trip to the seaside

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Last year we were on the sea of Azov. We traveled by train.

When we stopped in Dnepropetrovsk, we had plenty of time to explore this great city.

We passed through beautiful towns, rivers, lakes. We especially liked the big and beautiful city Dnepropetrovsk. Because there are a lot of museums and famous theatres.

After walking in Dnepropetrovsk we again boarded the train. After a few hours we were already in the city of Zaporoshye.

We're not coming out of the train at this stop we went further...

The whole way we looked out the window. When we arrived to Genichesk town we were met by the owner of the base where we rested. We got in his car and drove off. When we arrived we inspected the dwelling. It was a good one.

After lunch we went to the sea. On the way we saw a beautiful pony.

When he reached the sea, we immediately ran to bathe. The sea was warm and calm.

When we swam in the sea, we suddenly saw next to a big purple jellyfish. When we took it in your hands it was slippery and transparent. But then we put her in the clear water.



On the third day we went to Luna Park.There was a lot of fun. We rode on different rides. We especially liked attractionDiscostar.

On the tenth day we went to a hot spring. There was very hot water nearly forty degrees. After bathing in a hot spring, we Packed our things and went to the train station to buy tickets and wait for your flight. We loved this trip. And we would like to go again.


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