unique selling point

Post on 14-Jan-2017






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First IdeaFor a more glam look, I was

thinking for the actress, who will acting as the female singer , to wear the retro sunglasses and scarf look. The scarf is loosely

fitted around our actress’ head, which gives it a very autumn and

dusk/dawn look, which goes perfectly with the our song choice for the music video. It also creates an impression that this look will be

very distinctive from casual look that the actress will dress in, it

would tell the audience that the artist/ actress is into the retro and vintage style, and would appeal a lot to the younger audience, who

are very interested in the retro and vintage look and items at this moment, it’s very trendy and

considered to be ‘cool’ and ‘picturesque’.

Also, I was considering for the casual to be a fur coat with regular but dark

clothing and with converses too because it matches the genre and

mood the song too, which is in all in one speed and its distressed yet

feminine, so this casual will go, as the fur coat is very feminine and looks

very cosy so it will match the autumn season and the converses will create

that very not bothered or not over done look. It is expected for indie/pop

artists to either wear leather/suede boots or converses as part of their

look. The hair should be flowing too, so it adds to that casual look, the

overall look could be another USP. because putting the converses and

fur coat is not usually expected to be worn together but it is not overall an bad look, it will give that impression

to the audience that the artist/actress has her own style.

Second Idea

Third IdeaAnother USP could be the red

hunting hat that is very significant to the novel The

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the hat presents

individuality and independent for the narrator/protagonist

Holden Caulfield. This reason why this could be the USP is

because for the music video, we can use the red hat to

create an alternative meaning. It could be an reminder to the actress/singer of her lost love

(the actor), the hat is reminder of why she loved him; his

uniqueness. Using this hat as the USP would also support

Andrew Goodwin’s theory about including intertextual

references to the music video.

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