials in the longi-

tudinal study was by means of audio-tutorial lessons, inwhich children learned from audiotapes that were devel-oped and that were supplemented with film clips andequipment. The audio-tutorial lessons were based on ideasin the National Science Teachers Association report, Im-portance of conceptual schemes for science teaching,3 and anelementary science textbook series, The World of Science.4

Development of these lessons began in 1965, and a suffi-cient pool of lessons was available by 1970 for a plannedlongitudinal study. The study began in 1971 with 191first grade children (age 6) who received 28 audio-tutoriallessons in grades one and two, and 48 children who did

not receive these lessons. Children were interviewed peri-odically throughout their school tenure, grades 1 through12, to ascertain the extent to which they were acquiringan understanding of the concepts of matter, energy, andliving systems.The key principle of the Ausubelian learning theory2,5

we considered in the design of our lessons comes from theepigraph to his 1968 book:

’If I had to reduce all of educational psychology tojust one principle, I would say this: The most im-portant single factor influencing learning is what thelearner already knows. Ascertain this and teach himaccordingly 2’.

Together with the graduate students we would developan idea for a new lesson, interview 6–8 primary grade chil-dren in an open-ended interview, usually using some ofthe ‘props’ we were planning to use to teach the centralconcepts of the lesson, such as pictures, materials to bemanipulated, loop films or apparatus we were consider-ing. These interviews gave us some idea of what anchor-ing concepts most of the children already had, and gavesome preliminary feedback on how they were interpret-ing or using the props. This process was often repeatedseveral times, and again after lesson prototypes were de-veloped. On average, each lesson underwent 6–8 revi-sions before it was deemed ready for use in classrooms.We also considered Ausubel’s ideas of progressive differenti-ation and integrative reconciliation in designing the lessonsand lesson sequences. The idea of progressive differenti-ation requires that students build upon their prior rele-vant concepts, and elaborate concepts acquired in earlieraudio-tutorial lessons in a sequence as they study later re-lated lessons. Furthermore, many concepts were revisitedin later lessons, but with different examples or props toeffect greater differentiation of concepts introduced ear-lier, and thus also to achieve integrative reconciliation ofconcepts. The principle of integrative reconciliation ap-plies to the clarification of ideas that may have been ini-tially confusing to a child or where meanings acquiredmay have been somewhat distorted. Learners often holdmisconceptions or faulty ideas that need to be modified orremediated, a process that requires meaningful learning.6

We used things that were familiar to the students, and wewould build on the familiar to point them to see new as-pects or dimensions of the new materials observed, muchof this through the audio guidance.We designed interviews to use some of the materials

that were in the lessons and other materials that weredifferent but illustrated the same concepts. We preparedinterview kits, and these were used by a number of dif-ferent graduate students, with some instruction on howto do the interviews. Interviews were done with theinstructed students several times during the first year,including interviews on topics other than the natureof matter and energy. However, we found that we didnot have the staff resources to continue interviewing all

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Origins of the concept mapping Joseph D Novak and Alberto J Cañas177

instructed and uninstructed students on several domainsof science, and chose to interview students only on con-cepts of matter, energy, and energy transformations. Thesame interview kits were used as the students progressedthrough school, and over the 12 years of the study. Wealso did not have staff to interview all students eachyear, and we had to choose a random sample from theinstructed and uninstructed groups for later years of thestudy. All interviews were tape-recorded and some werevideo-recorded. During the course of the study, 24 differ-ent graduate students and staff members participated inthe interviewing and later analysis of the data.

The invention of concept mappingAs our longitudinal study progressed, we were accumu-lating hundreds of interview tapes. As we transcribed thetapes, we could observe that propositions used by studentswould usually improve in relevance, number, and quality,but it was still difficult to observe specifically how theircognitive structures were changing. Our research teamconsidered various alternatives we might explore, and weagain reviewed Ausubel’s ideas regarding cognitive devel-opment. Three ideas from Ausubel’s Assimilation Theoryemerged as central to our thinking. First, Ausubel seesthe development of new meanings as building on priorrelevant concepts and propositions. Second, he seescognitive structure as organized hierarchically, with moregeneral, more inclusive concepts occupying higher levelsin the hierarchy and more specific, less inclusive con-cepts subsumed under the more general concepts. Third,when meaningful learning occurs, relationships betweenconcepts become more explicit, more precise, and betterintegrated with other concepts and propositions. In ourdiscussions, the idea developed to translate interviewtranscripts into a hierarchical structure of concepts andrelationships between concepts, that is, propositions. Theideas developed into the invention of a tool in 1972 wenow call the concept map.Concept maps, as we use the term, show the specific la-

bel (usually a word or two) for one concept in a node orbox, with lines showing linking words that create a mean-ingful statement or proposition. We define concepts asperceived regularities or patterns in events or objects, orrecords of events or objects, designated by a label. Con-cepts are arranged hierarchically with the most general,most inclusive concept at the top, and the most specific,least general concepts toward the bottom. Propositions arestatements about some event or object that shows a rela-tionship between two or more concepts. There may alsobe cross-links showing relationships between concepts intwo different areas of the concept map. Identifying newcrosslinks may sometimes lead to a creative insight. Con-cept maps are also based on an explicit cognitive psychol-ogy of learning, and constructivist epistemology, as notedbelow. Other knowledge representation schemes, such asMind Maps,7 usually lack one or more of the above char-acteristics. Many software programs such as Inspiration,

Smart Ideas, and others built on communications withNovak or on his writings. Other forms of knowledge rep-resentations have been described by Jonassen et al.,8 aswell as others. Information Visualization publishes papersdescribing a much broader range of information visualiza-tions techniques, some of which are very different fromconceptmaps that deal primarily with concept and propo-sitional knowledge (see Novak and Cañas9 for further in-formation on the theory underlying concept maps andtheir use).We were somewhat surprised to find that we could

rather easily transform the information in an interviewtranscript into a concept map. We found that a 15–20-page interview transcript could be converted into a 1-page concept map without losing essential concept andpropositional meanings expressed by the interviewee. Wesoon realized this was a very powerful and concise knowl-edge representation tool, a tool that changed our researchprogram from this point on. Figure 1 shows examplesof concept maps we drew from interview transcripts forone average instructed student at the end of grades 2and 12. Note that while new concepts such as ‘atom’are assimilated into her cognitive structure, she also hasacquired some new misconceptions. This is characteristicof students who sometimes learn by rote and sometimesat relatively low levels of meaningful learning. Figure 2shows concept maps we drew from interview transcriptswith one uninstructed student at the end of grades 2 and12. This latter student was obviously disposed to learnmeaningfully rather than by rote, and he shows clearevidence of progressive differentiation and integrativereconciliation of his cognitive structure in this domainof knowledge. However, the mean quality of maps forinstructed students was substantially better than foruninstructed students.10

For our research project, the use of concept maps drawnfrom structured interviews became the primary tools weused to ascertain what learners know at any point in theireducational experience. While it does take an hour or twofor an experienced person to make a concept map from a20–30-min interview transcript, the precision and clarityof the learner’s cognitive structure represented this waymade it relatively easy to follow specific changes in the stu-dent’s knowledge structures as she/he progressed throughthe grades. We also used concept maps made by our re-search staff to identify valid and invalid notions held bystudents. It should be noted that these concept maps weremade by many different graduate students over the spanof the study, but still the consistency in the patterns ob-served for each student was remarkable. This illustrates inpart the robustness and validity of this form of knowledgerepresentation, as well as consistency in interviewer elic-itations over time. The consistency with which the samevalid or faulty knowledge structures were shown in con-cept maps drawn by different researchers illustrates therobustness and reliability of the technique of representingchildren’s understandings in the form of concept maps.Subsequently other investigators have also found concept

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Figure 1 Two concept maps drawn from interviews with an average-ability audio-tutorial instructed student at the end of grade2 (A above) and at the end of grade 12 (B above). Notice that while she has more knowledge in grade 12, she also shows somemisconceptions.

maps to be reliable, valid indicators of conceptual under-standing and changes in relevant concept and proposi-tional structures over time.11–13

Development of a new epistemologyThe 1960s and 1970s was also a time when a new epis-temology was emerging, catalyzed by such works asKuhn’s14 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and Toul-min’s 15 Human Understanding: the Collective Use and Evo-lution of Concepts. This emerging realist or constructivistepistemology viewed the creation of new knowledge as asocial, human endeavor, fraught with human successesand failures and constantly evolving. This contrastedwith the ‘immutable truths’ or ‘laws’ that the positivistssought to derive from empirical studies ‘unfettered’ bypreconceived notions (Novak,16 chapter 2). Ausubel’sassimilation theory could well serve as a foundation forconstructivist epistemology, since it explained an indi-vidual’s development of conceptual understanding in a

way closely paralleling creation of knowledge in the sci-ences or any other discipline. Toulmin’s description of theevolving nature of disciplinary concepts, with new ideasbuilding upon and modifying existing concepts, couldbe seen as paralleling how an individual’s conceptual un-derstandings develop, as described by Ausubel.17 Todaymost members of the education community embrace aconstructivist epistemology, but this was certainly notthe case during the early years of our longitudinal study.From our research with children and adults, it became

increasingly apparent to us thatmeaningful learning was themost important factor in building powerful knowledge struc-tures, and by contrast, learning by rote contributed littleto building individual’s knowledge structures, nor doesrote learning result in the remediation of misconceptionsheld by learners. Novak found that the use of conceptmaps could help students learn how to learn meaning-fully, and taught a course at Cornell University for 20 yearsto help students become better learners. This course led tothe book, Learning How to Learn18 now published in nine

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Figure 2 Two concept maps constructed from interviews with an exceptionally good student, who did not receive audio-tutorialinstruction, at the end of grade 2 (A above) and 12 (B above). Note the high degree of acquisition and integration of new conceptsand propositions.

languages. In the 1980s, Novak’s research program focusedon how to use concept maps to help researchers createnew knowledge. In the 1990s, Novak worked with R&Dstaff at Procter and Gamble and found that concept map-ping not only facilitated better organization of researchteam’s knowledge, but also facilitated creative work by theteam. These works are summarized in Learning, Creating,and Using Knowledge: Concept maps as Facilitative Tools inSchools and Corporations.19 In all of this work themost fun-damental idea is that meaningful learning not only helpslearners acquire more powerful knowledge structures, butit is also the means for the creation of new knowledge.This idea is illustrated in Figure 3.

Development of computer-based conceptmapping toolsFor many years, concept maps were drawn by hand.Iterating through revisions of a concept map was cum-bersome and time consuming. Group concept mappingsessions could be handled by using post-it notes. The

introduction of personal computers enabled the develop-ment of software programs that facilitated the construc-tion of concept maps. Initial versions of concept mappingprograms, however, did not enhance the power of thetool – they were limited to displaying a concept map onthe screen. Programs like Inspiration popularized the useof concept mapping in elementary school education byallowing children to easily add pictures and clipart to con-cepts. Other software program like Knowledge Managerand Smart Ideas have also taken advantage of technologyto facilitate the construction of concept maps. However,it was the marriage of the concept map and the Internetthat launched a completely new world of applicationsand uses for concept mapping, as exemplified by theCmapTools20 software.In 1987, Novak was invited to spend a sabbatical leave

at the University of West Florida by Bruce Dunn, a formerCornell Ph.D. student. This began an association withthe Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition(IHMC,, then part of the University

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Figure 3 A key idea in Ausubel's learning theory is that newlearning can vary from very rote to highly meaningful. Creativityis seen as a very high level of meaningful learning.

of West Florida, that continues till today. Among theresearch activities at IHMC was the development ofsoftware that enhanced the power and applicability ofconcept maps. By the late 1980s and beginning of the1990s concept mapping was being used at IHMC as a toolfor knowledge elicitation21,22 and as the explanationcomponent of expert systems.23 We started using conceptmaps to organize and navigate through large amountsof information via hyperlinks before the WWW wasdeveloped24; and using IBM’s internal network, studentsfrom schools in many Latin American countries were ableto collaborate in the construction of concept maps be-fore Internet was available in their countries.25–27 Theseefforts led to the development of CmapTools,20 a client-server software tool to facilitate the construction andsharing of concept maps. CmapTools (the latest versionof the software can be downloaded at no cost for non-profit use at: exemplifies how, byleveraging the Internet and the WWW, the concept mapgoes beyond a knowledge representation tool, becomingalso a mechanism to structure and navigate through largeamounts of information by serving both as an organiza-tion medium as a well as the launching pad for searchingand mining the WWW and visualizing information.28–33

The success of the digital concept mapping approachresults from this potential to visualize in a synergisticmanner both structures of knowledge and information.It, thus, may compensate for shortcomings inherentin both the knowledge and information visualizationapproaches.34

We took advantage of these capabilities in one of ourearlier projects with NASA, who sought to make moreaccessible to the public the large quantity of materialson Mars exploration.35 Figure 4 shows an example of a

couple of concept maps in the collection prepared byGeoff Briggs ( Notice thatthese concept maps show icons under some of the con-cepts. When the viewer clicks on these attached icons, alist of resources related to that concept is displayed forthe user to select. These attached resources can be locatedanywhere on the Internet and can include other conceptmaps. This effort demonstrates how concept mappinghas evolved by profiting from technological innovationsfrom the field of information visualization, and how anexpert’s knowledge can provide an effective knowledge-based structure of information.36 Kumar and Shangai37

and Shen et al.38 report on other attempts to use conceptmaps as a means to visualize digital libraries.From the effort in the early 1990s to provide a plat-

form for collaboration at the ‘knowledge level’ (i.e., bysharing propositions) during the construction of conceptmaps by students from many countries,26 the integra-tion of concept mapping with Internet has resulted inthe development of a framework for collaborative workand learning. As an example, the CmapTools Network39

consists of hundreds of thousands of users accessinghundreds of servers (CmapServers), through which usersof all ages and disciplines can share concept maps andcollaborate synchronously, or asynchronously via dis-cussion threads, annotations or Knowledge Soups (see for a live world map of Cmap-Tools clients and servers, to navi-gate through the network of CmapServers).The integration of new technology with concept map-

ping has triggered other applications and extensions tothe tool, and we expect this trend to continue. We site acouple of examples, without any attempt to be compre-hensive. The artificial intelligence (AI) community has tra-ditionally seen concept mapping as ‘not formal enough’as a knowledge representation scheme, and often proposesmore formal representations or uses of concept maps. Onesuch effort, COE,40 uses concept map-like representationsfor capturing and formally representing expert knowledgein the form of ontologies for use in the semantic web (COEcan be downloaded at Cañasand Carvalho41 on the other hand, propose that AI tech-niques can be used to aid the user in the construction ofconcept maps without the need to formalize the represen-tation. LEO42,43 extends concept mapping to serve as aplatform for course information visualization for studentsand instructors. The Proceedings of CMC2004, the First In-ternational Conference on ConceptMapping44 contains asubstantial collection of innovative uses of concept maps.

A new model for educationThe development of digital concept mapping softwaresuch as CmapTools, when used with the WWW, makespossible what we call A New Model for Education. Theidea is that we can build on 30 years of research thatshows that we can ‘coach’ or ‘scaffold’ learning of anysubject matter in positive ways as long as we carefully

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Figure 4 One of the concept maps prepared by NASA to present information on Mars exploration. Clicking on icons brings updigitized materials, as illustrated in the inserts.

consider that meaningful learning is a process in whichthe learner must be actively engaged.45 The New Modelalso builds on Vygotsky’s46 (1928 in Russian) idea ofthe ‘zone of proximal development’ (ZPD). Vygotsky’sstudies indicated that there is a level of understand-ing that an individual has in any subject domain fromwhich the learner can advance to a higher level of un-derstanding with minimal coaching or guidance. Heanticipated Ausubel’s idea that meaningful learning mustbegin with what the learner already knows, and thenbuilds on this knowledge. One of the values of conceptmaps is that when learners construct their own conceptmaps for a question or problem in any domain, theyreveal with considerable specificity what is their devel-opmental potential for the topic of study. Thus, we areprovided with a clear view of ‘what the learner alreadyknows’ and we can design instruction to build upon this.It is also possible to provide the learner with an ‘expertskeleton’ concept map that builds on what the learnerknows and guides the learner in advancing to a higherZPD. Figure 5 shows an example of an ‘expert skeleton’concept map we are providing to fourth grade studentsin our current work in Italy and Panama. Other ‘expertskeleton’ concept maps can be seen at the IHMC PublicCmaps CmapServer under ‘The World of Science’ folder.We generally recommend that learners build concept

maps in small groups, since the exchange that occurs

Figure 5 An `expert skeleton' concept map provided to guidefourth grade students in their study of science. Individual learn-ers or small groups can work with these skeleton maps and addadditional concepts and propositions, some suggested on theleft.

between learners can often serve to correct faulty ideasand promote meaningful learning. In part, this resultsfrom the fact that the cooperating learners are at ap-

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Figure 6 A representation showing how a concept map for Mars can be used `scaffold' learning in a New Model for Education byadding resources of a wide variety of types. The product becomes an evolving knowledge model that can be saved and improvedin the future.

proximately the same ZPD level of understanding, muchmore so than teacher and learner. Thus their exchangestend to be more meaningful to each member of thegroup. Cooperative learning also confers an affectiveadvantage to learners over the usual independent, com-petitive teaching approaches that can be emotionallydeleterious.47

Effective education programs provide for a wide rangeof learning activities including selected readings, In-ternet searches, project work, report preparation andpresentation, drawings, video presentations, collabora-tive research, and other activities. With CmapTools, itis possible to develop a general concept map to serveas a framework for guiding these studies and as a toolto integrate all other learning activities into one highlyorganized knowledge model. This is illustrated in Figure6. These knowledge models can be shared with others,stored on a server, and used as an ‘archive’ that can serveas a starting point for future studies. CmapTools can bevery useful for home study and distance learning.48,49 Itis exciting to imagine what learning possibilities wouldaccrue if school children began developing their knowl-edge models for various subject matter domains in earlygrades and continued this process through secondary andtertiary schools. So far, our work in Italy and Panama isshowing progress even though we are only in the earlystages of applying the New Model and CmapTools inthe projects’ schools. Other efforts are applying the sameideas in the corporate environment, transforming train-ing programs into highly effective educating programs.The result would be higher levels of competence in

routine tasks, and higher levels of creativity and successin finding new solutions to problems.

ConclusionsThe extensive and ever growing use of concept mappingthroughout the world is reflected in the popularity of dig-ital concept mapping software, its application in all do-mains of knowledge and by people of all ages, and inthe success of the International Concept Mapping Con-ference (see for information on theconference). The integration of concept mapping with theWWW has opened a whole avenue for research and de-velopment where information and knowledge leverage oneach other as newmeans for visualization, andwe are onlyseeing the initial stages of what is possible.Over the three decades that we have been working with

concept mapping, we have found virtually every year newmethods for creating concept maps and new applicationsfor their use. New technologies have helped increase thenumber of applications and the power of the tool. It islikely that this evolutionary process will continue in thefuture, and we look forward to sharing new applicationsand experiences with others.

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49 Cañas AJ. Algunas Ideas sobre la Educaciòn y las HerramientasComputacionales Necesarias para Apoyar su Implementaciòn.Revista RED: Educaciòn y Formaciòn Profesional a Distancia, Ministryof Education, Spain 1999.

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