the simself apocalypse: university prologue

Post on 04-Jul-2015



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Captain Mills goes through University to prepare for the Apocalypse...even if she doesn't know it yet


The Simself Apocalypse

University Prologue

Hello and welcome to an apocalypse with a personal twist. That girl there in the picture—well

that's my simself. And she's going to be the founder.

But please don't tell her that. I haven't quite gotten around to it and I'm hoping that she won't

figure it out just yet.

“I can't help but feel like something odd is going on here. Just what are you planning?”

What? I'm not planning anything. *gulp* Why would you think that?

“We're at La Fiesta Tech. We never use LFT. We always go with the Acedemie.”

So I decided to try something else. Big deal.

“I don't believe you, but I guess I've got other stuff to do if I'm going to college again.”

Anyway, this is me—sort of—Captain Mills. She's—we're—starting out as a Popularity Sim. The current LTW is to

be a Rock God, but that'll change after sophomore year, so it's not really important.

Her personality is 6/8/5/0/6. Her turn ons are Hard Workers and Athleticism, and her turn off is full face make-up.

“I spend all my time going around to Sims' houses telling them about the Garden Club or looking at plants

and getting used as promotion fodder and I'm pretty sure that there's no escape.”

“Well, Joe, that does sound pretty depressing. But at least you're not held at the whims of whatever sicko

happens to be playing your family. Trust me, you don't even want to know what can happen to the Sims

who actually get played.”

“If you say so, miss.”

Captain immediately set out to make friends with the dormies. I forgot to write down their names and I can't

remember what they are, so we'll just call this one Bowl Cut Guy. He was definitely the easiest to make

friends with, though. A couple of cheers, a joke, and some gossip about the walk-bys and Cap's got her

first friend. Also, he turned out to be in the secret society, so BCG just kept getting better. Maybe we'll even

let him marry in some time later—not that marrying into something like this is much of a reward.

Synchronized Food Sniffing, gold medal winners.

After discovering that BCG and another of the resident dormies wore Llama Blazers, Cap went to the

student center to search for a third. And here she is, Genesis Something Or Other.

I love how serious Sims react to having to tell jokes. Poor girl looks like she's gonna cry.

“You want to be my friend? Yes, please be friends with me! I love having friends!”

“Yeah, Genesis, we can definitely be friends. Just calm down a bit, okay?”

“Okay! Friends are awesome! But you know what's more awesome than friends? LOVERS! I want a whole bunch

cause I love romance and kissing and flirting *hyperventilating*”

Genesis was insanely easy to make friends with and she followed Cap around the rest of the time she was on the

lot. A bit creepy, but at least she serves a good purpose.

“Look, Demi, I know that you're the Secret Society cop, and that's awesome cause I want in, but you need

to move your finger right now. You don't poke Simselves.”

“I don't know anything about Secret Societies. I'm here to take you away to jail. It's illegal


“Ugh, fine, let's just get this part over with then. At least I'll get to ride in a limo.”

“You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Painting a llama. What is wrong with these kids today?”


“Oh, shut up. I can't help it that I glitched through the seat.”

Enjoying the limo ride?

“Like I said, shut up.”

“Finally. Stupid glitchy limo. Stupid handcuffs. Stupid La Fiesta Tech Society doesn't have anything good


Well at least you look super snazzy in your Llama Blazer.

“Yeah, there is that. Gotta love a snazzy outfit.”

Enjoy getting those new clothes while you can.

“What do you mean by that?”


“Uh-huh. Not planning anything my butt.”

I don't tend to do this...actually, I've never done this. But I figure that every Apocalypse needs at least one

zombie shambling around.

Sorry, Jasmyn. You seem nice, but you went for the cake first.

I feel terrible...

...but not quite terrible enough to not follow through.

Once again, Jasmyn, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, though. I promise.

Sidenote: Remember Genesis, the romance Sim who was way too desperate to be Cap's friend? Well, she

ended up going for the cake after Jas got rezzed. I forgot to rebuild the fence and wasn't paying enough

attention. Cap rezzed her, too, but I agreed to pay the full amount. I don't need Cap losing any friends right

now. Gen and Jas share a dorm next door to Cap's dorm now. Plus, it turns out that Jas is a pretty

awesome Sim. She even has the best Knowledge LTW: Max all skills.

After the resurrections, Cap went back to the dorms and skilled...

...and skilled...

...and skilled.

University gets boring pretty fast.

After skilling, it was time for Cap to look for a husband. First up in the list of candidates was Abhijeet

Deppiesse. He's an Astronaut who is an expert at body, very good at creativity, and pretty good at charisma

and mechanical. They had decent chemistry, but Abhijeet, despite being a romance Sim, kept spinning

fears of being romantic with Cap. I could understand a fear of engagement or marriage, but this guy was

scared of just flirting with her. What the frak is that about?

Next up came Sheldon Kearney. His qualifications were less impressive. He's a projectionist and he's only

pretty good at cooking and creativity. But he didn't act like he was being tortured whenever Cap flirted with


There were a few other guys that Cap checked out, but I didn't get pictures of a lot of them, and Sheldon

here won, so it doesn't really matter.

We finally hit junior year. Holy frak that took forever, and there's still four semesters left. Anyway, Cap re-

rolled Knowledge with the LTW of becoming a city planner.

“Finally, I get to be a knowledge Sim again. I don't know why you had me as popularity, but it feels good to

really be me again.”

Okay, University is pretty boring and repetitive, so let's just wrap this up with some of the more

important/actually interesting things that happened before Cap graduated.

Cap maxed all of her skills, and got a sweet 30,000 aspiration point boost for doing it.

Cap and I were so focused on friends, skills, and romance that we completely forgot about the bills and got

hit by the Repo Man...




At least Cap's not a fortune Sim. She barely even noticed. Especially since all four of the Repo Men just

took either decorations or stuff from the men's bathroom. Lucky break, there.

The matchmaker brought a genie lamp. Cap just used one wish for peace of mind so she could finish

skilling and left the thing behind when she graduated. I had better uses for the inventory space.

The dormies proved themselves to be amusing to watch while Cap skilled or was at class.

Cap and Sheldon got engaged.

“He's not Puck...”

Oh stop pouting. Puck's in Veronaville and married to a different version of you. You love Sheldon, anyway, so it

will be okay.


Not gonna happen.

And, frakking finally, Captain Mills graduates.

“Yeah, I need a cab to....wait, what's the name of this town?”


“Oh, cool. So are we going for a Dune theme or something?”

Something like that, yeah.

Let's cross our fingers and hope for decent clothes. I don't want to be stuck staring at something horrible,

and I'm sure Cap doesn't want to be stuck wearing something horrible.

“Wait...what do you mean 'stuck'?”

Frak yeah! It's not great, but it's at least good. Definitely better than I had any right to expect. Now get your

head out of the phone and get to the cab.

“No, wait, seriously, what exactly did you mean when you said 'stuck'?”


“What the frak was that??”

Don't worry about that just yet. You'll find out soon enough.

“The Witch's Hut??? Oh, you have got to be kidding me!!!”

Well, that's all for the prologue. Chapter one should be up within the week...if Cap doesn't kill me first,


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