trayvon's picture worth a thousand words--most of them lies. an open letter to judge jeanine....

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Dear Judge Jeanine, The Zimmerman Trial is all over the news. On your

    next show how about you set up a wall with ALL the pictures of the

    deceased Trayvon and have a little talk with your audience about

    journalistic integrity; maybe even examine what the Society ofProfessional Journalists ( website has to say on ethics in

    journalism? Ask your audience if they think it is right to portray Trayvon

    as the youngster he was not when he was shot through the use of

    outdated photographs that depict the deceased young man as having

    been much younger and smaller when the incident occurred wherein

    he was killed.

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    You could talk about the "race baiters" and the misleading efforts

    by various entities within the media as well as certain folks associated

    with certain political organizations/special interest groups. You could

    bring up Al Sharptons inciting of violence; Mr.Obamas, (NOT thepresident for he was in the commission of a crime when he was illegally

    elected while fraudulently representing himself as constitutionally

    eligible to be president), embracing of Trayvon as the son he never had

    without any background on the young man yet having been

    investigated or confirmed; Jamie Foxxs vitriolic threats of an impending

    black-lashshould the presumed guilty until proven innocent

    Zimmerman be acquitted; or the instructional Tweets from has-beenmovie director Spike Lee intended on organizing a mob to literally

    attack George Zimmerman and family at their home.


    Now that would be a good show Judge Jeanine.

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    Quite naturally you will be labeled a racist for presenting the facts

    and ALL the photos that have surfaced regarding the deceased young

    manmany of which are Trayvons own photographs which have been

    published from social media websites that he used or right off his cell


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    Perhaps a new word will enter into the journalistic lexicon of

    terminology: To "portrayvon"an individual: To

    falsely portray an individual with irrelevant

    photographs of how they once looked as

    opposed to portraying them in the light of

    truthhow they at the time in question did in

    fact look.

    Investigative journalist Michael Brendan Dougherty reminded his

    readers that NBC deliberately and with malicious intent editedno

    mutilatedthe transcript of the 911 phone call made by Zimmerman in

    order to portray Mr. Zimmerman as a racial profiler in his April 4, 2013

    article on headlined NBC: We're Sorry We Edited

    The Trayvon Tape To Make George Zimmerman Sound Racist where

    he put to paper the transcript of the disgusting false portrayal made by

    NBC along with the actual transcript of the call:

    Here's the transcript of the audio NBC played:

    Zimmerman: This guy looks like hes up to no good.

    He looks black.

    Here's the actual transcript:

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    Zimmerman: This guy looks like hes up to no good.

    Or hes on drugs or something. Its raining and hes

    just walking around, looking about.

    Dispatcher: OK, and this guyis he black, white or


    Zimmerman: He looks black.

    Photo of the corpse of Trayvon Martin posted at

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  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Then consider the video of Trayvon taken in the convenience

    store recorded only minutes before he died and in other photographs

    that have been released that show how much he had matured

    physically if not mentally, and please answer me this: Is it not

    unethical for media outlets to have bent over backwards

    in a most prejudicial manner to falsely portrayvonthe

    dead young man as having been a cherubically innocent

    little boy several years younger and physically quitedifferent than the reality that faced George Zimmerman

    in the dark?

    George Zimmerman has repeatedly been negatively

    portrayvoned himself in a literary sense by members of the media

    who have no right to call themselves journalists. Like many Americans,

    this journalist is still trying to figure out what precisely the term White


    On Wednesday, CNN once again referred to Hispanic defendant

    George Zimmerman as a white Hispanic who is on trial for last yearsshooting death of Trayvon Martin, a black teen, in Sanford city. The

    term white Hispanic was coined by the media after outlets wrongly

    labeled Zimmerman white; Zimmermans father is white, and his

    mother is Hispanic. On March 8, 2012, the Associated Press wrote, The

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    neighborhood watch leader is white. When it came out that he was

    not, media outlets including CNN began labeling Zimmerman a white

    Hispanic in order to maintain the false narrative that the killing was


    CNN has biased its case against Zimmerman before. During the original

    case controversy, CNN isolated audio that made it sound as if

    Zimmerman used a racial slur about f---ing cns. Mediaite repeated

    that falsehood. CNN called legal expert Jeffrey Toobin, who said that

    the tape was extremely significant and could lead to hate crimes

    prosecution. When the tape was clarified, however, it turns out that

    Zimmerman had said it was f---ing cold. (CNN LABELS ZIMMERMAN

    'WHITE HISPANIC. By Ben Shapiro. 11, July 2013.)

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    In an article headlined DEFENSE RESTS CASE IN GEORGE

    ZIMMERMAN TRIAL on the website the journalist

    team of Mike Schneider and Kyle Hightower collaborate to arrive at thesubtly biased, and covertly racist remarka literary portrayvonof

    Mr. Zimmermanwhen they write thatMartin was black and

    Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic.The implication

    of the literary construct that the two writers jointly employ is that
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    Trayvon was black and Zimmerman simply identified himself as

    Hispanicnot that he really in fact was Hispanic, but as we all know

    was actually a dreaded White Hispanic.

    Consider if you will how strange it would appear if Schneider and

    Hightower had written, Zimmerman is Hispanic and Martins family

    identify him as having been black. Everyone in the media would be

    asking, What is that supposed to mean? Was he black or not?

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Nobody cared about looking at just who the dead Trayvon was

    when alive. Many media outlets pushed pictures of Trayvon at about 12

    years old until the day after the verdict, and I 'm sure they will continue

    to do so.

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    Trayvon was just another young, angry black kid in America living

    with his Baby Momma and visiting his Baby Daddies crib. Like many

    youngsters livingor should I say dyingin the hood, Trayvon glorified

    the 'Thug-Life,' even posting his street nom de guerre as 'No LimitNigga.' He smoked weed and sometimes combined Arizona

    Watermelon drink with cough syrup and Skittles to get 'lean.' That is

    apparent from posts that he made on his social media sitesTwitter

    and Facebook. He had a beastly hood rat girlfriend, Jeanteal, (spelling?)

    who looked as if she eats her own weight daily and exhibited an

    educational level not atypical of that frequently produced by America's

    public school system which makes more of an effort at politicalworldview indoctrination into the Democrat Plantations Liberal-

    socialism than it does at teaching America's youth anything of value.

    Trayvon idolized the gangsta life. Pictures of firearms and of

    himself flipping the bird to the whole world are demonstrative of a

    rebellious adolescent embracing the violence associated with the

    'gangsta' sub-culture so prevalent within America's inner cities.

    Though Geraldo Rivera praised Trayvon's family as being

    exemplarywonderful," he completely obviated the obvious: That

    Trayvon's father was effectively an absentee Baby Daddy living far from

    his Baby Momma's residence in Miami. Nobody was willing to take a

    look at Trayvon without their coloredor should I say "African

    American"glasses on.

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    The George Zimmerman investigation was hijacked in a number

    of ways by outside forces, said the former police chief of Sanford,


    Bill Lee, who testified Monday in Zimmermans second-degree

    murder trial, told CNNs George Howell in an exclusive interview that he

    felt pressure from city officials to arrest Zimmerman to placate the

    public rather than as a matter of justice. CNN.

    In a remarkable interview, former police chief of Sanford, Florida

    Bill Lee is on the record stating that he did not want to place Mr.

    Zimmerman under arrest, but was pressured to do so.

    In the article Ex-Sanford police chief: Zimmerman probe 'taken

    away from us' by Elliott C. McLaughlin, CNN, at the edition.cnn.comwebsite posted on July 10, 2013, but misprinted as July 11

    th, former

    police chief Bill Lee said, It was (relayed) to me that they just

    wanted an arrest. They didnt care if it got dismissed

    later, he said. You dont do that.

    When Sanford police arrived on the scene on February 26, 2012,

    after Zimmerman fatally shot unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin,

    they conducted a sound investigation, and the evidence provided no

    probable cause to arrest Zimmerman at the scene, he said.

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    It had nothing to do with Floridas controversial Stand Your

    Ground law, he said; from an investigative standpoint, it was purely a

    matter of self-defense. The police department needed to do a job,

    and there was some influenceoutside influence and inside

    influencethat forced a change in the course of the normal criminal

    justice process," Lee said.

    The Orlando Sentinel reports today, 10 July 2013, in an article

    headlined Trayvon Martin: New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty

    for capture of shooter George Zimmerman that Members of theNew Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for the

    "capture" of George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer

    who shot Trayvon Martin.

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    New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad announced the

    reward during a protest in Sanford Saturday. And when asked whether

    he was inciting violence, Muhammad replied defiantly: "An eye for an

    eye, a tooth for a tooth."

    In a cogent analysis of indications that the judge in the

    Zimmerman trial is biased in favor of the prosecution in a 10, July 2013

    article on headlined WATCH: JUDGE SAYS SHES



    writes, She denied the text evidence on the absurd claim that because

    there was no way to know with 100% certainty that the texts on the

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    phone owned by Trayvon were sent by him, the jury shouldnt see them,

    even though the jury would be able to consider the fact that there was

    an unreasonable chance that he hadnt sent them, and even though the

    defense may have been able to present evidence that they WERE sentby him. In addition, the prosecution team delayed letting the defense

    team know they had the texts in the first place, in order to prevent the

    defense from contacting the people Trayvon had sent them to, who

    could then corroborate that Trayvon had in fact sent them. The judge

    didnt care. She had already, before the trial started, denied the

    defenses request for a delay in order to do that very corroboration.

    These texts are very important, and perhaps key, because of the mostcrucial question of the case: Was Trayvon likely to start a fight with

    George, did he have a history of starting fights, or at least engaging in

    them? Georges claim is that he was attacked. So the question becomes,

    how likely is that? Does Trayvon have a history of attacking? Of

    attacking strangers? Of attacking MMA-style? Of attacking white

    people?There is no question that a history of Trayvon Martins attacks

    and fights, if any, should be allowed in the case. The judge is working

    overtime to keep such evidence from the jury. What does that tell you?

    Both the and and report

    the Justice Department has disgustingly participated in denying justice

    to George Zimmerman.

    Now, its turned out that Eric Holders Justice Department has

    even used taxpayer money to support and even train protesters at the

    George Zimmerman trial. Whether Zimmerman is guilty or innocent is

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    not the point here. No matter what Holder thinks, it should NEVER be

    justified for the feds to support protests in some kind of attempt to

    influence the trial. That is disgusting. ( Eric Holder

    Used Taxpayer Money to Help Anti-Zimmerman Protests July 10,2013.)

    Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act

    request reveal that the Department of Justice spent thousands of

    taxpayer dollars to provide assistance for anti-Zimmerman protests in

    2012, the Daily Caller reported Wednesday. Among the protestsassisted by the Justice Department was one headlined by activist and

    MSNBC host Al Sharpton.

    At issue is the money spent by so-called "peacekeepers" in the

    Community Relations Service, a division of the DOJ that, according

    to Judicial Watch, the organization that requested the information,"purports to spot and quell racial tensions nationwide before they


    Judicial Watch said that:

    CRS employee spent $1,142.84 to travel to Sanford, Florida fromMarch 25-28, 2012 to work marches, demonstrations, and


    CRS employee spent $751.60 to travel to Sanford, Florida fromMarch 30-April 1, 2012 to provide technical assistance to the City

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    of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for

    the march and rally on March 31;

    CRS employee spent $1,307.40 to travel to Sanford, Florida fromApril 3-12, 2012 to provide technical assistance, conciliation, and

    onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford;

    CRS employee spent $672.24 to travel to Tampa, Florida fromApril 18-20, 2012 to meet with RNC official related to possible

    protests and demonstrations during the RNC

    Judicial Watch also said it obtained an audio recording of a

    community meeting held at Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church

    in Sanford on April 19, 2012.

    The meeting reportedly opened with a gospel hymn and organ music

    and reportedly led to the official ouster of Sanfords Police Chief BillLee, Judicial Watch said.

    According to Judicial Watch, that meeting produced a nine-point

    plan, the main demand being Chief Lee's removal.

    The Daily Caller said a DOJ spokesperson initially said she did not

    know "off the top of her head" what role the CRS played in the anti-

    Zimmerman protests.

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    But DOJ spokesperson Dena Iverson later said in an email that "the

    Community Relations Service was in Florida as part of their mandated

    mission" while providing a link to the CRSs website.

    Since the case broke last year, George Zimmerman, the

    neighborhood watch volunteer on trial for the shooting death of

    Martin, has received thousands of death threats. It is impossible to

    determine how many of those threats are a direct result of taxpayer-

    funded activities by the DOJ.

    Examiner's Dean Chambers noted that talk show host Rush

    Limbaugh discussed the CRS' activities on Wednesday.

    "This is a fundamental disintegration," Limbaugh said, "and it's just

    one of many that are happening to this country under thisadministration."

    Limbaugh went on to say that the DOJ did not just engage on the

    side of the anti-Zimmerman protests, but "revved 'em up."

    "They went down there and started all of this," he said.

    ( Docs: Obama DOJ facilitated anti-Zimmerman

    protests with taxpayer money by Joe Newby. July 10, 2013.)

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    I would pay to see Jamie Foxx's faceand would not pay to see

    his face in a movie theater after his remarks about his lord and savior

    Barack Obamathe day that the NOT GUILTY verdict is read in the

    Zimmerman case.

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Take note of the graphic representation of Trayvon when he was

    smaller, younger, and innocent looking.

    Then the cases against the news services which maligned the

    innocent Zimmerman as well as against politicians and other public

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    figures who incited violence shall begin and Mr. Zimmerman will

    receive a just HEROES REWARD ($$$) for protecting us all from the likes

    of TRAYVON!

    And what's with referring to Trayvon's biological parents as his

    "mother" and "father?" Shouldn't the current expressions of "Baby

    Momma" and "Baby Daddy" be used in describing Trayvons biological

    parents? The question has to be asked since 78-80% of those

    incarcerated in the US come from effectively fatherless homes and the

    U.S. incarcerates a larger percentage of her population than any other

    society in human history: Was Trayvon an illegitimate bastard child (the

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    word "bastard" can be found in the King James Version of the Bible),

    conceived outside the covenant of marriage?

    I have too much respect for the title of mother and father to just

    go throwing them around to people who think so little of the covenant

    of marriage and the blessings bestowed by God upon children

    conceived within said covenant between one man, one woman, and the

    Lord that they without reservation conceive children in a manner more

    closely related to the way in which animals breed than should human

    beings, created in the image of God and endowed by their Creator withcertain unalienable Rights, conceive children.

    Where was Trayvon headed to at that hour of the early morning?

    He was headed to his so-called "father's" fiance's house; to the crib

    where his Baby Daddy was shacking up with his ho, to put it in the

    vernacular of the hood. Baby Daddy thought enough of his thencurrent paramourhis ollady, at the time, to at least propose to her

    to enter into the covenant of marriage if reports that they were

    engaged to enter into the covenant of marriage can be believed.

    Apparently Baby Daddy never felt so about Trayvon's Baby Momma

    because she has a different last name.

    Perhaps if Trayvon had had a mother and a father with the same

    last name and not what is colloquially acceptable todaya Baby

    Momma and a Baby Daddyhe would not have been roaming around

    at that hour of the early morning when a young man of his age should

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    be safe at home asleep to be well rested for work or school the next


    And let us not forget that Trayvon had been approached by a

    teacher at his school who wanted to know where he had gotten a

    sizeable amount of jewelry he had on his person while at school. A

    reasonable person might suspect that the jewelry was obtained in one

    of the break-ins in the neighborhood where Mr. Zimmerman was a


  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Perhaps Trayvon was just another adolescent black man who was

    caught up in the glorification of the 'Thug Life,' the 'gangsta' life.'

    What was the term that Trayvon used? No, not Creepy-ass

    Cracka,''the other one that he used to describe himself on FaceBook?

    "No Limit Nigga."Trayvons words.

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    Perhaps Trayvon had participated in breaking into properties in

    the neighborhood. Perhaps Trayvon used words like Creepy-ass

    Cracka''to describe other peopleCaucasians or perhaps White

    Hispanics(whatever the Hell that is?). Perhaps he thought of himselfas a person who lived outside the limits of society. Perhaps he thought

    of himself as an angry young African American with no limits. Perhaps

    he snuck a punch on Mr. Zimmerman knocking him down and then

    mounted Mr. Zimmerman M.M.A. style and continued pummeling the

    "White Hispanic"(??? whatever the Hell that is???) Perhaps Trayvon

    realized that the man he was beating had a sidearm holstered on his

    hip and so reached for it. Perhaps Mr. Zimmerman, in the midst ofreceiving a beating, realized that his assailant was reaching for his

    sidearm and so unholstered his weapon to take control of it in order to

    prevent his assailant from gaining control of the weapon and employed

    it out of fear of great bodily harm or even death at the hands of a self-

    described "No Limit Nigga.

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    Maybe Tupac Shakur was right when he

    spit, Sometimes my people be actin kinda


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    Photograph from store video taken shortly before Trayvon Martin was shot and

    killed. Published on on 14, July 2013the day AFTER the

    verdict was released in the Zimmerman trial with the headline The Picture Of

    Trayvon On Night He Was Shot That The MSM Didnt Show.

    Also published July 10, 2013 in the blizzard of news stories on the

    Zimmerman trial was an article by Dean Chambers headlined New

    Black Panther Party allegedly busing mobs to Sanford,

    Florida for expected riots on the webpage of Qstarnews.comwhich reports that Reports have come in from eye witnesses in

    Sanford, Florida that the New Black Panther Party, an extremist group

    that has called for the killing of George Zimmerman if he is found not

    guilty, is busing in thousands to that town. Sanford is the location of the

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    trial and near the place where the shooting of Trayvon Martin by

    Zimmerman occurred. There have been threats of riots if Zimmerman is

    not found guilty and it is believed that the New Black Panther Party and

    other extremist groups will attempt to take advantage of racial tensionsafter a non guilty verdict by organizing riots.

    In a poignant literary commentaryJesse Lee Petersons article

    Black Racism Killed Trayvon and Paula Deens Career was published

    on July 2, 2013 at World Net Daily (

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Mr. Peterson makes honest observations about intimidation that

    need to be addressed by the people of America.

    Rachel Jeantel, the troubled young woman who was speaking on the

    phone to Trayvon Martin just before he was killed, testified in George

    Zimmermans second-degree murder trial that Martin called

    Zimmerman a creepy acracka before their violent confrontation.

    Ive been warning for the past 23 years that black racism is out-of-controlit appears black racism killed Trayvon Martin, and Paula

    Deens career!

    Since the shooting of Martin, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NAACP

    (along with the liberal media) have done their best to portray Martin as

    an innocent kid tiptoeing through the tulips who just happened to bethe victim of a racist white vigilante (even though Zimmerman is half


    Blatant hostility and racism toward whites is common among black

    youth. Martins friend Rachel Jeantel admitted that where she comes

    from the term cracka is a common term used to describe whites.

    Before his death, Martin was suspended from school; he was caught

    with a marijuana pipe; it was reported he had burglary tools in his

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    locker; and it was recently revealed that pictures of marijuana plants

    and someone suspected to be Martin holding a gun were found on his

    cell phone. Does this sound like a well-adjusted teenager?

    Trayvon Martin was the product of a broken home. He was also a victim

    of the corrupt civil-right leaders who peddle racism infecting the minds

    of young blacks. Martins parents (Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton)

    stood next to race hustlers and knowingly allowed this case to be

    framed as a race issue. As a result, supporters have taken to Twitter,

    threatening to kill Zimmerman and random white people if he gets off:

    @HotTopicLys: f**k Don West. f*** George Zimmerman. Ill killboth them n***as.

    @StayFocus_Jones: ima kill a white person in self-defense ifZimmerman go free lol on everything.

    @ZackSlaterExe: If they dont kill Zimmerman Ima kill me a cracka. @BE4L_Pervis: If Zimmerman win, Im gonna kill a white kid by


    All the threats and screams of racism from these thugs, as well as

    Sharpton and Jackson, have nothing to do with justice for Trayvon! Just

    as the uproar over celebrity chef Paula Deens use of the word N-er

    decades ago has nothing to do with eradicating racism.

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    Deen has been excoriated after she admitted she had used that word in

    a deposition over a case accusing her of condoning an atmosphere of

    sexual harassment and racism in her businesses.

    Paula Deen has apologized profusely to everybody and their mama! She

    released statements, videos and appeared on the Today show

    begging for forgiveness from blacks.

    Jesse Jackson (of all people!) has said his organization plans toinvestigate the matter and that he will help the embattled chef overhaul

    her image. She didnt owe an apology to all black people. Jesse Jackson

    is not the gatekeeper to black America, and she doesnt need him to

    remake her image.

    Since Paulas admission, the Food Network, Wal-Mart, CaesarsEntertainment, Smithfield Foods, Sears and diabetes drug maker Novo

    Nordisk are no longer doing business with her. This type of overreaction

    by majority white-owned companies is the height of cowardice.

    Just as in the Zimmerman case, its time for people to take a stand

    against all forms of racial intimidation!

    By apologizing to all blacks, Deen and her former sponsors are

    unwittingly sending the message that just the accusation alone is

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    enough to get whites to cave. This only encourages vultures like Jackson

    and Sharpton to swoop in and exploit these incidents for personal gain.

    Jackson claims hes going to investigate Deens past use of a racial slur.

    Did anyone investigate his past use of racial slurs when he used the slur

    hymie and hymietown respectively when referring to Jews and New

    York City? Or when Jackson accused Barack Obama of talking down to

    black folks by lecturing them on moral issues?

    If Jackson, Sharpton and the NAACP hadnt jumped on the Trayvon

    Martin case and made it into a racial matter, nobody would have heard

    of it. His death would have gone unnoticed, just like the more than 500

    black youths that were murdered in Chicago in black-on-black violence

    last year.

    The attention on the Zimmerman trial is not about justice for Trayvon;

    its about intimidation and dividing the American people along race.

    I hear from many white people that theyve given up on trying to help or

    deal with blacks. If they hire blacks, theyre afraid to correct them

    because they may cry racism. God forbid if they have to lay off or fire a

    black employee all hell might break loose! This is putting fear in white

    people because they cant win either way.

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    Whites have to overcome the fear of being called racist. Blacks have

    to be on the side of good and stand for what is right, regardless of race.

    In order to conquer these racist black leaders, we must see clearly that

    the uproar in the Trayvon Martin and Paula cases is NOT about justice.

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  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20










  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20







  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    Double Jeopardy:

    after April 29, 1992, when four police officers were acquitted by a

    Simi Valley, California jury in the beating of repeat convicted felon

    Rodney King, who resisted arrest. Then-President George H.W. Bush,

    upset over the race riots in South Central Los Angeles, spurred by the

    verdict, decided to give into the rioters, just like a Stockholm Syndrome

    afflicted hostage gives into and sympathizes with his captors. And the

    police officers, already acquitted by a jury of their peers, faced federal

    charges. Two of the four police officers, Stacey Koon and Laurence

    Powell, were convicted and sentenced to 30 months in prison.

    And its not the first time this kind of thing happened. Theres also the

    Vincent Chin case.

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    On June 23, 1982, two drunk men, one of them a supervisor at an auto

    plant (and the other his stepson), spotted Chin at a Detroit strip club,

    Fancy Pants. They mistook him for Japanese (as his surname indicates,

    he was Chinese), and held him responsible for American autoworkerslosing their jobs, as the flood of cheap Japanese cars that came into

    America in the early 80s led to a big down period in the American auto

    industry. And they beat Chin to death, after he left the strip club, and

    they paid someone to find him. The two men, Ronald Ebens and

    stepson Michael Nitz, were charged with second degree murder but

    convicted of manslaughter, pursuant to a plea deal. They were

    sentenced to three years of probation and served no jail time.

    But after outrage by the Asian American community, the Reagan

    Administration pursued federal charges against the two men through

    the Justice Department. Both were charged with violating Chins civil

    rights. Nitz was acquitted, but Ebens was found guilty and sentenced to

    25 years in prison. That conviction and sentence were overturned after

    the Court of Appeals found that Reagan Justice Department officialsimproperly coached a witness. When Ebens was retried in Ohio, he was


    Im not saying I believe Ebens and Nitz were innocent. While I do not

    know all the facts of the case, I remember that it sure sounded to me

    (from the liberal media which controlled all news in those days) like

    they were guilty and should have been convicted and sentenced to

    prison time. But they went through the legal system and the court

    process, and its wrong to try people twice for a crime for which theyve

    already been tried, just because we dont like the result. Thats the real

    double jeopardy in America.

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    Double jeopardy is a misunderstood concept in America. It only means

    you cant be tried twice for the same crime in the same court. In fact,

    liberal Justice Department officialsand the American Presidents who

    direct themoften make sure that Americans are repeatedly chargedfor crimes ofwhich theyve already been acquitted, by charging them

    with new crimes for the same crime, such as violating the alleged

    victims civil rights.

    Yes, there isnt just one bite at the appleor at George Zimmermanfor

    left-wing race-baiters who want his hide. If hes acquitted by the jurors

    in this local trial, Barack Obama and Eric Holder can swoop in and make

    his life hell yet again for defending himself against Trayvon Martin.

    (July 12, 2013.Obama Administration Considering Fed Prosecution if

    Zimmerman Acquitted Double Jeopardy. ByDebbie Schlussel.
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    A Dagger at the Heart of Justice

  • 7/28/2019 Trayvon's Picture Worth A Thousand Words--Most of Them Lies. An Open Letter To Judge Jeanine. Revised 7/16/20


    The Zimmerman case has achieved its sublime

    reductio ad absurdum.

    By Mark Steyn

    Just when I thought the George Zimmerman trial couldnt sink any

    lower, the prosecutorial limbo dancers of the State of Florida

    magnificently lowered their own bar in the final moments of their

    cable-news celebrity. In real justice systems, the state decides what

    crime has been committed and charges somebody with it. In the

    Zimmerman trial, the states theory of the case is that it has no

    theory of the case: might be murder, might be manslaughter, might be

    aggravated assault, might be a zillion other things, but itssomething. If

    youre a juror, feel free to convict George Zimmerman of whatever

    floats your boat.

    Nailing a guy on something, anything, is a time-honored American

    tradition: If you cant get Al Capone on the Valentines Day massacre,

    get him on his taxes. Americans seem to have a sneaky admiration for

    this sort of thing, notwithstanding that, as we now know, the

    government is happy to get lots of other people on their taxes, too.

    Ever since the president of the United States (a man so cautious and

    deferential to legal niceties that he cant tell you whether the Egyptian

    army removing the elected head of state counts as a military coup until

    his advisers have finished looking into the matter) breezily declared

    that if he had a son hed look like Trayvon, ever since the U.S.

    Department of so-called Justice dispatched something called its

    Community Relations Services to Florida to help organize anti-

    Zimmerman rallies at taxpayer expense, ever since the politically savvy

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    governor appointed a special prosecutor and the deplorably unsavvy

    Sanford Police Chief was eased out, the full panoply of state power has

    been deployed to nail Zimmerman on anything.


    How difficult can that be in a country in which an Hispanic Obama voter

    can be instantly transformed into the poster boy for white racism? Who

    ya gonna believe Al Sharpton or your lying eyes? As closing

    arguments began on Thursday, the prosecutors asked the judge to drop

    the aggravated-assault charge and instruct the jury on felony murder

    committed in the course of child abuse. Felony murder is a murder thatoccurs during a felony, and, according to the prosecutions theory du

    jour, the felony George Zimmerman was engaged in that night was

    child abuse, on the grounds that Trayvon Martin, when he began

    beating up Zimmerman, was 17 years old. This will come as news to

    most casual observers of the case, whove only seen young Trayvon in

    that beatific photo of him as a twelve-year-old.

    In that one pitiful closing moment, the case achieved its sublime

    reductio ad absurdum: After a years labors, after spending a million

    bucks, after calling a legion of risible witnesses, even after the lead

    prosecutor dragged in a department-store mannequin and personally

    straddled it on the floor of the court, the state is back to where it all

    began the ancient snapshot of a smiling middle-schooler that so

    beguiled American news editors, Trayvon Martin apparently being theonly teenager in America to have gone entirely unphotographed in the

    second decade of the 21st century. And, if Trayvon is a child, his

    malefactor is by logical extension a child abuser.

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    Needless to say, even in a nutso jurisdiction like Florida, the crime of

    child abuse was never intended to cover a wizened old granny kicking

    the ankle of the punk whos mugging her a week before his 18th

    birthday. But, if Aggravated Pedophilia is what it takes to fry that puffywhite crackers butt, so be it. If, for the purposes of American show

    trials, an Hispanic who voted for a black president can be instantly

    transformed into a white racist, theres no reason why he cant be a

    child abuser, too. The defense was notified of this novel development,

    on which the prosecution (judging by the volume of precedents

    assembled) had been working for weeks or more likely months, at 7:30

    that morning. If you know your Magna Carta, youll be aware that no

    official shall place a man on trial . . . without producing credible

    witnesses to the truth of it. But the rights enjoyed by free men in the

    England of King John in 1215 are harder to come by in the State of

    Florida eight centuries later. So the prosecutors decided, the day before

    the case went to the jury, that Zimmerman was engaged in an act of

    child abuse that had somehow got a bit out of hand: No credible

    witnesses to this charge had been presented in the preceding weeks,

    but hey, what the hell? Opposing counsel taking the reasonable

    position that theyd shown up to defend Mr. Zimmerman of murder

    and had had no idea until that morning that he was also on trial for

    child abuse, check bouncing, jaywalking, an expired fishing license, or

    whatever other accusation took the fancy of the State of Florida, asked

    for time to research the relevant case law. Judge Debra Nelson gave

    them until 1 p.m. At that point, it was 10:30 a.m. By the time the genius

    jurist had returned to the bench, she had reconsidered, and decided

    that child abuse would be a reach too far, even for her disgraceful


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    The defining characteristic of English law is its distribution of power

    between prosecutor, judge, and jury. This delicate balance has been

    utterly corrupted in the United States to the point where today at the

    federal level there is a conviction rate of over 90 percent whichwould impress Mubarak and the House of Saud, if not quite, yet, Kim

    Jong Un. American prosecutors have an unhealthy and disreputable

    addiction to what I called, at the conclusion of the trial of my old boss

    Conrad Black six years ago, countless counts. In Conrads case, he was

    charged originally with 17 crimes, three of which were dropped by the

    opening of the trial and another halfway through, leaving 13 for the

    jury, nine of which they found the defendant not guilty of, bringing itdown to four, one of which the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional

    and the remaining three of which they vacated, only to have two of

    them reinstated by the lower appeals court. In other words, the

    prosecution lost 88 percent of the case, but the 12 percent they won

    was enough to destroy Conrad Blacks life.


    Multiple charges tend, through sheer weight of numbers, to favor a

    result in which the jury convict on some and acquit on others and then

    tell themselves that theyve reached a moderate compromise as

    befits the reasonable persons they assuredly are. It is, of course, not

    reasonable. Indeed, the notion of a compromise between conviction

    and acquittal is a dagger at the heart of justice. Its the repugnant plea

    bargain in reverse, but this time to bargain with the jury: Okay, we

    threw the book at him and it went nowhere, so why dont we all agree

    to settle? In Sanford, the states second closing argument to the

    strange, shrunken semi-jury of strikingly unrepresentative peers

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    facts, shmacts, who really knows? vote with your hearts brilliantly

    dispenses with the need for a case at all.

    We have been warned that in the event of an acquittal there could be

    riots. My own feeling is that the Allegedly Reverend Al Sharpton, now

    somewhat emaciated and underbouffed from his Tawana Brawley

    heyday, is not the Tahrir Squarescale race-baiting huckster he once

    was. But if Floridians are of a mind to let off a little steam, they might

    usefully burn down the Sanford courthouse and salt the earth. The

    justice system revealed by this squalid trial is worth rioting over.

    (WWW.NATIONALREVIEW.COM.July 12, 2013.)

    IN CONCLUSION:The perpetually angry element within the

    African American community that has chosento remain in de facto bondage on the virtual

    Plantation of the Liberal-socialist Democrat

    Party and ignore the underlying issues within

    their subculture pertinent to the incident

    wherein Trayvon Martin was killed was put on

    trial in Sanford, Floridarepresented by the

    late, not so great Trayvon Martinand found
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    to be guilty of inflicting upon the fabric of

    American society innumerable illegitimate

    bastard children conceived outside thecovenant of marriage, personified in the late

    Trayvon, who continuously feed the conveyor

    belt of convicted criminals into the American

    prison system.

    America incarcerates a larger percentage of her

    population than any other society in recorded human


    78-80 % of those incarcerated in America are

    effectively fatherless.

    The widespread acceptance of the stereotypicalrelationship of 'Baby Daddy' and 'Baby Momma' in place

    of that of a father and a mother who have entered into

    the covenant of marriage is inflicting upon American

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    society countless effectively fatherless illegitimate

    bastard children such as the late Trayvon Martin who

    frequently wind up on the path to a criminal lifestyle

    characterized by the subculture within the African

    American community often described as the "gangsta-

    life," or as the late Tupac Shakur tattooed across his

    midriff, the "Thug-life."

    America must stop the subsidization of the problem.

    When an unwed woman is unable to afford to raise an

    illegitimate bastard child, then that child deserves a

    chance to become a productive member of societynot

    a menace to society.

    America needs to build a privately run orphanage

    system through Christian organizations and direct all the

    funding presently feeding the conveyor belt of fatherless

    black children into our prison system into raising thosefatherless children with love and discipline.

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    Right now an unwed woman receives MORE MONEY

    in Food Stamps and in her annual Tax Return for each

    additional illegitimate bastard child that she claims. Right

    now the state encourages the problem in our society

    through financially subsidizing the underlying source of

    the problem.

    The first thing we as a nation need to do is toremove the incentive for unwed mothers to further

    inflict our society with any more Trayvons.

    If the financial windfall is removed as an incentive

    from would-be "Baby Mommas" across America, thenthe problem will begin to dissipate. Moreover, a biblically

    sound respect for the covenant of marriage within all of

    American society must be embraced if Americans intend

    to overcome the social problems associated with sinful

    sexual relations outside the covenant of marriage.

    The covenant of marriage is a covenant in which one

    man, one woman, and the Lord enter into. Any substitute

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    for what God has ordained as the right way for a man

    and a woman to become one flesh is wrong and will

    produce problems in our society such as those typified in

    the violent, racist, hateful, drug using, gangsta-life

    glorifying, illegitimate bastard child of his "Baby

    Momma" and "Baby Daddy," the self-described in

    Trayvons adopted street nom de guerre posted on his

    social media sites: 'No Limit Nigga.'

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