tsas.372.006 - royal commission into institutional ... · tsas.372.006.0003 he...

Post on 01-Dec-2018






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Re CAPTAIN ARTHUR_ GIBE ( Bavswa-c er ) o


,·· ri;ti.:licr I , ('-,: ::·~:tt; as1:ed to 8(:'e r·ie tU s ~'.~1.·:: rning, to r0.rort tl:e brcnl~.,..dcwn of Ca , t a jn Artl!ur Clee . · TF Ga ytc:i.n had not been :in r: ood l r r.ilth for some weeks '1 and l ast 111 e eL~·end was o 1.i ousl.y iJ L .As he s}·owed n o improvement on !lon-1.n ;v :1

Bd.''t . lier ga re hi· · some rcrsonal ::ittent j on 7 .:-.n-1. tl-e C< Pt ; " l tJ1en bro}:e 'frwn <:ind confesSE'd to tbc.- :··rj .- ll<°l"i T tha t hA .h0n 8":f'f0 :ered a Y11.,""rfl l lapee1=1t thP 11ox Hill Boy~_, i:oma,

F.ll1 l t · is }'a:' preyed . on :ds m1ncl unti l he could n ot sleep, and be f'e1t ]' e could lot carry on . lie rnentjoneii. t hat Lis famil :lc.n·tt:v "\:d tb ce-cta:i n boys l1~;,j been rc' pcirtP.d to S.:,ti:J oT­Ca pt ' jn f-:o 'ry by ~neither l<:i~1? ;:inrl that :' a ior JeFsop h nd de··.lt with -·1-,e rH:-:ttcr~ No nct:ion hnd beer1 ta!'cn bevond a I'f'co··,@endr1t:lon of :: cbnnp;e of' appointrnc-nt . Fe }:a([ ant:!cj_1.ated thn-C th it: :ould ·:e to otl ' r '.-:o:r•}: , 1.·11t ·hen :1.t Lad been to s :Jr.·· j 1 Gr rnr ·· :'t -~\aysw ter , it preyed on Lh ndnc1 e

· · The Ccipaain 1 s cond~t .. on shn\•:ed no improvcmeit a::'.'te:r this confession -~ he W<.I S bro i·:en wi.th s fiame-- s o the ~. rh·acUer

cont ~1 cted the C<F·trd n'.;. .:_ rotb8r (Cn pta:l.n Garnet Clee, of ±.Ii. qo) and on Tn e~ day· e-venj.ng · r ou1J.t the C'"·11tc:dn down t h?re.

I t} ~ f<n s aw ~~ri ~·adit,r Lee::-.. ett and ea pt.:lin Gnrnet Clce to<·ethcc, L ~t both could only say that ns far f.1S t hey ·knew tbe lapse hod :111 ·o l ved lrnndl in,_. the s ex o-r· ,2ns of so e boys at n :1 ;::·ht, and probabl y self-alm.se o I sciid I • o;: ld see Ha ;jor J 0sspp lat er :: n t he dc:1y, c:::nJ a ·ra:nr:. ed to :tnterv:Lc'w Ca : ·~u 1-n Artlmr Clce at nj :'·h . ~ · Lis brotl.or assurrcd me his co1dl.t :1011 W<rn too distr~msbt for t:i.01 to 1.: or.-1e to '1'.1"~ ~; .•

~ n ·r.J1e aftPrnoon I snw 1'1" ~i or Jessnpc II~ r~pc ~'ted

that tbE· f:t rst a llegation of rdsc.·nLct l·ad been made !)("n~ly

three ~-'<"8. :r s ago, one boy report:i.n ~~ to 11:! s p:.;re.nt s ~hem L t ·e Capt~dn m1cl anothci~ b oy., An j nvt st i:.:' at:l on wa s rnDc1e but t.l":C" C;_:p··taj_n ~rnd the 1)c-:v both denjed tr·e cba:r-r;e anr1 no e · j r1e1 ce conld be s ecnred • it 11r-•S felt tb ·.-t tLc c L0i'1: e "<:> S -1:lthont f'ournlGtion.. 1'hen 1 , st Octcber ci lcid reported s i1T_•ilf1r o :fi'enc ·~ s to Sn_··.Capt.ain Berry v1h o pa~sed 5t on to the ~·, cin~,:er- (Ha.i or '-1e,sE!op) o

On invcst:'ce t:.ori th~ 1'ff1 ·j or ~'c 1 1 !'1c1 t hat tl"ic ~aptain bt'<d on s ever::-:1 oCC8Stions gone to l)oys after lt~_hts out (when other Ldds we'.i.'e pre s i1 .1 ,,nl1ly ~'$ l8ep) nnd had h~mdled tl-'eir pr·tv<Jte pm.'ts • . : Fonr l acJs 11?:.-e 1.nvolved ~ and s1 1gt:eFtj ons ho cl. rH::en N 'l d e


He tlAP'.I'A:tU A'RTEUR CLf E (Co nt inued), 2.

to t o oth r lads. Another lod, ftndin · tlds out , ho,, been "blacv .. nai l nr 11 tl .c Cartajn, who h rl nc~ve:rtheles~ bf1cn c:ible to rra int<1 :· n di sci plJ no, and hc. d pr VE'nted any ea rli<'r rliscl snre. · The C> :1tn in had beC'n so ~ jnccr 1~· p n1t nt, and so shamed, thot tho . lajo'I" orreerl to give r.1.m c ch .. noe to live the xperienc( down anr1 re-establj sh hi•, self in the eye's of botl f i ic rs C:. nd ·boys. 'l't 1 nia 1• < r \/as r.pol"ted . , but only ' verbally, to Dt' Lt • .;..colonel Hnr ion. MajC'r Jessop bel· ved· the>re lmd been no r cnrrence o .~· tl:c evil

,.~. ~ t : ox 17111,"" not any sug estion at l~aysiater. After t ·c •" .. pta .n ~ "-' hnd eft Box H .. 11, tl-: boys took no further n 0tj ce (lie fP.lt S . · tl,cir r1emorjes ':cP ld be short once tl e Gnrtain ms removed f· om • . t he EOmP- ) ~ but · l en a par t y o f tl :m t' .N ntl~ .. vj sited l ayswatcr , '_"- it was a1:pnrent to hj 1 (anrl to '1 r·t<.dn Glee) that tt y refused );.., ',; to notice or speaL to the c~ pt. j n. Tl is had . rcatl~- strr sscd ~ ~, Hf Co1tain 1ho apparently f£>1t it ·as a s:i r. n h1~ ·wef,lt.ness llad

\._ b E>n d1f.custed t1Mone the b ys rind \1as f'IOJ'e i.·• : .rl oly lrnn·m •. ~ " ::::. H=- j or Jessop hLJd expected that tr clmn~ f or tl <' Captnin would

. have involved a c1'£mge t0 o ~hr r vcrk.

T.n tllc £:'V<;n'.in~· I ha a lone tsu· 11.tl:. C~p; · ~i:i.n Clce. h e "' .. s ·i.n n distressed cond:; t : o , hnt better tbun l' c:: Lad bf'en 9

·so '.:h,.t we \ere obh. to talY. rt0a sonably. After sor.ic p'l" .. par-atC"ry :r lind worh, J w· s a bl . to Joa d hi. t ans crin·· def lni te . u s -: ions~ on one occ · sjon only 11 ,: the.rt! i:een · xposti:re of h s own organs, : n rl tb'rC? had ne\ r been any sn , · ,, st .on of sodomy o Th01·, J.nd boen 0110 incident aft r t eexpo..-.ure at ·ox lill 1i.)st ctobcr, but nothing at aJl at .Hayswater. le J d beccme

ci "j ct ~.r1 to self· abuse <ls o l t1 d of ten :r ~'lf:V€m ~: · [~r ~-, ~rid trds nad p rs: .... Led ( w:i t ·, s ome pcrj ods of v .: ctc,ry) e\'cr s ·:nee. Lt as n t su ff~ c :i nt to un.l c •r'.i~ne his h<nlth,~l-'i, b11t vas of course d ·e occus j on of sptri tnal "· alrncs~ a nri l t'wS of self re pect.

ltjs brral-rlo ·n hEd l_iecn br.rw i: Jt cbont by r.l lstr SS

a t th l. ays,•atcr appoint:r.ient (he thon r:·ht w ho rn~ .... 1.n hi. vcal.n ss), solf~condcmnat:ion in viE"W of his enga 0 .. r' t w:tth L:leut. f;j: :pson (T.G.f.Jt ci f d, anr'i · lr·~Ll.d that boy~. fro " ·· ox Hill would til 11< oh l er atl scandal. This eventunl J.y c. used such anx'1rty t 1at he coulrl not sleep t.1nd in tl ~e en1 co1 :lri not eat.

::-n a lon-; tai.· -: f_·xpla:nwd sorn •t,l i n r: l·ot t sex


Re CAPTAIN .AI 1'HllR .. LEE ( ayswater ) Cont -:i.nncd 3.

nmttc:I'S, the imr1atririty evidenced i n self-abuse, but assured the Cu i ~tain there \-JC:S np r~-: ason ·why he s hot1 ld not yet Master the evil . ~'his led to advice at out body, m:J ml~ urtrJ sol' J. I tol~ the. tj aptain that I cot ld not say what th· Comriiss:·.oner' s decis::1 on -WOl1 lcJ be rogardj.ng the poss ible conti.twance of 01 f:l c ._0 r~

sh p, b11t it wr s obvious he was not :in a c ond i b on to cont;J nue al.I jJ.C t · ;:it;Ut..• i::>Qff!~ /f!UUL.U;::> ll.L >;J ll .!.vaU1.t;:; '-' l ' <):J:J· "J ~•'-' ut..7 •.1 v t. ..,~..,.•.t:'v. ::I..

attertion to d i et, ~parP~time hobby, spiritual exerc~ses, etc . seemed to be advi sable .

He must h t Lie1. .t. Simpson know he was sn ferln.r~

frc·r.~ nervous troubl e ~mn. was temporarily off duty·, and then a s soon <1~ be W<1s 'ell enotwh, he shm1 ld see c:r write hen, and th .. n confefs to ber somctning 0f his wee ness and that ·he had lowered hi . . elf nt Bo:x: Hi11. She must he f:!'ee to act vs she felt best, but if she d csired she could. a sk t o ::;; ee me. There was no r eason why he sl ould not yet i:ie ,e e; od, and at i~ain to a fu11 a···d noble l"lanh0od and spirit ai vttality.

I woul " coTiwmnj_'Jate ii·i t; -, b im ae;aj n l ater when we had had t:i. llie to sort t he pos~1.tton out and .ive f'ull consj_derat:i.on to all it involved.

All i.nto:r -j_cws closed w: t h prayer.

. :-1·-. t ... · ' I) I I l"'

... ~ -

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