the science of biogenesis what is missing from fruits and vegetables

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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The Science of BioGenesisWhat is Missing from Fruits and


What is BioGenesis

11 phytonutrients concentrated from fruits and vegetables

which have been lost or reduced in the modern fruits

and vegetables we eat.

Plant Development

Plants cannot run away from their enemies so they have evolved very effective self protection mechanisms to protect them from predators.

All species of fruits and vegetables develop adaptive measures to protect themselves from prey (insects or animals)

Fruits and Vegetable Defenses

Phytonutrients are the molecules involved in plants other defenses.

As human physiology evolved, they ate plants when no wooly mammoths were available to eat

The biochemistry of human beings has evolved to use the cellular defense from plants to trigger our own cellular defense mechanisms

Over the years, we have increasingly bred the bitterness out of plants so have reduced the vital phytonutrients we get from fruits and vegetables

Plant Defenses

One of plants most effective self defensive mechanisms are centered on developing a bitter taste to make them unattractive to insect and animal predators

Adaptive Strategies

Bitter Taste Repels Predators and Heals Plants

“But the compounds that make fruits and vegetables taste bitter (carotenoids in sweet potatoes and spinach, flavonoids in cranberries and kale, polyphenols in wine) also make them good for us. “

-New York Times

Sweet vs Bitter Taste

Human populations have come to prefer sweet taste rather than bitter taste so over the past 1,000 years, fruits and vegetables have been selectively bred to be sweeter

Selective Breeding Consequences

As crops become sweeter, they are more attractive to insects and animal predators so require increasing amounts of fertilizers and pesticides to chemically protect them

Population Growth

• Population growth increases the need for more food

• Less arable land (due to development) means more yield per acre is needed to feed a growing population

• Crops are engineered or selectively bred to have more starch to fill people up faster with less food.

Ancient vs Modern Corn

Plants are under multiple attacks

• Pollution • Agricultural fertilizers • Pesticides• Genetic manipulation of

organisms• Depletion of essential minerals

Effects of Chemicals on Humans

• Inflammation• Increased disease

• Infections • Chemical medications

• Aging • Reduced quality of life

10+ Years of Phytonutrient Research

National Institutes of Health and Anti Aging

Academic medical research

Why Diet Alone is No Longer Enough

Modern consumer behavior and agricultural practices have substantially reduced the amount of natural phytonutrients in even organic and non GMO fruits and vegetables.

Effect of Pollution on Plants

Less chlorophyll and vital nutrients

“Currently, up to 93% of U.S. corn is genetically engineered (GE), as are 94% of soybeans and 96% of cotton (cottonseed oil is often used in food products) ... 75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves –contain genetically engineered ingredients”

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s):

-FDA Center for Food Safety

Plants in the Last 100 Years

• Fewer Phytonutrients• More sugar• More starch

Dandelion greens (not selectively bred or genetically modified) have 7 times more phytonutrients than spinach which has been selectively bred

Can We Eat Enough?

Even people who consume 1 cup of each color of organic, non GMO fruits and vegetables each day do not get enough phytonutrients

Selenium is a mineral that comes from the earth and delivered to humans via the fruits and vegetables we eat

The Role of Selenium

Health Effects of Selenium Deficiency

-International University Research

Selenium Concentrations in the USA

People in the blue regions who eat 5 full cups of organic vegetables each day do not get enough selenium.

Effects of 21st Century Agriculture

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, no longer holds true- genetic changes can require MANY or NO apples to perform the same protective functions that only one did 50 years ago

An “Apple a Day” in the 21st Century

Group of 40 overweight men

• 20 added a Golden Delicious apple to their daily diet • 20 ate no apples just their normal diet• At the end of the study the apple-eaters had higher

levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, making them actually more at risk for heart disease than they had been at the start

• The Golden Delicious apple has such high sugar content and is so low in phytonutrients, that eating one daily was detrimental to the health of the study participants

Effects of Apple Consumption on Lipid Profile of Hyperlipidemic and Overweight Men

Int J Prev Med. 2011 Apr-Jun; 2(2): 94–100.

Effect of Pesticides on Resveratrol from Grapes

• Resveratrol is the phytonutrient that makes red wine so effective in combating cardiac and cholesterol issues in humans

• Resveratrol is naturally produced by grapes as a defense against external molds and fungus

• When pesticides are used, grapes no longer produce resveratrol, one of the phytonutrients most important to human health

• Mitochondria produce the energy currency of the cell… ATP

• Mitochondria control metabolism• Damaged or aged mitochondria create less

ATP • Mitochondria are most abundant in cells which

require a lot of energy• Muscle cells • Heart cells• Liver cells• Brain cells• Kidney cells

• Scientists believe that new mitochondrial growth is stimulated by phytonutrients

The Role of Mitochondria

We may not win the war against all changes to modern fruit and vegetable but we can protect ourselves from their effects

BioGenesis contains more resveratrol than 3 pounds of organic, Non GMO cultivated grapes or blueberries

BioGenesis contains more of the flavonoid Quercetin than 100 apples … with no starch, sugar or calories

BioGenesis contains concentrated replacement of the fruit and vegetable phytonutrient Vitamin C lost to pollution damage

BioGenesis contains the phytonutrient Ellagic Acid lost to genetic modifications –with no added sugar, starch, carbs or calories.

Emerging academic research shows that the ingredients in BioGenesis work synergistically to increase mitochondrial volume

More mitochondria=more energy for muscles, heart, liver, brain and kidneys

BioGenesis contains 70% of the recommended daily value of Selenium

Enhances Health and Wellness

• Anti Oxidant • Creates life extending proteins and genes• Creates new, healthy mitochondria • Chronic (works all the time) Anti-

inflammatory• Adds Selenium to diet • Improves cardiac health• Anti-cancer• Feel better and more energetic without


BioGenesis Effects

The science of BioGenesis has been documented by thousands of credible academic medical research papers from universities around the world.

de Lorgeril M and P Salen. Selenium and antioxidant defenses as major mediators in the development of chronic heart failure. Heart Fail Rev. 11(1):13-7, 2006.

Murakami A, H Ashida, and J Terao. Multitargeted cancer prevention by quercetin. Cancer Lett. 269 (2): 315–25, 2008.

Niklowitz P, A Sonnenschein, B Janetzky, et al. Enrichment of coenzyme Q10 in plasma and blood cells: defense against oxidative damage. Int J Biol Sci 3(4):257- 262, 2007

Baur JA, KJ Pearson, NL Price, et al. Resveratrol improves health and survival of mice on a high-calorie diet. Nature 444 (7117): 337–42, 2006. Elmali N, O Baysal, A Harma, et al. Effects of resveratrol in inflammatory arthritis. Inflammation 30 (1-2): 1–6, 2007

Research Citations

What you Can Expect

• Reduced soreness from exercise • Reduced discomfort from arthritis or other

inflammatory conditions• Sustained energy throughout the day with no

caffeine or stimulants• Improved mental focus• Increased exercise capacity• Decreased blood pressure and cholesterol• Improved overall health

Why BioGenesis

Each serving of BioGenesis contains a concentration of 11 different phytonutrients determined by thousands of scientific studies to be the most essential to optimal cellular health

The Result

The wisdom of age, the vigor of youth… Together at last.

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