the transformation of reading - fjord's txtr case study 15/02/2010

Post on 21-Nov-2014






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The transformation of readingA txtr case study 15/02/2010

Easy, portable, engrossing interface

Talk about books as a great user interface for mobility but highlight its drawbacks:- heavy-two hand operated - bulky- not connected- require light to read- primarely linear.- Non searchable-Noisy to use

bulky….But hard to manage and carry…

Amazon transformed the experience

The Kindle holds 1500 books from a 400,000 strong catalogue

eBook Sales forecast (worldwide)

∼ 9bn USD

323m USD

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO and founder “What's dangerous, is not to evolve.”

Ian Freed, Kindle VP,

believes that the success of Kindle heralds the end for printed books

“The only question is does it take three years, five years or 20 years?”

eReader features

Screen size 6 inches

Book sharingbetween devices on same account

Battery life10 days

Input: Stylus + virtual Keyboard

Storage 64 GB

Formats: Works with office

Getting connected

This has radically altered the mapping industry

The way we consume digital mediahas changed our behaviors

This new way of using maps is a very different process and experience

How we use and interact with musichas changed irreversibly

Services and products have united to change this medium foreverThis has radically disrupted the music industry.

So how, will this change booksand reading?

Different devices will create a plethora of different functions and experiences

The bookstores will go to the people.

The ease and ability of selecting and saving elements of bookswill change how we learn.

Digitally sharing books could change how we work and socially engage.

The media landscape is changing

Books, Newspapers and Magazines are being digitised

These sources can then be stored in the cloud

Devices accessing the cloud

This media can then be read from the cloud across multiple devices

Sharing through the network

Digital sharing is easy

Throughoutthe network

eBook App - UI iPhone

eBook App UI - Android

The iPad will transform magazines

So how will this evolve?

For information on the topic ofmedia in the future

Please contact Christian Lindholm

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