to kill a mockingbird figurative language ppt

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Figurative Language

Ms. Riley & Ms. Whatley

Figurative Language

• Figurative language creates images for the reader or listener. The writer uses descriptions that are comparisons, repetitions, exaggerations, and imitations to make the writing more interesting and engaging.

Figurative Language

• Figurative language is a creative way to describe a person place, object, or event. This creates a more descriptive picture in the mind of the reader.

• Language examples include: alliteration, onomatopoeia, imagery, foreshadow, personification, hyperbole, simile, and metaphor.

• The use of creative language makes writing more exciting, fun, and interesting.

Figurative language- write down your predictions/ examples

• Alliteration

• Onomatopoeia

• Imagery

• Foreshadow

• Personification

• Hyperbole

• Simile

• Metaphor

Types of Figurative Language

Alliteration- The repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words.


• She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

• Peter Piperpicked a peck ofpickled peppers.

Types of Figurative Language

Onomatopoeia- The use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound or the soundmade by an object or an action.


•Bang! Boom!

•POW! Zip! Oof!

•Crack! Kaboom!

Types of Figurative Language

• Simile- a figure of speech comparing two unlike things. If it often linked by the words “like” or “as”.


• Figurative- His feet are as big as skateboards

• Literal meaning-He has big feet.

Types of Figurative Language

•Metaphor- States that one this is something else. It is a comparison that is usually linked by the word “is”.


• Figurative- Her hair is silky.

• Literal meaning-Her hair is very soft.



• Figurative- The backpack weighs a ton.

• Literal- The backpack feels very heavy.

Types of Figurative Language

• Personification- Giving an object human-like qualities.

Examples : The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.

The wind howled its mighty objection.


• Figurative- The volcano spit out lave from its mouth.

• Literal-Lava erupted from the volcano.

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