treatment plan

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Beckah Hornsey, Nick Williams,

Coral-Anne Houghton, Katie Mclaren

Background of the Song

The song we will be using is called Are you Gonna be my Girl by the band Jett. This song is from Jett’s debut album entitled ‘Get Born’ which was released in 2003. The album went on and sold 3.5 million copied world wide. The single, when released made it into the UK top twenty list. The band fits into the genre of rock and garage rock and was popular with teenagers and young adults and has featured in a lot of movies and tv shows including ‘Euro Trip’ and ‘Zoe 101.’ The Australian band You Am I was said to be the biggest influence on the Jet band members, according to one of the band members, Nic, You Am I’s albums were the most influential of his generation.

The Music Video

Our music video will have a set storyline which will feature many different actors, including our group of four to act in it. Most videos for rock music feature an actual band playing, a concept which we wished to keep in our music video by having shots of a band playing through the song. Our shot ideas will follow a particular main story of one mans attempt to chat up women in a typical nightclub scenario, whilst side stories will appear in certain parts of the song. Throughout the music video, the band will make short flashy appearances, this is to create excitement and interest as the video switches from a story to an actual performance to break up the video and keep it entertaining.

The style that we wanted our music video to be in is very modern and edgy. Since the actual storyline will be set in a night club, we had an idea that we will do most of the shots either at night, or inside the club with the typical dance lights on to give the impression that it’s a typical night on the town. The costume that we will be using for the actors in the club will be typical nightclub dress ware, men in shirts and women in dressy clothes, skirts and dresses to make the mise en scene fit in well with the story idea of the video. Each character that features as a main in the video will take on the attitude and personality as a typical nightclub visitor. The main character, who is male will be a stereotypical man, trying to chat up three different women after his girlfriend leaves him, each woman will not be interested in the slightest and despite his attempts, do not swoon to his charms.

The bands costume will be smart, but as we will be doing these shots in black and white, costume colour doesn’t really matter. We aimed to incorporate the song lyrics into our video by having certain shots that relate to the song lyrics. For example:

‘Big black boots, long brown hair’ For these lyrics, we will have shots of a girl with long brown hair and dressed in the appropriate attire to suit the lyrics needs.

We will also be using techniques to include the band as they play such as the part of the song ‘123’ Will feature three different quick shots of three of the different band members. More shots that we thought about in more detail were the pan shots in the actual club. Our idea was to get a pan of a night club in action which would require a lot of actors, dancing and acting like they are in a typical nightclub on a Saturday night. We believe that using these kind of shots will give an interesting shot for the audience and provide more entertainment rather than having the camera stuck on a few characters. The pan shot will also show our audience that we are in a night club, which at the moment we are hoping, will be Shades, a modern and popular club in our town.

We hope to get Shades permission to lend the club out when it is closed so we can only include people in the shots who are actual actors that are taking part in the video. If we can not get this location, we plan to ask other venues in town including Yates’s and Loons. For shots in the ‘beer garden’ we plan to do it at night to keep with the night club scene. We also plan to use the toilets in the nightclub for another shot which will also require permission from the clubs manager. Overall we believe that our video will be successful as we have thought deeply into the storyline, mise en scene and the feel of the music which works well with our chosen storyline if this music video.

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