_______the waves were large.. _____ during the storm the waves were large and frightening

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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_______The waves were large.

_____ During the storm the waves

were large and frightening.

_____ Our music director was very

creative during the musical.

_____ The steps to our house are too

steep and narrow for my grandmother.

_____ The beans from the garden are

extremely fresh and tender.

_____ Those mushrooms in the front

are very poisonous.

_____ The dishes in the sink are dirty

and broken.

____ My brother is very tall for his age.

____ The leaves on the trees are green

in the spring.

____ My mother was nervous about

her interview today.

____ The hides of some animals are

very valuable.

____ The lights on the stage were

extremely bright.

____ After the ceremony Sandra will be

too tired for a shopping trip.

____ The actor’s performance in the

musical was absolutely tremendous.

____ The adhesive tape was too sticky

for the children.

___ The July morning was clear and hot.

The road to our house is hilly and rough.

____ The wind from the north was very

strong during the storm.

____ Kelly’s novel was exceptionally

good for a beginning writer.

The castle on the top of the hill is enormous.

At night the old house was dark and scary.

____ The lawyer from the prestigious

firm was very dependable.

____ My new boss was very tactful

about the new rules and regulations.

Our chairs in the den are torn and ragged.

____ We were warm and cozy in front

of the blazing fireplace.

____ Fire and disease are the worst

enemies of forests.

____ The President is elected by the

people and serves for four years.

____ The encyclopedia gave us the

answer to our question.

The chestnut-brown moccasin is poisonous.

Jan selected furniture for the bedroom

and ordered drapes for the windows.

____ The animals in the everglades are

deer, bears, cougars, and alligators.

____ The baby ducks in our pond are

yellow and soft.

____ An unusual story about a raccoon

was charmingly told.

____ Deciduous trees lose their leaves

in the fall of the year.

____ The bank teller showed us the

hidden camera during our investigation.

____ The log house is too expensive for

the average buyer.

____ The weary travelers impatiently

awaited the end of the heavy snowfall.

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