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Foundations of Community Health Nursing

1. The Journey Begins: Introduction to Community Health Nursing

Define community health and distinguish it from public health.

Explain the concept of community.

Diagram the health continuum.

Name three of the 10 leading health indicators.

Discuss ways that public health nursing (PHN) practice is linked to acute care

nursing practice.

Discuss the two main components of community health practice (health promotion

and disease prevention).

Differentiate among the three levels of prevention.

Describe the eight characteristics of community health nursing.

2. History and Evolution of Community Health Nursing

Describe the four stages of community health nursing’s development.

Recognize the contributions of selected nursing leaders throughout history to the

advancement of community health nursing.


Analyze the impact of societal influences on the development and practice of

community health nursing.

Explore the academic and advanced professional preparation of community health


3. Setting the Stage for Community Health Nursing

Identify the three core public health functions basic to community health nursing.

Describe and differentiate among seven different roles of the community health


Discuss the seven roles within the framework of public health nursing functions.

Explain the importance of each role for influencing people’s health.

Identify and discuss factors that affect a nurse’s selection and practice of each role.

Describe seven settings in which community health nurses practice.

Discuss the nature of community health nursing, and the common threads basic to its

practice, woven throughout all roles and settings.

Identify principles of sound nursing practice in the community.

4. Evidence-based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing

Discuss the concept of evidence-based practice (EBP).

List the necessary steps in the process of EBP.

Explain the difference between quantitative research and qualitative research.

List the nine steps of the research process.

Analyze the potential impact of research on community health nursing practice.

Identify the community health nurse’s role in conducting research and using

research findings to improve his or her practice.

Describe the nature of values and value systems and their influence on community

health nursing.

Articulate the impact of key values on professional decision-making.

Discuss the application of ethical principles to community health nursing decision-


Use a decision-making process with and for community health clients that

incorporates values and ethical principles.

5. Transcultural Nursing in the Community


Define and explain the concept of culture.

Discuss the meaning of cultural diversity and its significance for community health


Describe the meaning and effects of ethnocentrism on community health nursing


Identify five characteristics shared by all cultures.

Contrast the health-related values, beliefs, and practices of selected culturally

diverse populations with those of the dominant Indonesia culture.

Conduct a cultural assessment.

Apply transcultural nursing principles in community health nursing practice.

Public Health Essentials for Community Health Nursing

6. Structure and Economics of Community Health Services

Trace historic events and philosophical developments leading to today’s health

services delivery systems.

Outline the current organizational structure of the public health care system.

Examine the three core functions of public health as they apply to health services


Differentiate between the functions of public versus private sector health care agencies.

Examine the public health services provided by selected international health


Explain the influence of selected legislative acts in the United States on shaping

current health services policy and practice.

Explore how the structure and functions of community health services affect

community health nursing practice.

Define the concept of health care economics.

Describe three sources of health care financing.

Compare and contrast retrospective and prospective health care payment systems.

Analyze the trends and issues influencing health care economics and community

health services delivery.

Explain the causes and effects of health care rationing.

List the pros and cons of managed competition as opposed to a single-payer system.


Explain the philosophical implications of health care financing patterns on

community health nursing’s mission and values.

7. Epidemiology in Community Health Care

Explore the historical roots of epidemiology.

Explain the host, agent, and environment model.

Describe theories of causality in health and illness.

Explain a web of causation matrix that assists you with recognizing multi-causal

factors in disease or injury occurrences.

Define immunity and compare passive immunity, active immunity, cross-immunity,

and herd immunity.

Explain how epidemiologists determine populations at risk.

Identify the four stages of a disease or health condition.

List the major sources of epidemiologic information.

Distinguish between incidence and prevalence in health and illness states.

Use epidemiologic methods to describe an aggregate’s health.

Discuss the types of epidemiologic studies that are useful for researching aggregate


Use the seven-step research process when conducting an epidemiologic study.

8. Communicable Disease Control

Describe the nurse’s role in communicable disease control.

Describe the three modes of transmission for communicable diseases.

Explain the strategies used for the three levels of prevention in communicabl disease


Explain the significance of immunization as a communicable disease control


Differentiate between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired

immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Describe major issues that affect the control and elimination of tuberculosis (TB).

Discuss specific ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS.

Identify six globally emerging communicable diseases.

Discuss the global and national trends and issues in communicable disease control.


Discuss the consequences of biologic terrorism with weapons such as anthrax and


Discuss ethical issues affecting communicable disease and infection control.

9. Environmental Health and Safety

Discuss the importance of applying an ecologic perspective to any investigation of

human–environment relationships.

Explain the concepts of prevention and long-range environmental impact and their

importance for environmental health.

Identify at least five global environmental concerns and discuss hazards associated

with each area.

Relate the effect of the described hazards on people’s health.

Discuss appropriate interventions for addressing these health problems, including

community health nursing’s role.

Describe how national health objectives for the year 2010 target environmental


Describe strategies for nursing collaboration and participation in efforts to promote

and protect environmental health.

Community Health Nursing Toolbox

10. Communication, Collaboration, and Contracting

Identify the seven basic parts of the communication process.

Describe four barriers to effective communication in community health nursing and

how to deal with them.

Explain three sets of skills necessary for effective communication in community

health nursing.

Summarize the key issues related to health literacy.

Explain the stages of group process.

Differentiate between task roles and maintenance roles.

Describe five characteristics of collaboration in community health.

Compare the three phases common to the collaboration process.

Identify four features of contracting in community health nursing.

Discuss the value of contracting to both clients and community health nurses.

Design an aggregate-level contract useful in community health nursing.


11. Health Promotion: Achieving Change Through Education

Explain the three stages of change.

Identify three planned-change strategies.

Summarize six principles for effecting change in community health.

Describe the community health nurse’s role as educator in promoting health and

preventing or postponing morbidity.

Identify educational activities for the nurse to use that are appropriate for each of the

three domains of learning.

Select learning theories that are applicable to an individual, family, or aggregate


Identify health-teaching models for use when planning health education activities.

Select teaching methods and materials that facilitate learning for clients at different

developmental levels.

Develop teaching plans focusing on primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of

prevention for clients of all ages.

Identify teaching strategies for the community health nurse to use when

encountering clients with special learning needs.

12. Planning and Developing Community Programs and Services

List sources of information that can be used to identify group and community health


Identify change strategies that maximize cooperation of target populations.

Identify methods to gain input from target populations to define the scope of a health


Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of intervention methods targeting health


Classify health problems based on their changeability.

Identify barriers to solving health problems.

Discuss the role of the nurse within quality measurement and improvement

programs in community health nursing.

Recognize the role of social marketing in health promotion programs.

Locate appropriate grant funding sources for select health promotion programs.


13. Policy Making and Community Health Advocacy

Define health policy and explain how it is established.

Analyze the influence of health policy on community health and nursing practice.

Explain the role of special interest groups in health care reform and policy making.

Explain the role that professional organizations play in public policy.

Define power and empowerment and the roles these concepts play in policy


Identify the four stages in the policy process and briefly explain what each entails.

Explain the concepts of policy analysis and strategy development.

Explain the role of community health nurses in determining a community’s health

policy needs.

Discuss the difference between advocacy and lobbying and the influence of both on


Identify the 10 steps in mobilizing a community for political action.

Describe the steps involved in how a bill becomes law.

Discuss several methods of communicating with legislators on policy issues.

The Community as Client

14. Theoretical Basis of Community Health Nursing

Discuss two essential characteristics of nursing service when a community is the

client: community-oriented, population-focused care, and relationship-based care.

Describe the contributions of at least five models of nursing practice to community

health nursing practice.

Explain the benefits of applying the eight principles of public health nursing to

community health nursing.

Identify at least five social issues that influence contemporary community health

nursing care.

15. Community as Client: Applying the Nursing Process

Describe the characteristics of a healthy community.

Describe the meaning of community as client.

Articulate three specific considerations of each of the three dimensions of the

community as client.

Explain methods the community health nurse might use to interact with the



Discuss methods of community needs assessment.

Compare and contrast five types of community needs assessment.

Delineate five sources of community data.

Describe the role of the community health nurse as a catalyst for community


16. Global Health and International Community Health Nursing

Describe a context and framework for delivering community based nursing within

the context of international community health nursing.

Describe the major health care conditions currently affecting the world’s populations

and the types and preparation of health care workers addressing them.

Describe the community health nursing interventions and strategies commonly used

within an international context.

Recognize the factors that influence populations’ perceptions of health and health

status and their receptivity to community health nursing programs.

Describe the personal and professional perceptions and biases you bring to providing

community health nursing interventions within an international context.

Identify the major international, national, regional, and local organizational

structures and organizations that affect the ways in which community health nursing

is practiced.

Locate relevant resources as a basis for planning the assessment, implementation,

and evaluation of community health nursing within an international context.

17. Being Prepared: Disasters and Terrorism

Describe a variety of characteristics of disasters, including causation, number of

casualties, scope, and intensity.

Discuss a variety of factors contributing to a community’s potential for experiencing a


Identify the four phases of disaster management.

Describe factors involved in disaster planning.

Describe the role of the community health nurse in preventing, preparing for,

responding to, and supporting recovery from disasters.

Use the levels of prevention to describe the role of the community health nurse in


relation to acts of chemical, biologic, or nuclear terrorism.

The Family as Client

18. Theoretical Bases for Promoting Family Health

Analyze changing definitions of family.

Discuss characteristics all families have in common.

Identify five attributes that help explain how families function as social systems.

Discuss how a family’s culture influences its values, behaviors, prescribed roles, and

distribution of power.

Compare and contrast the variety of structures that make up families.

Describe the functions of a family.

Identify the stages of the family life cycle and the developmental tasks of a family as

it grows.

Analyze the role of the community health nurse in promoting the health of the

family unit.

19. Working with Families: Applying the Nursing Process

Describe the components of the nursing process as they apply to enhancing family


Identify the steps in a successful family health intervention.

Describe useful activities and actions when intervening on family health visits.

List at least six specific safety measures the community health nurse should take

when traveling to a home or making a home visit.

Describe the effect of family health on individual health.

Describe individual and group characteristics of a healthy family.

Identify five family health practice guidelines.

Describe three conceptual frameworks that can be used to assess a family.

Describe the 12 major assessment categories for families.

List the five basic principles the community health nurse should follow when

assessing family health.

Discuss the two foci of family health visits: Education and Health Promotion.

Describe three types of evaluations that are necessary after family health



20. Violence Affecting Families

Explain the difference between developmental crises and situational crises andgive

examples of each within .

Discuss strategies to prevent the impact of a situational crisis and a developmental

crisis at a primary, secondary, and tertiary level of prevention.

Discuss the global incidence and prevalence of family violence.

Describe how the United States has responded to family violence.

Identify characteristics of abuse against infants, children, and adolescents.

Describe the “cycle of violence” seen in intimate partner/spousal abuse.

Explain common types of elder abuse.

Describe the community health nurse role with families in crises at each level of


Use nursing process to outline nursing actions in developmental and situational


Promoting and Protecting the Health of Aggregates with Developmental Needs

21. Maternal–Child Health: Working withPerinatal, Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Clients

Identify major health problems and concerns for infant, toddler, and preschool

populations globally and in Indonesia.

Identify the Healthy People 2010 goals established for the maternal child population.

Discuss major risk factors and special complications for childbearing families.

Describe the important considerations in developing effective health promotion

programs to fit the needs of diverse maternal child populations.

Describe various roles of a community health nurse in serving the maternal child


Describe a variety of programs that promote and protect health and prevent illness

and injury of infant, toddler, and preschool populations.

State the recommended immunization schedule for infants and children, and giv the

rationale for the timing of each immunization.

Give examples of methods and interventions the community health nurse might use

in working with infants, toddlers, and preschool populations to help promote their


22. School-age Children and Adolescents


Identify major health problems and concerns for Indonesia school-age children and

adolescent populations.

Explain how health status can influence academic achievement.

State the recommended immunization schedule for school-age children and


Examine the trends in mortality and injury among school-age children and

adolescents and identify the most important areas needing intervention.

Discuss Healthy People 2010 objectives affecting adolescents and the barriers that

may be involved in attaining these objectives.

Describe types of programs and services that promote health and prevent illness and

injury of school-age children and adolescent populations.

23. Adult Women and Men

Identify key demographic characteristics of women and men throughout the adult


Provide a health profile of adult women and men living in Indonesia

Discuss the major chronic illnesses found in adult women and men in Indonesia.

Compare and contrast the manifestations of chronic illnesses in adult women and


Identify desirable primary, secondary, and tertiary health promotion activities

designed to improve the health of women and men.

Describe the role of the community health nurse in promoting the health of adult

women and men across the lifespan.

24. Older Adults: Aging in Place

Describe the global and national health status of older adults.

Identify and refute at least four common misconceptions about older adults.

Identify four types of elder abuse.

Describe characteristics of healthy older adults.

Provide an example of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention practices in the

elderly population.

Identify four chronic conditions most commonly found in the elderly population.

Discuss four primary criteria for effective programs for older adults.

Describe various types of living arrangements and care options as older adults age in



Describe the difference between hospice and palliative care.

Describe the future of an aging America and the role of the community health nurse.

25. Working with Vulnerable People

Describe what the term “vulnerable populations” means.

Describe and explain a conceptual model of vulnerability.

Discuss the effects of vulnerability and relative risk.

Differentiate between the concepts of social capital and human capital.

Identify the key premise of the differential vulnerability hypothesis.

List three of the most common factors related to vulnerability.

Explain the socioeconomic gradient in health.

Describe three types of health disparities.

26. Clients with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

Discuss the national and global implications of disability and chronic illness.

Describe the economic, social, and political factors affecting the well-being of

individuals with disabilities and chronic illness.

Provide an example of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention practices for

disabled individuals.

Describe the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Discuss the benefits of universal design for all persons

27. Behavioral Health in the Community

Discuss the incidence and prevalence of mental illness and substance use in


Compare and contrast various theories on the etiology of substance use disorders.

Discuss the treatment approaches at the community level related to behavioral


Identify and describe community behavioral health resources.

Identify the Healthy People 2010 objectives for reducing substance use and

addressing behavioral health needs in the Indonesia

Discuss health-promoting interventions for community behavioral health.


Describe the role of the community health nurse in the prevention of substance use

and mental health disorders.

28. Working with the Homeless

Define the concept of homelessness.

Describe the demographic characteristics of the homeless living in Indonesia

Discuss factors predisposing persons to homelessness.

Compare and contrast the unique challenges confronting selected subpopulations

within the homeless community.

Examine the effects of homelessness on health.

Analyze the extent and adequacy of public and private resources to combat the

problem of homelessness.

Assess your beliefs and values toward homelessness.

Propose community-based nursing interventions to facilitate primary, secondary, and

tertiary prevention in addressing the problem of homelessness.

29. Issues with Rural, Migrant, and Urban Health Care

Define the terms rural, migrant, and urban.

Discuss the population characteristics of rural residents.

Describe five barriers to health care access for rural clients.

Describe the migrant lifestyle.

Identify at least three health problems common to migrant workers and their


Discuss barriers and challenges to migrant health care.

Identify common health disparities found among urban populations.

Propose intervention strategies at the aggregate or community level to assure

healthier built environment in both rural and urban areas.

Explain the concept of social justice and how it relates to public health nursing in

urban areas.

Compare and contrast the challenges and opportunities related to rural and urban

community health nursing practice.

30. Promoting Healthy Partnerships in the Workplace



After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Assess health promotion needs in the workplace.

Discuss strategies for successful primary, secondary, and tertiary health promotion


Plan, implement, and evaluate programs that teach healthy behaviors to diverse

groups of employees and their families.

Settings for Community Health Nursing

31. Public Settings for Community Health Nursing

Explain the focus of the nursing process and how public health nurses (PHNs) and

other nurses working in the public sector use it to provide care in their communities.

Describe how federal, state, and local public health infrastructures influence the

population’s health

Evaluate the potential benefits of school-based health centers, and discuss possible

parental or community objections.

Compare and contrast common roles and functions of PHNs, school nurses, and

corrections nurses.

32. Private Settings for Community Health Nursing

State the historical roots of nurse-managed health centers.

Identify the distinctiveness of various nurse-managed health center models.

Describe funding sources for nurse-managed health centers.

Articulate the importance of sustainability for nurse-managed health centers.

State at least two roles of nurses in nurse-managed health centers.

Describe the evolution of faith community nursing.

Describe and differentiate among the roles of the faith community nurse

Identify the steps for establishing a practice as a faith community nurse.

Describe the role of the occupational health nurse and other members of the

occupational health team in protecting and promoting workers’ health and safety.

33. Clients Receiving Home Health and Hospice Care

Summarize the history and contemporary circumstances of home health and hospice



Describe Medicare standards for home health and hospice programs.

Explain family caregiver burdens of providing home care.

Explain how Medicare reimburses home health and hospice care.

Describe essential characteristics of home health and hospice nursing practice.

Identify unique challenges of infection control, medication management, fall

prevention, use of technology, and nurse safety during home visits.

Contrast the goals of home health care and hospice.

Explain the gaps in home health care and hospice and the need for a coherent

community-based long-term care program in Indonesia

Community Health Nursing Process

34. Community Assessment: Using a Model for Practice


Preceding chapters have focused on the foundational concepts of community health,

epidemiology, environment, culture, ethics, empowerment, health policy, informatics,

bioterrorism, and emerging infectious diseases. This chapter and the four that follow focus on

the application of the nursing process in the community using a selected model. This chapter

takes you through the process of assessing a community using a nursing model.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Begin to use a community nursing model in practice.

Complete a community health assessment using a selected model.

35. Community Analysis and Nursing Diagnosis


This chapter focuses on the second phase of the nursing process, analysis, and the associated

task of forming community nursing diagnoses.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Critically analyze community assessment data.

Formulate community nursing diagnoses.

36. Planning a Community Health Program


This chapter covers the planning of nursing actions to promote community health.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:


Validate community nursing diagnoses with your community.

Use principles of change theory to direct the planning process.

In partnership with the community, plan a community-based health program that


o Measurable goals and behavioral objectives

o A sequence of actions and a time schedule for achieving goals

o Resources needed to accomplish the plan

o Potential obstacles to planned actions and revised actions

o Revisions to the plan, as goals and objectives are achieved or changed

o A recording of the plan in a concise, standardized, and retrievable form

37. Implementing a Community Health Program


Implementation is the action phase of the nursing process: it is the carrying out of the

community-based plan. Implementation is necessary to achieve goals and objectives, but,

more important, the implementation of nursing interventions acts to promote, maintain, or

restore health; to prevent illness; and to effect rehabilitation. This chapter discusses the

process of implementing a community-based health program. Intervention strategies are

presented, along with resources that are helpful in program implementation.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Suggest strategies to the community for implementation of health programs.

List specific interventions for population-based nursing in partnership with the


o Implement planned programs

o Review and revise interventions based on community responses

o Use interventions to formulate and influence health and social policies that have

an impact on the health of the community

38. Evaluating a Community Health Program


Evaluation is determining the worth (or value) of something. During the evaluation process,

information is collected and analyzed to determine its significance and worth. Changes are

appraised, and progress is documented. This chapter discusses evaluation and the nursing


practices that are necessary to plan and implement it.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Establish evaluation criteria that are timely and comprehensive.

Use baseline and current data to measure progress toward goals and objectives.

Validate observations, insights, and new data with colleagues and the community.

Revise priorities, goals, and interventions based on evaluation data.

Document and record evaluation results and revisions of the plan.

Participate in evaluation research with appropriate consultation.

Appreciate the complexity of program evaluation, as well as the multiple paradigms

that affect its implementation.


1. Erna, roby

2. Aulia m, halim, rifqi

3. Firman, enggar

4. Dian, rika

5. Aulia r, aras, revy

6. Afifah, nuril, gigih

7. Febri, ayu, arif

8. Rona, rima

9. Jul, rido

10. Puspa, fara

11. Yesi, zahro

12. Noval, fajrin, ika

13. Daniel, rijal, iqoh

14. Fis, rita


15. Via, taufiq

16. Alvin, yesi w, Irma

17. Siska, rahma

18. Yayang, winda

19. Ami, kurnia

20. Ana, myla

21. Mega, feni

22. Iik, alivia, rizal nurcahya

23. Nanik, retno

24. Rizkita, santi

25. Alif, anas

26. Yudha, mafa

27. Bayu, fitri

28. Yoland, aji

29. Alvivo, dina, putri

30. Agil, vita

31. Wulan, iput, misbakul

32. Nova, ida, edho

33. Elok, ajeng

34. Selly, ade

35. Wiwik, anggasari

36. Oby, afifatuz, athok

37. Nita, yosi, rofiq

38. Nurul, ragil


1. Topik dan subtopik sesuai dengan nomor kelompok di atas misalkan, kelompok 1

mendapat topik “The Journey Begins: Introduction to Community Health

Nursing” dan subtopiknya semua.

2. Format cover, Bab 1 Pendahuluan, Bab 2, Tinjauan Teori, Bab 3 Pembahasan, Bab 4

Penutup, daftar pustaka, Plus Lampiran jurnal yang dijadikan sebagai bahan analisis.

3. Bab 2 tinjauan teori membahas semua topik dan subtopik yang sudah dibagi sesuai

nomor urut kelompok, diwajibkan menyertakan sumber dari buku dan jurnal.

4. Bab 3 membahas menganalisis topik dan subtopik.



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