tumbi talks

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I n t e g r i t y F a i r n e s s

150 Bellevue Rd,

Tumbi Umbi NSW


Phone: (02) 4385 6802

Fax: (02) 4385 6805

Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College

Tumbi Umbi Campus “Standing Tall”

Tumbi Talks

Thursday, 12th September, 2013


Email: tumbiumbi-


Web: www.tumbiumbi-


As another busy term draws to an end I thank all the students and families for your valued contributions and being involved in the many campus activities that were offered this term.

Wakakirri We are so very fortunate to have so many talented students and staff at this campus. Our talents were on show at NIDA in Sydney recently as we performed at Wakakirri. This event replaces the Rock Eisteddfod as a premier showcase for performance, dance and production. The feedback from both parents and community was that our students were a stand out! The stories of excitement and joy from our students about their experience last week have been amazing. We achieve great things in performance, dance and production and this only happens because of all the hard work that our students put in with your support. I would like to thank the dedicated staff Kerry, George, Beth, Elly, Anthony and Kristina for taking the students to Wakakirri and allowing them to shine! We wait in anticipation to see how they scored but know already that they were all winners in their own right.

PASS Snow Trip Our PASS elective students and staff recently had a week in the snow. I know the students who attended this excursion had great conditions and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The teachers who attended this excursion came back saying how delightful and respectful the students were and how much fun everyone had. Our PASS students will take away life long memories from this opportunity as they learnt new skills and built on friendships.

Tumbi Panics The CAPA faculty had the last of their major productions this week with the drama and other performances exhibited in Tumbi Panics. Here the talented CAPA students were able to thrill and entertain the audience and generate much laughter. There is a lot of work that goes behind the scenes for these productions and all the hard work definitely pays off with such polished events. I thank the CAPA faculty for developing and nurturing these talents.

Standing Taller This term’s final round of Standing Taller letters were posted last week. I know that the arrival of this letter generates great discussions at home as you talk to your children about their commitment to the campus values and I encourage this to continue. Again I ask that you please do not hesitate to call us if there are any concerns.

Student Leaders Conference Some of our students had the opportunity to work with other students from across the Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community at a Student Leadership Day. This event held at Magenta Shores provided an opportunity for the students across all stages of learning to mentor and build relationships as well as develop their capacity to lead. There were various workshops around focus areas of communication, team building and literacy. This event is now in its second year and has already become a major component of the Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community calendar.

Public Education Appreciation Awards Last Thursday night I had the great pleasure of representing Mrs Player at the Central Coast Public Education Awards held at Erina High School. I was very proud to see very worthy recipients from our Campus and College, Mrs Claire Ellis and Mrs Debbie Legge receive awards for the tireless work the P&C does in supporting our campus. Mary Carry and Roland Davis represented the Support Unit and accepted an award for recognition of all the fantastic programs implemented to cater for the students’ needs. Our College AVID team was recognised for the difference this program is already making to student learning and aspirations. Two students were also recognised for their exceptional talent and commitment to public speaking. Abby accepted the award on her and Maddy’s behalf for their outstanding public speaking skills which have been demonstrated on many occasions but especially at the ANZAC ceremony this year. Congratulations to all these recipients as they were very well deserved.

SASS Recognition Week This week is SASS Recognition Week which acknowledges the great work our support staff does every day in our school. The wonderful contribution from our SASS staff ensures the smooth operation of the whole campus. The warm welcome given to all, the efficient response to visitors and parents and the care given to our students is highly appreciated. They are the face of our school and we shine! Thank you to everyone for a successful term. Please enjoy a safe and happy holiday so that the students return refreshed for another great term. All students will return on Tuesday the 8th of October. Rodney Hill Relieving Principal




Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9

SLC Report Term 3 started off with the SLC on the crusade to raise money for families in need in Malawi, Africa. Every $40 raised can feed a family of six for a month! We raised funds by running 40c Friday as well as having a Tumbi Umbi 40 Hour Famine Team page online. Thanks to our generous school and community who raised a total of $500. This will support over 12 families in Malawi for a month! Well done Tumbi Umbi Campus.

The SLC also ran Schmicky Schmick Sock Day where students were able to get a bit of extra warmth from the cold by wearing woolly, colourful, crazy or footy socks. This raised another $100 for our funds towards improving the our school’s

student bathroom facilities. We will continue raising money for this fund next term.

Mrs Wilkinson

The 2013 debating season has started off with vigour with our junior and senior teams proving to be a powerful public speaking force. They have competed against Narara Valley H.S, and Berkeley Vale Campus as well as each other. They have had some losses and very successful wins, but most importantly they have worked well as a team. Congratulations especially to our junior team Ben Van Der Kley, Blair Ashworth, Elissa Reid and Ireland Roberts who implemented the adjudicator’s feedback to gain a valuable win over BerkeleyVale Campus. I am very impressed with your dedication to training and improving yourselves. Congratulations to all the teams and I can’t wait for the next rounds. Miss Boulting.

Year 7 Congratulations on the fantastic work demonstrated with the Biomes Booklets and Assignments. It is great to see such a high level of student involvement and enthusiasm towards their projects. Well done!! Also, study up for your Ancient China topic test. This is coming up soon.

Year 8 Your ‘Pre and Post Contact’ Topic Tests have been marked and well done across the year with the results! Keep working on your TXXXCs. In regard to your ‘Global Inequalities’ topic, it is great to see such compassion towards such an important topic. Remember to be a Global Citizen!

Year 9 Excellent results from most students with the “Australian Characteristics’ Test. We are now looking forward to seeing the creative efforts of the Year 9 students with their Natural Hazards Research task and presentations!

Year 10 Fantastic results with the ‘Waste Management’ topic. Most students have displayed some great active citizenship skills! Remember your ‘Coastal Management’ excursion to Terrigal is in Week 10. This is a compulsory component of the Geography course and you will be required to turn up. The notes you take on the day will be your study notes for the Topic Test.

Thank You We have had 2 teachers join the HSIE faculty this term. Mr James Pennings has filled in Ms Casey’s position

and Mr Ben Fiene has completed his internship. We would like to say a huge Thank You to both teachers who

have contributed much to the faculty over the term.

Mrs Cobham Relieving Head Teacher HSIE



Sunday 15th September 9am—1pm

Sunday 29th September 9am—1pm

(Surf Club Open Day)

Sunday 13th October 8am—12pm

(First day of Nippers)

All enquiries Phone: 0243322411

Email: admin@tbslsc.com.au

Thursday, 12th September, 2013

Free Choice Textile Art Term 3

Cushions, Boxers, Book Cover,

Picture Frame

Free Choice from the 5 Focus

Areas Term 2/3

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9

Our junior and senior GAT students worked studiously to research, interview, plan and prepare several polished newspaper articles for the Newcastle Herald’s School’s Writing Competition.

Our writers covered stories across a range of areas including Take 3, the Asian Bridge Schools Initiative, Standing Taller, Wakakirri, and the Asian Century. Judith Whitfield of the Herald mentioned that we had some “really interesting yarns and illustrative photos”. Congratulations to our writers on a successful competition entry. Miss Boulting and Miss Williams

Wow! What a busy semester the GAT students have experienced with hands on learning about environmental issues and animal welfare at The Hunter Wetlands in Sandgate. It was a valuable learning experience for our students who were able to dip net various animals from the pond and look at their features under a microscope.

The favourite part of the day was clearly the adrenalin pumping Segway challenge through the agility course. This was thoroughly enjoyed by students and teachers. Miss Boulting and Miss Williams

Thursday, 12th September, 2013

The PDHPE faculty have been very busy this term, finalising some impressive Year 10 Dance Cha Cha performances. The majority of our students rose to the occasion, showing keen spirit by giving up their lunchtimes to practice for their assessment task. The year 10 students showed team work and commitment, so congratulations is certainly in order.

Our annual PASS Snow Trip was yet again a very enriching experience for both staff and students. The kids carved up the slopes each day, gaining invaluable knowledge of Smiggins runs in Perisher Valley. They participated in lessons each morning and afterwards, they had their own choice of runs with their group. We were extremely lucky with the weather conditions, as it snowed on each of the days that we were on the slopes. Consequently the students skied in fresh white powder. Snow boarders dominated this year leaving the poor old skiers a minority, but fun was had by all. The students should be commended for their impressive behaviour and for the quality skills that they demonstrated while skiing or snowboarding.

On Friday the 6th of September the year 9 PASS students participated in a hike around Maitland Bay. The students were given the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they had learnt in the Outdoor Education unit in PASS. Mr Rumpler, Mr Maher and Mrs Hennessey enjoyed the beautiful sights and physical activity with a well behaved group of year 9 students. Lastly, on Wednesday the 4th of September, some cricketers from the NSW Speedblitz Blues visited our school to do some coaching sessions with year 9 PASS and also to officially open the Cricket Nets. The students were very responsive during these coaching sessions and this was evidenced by their keen participation.

Mr Brand Head Teacher PDHPE

Most Year 10 Science classes will sit formal exams in Week 10 Term 3. Years 7, 8 and 9 will sit for their Yearly Exams in class as well. Students should be busy with revision to ensure they do their best. Teachers have set previous School Certificate exams, accessed on the Board of Studies website, to prepare students for this exam. Please encourage your child to properly prepare for their final exams.

Homework Centre is a very useful aid for students needing some individual attention, (especially for Year 10 revi-sion for the Final RoSA) and is available to all years. This resource can also be used by students seeking assis-tance with assignments and homework.

Year 10 especially have access to a wide range of revision material on the school network that can be uploaded to their DER laptops.

Year 8 are in the process of ensuring they have access to ESSA online during science lessons up until the 17th October in preparation for their test in November.

We wish all students well in their revision.

Mr Davidson Head Teacher Science

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9

English Faculty Report Students have been working diligently in English classes this term to produce some outstanding work. Furthermore, they have participated in numerous extension learning activities outside of the classroom.

Preschool Visit Year 8's Picture Book Assessment Task saw the production of some amazing and entertaining picture books! We felt it would be a great opportunity for some of our students to share their stories with a live audience, so I accompanied Jack Symington, Lydia Littlefield, Tony Phu, Madline Najduch-Jones, Luke Trapman, Jessica Leese and Zac Neville to a local Daycare where they were greeted by lots of excited children! Our students read their picture books with animation and enthusiasm and were very well received by the young children. Well done to Jack, Lydia, Tony, Madeline, Luke, Zac & Jess for sharing their excellent stories and to all of Year 8 who produced some publication-worthy picture books!

Mrs Bray

Bullying someone because their unique, is not cool.

Playing your music as loud as you can through your headphones, is not cool.

Being a smart alec in class, is not cool.

Acting like someone you’re not, is not cool.

Running across a football field naked, is not cool. But, helping the elderly, is cool.

Hanging with outcasts, is cool.

Giving full respect to everyone, is cool.

Being quiet in class and actually doing your work, is cool.

Standing up and helping everyone, is cool. But, being your own person and not a sheep - now that’s the coolest thing of all.

What do you call 10 squared + 3 students in the gym? Record numbers and 103 keen Mathematicians ready to their University of New South Wales ICAS Maths competition. On Tuesday 13th August the prime number of Year 7 to Year 10 students waited patiently to start the one hour long International Competition and Assessment of their skills. As the questions increased in numerical value, the questions get progressively more difficult. The students worked studiously for the whole hour and were impeccably behaved. They now wait with baited breath for their results. A massive congratulations to all the students who entered and have furthered their mathematical skills. The students results will be received in the last week of September. Mr Skidmore Teacher of Mathematics

Thursday, 12th September, 2013


For the English ICAS Competition we had 90 students sit the exam across Years 7 - 10. This is a competition run by the University of New South Wales and by participating in this exam students receive a highly regarded certificate from the University to put in their CV. Well done to the students who got involved and we look forward to finding out the results.

Mrs Wilkinson

Year 8 Japanese Report Year 8 have finished their unit of work of Japanese homes. Their major assessment task was to build a diorama of a Japanese room. They could choose either a Washitsu (Traditional room), Bathroom or Niwa (Garden). The quality and creativity from the Year 8 students gets better every year! Congratulations once again to Janelle Carter who built the most amazing Niwa diorama was have ever seen at Tumb Campus! Janelle you are on fire!

Congratulations to Sami Phillips, Angus Giblin, Chloe Bowden Nicole Davis, Georgia Jacobs, Jarad Leach, Emily Fisher, James Glenn, Annie Williamson, Lewis Sheens, Blake Daniels, Brandon Edwards, Jazzi Hughes, Brandon, Ally , Sarah, Georgia, Aaron, Lydia, Paris, Reanna, Monique, Sophie and Quinn who all received outstanding results!

Year 8

have also finished their unit of work on Japanese body parts. All students in Year 8 can sing heads, shoulders, knees and toes entirely in Japanese! The super freak assignment was completed to a very high standard once again! In this creative assignment, students are to cut out various body parts from a magazine and put them together like a jigsaw, creating a Superfreak! They then label all the major body parts in Japanese. Congratulations to Jordan of 8 Acacia and Kourtney of 8 Grevillia who created the freakiest of all the freaks, “Baby Back” and “The Dude”.

Year 9 Japanese Report Year 9 have just finished their Matsuri assignment. In this assignment the students were to research a Matsuri (festival) of their choice and prepare a slideshow and an advertisement poster for the festival. They are now preparing for their end of year examination. This exam will test their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills they have learnt during the year. Gambatte ne minnasan!

Year 10 Japanese Report Congratulations to Chelsea of Year 10! Chelsea has decided that winning one scholarship wasn’t enough, so she applied for another one and WON IT AGAIN! We bid sayonara to Chelsea at the end of the year as she embarks on her 3rd trip to Japan. Well done Chelsea, you are on fire!

We also congratulate the talented Abby who entered a Japanese speaking contest held in Sydney. Abby performed an amazing speech and although she didn’t win, she had everyone in Sydney talking about her as she was the only blonde haired entrant in the whole contest. Our teaching sources in Sydney said that everyone was very impressed with her abilities. Congratulations Abby!

Mr Humphreys

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9

On Thursday night, 5th September, our very talented students performed at the Wakakirri performance in Sydney. It was an excellent night and the students had a ball. After all of the hard work constructing, practicing and fine tuning sets and dance routines every week for the year, the students were fabulous. The big pay off for me as a teacher is experiencing the exhilaration students get from performing something they have worked so hard on in front of a big crowd. There were many who were extremely nervous as we got closer to the big event. The transformation into joy, excitement and confidence, displayed by the students after giving such an outstanding performance, is what teaching is all about. They were great!!

I always remember something the Principal of Morisset Public School said one year after their annual school play - “most students will forget what they got for their NAPLAN results in 5, 10, 20 years, but being involved in spectacular productions is something they will remember for the rest of their life”.

Thanks to all involved.

Mr Horton Teacher

Wakakirri was so much fun Thursday night! And so busy, I don’t think there was ever a moment when I sat down to relax until the end of the night. The National Institution of Dramatic Art (NIDA) was so amazing, and the judges loved the horror make-up. Unfortunately we won’t know if I have won the hair and makeup award until the 25th of October because it’s a national award so we are competing against performances from Melbourne, but fingers crossed. As well as being backstage and moving a set around, they asked me to go on stage after our performance of lights, camera, captured!, and answer a few questions. I was so nervous but cheers from the crowd and positive feedback from both and hostess and the judges made it a lot more comfortable. Thank you to everyone that came and supported Tumbi Umbi on Thursday night and to all the students that performed and our teachers Miss Bandy, Ms Goodwin, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Kirwan, Mr Horton, Mr Chittick and Mr Bradley, and of course our Principal Mrs Player and Deputy Principal Mr Hill. Thank you everyone for making this night amazing and possible. It would not have happened without any of you.

Phoebe Stiles Year 10 Student

Thursday, 12th September, 2013

On the 26th August, 10XFT2 held a catering event for their Term 3 assessment task. The event was held here at school for selected staff and the class. The class discussed various theme ideas and recipes including a birthday theme, footy theme, tea party, move theme and an Australia day theme.

As a class we decided on “International Day” because different cultures and special occasions was a reoccurring theme. Italy, Thailand, Australia and America were the selected countries, serving a course from each. From Italy, Kaylee and Steph made a ‘Duo of Brushetta’. The dish from Thailand ‘Pork and basil stir fry’ was made by Mitchell and Lachlan.

The desert by Maddi and Ryan (butters) from Australia was an Aussie themed cupcake stand, with Layla and Tamika also making the traditional Australian favourite, ‘Mini Pavlovas’. Jessica, Taylah and Sami made the American beverage ‘Apple Julep’. Emalee was chief decorator who organised the room set up, with props from our chosen countries. Cody and Blake set up tables and decorations for the room. The day was a huge success, with students proud of their accomplished dishes and the teachers leaving with a full stomach. Well done!

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9

AVID REPORT Term 3 is beginning to wrap up – but not if you’re an AVID student – things are just starting to get really exciting! Especially as we move closer to Term 4. Here is a snapshot of the second half of Term 3.

Yr 8 AVID Visit Macquarie University: Students from the Year 8 AVID classes had the opportunity to spend the day at Macquarie University in Sydney. Supported by our wonderful Macquarie University AVID tutors the students started the day off by participating in 2 university classes. Students built robots and programmed them through computers to have them complete obstacle courses around the classroom. Students then participated in a range of science activities and experiments through the Science Department. For lunch our students hung out with the big kids in the uni cafeteria and ate from a variety of restaurants. We were then off on a tour of the university before finishing up with a dance class at the sports and aquatics centre. The experience opened the eyes of so many students – yes, maybe they will see themselves here in years to come! A huge thankyou to Mr Howard, Mrs Turner and our wonderful tutors who spent the day with us.

Sydney University Trip: Last week, 25 Year 9 students attended a taster day at the Sydney University. Students participated in a range of activities including ICT classes, graffiti workshops, Ancient History activities and many more. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn more about Sydney University – a huge thankyou to the Smith Family for organising this excursion and to Mrs Cobham and Mr Kerr for attending.

AVID Guest Speakers: We’ve had a busy term with AVID guest speakers at Tumbi Umbi Campus. Students have had the opportunity to listen to a paramedic and a dentist. Finishing off this term, students will hear from the Head of Forensics at Parramatta and an ex Tumbi Umbi Campus student who is now a speech pathologist. Do you perhaps know a university graduate professional who could speak to the students at Tumbi Umbi Campus? Please let me know – we are always on the look out for guest speakers.

Year 8 AVID 2014: The ball is rolling for the Year 8 AVID classes in 2014. Year 7 students and parents have participated in an information session and will now be completing their applications to join the class in 2014. If you have any questions regarding the program, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.

Dates to remember

Yr 8 Jewish Museum and Parliament House Visit – Friday 13th September 2013

Yr 9 Trip to Ourimbah Campus – Term 4 Date to be confirmed Yr 8 and Yr 9 AVID Banquet – Monday 25

th November

AVID induction ceremony for Year 8 2014 – Monday 9th December

Mary Carryer AVID Coordinator

On Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st August,2013 Year 8 and Year 9 AVID students went on a hike from Rumbalara Reserve in Gosford to the bottom of Katandra Reserve in Holgate. The students were on a charity hike, following a term of fundraising for chose charities including The Fred Hollows Foundation, Starlight Foundation, Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Westmead Children’s Hospital, Cystic Fibrosis Australia, Cancer Council and Red Nose Day. With the accounts yet to close, the students have raised over $3000 - with one student raising close to $1000 for Cystic Fibrosis Australia.

Fighting off colds, leaches (x100000), rain, sore legs, blisters and grazed knees, all students succeeded in completing the 9km hike. Not only was it a great opportunity for the students to start thinking about people less fortunate than them, it turned out to be an incredibly good team building exercise. For a large number of these students, it was the very first time they had even been bushwalking!

The students should be really proud of themselves and deserve congratulations for their efforts. All students did Tumbi proud not only on the day, but during their time as fundraisers for their charities.

A huge thank you to fellow staff members who supported the students by walking the distance with them and for staff who help with classes.

If anyone is looking for a team building exercise, I can high recommend this one!

Ms Carryer AVID Coordinator

Thursday, 12th September, 2013

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9


REPORT Term 3 has been a fantastic term, with students learning all there is to learn about Japan – here is a snapshot into what we’ve been up to….. Fundraising, Fundraising, Fundraising: Yes, we have been busy raising funds over the last

term! Mrs Izzard and her team of fundraising supporters have been working tirelessly throughout the term in an attempt to raise funds to support all students in the support unit. In particular, money raised by our students will go towards paying for excursions, buses for the Great Aussie Bush Camp and Snow Trip in 2014. A huge thankyou to those parents who volunteered their time at the BBQ or baked cakes or donated scratchies for Saturdays election – we made more money than expected!!! This will now cover all costs of bus travel to the Great Aussie Bush camp with money left over to start paying for the bus to the snow in 2014.

Tumbi Panics : Mrs Bray has been working closely with some of our wonderful Drama students in

the support unit this term to createn entertaining performance for Tumbi Panics. Students wowed the audiences with their hilarious performance. A huge hats off to those students who chose to participate and remembered all of their lines. A big thankyou to Mrs Bray who has supported the students in their performance.

Japanese Experience Excursion: This term, the students in the support unit have been studying

everything to do with Japan. This Friday will see our support unit students head to the Japanese Gardens for a tour before eating lunch at Tepenyaki in Gosford. This has been a wonderful opportunity to learn about our Asian neighbours – a huge thankyou to Mrs Livingston for organising the excursion.

Dates to remember! Great Aussie Bush Camp: The support unit has been booked to go on a 3 day camp to The Great

Aussie Bush Camp at Tea Gardens. This will be in Week 6 of Term 4. 11/11 – 13/11. Thankyou for continuing to send in your payments for this camp.

Support Unit Bunnings BBQ’s: Students in the support unit will be cooking the BBQ at Bunnings

on Friday 20th September – thankyou to those students who will be supporting by cooking on the

day. Support Unit Open Afternoon: The support unit will be open for all of our students, friends and

families to come and see what we’ve been up to throughout this year. Invitation to come in Term 4. Support Unit Graduation: Support Unit Graduation will be on Wednesday 27

th November –

invitations to come at the start of Term 4. Regards, Mary Carryer Head Teacher Special Education

Thursday, 12th September, 2013

Lateness can be a problem for many students. "So what if my child is sometimes late for school - does it matter that much?"

If a child arrives late the whole class is disrupted and the teacher has to repeat the same things over and over again-losing valuable teaching time or the child completely misses out on information.

Punctuality and good attendance will always be important—at school now and later at work.

Roll call is an essential part of the school’s curriculum. Learning does occur and important information is passed on to students.

Help to make sure your child is given a good start in life by coming to school regularly and on time.

If your child is late after the 8:00am bell has rung, it is classed by the NSW Government as a partial absence and as such:

The law in NSW places the responsibility on parents to ensure their child is enrolled at a government or non-government schools and attends the school when teaching is provided (or is registered for home schooling).

Under Section 22 of the Education Act 1990 parents have a legal duty to ensure their school-aged children attend school. The NSW Department of Education and Communities has developed strategies to support all government school students’ regular attendance at school.

However, if the reasons given for your child's irregular school attendance are not satisfactory, then the NSW Department of Education and Communities may take legal proceedings against you for failure to comply with the Law. This may result in a court case with fines up to $13,000.

Nearly every student has, or is entitled to, a bus pass for free travel to and from campus - this is the most convenient way to arrive on time.

Student lateness in now being closely monitored and consequences have been put into place for those who are repeatedly late. Anthony McCallum Learning Support Coordinator Head Teacher Secondary Studies.

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9

Thursday, 12th September, 2013

Are you moving on to another school? Have you grown out of your uniform?

Tumbi Umbi Campus’ Uniform Shop would appreciate your experienced uniforms. The Uniform pool runs solely on donations and we desperately need some new stock.

If you have any old uniforms that no longer fit but are still in good condition, please donate them.

All items purchased are a gold coin donation! For every old uniform handed in, we will give you a raffle ticket to go into a draw

for 2 x $30 gift vouchers.

Uniforms will be used to support other students. Uniforms can be left with Mrs McInnes or Mrs Luka

(Girls Advisor) in Staffroom 1 We look great in our uniforms!

Day: Wednesdays Venue: Library Time: 2:20-3.50pm Bus: A bus leaves at 4pm to most areas. Staff: Tumbi teachers will be in attendance. (Note: If a student needs attention from particular teachers they need to arrange that with those teachers). For more details please ring the school: 43856802

Tumbi Talks - Term 3 - Week 9




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