the trace minerals · (sirkulasi enterohepatik). total iodium yang masuk kedalam cairan...

Post on 09-Mar-2021






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The Trace Minerals

Copyright 2005 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning

Stages of iron deficiency

Iron stores diminish

Transport iron decreases


Besi (Fe)Skema perjalaanan besi di dalam tubuh

Hemoglobin production declines

Bentuk besi

Asam organik

Asam fitat dan asam oksalat

Metabolisme energi

sistem kekebalan

Kamampuan belajar

Pelarut obat-obatan

Faktor yang mempengaruhi absorbsi Fe

Fungsi Fe



Tingkat keasaman lambung

Faktor intrinsik

Kebutuhan tubuh

Pelarut obat-obatan

Makanan hewani (bioavailability tinggi): daging, ayam, ikan, telur

Serealia, kacang (bioav.sedang)

Penurunan kualitas SDM (kemampuan belajar & produktivitas kerja)

Deficiency symptoms

Anemia: weakness, fatigue,

Sumber FeAkibat defisiensi Fe


sayuran hijau (bioav.rendah)

Anemia: weakness, fatigue, headaches

Impaired work performance and cognitive function

Impaired immunity

Pale skin,, mucous membranes, and palm creases

Concave nails

Inability to regulate body temperature

Jarang karena makanan (suplementasi besi)

Gejala : mual, muntah,

Pengukuran jumlah dan ukuran sdm, nilai hb darah

Feritin dalam serum darah

Akibat kelebihan Cara mengevaluasi

Gejala : mual, muntah, diare, denyut jantung meningkat, sakit kepala, mengigau, pingsan

Feritin dalam serum darah (persediaan besi dlm tubuh)

Iron Absorption

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Iron: Heme vs. Nonheme

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Iron Recycling

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Seng (Zn)

Tubuh 2-2,5 gr seng tersebar di hampir semua sel

Sebagian besar hati, pankreas, ginjal, otot, tulang

Jaringan bagian mata,

Toxicity symptoms

Loss of appetite, impaired immunity, low HDL, copper and iron deficiencies

Jaringan bagian mata, kelenjar prostat, spermatozoa, kulit, rambut, kuku

Significant sources

Protein-containing foods

Red meats, shellfish

Whole grains

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Enteropancreatic circulation

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Fungsi Part of many enzymes Associated with the

hormone insulin Involved in making

genetic material and


Pd golongan rentan (anak, bumil, busui, lansia)


Growth retardation, genetic material and proteins, immune reactions, transport of vitamin A, taste perception, wound healing, the making of sperm, and the normal development of the fetus

Growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation, impaired immune function, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, loss of appetite

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Iodium (I)

75% iodium ada di dlm kel.tiroid sintesis hormon tiroksin, tetraiodotironin dan triiodotironin

Chief functions in the body

A component of two thyroid hormones that help to regulate growth, development, and metabolic rategrowth, development, and metabolic rate

Deficiency symptoms

Underactive thyroid gland, goiter

Mental and physical retardation in infants (cretinism)

Toxicity symptoms

Underactive thyroid gland, elevated TSH, goiter

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Metabolisme Iodium

Rerata asupan iodium harian di Amerika Serikat sekitar 500 μg dan sekitar 120 μg tiroid. Kelenjar tiroid mengeluarkan 80 μg per hari sebagai iodium dalam T3 dan T4 serta melepaskan 40 μg iodium ke dalam cairan ekstraseluler. T3 dan T4 akan dimetabolisir dalam hati dan jaringan lain dan akan melepaskan 60 μg jaringan lain dan akan melepaskan 60 μg iodium kedalam cairan ekstraseluler. Sebagian derivat hormon tiroid dikeluarkan ke dalam empedu dan sebagian iodiumnya akan diserap kembali (sirkulasi enterohepatik). Total iodium yang masuk kedalam cairan ekstraseluler adalah 500+40+60 atau 600 μg per hari, 20% dari iodium masuk ke dalam kelenjar tiroid dan 80% diekskresikan melalui urin.59

(Sumber : Barrett, et al., 2010)59

Significant sources

Iodized salt, seafood, bread, dairy products, plants grown in iodine-rich soil and animals fed those plants

Deficiency disease

Simple goiter


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Chief functions in the body

Defends against oxidation

Regulates thyroid hormone

Significant sources Significant sources

Seafood, meat

Whole grains, vegetables (depending on soil content)

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Deficiency symptoms

Predisposition to heart disease characterized by cardiac tissue becoming fibrous (Keshan disease)

Toxicity symptoms Toxicity symptoms

Loss and brittleness of hair and nails

Skin rash, fatigue, irritability, and nervous system disorders

Garlic breath odor

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Chief functions in the body

Necessary for absorption and use of iron in the formation of hemoglobin

Part of several enzymes

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Significant sources


Nuts, whole grains, seeds, legumes

Deficiency symptoms Deficiency symptoms

Anemia, bone abnormalities

Toxicity symptoms

Liver damage

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Chief functions in the body

Cofactor for several enzymes

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Significant sources

Nuts, whole grains, leafy vegetables, tea

Deficiency symptoms

Rare Rare

Toxicity symptoms

Nervous system disorders

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Chief functions in the body

Involved in the formation of bones and teeth

Helps to make teeth resistant to decay

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U.S. Population With Fluoridated Water

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Significant sources

Drinking water (if fluoride containing or fluoridated)

Tea, seafood

Deficiency symptoms

Susceptibility to tooth decay

Toxicity symptoms

Fluorosis (pitting and discoloration of teeth)

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Chief functions in the body

Enhances insulin action

Significant sources

Meats (especially liver) Meats (especially liver)

Whole grains, brewer’s yeast

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Deficiency symptoms

Diabetes-like condition

Toxicity symptoms

None reported None reported

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Chief functions in the body

Cofactor for several enzymes

Significant sources

Legumes, cereals Legumes, cereals

Organ meats

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Deficiency symptoms


Toxicity symptoms

None reported None reported

Reproductive effects in animals

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Other Trace Minerals




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Other Trace Minerals



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Contaminant Minerals

Heavy metals

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